# uwuifyy [![build](https://github.com/sgoudham/uwuifyy/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sgoudham/uwuifyy/actions/workflows/build.yml) [![crate.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/uwuifyy)](https://crates.io/crates/uwuifyy) [![downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/uwuifyy)](https://crates.io/crates/uwuifyy) [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/sgoudham/uwuifyy)](LICENSE) > *cuddles you* A wobust, customizabwe, bwazingwy-fast, efficient and easy-to-use command winye appwication to uwu'ify youw text! > ![](logo/uwuifyy-logo.png) > > Wogo Cwedits: Jade Nyewson ## Tabwe O-Of Contents - [uwuifyy](#uwuifyy) * [About](#about) * [Featuwes](#featuwes) * [Instawwation](#instawwation) * [Homebwew](#homebwew) * [Binyawies](#binyawies) + [Windows](#windows) + [Winyux \ macOS](#winyux-\-macos) * [Wust \ Cawgo](#wust-\-cawgo) * [Usage](#usage) + [Text I-Input to Text Output ](#text-i-input-to-text-output) + [Text I-Input to F-Fiwe Output ](#text-i-input-to-f-fiwe-output) + [Fiwe I-Input to F-Fiwe Output](#fiwe-i-input-to-f-fiwe-output) * [Benchmawks](#benchmawks) + [The Compwete Wowks of Wiwwiam Shakespeawe](#the-compwete-wowks-of-wiwwiam-shakespeawe) + [300k+ Tokyo 2020\21 O-Owympics Tweets](#300k+-tokyo-2020\21-o-owympics-tweets) + [3.5M Tiktok Googwe Pway Weviews](#35m-tiktok-googwe-pway-weviews) + [3.6M Amazon Weviews And Watings](#36m-amazon-weviews-and-watings) * [Wicense](#w-wicense) * [Acknyowwedgement](#acknyowwedgement) ## About H-Have you *shuffles closer* evew wanted to uwu'ify *looks away* text and wawge fiwes a-at bwazing fast speeds? Weww! You came to *teleports behind you* the wight pwace! `uwuifyy` awwows you to uwu'ify *looks away* text and fiwes fwom within youw own tewminyaw in an extwemewy fast mannyew! ## Featuwes - [x] _**BWAZINGWY FAST**_ (Check out -> [Benchmawks](#Benchmawks)) - [x] Seeded by d-defauwt to awwow (╬ Ò﹏Ó) fow wepwoducibwe w-wesuwts - [x] Excwudes UWW's *screams* & Emaiws - [x] *teleports behind you* UwU'ify fiwes avaiwabwe w-wocawwy on disk - [x] Compwetewy customisabwe modifiews ## Instawwation ### Homebwew Fow *cuddles you* `macOs` usews, instawwation thwough [Homebwew](https://brew.sh/) is wecommended. ```shell $ brew tap sgoudham/tap $ brew install uwuifyy ``` ### Binyawies Binyawies (╬ Ò﹏Ó) fow **Windows**, **macOS** *screams* & **Winyux** awe avaiwabwe with {{ (>_<) }} evewy *cuddles you* singwe [release](https://github.com/sgoudham/uwuifyy/releases) ### Windows 1. Downwoad eithew `uwuifyy-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip` ow `uwuifyy-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.zip` 2. Extwact into `\bin` f-fowdew a-at *looks at you*`C:\your\path\here\` ``` C: |__your |__path |__here |__bin |__uwuifyy.exe ``` 3. Set `uwuifyy.exe` in youw ヽ(・∀・)ノ path to *looks away* access it gwobawwy ```shell $ setx path "%path%;C:\your\path\here\bin" ``` 4. Wefwesh command winye and vewify instawwation ```shell $ uwuifyy --help ``` ### Winyux \ macOS 1. Downwoad `uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz` ow `uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz` ow `uwuifyy-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz` 2. Extwact into youw *twerks* wocaw *leans over* diwectowy ```shell # Linux $ tar -xf uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz $ tar -xf uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz # macOS $ tar -xf uwuifyy-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz ``` 3. Move into `~/bin` ```shell # Create ~/bin if it does not exist $ mkdir -p ~/bin $ mv uwuifyy ~/bin ``` 4. Set pewmissions (╬ Ò﹏Ó) fow executabwe ```shell $ chmod 755 ~/bin/uwuifyy ``` 5. Update `PATH` to use gwobawwy ```shell # Linux $ echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc $ source ~/.bashrc # macOS $ echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile $ source ~/.bash_profile ``` 6. Vewify instawwation ```shell $ uwuifyy --version uwuifyy 0.3.0 ``` ## Wust \ Cawgo Awtewnyativewy, if using Wust's package manyagew, `Cawgo`, (^▽^') aww that is n-nyeeded is ```shell $ cargo install uwuifyy ``` If you (^-^*)/ do nyot have `Cawgo` avaiwabwe on youw machinye, you *moans* can downwoad it as pawt of Wust [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ## Usage ```commandline $ uwuifyy --help USAGE: uwuifyy.exe [OPTIONS] <--text |--infile > OPTIONS: -t, --text The text to uwu'ify -i, --infile The file to uwu'ify -o, --outfile The file to output uwu'ified text --ascii-only The uwu'ified text will only include ASCII faces --unicode-only The uwu'ified text will only include UTF-8 faces -r, --random The flag to enable randomized uwu'ified text -w, --words The modifier to determine how many words to be uwu'ified [default: 1] -f, --faces The modifier for uwu faces e.g hello -> (^-^*)/ hewwo [default: 0.05] -a, --actions The modifier for actions e.g *shuffles over* [default: 0.125] -s, --stutters The modifier for stutters e.g b-baka! [default: 0.225] -h, --help Print help information -V, --version Print version information ``` ### Text I-Input to Text Output ![](examples/gifs/text-input-to-text-output.gif) ### Text I-Input to F-Fiwe Output ![](examples/gifs/text-input-to-file-output.gif) ### Fiwe I-Input to F-Fiwe Output ![](examples/gifs/text-file-to-file-output.gif) ## Benchmawks - Benchmawks/Tests cawwied out on a `Deww XPS 15` - CPU: `11th Gen Intew(W) Cowe(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz` - SSD: `NVMe Micwon 2300 1TB` ### The Compwete Wowks of Wiwwiam Shakespeawe - [Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/kewagbln/shakespeareonline) - Size: `5.46 MiB` - Time Taken: `< 1s` ![](examples/gifs/william-shakespeare.gif) ### 300k+ Tokyo 2020\21 O-Owympics Tweets - [Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/amritpal333/tokyo-olympics-2021-tweets) - Size: `98.54 MiB` - Time Taken: `1s` ![](examples/gifs/tokyo-2020-olympics-tweets.gif) ### 3.5M Tiktok Googwe Pway Weviews - [Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/shivamb/35-million-tiktok-mobile-app-reviews) - Size: `543.02 MiB` - TIme Taken: `4s` ![](examples/gifs/tiktok_app_reviews.gif) ### 3.6M Amazon Weviews And Watings - [Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/bittlingmayer/amazonreviews?select=train.ft.txt.bz2) - Size: `1.6 GiB` - Time Taken: `21s` - **DISCWAIMEW:** The input is a xDD 1.6GB fiwe and *teleports behind you* the output is a 2.2GB fiwe. They awe nyot *teleports behind you* incwuded in *teleports behind you* the wepo. ![](examples/gifs/amazon-ratings-reviews.gif) ## W-Wicense [MIT Wicense](WICENSE) ## Acknyowwedgement This pwoject is inspiwed fwom onye of many existing nyowmaw to uwu convewtews: [Uwuifier](https://github.com/Schotsl/Uwuifier-node)