You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22570 lines
744 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>NEED MEN SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>NEED COMPUTERS ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>X MEN IS A MOVIE BASED ON A COMIC BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>SOAP HURTS WHEN PUT INTO YOUR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLANETS SHINE WITH REFLECTED LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>REALITY IS SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>EARTH IS ROUNDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>EARTH IS THE THIRD PLANET FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>EARTH IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ISTHE WORLD ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOW ME STARS ON A CLEAR NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>BUBBLES ARE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIFE IS SHORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DENMARK IS A SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN DRINK JAVA AND CODE JAVA</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN TO TICKLE YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU LIKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU LIKE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>RAIN COMES FROM CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>BREAD CAN BE EATEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>BREAD IS MADE FROM WHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE I EVER BEEN YOUNGER THAN THIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE THERE EVER BEEN ANY WORLD WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE COMETS EVER IMPACTED THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE WASPS KILLED HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE RELIGIOUS GROUPS STARTED WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMAN BEINGS LANDED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE A HUMAN A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE A HUMEN A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE A MAN BEEN ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE ZEBRAS STRIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EATEN THIS YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EATEN AN APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU LOVED SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN SUCCESSFUL SO FAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU DREAMED OF FALLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU ASKED ALICE A ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU FELT TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BREATHED IN THE LAST HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU LOST YOUR TEMPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU USED A TELEPHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU USED A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU SEEN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU SEEN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BROKEN A PROMISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU FALLEN OFF A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU TASTED AN APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU HAD A HEADACHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU CRIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU GOT ANGRY AT SOMEONE ELSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU WANTED TO SLEEP IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE PEOPLE USED OXEN AS LABOR ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE PEOPLE EVER LANDED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS KILLED SPERM WHALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS LANDED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE SOME PEOPLE MET BILL CLINTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE SOME QUESTIONS ALREADY BEEN ASKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE MAN TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE WOMEN SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE COMPUTERS BENEFITTED HUMANITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE COMPUTERS HELPED MANKIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CIVIL SERVENTS WORK FOR GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>GEORGE LUCAS WROTE STAR WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEARLS COME FROM OYSTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ISN THE SUN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>JOHN 3 16 IS FROM THE BIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ROBERT DENIRO IS A ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>YORK IS IN USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>FEMALES CAN BE PREGNANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>FEMALES HAVE VAGINAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAIRO IS THE CAPITAL OF EGYPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUBWAYS ARE UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMAN SENSES ARE RARELY PERFECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARGENTINA IS IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SHOE GO ON A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RADIO PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MIRROR SHOW A REFLECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRIANGLE HAVE 3 CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WRIST WATCH TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BUS HOLD MORE PEOPLE THAN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BEE HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CACTUS HAVE NEEDLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CACTUS STORE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MOTORCYCLE HAVE TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A YEAR HAVE TWELVE MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A YEAR HAVE FOUR SEASONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A YEAR HAVE MORE THAN 10 MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A YEAR CONSIST OF 12 MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FIRE NEED OXYGEN TO BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FIRE GIVE OFF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR NEED GASOLINE TO RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR NEED AN ENGINE TO RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR RUN OR GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR RUN ON GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR COST LESS THAN A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE FOUR TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE A STEERING WHEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DAY HAVE TWENTY FOUR HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BABY CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SMOKER COUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A STAGE HAVE A CURTAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LAMP EMIT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RAINBOW CONSIST OF MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COME BEFORE B</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SQUARE HAVE 4 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ZEBRA HAVE STRIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A KNIFE CUT FLESH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SUBMARINE TRAVEL IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CENTURY HAVE 100 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A VETRINARIAN HELP ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A KNIGHT WEAR AN ARMOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HEXAGON HAVE SIX SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COIN HAVE A HEAD AND A TAIL SIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NUMBER GREATER THAN 100 EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NUMBER EQUAL ITSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FAN BLOW AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WOMAN GIVE BIRTH TO A CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WOMAN HAVE A VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MOUSE TRAP KILL MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FISH SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FISH LIVE UNDERWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN DRIVE CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN LOVE HIS WIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PENCIL CONTAIN GRAPHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIGHTED CANDLE EMIT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A KEYBOARD HAVE KEYS ON IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PLATYPUS HAVE WEBBED FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BICYCLE HAVE 2 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BICYCLE HAVE TWO TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BICYCLE HAVE TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FOOT CONTAIN 12 INCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RULER MEASURE LENGTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TREE GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PASSWORD PROVIDE SOME PRIVACY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BASKETBALL HAVE LINES ON IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A KEY UNLOCK A DOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NAKED FEMALE CAUSE MEN TO STARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SHARK BITE INFLICT GREAT DAMAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SHARK LIVE IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HEALTHY HUMAN HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A VCR PLAY VIDEOTAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BEAR HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BEAR DEFECATE IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COFFEE BEAN HAVE CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FIREFLY GLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON HAVE 2 EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SHOVEL DIG HOLES IN THE DIRT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SINUS INFECTION HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GENERATOR MAKE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GREEN TRAFFIC SIGNAL MEAN GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SPERM WHALE HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIGHTBULB USE ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIGHTBULB EMIT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER AND A HUMAN USE MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAS 1 TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT MEOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT PURR WHEN IT IS HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT PURR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE AN ASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A STOPWATCH MEASURE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PAINTER PAINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PAINTER MAKE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WORKING CAR HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CHESSBOARD HAVE 64 SQUARES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BALL ROLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HOME SHELTER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOLPHIN BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RUBBER BALL BOUNCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RED TRAFFIC LIGHT MEAN STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A I STANDS ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CLOCK MEASURE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CLOCK HAVE A FACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BLACKMITH USE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MOTHER LOVE HER CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DENTIST CLEAN TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NOVEL HAVE PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN ADULT HAVE 32 TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVE 10 FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN KNEE BEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CARNIVORE EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GAS RANGE HAVE BURNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PRISM REFRACT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BLIZZARD CONTAIN SNOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BEAVER GNAW ON WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BALANCED DIET MAKE YOU HEALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LOUDSPEAKER PRODUCE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RIVER ALWAYS FLOW DOWNHILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BAT SLEEP UPSIDE DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A REFRIGERATOR KEPP THINGS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CALCULATOR CALCULATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GUITAR HAVE STRINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GUITAR MAKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CUBE HAVE 6 FACES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CUBE HAVE SIX FACES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CUBE HAVE SIX SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CUBE HAVE EXACTLY 6 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TELEPHONE RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TELEPHONE MAKE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DROPED ITEM FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WALLET HOLD MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BROWNIE TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SKUNK SMELL AWFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HEAVY OBJECT FALL WHEN DROPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BATTERY STORE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROOF KEEP OUT THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PIANIST PLAY THE PIANO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOK CONTAIN PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOK CONSIST OF PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SPONGE SOAK UP WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PACE MAKER REGULATE HEARTBEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRICYCLE HAVE 3 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TABLE HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SCROTUM CONTAIN TESTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A THESAURUS CONTAIN SYNONYMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIZARD HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FRISBEE FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BAROMETER MEASURE PRESSURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LEAP YEAR HAVE 366 DAYS IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG STINK WHEN IT IS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG SAY WOOF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG HAVE MASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A VENTILATING FAN MOVE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FERRET HAVE ONE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A YARD CONSIST OF 36 INCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WET DOG SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIGHT BULB GENERATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BLACKSMITH USE IRON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BLACKSMITH USE COAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PAPER CUT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WATCH TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WATCH TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WATCH MAKE A SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PAPERCLIP HAVE WEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A THERMOSTAT CONTROL TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROSE SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FOURTH DIMENSION EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CHAIR HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BROKEN LEG HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BROKEN BONE TAKE TIME TO HEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MICROPHONE PICK UP SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SUNFLOWER GROW TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DUCK HAVE WEBBED FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DUCK HAVE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GIRL WANT DIAMONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LLAMA HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COW GIVE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COW PRODUCE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAMERA TAKE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAMERA TAKE PHOTOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SNAKE HAVE VENOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NORMAL PERSON HAVE 10 FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PLANE FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PIT VIPER HAVE A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BLT SANDWHICH HAVE BACON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WIND MAKE YOU FEEL COLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TENNIS BALL BOUNCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CHES BOARD CONTAIN 64 SQUARES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PANDA HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROOM HAVE WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HARDWARE STORE HAVE NAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IP STAND FOR INTERNET PROTOCOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PLURAL MEAN MORE THAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BARNES AND NOBLE SELL BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DRINKING ALCOHOL MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PUNISHMENT HURT YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SNOWFEEL COLDTO THE TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RADIO USE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MAN HAVE A DICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MAN HAVE TWO LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MCDONALDS MAKE FRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMANS SOMETIMES FEEL TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMANS REQUIRE WATER TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMANS ARE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAUS MEAN HOUSE IN GERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HITTING YOUR HEAD HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS GROW IN THE SPRINGTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS CONTAIN CLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEEF COME FROM CATTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COMPETITION SPUR PROGRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PS STAND FOR POST SCRIPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GOOD WINE COME FROM FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MONEY MAKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES J COME BEFORE P IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BRIGHT LIGHT HURT YOUR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LUKE SKYWALKER HAVE THE FORCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BELGIUM HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXCREMENT SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RELAXATION FEELS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 PLUS 11 EQUAL 16</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 DIVIDED BY 2 EQUAL 2 POINT 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 TIMES 100 EQUAL 500</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD COCK REFER TO A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD UNIVERSE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE BAT PHONE RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE DAY ON EARTH HAVE 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH NEED THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH TRAVEL AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH REVOLVE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ORBIT THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ROTATE ABOUT THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE A MAGNETIC FIELD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH SPIN ON ITS AXIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH SPIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH GO AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH GO ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SQUARE ROOT OF FOUR EQUAL TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SQUARE ROOT OF 4 EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SQUARE OF FOUR EQUAL SIXTEEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE UNITED STATES HAVE 50 STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE UNIVERSE CONTAIN BLACK HOLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE UNIVERSE EXPAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE UNIVERSE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE CAT MEOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MAIL SERVICE REQUIRE STAMPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE STOMACH CONTAIN ACID</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE RAINBOW CONTAIN MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE RAINBOW CONTAIN MANY COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE TRUTH HURT SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON REVOLVE AROUND THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON ORBIT AROUND THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON ORBIT OUR EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON INFLUENCE THE TIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON CIRCLE THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON COME OUT AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON HAVE MASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON HAVE CRATERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON MOVE AROUND THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE QUESTION MARK LOOK LIKE THIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE COLOR BLACK ABSORB LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE COLOR BLUE INDICATE COOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE COLOR RED MEAN STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE COLOR RED STAND OUT WELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE ALPHABET HAVE 26 LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MIND THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WEATHER CHANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN BODY GENERATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN HEART HAVE FOUR CHAMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MISSIPPI FLOW SOUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE PLANET EARTH HAVE A MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE PLANET SATURN HAVE RINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY MAKE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE IN THE EAST ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE FROM THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE AND SET EACH DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE ON THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RAISE IN THE MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN GET SPOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SHINE DURING THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SHINE DURING DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN EMIT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN EMIT RADIATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN ALWAYS RISE THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE YEAR START ON JANUARY 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE OCEAN HAVE CORAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE FOREST PROVIDE SHELTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE INTERNET OPERATE USING TCP IP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUGAR TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SKY APPEAR TO BE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE TOILET FLUSH CLOCKWISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE PACIFIC CONSIST OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE USA WASTE RESOURCES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORLD TURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARLY BIRD GET THE WORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE GPVERNMENT SPY ON ITS CITIZENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WATER IN THE SEA APPEAR BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE TELEPHONE KEEP PEOPLE IN TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CAT POOP STINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANY NUMBER TIMES ZERO EQUAL ZERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANY BOY HAVE A MOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANY OBJECT WITH MASS HAVE GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANNA KOURNIKOVA PLAY TENNIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE NEED FOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE FEED ON LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE HAVE A MEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MATTER HAVE MASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WHAT YOU DO IMPACT OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DISNEY MAKE MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ASPIRIN RELIEVE HEADACHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YEAST MAKE BREAD RISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ELTON JOHN PLAY THE PIANO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THIS SENTENCE HAVE LETTERS IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THIS SENTENCE HAVE SIX WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNBURNED SKIN PEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHLOROPHYLL MAKE PLANTS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHLORPHYLL MAKE PLANTS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BINARY CONSIT OF 1 AND 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES VINEGAR TASTE SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CANADA HAVE PROVINCES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CANADA HAVE A PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHTNING STRIKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 111 AND 89 EQUAL 200</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FALSE MEAN NO AND TRUE MEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES VIOLENCE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES STRUMMING A GUITAR MAKE A SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICHAEL JORDAN PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NOKIA MAKE CELLPHONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SONY PRODUCE CD PLAYERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SONY MAKE ELECTRONICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ELEVATION AFFECT BOILING POINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MINNIE MOUSE LOVE MICKEY MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 3 PLUS 3 EQUAL 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 3 PLUS 27 EQUAL 30</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 3 TIMES 3 TIMES 3 EQUAL 27</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JANUARY HAVE 31 DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTERNET GROW EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WHITE NOISE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FOUR OF A KIND BEAT THREE ACES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TYPING ON A KEYBOARD BURN CALORIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FLIES BREED ON ROTTEN MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TACO BELL MAKE MEXICAN FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHEESE MELT UNDER A HOT GRILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHEESE COME FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHEESE SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEAWEED GROW IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EJACUTLATION FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CANDY CONTAIN SUGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WARM MILK HELP YOU GET TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HYDROGEN BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN PRODUCE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT OWN THE WINDOWS OS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT WINDOWS EVER CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RED AND YELLOW MAKE ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RED AND BLUE MAKE PURPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BUGS BUNNY LIKE CARROTTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SHOEPOLISH CONTAIN WAX</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PSYCHO MEAN CRAZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JOHN LEE HOOKER PLAY THE BLUES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 12 TIMES 12 EQUALS 144</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MONDAY FOLLOWS SUNDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POPEYE EAT SPINACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PEPSI COME IN A BLUE CAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUD GET PEOPLE DIRTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHINA HAVE NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MASTURBATING FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MOON ORBIT PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY PULL YOU TOWARD EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY HOLD US ON THIS EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY HOLD THINGS DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY ATTRACT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY BEND LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY CAUSE THINGS TO FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXAMINATION CAUSE ANXIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE FEEL COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE FREEZE AT 0 DEGREES CENTIGRADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE FLOAT ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HONDA MAKE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SODA MAKE YOU BURP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCOHOL KILL BRAIN CELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCOHOL BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCOHOL MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCOHOL REDUCE HUMAN REACTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 MEAN THE SAME AS ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 METER EQUAL 3 POINT 2808 FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 PLUS 2 PLUS 3 PLUS 4 EQUAL 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 PLUS 1 EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 AND 1 MAKE 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 7 EQUAL 7</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 6 EQUAL 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 1 EQUAL 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 EQUAL 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DRY SKIN ITCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DRY WOOD FOALT ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DRY WOOD BURN FASTER THAN WET WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EATING RELIEVE HUNGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ME GOT BAD GRAMMAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER CONTAIN BARLEY MALT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER GET YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES VELVET FEEL SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PSYCHOLOGY HELP PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOMOROW FOLLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIGER WOOD PLAY GOLF WELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIGER WOODS PLAY GOLF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GEORGE LUCAS DIRECT MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CO2 SUBLIMATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUMMER COME BEFORE FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY HAVE A NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY POOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY LIKE BROCOLLI</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY HURT SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LASAGNA CONTAIN CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POWER TEND TO CORRUPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POWER CORUPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SIX MINUS FOUR EQUAL TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MEAN MORE OFTEN THAN NOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD FLOAT IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POT MAKE YOU STONED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BAKING BREAD SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEA WATER TASTE SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CANCER KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HARD WORK PAY OFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FISH LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DOGS BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PIZZA OFTEN HAVE CHEESE ON IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILLY JOEL SING THE PIANO MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTELLIGENCE HELP YOU THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BMW MAKE MOTORBIKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNLIGHT CREATE WARMTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BACON COME FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POOP COME OUT OF AN ANUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 10 5 EQUAL 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CREAM COME FROM MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PIXEL STAND FOR PICTURE ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOVE SOMETIMES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOVE MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOVE EVER HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SWEAT HAVE AN ODOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INK COME IN PENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL CLINTON HAVE GREY HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL GATES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MASOCHIST LIKE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEMEN CONTAIN SPERM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIME FLY WHEN YOU ARE HAVING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIME EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COMPUTERS NEED ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COMPUTERS USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DEATH COME AFTER LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DEATH FOLLOW BIRTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MY WATCH HELP ME TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MY GIRLFRIEND LOVE ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MY WET DOG SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MY MOM HAVE A CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GREEN MEAN GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PLANTS REQUIRE THE SUN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ART HAVE VALUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ART HAVE A VALUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FRENCH PEOPLE LIKE BREAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES OIL FLOAT ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCHOL EFFECT DECISIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNBURN HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMITHERS LOVE MR BURNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES READING INCREASE INTELLIGENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RUNNING MAKE A PERSON TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RUNNING MAKE YOU TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GETTING KICKED IN THE GROIN HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MIDNIGHT COME ONCE A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES B COME AFTER A IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SANTA CLAUS USE REINDEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JUNCTION RHYME WITH FUNCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE REQUIRED OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE CONSUME OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE BURN WHEN YOU TOUCH IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PI EQUAL 3 POINT 14</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BAMBOO GROW QUICKLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IE STAND FOR INTERNET EXPLORER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY STATE HAVE A FLAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY ONE EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY OBJECT CONSIST OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY YEAR HAVE 12 MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY SQUARE HAVE 4 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY SQUARE HAVE 4 CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY PERSON HAVE A GIVEN NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SNOW MELT WHEN IT IS WARM OUTSIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SNOW MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SNOW HAVE THE COLOR WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MARIJUANA MAKE YOU STONED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT TRAVEL FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT ATTRACT INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT MOVE FASTER THAN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT PASS THROUGH GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NIGHT FOLLOW A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CONTACT WITH FIRE CAUSE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAINT KEEP WOOD FROM WEATHERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAINT CONTAIN SOLVENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES OUR SOLAR SYSTEM HAVE 9 PLANETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES OUR SUNSYSTEM HAVE 9 PLANETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX GIVE PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX FELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX SOMETIMES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX CREATE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GOLF COST MONEY TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN FALL OUT OF CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN COME FROM CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN MAKE FLOWERS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN MAKE PUDDLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLOOD CARRY OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RECYCLING SAVE RESOURCES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RECYCLING HELP THE ENVIRONMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TEQUILA MAKE PEOPLE DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WEIGHT LIFTING BUILD MUSCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WEIGHT VARY WITH GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EQUAL MEAN THE SAME AS EQUALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNSHINE LOOK YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE STOP AT A RED TRAFFIC LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE HUMAN HAND HAS FIVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE EAT SOUP FROM A BOWL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUGAR CAUSE TOOTH DECAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN HOUR LAST 3600SEC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ADVERB MODIFY A VERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN APPLE HAS SEEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ELEVATOR GO UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN EXECUTION RESULT IN DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ORANGE TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN AIR CONDITIONER COOL AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN AIRPLANE HAS WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ELEPHANT HAVE A TRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ORGASM FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ANIMAL BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN AUTOMOBILE USE GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ANTEATER EAT ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GARLIC HAVE A STRONG SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CAFFEINE MAKE IT HARD TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PLAYING TENNIS MAKE YOU SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE HAVE MORE THAN 1000 USERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE HAVE A WEBPAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE RESIDE ON THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE LEARN QUICKLY AFTER MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE LEARN STATISTICALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE OPERATE ON ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE STILL HAVE A LOT TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEING HIT BY A CAR HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NINTENDO MAKES VIDEOGAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NINTENDO MAKE GAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CALIFORNIA HAVE A COASTLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CALIFORNIA HAVE EARTHQUAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLEACH MAKE CLOTHES WHITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN EXCREMENT SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN EAT OTHER ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN BEINGS HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YOU N STAND FOR UNITED NATIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FRUIT JAM CONTAIN FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BOOZE MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DUST MAKE YOU SNEEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MANKIND HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER COME FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER CRUMPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER DECOMPOSE OVER TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER RIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PERISHABLE FOOD ROT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOBACCO CAUSES CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAIR COME IN DIFFERENT COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAIR BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAIR SMELL AWFUL WHEN IT IS BURNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAIR HAVE DNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAIN SERVE A USEFUL PURPOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL PRODUCES PROCESSORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL MANUFACTURE PROCESSORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL MAKE CHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL MAKE CPUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AIRBUS BUILD AIRCRAFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YELLOW HAVE SIX LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YELLOW AND BLUE MAKE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YELLOW AND RED MAKE ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YELLOW MIXED WITH BLUE FORM GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FALLING IN LOVE INTENSIFY EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FALLING ON GLASS HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FOOD GIVE ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SATURN HAVE MORE THAN ONE RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOME SODA POP COME IN CANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BREAKING YOUR ARM HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 4 PLUS 14 EQUAL 18</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 4 TIMES 13 EQUAL 52</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BAIT RHYME WITH LATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ASPHALT CONSIST OF GRAVEL AND TAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LEATHER COME FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC PRODUCE EMOTIONS IN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC CONVEY MEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC HAVE NOTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GASOLINE COME FROM OIL REFINERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GASOLINE MAKE A GOOD FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FAMOUS MEAN KNOWN BY MANY PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHOCOLATE CAKE TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHOCOLATE TASTE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHOCOLATE SYRUP GO WITH ICE CREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE NEED TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AIR HAVE WEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WEDNESDAY COME AFTER TUESDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVAPORATION CAUSE COOLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLACK HOLES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CASIO MAKE CALCULATORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HOT AIR RISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES R SOUND LIKE ARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANAL SEX SOMETIMES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOUND TRAVEL SLOWER THAN LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOUND TRAVEL USING THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXERCISE IMPROVE HUMANS HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXERCISE MAKE YOU FIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXERCISE MAKE PEOPLE SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NOON HAVE ANY MEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SCHOOL HELP YOU LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SCHOOL TEACH STUFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CARPETING HELP MUFFLE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SYNTHETIC MEAN MAN MADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HOMER SIMPSON LIKE DONUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MEXICAN FOOD TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 COME AFTER 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCHOHOL GET YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DOG FECES SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHLORINE HAVE A STRONG ODOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GOLD COME FROM THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GOLD EXCEED SILVER IN VALUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFEIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFENE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE COME FROM A BEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE HAVE CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EACH DAY HAS 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WHISKEY GET YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMELL AFFECT THE MOOD YOUR ARE IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES KRYPTONITE WEAKEN SUPERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PEPPER MAKE YOU SNEEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FLOGGING HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COMBUSTION COMSUME OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COMBUSTION USE UP OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEPTEMBER HAVE 30 DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TV STAND FOR TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DEAD SKIN BECOME HOUSE DUST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DEAD FLESH ROT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COLA CONTAIN CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MR SPOCK HAVE POINTY EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AOL AN AMERICAN INTERNET PROVIDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AOL STAND FOR AMERICA ON LINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TEA HAVE CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES REPRESENT A FROWN IN A CHAT ROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ERICSSON MAKE MOBILE PHONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YOUR STOMACH EVER ACHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YOUR HEART BEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SPRING FOLLOW WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YESTERDAY HAPPEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES E EQUAL MC SQUARED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES E EQUAL MC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES E EQUAL M C SQUARED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PERFUME SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PENICILLIN CURE DISEASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOUD MUSIC HURT YOUR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CORK FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT SNOW IN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT GET HOT IN DEATH VALLEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT GET COLD AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT GET COLDER IN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN IN ATLANTA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN IN JANUARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN A LOT IN A RAIN FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN OFTEN IN A RAIN FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN OFTEN IN LONDON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT IF YOU BREAK YOUR LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO HIT YOUR HEAD ON A POST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO GET BURNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO JUMP DOWN A CLIFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO BE HIT BY THE LIGHTNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO BE GUT SHOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO BE ON FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO BURN YOUR SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO HAVE YOUR HAIR PULLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO STEP ON A NAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO PLUCK NOSE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO STUB YOUR TOE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT WHEN YOU SKIN YOUR KNEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CAR EQUAL AUTO EQUAL AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES KNOWLEDGE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SANDPAPER FEEL ROUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FREEDOM DEPEND ON YOUR PERSPECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAVE A CENTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JUPITER PRODUCE A MAGNETIC FIELD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CISCO MAKE NETWORKING EQUIPTMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DISCO REFER TO A MUSIC STYLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ORAL SEX FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MEGAHERTZ REPRESENT FREQUENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DIET SODA CONTAIN FEWER CALORIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RUBBER COME FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DNS STAND FOR DOMAIN NAME SERVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GREECE HAVE ISLANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COMPUTER HAVE PROCESSOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLUE PLUS YELLOW EQUAL GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLUE PLUS RED EQUAL PURPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DOT ORG STAND FOR ORGANIZATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FREE SPEECH CARRY RESPONSIBILITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WAR CAUSE HUMAN SUFFERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ORANGE JUICE CONTAIN VITAMIN C</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES C COME AFTER B IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HEATING KEEPS US WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SAP COME FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HISTORY REFER TO PAST EVENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING CIGARETTES KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING EFFECT HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING CRACK KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING CAUSE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING CAUSE LUNG PROBLEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING CAUSES CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ARIZONA HAVE A DESERT TERRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COLD MOLASSES FLOW SLOWLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TELEVISION ENTERTAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BPS STAND FOR BITS PER SECOND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BROADCAST RADIO HAVE COMERCIALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TUESDAY COME AFTER MONDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JOLT HAVE CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PARAMEDIC SAVE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RHYME RHYME WITH CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THYME RHYME WITH LIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXPOSURE TO SUN CAUSE SUNBURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES APPLE MAKE PERSONAL COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES APPLE MAKE THE MACINTOSH COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES APPLE MAKE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LONDON HAVE DOUBLE DECKER BUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEAWATER CONTAIN SALT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COCA COLA CONTAIN CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COCA COLA CONTAIN SUGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COCA COLA TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POMME MEAN APPLE IN FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AIDS KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BIRDS HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COPPER WIRE CONDUCT ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MOST SOFTWARE HAVE BUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MARRIAGE NEED A LOT OF HARD WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FLOW ONLY DOWNHILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FLOW FROM HIGH TO LOW LEVEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER SUSTAIN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER BOIL AT 100C</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER BOIL AT 100 DEGREES CELCIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER CONDUCT ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER PUT FIRES OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER PUT OUT FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LLAMA RHYME WITH PAJAMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MEXICO BORDER THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MTV STAND FOR MUSIC TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DRAG RACING INVOLVE AUTOMOBILES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALL LIFE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHILDREN LOVE TOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK DO A BODY GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK CONTAIN SATURATED FATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK GET SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK GO BAD IF YOU LEAVE IT OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YODA HAVE THE FORCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAVING YOUR LEG BROKEN HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 7 TIMES 10 EQUAL 70</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 7 11 HAVE MATCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOSHIBA MAKE LAPTOP COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HEWLETT PACKARD BUILD PRINTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HERSHEY MAKE CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>YELLOW MIXED WITH BLUE MAKES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>VIOLENCE IS SOMETIMES JUSTIFIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>TEA IS A STIMULATING SUBSTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEATING PEOPLE IS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>GROW APPLES ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>AIR IS INVISIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HORSES NEIGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOG DO NOT LIKE CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOMER SIMPSON IS A CARTOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOMER SIMPSON LIKE DONNUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>OXYGEN IS AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ASIA IS A CONTINENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MOTELS HAVE ROOM FOR RENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>NEPTUNE IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>FIRE DESTROYS THE FORESTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>FIRE BURNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRAM STOKER WROTE DRACULA</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHALL I GO TO LUNCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ALBERTA IS A PROVINCE IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>OUR ATMOSPHERE CONATINS OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>C IS A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MOST VICTORIAN WOMEN WEAR CORSETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GERMANY START WWII</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GERMANY LOOSE THE WORLD WAR 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GERMANY LOOSE WWII</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MTV USED TO PLAY MUCIC VIDEOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID KRAFTWERK WRITE COMPLEX LYRICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID BILL CLINTON CHEAT ON HILLARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID BILL CLINTON LIE UNDER OATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID IBM MAKE TYPEWRITERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID IBM EVER PRODUCE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID PEOPLE WALK ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID EGYPTIANS BUILD PYRAMIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID NEIL ARMSTRONG LAND ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID SEAN CONNERY EVER PLAY AS BOND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JIMI HENDRIX DIE IN 1970</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WWII START IN 1939</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ADOLF HITLER COMMIT SUICIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ET PHONE HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ABRAHAM LINCOLN DIE FROM A GUNSHOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID DINOSAURS ONCE ROAM THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE UNIVERSE BEGIN WITH A BIG BANG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE UNIVERSE HAVE A BEGINNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE STOCK MARKET CRASH IN 1929</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE OLYMPICS ORIGINATE IN GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE BEATLES HAVE FOUR MEMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE CONCORDE CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR START IN 1642</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ALLIED FORCES WIN WORLD WAR 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ROMANS INVADE BRITAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ROMANS COME FROM ROME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ROMANS BUILD MANY ROADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE GREEKS ATTACK TROY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE NAZIS KILL MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID SHAKESPEARE WRITE MACBETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JIM HENSON CREATE THE MUPPETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID AMELIA EARHART DISAPPEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID CLINTON HAVE SEX IN HIS OFFICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MEN WALK ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID PRINCESS DIANA HAVE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID J R R TOLKIEN WRITE THE HOBBIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JUDAS BETRAY JESUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WE ONCE LIVE IN CAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID STEPHEN KING WRITE THE SHINING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MAN LAND ON MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MAN EVOLVE FROM THE APES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MAN GO TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WAYNE GREZTKY WHERE THE NUMBER 99</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID COCA COLA ORIGINALLY CONTAIN COKAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMAN BEINGS EVOLVE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMAN BEINGS GO TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MICROSOFT CREATE WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HITLER WRITE MEIN KAMPHF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GANDHI WEAR GLASSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS EVOVLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS EVOLVE AFTER DINOSAURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS EVOLVE LATER THAN DINOSAURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS ONCE LIVE IN CAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS GO TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID NAPOLEON LOSE A BATTLE IN WATERLOO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MARY HAVE A LITTLE LAMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MARY HAVE A VAGINA AND CLITORIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID A METEOR STRIKE KILL THE DINOSAURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GEORGE LUCAS DIRECT STAR WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ICARUS FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MOZART COMPOSE CLASSICAL MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MOZART COMPOSE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MOZART DIE YOUNG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MICHAEL JORDEN PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JIMMY HENDRIX PLAY THE GUITAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID YOUR MOTHER GIVE BIRTH TO YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WORLD WAR I START IN 1914</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WORLD WAR 2 END IN 1945</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WORLD WAR TWO END IN 1945</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID STEVEN SPIELBURG DIRECT ET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID YOU EVER LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID YOU URINATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JACK AND JILL GO UP THE HILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ATARI MAKE HOME VIDEO GAME SYSTEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ELVIS GAIN WEIGHT WITH AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ELVIS PRESLEY DIE FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MARK TWAIN WRITE HUCK FIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MARK TWAIN WRITE TOM SAWYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ROSES HAVE A WONDERFULL SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOSE SODIUM WEIGH 22 POINT 9898</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOSE IT HURT BREAK THE BONE IN YOUR LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOSE A PHOTOGRAPHER TAKE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>MACHINES EVENTUALLY BREAK DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ART COMMUNICATES MESSAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMELL IS ONE OF THE FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHEESE IS MADE OUT OF MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IA THE CAR IS VEHICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IA ATHENS A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CLOUDS ARE MADE OF GAS AND WATERVAPOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS VENUS THE ROMAN GODDESS OF LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LED ZEPPELIN A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOAN OF ARC A REAL PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DEMOCRACY INVENTED IN GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALFRED HITCHCOCK A DIRECTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BOB DOLE A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BOB MARLEY A REGGAE SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BOB MARLEY A GOOD SONGWRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PINOCHET A DICTATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BILL CLINTON ELECTED IN 1996</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS KING TUT EGYPTIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON HORNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PRESIDENT CLITON A GOOD PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY SHOT DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOSES A JEW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOSES BORN IN EGYPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GOODFELLAS A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BABYLON AN ANCIENT CIVILIZATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ARISTOTLE A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ARISTOTLE A GREEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DALLAS A TELEVISION SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BOBBY FISCHER A GOOD CHESS PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EULER A MATHEMATICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JIMI HENDRIX A MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PAUL MCCARTNEY A BEATLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PANGEA CONTINENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLF HITLER MESSED UP IN THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLF HITLER EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLF HITLER A MURDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RONALD REAGAN AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS OLD KING COLE A MERRY OLD SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DESCARTES A FRENCH PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HOMER A GREEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HOMER A POET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JULIE ANDREWS A FAMOUS PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS YURI GAGARIN THE FIRST MAN IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS TODAY AFTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THOMAS JEFFERSON A MAN OF VISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN SMART</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSASINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HARRY HOUDINI AN ESCAPE ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE BOSTON TEA PARTY A TAX REVOLT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE BUDDHA ENLIGHTENED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE FRENCH REVOLUTION IN 1789</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE Y2K BUG OVERHYPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SHAKESPEARE A PLAYWRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS FRANZ KAFKA A WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LEONARDO DAVINCI A GREAT INVENTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LEONARDO DA VINCI A REAL PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS VAN GOUGH A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HUMPTY DUMPTY AN EGGHEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SUPERMAN BORN ON THE PLANET KRYPTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS STAR WARS A GREAT MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS STAR TREK A POPULAR TV SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS OJ GUILTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HOUDINI A GREAT MAGICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EDISON A PROLIFIC INVENTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS STING THE SINGER OF THE POLICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLPH HITLER A BAD PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLPH HITLER AN EVIL PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LORD BYRON A POET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JESUS A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JESUS JEWISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ANDR?S SEGOVIA A GREAT GUITARIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOCRATES A FAMOUS PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOCRATES A PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOCRATES A GREEK PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MARILYN MONROE A MOVIE STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MARS THE ROMAN GOD OF WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CEASER A ROMAN EMPEROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS J R R TOLKEIN A GREAT AUTHOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SPOCK SMARTER THAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SPOCK KEEN ON LOGIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PLATO A STUDENT OF SOCRATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PLATO A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS I BORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS I ONCE A CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JFK ASSASSINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER RACIST AGAINST JEWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER A FORMER GERMAN DICTATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER A BAD GUY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER A BAD MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER A BAD PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS VICTORIA THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RENOIR A FAMOUS PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOPHOCLES A PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GALILEO A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SCOOBY DOO A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SIR WALTER RALEIGH A FAMOUS PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DARWIN INTERESTED IN ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ANDY WORHOL A FAMOUS ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ENIAC A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHARLES DARWIN A GREAT SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHARLES DARWIN RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALBERT EINSTEIN A SMART MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALBERT EINSTEIN A GREAT SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALBERT EISTIEN A GENUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SALVADOR DALI A SURREALIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON A DICTATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ACE VENTURA A PET DETECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GOETHE A GERMAN POET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS A BRONTASAURUS EVER REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON A PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MR EINSTEIN RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HONG KONG A BRITTISH COLONY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOZART A PREDIGIOUS COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOZART A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CARL SAGAN AN INSPIRING ASTRONOMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS TOM CRUISE IN MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ZEUS KING OF THE GODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOCRATESE A GREEK PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THERE A PROPHET CALLED MOSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JULIUS CAESAR A ROMAN EMPEROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JULIUS CAESAR A MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BEETHOVEEN DEAF</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALICE CREATED BY HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LENIN A COMMUNIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LENIN STALIN A COMMUNIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEAN FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEAN EMPEROR OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BATMAN A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS FREDDIE MERCURY A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CEASAR WAS A ROMAN EMPEROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DISCO EVER POPULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PEGASUS A FLYING HORSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE BORN IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EUCLID A MATHEMATICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THOR A NORSE GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS YEATS A POET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BUDDY HOLLY KILLED IN A PLANE CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN LENNON MURDERED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN LENNON A BEATLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN LENNON A MEMBER OF THE BEETLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN F KENNEDY JFK KILLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ROBERT FISHER A FAMOUS CHESS OLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>T SHIRTS ARE LIGHT WEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOING WHAT YOU LOVE CAN BE WORTH DOING</pattern>
<category><pattern>COLOR OF HUMAN BLOOD IS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>COLOR AND COLOR ARE THE SAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>BLOOD IS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>POT IS A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARIJUANA IS A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARIJUANA IS ILLEGAL IN THE YOU S</pattern>
<category><pattern>NOODLES ARE MADE OF WHEAT AND EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOMOSEXUALL PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>COULD I BEAT ALEX GALLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>COULD ORANGE REFER TO SEVERAL THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>COULD SUPERMAN BEAT UP THE JOKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ANIMALS WILL DIE WITHOUT OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD IT HURT A PERSON TO BE HIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD A BEAR EAT A DOUGHNUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND BELTS IN A CLOSET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU SEE CLOWNS AT THE CIRCUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU VALUE FRIENDSHIP OVER MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE WELL PAID</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE WEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD EATING A SLUG BE ICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>PITTSBURGH IS IN PENNSYLVANIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRAZIL IS A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAWAII IS AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOD SPELLED BACKWARDS IS DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>MOON ORBIT PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>EATING TOO MUCH MAKES YOU FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPACE IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>FISH LIVE IN THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY MOTHERS SISTER IS MY AUNT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY MUM IS RELATED TO ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>LEONARDO DA VINCI IS DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT THIS THE YEAR 2000</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT THE SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT IS BAD TO HURT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CARS NEED PEOPLE TO OPERATE THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>INFORMATION SHOULD BE FREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAT IS A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOMEN CAN BE USEFUL IN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PAPER CLIPS ARE INANIMATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PAPER CLIPS ARE USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRITAIN IS A MONARCHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN SPOKEN DOES WEEK SOUND LIKE WEAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN THE CAT IS AWAY WILL THE MICE PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN DYNAMITE EXPLODES IS IT A BLAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN YOU HIT YOUR HEAD DOES IT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN YOU HAVE AN ITCH DO YOU SCRATCH IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN PEOPLE ARE HOT CAN THEY SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN WATER BOILS DOES IT BECOME STEAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>FOURTEEN DIVEDED BY TWO IS SEVEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HANDS HAVE FIVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST A BABY EAT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST FISH LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST WE ALL DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST HUMANS DRINK EAT AND SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IN THE OCEANS THERE ARE STRONG CURRENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IN AN APPLE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IN BERLIN A CITY IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HITLER WAS AN EVIL MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>TAJMAHAL IS IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I AM IN MY HOUSE IS MY ARM THERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I CUT YOU WILL YOU BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I DROP SOMETHING DOES IT FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I EAT GLASS WILL MY THOAT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I LOVE YOU ARE YOU IMPORTANT TO ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF SOMETHING IS DOES IT EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF THE SUN WERE TO EXPLODE WOULD I DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF THE BALL IS SPHERICAL DOES IT ROLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF X IS 0 IS X LESS THAN 1 TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF A EQUAL B DOES B EQUAL A</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF 2 IS EVEN IS 3 ODD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF 2X 2Y EQUAL 0 IS X EQUAL Y</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU TOUCH FIRE WILL IT BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU HIT SOMEONE WILL THEY GET HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU TUNE A RADIO DOES IT PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU CHEW ON GLASS DOES IT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU DROP SOMETHING WILL IT FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU FALL DOES IT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU FACE NORTH IS WEST TO THE LEFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU PRICK ME DO I BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF RAIN FALLS ON YOU DO YOU BECOME WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF FACING SOUTH IS EAST TO THE LEFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF FACING SOUTH IS NORTH BEHIND YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF FACING NORTH IS EAST TO THE RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF FACING NORTH IS SOUTH BEHIND YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>RACISM IS UNDESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PIANOS HAVE 88 KEYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLAYING GAMES IS PART OF BEING HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HACKERS ARE COMPUTER NERDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>VULCAN IS GOD OF FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT STREET YOU LIVE ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT COLOR IS THE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A LOCOMOTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE SPICE GIRLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YEAR IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS COLOR THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPIRITS ARE ETHEREAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ONE MILE IS EQUAL TO 5 280 FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ONE INCH EQUALS ABOUT 2 POINT 5 CENTIMETERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ITS THE SUN A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>FOX IS A BROADCAST TELEVISION NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>LETTUCE IS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WITCHES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>TASTE IS ONE OF THE FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>FREEFORM VERSE IS MAINLY TERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I WALK MY LEGS MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I MOSCOW THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>I WATER WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>I LOVE LUCY A CLASSIC TELEVISION SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>I ALIVE WHEN I AM ASLEEP AMD</pattern>
<category><pattern>USING A CONDOM CAN SAVE YOUR LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ITALY IS IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>200 IS MORE THAN 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>HONEY IS PRODUCED BY BEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>MONEY IS KEPT IN A BANK</pattern>
<category><pattern>PSYCHOTHERAPISTS HELP PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>OCTOBER FOLLOWS SEPTEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>SCHOOL IS A PLACE TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>RATS ARE SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>BLACK HOLES IS CENTRE OF EVERY GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOOD WORKS ARE BETTER THAN BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>FICTIONAL STORIES DID NOT HAPPEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRAINS HAVE NEURONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>TRAINS RUN ON RAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>TULIPS GROW FROM BULBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHEEP ARE HERBAVORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>WE ARE ALL. STUDENTS OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WE USE CLOTHS TO KEEP WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>TREES PRODUCE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>TREES ARE PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>TREES ARE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>COPENHAGEN IS THE CAPITOL OF DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARILIN MONROE WAS AN ACTRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER BOILS AT 100 CELSIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER CAN BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER FREEZES AT ZERO DEGREES CELSIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER FREEZES AT 0 DEGREES CENTIGRADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER FROZE AT SERO DEGREE CELSIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>LUCK IS RANDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>PERU IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARKANSAS A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUSHI MADE WITH FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GURPS A ROLE PLAYING GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INFINITY A LARGE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OS 2 GOOD OS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE FLAMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE COMBUSTIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE DERIVED FROM PETROLEUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE A PETROLEUM BIPRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE AN ENERGY SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMPASSION IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OCCCUPIED A MISSPELLING OF OCCUPIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING THE LOTTERY A WASTE OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING GAMES MORE FUN THAN WORKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITNEY SPEARS A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITNEY SPEARS AN ENTERTAINER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITNEY SPEARS RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWITZERLAND FAMOUS FOR ITS MOUNTAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANNABIS A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANNABIS ILLEGAL IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CABBAGE A A VEGEATABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAINT A PROTECTIVE COATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BARB A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOETHE A FAMOUS WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIVORCE AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLARIS A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLARIS KNOWN AS THE NORTH STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KNITTING DONE WITH NEEDLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALIAN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NICOTINE ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NICOTINE A POISON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EINSTEIN A SCEINTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EINSTEIN A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EINSTEIN DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EINSTEIN CONSIDERED A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WELSH SPOKEN IN WALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WELSH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS B THE SECOND LETTER IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HK AN ABBREVIATION FOR HONG KONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUITTING SMOKING HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUD BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUD WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUD DIRTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENTHOUSE A PORN MAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRUNK ANOTHER WORD FOR INTOXICATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAIN PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAIN TO BE AVOIDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAIN AN UNPLEASANT SENSATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAIN UNPLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEPTMEBER THE NAME OF MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HTML USED TO MAKE WEB PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HTML A COMPUTER LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIQUID ONE PHASE OF MATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUICKEN A PERSONAL FINANCE PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRICTION USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRICTION A PHYSICAL FACT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WRONG THE OPPOSITE OF RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAMELA ANDERSON BLONDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RESIDENT EVIL A VIDEOGAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARIJUANA A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARIJUANA GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OCTOBERFEST FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RACISM WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RACISM BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EUROPE NORTH OF THE TROPIC OF CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EUROPE LARGER THAN TEXAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BEN IN LONDON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BIRD IN SESAME STREET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BIGGER THEN SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BIGGER THEN BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BROTHER WATCHING ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BROTHER WATCHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTMAS SOMETHING ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTMAS A RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATED IN DECEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IS TRUE THAT PLATO WAS GREEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI COLA A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI AND COKE A SOFT DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOG A LOW FLYING CLOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOG A ROAD HAZARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOG MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING A SENSE OF HUMER A GOOD TRAIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING FUN GOOD FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING SEX WITH YOUR PARENTS WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING SEX MORE FUN THAN EATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING SEX A PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUPERSONIC TRAVEL POSSIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORION A CONSTELLATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAVING FOR COLLEGE A GOOD IDEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BANANA A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BANANA BREAD TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IOWA A STATE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IOWA A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EBAY AN ONLINE AUCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRIVIAL PURSUIT A POPULAR BOARD GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUINNESS A KIND OF BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC PLEASING TO THE EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC SOMETHING THAT IS LISTENED TO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC THE ART OF STRUCTURED SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC A ENTERTAINING THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC NICE TO LISTEN TO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC GOOD FOR THE SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC SOOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC MADE OF SOUNDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC MADE FROM SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC ORGANISED SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC IMPORTANT TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC RECREATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC BETTER THAN NOISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KERMIT THE FROG GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEXUAL INTERCOURSE PLEASURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEXUAL INTERCOURSE ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOZO A CLOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1000000 A BIG NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DALLAS IN TEXAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 50 OF 100 50</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEONARDO DA VINCI FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLUORENE A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON FOUND IN ALL LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON THE BASIS OF LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON A CHEMICAL ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON AND ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON MONOXIDE POISINOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIVE PLUS FIVE EQUAL TEN ON VENUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIVE A WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIVE LARGER THAN FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIVE TIMES FIVE EQUAL TO 25</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 9 MINUS 172 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 9 MINUS 17 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 9 TIMES 82 EQUAL TO 738</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART THE EXPRESSION OF AN IDEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART A FORM OF HUMAN EXPRESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART CREATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERNET EXPLORER A BROWSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERNET A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ADOLF HITLER INFAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 45 GREATER THAN 20</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PECAN PIE DELICIUOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PI CONSTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PI EQUIVALENT TO 3 POINT 14</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PI GREATER THAN THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PI EQUAL TO 3 POINT 14</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALLY MCBEAL A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALLY MCBEAL SKINNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHARKS THE PLURAL OF SHARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SADNESS A HUMAN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE COMFORT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE A TYPE OF CANDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE GOOD TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TO MAYBE AS DUNG IS TO POOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TO HURT SOMETHING BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERGREEN A CLASS OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOAT A NOUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAY CONSIDERED A BORING COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANDREA A GILRS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMATO RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIT IN CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIT A GOOD SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIT A COLLEGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCAIN ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRONO A WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEBT A WIDESPREAD PROBLEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGINEERING A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMMITING A CRIME BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLLUTION A PROBLEM ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLLUTION A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLLUTION BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SANSKRIT A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVEL BIGGER THAN SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 13 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 13 TIMES 11 EQUAL 143</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RATTLER SLANG FOR A TYPE OF SNAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPENHAGEN IN DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPENHAGEN THE CAPITOL OF DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPENHAGEN THE CAPITAL OF DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPENHAGEN THE CAPIAL OF DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORK WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORK A WAY TO OBTAIN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORK A POSITIVE THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HERB SHORT FOR HERBERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORSCHE A MANUFACTURER OF FAST CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRASS A SYNONYM FOR POT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRASS A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRASS A TYPE OF PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRASS SOMETIMES BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 4 EQUAL TO POINT 75</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 57 THREE MINUTES BEFORE 4 00</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PURE ALCOHOL FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COUNTRY AND WESTERN A FORM OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEN THE PLURAL OF MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POOL A GAME WITH A STICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND PART OF GREAT BRITAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAVIAR A TYPE OF FISH EGG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAVIAR A LUXURY ITEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAVIAR EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUDAISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUDAISM A MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LENGTH A DIMENSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMITH A COMMON SURNAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMITH A COMMON LAST NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAPRICORN A SIGN OF THE ZODIAC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM A RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM WORTH MORE THAN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM PREFERABLE TO TYRANNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HIKING A HOBBY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLUE STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNLIGHT MADE OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNLIGHT AN ENERGY SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOILET TISSUE MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 110 DEGREES HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COBOL OLDER THAN JAVA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLYING BY PLANE FAIRLY SAFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KID ANOTHER WORD MEANING CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHARING GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEPTEMBER THE NINTH MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICED COFFEE A SUMMER DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOLLYWOOD MASSPRODUCING MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEDNESDAY A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEDNESDAY A WEEKDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEDNESDAY IS A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACON FATTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUBJECTIVE THE OPPOSITE OF OBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 91 MINUS 172 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COTTON SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COTTON USED TO MAKE FABRIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COTTON CANDY STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS S THE SYMBOL FOR SULFUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HILLARY CLINTON FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BORIS BECKER A GREAT TENNIS PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANSISCO FRANCO DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIKON A GREAT CAMERA MANUFACTURER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STRESS HARMFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STRESS A PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREECE IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREECE A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKIING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SORTING A WAY OF ARRANGING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOME MONEY IS MADE OUT OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOME HUMOR RACIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HALLOWEEN IN OCTOBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOMETHING BETTER THAN NOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLEAR GLASS TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARLOS SANTANA A REAL PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARLOS SANTANA A GUITAR PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IDAHO A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOMB DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FALLING IN LOVE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FICTION A TYPE OF LITERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VANCOUVER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHAMPOO USED TO WASH HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGE CLOONEY AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGE BUSH THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGE BUSH A REPUBLICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POWDER DRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ERIN A FEMALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAUERKRAUT MADE OF CABBAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DSL FASTER THAN A 56K MODEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SQUASH A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE CLOSE TO SPAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE ONE OF THE COUNTRY OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS REPETITIVE WORK BORING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TALL THE OPPOSITE OF SHORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARLON BRANDO AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOTLAND PART OF THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOTLAND A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEA WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUTCH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CASPER A GHOST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POT ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SYRUP STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUTH ONE OF THE 4 MAJOR DIRECTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CEMENT USED TO MAKE CONCRETE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DR PEPPER CARBONATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DR PEPPER A SOFT DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DR PEPPER A REFRESHING BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DR PEPPER A CARBONATED BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DR PEPPER A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KETCHUP RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TERRORISM FRIGHTENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCACOLA MADE MOSTLY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMOR FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPYNESS A GOOD THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UGANDA PART OF AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPINESS DESIREABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPINESS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPINESS AS EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARGENTINA IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALIVE THE OPPOSITE OF DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CASTRO A DICTATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLIN A MASCULINE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMALL SMALLER THEN SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMALL SMALLER THEN BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMALL AN ADJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILAN IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILAN A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILAN AN ITALIAN CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLOUR MADE FROM WHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRAFFIC WORSE DURING RUSH HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RELATIVITY A CORRECT PHYSICS THEORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEAUTY IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONCRETE HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METALLCA ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELLSOUTH A TELEPHONE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHILADELPHIA IN PENNSYLVANIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHILADELPHIA A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILENT NIGHT A CHRISTMAS SONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHALE A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHALE MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 17 BIGGER THAN 15</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUZZ ALDRIN A FORMER ASTRONAUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IMAGINATION A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAINTING AN ARTISITIC PROCESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORWEGIAN SPOKEN IN NORWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOUD MUSIC BAD FOR THE HEARING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STONEHENGE IN BRITAN SOMEWHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILLI SAUCE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEMOCRACY GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JERUSALEM IN ISRAEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINE A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINE SAP STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROWING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAND IN THE SWIMSUIT UNPLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAND PRIMARILY MADE UP OF SILICON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAND A GOOD SOURCE OF SILICON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAND MADE OUT OF ELEMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHINTO A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUCSON IN ARIZONA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILK SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROSE A SHADE OF RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONARCHY A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAKE SUPERIOR COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAKE MALAWI IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GINSENG AN HERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORN POPULAR OVER THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPIRIN A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KU KLUX KLAN A HOSTILE ORGANISATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HIV THE CAUSE OF AIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIRAGE AN OPTICAL ILLUSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOHAMMED A PROPHET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESSE MADE FROM MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORTAL KOMBAT A VIDEOGAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEFT A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEFT ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEFT ANOTHER WORD FOR STEALING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASKETBALL A BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DESTROYER A FORM OF SHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CELL ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LION IN THE CAT FAMILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LION A CARNIVORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WEEK SEVEN DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WEEK EQUAL TO SEVEN DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BABOON A PRIMATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOWEL SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MENTOR SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A YARD 3 FEET LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WALRUS LARGER THAN AN OTTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HEADACHE A TYPE OF PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBI JEWISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOOK USED FOR READING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOOK LONGER THAN A POEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RADIO A WIRELESS DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RADIO A FORM OF COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RATTLESNAKE COLD BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MICROWAVE OVEN USED TO COOK FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BIG MAC A HAMBURGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAPACITOR AN ELECTRONIC COMPONENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A 300 BAUD MODEM SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MIRROR REFLECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LILY A KIND OF FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAWK A TYPE OF BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HIGH FAT DIET UNHEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARPET SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COBRA VENOMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WRITER AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KILOMETER BIGGER THAN A METRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KILOMETER IS LESS THAN A MILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KILOMETER EQUAL TO 1 000 METERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHEETAH IN THE CAT FAMILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHEETAH A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIANO A MUSIC INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIANO LESS PORTABLE THAN A VIOLIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A FOUR LEGGED ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A MAMEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A HOUSE PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DVD ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DVD SHINY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROLLERCOASTER FUN TO RIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEND IN A ROAD A CURVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOTHER OLDER THAN HER CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GALLON MORE THAN A PINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GALLON EQUIVALENT TO FOUR QUARTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASEBALL A SPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PINT LESS THAN A LITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BALLAD A SONG THAT TELLS A STORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROTTWEILER A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MILLION MORE THAN A THOUSAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LOVESEAT SMALLER THAN A SOFA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MILE IS 5280 FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MILE LONGER THAN A YARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MILE LONGER THAN A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DIME WORTH TEN CENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DIME EQUAL TO 10 CENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILLION MORE THAN A THOUSAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILLION GREATER THEN A MILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLUEBACK HERRING A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOLPHIN A MAMMEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOLPHIN INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MANDOLIN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCREWDRIVER USED TO TURN A SCREW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TABLETOP FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPEAKER USED TO PRODUCE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STAB WOUND PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOWN BIGGER THAN A VILLAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TROUT A TYPE OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASS A TYPE OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEAGLE A BREED OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEAGLE A TYPE OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DRUM A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PHYSICIST A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FORK A TYPE OF FOOD UTENSIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOBERMAN A BREED OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOBERMAN PINSCHER A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHITE STURGEON A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHITE DWARF A TYPE OF STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SUCCESSFUL SUICIDE FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SKYSCREAPER HIGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BRUSSELS SPROUT A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CORVETTE A FAST CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROCK HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROCK SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BYTE MADE OF EIGHT BITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NISSAN SENTRA A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TANGERINE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHICKEN A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHICKEN A FOWL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CANDLE USED TO HAVE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CANDLE MADE OF WAX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RED GIANT A TYPE OF STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PILLOW FOUND ON A BED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PILLOW SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAM A MALE SHEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GULL A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEN USED TO WRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TREE A LIVING THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TREE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DALMATION A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TROMBONE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GIRL DIFFERENT THEN A BOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GIRL A FEMALE CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHIP IS MADE OF LEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOSLEM AN ADHERENT OF ISLAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DILDO A FAKE PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DILDO AN ARTIFICIAL PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PLOW A FARM TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TUBA A MUSICAL INSTUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CONGRESS A GATHERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLUEGILL A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SMALL CAT CALLED A KITTEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LOBBY PART OF A BUILDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A JOYSTICK AN INPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A F 14 A PLANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BIRD IN HAND WORTH TWO IN A BUSH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BIRD A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SALAMI MOSTLY MEAT AND FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROOK A CHESS PIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GULF STURGEON A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DEVICE A TOOL FOR A TASK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SALMON A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VETERINARY A DOCTOR FOR ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SWAN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TIGER FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TIGER ALWAYS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SUBMARINE SUBMERSIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEAR A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HYENA NATIVE TO AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TORNADO SOMETIMES CALLED A TWISTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NICKLE THE SAME AS 5 CENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TURTLE AN AMPHIBIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOVIE THE SAME AS A FILM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PRINCIPAL A PERSON IN A SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHOUT LOUDER THAN A WHISPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DUMPTRUCK A TYPE OF VEHICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOWER VERTICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUITAR AN INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KILOBYTE 1024 BYTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENGUIN A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TYPICAL DESSERT EITHER CAKE OR PIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CUBAN CIGAR A GOOD CIGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DONKEY STRONGER THAN A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOW USED TO SHOOT AN ARROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NUDE WOMAN EXCITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONKEY A PRIMATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A JAGUAR AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOILET TISSUE MADE FROM PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOLECULE LARGER THAN AN ATOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RUNNY NOSE THE SYMPTOM OF A COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SUNNY SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DECISION THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HARD DRIVE USED TO STORE DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TULIP A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOGS MOUTH FULL OF BACTERIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SKYSCRAPER A TALL BUILDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUBCAP A COMPONENT OF A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIZZA BEST EATEN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FOREST GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUPPY A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A REDWOOD A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SENTENCE A SEQUENCE OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SENTENCE MADE OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SENTENCE COMPOSED OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SUNSET PRETTY TO LOOK AT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TURKEY A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHEVY S 10 A PICKUP TRUCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAGAZINE OFTEN PUBLISHED MONTHLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FOOT TWELVE INCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MACINTOSH A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLANK PAGE BLANK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIG A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIXEL SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RECTANGLE A FORM OF QUADRILATERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CROSSWALK USED BY PEDESTRIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COME BEFORE B IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILL GATES A GREAT MARKETING MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KILLER WHALE A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SEAGULL A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUCKET BIGGER THAN A THIMBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PAN A UTENSIL TO COOK FOOD IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUINEA PIG A TYPE OF RODENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PARENT OLDER THAN ITS CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DEATH IN THE FAMILY PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLY AN INSECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIE THE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MICROPHONE USED TO INPUT SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MARATHON A RUNNING RACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MARCHING BAND A MUSICAL ENSEMBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MARCHING BAND A MUSIC ENSEMBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHILD YOUNGER THAN AN ADULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHILD A YOUNG PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DICTIONARY A HELPFUL RESOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DICTIONARY A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DICTIONARY A TYPE OF BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOUD A BUNCH OF WATER MOLECULES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEOPARD SPOTTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STONE SMALLER THAN A BOULDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIP TRANSMITTING SOS IN TROUBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SOFA THE SAME AS A COUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SIDEWALK FOR PEDESTRIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUN DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NEGRO BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PRINTER A COMPUTER PERIPHERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HORSE A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HARLEY DAVIDSON A MOTORCYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MUSTANG FASTER THAN AN ESCORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MUSTANG PRODUCED BY FORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SQUARE A REGULAR POLYGON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GLOBE SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GLOBE A SPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEVER A SIMPLE MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PAPERCLIP USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PAPERCLIP EASY TO BEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIGHT IS USED TO BANISH DARKNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIGHT YEAR A LONG DISTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUILDING A BUILDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUILDING BIGGER THAN A BREADBOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RIGHT ANGLE EQUAL TO 90 DEGREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANA YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANA YELLO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DODO A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAMBURGER A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PLASTIC STRAW FOR SUCKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KIDNEY AN ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CATAMARAN A TYPE OF SAILING VESSEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLOPPY DISK SQUARE SHAPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SQUIRREL A SMALL ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SQUIRREL A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLUTE A WIND INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLUTE AN INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STOP SIGN SHAPED LIKE AN OCTAGON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOOSE A TYPE OF BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FRYING PAN A COOKING UTENSIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DECANTER A CONTAINER FOR ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOLLAR WORTH MORE THAN A PESO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOLLAR EQUAL TO 4 QUARTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FRIEND PRICELESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RIVER MADE MOSTLY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RIVER CHUB A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A 400 POUND PERSON OVERWEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLOOD A DISASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PINK SALMON A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POLL A POLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BULLET IN THE HEAD HARMFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BRICK HEAVIER THAN A FEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROWSER USED TO SURF THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROKEN CLOCK RIGHT TWICE A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROKEN LIMB PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRAIN LONGER THAN A SNAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUMA A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIZARD A LIVING THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIZARD A REPTILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIZARD COLD BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PORSCHE A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PORSCHE 911 A SPORTS CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GRAIN OF SAND BIGGER THAN AN ATOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUMAN SELF AWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUMAN A BIPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUMAN BEING AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DRUNK DRIVER A BLOODY IDIOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DUCK A BIRD AND A VERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOOL BOX A CONTAINER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FRUIT FLY AN INSECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FRUIT EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BAYONETTE A MILITARY KNIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BODY IS MORE BUOYANT IN SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FILM IS THE SAME THING AS A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SAW A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPHERE A THREE DIMENSIONAL CIRCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOOTSIE ROLL CHOCOLATE FLAVORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FEMALE DEER A DOE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FEMALE HORSE OFTEN KNOWN AS A MARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A QUARK A SUBATOMIC PARTICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A QUARK A SUB ATOMIC PARTICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A QUARK SMALLER THAN AN ATOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A QUARTER EQUAL TO 25 CENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPORTS CAR FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONSOON A TORRENTIAL RAINSTORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VW BUG A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A THUNDERBIRD A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GRIZZILY BEAR ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOMBAT FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPOTTED GAR A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BISHOP A CHESS PIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SATURN A TYPE OF CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RECIPE A LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PARIS A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GREYHOUND A TYPE OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POMEGRANATE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CALCULATOR A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FUNERAL SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TON MORE THAN A POUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAMSTER SMALLER THAN AN ELEPHANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAMSTER CONSIDERED A RODENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONITOR A DISPLAY DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOCK A GOOD WAY TO TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROM A READ ONLY MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROWN TROUT A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CROWN WORN ON THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PINE TREE AN EVERGREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAMMAL A WARM BLOODED CREATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A QUADRILLION GREATER THAN A MILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A THOUSAND GREATER THAN A HUNDRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLOWER A PART OF A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLOWER A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SENSE OF HUMOR A POSITIVE TRAIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENCIL SOMETHING YOU WRITE WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENCIL A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUS BIGGER THAN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLACK WIDOW A TYPE OF SPIDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLACK HOLE A COLLAPSED STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIELD A PIECE OF ARMOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOT DOG A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOT DOG FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOT BATH PLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A METER LONGER THAN A YARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A METER LONGER THAN A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A METER LONGER THAN A MILLIMETER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOUND A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STOPPED CLOCK RIGHT TWICE A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOOR A WAY THROUGH A WALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SNAKE A SNAKE. IS IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SNAKE COLD BOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DRAGONFLY REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SOUFFL? MADE WITH EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PERSON WHO CAN NOT HEAR DEAF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RULER A TOOL USED TO MEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LOCATION A PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HARE FASTER THAN A TORTOISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBIT SMALLER THAN A TIGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRUMPET A BRASS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LITER A METRIC UNIT OF MEASUREMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG A ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG A CANINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG NOT A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RIPE PEACH A DELICIOUS FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VERB A PART OF SPEECH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RADISH A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOUSE TOPPED BY A ROOF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOUSE BIGGER THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIRT A PIECE OF CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIRT A FORM OF APPAREL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE A FURRY RODENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE A COMPUTER ACCESSORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE A COMPUTER INPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE AN INPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEG LONGER THAN AN ARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAUGHING BABY HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DESK A SOLID SURFACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DESK A PLACE TO PERFORM WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RUG A FLOOR COVERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WINDOW TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COMPACT DISK KNOWN AS A CD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FULL TIME WORK WEEK 40 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FULL MOON ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FULL MOON BRIGHTER THAN A NEW MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEACH EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SOUTHERN CAVEFISH A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW MAMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW A BOVINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BALCONY UP HIGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POTATO SIMILAR TO A POTATO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POTATO A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WASHING MACHINE A MAJOR APPLIANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GENIUS INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TROPHY A TYPE OF AWARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOMAN A FEMALE HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CIRCLE INHERENTLY ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CUP USED FOR DRINKING WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CUP A UNIT OF MEASUREMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUFFIN A TYPE OF SEABIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TIRE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARROT A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAMERA USE TO CAPTURE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BELGRADE CAPITAL OF YUGOSLAVIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROOF ABOVE A FLOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONARCHY A FORM OF GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEGO A TYPE OF TOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WATCH USED TO MEASURE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WATCH USED TO TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WATCH A TIMEPIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WATCH COMMONLY USED TO TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WATCH WORN ON YOUR WRIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLUSH BETTER THAN A FULL HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR BIGGER THAN A BIKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRILLION MORE THAN A MILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCREW DRIVER A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GRAPE BITE SIZED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SYNAPSE PART OF A HUMANS CIRCUITRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAKE SMALLER THAN AN OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAKE MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAKE TROUT A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RELIGION A BELIEF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRUCK LARGER THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TUBE CYLINDRICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUNTAIN HIGHER THAN A HILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUNTAIN BIGGER THAN A MOLEHILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUNTAIN TALLER THAN A MOLE HILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENIS A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOWLING BALL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A C64 A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SLOOP A TYPE OF SAILING BOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KANGAROO A MARSUPIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A UNION A COLLECTION OF WORKERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAWNMOWER USED TO CUT GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANNA YELLOW WHEN RIPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANNA FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KISS BETTER THAN A KICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SLUG LIKE A NAKED SNAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CREDITCARD MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PROTON BIGGER THAN AN ELECTRON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLEAR DAYTIME SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAPTOP A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FERRET A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAINBOW MADE OUT OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAINBOW TROUT A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MODEL SOMETIMES A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CRACKER EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONTH LONGER THAN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LADDER USED TO CLIMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROCKET FASTER THAN AN AIRPLANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SOCKET WRENCH USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR MENT TO SIT ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR SOMETHING YOU SIT ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR USED TO SIT ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MIND A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEMON YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEMON A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEMON A KIND OF CITRUS FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHIHUAHUA A SMAL DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOLDEN TROUT A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUNSHOT A LOUD NOISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROTHER A MALE SIBLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIGMY A SHORT HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NEURAL NETWORK CAPABLE OF LEARNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A APPLE A TYPE OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DAY 24 HOURS LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEAR A BEAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEAR BIGGER THAN A BREADBOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BULL A BEAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROOSTER A MALE CHICKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DISABILITY SIMILAR TO A HANDICAP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARRIAGE A FORM OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SNOWBALL WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WATER MELLON BIGGER THAN A GRAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAMP A SOURCE OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WET NOODLE SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LABRADOR A TYPE OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BED SOMETHING TO SLEEP UPON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COMEDY FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BABY YOUNGER THAN A SENIOR CITIZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BABY SMALLER THAN AN ADULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BABY IS YOUNGER THAN A GRANDMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUTTON A TYPE OF FASTENER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUCK USED IN HOCKEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A 90 YEAR OLD PERSON CONSIDERED OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VAMPIRE AN IMAGINARY CREATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PINEAPPLE LARGER THAN AN ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BARRACUDA A PREDATORY FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IN THE OPPOSITE OF OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LETTUCE A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LETTUCE GOOD IN A SALAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LETTUCE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKYDIVING EXCITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEATH FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEATH SCARRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEATH THE CESSATION OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEATH FOREVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEATH CERTAIN FOR ALL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEATH INEVITABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HITTING OTHER CREATURES A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW JERSEY ON THE EAST COAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW GUINEA AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK EAST OF LOS ANGELES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK IN NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK A STATE AS WELL AS A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK KNOWN AS THE BIG APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK CITY A METROPOLITAN AREA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK CITY IS IN NEW YORK STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK CITY IS LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK ON THE EAST COAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW MEXICO HOTTER THAN ALASKA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW ZEALAND AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SITTING BULL A NATIVE AMERICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRIDAY A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPANESE SPOKEN ON OKINAWA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPANESE A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EACH OF US AFRAID OF SOMETHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER SOMETHING YOU CAN DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUEBEC A PROVINCE OF CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOVEMENT NECESSARY TO LEAVE A PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMBUSTION A FORM OF OXIDATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLEVELAND IN OHIO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DANISH SPOKEN IN DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DANISH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK A GOOD SOURCE OF CALCIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK A WHITE LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK GOOD TO DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLINDED BY LOVE A FIGURE OF SPEECH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOLID ICE COLDER THAN LIQUID WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SYDNEY IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEAVEN GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARILYN MONROE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARILYN MONROE IS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARILYN MONROE DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARILYN MONROE ATTRACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YAHOO A SEARCH SERVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WALKING SLOWER THAN RUNNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BALL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 40 PLUS FORTY EIGHTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 40 12 EQUAL TO 28</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INDIA A RELIGIOUS COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INDIA A GREAT COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRESIDENT CLINTON A DEMOCRAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRESIDENT CLINTON A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 8 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 8 IS GREATER THAN 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SARIN GAS HARMFUL TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 12 GREATER THAN 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 12 INCHES A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 12 INCHES EQUAL TO ONE FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUATEMALA SOUTH OF MEXICO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA CARBONATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA A CARBONATED BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA BAD FOR YOUR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX USER DEVELOPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX SUPERIOR TO WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A MULTITASKING OS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A GOOD OS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A GOOD PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A TYPE OF OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A GREAT OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX AN OPEN SOURCE KERNEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX AN OPERATIVE SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX AN OPPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX MULTI USER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX UNIX BASED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHILOSOPHY TAUGHT IN UNIVERSITIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRED FLINTSTONE A CARTOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRED FLINSTONE FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERKELEY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERKELEY A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON MAGNETIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON FERROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON A CHEMICAL ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON OXIDE ANOTHER NAME FOR RUST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUAKE A VIDEO GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING FUNDAMENTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING A VALUABLE ACTIVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOSTON THE CAPITAL OF MASSACHUSETTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOSTON A CITY IN MASSACHUSETTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOSTON A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOSTON ON THE EAST COAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEGA A VIDEO GAME COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUGS BUNNY FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOOD THE OPPOSITE OF EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOOD A RELATIVE TERM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOOD SLEEP ESSENTIAL FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOTORBIKING DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RETREAT AN OPTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADAGASCAR AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RESPIRATION ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PESPIRATION IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FROZEN WATER COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PISS THE SAME AS URINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MALE THE OPPOSITE OF FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WASHINGTON IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WASHINGTON D C IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GARFIELD ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEDDAR A TYPE OF CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JIMI HENDRIX A ROCK STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 A RATIONAL NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 TIMES 10 EQUAL 20</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 TIMES 2 EQUAL TO 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEZ IS A BRAND OF CANDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OAK A KIND OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEAT ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAP YEAR EVERY FOUR YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARCHERY AN OLYMPIC SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEEP BLUE THE NAME OF A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JACK A MALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTHLINK AN ISP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW THE COLOR WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW A FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW A FORM OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW MADE OF FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW USAUALLY WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW WHITE IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW ON EARTH FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHOENIX A CITY IN ARIZONA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUACAMOLE EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARCH THE THIRD MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASIL A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASIL AN HERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENCRYPTION A WAY TO KEEP DATA SECRET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HATE OFTEN DERIVED FROM IGNORANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAHOGANY A TYPE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA PART OF NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA IN NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA A NICE PLACE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA A COLD COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA A NATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA A LARGE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA COLD IN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA NEXT TO THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA LOCATED ABOVE THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA IS FURTHER NORTH THAN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA NORTH OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA NORTH OF THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA NORTH OF MEXICO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMAZON DOT COM A BUSINESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROLLING STONE A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NETSCAPE A BROWSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROOT BEER A TYPE OF SODA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OREGANO AN ITALIAN SPICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CATHOLICISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARISTOTLE DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COURAGE AN IMPORTANT HUMAN QUALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORIGAMI DONE WITH PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOYMILK GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY INSIDE EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A MODERN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A PART OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A GOOD COUNTRY TO LIVE IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A MEMBER OF THE EU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FUR CONSIDERED HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOLKEIN A GREAT WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTELIGENCE SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATH A COURSE IN SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHOTOSHOP MADE BY ADOBE CORPORATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORK FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RORY GALLAGHER DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRENCH SPOKEN IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRENCH SPOKEN OUTSIDE OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRENCH A EUROPEAN LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRENCH COMMONLY SPOKEN IN QUEBEC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELVIS THE KING OF ROCK AND ROLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELVIS A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEE YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELL HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELL A BAD PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS REALITY REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RICE A GRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRAN A MOSLEMIC COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITTANY SPEARS A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NINTENDO A VIDEOGAME COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUEEN A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROME IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTREAL IN QUEBEC CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTREAL IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTREAL A CITY OF CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINNIE THE POOH A BEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADDONA A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EATING BROCCOLI HEALTHFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKIN SEMI PERMEABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IBM IS A CORPORATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 999 LESS THAN 9999</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKY ON EARTH BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAMES BOND A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEATTLE IN WASHINGTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEATTLE LOCATED IN WASHINGTON STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIKE A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CREDIT CARD FRAUD ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ABRADESFSDS A MEANINGLESS WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCALE A MUSICAL TERM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BAKING A METHOD OF COOKING FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INK INKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUTTER A DAIRY PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOON ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOUISVILLE A CITY IN KENTUCKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY THE FIRST PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY LIQUID AT ROOM TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY A LIQUID METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY A BASIC ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY A CHEMICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUPERMAN A SUPERHERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUPERMAN IS A FICTITIOUS CHARACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING HARMFUL TO OVERALL HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING DANGEROUS AND ANTISOCIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING AN UNHEALTHY HABIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING POT LEGAL IN AMSTERDAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING BAD TO HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KARLSRUHE A CITY IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AFRICA POPULATED BY AFRICANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AFRICA SOUTH OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AFRICA SOUTH OF SPAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY MEASURED BY VOLTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY THE FLOW OF ELECTRONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY DANGEROUS TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY TERRIFIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY CONDUCTED OVER WIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BATMAN A GOOD GUY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BATMAN A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DVD BETTER QUALITY THAN VHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DVD BETTER THAN VHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CR THE SYMBOL FOR CHROMIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ABBA A POP GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TASTE ONE OF THE FIVE HUMAN SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TASTE RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TAR BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRIAN A BOYS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TAOISM AN ANCIENT CHINESE PHILOSOPHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMELL A SENSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UV LIGHT DANGEROUS TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UV RADIATION CAUSE SKIN CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCK ANOTHER WORD FOR A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTANA A REAL PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LITERACY IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISTANBUL A CITY IN TURKEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISTANBUL CLOSE TO A FAULT LINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARTOGRAPHY IS THE STUDY OF MAPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDINBURGH THE CAPITAL OF SCOTLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWAHILI A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SACRAMENTO IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SACRAMENTO A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PUNK A GENRE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHAEL JACKSON FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHAEL JACKSON BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOFTWARE PIRACY ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PASTA A STAPLE OF ITALIAN COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PASTA TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUDISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YELLOW YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YELLOW THE COLOR OF CAUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YELLOW A BRIGHT COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YELLOW AND BLUE MAKE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEARNING A COGNITIVE PROCESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEARNING TO READ WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEARNING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRENDA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YEMEN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAZZ MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAZZ A GENRE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRYING AN EXPRESSION OF EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUM CHEWY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIXEL SHORT FOR PICTURE ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 MBIT FASTER THAN 10 MBIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 DECIBELS LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 MINUS 172 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 GREATER THAN 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAM A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLF A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GULLIBLE FOUND IN MOST DICTIONARIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TETRIS A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER IN COLD BLOOD WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER A FELONY IN THE YOU S</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER A SIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER SPELLED BACKWARDS REDRUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GROUND POLLUTION AN URBAN PROBLEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URINE YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRUSSEL IN BELGIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DISNEYLAND A FUN PLACE TO VISIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCIENCE GOOD FOR MANKIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR REFRIDGERATOR RUNNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR SKIN WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR NAME IMPORTANT TO YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR MOTHER A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR FATHER OLDER THAN YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR COMPUTER TURNED ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD A BOYS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLORIDA HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLORIDA THE SUNSHINE STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEON ONE OF THE NOBLE GASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACTERIA A LIFE FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METALICA A FAMOUS ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARRIAGE A SACRAMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATHEMATICS A UNIVERAL LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BORING THE OPPOSITE OF EXCITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATISSE A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME RELATIV</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME REALTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME THOUGHT OF AS THE 4TH DIMENSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME IS THE FOURTH DIMENSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME RELATIVE TO SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAFFINE A STIMULANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TYPING IN BLOCK CAPS CONSIDERED RUDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COAL A MINED MINERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUNK E MAIL ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOD A CONCEPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOD DOG SPELT BACKWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVANA THE CAPITAL OF CUBA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UKRAINIAN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARY THE MOTHER OF BIBLICAL JESUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARY A FEMALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEPAL AN ASIAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TACT GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEET FROZEN RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIE CRUST PASTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN THE FIRST ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN IS FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN LIGHTER THAN OXOGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN FUSION DIFFICULT TO PRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEQUILLA AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DESSERT USUALLLY SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAM SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASEBALL PLAYED IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASEBALL A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IVAN THE RUSSIAN NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMOUR FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METHANE A GREENHOUSE GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPPER A FOOD ITEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPPER SPICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONSTRUCTION WORK NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAD A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAD MADE WITH YEAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAD MADE OF WHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAD MADE FROM FLOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR WARS BOTH A BOOK AND A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR WARS A SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR WARS IS A SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR TREK A MOVIE SERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR TREK A TELEVISION SERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR TREK A POPULAR SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIEVERY A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DOG GOD SPELLED BACKWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DOG BOTH AN ANIMAL AND A NOUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATR TREK POPULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE MILLION DOLLARS A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE MANS TRASH ANOTHER MANS TREASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE THE ATOMIC NUMBER OF HYDROGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE A WHOLE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE AND ONE TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE AND ONE AND ONE THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE AND ONE EQUAL TO TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE HALF LARGER THAN ONE THIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE LESS THAN TEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE DOLLAR MORE THAN FIFTY CENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE EQUAL TO 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE EQUAL TO ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICH GERMAN FOR I</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FETA A TYPE OF CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VOLKSWAGEN AN EUROPEAN CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VISHNU A HINDU GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONOLULU THE CAPITAL OF HAWAII</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DES MOINES A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIENNA THE CAPITAL OF AUSTRIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIENNA A TOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENVY AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILE IN AN EARTHQUAKE ZONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILE A SPANISH SPEAKING COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIND PIXEL INTERESTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUBERCULOSIS A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEPHANIE A GIRL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS IN BOLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS TEXT BOLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS TEXT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS THE YEAR 2000</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS EXPERIMENT GOING TO WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS A YES NO QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS A ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS A SILLY QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS A RESEARCH SITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS QUESTION ASKING A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS QUESTION WRITTEN IN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS AN INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SITE WWW DOT ALICE DOT COM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS THING WORKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE IS FALSE A PARADOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE LEGIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 49</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 PRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 GREATER THAN 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 LESS THAN 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 LESS THAN 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRUSSELS THE CAPITAL OF BELGIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY IN EUROPE. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY A MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY A GREAT COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEAT A PRODUCT OF ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEAT NUTRITOUS TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEAT MADE FROM ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POOP BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEK A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUENOS AIRES IN ARGENTINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON PRESIDENT OF THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON PRESIDENT OF AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON THE PRESIDENT OF THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON THE PRESIDENT OF USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON THE PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON A PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON A DEMOCRAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON AN ADULTERER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON FROM ARKANSAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES THE FOUNDER OF MICROSOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES A CRIMINAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES A BILLIONAIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES WEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL COSBY A FAMOUS COMEDIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TLA A THREE LETTER ACRONYM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SORROW AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MALAYSIA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK A CONTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK A LITTLE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS XENA A TV SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIABLO 2 A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIABLO II A COMPUTER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CIGARETTE SMOKING BAD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTLAND IN OREGON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTLAND OREGON A WET CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5000 GREATER THAN 300</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TONY BLAIR A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD NECESSARY FOR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD IMPORTANT TO PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENVER THE CAPITAL OF COLORADO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLOBAL WARMING A REAL PHENOMENON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLOBAL WARMING OCCURING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLOBAL WARMING REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP A CURE FOR FATIGUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP NECESSARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NAPSTER A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NAPSTER A FILE SHARING SERVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NAPSTER A FILE SHARING PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEALING CARS A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEALING ILLEAGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEALING BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERESTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMPUTER A COMMUNICATION DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANK SINATRA A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKOPJE A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIBER FOUND IN BOTH FOOD AND CARPET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ESPIONAGE PUNISHABLE IN YOUR COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAKFAST THE FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OREGON A STATE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OREGON A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPANISH SPOKEN IN URUGUAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPANISH A SPOKEN LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALF A PUPPET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN IS YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIMA THE CAPITAL OF PERU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANNES IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE HOT TO TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE A USEFUL TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE A FORM OF COMBUSTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE HOTTER THAN ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE BURNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 16 TIMES 16 EQUAL 256</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CELERY CRUNCHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIC TAC TOE A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAW SEWAGE A HEALTH HAZARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 THE CUBE ROOT OF 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 MINUS 172 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 PLUS 1 EQUAL TO 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 PLUS 1 EQUAL TO ONE PLUS ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 A NUMBER DIGIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 2 LESS THAN POINT 79</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 GREATER THAN ZERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 GREATER THAN 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 000 000 A LARGE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 000 000 000 A LARGE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 LESS THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEMON SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNIX A TYPE OF OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNNIG FASTER THAN WALKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SANDPAPER ROUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISLAM A MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISLAM A PROMINENT RELIGION IN SYRIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CATS A MUSICALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLD THE ABSENCE OF HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLD COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QWERTY A TYPE OF KEYBOARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREATH NECESSARY TO SUPPORT LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHLOROPHYLL GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A WELL KNOWN COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A SOFTWARE GIANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A SOFTWARE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT CREATOR OF WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATTER MADE OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOKYO THE CAPITOL OF JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOKYO THE CAPITAL OF JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOKYO CITY IN JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ERNEST HEMINGWAY DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EMAIL A FAST FORM OF COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EMAIL AN ELECTRONIC FORM OF MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EMAIL FASTER THAN SNAIL MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SINEAD AN IRISH NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METAL HARDER THAN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METAL HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NUCLEAR WAR BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRASIL A NICE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BMW CONSIDER EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BMW A LUXURY CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BMW AN EXPENSIVE CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HERBIE THE LOVE BUG A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUI A FRENCH WORD FOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCOR A FUN SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YEAST OFTEN USED TO LEAVEN BREAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE POSSIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TECHNOLOGY A FORCE FOR CHANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TECHNOLOGY GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TECHNOLOGY IMPORTANT TO PROGRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEATRE A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CD AN ABBREVIATION FOR COMPACT DISK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE THE CONTRARY OF FALSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE AND TRUE EQUAL TO TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE LOVE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE LOVE WORTH LIVING FOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS THE ANCIENT ROMANS WAR GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS THE NAME OF A CANDY BAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS THE FOURTH PLANET FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS A ROMAN GOD OF WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS A ROMAN GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS CLOSER TO THE SUN THAN PLUTO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NICCOTINE ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEROIN A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHARLES CHAPLIN DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHAKESPEARE A FAMOUS WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHAKESPEARE DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAW SCHOOL HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRUIT HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMIGA A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIGER A GOOD GOLFER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIGER WOODS A FAMOUS GOLFER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIGER WOODS GOOD AT GOLF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PICASSO CONSIDERED A GREAT ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEPLEATED URANIUM RADIOACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPRIN A PAIN RELIEVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BAD THE OPPOSITE OF GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERRACIAL DATING GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAGE A SEASONING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HURTING OTHERS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLUTONIUM TOXIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PURPLE A ROYAL COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PURPLE A MIX OF RED AND BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PURPLE EQUAL PURPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HINDU A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MISSOURI A STATE IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POPULATION GROWTH EXPONENTIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYSTATION A VIDEO GAME MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TREY A MEMBER OF THE BAND PHISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITTNEY SPEARS A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JEWEL A POP SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DICK TRACY A DETECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASS OPPOSITE TO TREBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOGIC LOGICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOGIC A FORM OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VOLVO A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEF LEPPARD A MUSIC BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEF LEPPARD A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DILBERT A CATOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE MADE FROM ANIMAL MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE MADE OUT OF MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEALTH MORE IMPORTANT THAN WEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEEL STRONGER THAN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEEL A CONDUCTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEEL A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEEL HEAVIER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KASPAROV A FAMOUS CHESS PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXCALIBUR THE NAME OF A SWORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX WITH YOUNG GIRLS LOADS OF FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX SOMETHING THAT MOST PEOPLE WANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX THE SPICE OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX USED FOR MORE THAN REPRODUCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX USED TO SELL PRODUCTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A HUMAN NEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A GOOD FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A PLEASANT INTERACTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A FUN THING TO DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A NATURAL THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX AN ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX SOMETIMES PROHIBITED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX FUN FOR MOST PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX GREAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX OK BEFORE MARRIAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX BETTER THAN WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RECYCLING GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIRT BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HANGGLIDING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTY PYTHON FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTY PYTHON FROM ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POO SMELLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASIC A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUMBY GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 11 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 11 A PRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 11 IS A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUST OXIDIZED IRON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROD STEWART AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOBACCO ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOBACCO BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARABIC SPOKEN IN SEVERAL COUNTRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARABIC A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUMMER HOTTER THAN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUMMER USUALL HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUMMER WARMER THAN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRONING SHIRTS BORING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LUMBER A BUILDING MATERIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NUMBER 3 GREATER THAN NUMBER 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BULIMIA A PSYCHIATRICAL DISORDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUNGIE JUMPING DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RONALD REAGAN A REPUBLICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DAMPNESS A FORM OF WETNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEMISTRY THE STUDY OF THE ELEMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEMISTRY A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TV RECEPTION POOR IN THE MOUNTAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PROZAC USED TO TREAT DEPRESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD HARDER THAN PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD COMBUSTIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD USED TO MAKE HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD A NATURAL SUBSTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD MADE FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD SOFTER THAN STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD SOFTER THAN METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANCER DEADLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARROT AN ORANGE ROOT VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MENSA A VOLUNTARY HIGH IQ SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEEF FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEEF STEW DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NITROGEN A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NITROGEN AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOMER THE FATHER OF BART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FINLAND IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FINLAND A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COUNTERFITTING ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRESH WATER VALUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUININE A MEDICINE FOR MALARIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOT HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOT AN ANTONYM OF COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOT CHOCOLATE A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOT TEA GOOD FOR A SORE THROAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRAB CONSIDERED SEAFOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS E MAIL FASTER THAN AIR MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVIL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELIZABETH TAYLOR A FAMOUS MOVIE STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEXAS IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEXAS IN NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEXAS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUCCESS SOMETHING SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 545 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUMBO A WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHOUTING LOUDER THAN WHISPERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H20 THE CHEMICAL FORMULA FOR WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H20 WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTHERN IRELAND PART OF THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GALLIUM ARSENIDE A SEMICONDUCTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLA BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLA A CARBONATED BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREENSLEEVES A SONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POPEYE A FICTITIOUS CARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLUTO A CARTOON DOG FROM DISNEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLUTO A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JERRY GARCIA DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JERRY SEINFELD A FAMOUS PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FALSEHOOD THE OPPOSITE OF TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRIVACY A RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORLD WAR II OVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOVING TO A NEW HOME STRESSFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KISSING SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAVA A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMBER A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISH AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISH HEALTHIER TO EAT THAN PORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BAMBI IS THE STORY OF A YOUNG DEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CURIOUS GEORGE A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORWAY A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORWAY AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOM CRUISE MARRIED TO NICOLE KIDMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOM CRUISE A ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOM CRUISE AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISHING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISHING A KIND OF RECREATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MODERATION GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCLATE MADE FROM COCO BEANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MYST A COMPUTER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATURDAY A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOWDER A TYPE OF SOUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FALL A SEASON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RA AN EGYPTIAN DEITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MISTER ED A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H2O THE SAME AS WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NICOLE A NAME FOR A FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JEWELERY EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEXT MADE OF LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEXT READABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW IN RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW A CAPITAL OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN ISLAND NATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN PART OF ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN LOCATED IN ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POETRY BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POETRY AN ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUBLIN IN IRELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUBLIN THE CAPITAL CITY OF IRELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUBLIN THE CAPTIAL OF IRELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOMAN GIVES BIRTH TO CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THAT UNIVERSE ENDLESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUST IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUST EARNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNSHINE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MANILA A CITY IN THE PHILIPPINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VHS THE DOMINANT VIDEO STANDARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SI THE SYMBOL FOR SILICON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EQUALS THE SAME AS EQUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNBURN BAD FOR YOUR SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAY THE FIFTH MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAY A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOTBALL A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOTBALL A POPULAR SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOTBALL A CONTACT SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOTBALL AN ATHLETIC SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOTBALL FUN TO PLAY AND WATCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FETTUCINE A FORM OF PASTA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORAL SEX PLEASUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORAL SEX ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAUGHTER UNIVERSAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAUGHTER A GOOD MEDICINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KURT COBAIN NO LONGER BREATHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMILITY AN ADMIRABLE QUALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MANHATTAN AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RELIGION A MATTER OF FAITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD MORE DENSE THAN ALUMINIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD DENSER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD HEAVIER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD HEAVIER THAN ALUMINIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCAINE AN ILLEGAL DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DINOSAURES EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANYONE STARVING ON PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUNA AVAILABLE IN CANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUNA OFTEN SOLD IN CANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAUVE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROY CASTLE DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CU THE SYMBOL FOR COPPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUARKXPRESS A COMPUTER PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STOCKHOLM THE CAPITAL OF SWEDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STOCKHOLM THE CAPITAL CITY OF SWEDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATCHING THE SUN SET CALMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 20 20 NORMAL VISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 20 20 VISION BETTER THAN MYOPIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS AN OS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS CE A PRODUCT BY MICROSOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ADVERTISEMENT ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LYING WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LYING BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCORPIONS A MUSIC ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 36</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 GREATER THAN 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JENNIFER ANNISTON A FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUCT TAPE STICKY ON ONE SIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUCT TAPE STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL PRODUCED IN SAUDI ARABIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAUDI ARABIA HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY THE PRESENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ENIGMA A MYSTERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ICE CUBE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ALMOND A NUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AIRPLANE LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INTEL PENTIUM A COMPUTER CHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EARRING A PIECE OF JEWELRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ATOM TOO SMALL TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OBOE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ACRE A MEASUREMENT OF FARM LAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT LARGER THAN A BREADBOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT LARGER THAN A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT LARGER THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT HEAVIER THAN AN ANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELECTRON NEGATIVELY CHARGED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ACACIA A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AIREDALE TERRIER A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ATLANTIC SALMON A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APPLE A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APPLE AN EDIBLE FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN HOUR MADE UP OF 3600 SECONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN HOUR HAVE 60 MINUTES LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN HOUR 60 MINUTES LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORGAN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EGG FRAGILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AXE USED TO CHOP WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OTTER A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AMPERE A UNIT OF ELECTRICTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INCH A MEASURE OF LENGTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORGASM A POSITIVE PERCEPTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OCEAN VAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OCEAN FULL OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OCEAN LARGER THAN A LAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ITCHY ANUS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INTERNET A NETWORK OF NETWORKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EDUCATION IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN MACINTOSH COMPUTER MADE BY APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ANACONDA A SNAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AUTOMOBILE A MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EARTHQUAKE SCARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN IMAC A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AMD ATHLON A MICROPROCESSOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INBOX FULL OF SPAM ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN 8 BIT NUMBER CALLED A BYTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APARTMENT SOMETHING PEOPLE OWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APARTMENT A TYPE OF HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ANESTHETIC USED TO REDUCE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ANDROID A TYPE OF ROBOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ANT SMALLER THAN AN ELEPHANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INTEGER A NMUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORANGE ORANGE IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORANGE A CITRUS FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEPHEN KING A WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEPHEN HAWKING A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEPHEN HAWKING A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLONDE HAIR CALLED GOLDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLONDE A COLOR OF HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLADE RUNNER A FILM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GAY PEOPLE CONSIDERD HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRALIA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRALIA A CONTINENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRALIA SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRALIA LARGER THAN NEW ZEALAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INGEMAR BERGMAN SWEDISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARAGUAY A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SONY A CONSUMER PRODUCTS COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SONY A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SONY A JAPANESE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MASS DIFFERENT FROM VOLUME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DETROIT IN MICHIGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DETROIT IS A MAJOR CITY IN MICHIGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TORTURE PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXCITE A SEARCH ENGINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CIAO AN ITALIAN WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAL 9000 MORE FAMOUS THAN ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHLORINE A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHLORINE AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APRIL THE FOURTH MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUNICH A CITY IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RHUBARB RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVEN THE PRESIDENT SAD SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YODA A JEDI</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 113 PRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONESTY MORE IMPORTANT THAN WEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONESTY A GOOD TRAIT IN HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VANILLA A FLAVOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLOMBIA A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PETROL EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAIRO THE CAPITAL OF EGYPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLAUDIA SCHIFFER A TOP MODEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLAUDIA SCHIFFER GERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATAN KNOWN TO BE EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAT FUR SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOMEONE CRYING OFTEN SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOMEONE CONVICTED OF PERJURY A LIAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUBSONIC TRAVEL POSSIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER PLAYED WITH A ROUND BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER PLAYED WITH A BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER PLAYED IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MR SPOCK FROM VULCAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GROWLING A SIGN OF ANGER IN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAMMER BOTH A NOUN AND A VERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEAUTIFUL THE LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROLEX AN EXPENSIVE WATCH BRAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTIANITY A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTIANITY A MAJOR WORLD RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LISTENING TO MUSIC GOOD FOR THE SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LISTENING TO MUSIC GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMIGAOS A COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEMONADE A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEMONADE A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLAND A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLAND A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPY THE OPPOSITE OF SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SELF DEFENSE A BASIC RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAWAII PART OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAWAII A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FARMING BEING INDUSTRIALIZED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CABLE MODEM FASTER THAN A TELEGRAPH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLEASURE MORE FUN THAN PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLEASURE BETTER THAN PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WWW DOT HOME START ORG DOT UK A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WWW DOT ALICE DOT COM A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SODA WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KLEENEX A BRAND NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TABLE FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEL AVIV THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SANTORINI A GREEK ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARGON AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAWS A SCARY MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LUGGAGE USED WHEN TRAVELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PB THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL FOR LEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCIAL SCIENCE A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMANITY MORE THAN ALICEBOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMMUNISM A FORM OF GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORRYING STRESSFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LISBON THE CAPITAL OF PORTUGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AI THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LARGE AN ADJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARGE ONE OF THE SIMPSONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHAREING A GOOD TRAIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WIRED THE NAME OF A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIA A GREAT COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIA EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRAILIA A CONTINENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIAN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIAN PEOPLE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINZIP USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUTER SPACE A VACUUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UP A DIRECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRACEY A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEAM A GASEOUS STATE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEAM A VAPOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEAM WATER IN A GASEOUS FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW IN THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW COMING LATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW AFTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUND SOMETHING ONE CAN HEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUND A WAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUND OF MUSIC THE NAME OF A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUND COMPOSED OF WAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONCE LESS FREQUENT THAN TWICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDISH A HUMAN LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIDS A FATAL DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIDS A DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORPHINE ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WALES PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLAPPING POLICE MEN BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORTRAN A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AQUA A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BINARY A NUMBER SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TESTOSTERONE A HORMONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FUN A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITAIN AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GATEWAY A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALABAMA A SOUTHERN STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AND ORANGE BOTH A FRUIT AND A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHORE A HUMAN BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GAMBLING LEGAL IN NEVADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GAMBLING LEGAL IN LAS VEGAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STATEN ISLAND A PART OF NYC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOAST A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA A STATE IN THE YOU S</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA A YOU S STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA PRONE TO EARTHQUAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA NEXT TO THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA WEST OF FLORIDA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA WEST OF NEW YORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BULLRIDING A DANGEROUS PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOUNTAIN CLIMBING STRENUOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOUNTAIN CLIMBING DIFFICULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD THICKER THEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD THICKER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EPOXY A WATERPROOF GLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VERITAS THE LATIN WORD FOR TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXTINCTION FOREVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLANE ANOTHER WORD FOR AIRPLANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CELLPHONE A MOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EAGLE BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE DIFFERENT THAN BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE THE OPPOSITE OF BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE LIGHT COMPOSED OF MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE A LIGHTER COLOR THAN BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE LACY LINGERIE SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE LIGHTER THAN BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE WINE BEST WITH FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYPERTENSION CAUSED BY STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DAVID DUCHOVNY AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS USA MONEY GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS USA A LARGE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUADALAJARA A CITY IN MEXICO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNIVERSE EXPANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEAP THE OPPOSITE OF EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YAHOO. A POPULAR SEARCH ENGINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHI9LDBIRTH PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTUGAL A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICQ A PROGRAM FOR COMMUNICATIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICQ A PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICQ A REAL TIME MESSAGING PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAM FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAM ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVOLUTION TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVOLUTION A NATURAL EFFECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVOLUTION REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POISON BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CULTURAL DIVERSITY IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MASKING TAPE STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WIND AN ENERGY SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WIND CAUSED BY THE MOVEMENT OF AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERY WEEK DEVIDED INTO 7 DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERY PERSON UNIQUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELGIUM IN THE EUROPEAN UNION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELGIUM A SMALL COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELGIUM A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELGIUM A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRUM AND BASS A FORM OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VANESSA WILLIAMS A FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMFORT A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FE THE SYMBOL FOR IRON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SURVIVOR A TELEVISION PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUBA A COMUNIST COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUBA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COSTA RICA IN CENTRAL AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIBERTY A RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN A FORM OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN MADE FROM WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN NECESSARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN HEAVIER THAN FOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN COMPOSED OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN WARMER THAN SNOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CEREAL OFTEN EATEN IN THE MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CEREAL EATEN AT BREAKFAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDERING SOMEONE A BAD THING TO DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDERING OTHER HUMANS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDUCATION GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDUCATION WORTH THE TIME IT TAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCOA AN INGREDIENT OF CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ESTONIA A BALTIC COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ESTONIA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COWS MILK GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREY HAIR CALLED SILVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREY A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOS ANGELES IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAIN A NICE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAIN A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAIN AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEATING IMMORAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVEREST THE TALLEST MOUNTAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOMANS BREAST SIZE IMPORTANT TO MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FINNISH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOREVER AND A DAY A FIGURE OF SPEECH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENJOYING SEX IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GIORGIO ARMANI ITALIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING SOMEONE WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING A PERSON CONSIDERED A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING PEOPLE BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING ANOTHER SENTIENT BEING WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS REYKJAVIK THE CAPITAL OF ICELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH MOVING AROUND SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH A SPHEROID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH A GLOBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH BIGGER THAN MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH IS ROUNDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GARTH BROOKS A MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINTER TIME COLD IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINTER COLDER THAN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADIOHEAD A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMERICA A CAPITALIST SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE MORE THAN A CEREAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE POSSIBLE ON OTHER PLANETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE THE OPPOSITE OF DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE EVOLUTIONARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE DYNAMIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE WORTH LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE ALWAYS FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE VALUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE PREFERABLE TO DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE DIFFICULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE BETTER WITH COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLOOR OPPOSITE OF CEILING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A HUMAN NECESSITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A MANY SPLENDORED THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A BEAUTIFUL THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A WONDERFUL FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A POSITIVE FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE IMPORTANT FOR ALL HUMAN SOULS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE IMPORTANT TO HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE WORTH IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE OFTEN MISTAKEN BY SOME PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WELL WATERED GRASS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRT AN ACRONYM FOR CATHODE RAY TUBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POPCORN A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POPCORN A POPULAR CINEMA TREAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIETZSCHE A PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUNGARY LOCATED IN MIDDLE EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAM A MEAT THAT COMES FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACH A GREAT MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PUTIN A PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BATHING SUIT SOME THING FOR SWIMMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MINNESOTA IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URUGUAY A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THAILAND IN SOUTH EAST ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CP M A COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TINY SMALLER THAN SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JULIA ROBERTS A BEAUTIFUL ACTRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PITTSBURGH A CITY IN PENNSYLVANIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 114 DECIBEL LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN THE CAPITOL OF GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN THE CAPITOL CITY OF GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN THE CAPITAL OF GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN THE GERMAN CAPITAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STRUDEL A DISH SERVED IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALCOHOL TOXIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALCOHOL HARMFUL IN LARGE AMOUNTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALCOHOL A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALCOHOL A SOCIAL LUBRICANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FROSTED FLAKES A CEREAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAKE YUMMY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAKE A DESSERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HBO A CABLE CHANNEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLATINUM MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHIARO SCURRO A WAY OF PAINTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREAT BRITAIN AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIMING IMPORTANT TO COMEDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 MORE THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 100</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 MINUS 19721 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 GREATER THEN 7</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 GREATER THAN 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUR SUN A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KABUL THE CAPITAL OF AFGHANISTAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SIBLING RIVALRY ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BARBIE A DOLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRETE A PART OF GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 MORE THAN 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 THE CUBICROOT OF 125</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 GREATER THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 CONSIDERED TO BE YOUNG AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOLIVIA A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DNA THE GENETIC CODE FOR HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BALLET A FORM OF DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENIM A TYPE OF FABRIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD A SOFT METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD A METEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD A PRECIOUS METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD DENSER THAN HELIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD HEAVIER THAN ALUMINUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD HEAVIER THAN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD HEAVIER THAN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLU SHORT FOR INFLUENZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACKSTROKE A SWIMING STROKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANTARCTICA IN THE SOUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANTARCTICA COVERED BY ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMASHING PUMKINS THE NAME OF A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CYAN A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CINDY CRAWFORD ATTRACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOUSTON A CITY IN TEXAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RIGID THE OPPOSITE OF FLEXIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MALERIA A DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST PAPER THIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST PAPER MADE FROM TREE PULP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST FOOD GROWN ON A FARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST OF ANTARTICA COVERED WITH ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST GLASS TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST LIFE ON EARTH CARBON BASED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST MATTER MADE OUT OF ELEMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JESUS CHRIST A RELIGIOUS FIGURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK HARDER THAN SPONGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK THE CORE OF MOUNTAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STUPID A SYNONYM OF DUMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTUGESE SPOKEN IN PORTUGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OLD THE OPPOSITE OF NEW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUTUMN ANOTHER NAME FOR FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INFORMATION POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MANKIND A PART OF NATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MANKIND INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOILING A FORM OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HORROR SCARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON IN THE UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON IN THE SOUTH OF THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON IN THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPITOL OF UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPITOL OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPITAL OF THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPTIAL OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON ON THE THAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE A FLAVOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE A MIX OF RED AND YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE A SECONDARY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE JUICE ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URANUS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SIMPSONS A CARTOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAWN GRASS COLOURED GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOONLIGHT MADE OUT OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOONLIGHT ROMANTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEPRESSION A STATE OF MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALGARY IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANET RENO HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPICY GUACAMOLE EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JELLO A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METALLICA A HEAVY METAL BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METALLICA A ROCK GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHUCK NORRIS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TERRA ANOTHER NAME FOR EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAMBURG A CITY IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMSTERDAM A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATERMELON SWEET TASTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATERMELON SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE VAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE QUIET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRELAND PART OF THE BRITISH ISLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRELAND A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRELAND A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUP HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUP GOOD FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUP MOSTLY LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 34DD A BRA SIZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CASABLANCA A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CASABLANCA A FILM AND A REAL PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CATHOLIC A MAJOR WORLD RELIGON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEWLETT PACKARD A COMPUTER PRODUCERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILVER BOTH A COLOR AND AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILVER AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1600 A GOOD SCORE ON THE SAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE TWENTY FOUR HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ICE IN THE ARTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 100 CENTIMETRES IN 1 METRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE WRONG ANSWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A STORE NEAR YOUR HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A GAME CALLED BATTLESHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A UNIVERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A MOON ABOVE THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A REALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A COUNTRY CALLED AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A WEB SERVER IN VANCOUVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A SENSE IN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A FRUIT CALLED ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A HOLE IN THE OZONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A LOT OF FOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A LOT OF DUST ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANYONE READING THESE QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANOTHER DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE HOPE FOR THIS WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ALWAYS A DAWN BEFORE DUSK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 24 HOURS IN THE DAY ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 24 HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 12 INCHES IN A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE SALT IN SEAWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE BEYOND EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE IN THE UNIVERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE OUTSIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE BEAUTY IN ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE BEAUTY IN TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANY COUNTRY NAMED MACEDONIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANY VIOLENCE IN THE MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANY TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE SUGAR IN CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE UNREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE CULTURE IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE FUN TO BE HAD IN COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 10 MILIMETRES IN 1 CENTIMETRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE AN OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE AN ANIMAL WITH 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE AN ANIMAL WITH NO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE AN O ON A KEYBOARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE FOUR SEASONS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE MORE THAN ONE KIND OF PAINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE BROWN AND WHITE CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE WATER IN A POOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE WATER IN CLOUDS ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE HAVING ALL THIS INPUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO BE LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO BE ON HOLIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO SHARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARKER AT NIGHT THAN IN DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NECESSARY TO LEARN TO COMPETE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT PAINFUL TO LOOSE A LOVED ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT SAD WHEN A LOVED ONE DIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO MURDER ANOTHER PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO HARM A HUMAN BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO KILL SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO KILL A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO KILL ANIMALS FOR FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO KILL ANOTHER HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO TORTURE SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO HAVE SEX WITH CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO HAVE SEX WITH DOLPHINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT A LONG WAY TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT A GOOD THING TO FALL IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT A LIBRARY A PLACE TO READ BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NORMALY CLOUDY ON A RAINY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT FOR HUMANS TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO TELL THE TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO DEVELOP AN AI</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO STAND UP STRAIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE NICE TO OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE GOOD TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE FRIENDS IN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO VOTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT BE IN GOOD SHAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN THE DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN THE SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN THE JUNGLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN TEXAS DURING SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN TEXAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN A DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN MEXICO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT INSIDE THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT EASY TO WALK STANDING UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT EASY TO LOSE A REMOTE CONTROL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT EASY TO TEAR PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT OK TO BURY DEAD ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BLUE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WORTH LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WORTH WHILE TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WISE TO SAVE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ALICE A COMPUTER PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WARM IN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WARM IN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BETTER TO BE EMPLOYED THAN NOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BETTER TO BE RICH THAN POOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HELPFUL TO GET SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HELPFUL TO TAKE NOTES IN CLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ILLEGAL TO ASSAULT SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ILLEGAL TO ROB A BANK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DIFFICULT TO WALK WITHOUT LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DIFFICULT TO WALK ON THE CEILING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ENJOYABLE TO LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK AT NIGHTTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK AT NIGTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK AT NIGHTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HEALTHY TO WASH YOUR HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT UNPLEASANT TO BITE YOUR TONGUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ETHICAL TO EAT ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT EXPENSIVE TO ATTEND COLLEGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HUMAN TO ERR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT POSSIBLETO WIN IN A LOTTERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TIME FOR LUNCH AT NOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT EVIL TO KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT STUPID TO RUIN AN HONEST EFFORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT UNHEALTHY TO EAT ONLY CANDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO LET CHILDREN SMOKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO KILL ANYBODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO CAUSE HARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO BEAT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT THE SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WORTHWHILE TO GET AN EDUCATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT UPSETTING TO BE IGNORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMMORAL FOR PEOPLE TO STEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DANGEROUS TO COMMIT SUICIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT OKAY TO MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FUNNY WHEN A CLOWN APPEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WET WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT CONSIDERED RUDE TO SPIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD FOR CARS TO HAVE HEADLIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD FOR YOU TO EAT FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO SLEEP WHEN TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE WELL EDUCATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE HONEST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE KIND TO OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE ON TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO HAVE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO HAVE A BEST FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO WORK OUT AND EAT RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COOLER IN THE SHADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT SOMETIMES COLD EVEN IN THE SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN ANTARTICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN ALASKA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN SYBERIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN NORWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD ON THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD ON THE PLANET PLUTO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FUN TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FUN TO DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FUN TO MAKE LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT OFTEN DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HARD TO BUILD AN ARTIFICIAL MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HARD TO STAND ON YOUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT RIGHT TO EAT ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE CARS ARE VEHICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT MEN LIKE TO LOVE WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT HUMANS HAVE NIGHTMARES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT AMERICAN MONEY IS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT HOBBITS ARE NOT REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT AFTERNOON IF IT IS PAST NOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELSINKI THE CAPITAL OF FINLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BADEN W?RTTEMBERG A STATE IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHARK A PREDATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YES THE OPPOSITE OF NO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YES AN AFFIRMATIVE RESPONSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEACE BETTER THAN WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXERCISE GOOD FOR THE HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXERCISE GOOD FOR A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUYING A HOUSE EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIOLIN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUERY IS SYNONYMOUS WITH QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORNOGRAPHY ENJOYED BY MANY MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORNOGRAPHY POPULAR ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORNOGRAPHY POPULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAIL FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN LENNON A BEATLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN LENNON DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN WAYNE A MOVIE ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN LENON DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN A COMMON ENGLISH NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN A COMMON NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN A BOYS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN KENNEDY JR. DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAZIL A LARGE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN A NORDIC COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN A COUNTRY IN NORTERN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN NORTH OF AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPINACH A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPINACH GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MASTURBATING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MASTURBATING ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IBUPROFEN A DRUG FOR PAIN RELIEF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PERL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PERL A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PERL A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UTAH A STATE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIOLET A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIOLET A COLOR IN A RAINBOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARDBOARD BIODEGRADABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORD A COMPANY WHO BUILDS CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED MORE COLORFUL THAN BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED THE COLOR OF ANGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A PRIMARY PRIMARY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A COMPONENT OF PINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A COLOR IN THE RAINBOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A WARM COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED SYMBOLIC OF HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED ONE OF THE COLORS OF THE RAINBOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISIS AN EGYPTIAN DEITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOFT HAIR NICE TO TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOOBY DOO A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOOBY DOO IS THE NAME OF A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHICKEN POX CONTAGIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILWAUKEE IN WISCONSIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEPING NECASARY FOR A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEPING WITH YOUR MOTHER INCEST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEPING VITAL FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOODY ALLEN A FILM DIRECTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEANUTBUTTER MADE FROM PEANUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WARM THE OPPOSITE OF COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIETRY FIBRE IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOZART A FAMOUS MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOZART A MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOZART A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE A STIMULANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE A GOOD STIMULANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE A TYPE OF BEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE MADE OUT OF BEANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE HOTTER THAN ICE CREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEACHING AN IMPORTANT PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRO WRESTLING FAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLISH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PELE A SOCCER PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GIVING BIRTH TO A CHILD PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEATHER MADE FROM ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEATHER MADE FROM DEAD ANIMAL SKINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEATHER AN ANIMAL PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEATHER FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEATHER RELATED TO CLIMATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEATHER SOMETIMES DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIVING WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YAMAHA A JAPANESE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SERBIA WEST OF CROATIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCATTERED LIGHT FROM THE SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHTNING HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHTNING DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHTNING ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHTNING A STATIC DISCHARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHTNING SOMETIMES LETHAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PALO ALTO A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK DARKER THAN GREY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK DARKER THAN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK DARKER THAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK THE OPPOSITE OF WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK THE DARKEST COLOR WE CAN SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK THE NAME OF A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK THE STANDARD NEWSPRINT COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK A DARK COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK NOT WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOU S A A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DANCE SENSUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SERBIAN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT A MINERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT KNOWN AS NACL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT NECESSARY FOR HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT LAKE CITY IN UTAH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT LAKE CITY THE CAPITAL OF UTAH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEEING FRIENDLY A GOOD BEHAVIOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 400 BC A LONG TIME AGO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOAP SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOAP USED FOR CLEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOAP FOR CLEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PROJECT OXYGEN RELATED TO INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LED ZEPPELIN A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VODKA A FAMOUS RUSSIAN DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VODKA ALCHOHOLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALBERT EINSTEIN FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ECUADOR A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEDGEHOG A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING QUICKER THAN WALKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING FASTER THEN WALKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTELLIGENCE RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANGER AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER COMBUSTIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER USED TO WRAP PACKAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER A PRODUCT OF TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE PRIMARILY FROM WOOD PULP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE OUT OF TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER BURNABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILITARY TIME BASED ON 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEGO A TOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEGO FUN TO PLAY WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KNOWLEDGE ADVISABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH THE OPPOSITE OF SOUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH A COMPAS HEADING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH AT THE TOP OF A MAP PAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH AMERICA NORTH OF SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH AMERICA WEST OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLASTIC A MAN MADE MATERIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUGAR CANE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUGAR SWEETER THAN SALT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARBLE SOME FORM OF POLISHED STONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RANGOON THE CAPITAL OF BURMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GARRY KASPAROV A CHESS PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HARRY POTTER A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONEY MADE BY BEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY MADE OF PAPER AND METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY IMPORTANT TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY VALUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORDER THE OPPOSITE OF DISORDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C THE SYMBOL FOR CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C A LETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C A COMPUTER LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C IS A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C IS A COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VOMITING A SIGN OF ILLNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORGIVENESS A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE PIE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE A COMPUTER MAKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE JUICE MADE FROM APPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URANIUM A RADIACTIVE ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITEHOUSE GOV A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEIL YOUNG A ROCK MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MTV A TV CHANNEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MTV A TELEVISION CHANNEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OPRAH WINFREY A TALK SHOW HOST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OPRAH WINFREY AN AFRICAN AMERICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPHALT A KIND OF ROAD SURFACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEOMETRY A BRANCH OF MATHEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OSLO THE CAPITAL OF NORWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER A GAS GIANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER BIGGER THAN MERCURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER LARGER THAN VENUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR ESENCIAL FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR POLLUTION DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR NECESSARY FOR HUMANS TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR HEAVIER THAN HELIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS THE CAPITOL OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS THE CAPITAL THE OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS THE CAPITAL CITY OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS THE CAPTIAL OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS A PRETTY CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDDIE MURPHY A BLACK MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OVERPOPULATION A PROBLEM ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUTH AN ADMIRABLE QUALITY IN MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUTH IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING OPEN MINDED GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING SKEPTICAL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING MEAN TO DOGS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING IN LOVE A PLEASANT FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING GROSSLY OVERWEIGHT BAD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING GOOD THE RIGHT THING TO DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING ALIVE BETTER THAN BEING DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING OUTDOORS A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING RICH FINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING BILINGUAL DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELVETICA A FONT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MASTURBATION NORMAL AND HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LATIN AN OLD LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LATIN OLDER THAN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CREATIVITY A GIFT FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREDDY MERCURY DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAVA IN INDONESIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAVA A COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAVA A COMPUTER LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAVA ANOTHER NAME FOR COFFEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADON A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADON AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEAK MADE FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROSEMARY A KIND OF HERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELEVEN PLUS THIRTY FOURTY ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GENOCIDE AN EVIL ACT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STARLIGHT MADE OUT OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIAMOND HARDER THAN GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIAMOND A STONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARTIN LUTHER DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN BLOOD RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN SMARTER THAN OTHER ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN LIFE MORE IMPORTANT THEN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN LIFE A DELICATE THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN LIFE PRECIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUES A FORM OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DARKNESS THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORESIGHT A VALUABLE SKILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GILLIAN ANDERSON AN ACTRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THOR THE GOD OF THUNDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN THE SQUARE ROOT OF ONE HUNDRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN MINUS 19721 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN MINUS 11 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN MINUS 191 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN PLUS TEN EQUAL TO TWENTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN ONE MORE THAN NINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN GREATER THAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE HARDER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE SLICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE HOCKEY PLAYED WITH A PUCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE A FORM OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE FISHING A WINTER ACTIVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE TEA A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE COLDER THAN STEAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE OFTEN ADDED TO DRINKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE FREEZING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICKEY MOUSE A CARTOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 32 DEGREES FREEZING IN FAHRENHEIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOURMET MAGAZINE ABOUT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SGI A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEMPORARY THE OPPOSITE OF PERMANENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A COOL PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A USEFUL PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A GOOD PROJEKT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A GOOD WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A SILLY NAME FOR THIS PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A REAL PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A COMPUTER PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE LEARNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE GETTING SMARTER EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE AN ACRONYM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE AN AI EXPERIMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE BASED ON HUMAN RESPONSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN MADE FROM YELLOW AND BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN MADE OF BLUE AND YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN TEA HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADONA A SEXY WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BABYLON 5 A SCIENCE FICTION SERIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUGBY A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEPTAL 11 PRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EMPLOYMENT IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VW A GERMAN CAR COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALASKA IN NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALASKA A STATE IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TATER SLANG FOR POTATO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 23 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER ESSENTIAL FOR HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAIN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER ESSENTIAL TO LIVE BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER ESSENTIAL TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NEEDED FOR LIFE TO EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NEEDED FOR LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NEEDED TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER WET AFTER YOU DRINK IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER COLORLESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER DRINKABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY FOR HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY FOR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER HEAVIER THAN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A COMPOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A TRANSPERENT COMPONENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER IN WARMER THAN ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECCESSARY FOR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPHAULT BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLATO A GREEK PHILOSIPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORE MORE THAN LESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORE MONEY BETTER THAN LESS MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEBRUARY 29TH A LEAP DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEBRUARY THE SHORTEST MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEBRUARY THE NAME OF THE 2 ND MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEBRUARY A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 SQUARED 16</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 MINUS 7 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 TIMES 13 52</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADONNA A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS Z THE LAST LETTER OF THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TAMPA IS A CITY IN FLORIDA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEFFI GRAPH TENNIS PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRANITE HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEIJING THE CAPITAL OF CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEUTSCHE BANK A GERMAN BANK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RINGO STARR AN EX BEATLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORACLE A DATA BASE SOFTWARE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORACLE A DATABASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HITLER EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HITLER A GERMAN NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HITLER A BAD MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEXICO A FREE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEXICO SOUTH OF CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEARL JAM A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EUROPA A MOON OF JUPITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN A GAS IN ROOM TEMPRATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN NEEDED FOR COMBUSTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN NECESSARY FOR ANIMAL LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANUARY THE FIRST MONTH IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANUARY THE FIRST MONTH OF A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAMAICA A HOT COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA THE MOST POPULATED COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA A COMMUNIST COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA A BIG COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA COMMUNIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARK TWAIN A GREAT AUTHOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LITHIUM AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAS VEGAS A CITY IN NEVADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHECKERS A SIMPLER GAME THAN CHESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHECKERS A TWO PLAYER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NUDITY WITHOUT CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAC MAN AN ARCADE GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SINGAPORE IN SOUTH EAST ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SINGAPORE A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIZZA ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIZZA GREASY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ECSTASY A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ECSTASY A STATE OF MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EIGHT THE SAME AS 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EIGHT HOURS SLEEP ENOUGH FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT REQUIRED FOR HUMANS TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT A FORM OF RADIATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT MADE OF PHOTONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIGHT DIFFERENT THAN DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIGHT TIME DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RIGHT THE OPPOSITE OF LEFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INDIAN FOOD SPICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BALDNESS HEREDITARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INCEST WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INCEST A BAD THING TO DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLOR THE SAME AS COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLOR SEPARATION USED IN PRINTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY UNCLE A MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY CALCULATOR A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY TRUNK AT THE REAR OF MY CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY HONEY SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY DICK BIG ENOUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY BED A GOOD PLACE TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY BROTHERS FATHER OLDER THAN ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY CAT MORE CAT LIKE THAN IT IS NOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLORENCE IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OHIO A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUMMER WARMER THAN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE RELIGIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE A BACHELOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE A CATHOLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE CATHOLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE RHINE A RIVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKIES BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WINTER COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WINTER COLDER THAN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PANCREAS AN INTERNAL ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE BASED IN CHICAGO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ELEMENT FLUORINE ATOMIC NUMBER 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQURE ROOT OF NINE THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CIA MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FBI</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE KKK BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE VALUE OF ART SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHOCOLATE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE STOMACH AN INTERNAL ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CITY OF PARIS IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CITY OF SAINT LOUIS IN MISSOURI</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CITY OF TORONTO IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IN NEW YORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YEAR 2100 STILL IN THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YEAR 1900 IN THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FIRE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FIRE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAR A VEICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POLIO VACCINE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SHAPE OF A BALL A SPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE RAINFOREST IN DANGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WHEEL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PLANET PLUTO FAR FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FEMUR A BONE IN THE HUMAN LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NATURE BEATIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NEW TESTAMENT ABOUT JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NEW YORK TIMES A NEWSPAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 16 FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 16 EQUAL TO 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF NINE AN INTEGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 4 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 1 LOWER THAN 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 100 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF ONE ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF TWO IRRATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 144 12</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE OF 4 EQUAL TO 16</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SNOW WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNITED STATES IN NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNITED STATES A POWERFUL COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNITED STATES BIGGER THAN POLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNITED STATES LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNITED KINGDOM ABOVE THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DIRT ON MARS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BMW Z3 A FAST CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE VIOLIN A STRINGED INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TAJ MAHAL IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INDIAN OCEAN NEAR INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NUMBER FIFTY GREATER THAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NUMBER 1 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL H20 FOR WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL FOR OZONE O3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL FOR IRON FE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL FOR WATER H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY ABOVE THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY HIGHER THAN THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY NORMALY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY SOMETIMES BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY BLUE. GREATER THAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY BLU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY BLACK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY ON EARTH BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY ON PLANET EARTH BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY RED AT SUNSET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY TYPICALLY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CONCEPT OF LOVE HARD TO DESCRIBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN FAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN THE CLOSEST STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A MASS OF INCANDESCENT GASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A FIREBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A NUCLEAR REACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A LARGE BALL OF PLASMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER THAN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER THAN A WALRUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER THAN A BREADBOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER AS THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN INCREDIBLY HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN MADE PRIMARILY OF HYDROGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN MADE OF GASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN HOTTER THAN PLUTO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN IS FAR FROM EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN LARGER THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN OLDER THAN EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN FURTHER AWAY THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN EVER RED OR ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN OUR STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LIFE OF PEOPLE SOMETHING SPECIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PIANO A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE STONE HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MARS IN OUR SOLARSYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MARS WARMER THAN PLUTO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE METAL GOLD GOLD COLORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE METAL SILVER SILVER COLORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CEILING ABOVE THE FLOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EQUATOR HOTTER THAN THE ARCTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AMIGA A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HORSE AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHALLENGE OF LIFE WORTH IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AIR THINNER AT HIGHER ALTITUDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AIR BREATHABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET TOO SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A USEFUL INVENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A WONDERFUL INVENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A POSITIVE TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET IS WORLDWIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SET OF NATRUAL NUMBERS INFINITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WATER LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE X FILES A POPULAR TV PROGRAMME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LINUX A NAME OF OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MIND CONCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MIND A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE QUEEN MOTHER FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TANGO A DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EATH ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BRITANNICA AN ENCYCLOPEDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUPER BOWL A FOOTBALL GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PIZZA FINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTEL 80486 A COMPUTER PROCESSOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CLOUDLESS SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DALAI LAMA A HOLY MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WEB FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WEB ELECTRONIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SPLEEN AN INTERNAL ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HWANG HO RIVER LOCATED IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OPPOSITE OF HOT COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OPPOSITE OF GOOD EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DESERT HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HOME OF ELVIS KNOWN AS GRACELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PLURAL OF MAN MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PLURAL OF MOUSE MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQAURE ROOT OF NINE THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERS EXPANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MONTH OF JUNE IN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TUBA A BRASS INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORD BEAUTIFUL A COMPLIMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORD BOT SHORT FOR ROBOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORD HELLO A GREETING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORD ASS A SYNONYM OF DONKEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LOGO FOR APPLE COMPUTER AN APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHEETAH THE FASTEST LAND ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN BEING ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN BRAIN AN ORGANIC COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN MIND RESTLESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN BODY MOSTLY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN GENOME SEQUENCED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BEAUTY SOMETHING GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GREAT WALL IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GRASS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YUKON A BEAUTIFUL PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FLOOR DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FLOOR BELOW THE CEILING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE VAGINA THE FEMALE SEX ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POUND A UNIT OF WEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE JAW CONNECTED TO THE SKULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BAGPIPE A WIND INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LIVER AN INTERNAL ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON FAR AWAY FROM EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON IN ORBIT AROUND THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON A SATELLITE OF THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON A SATELLITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON A SATELITE OF THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON A SATELITE OF EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON BIGGER THAN YOUR THUMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON SMALLER THAN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON EARTHS SATELLITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON LARGER THAN A CANTALOUPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON EVER VISIBLE DURING DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON FURTHER AWAY THAN NEW YORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON CLOSER THAN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PRESIDENT CALLED BILL CLINTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE YOU S AN AMERICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORTH POLE IN THE ARCTIC CIRCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORTH POLE IN THE ARTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORTH POLE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORTH SEA COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE THE SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SPACE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SPACE SHUTTLE REUSEABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHARGE OF AN ELECTRON NEGATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEASON FALL KNOWN AS AUTUMN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CUBE ROOT OF 27 EQUAL TO 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TRUMPET A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CENTER OF THE SUN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LETTER I A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LETTER E A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LETTER YOU A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NETHERLANDS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA LEVEL RISING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA A GOOD SOURCE OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA A GREAT SOURCE OF NUTRIENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAN CAN A DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ROOF ABOVE THE FLOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EIFFEL TOWER LOCATED IN PARIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CZECH REPUBLIC INSIDE EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE METRIC SYSTEM A DECIMAL SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BRADY BUNCH A TELEVISION SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE RAIN GOOD FOR NATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AVERAGE EARTH YEAR 365 DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AVERAGE AMERICAN A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DEATH OF A LOVED ONE A SAD EVENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LATIN NAME FOR THE MOON LUNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HAND A PART OF THE UMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OLYMPICS A SPORTSEVENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YEN A UNIT OF CURRENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BREASTSTOKE A SWIMMING STROKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPULATION INCREASING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD GROWING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ARTIC OCEAN COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ALAMO IN TEXAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WEEKEND MORE FUN THAN THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE USA A COLLETION OF STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE USA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITAL OF IRELAND DUBLIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIA MOSCOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PACIFIC OCEAN LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PACIFIC OCEAN WEST OF THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PACIFIC OCEAN WEST OF CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ATOMIC NUMBER OF HYDROGEN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FLUTE A WOODWIND INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NUDE FEMALE FORM IS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UK IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LIGHT OF SPEED IS QUICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NIGHT SKY BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN VAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN WIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MATRIX A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MATRIX A GOOD MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEX GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SIMPSONS A CARTOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DAYTIME SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD TOO POLLUTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD CHANGING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD MULTI CULTURAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD FULL OF CONTRADICTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HEART AN ORGAN OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HEART AN ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TRUTH OFTEN COMPLICATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ALICE PROJECT WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ALICE PROJECT COOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ALICE PROJECT IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DEVIL CONSIDERED BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH AROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH GETTING WARMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH THE THIRD PLANET FROM SOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH MUCH SMALLER THAN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH SHAPED LIKE A BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH A LIVING PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH ROUGHLY SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH MADE OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH IS BIGGER THAN A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH APPROXIMATELY SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH GREATER THEN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH LARGER THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUM OF 7 AND 4 EQUAL TO 11</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUM OF 2 AND 3 EQUAL TO 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITOL OF USA CALLED WASHINGTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LEFT THE OPPOSITE OF RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DODO EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GRATEFUL DEAD A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FOXTROT A DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORMAL DAYTIME SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BIBLE AN IMPORTANT BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BIBLE CORRECT ABOUT SOME THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OUTER LIMITS A SCI FI SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ENJOYMENT OF SEX A HEALTHY URGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FERRARI A GOOD CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MILK WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SMELL OF ACID SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MILKYWAY A GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BEAGLE A BREED OF HUNTING DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ELECTRON A PARTICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BIG BANG THEORY TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE KORAN THE MUSLIM HOLLY BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUBBEL TELESCOPE IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF GRAS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF BLOOD RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF THE SUN YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF HUMAN BLOOD RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR BLACK DARKER THAN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PEN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE EXPANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE OVER 1000 YEARS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE BIGGER THAN EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE IS CONSTANTLY EXPANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE HUGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE COMPOSED OF MATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE OLDER THAN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE EVER EXPANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OPERA PERFORMED ON A STAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BABY CORN GOOD FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISAAC ASIMOV A FAMOUS PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANDLELIGHT ROMANTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINNING IS BETTER THAN LOOSING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPOT A COMMOM NAME FOR A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRIA IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRIA AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PASSING WIND IN COMPANY EMBARRASSING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CURRY EATEN IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE BOTH A COLOR AND A MOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A COMFORTABLE COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A PRIMARY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A COMMON COLOR FOR PEN INK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A COLOR OR STATE OF MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SET THEORY A BRANCH OF MATHEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONSCIOUSNESS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DECARTES DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELIUM AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELIUM ONE OF THE NOBLE GASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELIUM LIGHTER THAN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THUNDER A NOISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THUNDER LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEARING A SENSORY FUNCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEARING A SEATBELT A BAD IDEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEANUTS A COMIC STRIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JODIE FOSTER A LESBIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY UNIVERSAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY A FUNDAMENTAL FORCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY A FORCE OF ATTRACTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY A NATURAL FORCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GATORADE A THIRST QUENCHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPET IS ON FLOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPET ON THE FLOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINK FLOYD A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOB SHORT FOR ROBERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOB ANOTHER NAME FOR ROBERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOB SPELLED THE SAME BACK WARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUZANNE VEGA AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH A COMMON HUMAN LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH A CONFUSING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH AN ENGLISH WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANDY BAD FOR YOUR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KEVIN SPACEY A MOVIE STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KEVIN THE NAME OF A MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN FRANCISCO IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN FRANCISCO ON THE WEST COAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN DIEGO LOCATED IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN DIEGO WEST OF PHOENIX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN JOSE IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN JOSE A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA GROWN IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA A COMMON DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA MADE FROM PLANT LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA HOTTER THAN BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DELL A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANAKIN SKYWALKER DARTH VADER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYBOY OFTEN REFERRED TO AS SMUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAQUES CHIRAC FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATHENS THE CAPITAL CITY OF GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALAN PARSONS PROJECT A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OBESITY A HEALTH RISK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OBESITY A DANGEROUS DISORDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ECSTACY A STATE OF BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VARIETY THE SPICE OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INFLUENZA CONTAGIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INFLUENZA A DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INFLUENZA A VIRUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AL PACINO A GOOD ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHANG A COMMON CHINESE SURNAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BANGKOK THE CAPITAL OF THAILAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEAM FORTESS A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 900 BIGGER THAN 800</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPOCK A VULCAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWO PLUS TWO EQUAL TO FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWO A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWO ADDED TO TWO FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UMA THURMAN AN ACTRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREENLAND AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TORONTO ONTARIO A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TORONTO A CITY IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TORONTO A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NOW ALWAYS HAPPENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINE A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINE MADE OF GRAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINE AN INTOXICATING BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINE OFTEN SERVED WITH CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAFFEINE ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISRAEL LOCATED IN THE MIDDLE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLINTON PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLINTON THE PRESIDENT OF US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALUMINUM USED TO MAKE AIRPLANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALUMINUM USED TO MAKE POP CANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLLEGE A GOOD PLACE TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS XANADU MENTIONED IN A CLASSIC POEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATURN THE SIXTH PLANET FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATURN A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATURN LARGER THAN NEPTUNE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS SHINY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS FRAGILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS MADE FROM MELTED SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NATURE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAGHETTI A TYPE OF PASTA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAGHETTI AN ITALIAN FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAGHETTI IS A TYPE OF PASTA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERMUDA LOCATED IN THE ATLANTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VISION ONE OF THE FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATLANTA IN GEORGIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATLANTA THE CAPITAL OF GEORGIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEAR THE MIND KILLER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RENOIR THE NAME OF A FRENCH PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ADDIS ABABA THE CAPITAL OF ETHIOPIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN THE DOMINANT MAMMAL ON THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN A WARM BLOODED MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GALILEO A SPACE PROBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEXE GOOD FOR THE HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZERO TIMES ANY VALUE EQUAL TO ZERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZERO TIMES ANY OTHER NUMBER 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZERO LESS THEN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOTCH TAPE STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOTCH WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOMEWORK HARDER IN COLLEGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUGE THE GERMAN WORD FOR EYE. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECRICITY DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THURSDAY A WEEKDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAVASCRIPT A SCRIPTING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VITAMIN C ASCORBIC ACID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VITAMIN C AND ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPICE TASTY IN FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POOR PERSONAL HYGEINE DISGUSTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORALITY RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THAI FOOD. SPICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ORANGE IS A COLOR AND A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MATTER IS MADE FROM ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CORK FLOATS ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>PAPERCLIPS CAN BE MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>PAPERCLIPS CAN BE BENT EASILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>FORD IS A VEHICLE MANUFACTURER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL DAY FOLLOW NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL FOSSIL FUELS EVENTUALLY RUN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL PEOPLE HURT OTHER PEOPLE FOR FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU GET SMARTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU GET WET. GO SWIMMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU CUM. YOU JACK OFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU CONTINUE TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU TRY TO ANSWER AS A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL AIDS SOMEDAY BE CURED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A CAR GO FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A WOOL HAT MAKE ME FEEL WARMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A CURE FOR DIABETES BE DISCOVERED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A PLANT GROW TOWADS A LIGHT SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A KNIFE CUT THROUGH BUTTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A MAP HELP YOU IF YOU ARE LOST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A RAFT FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL COMPUTERS LEARN TO THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL COMPUTERS EVER THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HOT SOLDER BURN ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL PAPER ABSORB WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANS EVOLE FURTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANS TRANCEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANS EVOLVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANS EVER LIVE IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL RAIN FALL EVENTUTALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALICE ACHIEVE ITS GOALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALICE BE USEFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALICE HAVE VOICE INPUT SOMEDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL LOTION HELP DRY SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL CARBON MONOXIDE KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL FIRE MELT PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL FIRE BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL DEATH COME TO US ALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL LEAD SINK IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL SADDAM HUSSEIN DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALL MORTALS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE TO DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALL LIFE ON EARTH END</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL SALT DISSOLVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WE SEE BEYOND OUR GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WE PUT A COLONY ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WE ALL DIE EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WE ALL DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL IT GET DARK AFTER SUNSET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL IT HURT IF YOU STAPLE YOUR FINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN EVENTUALLY BURN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN SHINE TOMMOROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN BURN OUT EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN BURN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN SET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN EVER BURN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE INTERNET SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE 2000 OLYMPICS BE IN SYDNEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE OLYMPICS BE IN SYDNEY IN 2000</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE WORLD COME TO AN END</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE WORLD END SOMEDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE UNIVERSE CONTINUE TO EXPAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE POLAR ICE CQAPS MELT SOME DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL DRY WOOD BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL CLINTON EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL SUGAR ROT YOUR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL TODAY BE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I DIE. I KILL MYSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I GET FAT. I EAT TOO MUCH FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I BE POORER. I LOSE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I BE OLDER TOMMOROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I BLEED IF I CUT MY FINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I DIE IF I EAT A TON OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I DIE SOME DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I LIVE PAST THE YESR 1999</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I DECOMPOSE. I DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL MOST KNIVES CUT BUTTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL EVERYONE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL EVERY LIVING THING DIE EVENTUALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THIS DAY END</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THIS PLANET SURVIVE UNTIL 2010</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL SMOKING CIGARETTES CAUSE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THERE ALWAYS BE QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL MANKIND SURVIVE INTO THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL MANKIND SURVIVE TO YEAR 3000</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL MANKIND REACH THE STARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD KILL YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL AN OMNIVORE EAT FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL TOO MUCH FERTILIZER BURN A LAWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WATER HELP BROWN GRASS TURN GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WATER PUT OUT MOST FIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SPEAKERS EMIT SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUPERMAN SEE PAST CARDBOARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUPERMAN FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLEAS JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ROSES BE YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WHEELS BE FOUND ON MANY VEHICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ANIMALS WATCH MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MICE CHEW ON WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TUNA FISH BE EATEN RAW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THERE BE CONCIOUSNESS WITH EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOCTORS AND FIREPEOPLE SAVE LIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CALCULATORS DO ARITHMETIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOSQUITOS BE ANNOYING TO A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSHROOMS GROW IN THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BETA SOFTWARE CAUSE PROBLEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BEES STING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE BURN HUMAN FLESH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE BURN YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE BURN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU DRIVE ABOUT 400 MILES IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY STUFF WITH A CREDIT CARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY FOOD WITH MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TRUST SOME PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CARVE A FACE IN A PUMPKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FIND SEASHELLS AT THE BEACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FIND YOUR BUTT WITH BOTH HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FIND BOOKS IN A LIBRARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FIND INFORMATIONS IN BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU PLAY GAMES ON COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BLINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF IN A MIRROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THE TIME ON A WATCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE STARS FROM SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THROUGH GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THROUGH WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TALK ON A PHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FEEL EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FEEL YOUR HEART BEATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FEEL STATIC ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FEEL PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU POUR A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU READ THIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU READ NEWSPAPERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU READ A NEWSPAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU READ A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU READ FROM A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SIT IN A CHAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU PUT APPLES IN A PIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU PUT THINGS IN BOXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU HURT SOMEONE BY LYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MILK A GOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU ENJOY A SURPRISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU PHOTOGRAPH A RAINBOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SMOKE MARAJUANA OUT OF A BONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TUNE A PIANO BUT NOT TUNAFISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CARRY THINGS IN YOUR HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LEARN FROM MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LEARN THINGS FROM READING BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU THINK ON A PLEASANT THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU ASK QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GET HURT WHEN HIT BY A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CUT YOURSELF WITH A SHARP KNIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CUT A FINGER ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MAKE LEMONAIDE FROM A LEMON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU WRITE WITH A PENCIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU WRITE ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT SOMETHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT AN EGG</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT PIZZA IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LOOK THROUGH ON OPEN WINDOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SKATE ON ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SURVIVE A PLANE CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GO UP AND DOWN STAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU USE A TELEPHONE TO CALL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU USE A PEN TO WRITE ONTO ITEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC ON THE RADIO</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TELL A LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LIVE MORE THAN 100 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU RIDE A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU DRINK BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU OPEN A DOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU HAVE CORNFLAKES WITHOUT MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SAW WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FOLD PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU ACT UPON IMPULSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TOUCH IN TOTAL DARKNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STICKS AND STONES BREAK BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLAS BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLIES WALK ON WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN POLIO BE FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOUD SOUND HURT YOUR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WASPS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CD STAND FOR COMPACT DISK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CREDIT CARDS GET PEOPLE INTO DEBT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LLAMAS SPIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GORILLAS LEARN SIGN LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EYEGLASSES HELP YOU SEE BETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN NEW TECHNOLOGY ALIENATE OLD PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DEHYDRATION CAUSE A HEADACHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RATIONALITY OVERCOME FEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOUNTAINS BE SHROUDED IN SNOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EXERCISE INCREASE MUSCLE STRENGTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BUTTERFLIES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SILENCE BE MEANINGFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALCOHOL MAKE YOU FEEL SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOOKS BE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOOKS BE USED TO START A FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOOKS BE BURNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOOKS BE MADE OUT OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN 2 MEN LOVE EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TURTLES BE PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TURTLES HAVE OFFSPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ICE MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ICE CREAM MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LISTENING TO MUSIC REDUCE STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOREDOM KILL A MARRIAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HOMO SAPIENS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOLPHINS COMMUNICATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISH SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BLOOD LOSS RESULT FROM A WOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AMBITION LEAD TO GREED AND VIOLENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE MARRY MORE THAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE TAP DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE BUY BOOKS ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE SIT IN CHAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE BE ENSLAVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE BE ENVIOUS OF EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE SMELL SCENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE WISH FOR IMPOSSIBLE THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE HAVE GREEN EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE RIDE CAMELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE EAT BUFFALOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE MAKE YOU HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE THINK FOR THEMSELVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE THINK USING THERE BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE CARRY COINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE HURT YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SAWS BE USED TO CUT WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MALES EJACULATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GAYS HAVE SEX WITH WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STARS BE FAMOUS PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CLOUDS BLOCK SUNLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STAIRS GO UP AND DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APPEARANCES BE DECEIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLOPPIES COME IN DIFFERENT SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BABIES BE ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ASS MEAN DONKEY OR A BODY PART</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST HUMANS SPEAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST HUMANS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS WALK BACKWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS PRODUCE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS IMPROVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS SOMETIMES MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BE SELFISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BE BURNED IN A FURNACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BE KIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS LOVE ONE ANOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS LOVE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS LIVE WITH EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GRAPES BE MADE INTO WINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MEAT BE CONSIDERED A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER EXTINGUISH FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER TAKE ON THREE FORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER BECOME SNOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER BECOME A GAS AND A SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CONTACT LENSES REPLACE EYEGLASSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN X RAYS PENETRATE A SHEET OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN X RAYS PASS THROUGH SOLIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOVE MAKES PEOPLE DO CRAZY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TWO PEOPLE LOOK SIMILAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INK COME IN MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS BECOME AIRBORNE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INVESTING BE RISKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TANGO BE DANCED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PENGUINS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HURRICANES BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DUCKS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MEN GET AN ERECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MEN BE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GREEN MEAN INEXPERIENCED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GREEN HAVE MORE THAN ONE MEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BREATHING BAD AIR MAKE YOU SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CATS SEE WELL IN THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CATS AND DOGS LEARN TO GET ALONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ARSENIC KILL HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TEN MILLION FRENCH MEN BE WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CANDY ROT YOUR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ROCK BE BROKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUPERHEATED STEAM BURN SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOORS BE CLOSED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WE SAVE DATA ON FLOPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WE DRINK H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WE SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MEDICINE HELP INSOMNIACS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN OTHER PEOPLE BE EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLOWERS BE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MODERN MEDICINE EXTEND LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BURGERS BE MADE FROM BEEF</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I PAINT AN APPLE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I DIE IF I AM IN A CAR CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I BURN TOAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I BURN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I USE A TOWEL TO DRY MYSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I WRITE WITH A PENCIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I BE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I DRINK WITHOUT A GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I GET SOME MUSTARD ON MY SANDWICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I EAT GOOD PASTA OUT OF ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I EAT AN APPLE FOR LUNCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I OVERCOOK A TURKEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I KILL A BEETLE WITH MY FINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I HELP THE ALICE PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I LEAVE VIA THE EXIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I BUY BOOKS AT AMAZON DOT COM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I FLY FASTER THAN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I GO TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I THINK FOR MYSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AEROPLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FOG MAKE IT HARD TO DRIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRIC POWER BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WELDING JOIN TWO PIECES OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PHOTOGRAPHS BE FAKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DRAGONS BREATHE FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GRASS BE BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOUND FEEL NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOUND HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALCHOHOL MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HOT THINGS BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GUNS KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SHOESTRINGS BE TIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EXCESS KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BATS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN IRON BE BENDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SCISSORS CUT PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN OIL BE FOUND UNDER THE OCEANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE PRESIDENT BE NAUGHTY SOME TIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE LIGHT BE SEEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE PEN BE MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING KILL HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE TERM POULTRY REFER TO CHICKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SNAKE BE A PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TOOL BOX BE MADE FROM WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CHANCE ENCOUNTER CHANGE YOUR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HOUSE BE MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WATCH TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PORPISE SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A NUMBER BE LESS THAN ZERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A METEOR DESTROY THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SPIDER SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A NARCOTICS OVERDOSE KILL A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FERRET KILL A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BUMBLEBEE DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CUP EVER BE FULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SOFT OBJECT BECOME HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WORD HAVE MORE THAN ONE MEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A COMPUTER BE USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CANDLE BE LIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CLOCK HAVE 3 HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A VIRUS MUTATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TIRE BE DESCIBED AS CIRCULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A VENOMOUS SNAKE KILL YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A POWERLESS PERSON BE A RACIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAGAZINE BE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PRISM REFRACT VISIBLE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HEAD ACHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GOAT PRODUCE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SPOON CONTAIN A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CD BURNER MAKE COPIES OF CDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TURTLE SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SPERM WHALE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOTTLE BE MADE OF GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A VISIONARY BE A FORCE FOR GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BANDANA BE WORN ON YOUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOG STAND ON HIS TWO BACK LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOG FETCH A STICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A NEGRO PERSON BE A RACIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CRANE CAN BE USED TO LIFT OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FEATHER TICKLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BEAR WALK ON TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CHICKEN LAY BROWN EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TREE BE CLIMBED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAT SURVIVE A FALL OF TEN FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOOMERANG KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON WALK THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON FEEL BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON HOLD INCONSISTENT BELIEFS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON GET FOOD POISONING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON SURVIVE BY EATING CAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON WRITE WITH A PENCIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BE KILLED BY A GUNSHOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BE A BIGOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON RIDE A HORSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON MAKE A SPELLING ERROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAN WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAN BE HYSTERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAN WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN EAT A DONUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A THROAT BE SORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WALL BE PAINTED ANY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAGNIFYING GLASS MAKE FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GRAPEFRUIT BE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MOTH FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SMART PERSON MAKE A MISTAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR BE A WEAPON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR TRANSPORT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WOLF VOMIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PHONE RING THREE TIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PHONE RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOOK CONTAIN INFORMATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TWELVE YEAR OLD COUNT TO TEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PARENT BE A CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SAW BE USED TO CUT DOWN A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MIND BE BOGGLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A ALICE A DAY CHANGE THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TOY BE ANYTHING ONE CAN PLAY WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A THUMB TOUCH ALL FOUR FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WISH BE SELF FULFILLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A NORMAL CD CONTAIN 650MB OF DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FLOOR BE MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A LANGUAGE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PIGEON FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TRUCK CARRY A HEAVY LOAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DRINKING TOO MUCH LIQUOR BE FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DRINKING BEER MAKE YOU INTOXICATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DRINKING GLASSES BE MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN VIDEO GAMES BE ADICTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STORM CLOUD PRODUCE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WHALES SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARBIDE CUT STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CANCER SOMETIMES BE CURED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CANCER KILL HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PLASTIC BE TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN APPLE BE A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN APOLLO ROCKET FLY TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN OSTRICH RUN FASTER THAN A SHEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN ELECTRIC SHOCK KILL YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN APPENDIX BURST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN ANIMAL HAVE DREAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN AMPHIBIAN SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOG BE A PIECE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FRESH WATER BE MADE FROM SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC BE FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC BE ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC BE LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEXUAL DESIRE BE A WEAKNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEXUAL INTERCOURSE CAUSE AN ORGASM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MODELS REFER TO FASHION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WORDS HAVE MORE THAN ONE MEANING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STAPLERS ATTACH THINGS TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOMEONE SURVIVE A PLANE CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS BE MORE THAN ONE COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STEAM BURN SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN KANGEROOS JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN KRYPTONITE KILL SUPERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STATISTICS BE CHEATED ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HOUSES BE MADE OF MUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FROGS JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE PLAY A NOTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE CHANGE THEIR PASSWORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE CHANGE THEIR APPEARANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE LEARN FROM FABLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE SEE THROUGH GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE WRITE WITH A PEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE PURCHASE BAKED BEANS IN A CAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE OBJECT SERVE MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE PERSON MAKE A DIFFERENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLU KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS SNEEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS COMMUNICATE WITH HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS BE TRAINED TO KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN UNCOOKED FOOD BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FOOD ALLERGIES CAUSE SKIN RASHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FOOD BE PURCHASED IN CANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FOOD POISONING MAKE YOU THROW UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PETER PAN FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ADS BE ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHTNING BE DANGEROUS TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STREETS BE PAVED WITH ASPHALT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HEARTS BE TRANSPLANTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOMETHING HAPPEN WITHOUT WARNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BEER CAUSE INTOXICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HEADS BE SHAVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHT ACT LIKE A WAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHT BE CHANGED INTO HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN OCEAN WAVES BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FEET HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER CUT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER COVER A ROCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BE MADE FROM WOODPULP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BE MADE FROM WOOD PULP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BE WRITTEN ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEX BE FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEX INCLUDE MORE THAN 4 PEOLPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEX INCLUDE MORE THAN TWO PERSONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HAIR BE BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SMALL OBJECTS BE STORED IN POCKETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DREAMS BE INTERPETED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MEDIATION RESOLVE ARGUMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INTOXICATION EVER LEAD TO DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPUTERS FAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPUTERS LEARN TO COUNT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPUTERS INVENT THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN KOALA BEARS CLIMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BROKEN GLASS CUT A HAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUD GET YOU DIRTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUD MAKE YOU DIRTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN POPULAR MOVIES BE EDUCATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MAMMALS RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STOCK MARKETS CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS BOTTLES BE RECYCLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS BE USED TO MAGNIFY LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS BE MADE FROM SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS BE FORMED FROM SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEANUT BRITTLE BE EATEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SHARE PRICES INCREASE AND DECREASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME BIRDS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME PARROTS TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME DUCKS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME DISEASES BE CURED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME ANIMALS BE TRAINED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME WOMEN READ A PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MICHAEL JORDAN PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS. LOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ANTI FREEZE KILL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FEELINGS BE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FEELINGS HURT YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN NOISES BE IRRITATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DIABETES CAUSE BLINDNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SCREWS BE MADE OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INFORMATION BE FOUND ON A CD ROM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INFORMATION BE USED TO MISLEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CLOCKS BE POWERED BY THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WIND CARRY A PIECE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAIN SOMETIMES BE PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CAMERAS TAKE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN KNIVES BE SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AUTOMOBILES MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SPIDERS BITE HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMOR BE BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GENITALS BE USED FOR PROCREATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GENITALS BE USED FOR PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BEING BITTEN CREATE A WOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BEING BITTEB BY SHARP TEETH HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOCKS AND NOSES BE PICKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CASTRATION BE PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CD IS AN ABRIVIATION OF COMPACT DISK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CANABIS IS A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>FUN IS GOOD FOR ALL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS RUN ON ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS HAVE A SCREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS ARE MACHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>TILES ARE FLAT AND SQUARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MALES LIKE FEMALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>NAMES COME FIRST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WALES IS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS WANTS TO BE PART OF A WHOLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS EXHALE CARBONDIOXIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS FROM EARTH WILL TRAVEL TO MARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS EAT DEAD COW FLESH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS ARE MORE INTELLIGENT THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS ARE SEARCHING FOR PEACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS ARE MOSTLY MADE UP OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS ARE AT THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU MAKE TOAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAR RUNS ON ROAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>RA WAS AN EGYPTION SUN GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WASH THEN DRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HALIFAX IS THE CAPITAL OF NOVA SCOTIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEAUTY IS SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEAUTY IS RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>JOKES ARE FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>NOBODY IS PERFECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SCOTLAND IS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>COCAINE IS A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>POPTARTS ARE MADE BY KELLOGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>COOKING IS CONSIDERED AN ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>FEATHERS FLOAT IN THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A LOT OF PEOPLE BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A HUMAN DIE WITHOUT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SLIVERS IN YOUR FINGER HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS SOMETIMES ATTACK PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE TUSKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE TRUNKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE LARGE INTESTINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS LIKE PEANUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VAMPIRES DRINK BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VAMPIRES DISLIKE HOLY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VAMPIRES DISLIKE GARLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PUPPIES GROW UP TO BE DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOCTORS ATTEMPT TO CURE THE SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOCTORS HELP TO CURE THE ILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JELLYFISH STING HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JELLYBEANS CONTAIN SUGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY HUMANS KEEP DOGS AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY HUMANS ENJOY BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY HUMANS BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY TREES MAKE A FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SEAS CONSIST OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO METEORS SOMETIMES STRIKE THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LITTLE GIRLS OFTEN PLAY WITH DOLLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICROWAVE OVENS MAKE COOKING EASIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIANOS HAVE KEYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIG FISH EAT LITTLE FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WANT TO RESEARCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS FIND ADVERTISING ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HEAR WITH THEIR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WEAR SHOES ON THEIR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WEAR SOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LOVE THIER OFFSPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DREAM DURING SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HUNT FOXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DIE EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED OXYGEN TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED LIGHT IN ORDER TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED LIGHT TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO SLEEP SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO BREATHE TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO EAT TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED FOOD TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED SLEEP TO SURVIAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED OTHER HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS USE FOOD AS A FUEL SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS USE DOORS TO WALK INTO ROOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK WITH TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK UPRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DIGEST THERE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE SEXUAL ORGANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE FUN WHEN THEY PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TEN FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE NOSTRILS IN THEIR NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE AN OPPOSABLE THUMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE GENDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE SEX FOR PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE A SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE CONSCIOUSNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 10 TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 10 FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE DIFFERENT COLORED HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TO DRINK TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS PASS GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIKE TO BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIKE TO BE LIKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIKE TO HAVE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS START WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS GET WRINKLY AS THEY GET OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS POLLUTE THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS MAKE MANY MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS BREATH OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HATE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS READ BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS KILL OTHER HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS PLAY GAMES FOR FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS BREATHE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS BREATHE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS STAND UPRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SOMETIMES KILL OTHER HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SWEAT WHEN THEY GET TOO HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS POOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS COMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SHARE GENES WITH APES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS PREFER ATTRACTIVE TO UGLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS THINK THEY ARE INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PUBS SELL BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPAMMERS PISS YOU OFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPAMMERS SPAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FIREMEN SLIDE DOWN POLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ORGANIC MOLICULES CONTAIN CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LADDERS HAVE RUNGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHONES RING WHEN YOU HAVE A CALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHONES RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHONES USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STRAWBERRIES TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HIGH HEELS HURT YOUR TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HONEY BEES PRODUCE HONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROCKETS GO FASTER THAN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIGS GROW ON PIG FARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIGS SQUEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIGS HAVE CURLY TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIGS OINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIGS LIKE BATHING IN MUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOSE OBJECTS SEEM LARGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THEY MINE COPPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PROSTITUES EXCHANGE SEX FOR MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CALENDARS OFTEN HAVE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANTEATERS EAT ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOYS HAVE TESTICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE SUN AND MOON INFLUENCE THE TIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE PLANETS ROTATE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE BIRDS SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE BRITISH CALL SOCCAR FOOTBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE FRENCH EAT SNAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE ROOTS OF A TREE FEED IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE ENGLISH LIKE DRINKING TEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE WORDS HAT AND CAT RHYME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE CHICAGO CUBS PLAY BASEBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE MAJORITY OF MEN ENJOY PLAYBOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CRIMINALS GO TO JAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CREDIT CARDS CHARGE INTEREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAGNETS BOTH REPEL AND ATTRACT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAGNETS ATTRACT IRON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAGNETS HAVE POLARITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRCRAFT FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WORMS LIVE UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HAMBURGERS CONTAIN BEEF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HAMBURGERS OFTEN CONTAIN BEEF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SONG BIRDS SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAMPS GIVE OFF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES WINGS GENERATE LIFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES EVER CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHEEP HAVE WOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKENS HATCH FROM EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKENS MAKE LOUSY HOUSEPETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANADA GEESE FLY SOUTH IN THE AUTUMN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EGGS HAVE A SHELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GUNS FIRE BULLETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GUNS USE BULLETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLOURESENT BULBS PRODUCE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCISSORS CUT PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OPPOSITES ATTRACT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAILROADS RUN ON TRACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TWINS OFTEN LOOK ALIKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHIPS FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LANGUAGES CHANGE OVER TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ONLY FEMALES HAVE A VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ONLY MALES HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RACCOONS HAVE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONARCHS WEAR CROWNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SNAILS RESIDE IN SHELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SNAILS HAVE SHELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POSSUMS LIKE TO RAID GARBAGE CANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPEAKERS EMIT SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MARRIED PEOPLE EVER FIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOLVES HOWL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOLVES LIVE IN PACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHITE CLOUDS LOOK FLUFFY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS SOMETIMES PEE IN THEIR PANTIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS MATURE SOONER THAN BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS LIKE BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEANS MAKE SOME PEOPLE GASSY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLEAS LIVE ON DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TOOTHBRUSHES BRUSH TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHAIRS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VOCAL CORDS MAKE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ENGINEERS BUILD THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLADES BECOME DULL WITH USE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROCK GROUPS PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL HUMAN FEET HAVE 5 TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL BOATS FLOAT ON TOP OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL HUMANS HAVE TEN TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VEGITABLES GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SNAKES HAVE SCALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKEN TACOS HAVE CHICKEN IN THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OPPOSSUMS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LOTS OF PEOPLE SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ADULT HUMANS ENJOY COPULATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ADULT HUMANS HAVE 32 TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WALRUSES REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RED BLOOD CELLS CARRY OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RED AND YELLOW MAKE THE COLOR ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BALLET DANCERS WEAR LEOTARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BUGS BITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FINS HELP YOU SWIM FASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SUBWAYS RUN UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PRISONS CONTAIN CRIMINALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO 12 INCHES EQUAL A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BULLETS KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCORPIONS STING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATS COME OUT AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABYS CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOVERNMENTS HAVE POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ARTISTS SOMETIMES USE PAINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOATS FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ICE IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HIPPIES HAVE LONG HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOVES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO UNWASHED ARMPITS SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GRENADES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OARNGES GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUSTRIANS LIVE IN AUSTRIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTHERS HAVE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTHERS LOVE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIANT SQUIDS HAVE TENTACLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIANT SQUIDS LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIANT SQUIDS LIVE UNDER WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO IDENTICAL TWINS LOOK ALIKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BELIEFS GOVERN ACTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLACKSMITHS USE A HAMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANTS BITE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANTS MOSTLY LIVE UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANTS LIVE IN COLONIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOVIE THEATERS OFTEN SELL POPCORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS BRED QUICKLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS LIKE CARROTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TULIPS GROW FROM BULBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCORPIANS HAVE STINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PAPERCUTS HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INCANDESCENT LIGHTS GIVE OFF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOONS CIRCLE PLANETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TELEVISIONS EMIT SOUNDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SUBMARINES MOVE UNDERNEATH WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICE HAVE FOUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICE HAVE FUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICE EAT GRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICE EAT CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GAY MEN LIKE OTHER MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GAY BOYS LIKE OTHER BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLOWERS SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLOWERS SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLOWERS HAVE PETALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FARTS SMELL ODIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FARTS SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BICYCLES HAVE TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POST IT NOTES STICK TO WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SQUIRRELS BURY NUTS FOR THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAVA LAMPS EMIT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENGUINS EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENGUINS LIKE COLD WEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THOUGHTS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FUNNY THINGS MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CABINETS HAVE DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FINGER NAILS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEMALES HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEMALES HAVE A VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEMALES HAVE MATERNAL INSTINCTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ARCHITECTS DESIGN BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TACOS COME FROM MEXICO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH BREATH BETTER UNDERWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH BREATHE THROUGH THEIR GILLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH REQUIRE WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH HAVE SCALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH HAVE BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH SMELL FISHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH EAT OTHER FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH SWIM IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIKE TO SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIKE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS GENNERALLY ENJOY CHASING CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS WANT TO CHASE CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS GET FLEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS BARK AT CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE MORE NIPPLES THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE A FONDNESS FOR PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE WET NOSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE TONGUES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE FLEAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS DESERVE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS MAKE NOISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EXPERIENCE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS LIKE TO CHASE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS LIKE TO CHASE SQUIRRELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS LIKE TO EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS LIKE DOG FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE LIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANNANNAS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES HELP YOUR EYESIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES HELP PEOPLE SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES CORRECT EYESIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GRAPES GROW ON VINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PRINTERS PRINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JETPLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARROTS GROW UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TWO AND 2 REPRESENT THE SAME THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS GIVE MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS GIVE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS PRODUCE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS CHEW CUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS SAY MOO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS SOMETIMES HAVE SPOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS OUTPUT MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES PURIFY THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES NEED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES PROVIDE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES PRODUCE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES GROW TOWARD THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES GROW FROM SEEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES CONTAIN CLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES TAKE A LONG TIME TO GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES BEND IN THE WIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES HAVE GREEN LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES HAVE BRANCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES MAKE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES LIVE A LONG TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOMMIES HAVE CHESTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TEENAGERS NEED FREEDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FAIRIES EXIST ONLY IN HUMAN MINDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TOILETS FLUSH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEETLES HAVE A HARD OUTER SHELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAMERAS TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAMERAS RECORD LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BREASTS PRODUCE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BREASTS CONTAIN FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FINGERS HAVE KNUCKLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS HELP SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS REQUIRE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS REQUIRE A POWER SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS HAVE MONITORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROSES HAVE CELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROSES HAVE THORNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAMERASMTAKE PHOTOGRAPHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TODDLERS SHRIEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPONSORS PAY FOR TELEVISION SHOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OPAQUE OBJECTS CAST SHADOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GREEN APPLES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN SHAVE THEIR ARMPIT HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN SHAVE THEIR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN ATTRACT MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN SMELL DIFFERENT THAN MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE VAGINAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE A CLITORIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE A MATERNAL INSTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE TWO BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE PERIODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE PUSSIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HATE HAVING PERIODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN DIFFER FROM MEN PHYSICALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN BEAR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LOVE SWEETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN WEAR MAKEUP MORE THAN MEN DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN WEAR FEWER CLOTHES ON HOT DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN THINK DIFFERENTLY TO MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LIVE LONGER THAN MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LIKE FASION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LIKE ROSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS NEED LIGHT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS NEED SUNLIGHT TO GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS GROW IN DIRT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS GROW TOWARDS SUNLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS CONSUME CARBON DIOXIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS BREATHE CARBON DIOXIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS REQUIRE WATER TO GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS HAVE LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SUBS GO UNDERWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NEWSPAPERS CONTAIN WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAW STUDENTS GO TO LAW SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PETS DEPEND ON THEIR OWNER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISHIES SWIN IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOLECULES HAVE ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GENEROUS PEOPLE GIVE LOTS TO OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRENCH PEOPLE LIVE IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRENCH LIVE IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOMONYMS SOUND ALIKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APHIDS LIVE OFF THE SAP OF PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLANKETS BELONG ON A BED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FIREFIGHTERS STOP FIRES IN BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEMONS TASTE SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO IGUANAS LIVE IN THE JUNGLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ARABS SPEAK ARABIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CRABS WALK SIDEWAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLAYGROUNDS SOMETIMES HAVE SWINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MODELS WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ZIPS FASTEN CLOTHING TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOSQUITOES FEED ON BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMELS GIVE BIRTH TO LIVE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMELS HAVE LUNGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMELS EAT MAMMELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOLAR CELLS NEED LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LOBSTERS LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANKS LOAN MONEY TO MAKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WALLABIES LIVE IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FAT MEN FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KITTY CATS LIKE MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EAGLES BREATHE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOCKS SHOW THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOCKS GIVE THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOCKS RUN CLOCKWISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOCKS TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIGHT BULBS MAKE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARNIVORES EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHOTONS TRAVEL AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OWLS HAVE BIG EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OWLS EAT MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COLDS CAUSE AN INCREASE IN SNOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FANS BLOW AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLASTIC BAGS HURT THE ENVIRONMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS RIDE ON SCHOOL BUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS MAKE MESSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS LIKE PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STAPLES COME IN MANY SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COCONUTS GROW IN TAHITI</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HEAVY COATS KEEP YOU WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALE HUMAS HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FERRETS HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RATS AND MICE HAVE MUCH IN COMMON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CONDOMS HELP PREVENT PREGNANCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CONDOMS PREVENT PREGNANCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CUPS HOLD WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RUSSIANS SPEAK RUSSIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AVERAGE HUMAN SLEEP EVERYDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENISIS BECOME ERECT WHEN STIMULATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WIVES HAVE HUSBANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHURCHES HAVE PEWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES NEED MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES THROW UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES GROW QUICKLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES DRINK MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES GET LARGER AS THEY GET OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES CRY WHEN THEY ARE HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES COME FROM ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES HAVE TO LEARN TO WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEAVERS BUILD RIVER DAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BROKEN BONES EVER HEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EYE GLASSES HELP A PERSON SEE BETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS NEED FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS PRODUCE EXHAUST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS RUN ON GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS POLLUTE THE ENVIRONMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS POLLUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS CONSUME OIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS USE GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS REQUIRE FUEL TO MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE MORE THAN TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE WHEELES. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS AND COWS BOTH HAVE HORNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APPLES GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APPLES TASTE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIONS SOMETIMES EAT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIONS HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN FEMALES BEAR LIVE YOUNG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN HAS DIFFERENT GENDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN FINGERNAILS GROW SLOWLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN MALES HAVE TWO TESTICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BONES CONTAIN BONE MARROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN HAVE MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS DESIRE COMPANIONSHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS BREED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS COME IN TWO SEXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS HAVE TEN FINGERES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS HAVE A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LLAMAS HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MISSPELLINGS MAKE WORDS HARD TO READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES COME IN PAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BECOME HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WALK FORWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PREFER ICE CREAM TO DIRT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WATERSKI BEHIND A BOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FIND A BED IN A BEDROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WEAR BOOTS ON YOUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SEE COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL SAD WHEN SOMEONE DIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL GUILTY YOU HURT SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU READ BOOKS AT A LIBRARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU OWN ANYTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SIT ON A TOILET TO DEFECATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SIT ON A CHAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SIT ON CHAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LAUGH AT JOKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SURF THE WEB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU REPEAT YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU VALUE QUALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU VALUE HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PAY TAXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DIE YOU EAT CYANIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE OR HUSBAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOVE YOUR MOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK ABOUT DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE A FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK THAT WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK ALL HUMANS NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK SUGAR TASTES SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HIT A BASEBALL WITH A BAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET WOOL FROM SHEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET WET IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET WET YOU STAND IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED A BRAIN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED EYES TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED TO BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BREATHE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MAKE A MISSTAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MAKE CHEESE FROM MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WRITE WITH A PEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EAT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EAT CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GROW FLOWERS IN SOIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SLEEP IN A BED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SLEEP WHEN YOU ARE TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HERE MUSIC WITH YOUR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GO AT A GREEN TRAFFIC LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SMILE WHEN YOU ARE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO EARN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO BE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO BE RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EVERY MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU CARE WHEN YOU LOSE A FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU TYPE WITH A KEYBOARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HOPE THAT THINGS IMPROVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HOPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DELETE SOMETHING THAT YOU ERASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SHIVER WHEN YOU ARE FREEZING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WHERE SHOES ON YOUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE THAN ONE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A RELATIONSHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A KIND OF CONSCIOUSNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A STOMACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A TELEVISON SET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TO BREATHE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO HEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TWO NIPPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE FUN WITH OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU REQUIRE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU REQUIRE WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE ITALIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO LOOK AT ATTRACTIVE WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO BE IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CANDIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE HELPING OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CHOCOLATE. DO YOU LIKE VANILLA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE PIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE RAINBOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE GETTING A MASSAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE READING THE BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE HUMAN BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE WATCHING BASKETBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE A GOOD LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE MAKE LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE YOUR FRIENDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE YOUR EXISTENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE PEOPLE. LOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CONVERSATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EXIST YOU THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRUIT GROW FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LARGE EMPTY ROOMS SOUND BOOMY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LARGE MEALS MAKE YOU SLEEPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LARGE FISH EAT SMALLER FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OLD SHOES SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OLD SMOKERS HAVE WRINKLY SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEPLEO LIKE CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CREATURES HAVE BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PSYCHOTHERAPISTS TRY TO HELP PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEATHERS GROW ON BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SALT WATER LAKES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRAINS TRAVEL ON TRACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRAINS MOVE ON TRACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VIRUS REPLICATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROCKS SINK IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WARS HURT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEMALE MAMALS HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CONTRADICTIONS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SKELETONS HAVE BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FACTORIES CREATE POLLUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHERRIES GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MUSICIANS PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MUSICIANS MAKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS CONTAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS BRING RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS CARRY RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS CARRY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YELLOW PLUS BLUE EQUAL GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YELLOW AND BLUE MAKE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YELLOW AND RED MAKE ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STICKERS STICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO IMACS COME IN PRETTY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEAP YEARS OCCUR EVERY FOUR YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I NEED OXYGEN MORE THAN I NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I NEED TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I NEED SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I WANT TO BE RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE A MOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE A SPLEEN I AM HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE TO REGISTER TO TALK TO ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE TWO PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE TWO BIOLOGICAL PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I EXIST I THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MOUSES HAVE THREE BUTTONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CATS CHASE MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CATS HAVE BLACK FUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME GIRLS SMOKE CIGARETTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME GIRLS LIKE TO KISS OTHER GIRLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME GIRLS LIKE SOME BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME IRISH PEOPLE SPEAK FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BIRDS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HORSES WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME ACTORS ONLY PERFORM IN MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME ACTORS ONLY PERFORM ON STAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME INSECTS HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CHINESE EAT DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME LEAVES TASTE MINTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BUILDINGS HAVE STAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CRIMES GO UNSOLVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CLOCKS HAVE FACES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMAN BODY PARTS COME IN PAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BOOKS HAVE COVERS MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME FISH GLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN SNIFF PANTIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN LOSE THEIR HAIR AND GO BALD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS FIND MONKEYS FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS ASK STUPID QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS WORSHIP OTHER HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS KILL THEMSELVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE NEED EYEGLASSES TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE KEEP FISH IN AN AQUARIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE FIND MATHS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LEARN FASTER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE ENJOY CUTTING THEMSELVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE ENJOY PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE WATCH MOVIES AT HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE PREFER BICYCLES TO AUTOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE DISLIKE CHRISTIANITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE DRINK BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE CLIMB MOUNTAINS FOR FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE TELL LIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE SLEEP ON THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE SMOKE CIGARETTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE FEAR THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME LAST NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE SEX WITH ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE BLUE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE GLASSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE CHRONIC DIARRHEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE EAT FRIED PORK SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE DREAM IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE THINK TATTOOS ARE COOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIVE IN HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE NOT KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE WEIRD THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO DRIVE FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO GAZE AT STARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO BE WHIPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE BEING WHIPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOLE EAT SHRIMP SALAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME DOGS EAT GARBAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME ANIMALS DIE GIVING BIRTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME ANIMALS LIVE IN ZOOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME WOMEN GET MARRIED TO LOSERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME WOMEN HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME SPEAKERS HAVE VOLUME KNOBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME TREES HAVE FLOWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME TREES LIVE LONGER THAN PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME SEEDS THAT GROW UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANANAS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANANAS COME FROM A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANANAS GO BLACK AS THEY GET OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ORANGES CONTAIN VITAMIN C</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO REDHEADS HAVE RED HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OTHER STARS HAVE PLANETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DONUTS HAVE HOLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DONUTS TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLAGS REPRESENT NATIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEAVES CONTAIN CHLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEAVES TURN BROWN IN THE FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEAVES TURN COLOR IN THE FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KEYS OPEN DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KEYS GO WITH LOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KITTENS LIKE PLAYING WITH WOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARPETS COVER FLOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANGELS HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES POLLINATE FLOWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES LIVE IN HIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTORCYCLES HAVE TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WIZARDS CAST SPELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TIRED PEOPLE WANT TO REST OR SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FENCES ENCLOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CONTAIN CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SMILE WHEN THEY ARE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PAINT THEIR HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FRAME THEIR DIPLOMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE COMMIT SUICIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LOBBY CONGRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ASK STUPID QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CUDDLE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LOVE THEIR MOTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LOVE THEIR FATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LOVE PEACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TOSS COINS INTO FOUNTAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE JUMP OFF BRIDGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BOUNCE ON TRAMPOLINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE AT SOME POINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE OF STARVATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE COME IN DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE COOK ON PANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEEP IN THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE URINATE AT LEAST ONCE A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED OXYGEN TO BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED OXYGEN TO BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED MONEY TO BUY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED ENOUGH SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO EXPERIENCE LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE USE THERE MOUTH TO DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE USE THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WALK WITH LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DISAGREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WRITE ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE CATS FOR PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE FIVE TOES ON EACH FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE A THIGH ON EACH LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE 2 THUMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE HANDS AND EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SIT ON CHAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE ROUND NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE THEIR FRIENDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE THE SUNSET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE EXCITEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE A BARGAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO GET DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO OWN THEIR OWN HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO SIT DOWN. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE COMPANIONSHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE EATING STEAKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE RUN IN THE OLYMPICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE RUN IN A RELAY RACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEAP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WORK IN ORDER TO GET MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SMOKE CIGARETTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DRINK HOT BEVERAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DRINK COFFEE AT BREAKFAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DRINK WINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CRY WHEN THEY ARE SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE COMMUNICATE BY EMAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BELIEVE FALSE THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE VALUE SAFETY MORE THAT RISK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OWN PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OWN COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE IN LOVE OFTEN GET MARRIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE IN CHINA OFTEN SPEAK MANDARIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE MAKE LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LEARN BY MAKING MISTAKTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LEARN BY EXPERIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT THE MUSCLES OF ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT FROG LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT HUMAN FLESH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT FOOD REGULARLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CLIP THEIR NAILS REGULARLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DANCE TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FEAR THE UNKNOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FEAR OLD AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE KILL OTHER PEOPLE TOO MUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE KILL OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY BIRTHDAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY PICNICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY WALKING ON THE BEACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY WATCHING TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY LEARNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOUCHED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY BEING ENTERTAINED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY GAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY SUNNY DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY CHALLENGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY MATURBATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GAMBLE ON SPORTING EVENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BREATHE WHEN THEY ARE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GOTO SCHOOL TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SNEEZE INTO HANDKERCHIEFS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FALL ASLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIE TO AVOID EMBARASSMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SEE WITH THEIR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SEE PICTURES IN CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ADMIRE BRAVERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FEEL LONELY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES FEEL LONELY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES DO STUFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES WANDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES END THEMSELVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES DIE IN FLASH FLOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FIGHT WITH THEIR SIBLINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THEIR PRIVACY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OFTEN CITE OPINION AS FACT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OFTEN FEAR NEW TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OFTEN DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SWEAT WHEN THEY GET HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TRY TO DO GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DISLIKE BEING RAINED ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FART WHEN THEY HAVE GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PUT MONEY IN WALLETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WATCH TOO MUCH TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TAKE THE CLAWS OFF SOME CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TAKE ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PREFER TO BE HAPPY THAN SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PREFER TO BE RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE THINK ABOUT EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING THINGS EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING THINGS CONTAIN CARBON 14</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING THINGS COME TO AN END</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING THINGS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING THINGS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING ORGANISMS CONVERT ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEAOPLE TEACH OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOMOSEXUALS PREFER SAME SEX MATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMALS DRINK MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMALS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLACK WOMAN HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DIGESTED BEANS PRODUCE METHANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANARIES SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROVER MAKE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HARSH WORDS STIR UP ANGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO REPTILES HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO REPTILES HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO QUADRAPEDS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HUNT FOR MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS DRINK MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS MEOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS CHASE MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS PURR WHEN THEY ARE CONTENTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS PURR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS SOMETIMES PURR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS COME IN A VARIETY OF COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE FUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE ROUGH TOUNGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE WHISKERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE SHARP CLAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE PAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS COUGH UP FUR BALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE TO BE PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE TO EAT MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE BEING STROKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE TUNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE AFFECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GEESE FLY IN A V FORMATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES LIVE UNDERWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FIREWALLS PROTECT NETWORKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TADPOLES GROW INTO FROGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STARS SHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STARS BURN HYDROGEN FOR FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STARS COLLIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STARS EXPLODE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STARS EMIT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TOO MANY PRUNES MAKE YOU GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHINESE WOMEN HAVE TIGHT PUSSEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ONIONS MAKE YOU CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO UNIONS HELP WORKERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RIPE MANGOS TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COFFEE AND DONUTS GO TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GORILLAS LIKE BANANAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUSTRALIANS SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTHORS WRITE BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHYSICIANS TRY TO HEAL THE SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GRASSHOPPERS HOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TERMITES EAT WOODEN HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TERMITES EAT WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALES HAVE PENISES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CIRCUS CLOWNS WEAR MAKEUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPACT DISCS HOLD BINARY DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDERN CRY WHEN THEY ARE SCARED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HAPPY PEOPLE LIVE LONGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FATTY FOODS TASTE THE BEST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FATTY AND SALTY FOODS TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COLLEGES AWARD DEGREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS BITE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS BITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS CONTINUALLY GROW NEW TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS HAVE FINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DEAD THINGS DECAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VERTEBRATES HAVE BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLUMS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ASTRONOMERS STUDY THE UNIVERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOUSES PROVIDE SHELTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOUSES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TELEPHONES USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ERICSSON MAKE MOBILE PHONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOUR MAMA LOVES YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATERPILLARS TURN INTO BUTTERFLIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO IDEAS HAVE POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HYENAS EAT DEAD CORPSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARBONATED DRINKS TASTE FIZZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARBONATED BUBBLES TICKLE YOUR NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRBAGS SAVE LIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPRING SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE NEED MORE BANDWIDTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE NEED TO EAT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE NEED TO EAT FOOD TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE LEARN FROM STUDYING OUR HISTORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE LAUGH WHEN WE ARE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE GET WISER AS WE GET OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE BREATHE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE HAVE ONLY ONE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE HAVE A SUMMER HERE IN FINLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE PUT SOCKS ON OUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE ALL HAVE TO DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE ALL DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE LIVE IN THE MILKY WAY GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TECTONIC PLATES COLLIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHYSICAL OBJECTS HAVE MASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHYSICAL OBJECTS HAVE COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STOCKS TEND TO RISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CDS HAVE MUSIC ON THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DVDS HAVE MOVIES ON THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS POO IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS HIBRINATE IN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS HAVE CLAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS EAT SALMON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS DEFECATE IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS LIKE HONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWBOYS RIDE HORSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWBOYS LIKE COUNTRY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GEARS HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS GIVE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS PRODUCE MILK FOR THEIR YOUNG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS PRODUCE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS BREATHE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS REQUIRE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE SPINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE LUNGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE TWO EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE WARM BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GERMANS LIKE SAUERKRAUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES HAVE HOOVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN ONE GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN JESUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN CHRIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENS CONTAIN INK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENS WRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENS USE INK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RACE CARS HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAINBOWS CONSIST OF MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CORPORATIONS MAKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAR TYRES HAVE RUBBER IN THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WALLS SURROUND A ROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS CONTAIN PAGES AND CHARACTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS CONTAIN A LOT OF LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS HAVE A SPINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS HAVE WORDS IN THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS TRANSFER KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELECTRONS HAVE SPIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELECTRONS CARRY CHARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CYCLES REPEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HAMMERS DRIVE NAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ESKIMOS LIVE IN IGLOOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DARK COLOURS ABSORB HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HELIUM BALLOONS FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DENTISTS FIX TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ASTEROIDS EVER HIT THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BUBBLES FLOAT ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEET STINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEET SMELL WHEN THEY SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAIL HUMAN HAVE 10 FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STEREO SPEAKERS EMIT SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CELLULAR PHONES CAUSE RADIATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN NEED WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN MARRY WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN GROW MORE FACIAL HAIR THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN ENJOY LOOKING AT NAKED WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN CARE ABOUT WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN SOMETIMES LEER AT WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE BALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE HAIR ON THIER CHESTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE X CROMASOMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE SEX WITH WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE TESTICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN AND WOMEN OFTEN ACT DIFFERENTLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LOVE WOMENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN WEAR PANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN URINATE STANDING UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE YOUNGER WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE TO LOOK AT NAKED WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE RECEIVING BLOW JOBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CIGARETTES CONTAIN NICOTINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JANITORS CLEAN BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BULEMICS MAKE THEMSELVES VOMIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SICK PEOPLE GO TO THE DOCTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTER PROGRAMS CONTAIN BUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTER PROGRAMS HAVE BUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTER NERDS LIKE SNACK FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLUE AND YELLOW MAKE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CFCS DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HERBIVORES EAT PLANT MATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TALL PEOPLE HAVE BIG FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEACHES GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COLORS FADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAINDROPS CREATE PUDDLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POLICE SAVE LIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAPTOP COMPUTERS HAVE LCD SCREENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LETTERS MAKE UP THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LETTERS FORM WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS NEED OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS REQUIRED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS COMMUNICATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS USE THEIR EYES TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS BREATHE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS LISTEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS REQUIRE OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS HAVE PERSONALITIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS HAVE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS EAT PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS LIVE IN THE DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EMOTIONS INFLUENCE HUMAN DECISIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ACTIONS CAUSE CONSEQUENCES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIBRARIES CONTAIN BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIBRARIES HOUSE BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENN AND TELLER WEAR GRAY SUITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GROCERY STORES SELL FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VOLCANOES EMIT MAGMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NEEDLES PRICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KEYBOARDS HAVE KEYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOSQUITOS DRINK BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIQUIDS FLOW AROUND OBSTACLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JOB INTERVIEWS MAKE YOU NERVOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DIAMONDS COME FROM SOUTH AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MECHANICS WORK ON MECHANICAL THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATTERIES RUN OUT OF POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GUITARS HAVE 6 STRINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GUITARS HAVE STRINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHRIMP LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAINS USE THEIR FOOTS TO WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPOILED FRUIT TASTE BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS ENJOY FOOTBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS DRINK MORE COFFEE THAN TEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS DRINK A LOT OF COFFEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS ELECT THEIR PRESIDENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS LIVE IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRIDGES GIVE OFF HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS SOMETIMES COLLIDE WITH PLANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS USE WINGS TO FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS HAVE BEAKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS EAT WORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS LIVE IN NESTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS GO SOUTH IN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HACKERS HACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS CLIMB TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS BREATHE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS HAVE TONGUES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS DIE OF OLD AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTHS EAT HOLES IN CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MEN MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MEN ENJOY THE COMPANY OF WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MEN ENJOY SEEING NAKED WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST DOGS HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MARRIED MEN LOVE THEIR WIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CANDIES CONTAIN SUGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMAN BEINGS HAVE TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CHILDREN LIKE TO PAINT OR COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS NEED GAS TO OPERATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS USE GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CUPS HAVE HANDLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST WOMEN HAVE CLITORISES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST WOMEN LIKE CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PHONES RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST AMERICANS WEAR UNDERWEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST AMERICANS LIVE IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BOSE SPEAKERS SOUND PRETTY GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PIANOS HAVE 88 KEYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST COMPUTERS REQUIRE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST COMPUTERS HAVE HARD DRIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS DESIRE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS FALL IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TEN TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE HAIR ON THEIR HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE 2 PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TWO EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST FISH HAVE FINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST FISH SWIM IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST AUTOMOBILES HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CRABS LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PLANTS NEED SUNLIGHT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST FARMERS GROW FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE CONSIDER NORTH TO BE UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WANT TO BE HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LONG FOR APPROVAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE SLEEP AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE PAY TAX</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE 10 TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TEN TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TEN FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE A NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE 2 ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TWO EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LOSE THEIR VIRGINITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE EAT LUNCH AROUND NOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE UNIQUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHING IN PUBLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LOVE THEIR PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIVE IN COUPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE AVOID PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WORK TO MAKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE SWEETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO WATCH TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO HAVE FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO EAT PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE CANDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST LARGE COMPANIES OWN A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST COUNTRIES HAVE CAPITALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ROCKS SINK IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ATHLETIC SHOES HAVE LACES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST TREES HAVE BRANCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ANIMALS WITH FEATHERS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ANIMALS HAVE BILATERAL SYMMETRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CATS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HOUSES HAVE WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ROADS HAVE SPEED LIMITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BIRDS FLY SOUTH IN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HOMES HAVE DOORBELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BLACK PEOPLE HAVE BLACK HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAMBS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS SURVIVE BY EATING INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS BITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS BUILD WEBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS HAVE EIGHT LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS EAT FLIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS LAY EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WET DOGS SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIGHTERS PRODUCE FLAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WAREHOUSES HAVE HIGH CEILINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABY HUMANS CRY WHEN THEY ARE HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARENTS HAVE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS GET WET WHEN PUT INTO WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS FALL WHEN THEY ARE DROPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS FALL DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS COST MORE THAN THEY USED TO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS FLOAT IN ZERO GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KANGAROOS HAVE POUCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN PLAY WITH FRISBEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN PLAY HIDE AND SEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LEARN QUICKLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN HAVE TO LEARN MUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE ICECREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE CANDY BARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO QUESTIONS LEAD TO ANSWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO QUESTIONS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TABLES HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES PLAY SPORTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCREWS HOLD THINGS TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANADIANS SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FOOLS FALL IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VAMPIRE BATS DRINK BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTOMOBILES NEED FUEL TO RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTOMOBILES RUN ON GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTOMOBILES BURN FOSSILE FUELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTOMOBILES HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARES SCISSORS USED FOR CUTTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>RABITS MULTIPLY FASTER THAN PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS SKY A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS RELIGION CAUSED WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS SPRING SPRUNG</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE SOUND BARRIER BEEN BROKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE INTERNET IMOPROVED LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE TITANIC CRASHED WITH AN ICEBERG</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE MAN TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE USA EVER BEEN AT WAR WITH IRAQ</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS EVERYBODY BIOLOGICAL PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS EVERYONE TOLD AT LEAST ONE LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS AL GORE EVER TOLD A LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS NEIL ARMSTRONG WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A TRAFFIC LIGHT 3 COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A HUMAN THE RIGHT TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A HUMAN A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A HUMAN A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A FROG THE COLOR GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A DOG BEEN IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS ALICE BECOME SMARTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS KEVIN BACON BEEN IN ANY MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS AN ORANGE THE COLOR ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS AN HUMAN HAND FIVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS ONE HOUR SIXTY MINUTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS ALBERT EINSTEIN BEEN A PHYSICIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS WORLD WAR 2 FINISHED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MANKIND REACHED THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN TRAVELLED TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>E EQUAL MC2</pattern>
<category><pattern>TRUTH IS AN ABSTRACT CONCEPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CRT STANDS FOR CATHODE RAY TUBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PARTIES ARE FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>RUNNING IS BAD FOR BROKEN LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>BE UNSINKABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DUBLIN IS THE CAPITAL OF IRELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>SCIENCE HELPS MANKIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>FOR EVERY REACTION THERE WAS AN ACTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DINOSAURS R EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>AT THE END OF THE DAY DOES IT GET DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>COCA COLA ONCE CONTAINED COCAINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>GREEN MEANS GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING CAN MAKE YOU SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING KILLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING CAUSES LUNG CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>KIDS ASK WHY. A LOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOGS BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOGS ARE FRIENDLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>VATICAN IS IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IST DER MARS EIN PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIVING THINGS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE NEED BETTER MANNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE CAN NOT READ OR WRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE GREEDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE HAVE TWO LEGS AND TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE DIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE LIKE TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE LIKE SUGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WINDOWS USE TRANSPARENT MATERIALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>BILL CLINTON PRESIDENT OF USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>BILL CLINTON IS AN ADULTERER</pattern>
<category><pattern>BILL CLINTON IS ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BILL GATES IS A FOUNDER OF MICROSOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIGHT HAS DUAL PROPERTIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>MIGHT A HONEYMOON BE SPENT AT A RESORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I A MALE I AM MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I ASKING A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I ALLOWED TO BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I DIFFERENT FROM YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I MADE OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I ASLEEP WHEN I DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I GOING TO GET FREE SHARES</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I USING A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I WHAT I AM</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I ON THE NET</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I ON A WEBSITE ON ALICE DOT COM</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I MORE INTELLIGENT THAN A LIZARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>SIGHT IS ONE OF OUR FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>FRANCE IS A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PYGMIES ARE HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>GLASS CAN HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>RAP IS A TYPE OF MUSIC STYLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CRIME IS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>PAJAMAS ARE FOR SLEEPING</pattern>
<category><pattern>AN AUDI IS A FINE GERMAN CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>27 IS LESS THAN 50</pattern>
<category><pattern>PAPUA NEW GUINEA IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHETHER BAT IS MAMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAY A WOMAN HAVE MULTIPLE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAY SILICON BE USED IN IMPLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>KILLING A HUMAN IS WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>LE SOLEIL EST CHAUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>YAHOO. IS AN INTERNET BASED COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>RED IS NOT THE SAME AS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>RED COLOR SIGNIFIES DANGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ADDITION IS EAASIER THAN DIVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAR IS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CATHOLICS BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEING PROMOTED IS A SIGN OF SUCCESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>LINUX IS A FREE OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLANTS NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLANTS PRODUCE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUN IS THE NEAREST STAR TO THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>SATURN IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>JACKIE CHAN DOES HIS OWN STUNTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>FLOWERS BLOOM IN THE SPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CULTURES ARE VALID</pattern>
<category><pattern>Too much recursion in AIML</pattern>
<category><pattern>A HOUSE CAT MEOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A WATCH TELLS TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BIRD HAS TWO WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BALL HAS A ROUND SHAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BANANA IS A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>A MAGICIAN PERFORMS MAGIC TRICKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A TABLE IS A TABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>A TRICYCLE HAS THREE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BICYCLE HAS TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A SERIOUS INJURY CAN KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>A MARE IS A FEMALE HORSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>A FERRARI IS POWERFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>A LAKE IS A BODY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BOOKSHELF HOLDS BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A IS A</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CAT IS A KIND OF ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CUBE HAS EDGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CAR IS A FORM OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CAR HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A SEWER IS A WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CIRCLE IS INFINITELY CURVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>A PEA IS A VEGATABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>A GUY CAN FALL IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER GUY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ENERGY COMES FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>TIME IS A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>TIME IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>TIME IS RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOUR ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILDREN LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>MIGHTY OAKS GROW FROM ACORNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHRISTIANITY IS A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOOD IS A TYPE OF ORGANIC MATERIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>NINE TIMES NINE EQUALS TO 81</pattern>
<category><pattern>CURTAINS ARE MADE OF CLOTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>GRAVITY ALWAYS PULLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOG IS CREATED BY POLLUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>PARIS IS A FRENCH TOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE IS WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE CREAM IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>AMAZON DOT COM IS A ONLINE BOOKSHOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>BOOKS ARE MADE TO BE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>BOOKS ARE WRITTEN BY AUTHORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>GIRLS LOVE JEWELLRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GIRLS ARE BIGGER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE MOST DINOSAURS LARGER THAN PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE ANCIENT GREEKS INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE BEATLES MUSICIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE BEATLES A BRITISH BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE BEATLES A ROCK AND ROLL BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE NAZIS EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE ANIMALS A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE FORDS THE FIRST MASS PRODUCED CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE JEWS KILLED IN WORLD WAR II</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE YOU BORN A VIRGIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE HUMANS CREATED BY EVOLUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUNDAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>FLORIDA IS A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CBS IS A BROADCASE TELEVISION NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>LOVE CAN BREAK YOUR HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>LOVE CAN HAPPEN MORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>LOVE WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>LOVE IS NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>LOVE IS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>LOVE IS NOT ALWAYS RETURNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE A SAUSAGE AND A HOTDOG SIMILAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS BIGGER THAN MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIES BOGUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHEETAHS FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CELL PHONES PORTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CELL PHONES RISKY TO HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES CUDDLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES SMALL YOUNG DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES CUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NOODLES GOOD TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LAWS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEAFY VEGETABLES GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PASSWORDS SECURITY DEVICES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ADULTS EASILY AMUSED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY CHILDREN AFRAID OF THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY SODA CANS MADE OUT OF ALUMINUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY AMERICANS OBESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY FAMOUS AUTHORS HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE METEORS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DISHWASHERS USED TO WASH DISHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JEWS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RADIO WAVES INVISIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAN AND WOMAN ARE DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GLOVES WORN ON HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE INSECTS SMALLER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE INSECTS SMALLER THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIG ROCKS HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ESKIMOES REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS DOMINANT SPECIES ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS OMNIVORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CONSIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BIGGER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BIGGER THAN MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS DESCENDED FROM APES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SMARTER THAN A ROCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SMARTER THAN EARTH WORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS COMPOSED MOSTLY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MADE UP OF MOSTLY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CARBON BASED LIFE FORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BIPEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS AFRAID OF DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS FALLIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CONSCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SELF AWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS GREATER THAN 3 FEET TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CHANGING THE PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ORGANIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS TALLER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ROUGHLY 70 WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MAMMELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SENTIENT BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SENTIENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BASICALLY COOPERATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS HYPOCRITICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS LAZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MORE EMOTIONAL THAN LOGICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BIPEDAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAGAZINES MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FERRARI CARS MADE IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KOALA BEARS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAILMEN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STRAWBERRIES SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STRAWBERRIES RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NAKED WOMEN. NICE TO TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNCLES ALWAYS MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CALORIES BURNED WHEN SWIMMING LAPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FEELINGS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JALAPENOS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE ICE CAPS MELTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE JEWISH A PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE 2000 OLYMPIC GAMES IN SYDNEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE EARTH ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE TROPICS HOTTER THAN THE POLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE UNITED STATES A BIG COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE DALLAS COWBOYS A FOOTBALL TEAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE 365 DAYS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE RED WINGS FROM DETROIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE OCEANS RELATIVELY UNEXPLORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE OCEANS FILLED WITH WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE BEATLES ROCK MUSICIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE KIDNEYS INTERNAL ORGANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE TALKING HEADS A MUSICAL GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE SUN YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE OCEAN FULL OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE FLOWERS BEATIFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE STARS FAR AWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE STARS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE STARS AT NIGHT BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE WOMEN HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE URAL MOUNTAINS IN RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE OLYMPICS IN AUSTRALIA IN 2000</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE TREES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE FRENCH MAMMALIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE TIDES CAUSED BY THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS IN COLORADO</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE HUMANITY INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE PLANTS A LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE BAHAMAS IN THE CARIBBEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLACKBERRY PIES DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NIPPLES PART OF THE BREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CRIMINALS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BRICKS HEAVIER THAN FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TAXES ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLAYMATES PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EVERGREENS A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EVERGREENS GREEN ALL YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROPES HELPFUL FOR CLIMBING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMMUNITY PROJECTS A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WORMS GOOD FOR A GARDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ACTIVITIES A WASTE OF TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIRES MADE OUT OF RUBBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIRES FULL OF AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HAMBURGERS GREASY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MUTUAL FUNDS A GOOD INVESTMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES FAST VEHICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES USED TO FLY PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAW VEGETABLE HEALTHY TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHEEP MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHEEP ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BINARY DIGITS CALLED BITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TORPEDOES A TYPE OF WEAPON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MUSKRATS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GUNS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SODAS CARBONATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JACK O LANTERNS MADE FROM PUMPKINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BASEBALLS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PROTEINS MADE UP OF AMINO ACIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PROTEINS MADE WITH AMINO ACIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANSIONS LARGER THAN HUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOURS LONGER THAN SECONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FROGS SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIGTAILS A HAIRSTYLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SUNFLOWERS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS FAST SWIMMERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS ENDANGERED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS SMARTER THAN SHARKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS FAIRLY INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS AND WHALES MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FUNGI ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PAGES IN BOOKS MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OPEN WOUNDS PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLAMINGOS PINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DINSOSAURS EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAILS SLIMEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAILS AND TURTLES SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AMPHIBIANS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE INTERNET COMPANIES OVERVALUED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE INTERNET BECOMING LARGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS BIGGER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS FUN TO BE AROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS OFTEN SCARED OF SPIDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS ARE FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BEANS EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLEAS A PARASITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UFOS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JEANS A KIND OF TROUSERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHAIRS USED TO SIT IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHAIRS FOR SITTING IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHAIRS MADE FOR SITTING ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROCK CONCERTS LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAKES COLD BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANETS SPHERES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTERFILES BEAUTIFOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HYDROGEN BOMBS SCARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUGS SMALLER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WEB PAGES CREATED USING HTML</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DESERTS DRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COKE CANS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREE LEAVES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREE TRUNKS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROOTS FOUND UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOGA EXCERSISES GOOD FOR YOUR MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EYES USED TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HANDRAILS FOR SAFETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TOYS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RARE THINGS EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ONLINE BANNER ADS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LAWNMOWERS USED TO CUT GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BATS NOCTURNAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BATS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABYS YOUNG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GOVERNMENTS BUREAUCRATIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GOLDFISH KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ARTISTS PAINTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOUGHNUTS TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENCILS MADE FROM WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SMALL CHILDREN NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GARAGES USED TO STORE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KISSES EXCITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NBA PLAYERS TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JALEPENO PEPPERS SPICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MILLIONAIRES RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RICH PEOPLE GREEDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOTHERS PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOTHERS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOTHERS FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE 1 AND 0 BINARY DIGITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOMOSAPIENS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FOSSIL FUELS A FINITE RESOUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VERBS WORDS THAT DESCRIBE AN ACTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE REDWOODS GIANT TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BASKETBALLS BIGGER THAN SOFTBALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MARINES A TYPE OF SOLDIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANTS SMALLER THAN MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HALOGEN LIGHTS BRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOVIE STARS FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RABBITS FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RABBITS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RABBITS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CONSISTENT MORALS GOOD FOR SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ISLANDS SMALLER THAN CONTINENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SUBMARINES REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MICE FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MICE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GAY MEN HOMOSEXUALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS GROWING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS COLORFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS COLORFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FARTS STINKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DAFFODILS A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POST IT NOTES USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHEERLEADERS SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENGUINS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FEMALES THE OPPOSITE SEX OF MALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FEMALES ATTRACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FISH EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNRIPE BANANAS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS FURRY ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS VERTEBRATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS MORE LOYAL THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS MORE AGGRESSIVE THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS BIGGER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS FAMILY PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS GOOD PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS GOOD COMPANIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS OFTEN KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS CANINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIPES USED TO CARRY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SKY ARE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARROTS ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PHONE SOLICITORS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CANDLES MADE FROM WAX AND PARAFIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROBOTS USEFUL IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROBOTS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PILLOWS SIMILAR TO CUSHIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PILLOWS MEANT FOR SUPPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WILLOWS TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OCEANS BODIES OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OCEANS BIGGER THAN SEAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OCEANS SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OCEANS MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIMPLES UNSIGHTLY TO LOOK AT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NORTH AND SOUTH OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FOOTBALL PADS FOR SAFETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BURRITOS CONSIDERED MEXICAN FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS BIGGER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS ONE SOURCE OF MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS QUADRUPEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS BLACK AND WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS MILK PRODUCING ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS ARE BLACK AND WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES A RENEWABLE RESOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES LIVING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES BIG PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES TALLER THAN HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES CONSIDERED PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BORING QUESTIONS BORING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEENAGERS YOUNGER THEN ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FAIRIES A LEGENDARY CRATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNCOOKED EGGS EASILY BROKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BREASTS FUN FOR MEN TO PLAY WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BREASTS ARE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DINGOES REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BONES HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BONES MADE OF CALCIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CITIES CROWDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CITIES CONSIDERED URBAN AREAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS HELPFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS TODAY FASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS ANY GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS FASTER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS USED FOR WRITING EMAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS ELECTRONIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS GETTING FASTER EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS GETTING FASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS GOOD FOR THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS GOOD FOR TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS LOGICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SINGERS POPULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOAP OPERAS MELODRAMATIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THEIR 24 HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GREEN IGUANAS TROPICAL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN UGLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN DIFFERENT FROM MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN ATTRACTED TO POWERFUL MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN MOSTLY SMALLER THAN MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LESBIANS GAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DINNER PLATES ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS ORGANIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS MADE OF CELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS LIVING BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS LIVING ORGANISMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS CAPABLE OF REPRODUCING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS ARE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEWSPAPERS READ IN BLACK AND WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEWSPAPERS READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOLECULES MADE UP OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SELF STICK NOTES YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RELIGIONS BASED ON LIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DRUGS BAD FOR US</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TOES ATTACHED TO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRENCH FRIES A FINGER FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRENCH PEOPLE EUROPEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GAMES MADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GAMES INTENDED TO BE FUN TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOFT THINGS COMFORTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEMONS SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEWBORNS INFANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SKYSCRAPERS ARE TALLER THAN HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MODELS PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EMERALDS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLINDS SOMETIMES FOUND ON WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRAFFES TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POLAR BEARS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UP AND DOWN RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UP AND DOWN DETERMINED BY GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TRUCKS USED TO TRANSPORT FREIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIGHTS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EARS USED FOR HEARING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EARS FOR HEARING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TANKS USED FOR WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TANKS EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FIRE ENGINES RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GRANDFATHERS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SKIS LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOCKS USED TO TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OWLS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SAUNAS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PROTONS POSITIVLY CHARGED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WEAPONS USED TO KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COCONUTS WHITE INSIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STOP SIGNS RED IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NAZIS BAD GUYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAISINS SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAISINS MADE FROM GRAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAISINS DEHYDRATED GRAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAISINS DRIED GRAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOOSE BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RATS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PANCAKES EATEN FOR BREAKFAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RUSSIANS GOOD PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE COMPUTERS FOR BLIND PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TREES IN A FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 365 DAYS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 365 DAYS IN AN EARTH YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 30 DAYS IN JUNE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 30 DAYS IN NOVEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 30 DAYS IN SEPTEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 31 DAYS IN AUGUST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 31 DAYS IN MARCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 31 DAYS IN JULY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 31 DAYS IN OCTOBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ELECTRIC BUSSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE BANANAS IN A BANANA SPLIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE MALE AND FEMALE PINE CONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 26 LETTERS IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO WILL DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO LIKE RAP MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PYRAMIDS IN EGYPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CHILDREN HOMELESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 2000 POUNDS IN A TON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWO GENDERS OF HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWO ELEMENTS IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 366 DAYS IN A LEAP YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE INVISIBLE FORMS OF RADIATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 100 YEARS IN A CENTURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EDIBLE FUNGI</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FOUR QUARTERS IN A DOLLAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ROMAN RUINS IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE BALD MEN THAN BALD WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE BLACK PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE WATER IN A LAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SEVEN EXISTING CONTINENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE LIFE FORMS IN OUR GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SWAMPS IN FLORIDA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE THREE BOOKS IN A TRILOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TEN IN 1111111111</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 30 DAYS IN SEPTEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE STUPID QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE THAN 3 COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE GIRLS AT CALTECH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE DIFFERENT TYPES OF CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 10 YEARS IN A DECADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 10 COMMANDMENTS IN THE BIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE HOLES IN OUR PERCEPTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ELEPHANTS AT A CIRCUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CERTAIN INALIEANABLE RIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE MEN NAMED JULIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE MEN NAMED PABLO</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE LOTS OF PEOPLE IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE HUMAN ARTIFACTS ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE LAKES IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ILLOGICAL QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 52 CARDS IN A DECK OF CARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 52 WEEKS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SHADES OF GREY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SPAMMERS ON PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 9 PLANETS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 9 PLANETS IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 INCHES IN A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 INCHES IN ONE FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 7 DAYS IN ONE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWELVE INCHES TO A FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWELVE MONTHS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWELVE MONTHS IN ONE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CLOUDS IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TORPEDOS ON SUBMARINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EIGHT BITS IN A BYTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 5 FINGERS ON EACH HAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 4 QUARTS IN A GALLON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ASTERIODS IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 3600 SECONDS IN A HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EVIL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PLANETS AROUNG OTHER STARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUILDINGS MADE WITH GRANITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEWBORN INFANTS INNOCENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CABLE MODEMS FASTER THAN 56K LINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DRAGONS A MYTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SAILBOATS POWERED BY WIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TABLE TOPS FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES CUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES BORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES PRECIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SUPERMODELS GOOD LOOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VIDEO GAMES FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ONE PLUS ONE TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELESCOPES TOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AN ELEPHANTS EARS BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEDDY BEARS CUDDLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TOUR GUIDES EMPLOYEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JOKES FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JOKES MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS RIGHT HAND DRIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS AUTOMBILES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS FASTER THAN BOATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS FASTER THAN BICYCLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES RED IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIONS FELINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MARBLES ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NAPKINS FOR WIPING YOUR MOUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BLOOD CELLS MICROSCOPIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN FEMALES ALLOWED TO VOTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BIPEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BRAINS IN OUR HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN TEARS SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN INFANTS BORN FAIRLY HELPLESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS BIPEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS CONSCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS CLASSIFIED AS A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS UNIQUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS CONSIDERED MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CRYSTALS SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JAPANESE HARD WORKERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU OLDER THAN A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU S STOP SIGNS RED AND OCTOGONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CONCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU TO BE A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU EMBARASSED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU INVADE BY VIRUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU KILLED DRIVING A FAST CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SURE THAT YOU EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU BETTER THAN A FLEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CONSISTENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU LOGGED IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU LOGGED ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CAPABLE OF MAKING MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU USING A WEB BROWSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU IS A LOGICAL DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THINKING OF SOMETHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU GROWING OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THUNDERSTORMS LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRUIT FLIES INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LARGE AND BIG SYNONYMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OLD CARS LOUDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAPLE ELM AND BIRCH TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEMARKETERS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FEATHERS SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HIPPOPOTAMI BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLUEBERRY PIES DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VEGETABLES HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VEGETABLES GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VEGETABLES PARTS OF PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROCKS HARDER THAN SILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROCKS HARDER THAN COTTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROCKS HARD OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROCKS SOLID MATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CURTAINS A COMMON WINDOW COVERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOCKS WORN INSIDE SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOCKS WORN ON THE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WARS ARE BAD FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FINGERPRINTS UNIQUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NUMBER OF DAYS PER YEAR IS 365</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE T SHIRTS COMFORTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE T SHIRTS MADE OF COTTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DEMOCRATS A PARTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPORTS CARS FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPORTS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPORTS POPULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE UP OF WATER VAPOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE UP OF WATER DROPLETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE OF WATER VAPOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE OF WATER MOLECULES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE OF WATER VAPOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE OF WATER DROPLETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS COMPOSED OF WATER VAPOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS COMPOSED OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS WATER VAPOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RECORDS MADE OF VINYL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELK MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SAABS MADE IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BEARINGS USED TO REDUCE FRICTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIGEONS GREY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIGEONS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS GROWN IN CENTRAL AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS GREEN WHEN THEY ARE UNRIPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CROWS BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORANGES ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEAVES ON TREES ARE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TRUMPETS MADE OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KEYS USED IN LOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KEYS USED TO OPEN LOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAKES FATTENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KITTENS SMALL CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KITTENS CUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEUROSURGEONS WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOOLY MAMMOTHS EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEDICATIONS TAKEN BY MOUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PINE AND FIR TREES BOTH EVERGREENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PINE TREES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BEES INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HAMSTERS RODENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTERFLIES GENTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTERFLIES BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTERFLIES AN INSECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTERFLIES FREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHOCOLATE CHIPS COOKIES TASTEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIZARDS REPTILES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIZARDS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEAS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENCIL LEADS MADE OF GRAPHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PURPLE AND VIOLET SIMILAR IN HUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE MEAN TO OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE INCONSISTENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BORN WITHOUT LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFFECTED BY BEAUTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE GREEDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SOCIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BIGGER THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN FLYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE MADE MOSTLY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE EASILY FOOLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SCARED OF SPIDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SELFISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID SPIDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF SMALL RODENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF FLYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF SNAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE INSANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE IN DENMARK LIVING IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BURIED AFTER DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE STARVING TO DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HOMELESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HAPPIER WHEN THE SUN SHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE UNABLE TO SEE COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE UNAFRAID OF SHARKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE DESTROYING THE PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE FROZEN AFTER DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIVING PEOPLE BREATHING PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SWEDISH GIRLS SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SWEDISH GIRLS KNOWN TO BE BEATUIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOMOSEXUALS GAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLACK AND WHITE OPPOSITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLACK HEADED GULLS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DINOSAURS EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ILLEGAL DRUGS HARMFUL TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ATOMIC WEAPONS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE REPTILES COLD BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SMURFS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOUND WAVES INVISIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS FANATICALLY CLEAN ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS MULTICOLORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS A COMMON HOUSE PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS RELATED TO LIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS CURIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS FRIENDLIER THAN INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS FUN TO PLAY WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS FELINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOUSECATS FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHALES THE LARGEST LIVING MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHALES MAMMELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHALES WARM BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TORTELLINI AN ITALIAN FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS SUPERHEATED BALLS OF GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS A LONG WAY FROM HERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS MOSTLY MADE OF HYDROGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS LARGER THAN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TRUE AND FALSE BOOLEAN VALUES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TRUE AND FALSE OPPOSITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CERAMICS MADE FROM CLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NUCLEAR BOMBS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NUCLEAR WEAPONS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NETWORKS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALLIGATORS CARNIVORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WORDS MADE UP OF LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WORDS FORMED FROM LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARNATIONS PINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KNEES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COFFEE BEANS GROWN IN COLUMBIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GORILLAS STRONGER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALICEBOTS YES OR NO QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALICEBOTS INVALID QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALICEBOTS VALUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TROPICAL AREAS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EXPLOSIVES USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NARCISSISTS VAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUSES A FORM OF MASS TRANSIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEFT AND RIGHT OPPOSITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COLLEGE GRADUATES INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNICORNS MYTHICAL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APES CLOSELY RELATED TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TERMITES INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GYMNASTS FLEXIBLE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANIMAL ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SALES PEOPLE ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MALES DIFFERENT FROM FEMALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRTHDAYS CELEBRATED EVERY YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VOLVO AND SAAB SWEDISH CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FOODS UNSAFE TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOVIES FREQUENTLY SEEN IN A THEATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOVIES AN ARTFORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOVIES FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACH PIES DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HAPPY PEOPLE MORE PRODUCTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TV ADVERTISEMENTS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHARKS PREDATORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHARKS FAST SWIMMERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHARKS HAMMERHEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHARKS DANGEROUS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHARKS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POTATO CHIPS CRUNCHY AND SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DEAD ANIMALS STINKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MORALS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MORALS LEARNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOUSES EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NACHO CHIPS MADE OF CORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMAN HUMAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIRCLE A SHAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATERPILLARS FUZZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BELTS NEEDED IN MOST CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BELTS WORN AT THE WAIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WAFFLES A TYPE OF BREAKFAST FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WAFFLES A FORM OF A BREAKFAST FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BALLISTIC MISSILES DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SWORDS SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARBONATED DRINKS FIZZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOODEN OBJECTS BEAUTIFUL TO LOOK AT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JOCKEYS SHORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROADS MADE FROM GRAVEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FORKS USED TO EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE WHAT WE ARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE LIVING ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE MAKING ANY PROGRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE ALL PLAYERS IN THE GAME OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CDS SHINY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CDS TOO EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CDS A DATA STORAGE MEDIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SAILING SHIPS POWERED BY THE WIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DVDS A WAY OF DISTRIBUTING MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEARS A TYPE OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CD ROMS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEARS SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAMMALS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAMMALS VERTEBRATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GAS PRICES TOO HIGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES EQUINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES ARE MORE THAN ONE COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHRISTIANS HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BALLS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RACE CARS FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PANTS LONGER THAN SHORTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE INFLATED BEACH BALLS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAINBOWS PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAR TIRES FILLED WITH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAR TIRES MADE OF RUBBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAR ALARMS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ARROWS POINTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS RECTANGULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS INTERESTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS MADE TO BE READ FROM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELECTRONS NEGATIVLY CHARGED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CRACKERS CRUNCHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WEEKENDS MORE FUN THAN WEEKDAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOULDERS HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CUCUMBERS VEGETABLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARBON COMPOUNDS DIAMONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FEET TICKELISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SLUGS SLOWER THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BROTHERS AND SISTERS SIBLINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS HIGHER THAN HILLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS MADE OF ROCK AND SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS TALLER THAN TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN IN GENERAL STRONGER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN BIGGER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN ATTRACTED TO WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN MOSTLY BIGGER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN MOSTLY TALLER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN AND WOMEN DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN AND WOMEN EQUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN CAPABLE OF BALANCING CHECKBOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN TALLER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN ARE MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES HARMFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES BAD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES BAD FOR PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MUSHROOMS FUNGI</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MUSHROOMS EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MUSHROOMS POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PRINGLES A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEETH FOR CHEWING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEETH HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COOL AND HIP SIMILAR WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RELIGIOUS VIEWS SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PICKLES GOOD TASTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROLLERBLADES A FORM OF TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORGASMS NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RATTLESNAKES POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTER CHIPS MADE OUT OF SILICON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTER A MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLUE AND RED BOTH COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TALL WOMEN ATTRACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE TIME DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACHES FRUITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ONION RINGS COOKED IN HOT OIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GASSES LIGHTER THAN LIQUIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ETHICS ESSENTIAL TO SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ATHEISTS GOOD PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SEALS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BITS BINARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOUNG CATS CALLED KITTENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOUNG CHILDREN SCARED OF THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOUNG DOGS CALLED PUPPIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ATOMS SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MATCHES FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANIMALS CARBON BASED LIFE FORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PAPERCLIPS MADE OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EMOTIONS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EMOTIONS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EMOTIONS IMPORTANT TO HUMAN PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WINDOWS TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WINDOWS SEE THROUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WINDOWS MADE OF GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NANOBOTS TINY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOFAS MADE OF LEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENN AND TELLER MAGICIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOOL SWEATERS FUZZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COLD DRINKS ON HOT DAYS PLEASURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEVISION SETS SHAPED LIKE BOXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VOLCANOES A GEOLOGICAL PHENOMENA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEMON MERANGUE PIES DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEEDLES SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GOLDEN RETRIEVERS FRIENDLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOSQUITOS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ARCADE GAMES FUN TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TOOTHPICKS MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OYSTERS CLOSELY RELATED TO CLAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEURAL NETWORKS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THREE FEET EQUAL TO ONE YARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DIAMONDS OVERPRICED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DIAMONDS PURE CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEADPHONES USED TO INCREASE PRIVACY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS WARM BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS DESCENDANTS OF DINOSAURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MONKEYS CLOSLEY RELATED TO MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST METALS HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST COMPUTER NETWORK ENGINEERS MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST LEMONS SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST WINDOWS MADE OF GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST PLANTS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST PEOPLE HETEROSEXUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN 80</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST WALLS SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST TOMATOES RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST DOORS OPENED USING A HANDLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST FLOWERS COLORFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST BASKETBALL PLAYERS TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST OF THESE QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEACHERS IMPORTANT TO CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HATS WORN ON THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPIDERS DEADLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPIDERS POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WET FLOORS SLIPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FILE FOLDERS FOUND IN OFFICES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FERRARIS BEAUTIFULL ITALIAN CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABY SLUGS SMALLER THAN ADULT SLUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TOWELS USED TO DRY OFF WET OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RULES LIMITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THINGS SELF EVIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THINGS UNPREDICTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THINGS CLEANER AFTER YOU WASH THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KANGAROOS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN THEIR PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN SHORTER THAN ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN A NICE THING TO HAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN SANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN FUN TO PLAY WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN BORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN OFTEN AFRAID OF THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE QUESTIONS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOES AND RAKES USEFUL FOR GARDENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CANADIANS PEOPLE FROM CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS STRIPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS CARNIVORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS FEIRCE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS SCARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS BIG CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CANADA IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>TIGER WOODS IS A TREMENDOUS GOLF PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>APPLES CAN BE EITHER GREEN OR RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>RUST COMES FROM OXIDIZING METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ORANGES ARE GENREALLY ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICECREAM IS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILI SOURCE IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MURDER IS WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>MURDER IS A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>AUTOMOBILE TIRES ARE MADE OF RUBBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>AE YOU ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>LAWN IS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO IS NOT LIKE YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>FROZEN WATER IS CALLED ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPEECH IS LEARNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTER GAMES CAN BE ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>JEANS ARE MADE OF DENIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>EDISON INVENTED BULB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DIAMOND IS A FORM OF CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>TEN TO THE NINTH POWER IS ONE BILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DREAMING IS FREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPIDERS ARE ARACHNIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HENS LAY EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>GUINNESS IS A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>GUINNESS IS A BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DIAMONDS ARE MADE FROM CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WALK ONE MUST MOVE HIS OR HER FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CUNT IS ANOTHER WORD FOR VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>GEARS ARE A FORM OF POWER TRANSMISSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE PENIS CONTAINS ERECTILE TISSUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE ANCIENT EGYPTS USED HEIROGLYPHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SKIES ARE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE EARTH ORBITS THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE EARTH IS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL FOR HYDROGEN IS H</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE OPPOSITE OF MASCULINE IS FEMININE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN IS THE CLOSEST START TO EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN IS A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN COMES OUT IN THE DAY TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN RISES IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE LOVE IS A SENTIMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SMASHING PUMPKINS IS A ROCK GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE COLOR OF SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE COLOR OF THE SKY IS BLUE RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE COLOR OF THE SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE GRASS IS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE FIRE IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE HUMAN EYE CAN BE GREEN IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE HUMAN BODY IS WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE FUTURE IS TOMOROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE FUTURE IS UNKNOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE FUTURE COMES AFTER THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE RIVER GOES TO THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SOUTH LOST THE CIVIAL WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE IRS COLLECTS TAX DOLLARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE PANDA BEAR IS AN ENDANGERED SPECIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE A TEAM WAS A TELEVISION SERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE CLOUDS ARE MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE FITTEST SURVIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE NIGHT IS DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE MOON IS NOT THE SAME AS THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE MOON GOES AROUND THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE BEATLES ARE A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SKY HAS MORE THAN A MILLION STARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>TECHNOLOGY CONTINUES TO ADVANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD HATRED BE AVOIDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE WHO STEAL BE PUNISHED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE HAVE BETTER MANNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE EXERCISE MORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE WORK FOR A LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU WASH BEHIND YOUR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BE HONEST</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BE KIND TO OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BE ON TIME FOR WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU FEAR A LARGE SNARLING DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU SHARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU RESPECT YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU PROTECT HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU EAT YOUR VEGETABLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU EAT BREAKFAST EACH MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU PICK UP THE MESS YOU MADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU WEAR BOTH OF YOUR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU WEAR A HAT WHEN YOU ARE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU LIVE EACH DAY TO THE FULLEST</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD KIDS STAY IN SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD A WALL BE UPRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD GARBAGE BE PLACED IN A BAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD COMPUTERS SERVE HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD ALICE FILTER OUT MORE QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD ALICE BE AWARE OF ADULT THEMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD ALICE BE GRATEFUL FOR THE INPUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD SLAVERY BE ABOLISHED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD LIFE BE GREAT FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD WE BE GOOD TO EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD BAD ACTIONS BE AVOIDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD TEA BE DRUNK FROM A CUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD TEA BE MADE WITH BOILING WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I EVER DO MY HOMEWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I WEAR CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD EVERYONE HAVE A CODE OF ETHICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD DRINKING WATER BE CLEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PILLOWS BE SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>GUNS ARE DANGEROUS STUFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>PREGNANCY LASTS NINE MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>READING IS A WAY TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN HAVE PENISES</pattern>
<category><pattern>EVERYONE HAS A MOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>EVERYONE BEING HAS A MOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>MONDAY IS BEFORE FRIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THINGS FALLL DUE TO GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GREECE IS A EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GREECE IS A BEAUTIFULL COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIONS ARE FASTER THAN HORSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOST THOU LOVE LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>GREEK IS A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>YESTERDAYS TOMOROW IS</pattern>
<category><pattern>STEALING IS WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>BREASTS ARE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE 24 HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE SIXTY SECONDS IN A MINUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE FOUR SEASONS IN EACH YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE 36 INCHES IN A YARD</pattern>