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48 lines
3.6 KiB

local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
local virtual_text = cnf.integrations.native_lsp.virtual_text
local underlines = cnf.integrations.native_lsp.underlines
return {
-- These groups are for the native LSP cliencp. Some other LSP clients may
-- use these groups, or use their own. Consult your LSP client's
-- documentation.
LspReferenceText = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter }, -- used for highlighting "text" references
LspReferenceRead = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter }, -- used for highlighting "read" references
LspReferenceWrite = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter }, -- used for highlighting "write" references
-- hightlight diagnostics in numberline
DiagnosticError = { fg = cp.error }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticWarn = { fg = cp.warning }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticInfo = { fg = }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticHint = { fg = cp.hint }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = cp.error }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = cp.warning }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = cp.hint }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspSignatureActiveParameter = { fg = cp.catppuccino7 },
-- LspDiagnosticsFloatingError = { }, -- Used to color "Error" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float
-- LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning = { }, -- Used to color "Warning" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float
-- LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation = { }, -- Used to color "Information" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float
-- LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint = { }, -- Used to color "Hint" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsError = { fg = cp.error },
LspDiagnosticsWarning = { fg = cp.warning },
LspDiagnosticsInformation = { fg = },
LspDiagnosticsHint = { fg = cp.hint },
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError = { fg = cp.error, style = virtual_text.errors }, -- Used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning = { fg = cp.warning, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used for "Warning" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation = { fg =, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used for "Information" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint = { fg = cp.hint, style = virtual_text.hints }, -- Used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = { style = underlines.errors, sp = cp.error }, -- Used to underline "Error" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = { style = underlines.warnings, sp = cp.warning }, -- Used to underline "Warning" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { style = underlines.information, sp = }, -- Used to underline "Information" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = { style = underlines.hints, sp = cp.hint }, -- Used to underline "Hint" diagnostics
LspCodeLens = { fg = cp.comment }, -- virtual text of the codelens
return M