import "./globals.css"; import type { Metadata } from "next"; import { Raleway } from "next/font/google"; const raleway = Raleway({ subsets: ["latin"], }); export const metadata: Metadata = { title: "Goudham Suresh", description: "Software Engineer at the BBC, Core Maintainer for Catppuccin. Ultimately trying to write code that I don't hate and take photos that I'm proud of.", keywords: ["Next.js", "React", "Typescript", "Catppuccin", "Goudham"], colorScheme: "light dark", metadataBase: new URL( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_PREVIEW ? "" : "" ), openGraph: { url: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_PREVIEW ? "" : "", title: `Goudham Suresh${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_PREVIEW ? " (Preview)" : "" }`, description: "Software Engineer at the BBC, Core Maintainer for Catppuccin. Ultimately trying to write code that I don't hate and take photos that I'm proud of.", locale: "en_GB", }, twitter: { creator: "@RealGoudham", card: "summary_large_image", }, themeColor: [ { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#11111b" }, { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", color: "#eff1f5" }, ], }; export default function RootLayout({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode; }) { return ( {children} ); }