You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

826 lines
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4 years ago
import abc
import asyncio
import collections
4 years ago
import inspect
import keyword
import os
import re
import sys
4 years ago
import warnings
from import Container, Iterable, Sized
4 years ago
from pathlib import Path
from types import MappingProxyType
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlencode
4 years ago
from . import hdrs
from .abc import AbstractMatchInfo, AbstractRouter, AbstractView
from .file_sender import FileSender
from .protocol import HttpVersion11
from .web_exceptions import (HTTPExpectationFailed, HTTPForbidden,
HTTPMethodNotAllowed, HTTPNotFound)
from .web_reqrep import Response, StreamResponse
4 years ago
__all__ = ('UrlDispatcher', 'UrlMappingMatchInfo',
'AbstractResource', 'Resource', 'PlainResource', 'DynamicResource',
4 years ago
'AbstractRoute', 'ResourceRoute',
'Route', 'PlainRoute', 'DynamicRoute', 'StaticRoute', 'View')
4 years ago
PY_35 = sys.version_info >= (3, 5)
4 years ago
HTTP_METHOD_RE = re.compile(r"^[0-9A-Za-z!#\$%&'\*\+\-\.\^_`\|~]+$")
4 years ago
class AbstractResource(Sized, Iterable):
def __init__(self, *, name=None):
4 years ago
self._name = name
def name(self):
4 years ago
return self._name
@abc.abstractmethod # pragma: no branch
def url(self, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Construct url for resource with additional params."""
4 years ago
@abc.abstractmethod # pragma: no branch
def resolve(self, method, path):
4 years ago
"""Resolve resource
Return (UrlMappingMatchInfo, allowed_methods) pair."""
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
"""Return a dict with additional info useful for introspection"""
def _append_query(url, query):
if query:
return url + "?" + urlencode(query)
return url
4 years ago
class AbstractRoute(abc.ABC):
def __init__(self, method, handler, *,
4 years ago
if expect_handler is None:
expect_handler = _defaultExpectHandler
4 years ago
assert asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(expect_handler), \
'Coroutine is expected, got {!r}'.format(expect_handler)
method = method.upper()
if not HTTP_METHOD_RE.match(method):
raise ValueError("{} is not allowed HTTP method".format(method))
assert callable(handler), handler
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler):
elif inspect.isgeneratorfunction(handler):
warnings.warn("Bare generators are deprecated, "
"use @coroutine wrapper", DeprecationWarning)
elif (isinstance(handler, type) and
issubclass(handler, AbstractView)):
def handler_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
result = old_handler(*args, **kwargs)
4 years ago
if asyncio.iscoroutine(result):
result = yield from result
return result
4 years ago
old_handler = handler
handler = handler_wrapper
self._method = method
self._handler = handler
self._expect_handler = expect_handler
self._resource = resource
def method(self):
4 years ago
return self._method
def handler(self):
4 years ago
return self._handler
def name(self):
4 years ago
"""Optional route's name, always equals to resource's name."""
def resource(self):
4 years ago
return self._resource
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
"""Return a dict with additional info useful for introspection"""
@abc.abstractmethod # pragma: no branch
def url(self, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Construct url for route with additional params."""
def handle_expect_header(self, request):
return (yield from self._expect_handler(request))
4 years ago
class UrlMappingMatchInfo(dict, AbstractMatchInfo):
4 years ago
def __init__(self, match_dict, route):
4 years ago
self._route = route
def handler(self):
4 years ago
return self._route.handler
def route(self):
4 years ago
return self._route
def expect_handler(self):
4 years ago
return self._route.handle_expect_header
def http_exception(self):
4 years ago
return None
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
return self._route.get_info()
def __repr__(self):
4 years ago
return "<MatchInfo {}: {}>".format(super().__repr__(), self._route)
class MatchInfoError(UrlMappingMatchInfo):
def __init__(self, http_exception):
4 years ago
self._exception = http_exception
super().__init__({}, SystemRoute(self._exception))
def http_exception(self):
4 years ago
return self._exception
def __repr__(self):
4 years ago
return "<MatchInfoError {}: {}>".format(self._exception.status,
def _defaultExpectHandler(request):
4 years ago
"""Default handler for Expect header.
Just send "100 Continue" to client.
raise HTTPExpectationFailed if value of header is not "100-continue"
expect = request.headers.get(hdrs.EXPECT)
if request.version == HttpVersion11:
if expect.lower() == "100-continue":
request.transport.write(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
4 years ago
raise HTTPExpectationFailed(text="Unknown Expect: %s" % expect)
class ResourceAdapter(AbstractResource):
def __init__(self, route):
assert isinstance(route, Route), \
'Instance of Route class is required, got {!r}'.format(route)
self._route = route
route._resource = self
def url(self, **kwargs):
return self._route.url(**kwargs)
def resolve(self, method, path):
route_method = self._route.method
allowed_methods = set()
match_dict = self._route.match(path)
if match_dict is not None:
if route_method == hdrs.METH_ANY or route_method == method:
return (UrlMappingMatchInfo(match_dict, self._route),
return None, allowed_methods
def get_info(self):
return self._route.get_info()
def __len__(self):
return 1
def __iter__(self):
yield self._route
4 years ago
class Resource(AbstractResource):
def __init__(self, *, name=None):
4 years ago
self._routes = []
4 years ago
def add_route(self, method, handler, *,
4 years ago
for route in self._routes:
if route.method == method or route.method == hdrs.METH_ANY:
4 years ago
raise RuntimeError("Added route will never be executed, "
"method {route.method} is "
"already registered".format(route=route))
4 years ago
route = ResourceRoute(method, handler, self,
return route
4 years ago
def register_route(self, route):
4 years ago
assert isinstance(route, ResourceRoute), \
'Instance of Route class is required, got {!r}'.format(route)
def resolve(self, method, path):
allowed_methods = set()
4 years ago
match_dict = self._match(path)
4 years ago
if match_dict is None:
return None, allowed_methods
for route in self._routes:
route_method = route.method
4 years ago
if route_method == method or route_method == hdrs.METH_ANY:
return UrlMappingMatchInfo(match_dict, route), allowed_methods
4 years ago
return None, allowed_methods
def __len__(self):
4 years ago
return len(self._routes)
def __iter__(self):
4 years ago
return iter(self._routes)
class PlainResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, path, *, name=None):
4 years ago
self._path = path
def _match(self, path):
4 years ago
# string comparison is about 10 times faster than regexp matching
if self._path == path:
return {}
return None
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
return {'path': self._path}
def url(self, *, query=None):
return self._append_query(self._path, query)
4 years ago
def __repr__(self):
4 years ago
name = "'" + + "' " if is not None else ""
return "<PlainResource {name} {path}".format(name=name,
4 years ago
class DynamicResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, pattern, formatter, *, name=None):
4 years ago
self._pattern = pattern
4 years ago
self._formatter = formatter
def _match(self, path):
match = self._pattern.match(path)
4 years ago
if match is None:
return None
return {key: unquote(value) for key, value in
4 years ago
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
return {'formatter': self._formatter,
'pattern': self._pattern}
def url(self, *, parts, query=None):
url = self._formatter.format_map(parts)
return self._append_query(url, query)
4 years ago
def __repr__(self):
4 years ago
name = "'" + + "' " if is not None else ""
return ("<DynamicResource {name} {formatter}"
4 years ago
.format(name=name, formatter=self._formatter))
class ResourceRoute(AbstractRoute):
"""A route with resource"""
def __init__(self, method, handler, resource, *,
super().__init__(method, handler, expect_handler=expect_handler,
def __repr__(self):
return "<ResourceRoute [{method}] {resource} -> {handler!r}".format(
method=self.method, resource=self._resource,
def name(self):
def url(self, **kwargs):
"""Construct url for route with additional params."""
return self._resource.url(**kwargs)
def get_info(self):
return self._resource.get_info()
_append_query = staticmethod(Resource._append_query)
class Route(AbstractRoute):
"""Old fashion route"""
def __init__(self, method, handler, name, *, expect_handler=None):
super().__init__(method, handler, expect_handler=expect_handler)
self._name = name
def name(self):
return self._name
def match(self, path):
"""Return dict with info for given path or
None if route cannot process path."""
_append_query = staticmethod(Resource._append_query)
class PlainRoute(Route):
def __init__(self, method, handler, name, path, *, expect_handler=None):
super().__init__(method, handler, name, expect_handler=expect_handler)
self._path = path
def match(self, path):
# string comparison is about 10 times faster than regexp matching
if self._path == path:
return {}
return None
def url(self, *, query=None):
return self._append_query(self._path, query)
def get_info(self):
return {'path': self._path}
def __repr__(self):
name = "'" + + "' " if is not None else ""
return "<PlainRoute {name}[{method}] {path} -> {handler!r}".format(
name=name, method=self.method, path=self._path,
class DynamicRoute(Route):
4 years ago
def __init__(self, method, handler, name, pattern, formatter, *,
super().__init__(method, handler, name, expect_handler=expect_handler)
self._pattern = pattern
self._formatter = formatter
4 years ago
def match(self, path):
match = self._pattern.match(path)
if match is None:
return None
return match.groupdict()
4 years ago
def url(self, *, parts, query=None):
url = self._formatter.format_map(parts)
return self._append_query(url, query)
4 years ago
def get_info(self):
return {'formatter': self._formatter,
'pattern': self._pattern}
4 years ago
def __repr__(self):
name = "'" + + "' " if is not None else ""
return ("<DynamicRoute {name}[{method}] {formatter} -> {handler!r}"
.format(name=name, method=self.method,
formatter=self._formatter, handler=self.handler))
class StaticRoute(Route):
def __init__(self, name, prefix, directory, *,
expect_handler=None, chunk_size=256*1024,
assert prefix.startswith('/'), prefix
assert prefix.endswith('/'), prefix
'GET', self.handle, name, expect_handler=expect_handler)
self._prefix = prefix
self._prefix_len = len(self._prefix)
4 years ago
directory = Path(directory)
if str(directory).startswith('~'):
directory = Path(os.path.expanduser(str(directory)))
directory = directory.resolve()
if not directory.is_dir():
raise ValueError('Not a directory')
except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError) as error:
raise ValueError(
"No directory exists at '{}'".format(directory)) from error
self._directory = directory
self._file_sender = FileSender(resp_factory=response_factory,
4 years ago
self._show_index = show_index
def match(self, path):
if not path.startswith(self._prefix):
return None
return {'filename': path[self._prefix_len:]}
def url(self, *, filename, query=None):
4 years ago
if isinstance(filename, Path):
filename = str(filename)
while filename.startswith('/'):
filename = filename[1:]
url = self._prefix + filename
return self._append_query(url, query)
4 years ago
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
return {'directory': self._directory,
'prefix': self._prefix}
def handle(self, request):
filename = unquote(request.match_info['filename'])
4 years ago
filepath = self._directory.joinpath(filename).resolve()
4 years ago
except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError) as error:
# relatively safe
raise HTTPNotFound() from error
except Exception as error:
# perm error or other kind!
raise HTTPNotFound() from error
# on opening a dir, load it's contents if allowed
4 years ago
if filepath.is_dir():
if self._show_index:
ret = Response(text=self._directory_as_html(filepath),
4 years ago
except PermissionError:
raise HTTPForbidden()
raise HTTPForbidden()
elif filepath.is_file():
ret = yield from self._file_sender.send(request, filepath)
4 years ago
raise HTTPNotFound
return ret
4 years ago
def _directory_as_html(self, filepath):
"returns directory's index as html"
4 years ago
# sanity check
assert filepath.is_dir()
posix_dir_len = len(self._directory.as_posix())
# remove the beginning of posix path, so it would be relative
# to our added static path
relative_path_to_dir = filepath.as_posix()[posix_dir_len:]
4 years ago
index_of = "Index of /{}".format(relative_path_to_dir)
head = "<head>\n<title>{}</title>\n</head>".format(index_of)
4 years ago
h1 = "<h1>{}</h1>".format(index_of)
index_list = []
dir_index = filepath.iterdir()
for _file in sorted(dir_index):
# show file url as relative to static path
file_url = _file.as_posix()[posix_dir_len:]
4 years ago
# if file is a directory, add '/' to the end of the name
if _file.is_dir():
file_name = "{}/".format(
file_name =
'<li><a href="{url}">{name}</a></li>'.format(url=file_url,
ul = "<ul>\n{}\n</ul>".format('\n'.join(index_list))
body = "<body>\n{}\n{}\n</body>".format(h1, ul)
html = "<html>\n{}\n{}\n</html>".format(head, body)
4 years ago
return html
def __repr__(self):
name = "'" + + "' " if is not None else ""
return "<StaticRoute {name}[{method}] {path} -> {directory!r}".format(
name=name, method=self.method, path=self._prefix,
class SystemRoute(Route):
def __init__(self, http_exception):
super().__init__(hdrs.METH_ANY, self._handler, None)
4 years ago
self._http_exception = http_exception
def url(self, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError(".url() is not allowed for SystemRoute")
4 years ago
def match(self, path):
4 years ago
return None
def get_info(self):
4 years ago
return {'http_exception': self._http_exception}
def _handler(self, request):
4 years ago
raise self._http_exception
def status(self):
4 years ago
return self._http_exception.status
def reason(self):
4 years ago
return self._http_exception.reason
def __repr__(self):
4 years ago
return "<SystemRoute {self.status}: {self.reason}>".format(self=self)
class View(AbstractView):
def __iter__(self):
4 years ago
if self.request.method not in hdrs.METH_ALL:
method = getattr(self, self.request.method.lower(), None)
if method is None:
resp = yield from method()
4 years ago
return resp
if PY_35:
def __await__(self):
return (yield from self.__iter__())
4 years ago
def _raise_allowed_methods(self):
4 years ago
allowed_methods = {
m for m in hdrs.METH_ALL if hasattr(self, m.lower())}
raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed(self.request.method, allowed_methods)
class ResourcesView(Sized, Iterable, Container):
4 years ago
def __init__(self, resources):
4 years ago
self._resources = resources
def __len__(self):
4 years ago
return len(self._resources)
def __iter__(self):
4 years ago
yield from self._resources
def __contains__(self, resource):
4 years ago
return resource in self._resources
class RoutesView(Sized, Iterable, Container):
4 years ago
def __init__(self, resources):
self._routes = []
4 years ago
for resource in resources:
for route in resource:
def __len__(self):
4 years ago
return len(self._routes)
def __iter__(self):
4 years ago
yield from self._routes
def __contains__(self, route):
4 years ago
return route in self._routes
class UrlDispatcher(AbstractRouter,
4 years ago
DYN = re.compile(r'^\{(?P<var>[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\}$')
DYN_WITH_RE = re.compile(
GOOD = r'[^{}/]+'
ROUTE_RE = re.compile(r'(\{[_a-zA-Z][^{}]*(?:\{[^{}]*\}[^{}]*)*\})')
NAME_SPLIT_RE = re.compile('[.:-]')
4 years ago
def __init__(self):
4 years ago
self._resources = []
self._named_resources = {}
4 years ago
def resolve(self, request):
path = request.raw_path
4 years ago
method = request.method
allowed_methods = set()
4 years ago
for resource in self._resources:
match_dict, allowed = yield from resource.resolve(method, path)
4 years ago
if match_dict is not None:
return match_dict
allowed_methods |= allowed
if allowed_methods:
return MatchInfoError(HTTPMethodNotAllowed(method,
return MatchInfoError(HTTPNotFound())
def __iter__(self):
4 years ago
return iter(self._named_resources)
def __len__(self):
4 years ago
return len(self._named_resources)
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self._named_resources
4 years ago
def __getitem__(self, name):
4 years ago
return self._named_resources[name]
def resources(self):
4 years ago
return ResourcesView(self._resources)
def routes(self):
4 years ago
return RoutesView(self._resources)
def named_resources(self):
4 years ago
return MappingProxyType(self._named_resources)
def named_routes(self):
# NB: it's ambiguous but it's really resources.
warnings.warn("Use .named_resources instead", DeprecationWarning)
return self.named_resources()
def register_route(self, route):
warnings.warn("Use resource-based interface", DeprecationWarning)
resource = ResourceAdapter(route)
def _reg_resource(self, resource):
4 years ago
assert isinstance(resource, AbstractResource), \
'Instance of AbstractResource class is required, got {!r}'.format(
name =
if name is not None:
parts = self.NAME_SPLIT_RE.split(name)
for part in parts:
if not part.isidentifier() or keyword.iskeyword(part):
raise ValueError('Incorrect route name {!r}, '
'the name should be a sequence of '
'python identifiers separated '
'by dash, dot or column'.format(name))
if name in self._named_resources:
raise ValueError('Duplicate {!r}, '
'already handled by {!r}'
.format(name, self._named_resources[name]))
self._named_resources[name] = resource
def add_resource(self, path, *, name=None):
if not path.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError("path should be started with /")
if not ('{' in path or '}' in path or
resource = PlainResource(path, name=name)
4 years ago
return resource
pattern = ''
formatter = ''
for part in self.ROUTE_RE.split(path):
match = self.DYN.match(part)
if match:
pattern += '(?P<{}>{})'.format('var'), self.GOOD)
formatter += '{' +'var') + '}'
match = self.DYN_WITH_RE.match(part)
if match:
pattern += '(?P<{var}>{re})'.format(**match.groupdict())
formatter += '{' +'var') + '}'
if '{' in part or '}' in part:
raise ValueError("Invalid path '{}'['{}']".format(path, part))
formatter += part
pattern += re.escape(part)
compiled = re.compile('^' + pattern + '$')
except re.error as exc:
raise ValueError(
"Bad pattern '{}': {}".format(pattern, exc)) from None
resource = DynamicResource(compiled, formatter, name=name)
4 years ago
return resource
def add_route(self, method, path, handler,
*, name=None, expect_handler=None):
4 years ago
resource = self.add_resource(path, name=name)
return resource.add_route(method, handler,
def add_static(self, prefix, path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None,
chunk_size=256*1024, response_factory=StreamResponse,
4 years ago
"""Add static files view.
prefix - url prefix
path - folder with files
assert prefix.startswith('/')
if not prefix.endswith('/'):
prefix += '/'
route = StaticRoute(name, prefix, path,
return route
def add_head(self, *args, **kwargs):
4 years ago
Shortcut for add_route with method HEAD
return self.add_route(hdrs.METH_HEAD, *args, **kwargs)
4 years ago
def add_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
4 years ago
Shortcut for add_route with method GET
4 years ago
return self.add_route(hdrs.METH_GET, *args, **kwargs)
4 years ago
def add_post(self, *args, **kwargs):
4 years ago
Shortcut for add_route with method POST
return self.add_route(hdrs.METH_POST, *args, **kwargs)
4 years ago
def add_put(self, *args, **kwargs):
4 years ago
Shortcut for add_route with method PUT
return self.add_route(hdrs.METH_PUT, *args, **kwargs)
4 years ago
def add_patch(self, *args, **kwargs):
4 years ago
Shortcut for add_route with method PATCH
return self.add_route(hdrs.METH_PATCH, *args, **kwargs)
4 years ago
def add_delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
4 years ago
Shortcut for add_route with method DELETE
return self.add_route(hdrs.METH_DELETE, *args, **kwargs)