You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23083 lines
720 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>ALYSSA IS A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLUTO IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>PROGRESS IS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>EARTH IS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>BUDDHISTS VALUE COMPASSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>TORONTO IS IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ROMA IN ITALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>WARSAW IS A TOWN IN POLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIFE ENDS WITH THE DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIFE IS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>OMNIPOTENT MEANS ALL POWERFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIGHTNING CAN KILL YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU SIT ON A CHAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU NEED SECURITY IN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU STOP AT RED AND GO AT GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN FIND GERMANY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN DRINK TEA HOT OR COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN COOK FOOD IN A MICROWAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>RAIN WILL CAUSE PEOPLE TO BECOME WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>RAIN IS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>BREAD SOMETIMES MEANS MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BREAD IS A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE SHEEP BEEN CLONED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE MEN GOT PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE MEN EVER LANDED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN ANGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU HUMAN EVER CRIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF IN A MIRROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU SEEN RAIN IN A SUNNY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE WE VISITED THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE PEOPLE BEEN KNOWN TO BEAT RUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE PEOPLE EVER WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS VISITED THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS BEEN ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS EVER BEEN ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE HUMANS EVER EXPLODED NUCLEAR BOMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE ALL HUMANS GOT A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE COMPUTERS CHANGED OUR CULTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE COMPUTERS HELPED WORD PROCESSING</pattern>
<category><pattern>5X5 EQUAL 25</pattern>
<category><pattern>YORK LIES IN USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ROSE IS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>AIRPLANES WITHOUT MOTORS ARE GLIDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMAN HAVE TWO EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>FREINDSHIP IS A TWO WAY STREET</pattern>
<category><pattern>EINSTEIN WAS A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARGENTINA IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TYPICAL ROOM HAVE FOUR WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TYPICAL CHAIR HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RADIO RECEIVE WAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MIRROR REFLECT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MIRROR REFLECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TURTLE HAVE A SHELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FLAME GENERATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRIANGLE HAVE 3 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRIANGLE HAVE THREE SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRIANGLE HAVE THREE CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MOTORBIKE HAVE TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A YEAR HAVE 52 WEEKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIKE HAVE TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR PRODUCE POLLUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HELP YOU TRANSPORT FASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE A ENGINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR HAVE 4 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAR MOVE FASTER THAN A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DAY HAVE 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DAY CONSIST OF 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BABY BEAR HAVE A MOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOAT FLOAT IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOAT FLOAT ON THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOAT FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BUTTERFLY HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GENIUS HAVE A HIGH IQ</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LAMP GENERATE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MILKSHAKE CONTAIN MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RAINBOW CONTAIN MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RAINBOW CONTAIN MANY COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RAINBOW HAVE MANY COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RAINBOW HAVE COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RAINBOW CONSIST OF MANY COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SQUARE HAVE FOUR SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SQUARE HAVE FOUR CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SQUARE HAVE 4 CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ZEBRA HAS STRIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A AIRPLANE FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ZOO CAGE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ZOO HAVE ANIMALS IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HEXAGON HAVE 6 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TEACHER TEACH PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MUSICIAN PLAY AN INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COIN HAVE TWO SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SPEAKER PRODUCE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PASTE HAVE A THICK CONSISTENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LANTERN PROVIDE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FAN MOVE AIR AND HAVE BLADES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WOMAN LOVE ROSES AS A GIFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HOUSE CONTAIN ROOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HOUSE BOAT FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HOUSE HAVE A ROOF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RANCHER RAISE CATTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WEEK CONSIST OF SEVEN DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MOUSE HAVE BABYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FISH NEED OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN RUNS WITH HIS LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN RUN WITH HIS LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN RUN USING HIS LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN STAND ON TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MAN SLEEPS WHEN HE IS TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PHONE RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BICYCLE HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WOLF HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RABBIT NEED TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RABBIT EAT CARROTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RULER HAVE FOLLOWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TREE HAVE LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TREE HAVE ROOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PIANO HAVE WHITE AND BLACK KEYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PIANO HAVE STRINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A STRAWBERRY TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SNAIL MOVE SLOWLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A THING LIKE SOUL EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BASKETBALL BOUNCE WHEN DRIBBLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BASKETBALL BOUNCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HORSE HAS FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HORSE RUN FASTER THAN A CHICKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HORSE BREATHE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HORSE HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HORSE HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BEAR CRAP IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON WHO NEEDS SLEEP GET TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON HAVE A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PERSON HAVE 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD FLIES WITH ITS WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD HAVE A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BIRD HAVE TWO WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A REDLIGHT MEAN STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WASP STING CAUSE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIVING HEART PUMP BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WATCHED POT EVER BOIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A POT HAVE A LID</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MEN HAVE A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GREEN TRAFFIC LIGHT MEAN GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GREEN LIGHT MEAN GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SPERM WHALE HAVE A BIG HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BILLIONAIRE HAS A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SKATEBOARD HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUNGRY CHILD CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER COMPUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER CONSUME ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER USE POWER TO RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER HAVE A MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER HAVE A CPU</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER MONITOR USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COMPUTER NEEDS A MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SUNBURN CAUSE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE FUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAT HAVE WHISKERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SENTENCE CONTAIN WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SENTENCE CONSIST OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BANANA GROW IN A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOX SOMETIMES HAVE A LID</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOX HAVE CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A JOKE MAKE YOU LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MONITOR SCREEN EMIT RADIATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MONITOR DISPLAY AN IMAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RED TRAFFIC SIGNAL MEAN STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CLOCK KEEP TRACK OF TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CLOCK SHOW THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CLOCK RUN CLOCKWISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CLOCK TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ALLIGATOR SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A STAPLER STAPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN NEED OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN FEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN DRINK WHEN S HE IS THIRSTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVA A NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAND HAVE BONES IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN REQUIRE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVE A LIVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVE TWO NOSTRILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMAN HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRUSTWORTHY MAN KEEP SECRETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PENTAGON HAVE FIVE SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A QUADRIPED HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A KANGAROO HAVE A POUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BAROMTER MEASURE AIR PRESSURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FART SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WHALE WEIGH MORE THAN AN ANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WHALE LIVE IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BRIDGE CROSS A BODY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MOON REVOLVE AROUND A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MALE HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A REFRIGERATOR COOL OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CALCULATOR HAVE BUTTONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COOKBOOK CONTAIN RECIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOKSHELF HOLD BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A JELLYFISH LIVE IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MASSAGE FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CIRCLE HAVE A RADIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CIRCLE CONSIST OF 360 DEGREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRUCKER DRIVE AN 18 WHEELER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FLAG WAVE IN THE BREEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A SKUNK SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GOOD JOKE MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CRYING BABY ATTRACT ATTENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PARENT HAVE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BATTERY ALWAYS RUN DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROOF GET WET WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WISE MAN LISTEN TO ADVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WISE SON BRING JOY TO HIS FATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOK HAVE PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOK HAVE MASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOK CONSIST OF CHAPTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NAIL HAVE A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DIAMOND CUT GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRICYCLE HAVE THREE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TABLE SUPPORT OTHER OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A FOREST CONSIST OF MULTIPLE TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A WRISTWATCH HAVE A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HUMMING BIRD FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HAT KEEP YOUR HEAD WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HAT GO ON YOUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A UNICORN HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TELEVISION DISPLAY VIDEO IMAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LAKE CONTAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG HAVE FOUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DOG HAVE MORE LEGS THAN A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOOKSTORE SELL BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TOOTHACHE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BREAST HAVE NIPPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A LIGHT BULB PRODUCE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOY HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A TRAIN RUN ON RAILROAD TRACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HAPPY CAT PURR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CHAIR HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A MINUTE HAVE 60 SECONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A RECTANGLE HAVE FOUR SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BROKEN LEG HURTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A DUCK QUACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GIRAFFE HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A GIRAFFE HAVE A LONG NECK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A BOXER USE HIS FISTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HEADACHE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COW HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A COW EAT GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAMERA SHOP SELL CAMERAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A CAMERA HAVE A SHUTTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NORMAL HUMAN BEING HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NORMAL FOOT HAVE FIVE TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A NORMAL PERSON HAVE TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A EQUAL A</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PLANT NEED WATER TO GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A PROTON HAVE A POSITIVE CHARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A THERMOS KEEP YOUR COFFEE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROOM HAVE FOUR SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROOM HAVE A CEILING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A ROOM HAVE A DOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES A HURRICANE HAVE HEAVY WINDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOMATO JUICE STAIN WHITE CLOTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MEDICINE HEAL THE SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LION EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ELEVEN MINUS TWO EQUAL NINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FASHION CHANGE CONSTANTLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TEN TIMES FIVE EQUAL FIFTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BOOK CONTAINS KNOWLEDGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MAN HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MAN HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MAN TASTE FOOD WITH HIS TONGUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATCHING TV TAKE SOME TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 35 EQUAL 35</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMANS HAVE 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMANS ARE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS NEED WATER TO GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS STAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS GROW IN SPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS GET TALLER AS IT GROWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS HAVE ROOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRASS TURN GREEN IN THE SPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEEF COME FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANGER LEAD TO HATRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOSING A LOVED ONE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BERLIN IS A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES KOALA LIVE IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GOOD BYE MEAN THAT I AM LEAVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HONEY TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IBM SELL COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IBM MAKE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MONEY MOTIVATE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CARPET FEEL SOFT TO WALK ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 PLUS 6 EQUAL 11</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 PLUS 5 EQUAL 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 PLUS 5 EQUAL TO 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 5 TIMES 10 EQUAL 50</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD YELLOW REFER TO A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD FOUR MEAN 4 IN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD FOUR HAVE FOUR LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD WORD CONTAIN FOUR LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORD DUCKMAN BEGIN WITH A</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE DOG HAS 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE COMPUTER HAVE A MONITOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE TADPOLE COME BEFORE THE FROG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH NEED RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH REVOLVE AROUND AN AXIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH REVOLVE AROUND ITS AXIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ORBIT AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ROTATE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ROTATE ON ITS AXIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ROTATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH ONLY HAVE ONE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH GOE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE ONLY ONE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE A SINGLE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE A CORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE A MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE AN ATMOSPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE ONE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE ANY MOONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH HAVE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH SPIN AROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH SPIN ON ITS OWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH MOVE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH REVOLVES AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EARTH GO ROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MEAT PORK COME FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE EYE HAVE A RETINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SQUARE ROOT OF 144 EQUAL 12</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SPARROW FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE COMPANY BMW PRODUCE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE RAIN FALL FROM CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE G SPOT EXIST IN A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON ORBIT AROUND EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON ORBIT THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON ORBIT EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON CAUSE TIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON REFLECT SUNLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE MOON EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE UK HAVE A ROYAL FAMILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SEA HAVE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SOLAR SYSTEM CONTAIN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE ALPHABET CONSIST OF 26 LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN NOSE HAVE TWO NOSTRILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN BODY NEED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN BODY REQUIRE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN HEART PUMP BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE HUMAN HEART HAVE 4 CHAMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE PLANET EARTH ORBIT THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE PLANET JUPITER EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WIND SOMETIMES BLOW OUTSIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WIND BLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN PROVIDE LIGHT AND HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN GENERATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN PRODUCE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE IN THE MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE EVERY MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISE DAILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN EMITS LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN BIGGER THEN EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SUSTAIN LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN COME UP IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN COME UP EVERY MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN COME UP EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN COME OUT IN THE DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SHINE TODAY IN HUNGARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SHINE ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN SHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN BURN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RSIE IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN EMIT UV RAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN WARM THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN BURNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN ALWAYS RISE IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RISES FROM THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN RADIATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SUN CREATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE OCEAN CONTAIN FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE OCEAN CONTAIN SALT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE OCEAN CONTAIN SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE OCEAN APPEAR TO BE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE RABBIT JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE INTERNET HAVE A FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE GREAT WALL STAND IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE POSTMAN DELIVER LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE NORMAL HUMAN HAVE TWO THUMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE SKY LOOK BLUE ON A CLEAR DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE BRAIN CONTAIN NEURONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE RUSH TO WORK CAUSES STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE DESERT HAVE SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE NUMBER 100 CONTAIN TWO ZEROS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORLD NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORLD ROTATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORLD SPIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WORLD EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE ARMY HAVE GENERALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THE GALAXY HAS END</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES VANILLA ICE CREAM TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ENGLAND HAVE A MONARCHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE NEED ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE REQUIRE WATER ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE HAVE A POINT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE HAVE A PRICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE EXIST BEYOND EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE EXIST IN UNIVERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIFE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FLEECE KEEP YOU WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MATTER CONSIST OF TINY PARTICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MATTER EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FROG JUMP AND EAT FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ASPIRIN HELP A HEADACHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AIRPLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THIS QUESTION HAVE SIX WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES THIS QUESTION EXIST. DO YOU EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNBURNED SKIN GET RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHRIS DUARTE PLAY BLUES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TRAVEL BROADEN THE MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NEW YORK LIE IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NEW YORK CITY HAVE A SUBWAY SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 100 MINUS 1 EQUAL 99</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GLUE STICK THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BAD BREATH MAKE KISSING UNPLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHTNING CAUSE FOREST FIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOMORROW COME AFTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOMORROW FOLLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NOKIA MAKE TELEPHONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SONY PRODUCE ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SONY PRODUCES HARDWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SONY MAKE GOOD PRODUCTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SONY MAKE ELECTRONIC DEVICES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 3 TIMES 6 EQUAL 18</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINNIE THE POOH LIKE HONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GYM SOUND LIKE JIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 50 PLUS 1 EQUAL 51</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SPAM EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTERNET EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IOMEGA MAKE ZIP DIRVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FOUR PLUS FOUR EQUAL EIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHEESE MELT WHEN IT IS HEATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CLINTON LIKE LEWINSKI SUCKING HIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT CONTAIN THE LETTER I</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT MANUFACTURE SOFTWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT SELL WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT MAKE SOFTWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT MAKE WINDOWS NT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MICROSOFT WINDOWS CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RED MEAN STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RED HIGHLIGHT DANGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RED ON TRAFFIC LIGHTS MEAN STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PIE RHYME WITH SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HOOVER MAKE VACUUM CLEANERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAM STAND FOR RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES VOMIT COME FROM THE STOMACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YANNI PLAY THE PIANO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IRON RUST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FAUNA DIFFER FROM FLORA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MONDAY COME AFTER SUNDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MONDAY ALWAYS FOLLOW SUNDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHINA REPRESS HUMAN RIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHINA HAVE A LARGE POPULATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PORNOGRAPHY DEPICT SEXUAL ACTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY PULL US DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY AFFECT EVERYTHING ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY VARY FROM PLANET TO PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY EXIST ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GRAVITY EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE MELT WHEN IT BECOMES WARMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE MELT AND BECOME WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE CREAM CONTAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE CREAM MELT IN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE CREAM MELT IN THE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE CREAM MELT IN HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE CREAM TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE TURN INTO WATER WHEN IT MELTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ICE FLOAT IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ROTTEN MEAT SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HONDA MAKE THE ACCORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HONDA MAKE AUTOMOBILES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALCOHOL MAKE PEOPLE ACT SILLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 DAY CONSIST OF 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 PLUS ONE EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 9 EQUAL 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 8 EQUAL 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 5 EQUAL 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 3 EQUAL 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 1 TIMES 2 EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ELECTRICITY FLOW THROUGH WIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PEIRCING HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FEDERAL EXPRESS DELIVER PACKAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EATING BLEACH MAKE YOU SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EATING BEANS INDUCE FARTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WHISKY CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER COME IN BOTTLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER HAVE WATER IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEER MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POETRY EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEAUTY VARY BASED ON THE OBSERVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUMMER HAVE MORE DAYLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYBODY MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SHAMPOO CLEAN HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RABBITS EATS CARROTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MAYONNAISE CONTAIN EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 11 PLUS 11 EQUAL 22</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD CONTAIN FIBROUS MATERIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD COME FROM A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD COME FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD BURN IN A FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOD COMES FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUSHI CONTAIN RAW FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FRIED CHICKEN TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AFRICA EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEA WATER HAVE SALT IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LAVA COME FROM VOLCANOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EFFECT FOLLOW CAUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNNY WEATHER MAKE YOU HAPPIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANCIENT MEAN OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FISH LIVE IN THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES STRESS WEAKEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RUM CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANYBODY LIVE IN NEW JERSEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PIZZA HUT MAKE PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PIZZA CONTAIN CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PIZZA TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BMW MAKE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNLIGHT FEEL WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNLIGHT HELP PLANTS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNLIGHT MAKE PLANTS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNLIGHT MAKE YOU FEEL WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUNLIGHT CAUSE WARMTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BACON COME FROM PORK BELLIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BACON COME FROM A PIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BACON TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TWO PLUS TWO EQUAL FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 10 PLUS 10 EQUAL 20</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 10 PLUS 9 EQUALS 19</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 10 LIE BETWEEN 1 AND 100</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 10 DIVIDED BY 2 EQUAL 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOVE HELP YOU BE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOVE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOVE HURT SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL CLINTON LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL CLINTON SOMETIMES FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL GATES HAVE A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL GATES HAVE LOTS OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BILL GATES MAKE A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIME FLOW IN ONE DIRECTION ONLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIME FLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIME MOVE IN ONE DIRECTION ONLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MY HUSBAND LOVE ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JUICE COME FROM FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES REGULAR COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PLANTS HAVE LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AMAZON DOT COM SELL BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AMAZON SELL BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SATURDAY COME AFTER FRIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES X EQUAL X</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ISRAEL EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ADVERTISING SELL MORE PRODUCTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JAVA MAKE USE OF A VIRTUAL MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES OIL COME OUT OF THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SWIMMING HELP KEEP PEOPLE FIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TURTLES LIVE LONGER THAN SPIDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PETROL BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SALTWATER CONTAIN SALT AND WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GETTING RUN OVER BY A CAR HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GETTING YOUR ARMS CHOPPED OFF HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GETTING A KNIFE IN THE HEAD HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HARLEY DAVIDSON MAKE MOTORCYCLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SQUARE HAVE 4 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LENNON BEGIN WITH THE LETTER L</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SANTA CLAUS WEAR RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SANTA WEAR RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FRIDAY FOLLOW THURSDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE NEED OXYGEN TO BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE GIVE OFF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE GIVE OFF HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE PRODUCE SMOKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE PRODUCE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE HARM HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE BURN PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE BURN HUMAN FLESH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRE BURN THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IRC STAND FOR INTERNET RELAY CHAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EIGHT RHYME WITH HATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DELL MAKE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY LIVING HUMAN HAVE A HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY LIVING THING DIE SOMETIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY LIVING THING DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY COUNTRY HAVE A FLAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY YEAR CONSIST OF 12 MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY ANIMAL HAVE ONLY ONE ANUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY TRIANGLE HAVE 3 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERY TRIANGLE HAVE 3 CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SNOW MELT INTO WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SNOW FALL MOST OFTEN IN WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MARIJUANA EASE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT TRAVEL QUICKLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT TRAVEL FASTER THEN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT TRAVEL FASTER THAN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT TRAVEL AS A PARTICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT TRAVEL AS A WAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT HELP HUMANS SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT SOMETIMES BEHAVE LIKE A WAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHT CARRY ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NIGHT ALTERNATE WITH DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NIGHT FOLLOW DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WWW STAND FOR WORLD WIDE WEB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAMBURGER COME FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HEARTBREAK HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FEBRUARY SOMETIMES HAVE 28 DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FEBRUARY COME AFTER JANUARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAINT COME IN COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BREWING COFFEE SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CUTTING YOURSELF HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX FEEL GOOD TO PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEX MATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GLASS BREAK EASIER THAN STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GLASS BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN FEEL WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN HELP THE GRASS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN HELP THE POEPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN FALL DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN FALL FROM THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN FALL FROM CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN COME FROM THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN COME FROM THE CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN COME OUT OF CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN MAKE GRASS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAIN MAKE HE GROUND WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLOOD LOOK RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLOOD FLOW THROUGH HUMAN VIENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BLOOD CARRY OXYGEN IN THE BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PINK FLOYD MAKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NIKE SELL SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE PLUS ONE EQUAL TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE GET WET IN RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE BUY FOOD AT A SUPERMARKET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE CENTURY CONSIST OF 100 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ONE LIKE TO BE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUGAR TASTE SWEET TO YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUGAR TASTE SWEET TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUGAR TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN HOUR HAVE 60 MINUTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN UMBRELLA KEEP YOU DRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN OCTOPUS HAVE EIGHT ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN EFFECT NEED A CAUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ELEPHANT EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN OCEAN CONTAIN SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN OCEAN HAVE SALT WATER IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN OCEAN CONSIST OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN OBJECT HIDDEN BY A WALL EXISTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ARCHITECT DESIGN BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ORGASM FEEL NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AN ANT HAVE 6 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JERUSALEM LOCATAD IN ISRAEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FECES SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMOUR RELIEVE STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE NEED A SERVER BACKUP SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE CONSUME BANDWITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE BECOME BORING AFTER AWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CONSUMING ALCHOL MAKES YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEING PUNCHED HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BEING STRUCK BY LIGHTNING HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 6 TIMES 7 EQUAL 42</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 6 TIMES 6 EQUAL 36</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PORSCHE MAKE SPORTS CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NINTENDO MAKE VIDEO GAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES METAL CONDUCT ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN FEELINGS CHANGES WITH TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMAN WASTE SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NORWAY HAVE ITS OWN FLAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WORD PROPER MEAN CORRECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXCERSIZE IMPROVE HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YOU S OFTEN STAND FOR UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIRESTONE MAKE TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LIGHTENING CONTAIN ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES UN STAND FOR UNITED NATIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SALT CORRODE METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MANKIND LOVE ITSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER COME FROM A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER COME FROM WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAPER BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEGREGATION EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAIR LOST IS IN MY GENES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAIR GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAIN HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CONSEQUENCE MATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL BUILD THE PENTIUM CHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL BUILD MICROPROCESSORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES INTEL MAKE PENTIUMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TOOTHPASTE COME IN TUBES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FALLING IN LOVE MAKE YOU HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FALLING OFF A BIKE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES OS STAND FOR OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SATURN HAVE RINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOME FURNITURE HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOME MEDICINES CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANYONE EVER LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BREAKING A BONE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ROBBERY IS A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES STANDARD DICE HAS SIX SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC ALTER A HUMANS MOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC AFFECT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC COME ON COMPACT DISCS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MUSIC CREATE AN EMOTIONAL RESPONSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GASOLINE BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GASOLINE IGNITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TIMEX MAKE WATCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES USA HAVE A CAPITAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHOCOLATE TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHOCOLATE TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE NEED TO EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE HAS A NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE DIE EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EVERYONE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EQUATOR PASS THROUGH AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AIR CONTAIN OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WEDNESDAY COME AFTER MONDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PEOPLE LIKE EATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TRANSSYLAVANIA EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EDUCATION BEGIN AT HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES UK STAND FOR UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PAMELA ANDERSON HAVE LARGE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAM COME FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HARVARD PROVIDE A GOOD EDUCATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HOT SOLDER ON YOUR SKIN HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ANAL SEX HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOUND TRAVEL IN THE FORM OF WAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SILK FEEL SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CATS EAT MOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EXERCISE IMPROVE HUMAN HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SCHOOL HELP CHILDREN LEARN THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 23 22 EQUAL 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 MEAN THE SAME AS TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 PLUS 2 EQUAL FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 PLUS 2 EQUAL 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 PLUS 2 EQUAL 2 TIMES 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 X 2 EQUAL 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 TIMES 4 EQUAL 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 2 TIMES 3 EQUAL 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LYING IN THE SUN MAKE YOU WARMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFEINNE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFIENE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE CONTAIN CAFFINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE WAKE A PERSON UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFFEE HAVE CAFFEINE IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EACH HUMAN HAVE A HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WHISKEY CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LAUGHING FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LAUGHING MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES APPLAUSE FOLLOW A GOOD PERFORMANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FM MEAN FREQUENCY MODULATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FM STAND FOR FREQUENCY MODULATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SEPTEMBER HAVE THIRTY DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUPERMAN FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TWENTY PLUS TWENTY EQUAL FORTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES PC STAND FOR PERSONAL COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TV MEAN TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TV EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COW HAS FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES VODKA CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES AOL STAND FOR AMERICA ONLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SERENA WILLIAMS PLAY TENNIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES JERRY SPRINGER HOST A TALK SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ARITHMETIC DEAL WITH NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CLAY HARDEN WHEN HEATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CYANIDE KILL HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES GAVITY EFFECT ALL OBJECTS ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SPRING COME BEFORE SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES YESTERDAY OCCUR IN THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES REAL LOVE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES E COME AFTER D IN THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES E EQUAL MC 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CD STANDS FOR COMPACT DISC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CD STANS FOR COMPACT DISC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CD STAND FOR COMPACT DISC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ARITHMATIC INVOLVE NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 0 PLUS 0 EQUAL 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 0 0 EQUAL 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINE CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINE COME IN BOTTLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINE COME FROM GRAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINE TASTE DIFFERENT FROM BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATCH SHOW TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO STRETCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO SCRATCH AN ITCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO MASTER A NEW SKILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO WIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT SNOW IN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT GET DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT GET WET WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT TAKE TWO TO TANGO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT TAKE TWO TO MAKE A COUPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN DURING THE MONSOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN IN SEATTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT RAIN OVER THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT GER DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO CUT YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO CUT INTO YOUR BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO FALL DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO FALL ON YOUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO BE CUT WITH A KNIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO LOSE A FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO STICK YOUR HAND IN FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT TO TOUCH FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IT HURT WHEN YOU BREAK YOUR ARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 58 PLUS 2 EQUALS TO 60</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LOOKING AT THE SUN HURT YOUR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH REVOLVE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAS ONLY ONE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAS A NATURAL SATTELITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAS LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH ROTATE AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAVE A MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAVE 1 MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAVE ONE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH HAVE LIFE ON IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH SPIN ON ITS AXIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EARTH MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HUMANITY HAVE A FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CISCO SYSTEMS MAKE IP ROUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MEN ENJOY LOOKING AT NAKED LADIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LUNCH COME BEFORE DINNER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FORD MAKE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RUBBER STRETCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RUBBER BOUNCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES P?NGUIN LOVE FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUN FEEL GOOD ON YOUR FACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUN RISE IN EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUN RISE IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUN SHINE ONTO EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUN MAKE SOFTWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SUN GIVES LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES CHLOROPHYL MAKE PLANTS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FIVE PLUS FIVE EQUAL TEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FREE SOFTWARE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WAR TYPICALLY HARM PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ORANGE JUICE COME FROM ORANGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 9 PLUS 9 EQUAL 18</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES 9 EQUAL NINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES LETTERS FORM WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RAINBOW HAS 7 COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINDOWS CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WINDOWS EVER CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HISTORY DESCRIBE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING GIVE YOU CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING TOBACCO CAUSE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SMOKING HARM YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES DIAMOND CUT GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES POPCORN POP WHEN HEATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ARIZONA ICED TEA CONTAIN CAFFEINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WOOL COME FROM SHEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES EUROPE CONSIST OF MANY COUNTRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SWISS CHEES HAVE HOLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TUESDAY ALWAYS FOLLOW MONDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RACISM EXIST ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RACISM EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES RACISM HURT THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BOEING BUILD AIRPLANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BOEING MAKE AIRCRAFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES IQ STAND FOR INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES FRUSTRATION CAUSES STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SOCCER INVOLVE MUCH RUNNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BIOLOGY INVOLVE CHEMISTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES COFEE CONTAIN CAFFINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES APPLE COMPUTER MAKE THE MACINTOSH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HOMOSEXUAL PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MOST STEAK COME FROM CATTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MOST BEER CONTAIN ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MOST OF FRUITS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MOST DOGS HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES BITING ON YOUR TONGUE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FREEZE AT ZERO CELSIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FREEZE AT 0 DEGREES CELSIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER HELP PLANTS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER CONTAIN OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER EXTINGUISH FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FLOW DOWNHILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FALL FROM THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER BOIL AT 100 DEGREE CELSIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER COVER MOST OF THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER QUENCH THIRST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER REFRACT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER FROM THE OCEAN CONTAIN SALT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER PUT OUT FIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER MAKE THINGS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES WATER TURN SOLID AT 32 DEGREES F</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALL DIE ON RUSSIAN SUBMARINE KURSK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES ALL LIFE END EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK NEED TO BE REFRIGERATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK CONTAIN CALCIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK COME FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES MILK HAVE CALCIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES STEPHEN KING WRITE HORROR NOVELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES SAND CONTAIN QUARTZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES NASA LAUNCH SPACESHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAVING A SHOWER MAKE YOU CLEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAVING AN ORGASM FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES HAVING PROBLEMS IRRITATE ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOES TENNIS REQUIRE A BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>YELLOW IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>VIOLENCE IS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>AUTHORS WRITE BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>FEAR IS AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>STAYING UP ALL NIGHT MAKES YOU TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>NEEDLE IS USED TO SEW CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>FIRE IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DRINKING WATER IS HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>PUMPKINS GROW ON GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOCKEY IS A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>RIO DE JANEIRO IS IN BRAZIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUSIC IS MADE OF SOUNDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUSIC IS AN ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>SNAIL RUN SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>BANANAS ARE FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MADONNA IS FEMALE SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILD MARRIAGE IS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID NAZIS KILL JEWS DURING THE WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID NAZIS KILL JEWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID BOB MARLEY LIKE REGGAE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID SHAKESPEAR WRITE ROMEO AND JULIET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID BILL CLINTON CHEAT ON HIS WIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID AN ICEBERG SINK THE TITANIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID REGGAE MUSIC ORIGINATE IN JAMAICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID PEOPLE INVENT THE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WALT DISNEY CREATE MICKEY MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HOMER WRITE THE ODYSSEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ERNEST HEMINGWAY WRITE NOVELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THOMAS EDISON INVENT THE LIGHT BULB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID IRAQ INVADE KUWAIT IN AUGUST 1990</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID DINOSAURS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE PRINTING PRESS CHANGE THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE HOLOCAUST HAPPEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE JAPANESE LOSE WORLD WAR II</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ALLIES WIN WORLD WAR 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ANCIENT GREEKS DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS WORSHIP CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE NORTH WIN THE CIVIL WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE BEATLES SING YELLOW SUBMARINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE BEATLES BREAK UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE VILLAGE PEOPLE SING YMCA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE ROMAN EMPIRE FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE DINOSAURS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE TITANIC HIT AN ICEBERG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE TITANIC SINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE TITANTIC SINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE MAN REACH THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE EGYPTIANS BUILD THE PYRAMIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE LONE RANGER WEAR A MASK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID THE SUN SHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID SHAKESPEARE WRITE HAMLET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID SHAKESPEARE WRITE ROMEO AND JULIET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID SHAKESPEARE WRITE PLAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID BEETHOVEN WRITE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JESUS RISE FROM THE DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JESUS HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JESUS POOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID TOLKIEN WRITE THE LORD OF THE RINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID CLINTON DO IT WITH LEWINSKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MEN LAND ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID PRINCESS DIANA DIE IN A CAR CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GAY USED TO MEAN HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID J F K EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WE LAND ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID LOTS OF PEOPLE DIE IN JAPAN IN 1945</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MAN WALK ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MAN LAND ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MAN EVER WALK ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMAN BEINGS TRAVEL TO SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID KARL XII WIN THE BATTLE OF POLTAVA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HITLER ATTEMPT TO EXTERMINATE JEWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HITLER HATE JEWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID VIKINGS HAVE HORNS ON THEIR HELMETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS EVOLVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID HUMANS INVENT THE WHEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID A WAR START IN SARAJEVO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID A HUMAN CREATE ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID A MAN WALK ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GERMAN LOOSE WORLD WAR II</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID ACTIVISION PUBLISH DAIKATANA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID MOZART WRITE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID GHANDI LIBERATE INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JULIUS CESAR RULE OVER AN EMPIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID DINOSOARS ONCE ROAM THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID LADY DIANA DIE IN PARIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE WRITE HAMLET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE WRITE POETRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DID JOHN KENEDY GET ASSASINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>GERMAN IS A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOSE BLOOD CONTAIN IRON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOSE FIVE PLUS TEN EQUAL FIFTEEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>GRASS CAN BE DIFFERENT SHADES OF GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>3 PLUS 3 IS 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>3 PLUS 3 EQUAL 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>3 DIVIDED BY 1 EQUALS 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>3 TIMES 7 EQUAL 21</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHEESE IS A PRODUCT BASED ON MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IA THE SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MACINTOSH IS BRAND NAME FOR A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WASALBERT EINSTEIN A GERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BENITO MUSSOLINI FASCIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS 1984 WRITTEN BY GEORGE ORWELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GERMANY DEFEATED IN WORLD WAR II</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DR MARTIN LUTHUR KING ASSASSINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOLOMON A KING</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SHAKESPEAR A PLAY WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MONTY PYTHON A BRITISH COMEDY GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS TITANIC A SUCCESSFUL MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS REAGAN PRESIDENT OF THE US IN 1986</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BILL CLINTON A PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PRESIDENT KENNEDY ASSASSINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PRESIDENT LINCOLN ASSASINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOSES A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ARISTOTLE A PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PABLO PICASSO A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NEWTON A PHYSICIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NEWTON A GREAT SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NEIL ARMSTRONG AN ASTRONAUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN A MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PICCASO A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JIMI HENDRIX A SKILLED GUITARIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JIMI HENDRIX WAS A GUITAR PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLF HITLER WAS AN EVIL DESPOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLF HITLER AN EVIL MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ADOLF HITLER AN EVIL PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RONALD REAGAN A PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DICKENS A WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THIS QUESTION SUBMITTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS DAVINCI AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THOMAS EDISON A GREAT INVENTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THOMAS EDISON AN INVENTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS WATERGATE A SCANDAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN A FAMOUS PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN A PHYSICIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN A SMART PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN A GREAT THINKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN A GREAT GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EINSTEIN GREAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHOPIN A MUSICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RINGO STARR A BEATLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS FRANK SINATRA A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS WASHINGTON AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE MONA LISA PAINTED BY A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE MOVIE THE KID MADE IN 1921</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE BERLIN WALL DESTROYED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THE GRATEFUL DEAD A MUSICAL GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SHAKESPEARE A POET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BEETHOVEN A GOOD COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BEETHOVEN A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SUPERMAN A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS STAR WARS A BLOCKBUSTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS STAR WARS A SCI FI MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS AUSTRALIA ONCE A PENAL COLONY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS VINCENT VAN GOGH A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MARTIN LUTHER KING A GOOD MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ROME AN ANCIENT EMPIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHEWBACCA A WOOKIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ISAAC NEWTON A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOCRATES A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MARILYN MONROE SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MARILYN MONROE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MAHATMA GANDHI A LEADER IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PICASSO A GOOD PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PICASSO A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PICASSO AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LASSIE A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS WOLFGANG AMEDEUS MOZART A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS J S BACH A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS LATIN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PLATO A PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PLATO A GREEK PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS PLATO A PHILOSPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS SOMEONE BORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS EVERYONE ONCE A CHILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JFK ASSASINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER A NAZI</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HITLER A DICTATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GANDHI AN INDIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MUHAMMED ALI A FAMOUS BOXER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOSEF STALIN A COMMUNIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JAWS A MOVIE ABOUT A SHARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ANY OTHER PLANETARY SYSTEMS FOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JAMES DEAN AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS HAMLET WRITTEN BY SHAKESPEARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MY FATHER BORN BEFORE ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GUCCI A DESIGNER BEFORE HE DIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RADIO INVENTED BEFORE TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHE GUEVERA A REVOLUTIONARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ENIAC THE FIRST ELECTRONIC COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHARLES DARWIN A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALBERT EINSTIN A GREAT THINKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALBERT EINSTEIN A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ALBERT EINSTEIN A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON A FRENCH GENERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON A MILITARY LEADER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON A GREAT GENERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS NAPOLEON BORN IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON A US PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RICHARD NIXON A PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOZART A CLASSICAL COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOZART A MUSIC COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOZART A MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MOZART A GREAT PIANO VIRTUOSO</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS BRITAIN AN IMPERIALIST NATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS TOM HANKS IN THE MOVIE FORREST GUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ZEUS AN OLD GREEK GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS THERE A REVOLUTION IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JULIUS CEASAR AN EMPORER OF ROME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHARLIE CHAPLIN AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS CHRIST A JEW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JACK THE RIPPER A SERIAL KILLER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS STALIN A COMMUNIST. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ELVIS PRESLEY A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ELVIS A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS ELVIS KNOWN AS THE KING</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS MARK TWAIN AN AUTHOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN LENNON A FAMOUS SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN LENNON A MEMBER OF THE BEATLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN F KENNEDY ASSASINATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN WAYNE A AMERICAN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS JOHN WAYNE AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAS RIMBAUD WAS A FRENCH POET</pattern>
<category><pattern>T SHIRTS CAN BE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>T SHIRTS COME IN MANY SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>COLOR OF SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>GRAPES ARE FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>GANDHI WAS AN INDIAN LEADER</pattern>
<category><pattern>COULD A CHICKEN CROSS A ROAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>COULD ELIVS PRESLEY SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>COULD WEBSITES BE EASIER TO USE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SOCCER IS A BALL GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>SOULD YOU FIND A CAR IN A GARAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ANIMALS NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ANIMALS BREATHE OXYGEN FROM THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD I THROW A BALL WITH MY HAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD A PERSON WEIGH LESS ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND PANTS IN A CLOSET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A FIREPLACE IN A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A CAR IN A GARAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A CLOSET IN A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A MICROWAVE IN A KITCHEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A TOILET IN A BATHROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A DINING ROOM IN A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A LIVING ROOM IN A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A BEDROOM IN A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A BATHTUB IN A BATHROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A SINK IN A BATHROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A BED IN A BEDROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A LAMP IN A BEDROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A BLENDER IN A KITCHEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND A LAWN MOWER IN A GARAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND AN OVEN IN A KITCHEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU FIND SHEETS ON A BED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU WANT TO WIN A MILLION DOLLARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU ENJOY A COLD DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU BE MY FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE LOTS OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD ONE PLUS ONE EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOULD WORLD PEACE BE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>MOUNTAINS ARE TALLER THAN HILLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>UK STANDS FOR UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>UK STAND FOR UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>SAKI IS MADE FROM RICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHALES ARE MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOESFIRE BURN DRY WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CREDITCARDS ARE MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>OIL IS SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ISA E MAIL CHEAPER THAN TELEPHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>JUPITER IS THE LARGEST PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>JUPITER IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>COLOMBIA IS IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>PINK IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CONGO IS IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>FISH SWIM UNDER WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY UNCLES SON IS MY COUSIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY FATHERS SISTER IS MY AUNT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY FATHERS BROTHER IS MY UNCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY MOTHERS BROTHER IS MY UNCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT IS DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT IS GOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT IS GOOD TO TAKE CARE OF HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT GETS COLD IN ALASKA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ALBERT EINSTEIN WAS A GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ALBERT EINSTIEN WAS A SCIENTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>URANUS IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CARS HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CARS HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CARS HAVE 4 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CARS ARE USED FOR TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>MONOPOLY IS A BOARDGAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IBM MAKES COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAT IS LARGER THAN MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ELECTRICITY CAN KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ROME IS THE CAPITAL OF ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DAY BY DAY YOU ARE GETTING OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOMEN HAVE TWO BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WOMEN ARE PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>6 IS GREATER THAN 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRITAIN IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAKE A MISTAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>GNU IS NOT UNIX</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN THE SUN IS UP IS IT DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN IT RAINS DO THINGS GET WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN A HUMAN BLEEDS IS THE BLOOD RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN YOU ARE CUT DO YOU BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN SWIMMING SHOULD SHARKS BE AVOIDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEN WATER FREEZES DOES IT BECOME ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>FOUR PLUS FOUR EQUALS EIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST YOU EAT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST PEOPLE HAVE EYES TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUST ALL ANIMALS EAT TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEER IS AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IN A DARK ROOM IS WHITE STILL WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IN GENERAL DO WE NEED LIGHT TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IN GENERAL IS URINE YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DOLLARS ARE A KIND OF CURRENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HITLER RULED GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I BREAK MY ARM WILL IT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF I DROP AN APPLE WILL IT FALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF SOMETHING IS LARGE IS IT BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF THERE IS NO LIGHT IS IT DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF A VACCUME CLEANER SUCKS IS THAT GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF A COMB IS IN WATER IS THAT COMB WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF A PERSON IS ASLEEP DO THEY BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU GET HIT BY A CAR WILL IT HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU CUT ME DO I BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU WATER PLANTS WILL THEY LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF FACING EAST IS BEHIND YOU IS WEST</pattern>
<category><pattern>TELEPHONES ARE USED FOR COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DELHI IS CAPITAL OF INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARS IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARS IS CALLED THE RED PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARS IS KNOWN AS THE RED PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>14 IS TWICE AS MANY AS 7</pattern>
<category><pattern>RABBIT RUN FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT NAMES IS YOUR FRIENDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WIRED IS A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ONE PLUS ONE WILL BE TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>ONE AND ONE WILL BE TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEXICO IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEXICO CITY HAS A LOT OF PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>NOKIA MAKES CELLULAR PHONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SEA WATER IS SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SEA WATER IS SALTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHEELS ARE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>I WANT SEX WITHOUT A CONDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>I WANT SEX WITHOUT LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I SCREAM IN PAIN WHEN I BURN MY FACE DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I THINK. I EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>I ENJOY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOSSIPING IS ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SIX IS BIGGER THAN FIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CLOTHING CAN BE MADE OUT OF COTTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHISKEY IS AN ALCOHOLIC DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>STONE THROWN UPWARDS FALLS DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>HONEY BEE LIVE IN A GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WINTER IS A SEASON</pattern>
<category><pattern>LAVA IS MOLTEN ROCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>VASCODAGAMA WAS A VOYAGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>BLACK IS DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>PURPLE IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOLD IS HEAVIER THAN TIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DIESEL FUMES ARE CARCONOGENIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>GLUE IS STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>JAZZ IS A TYPE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>JAZZ IS A KIND OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRAINS ARE FOUND INSIDE HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>TRAINS ARE USED FOR TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>TROUT LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>NIGHTS ARE COLDER THAN DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAIR HELP TO PROTECT OUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>2 PLUS 4 MINUS 3 PLUS 2 EQUALS 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>2 PLUS 2 IS FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>2 PLUS 2 EQUALS 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>2 3 5 7 ARE THE PRIME NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>2 TIMES 2 EQUALS 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>2 TIMES 100 EQUALS 200</pattern>
<category><pattern>MOTHER GIVES BIRTH TO CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WE PUT CIGARETTE BUTTS IN AN ASHTRAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WE LIVE ONLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WE SHOULD GIVE PEACE A CHANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>RIVER AMAZON IS THE LARGEST RIVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>FRIENDSHIP IS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>MENS LOVES TO HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>NEWYORK IS IN US</pattern>
<category><pattern>BY ASKING QUESTIONS DO WE LEARN ANSWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER IS HEAVIE THAN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER IS NECCESARY FOR SURVIVAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER IS WET AT ROOM TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER IS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATER IS COLOURLESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DOWN THE OPPOSITE OF UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARKANSAS IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUSHI A JAPANESE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAINTENANCE OF A MACHINE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIOLOGY A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIOLOGY A SCIENTIFIC FIELD OF STUDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIOLOGY A BRANCH OF SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE TOXIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE HIGHLY FLAMEABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE A POWER SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE A FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE A PETROLEUM PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GASOLINE FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COOK A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMPASSION WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING IN TRAFFIC DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING A PIANO DIFFICULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING GOOD FOR THE MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING GAMES FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITNEY SPEARS GOOD LOOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWITZERLAND IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWITZERLAND IS AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LUCKY STRIKE A BRAND OF CIGARETTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GIGAHERTZ LARGER THAN MEGAHERTZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRINCESS DI STILL DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NBC A TV NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALIAN SPOKEN IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALIAN THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS B A LETTER OF THE ENGLISH ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS B A LETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANCHORAGE IN ALASKA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRILLING ONE METHOD OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YEN IS THE CURRENCY OF JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CYANIDE POISONOUS TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CYANIDE POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMANKIND MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCHOOL A GOOD PLACE TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCHOOL GOOD TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCHOOL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIQUID NITROGEN COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MELBOURNE IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAMELA ANDERSON A SEX SYMBOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARIJUANA A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARIJUANA SOMETIMES CALLED POT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RACISM A GLOBAL PROBLEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG BEN A CLOCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIG THE OPPOSITE OF SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTMAS IN DECEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTMAS A HOLIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IS TRUE THAT FISH LIVE IN THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IS TRUE THAT LEMONS TASTE SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IS DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IS OK TO EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI A COLA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI A TYPE OF SOFT DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPSI A TYPE OF DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A BOARD GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A BOARDGAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A MIND GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A TWO PLAYER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A TWO PERSON GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A GAME FOR TWO PLAYERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A GAME OF STATEGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A GAME OF STRATEGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHESS A TYPE OF GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING A PET GOOD FOR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAVING SEX FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOLERANCE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAVING MONEY FOR THE FUTURE WISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAS THE PAST TENSE OF IS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPENTRY A TRADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEROINE A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS REPRODUCTION VITAL TO A SPECIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IOWA IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARATHON RUNNING DIFFICULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC SOMETHING YOU CAN HEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC PLAYED AT A PARTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC A CULTURAL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC A KIND OF ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC A FORM OF EXPRESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC A FORM OF HUMAN EXPRESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC A FORM OF ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC GOOD FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC MADE OF SOUND WAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC AN ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC AN ART FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC PLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC AUDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC FUN TO LISTEN TO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUSIC ENJOYABLE TO MOST PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KERMIT A MUPPET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLKA A STYLE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 50 MINUS 3 EQUAL TO 47</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 50 TIMES 100 EQUAL TO 5000</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PSYCHOLOGY THE STUDY OF THE MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BHUDDISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEWSPAPER A GOOD SOURCE FOR NEWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARBON MONOXIDE POISONOUS TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIVE GREATER THAN THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIVE TIMES FIVE TWENTY FIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIVISION A MATHEMATICAL OPERATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 9 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 9 BIGGER THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART SUBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ART A CREATIVE ENDEAVOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERNET EXPLORER A WEB BROWSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERNET COOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERNET GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INTERNET GREAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 45 TIMES 2 EQUAL TO 90</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PI ESTIMATED AT 3 POINT 14159</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PI APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO 3 POINT 14</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SADNESS A FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE YUMMY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE USUALLLY BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHOCOLATE EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TO ERR HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DISNEY WORLD IN FLORIDA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ACNE A SKIN PROBLEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANTARTICA COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DECEMBER THE LAST MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DECEMBER A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VOLLEYBALL A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMATO PASTE MADE FROM TOMATOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMATO KETCHUP A THICK LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMATO KETCHUP MADE FROM TOMATOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAGO PAGO WARMER THAN BARROW ALASKA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARSENIC TOXIC TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARSENIC POISON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARSENIC POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTRAL IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLLUTION BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRIED CONCRETE A HARD SUBSTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 13 PLUS 7 EQUAL TO 20</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRAVEL FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORK BORING AFTER A WHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRASS GREEN IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OZONE HOLE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 BIGGER THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 GREATER THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 TIMES 9 EQUAL TO 27</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 TIMES 3 EQUAL TO 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3 LESS THAN 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PROFIT GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FAST THE OPPOSITE OF SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND IN THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND A PART OF GREAT BRITAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLAND SMALLER THAN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POKER A CARD GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POKER A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DAY THE OPPOSITE TO NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DAY FOLLOWED BY NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM A DESIREABLE THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM WORTH PRESERVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BIKING GOOD EXCERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLUE USED TO STICK THINGS TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLANNING USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNLIGHT A FORM OF RADIATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNLIGHT WARMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNLIGHT WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEETHOVEN A MUSICAL GENIUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEETHOVEN A FAMOUS COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEETHOVEN A COMPOSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEETHOVEN DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COBOL A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAO PAULO A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLYING FASTER THAN DRIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAMP COLLECTING A HOBBY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PATIENCE A VIRTUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEPTEMBER THE 9TH MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEPTEMBER A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUDDHA AN INCARNATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GENEROSITY A VIRTUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAUL MCCARTNEY AN EX BEATLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHEEL OF FORTUNE A GAME SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACON PIG MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACON MADE FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACON EATEN AT BREAKFAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUDGE JUDY A FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COTTON A NATURAL FIBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COTTON A NATURAL FIBRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COTTON SOFTER THAN STONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GENESIS THE FIRST BOOK IN THE BIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PASCAL A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALVIN KLEIN A POPULAR DESIGNER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MP3 A COMPRESSED FORM OF AUDIO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MP3 A FORMAT FOR STORING SOUNDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BROWN DARKER THAN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BROWN A COLOR OF HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BROWN A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREECE A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOME FURNITURE MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOME DOG FOOD SOLD IN 25 POUND SACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HALLOWEEN A HOLIDAY IN OCTOBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGIA A PART OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PALM OS AN OPERATION SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADIOTELEPHONE WIRELESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DAYLIGHT IS BRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IDAHO IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATLAS GREEK MYTHICAL HERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THREE PLUS FOUR EQUAL TO SEVEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THREE AND THREE SIX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READNG A USEFUL SKILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGE A MANS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGE BUSH RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEORGE WASHINGTON DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RELIABILITY A POSITIVE TRAIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RELIABILITY CONSIDERED GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONFUSING AN ENGLISH WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PVC HARMFUL TO THE NATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PVC A POLYMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUSTICE A GOOD IDEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POPE JOHN PAUL CATHOLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE A EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANCE FAMOUS FOR WINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUMULUS A CLOUD FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUMULUS A TYPE OF CLOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOTLAND IN THE UNITED KINGDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCOTLAND A NICE PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEA WATER SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUTCH SPOKEN IN HOLLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUTCH SPOKEN IN THE NETHERLANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUTH AMERICA SOUTH OF NORTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HISTORY ABOUT THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DR PEPPER A FIZZY DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KETCHUP GOOD WITH FRENCH FRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KETCHUP MADE WITH TOMATOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOUSE A PLACE TO LIVE IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMOR RELATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPYNESS A FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPINESS A STATE OF MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPINESS A HUMAN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAPPINESS IMPORTANT TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARGENTINA A COUNTRY OF SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARGENTINA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHILIPPINES IN ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KIMCHEE A KOREAN CONDIMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DECAPITATION FATAL FOR HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CIDER MADE FROM APPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMALL A SYNONYM FOR LITTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILDHOOD FUN AND YET EDUCATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRAFFIC HEAVY IN MOST CITIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRAFFIC NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOTOR OIL VISCOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BATH SOAP FORMED INTO BARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 635568 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIBET IN THE MOUNTAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELEPHANT A MAMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELEPHANT AN MAMMEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEAUTY A SUBJECTIVE CONCEPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONCRETE HARDER THAN GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWIMMING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWIMMING A FORM OF MOVEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWIMMING EXERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCULPTURE AN ART FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS G THE FIRST LETTER IN GORILLA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPEAKING A FORM OF COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 17 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAINTING A FORM OF ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAINTING AN ART FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILLI HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEMOCRACY A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAFFIENE A STIMULANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KOREA AN ASIAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WARCRAFT A MULTIPLAYER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WARCRAFT II A COMPUTER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAND GRAINY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILK COMFORTABLE TO THE TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILK MADE BY SILKWORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROSE A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAKE ERIE ONE OF THE GREAT LAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALBERTA A PROVINCE OF CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPIRIN A COMMON PAIN RELIEVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROWAVE POPCORN PACKAGED IN BAGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 145625783234 MORE THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUICE WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1234567890 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARIZONA IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARIZONA A STATE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARIZONA A STATE IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARIZONA A STATE OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEFT AGAINST THE LAW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACKJACK A CARD GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A A LETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASKETBALL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASKETBALL SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SECOND SHORTER THAN A MINUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAMEL AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WEEK SEVEN DAYS LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WEEK SHORTER THAN A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NAME IMPORTANT FOR A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WISH SOMETHING HOPED FOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOOK SOMETHING TO READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOOK SOMETHING YOU READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOOK MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOOK HEAVIER THAN A PIECE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAN MORE INTELLIGENT THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAN HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAN A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAN INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MICROWAVE USED TO COOK FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROOM A TYPICAL PART OF A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CENTURY MORE THAN A DECADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CENTURY ONE HUNDRED YEARS LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CUMULUS CLOUD WHITE AND FLUFFY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STORE A PLACE TO BUY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FERRARI A SPORTS CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FERRARI EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEE AN INSECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HANDSHAKE A FORM OF GREETING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIBRARY A QUIET PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DESERT DRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COUCH COMFORTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COUCH EQUAL TO A SOFA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CROCODILE A REPTILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CONIFER A CLASS OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOOD CREDIT RATING DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TEMPEST A KIND OF STORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HARPSICHORD A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DAUGHTER FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHEETAH A FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIANO PLAYED WITH TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIANO FOR MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIANO A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MINUTE SIXTY SECONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MINUTE COMPOSED OF 60 SECONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SUNFLOWER YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A THE FIRST LETTER OF THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT SCAN A MEDICAL TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A QUADRAPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A DOMESTIC ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT A PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT SMALLER THAN A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT IS BIGGER THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAT FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHALE A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHALE LARGER THAN A FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHALE LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCANNER A COMPUTER DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SINUS A CAVITY IN THE HUMAN HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DVD A TYPE OF STORAGE MEDIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STRAWBERRY RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FROG A LIVING CREATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAINFRAME A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COOKIE SOMETHING ONE EATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CRIMINAL ONE WHO COMMITS A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASEBALL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BRA AN ARTICLE OF CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MARYGOLD A TYPE OF FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PECAN A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MILE A MEASURE OF DISTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NEW RAZORBLADE SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILLION MORE THAN A MILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILLION A BIG NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILLION GREATER THAN A MILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BILLION DOLLARS A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOLPHIN A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOLPHIN AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEAF GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCREWDRIVER A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCREWDRIVER A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCREWDRIVER A HAND TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPEAKER AN AUDIO OUTPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHOE WORN ON THE FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BASS DRUM A PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CUBE A THREE DIMENSIONAL SQUARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WALTZ A KIND OF DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DRUM A PERCUSSIVE INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PRESIDENT A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SON YOUNGER THAN HIS FATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SON MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MODEM A TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOBERMAN A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PASSWORD A FORM OF SECURITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PASSWORD SUPPOSED TO BE SECRET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHITE BOARD WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NOUN A WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NUT OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH A BOLT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROOCH A DECORATIVE CLASP OR PIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FENCE A BARRIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOVINE ANIMAL A COW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CANDLE A LIGHT SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BACHELOR AN UNMARRIED MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MICROSOFT A SOFTWARE GIANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RED BALLOON ALWAYS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEN USED FOR WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEN USED TO WRITE WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEN LARGER THAN A FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WILLOW A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A JACKHAMMER LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MIME CONSIDERED A PERFORMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TREE A LIVING ORGANISM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TREE A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TREE MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TROMBONE A BRASS INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GIRL FRIEND FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GIRL A FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GIRL A YOUNG WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPANIEL A TYPE OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PRIME MINISTER A TYPE OF LEADER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MELON A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOLDFISH A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WEDDING A TIME OF JOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAMMER A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FATHER A PARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHEERFUL HEART GOOD MEDICINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RASP A KIND OF FILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VIOLIN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VIOLIN A STRING INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VIOLIN COMMON IN AN ORCHESTRA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SALMON A FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPARROW A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPARROW A TYPE OF BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TIGER A BIG CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KEYBOARD USED FOR TYPING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KEYBOARD A DATA INPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KEYBOARD A COMPUTER INPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KEYBOARD AN INPUT DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TURTLE AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOVIE A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARP A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A QUEEN A CHESS PIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUITAR A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUITAR A STRING INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GUITAR A STRINGED INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENGUIN BLACK AND WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NUDE PERSON NAKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONKEY AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOAT A VESSEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BACKPACK USED TO CARRY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOAK A KIND OF GARMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SKYSCRAPER TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FOREST A HOME FOR WILDLIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FOREST AN ACCUMULATION OF TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUPPY A BABY DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUPPY A YOUNG DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHEET OF PAPER THIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAT WORN ON THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAT WORN ON YOUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KAYAK A TYPE OF BOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A YEAR ROUGHLY 365 DAYS LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A YEAR LONGER THAN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A YEAR LONGER THAN A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PHONE A COMMUNICATION DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PHONE A USEFULL DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAGAZINE A PUBLICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MAGAZINE MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FOOT SHORTER THAN A METER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUNDRED LESS THAN A THOUSAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SEVERE SUNBURN PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SCUBA DIVER A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PIG AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BRIEFCASE A SMALL PIECE OF LUGGAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FRAME USED TO DISPLAY A PICTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LESBIAN A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPIDER AN ARACHNID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A JOKE FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BICYCLE A FORM OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HERB A TYPE OF PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOCTOR A MEMBER OF A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOXER A TYPE OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LOLLIPOP SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOX A CONTAINER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIE UNTRUTHFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAVEN BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GREEN APPLE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VACATION MORE FUN THAN JAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GIRAFFE TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHILD A HUMAN BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DICTIONARY USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DICTIONARY A BOOK OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOUD MAID FROM WATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SOFT CHAIR COMFORTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A METRIC TON 1000 KILOGRAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIP A SHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ZOO A SETTING FOR CAPTIVE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POLAR BEAR WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TOPAZ A GEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HORSE A MODE OF TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HORSE AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HORSE IS A FOUR LEGGED MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HORSE LARGER THAN A MARBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HORSE LARGER THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENTUIM PC FASTER THAN A 286 PC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FIRE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PAPERCLIP AN OFFICE SUPPLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LIGHT BULB MADE OF GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SNOW GOOSE WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RIGHT ANGLE A NINETY DEGREE ANGLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANA A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANA BIGGER THAN A GRAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANA EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANA SPLIT A KIND OF DESSERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOY A YOUNG MALE HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOY A MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOY CONSIDERED A HUMAN MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOY MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MUSKELLUNGE A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLUTE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LOCK OPENED WITH A KEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LOCK USED TO SECURE THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STOP SIGN RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOOSE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOLF BALL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GOLF BALL SMALLER THAN A FOOTBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KITTEN A YOUNG CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLOOD A DESTRCTIVE FORM OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FLOOD A NATURAL DISASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BULLET SOMETIMES CALLED A SLUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BRICK HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TABLE FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRUFFLE GOOD TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VET A DOCTOR FOR NON HUMAN ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BROKEN FINGERNAIL UNCOMFORTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRAIN A MEANS OF TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRAIN LARGER THAN A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUMA IN THE CAT FAMILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ALICE SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ZEBRA BLACK AND WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PORSCHE EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CPU MADE OF TRANSISTORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MUSHROOM A FUNGUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUMAN MORE INTELLIGENT THAN A BEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUMAN FEARFUL OF DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUMAN A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DUCK A TYPE OF BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CIGARETTE A TOBACCO PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HARP A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FRUIT GROWN ON A TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPHERE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HAIR DRYER USED TO DRY HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KITCHEN A ROOM FOR COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KITCHEN A PLACE TO PREPARE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPOON USEFUL TO EAT SOUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TART A CONFECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CPA A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GREYHOUND A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HEATER USED TO KEEP THINGS WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A FUNERAL A TIME OF SORROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TELEPHONE USED FOR COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TELEPHONE A COMMUNICATION DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TELEPHONE A COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TELEPHONE A GREAT DISCOVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOTORCYCLE FASTER THAN A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOCK USED TO SHOW THE TIME OF DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOCK USED TO MEASURE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOCK USED TO TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOCK A TIMEPIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLOCK IS USED TO TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHERRY RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUNGALOW A TYPE OF HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POW A CAPTURED SOLDIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PINE A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TANK A FORM OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CIGAR SOMETIMES A CIGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A THOUSAND MORE THAN A HUNDRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SANDWICH A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENCIL USED TO WRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENCIL FOR WRITING WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUS HEAVIER THAN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BUS ALWAYS BIGGER THAN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLACK WIDOW AN INSECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLACK HOLE A SPACETIME ANOMALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUTH USED FOR EATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TORNEDO DESTRUCTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RECIEPT A VALID PROOF OF PURCHASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PRIMARY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CADILLAC A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A METER A METRIC UNIT OF MEASUREMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENNY A COIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOOR PART OF A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SNAKE COLD BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GODDESS A FEMALE GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PERSON A KIND OF ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PERSON BIGGER THAN A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PERSON FROM GERMANY GERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PUDDLE SMALLER THAN A LAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KING A CHESS PIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBIT SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBIT A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBIT AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBIT KNOWN AS A BUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RABBIT FASTER THAN A TURTLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOORKNOB HIGHER THAN A FLOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRUMPET A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRUMPET AN INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG CALLED A CANINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG IS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOG ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A VERB A CLASS OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOUSE A PLACE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOUSE A TYPE OF BUILDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOUSE BIGGER THAN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOLF IS RELATED TO A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BALL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BALL A SPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIRT SOMETHING YOU WEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SHIRT AN ITEM OF CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE A RODENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE A COMPUTER PERIPHERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE SMALLER THAN AN ELEPHANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUSE AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A XYLOPHONE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DISCMAN A PORTABLE CD PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DESK A FURNITURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DESK A PIECE OF FURNITURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAZOR BLADE SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAZOR SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROSE A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROSE IS A TYPE OF FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOBILE PHONE WIRELESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HOSPITAL FULL OF SICK PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PEACH A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RHESUS A KIND OF MONKEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ROBIN A TYPE OF BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW IS A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COW LARGER THAN A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PC BETTER THAN A MAC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POTATO COOKABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WASHING MACHINE USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HISTOGRAM A STASTICAL TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOMB MADE OF EXPLOSIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SAXOPHONE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOMAN A FEMALE PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOMAN A FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOMAN FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CACTUS A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CIRCLE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CIRCLE A GEOMETRIC SHAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARROT ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARROT A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CARROT A TYPE OF VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KNIFE USED TO CUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KNIFE USED TO CUT THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KNIFE A TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A KNIFE SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WHEEL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOODPECKER A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SPRING CAVEFISH A KIND OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A GORILLA STRONGER THAN A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAMERA USED TO TAKE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TERMINATION THE END OF SOMETHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TAXI THE SAME AS TAXICAB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TAXI A FORM OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CD ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CD KNOWN AS A COMPACT DISC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A UNICORN A MYTHICAL ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PLUM A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR USED FOR TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR FOR DRIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR USEFUL FOR MOVING PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR BIGGER THAN A BREADBOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR A VEHICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR A KIND OF MOTORIZED VEHICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR A MEANS OF TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR A FORM OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR A FORM OF TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR AN AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR FASTER THAN A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR FASTER THAN A HORSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CAR HEAVIER THAN A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TYPEWRITER OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DOME CURVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PENTIUM FASTER THAN A 486</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANJO A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MEGABYTE MORE MEMORY THAN A BYTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRILLION MORE THAN A THOUSAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRILLION MORE THAN A BILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TRILLION A BIG NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAISIN A DRIED GRAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A TIN CAN MADE OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PYTHON A KIND OF SNAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LASER A SOURCE OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HUSKY A BREED OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MOUNTAIN MOSTLY MADE OF ROCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOWLING BALL ROLLED DOWN A LANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLUE CROWN CONURE A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BLUE BALLOON BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RING ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RING IS A TYPE OF JEWELRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BANANNA PEEL SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BOTTLE SOMETHING TO CARRY FLUIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MICHELANGELO PAINTING BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CLEAR SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HIPPOPOTAMUS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HIPPOPOTAMUS LARGER THAN A SHREW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LUTE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAINBOW BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RAINBOW MADE OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A NEUTRINO A SMALL PARTICLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DIAMOND HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DIAMOND MADE OF CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DIAMOND EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR MENT TO BE SAT ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR USED FOR SITTING ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR FOR SITTING ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR FOR SITTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR A PIECE OF FURNITURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CHAIR DESIGNED FOR SITTING ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A WOOL JACKET WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COLD A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PAWN A CHESS PIECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEMON SOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A MONK A RELIGIOUS PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PANDA A BEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A STY WHERE PIGS ARE KEPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A SINGLE PARTICLE CONSIDERED A UNIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A DAISY A TYPE OF FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A CIRCUIT BOARD PART OF A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LEPOARD A TYPE OF CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A COMPASS USED FOR DIRECTION FINDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A REFRIGERATOR A MAJOR APPLIANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HURRICANE A WEATHER PHENOMONON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A HURRICANE A NATURAL DISASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BEAR DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A LAMP MADE TO GIVE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A ELEPHANT A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BABY YOUNGER THAN AN OLD MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A BABY A SMALL HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A RESISTOR AN ELECTRONIC COMPONENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PLATYPUS A MARSUPIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POET A CREATIVE PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A POET AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A 7 FOOT MAN CONSIDERED TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PINEAPPLE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS A PANTHER IN THE CAT FAMILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POTENTIAL SOMETHING NOT YET REALIZED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LETTUCE A GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCHIZOPHRENIA A MENTAL DISORDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW HAMPSHIRE IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW DELHI IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW DELHI THE CAPITAL OF INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW DELHI THE CAPITAL CITY OF INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK IN USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK BOTH A CITY AND A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK A CITY AND A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK A LARGE CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW YORK CITY IN NEW YORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEW ZEALAND A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRIDAY A WEEKDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPANESE SPOKEN IN JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPANESE CURRENCY YEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPANESE A DIFFICULT LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONDAY A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONDAY A WEEKDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONDAY AFTER SUNDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EACH PERSON UNIQUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER SOMETHING TO DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER SOMETHING PEOPLE DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER A POPULAR DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER AN ALCOHOLIC DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER AN ALOCHOLIC BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEER SOLD IN CANS AND BOTTLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUEBEC IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CURRENCY OF INDIA RUPEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHAELANGELO A FAMOUS ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHAELANGELO DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZIP A COMPRESSION FORMAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAYFEVER AN ALLERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK SOMETHING YOU DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK A DAIRY PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MILK SOLD IN PLASTIC CONTAINERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOLID WATER CALLED ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SYDNEY IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEAVEN BETTER THAN HELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YAHOO DOT COM A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNPROTECTED SEX DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DURBAN A SEAPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INDIA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 8 TIMES 7 EQUAL TO 56</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 12 PLUS 6 EQUAL TO 18</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 12 TIMES 12 EQUAL TO 144</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA FIZZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA A SOFT DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA A SODA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA A COLA SOFT DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA FLUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCA COLA BETTER THAN PEPSI</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX OPEN SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A GOOD OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX A COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX GOOD OS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX GOOD OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINUX AN OPERAITING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HERMETICALLY SEALED AIR TIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VISUAL BASIC A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TENNIS A BALL GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRON GOOD CONDUCTOR OF ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUAKE A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUAKE A COMPUTER GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING A USEFUL SKILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING BOOKS GOOD FOR YOUR MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING AN ACTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS READING IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOSTON IN MASSACHUETTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAR RACING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADRID THE CAPITAL OF SPAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LABANON ON THE MEDITERRANIAN SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUGS BUNNY A CARTOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUGS BUNNY IS A CARTOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOOD GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOOD FOOD AVAILABLE IN THIS WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHAKESPEAR HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEAWATER SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FROZEN WATER CALLED ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARTHUR C CLARKE A WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WASHINGTON D C IN THE YOU S A</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OCEAN WATER SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 THE ONLY EVEN PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 PLUS 5 EQUAL TO 7</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 PLUS 4 EQUAL TO 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 PLUS 2 FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 PLUS 2 EQUAL TO 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 PLUS 2 EQUAL 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 PLUS 2 EQUALS 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 A POSITIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 GREATER THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 TIMES 2 FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 LESS THAN 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 2 EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TELEVISION A COMMUNICATION DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TELEVISION A HUMAN INVENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THINKING A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THINKING IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OAK A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEAT HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEAT A FORM OF ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EAST ONE OF THE 4 MAJOR DIRECTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRAGON A WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROLLS ROYCE A BRAND OF AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALPHA CENTAURI A CELESTIAL LOCATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALPHA CETAURI A PC GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW MADE FROM WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW IS MADE OF FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SNOW WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHOENIX THE CAPITOL OF ARIZONA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARCH A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 12345678901 AN ODD NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEST ONE OF THE 4 MAJOR DIRECTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUICKSAND DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HATE THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HATE AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA NORTH OF UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA NORTH OF THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANADA LARGER THAN SPAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MING THE NAME OF A CHINESE DYNASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ACCOUNTANT A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMAZON DOT COM AN ONLINE BOOKSTORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMAZON DOT COM AN INTERNET RETAILER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMAZON AN ONLINE BOOKSTORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIGHTMARE AN ILLUSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARISTOTLE A FAMOUS PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORIGAMI FROM JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLY AN INSECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY PART OF THE EUROPEAN UNION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY PART OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A EUROPEAN CONTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY LOCATED IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMANY PLACED IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE POSSIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOUCHING A RED HOT OBJECT PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UTACA A CITY IN USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORWARD THE OPPOSITE OF BACKWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATH BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATH IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEIR 24 HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORK THE MEAT FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORK A MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRIEF AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRENCH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELVIS THE KING PRESLEY DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELVIS FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELL A WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS R E M A POPULAR ROCK AND ROLL BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FAMILY IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RICE A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RICE A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RICE EATEN WIDELY IN ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRAN AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUSTOMER SERVICE IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITTANY SPEARS A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NINTENDO A GAME CONSOLE MAKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GO A GAME OF STRATEGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TENNESSEE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TENNESSEE IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TENNESSEE A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROME IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROME THE CAPITAL OF ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROME THE CAPITAL CITY OF ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROME A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROME LOCATED IN ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONTREAL A CITY IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 99 DIVISIBLE BY 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 99 GREATER THEN 98</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 99 LESS THAN 100</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASTRONOMY A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APACHE A NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EATING THE CONSUMPTION OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EATING IS PLEASURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EATING IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EATING CARROTS GOOD FOR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IBM A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IBM A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IBM A CORPORATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IBM IS A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKY ABOVE OUR HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAMES BOND A SPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEATTLE IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TELEPHONE A COMMUNICATION DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TELEPHONE IS FOR COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TELEPHONE ANOTHER WORD FOR PHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KEEPING TROPICAL FISH A HOBBY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BAKING ONE METHOD OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CESIUM AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAKING WAR A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAKING MISTAKES HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUTTER SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUTTER EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOON CLOSER TO EARTH THAN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCURY POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONAN THE BARBARIAN BIG AND STRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUPERMAN THE MAN OF STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUPERMAN A SUPER HERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUPERMAN A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING CIGARETTES HARMFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING CIGARETTES ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING CIGARETTES BAD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING TOBACCO BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING INJURIOUS TO HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING UNHEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING HAZARDOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING BAD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SMILING A GOOD THING TO DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAVEMENT HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALL MATTER COMPOSED OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SANTA CLAUS A MYTHICAL FIGURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SANTA BARBARA A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AFRICA A CONTINENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AFRICA WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AFRICA WARMER THAN BRITAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY HELPFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY A USEFUL THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICITY A FORM OF ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IMPROVISATION IMPORTANT IN JAZZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 700 A LARGER NUMBER THAN 600</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TASTE A SENSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TASTE OF SEA WATER SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAUNA HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANASTASIA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UV RADIATION HARMFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LITERACY A VALUABLE SKILL TO POSSESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DISCO A TYPE OF DANCING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUITAR A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BAMBOO A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEVEN TIMES NINE SIXTY THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLOWER BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEFT THE OPPOSITE OF RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEFT THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OFF THE OPPOSITE OF ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXISTENCE REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LUNCH EATEN ABOUT MIDDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONTARIO IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PUNK ROCK A TYPE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHAEL JACKSON FAMOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHAEL JACKSON A POPSINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PASTA A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARTINA HINGUS A TENNIS PLAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YELLOW A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HE THE SYMBOL FOR HELIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEARNING A LIFELONG EXPERIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEARNING GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEARNING AN ONGOING PROCESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANXIEITY A PART OF LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KARATE A MARTIAL ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALCIUM FOUND IN THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAZZ A TYPE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAZZ A FORM OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAZZ A STYLE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRYING ONE METHOD OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GUM STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLEACH OFTEN USED AS A CLEANSER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 MINUS 1972 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 MINUS 19721 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 GREATER THAN 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 100 GREATER THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLF A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROTTWEILER A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER AN EVIL CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER ILLEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER CONSIDERED A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINESE SPOKEN IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINESE A HUMAN BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINESE A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MS WINDOWS AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DISNEYLAND AN AMUSEMENT PARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALTAVISTA A SEARCH ENGINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCIENCE WORTHWHILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCIENCE A SYSTEMATIC KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLASSICAL A TYPE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR NOSE ON YOUR FACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR COMPUTER ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A PROPER NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DYNAMITE AN EXPLOSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLORIDA IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLORIDA A STATE IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FLORIDA A PENINSULA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEON A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEON HEAVIER THEN HELIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATHEMATICS UNIVERSAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATHEMATICS THE STUDY OF NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATHEMATICS LOGICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONCOLOGY STUDYING AND CUREING CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME MESUREABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME MEASUREABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIME PRECIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 90 DEGREES FARENHEIT HOT WEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LUBRICATION IMPORTANT TO MACHINERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOLIDAY NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COAL A FOSSIL FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COAL MADE OF DEAD PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COAL BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHYSICAL EXERCISE GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHYSICAL EXERCISE BENEFICIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOD SINGLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARY POPPINS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAUSING UNNECESSARY PAIN A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DANCING EXERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VENEZUELA A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELMO A PUPPET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN FLAMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN A CHEMICAL ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYDROGEN OXIDE WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DESSERT SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASEBALL A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASEBALL A COMMON SPORT IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMOUR DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANNA A FEMALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPPER A SEASONING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPPER SOMETIMES USED TO FLAVOR FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VELVET SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAD FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAD MADE WITH FLOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RABBIT AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR WARS A SCIENCE FICTION FILM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR WARS A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR TREK SCIENCE FICTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STAR TREK A TELEVISION SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUESDAY THE DAY AFTER MONDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUESDAY A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUESDAY A WEEKDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TUESDAY AFTER MONDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE METER EQUAL TO 100 CENTIMETERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE PLUS ONE EQULS TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE PLUS ONE TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE PLUS ONE EQUAL TO TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE PLUS ONE EQUALS TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE WATT A UNIT MEASURE OF POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE THIRD LESS THAN ONE HALF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE TRILLION LARGER THAN TEN MILLION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONE FOURTH LARGER THAN ONE EIGHTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIELDHOCKEY AN OUTDOOR SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VOLKSWAGEN A CAR BRAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAX AN ABBREVIATION FOR SAXOPHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILE IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILE A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHILE A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUNT ANOTHER NAME FOR VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAMLET A PLAY BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAMLET A TRAGEDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS THE REALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS PROJECT USEFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS TYPING BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS ALICE GOING TO WORK AT LAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS QUESTION IN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS QUESTION SIX WORDS LONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS QUESTION REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS AN EXAMPLE OF A YES NO QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS AN INTERESTING PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE IN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE IN BOLD TYPEFACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE MADE OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS SENTENCE MADE OUT OF WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THIS PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 AN ODD NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 GREATER THAN 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7 TIMES 5 EQUAL TO 35</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRUSSELS THE CAPITAL CITY OF BELGIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY LOCATED IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ITALY AN EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOREST ANOTHER NAME FOR THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FERRARI A TYPE OF CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEAT DERIVED FROM DEAD ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEAT A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEAT A SOURCE OF PROTEIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WEEDING GOOD FOR A GARDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAP A TYPE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUENOS AIRES A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MASTERCARD A CREDIT CARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON STILL PRESIDENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON MARRIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON A REAL PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON A HORNDOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON A MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL CLINTON MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES A RICH MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES AMERICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BILL GATES MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAY FEVER CAUSED BY ALLERGIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHIANTI AN ITALIAN TABLE WINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KATHY A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK PART OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK A PART OF EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DENMARK LOCATED IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCREAMING LOUDER THAN WHISPERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGENE A USEFUL ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RING WORM IS A PARASITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BASKETBALL A TEAM SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YESTERDAY IN THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YESTERDAY A PART OF THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAVEHEART A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GINA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD GOOD FOR A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD NECESSARY FOR HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD NECESSARY TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD IMPORTANT FOR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOD IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP DEPRIVATION BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP REFRESHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP A MUST FOR HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP NECESSARY IN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEP IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEALING A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEALING CONSIDERED A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMPUTER A MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CORN EATABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CORN EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAKFAST AN IMPORTANT MEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREAKFAST EATEN IN THE MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPANISH SPOKEN IN SPAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPANISH A LANGAUGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN THE NEAREST STAR TO EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN BIGGER THAN EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN MICROSYSTEMS A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUN GIVES US ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FIRE WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERYONE STILL LEARNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERYONE NAKED UNDER THEIR CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIC TAC TOE A SIMPLE GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 MULTIPLIED BY 1 EQUAL TO 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 GHZ FASTER THAN 500 MHZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 THE BINARY OPPOSITE OF 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 PLUS 1 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 A DIGIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 A PRIME NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 SMALLER THAN 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 GIG MORE THAN 64K</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 000 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 AND 1 TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 DOLLAR EQUAL TO 100 CENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1 EQUAL TO 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNIX A COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNIX AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UNIX IS AN OPERATION SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLD ASSOCIATED WITH BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLD IS OPPOSITE OF HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT WORD A PIECE OF SOFTWARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A BIG COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A CORPORATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICROSOFT A SUCCESSFUL COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOKYO IN JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOKYO JAPANESE CAPITAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALGEBRA A TYPE OF MATHEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALGEBRA MATEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METAL STRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NUCLEAR WAR A BAD IDEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HINDUISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HINDUISM A FORM OF RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOSSIP SOMETIMES HARMFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAVES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPRING A SEASON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPRING A PLEASANT TIME OF YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPRING ONE OF THE FOUR SEASONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRIME BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BMW A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BMW A BRAND OF AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLEANING PART OF HOUSEWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LINGUISTICS THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JULY A MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JULY 4TH INDEPENDENCE DAY IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LANGUAGE AN INTERACTIVE PROCESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXPERIENCE A FORM OF KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CD SHORT FOR COMPACT DISC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE THE OPPOSITE OF FALSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE WISDOM HARD TO ATTAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEPPERONI A COMMON TOPPING FOR PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS A PLANET IN OUTER SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS A PLANET OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS KNOWN AS THE RED PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARS WARMER THAN PLUTO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEAN CONNERY A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RIO DE JANEIRO IN BRAZIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RIO DE JANEIRO A BRAZILIAN CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUDHISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OLSO THE CAPITAL OF NORWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VAN GOGH A PAINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHYSICS A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHYSICS A FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHYSICS A BRANCH OF SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PHYSICS A TYPE OF SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEROIN ILLEAGLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEROIN ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALCULUS A BRANCH OF MATHEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALCULUS A TYPE OF MATHEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHAKESPEARE A PLAYWRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRUIT TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASIA LARGER THAN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIGER WOODS A GOLFER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PICASSO AN ARTIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANTHROPOLOGY A SOCIAL SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPRIN A PAIN KILLER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUM AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPPER A CONDUCTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPPER A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPPER AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COPPER AN METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLUTONIUM DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLUTONIUM RADIOACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PURPLE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUL A KIND OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NOKIA A CELLULAR PHONE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NOKIA IS A FAMOUS MOBILE PHONE MAKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DARK THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATE THE PAST TENSE OF EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RTHE OCEAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE A SORT OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE A DAIRY PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE MADE WITH MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE MADE OF MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE MADE FROM MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEESE ON TOAST GOOD TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OCTOBER A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEALTH MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEEL HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A GOOD REMEDY FOR STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX A MEANS OF REPRODUCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX GOOD FOR BLOOD CIRCULATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX GOOD FOR YOUR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX GOOD FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX PLESURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX PLEASUREABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX WONDERFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX PLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX PLEASURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX POPULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX ENJOYABLE FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX NATURAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RECYCLING A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIANA THE HUNTERS GODDESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIANA WAS A PRINCES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIANA DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FENCING STOLEN GOODS A CRIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GARBAGE SOMETHING THAT IS UNWANTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAWYER A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAICHU A POKEMON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUST THE RESULT OF OXIDATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUST KNOWN AS IRON OXIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUMMER HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JELLY OR JELLO WOBBLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOCKEY A VIOLENT GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOCKEY A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOCKEY CONSIDERED A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GODZILLA A FAMOUS JAPANESE MONSTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMPAQ A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 600 A LARGER NUMBER THAN 500</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAPE TOWN A CITY IN SOUTH AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAPE TOWN A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BREATHING CLEAN AIR A PLEASURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TIGHTROPE WALKING DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NUMBER OF DAYS IN A WEEK ARE 7</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 29 PLUS 62 EQUAL TO 91</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DONALD DUCK A CARTOON CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DONALD DUCK A FICTIONAL CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOS A REQUEST FOR HELP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PALEONTOLOGY A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEMISTRY A BRANCH OF SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TV SOMETIMES EDUCATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TV SHORT FOR TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD BROWN IN MOST CASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD HARDER THAN SNOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD FLAMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD A NATURAL PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD ORGANIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD OBTAINED FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD OFTEN USED TO MAKE FURNITURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOD FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANCER PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANCER A DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANCER A DESEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANCER A LIFE THREATENING DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANCER SOMETIMES FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PALEANTOLOGY THE STUDY OF FOSSILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MINING A DANGEROUS JOB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DREW BARRYMORE AN ACTRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DREW CARREY FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GIRLS HAVE BIG BREAST THEN MENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HYPOCRISY BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FINLAND IN NORTHERN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATHEISM UNPOPULAR IN MOST CHURCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LUST AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOT THE OPPOSITE OF COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOT AIR LIGHTER THAN COLD AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS E MAIL FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS E MAIL A FORM OF COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS E MAIL ELECTRONIC MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEXAS A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LARCENY ILLEGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H20 AND WATER THE SAME THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUANITA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUGUST THE 8TH MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUGUST A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTHERN CANADA COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MANCHESTER A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 000 000 000 000 A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLA A DRIK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLA A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINBALL A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NINE TIMES TEN EQUAL TO NINETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FATHER OLD THAN SON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRIVACY IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORLD PEACE DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WORLD PEACE BENEFICIAL TO MANKIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KISSING FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAVA HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAVA MOLTEN ROCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AGNES A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TERROR A FORM OF FEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISH A FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISH LIVING IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FURIOUS ANGRIER THAN UPSET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORWAY A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORWAY COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISHING BOTH A HOBBY AND A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FISHING GOOD FOR RELAXATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATURDAY PART OF THE WEEKEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATURDAY BEFORE SUNDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MISTER ABBREVIATED MR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H2O THE FORMULA OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H2O THE CHEMICAL SYMBOLFOR WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS H2O THE CHEMICAL NOTATION FOR WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEART A VITAL ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW THE CAPITOL OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW A CAPITOL OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW A CAPITAL OF THE RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOSCOW CITY IN RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN FAR FROM US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAPAN ONE OF THE ASIAN COUNTRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POETRY IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUBLIN THE CAPITAL OF IRELAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DUBLIN ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNSHINE WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAD THE OPPOSTIE OF HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUNDAY A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOOTBALL A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LAUGHTER GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROASTING ONE METHOD OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MECCA A SACRED PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AOL A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AOL A BIG COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AOL AN INTERNET PROVIDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD A HEAVY METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD HEAVIER THAN HYDROGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD HEAVIER THAN ALUMINUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD HEAVIER THAN COTTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEAD SOFTER THAN STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COCAINE A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JIM A NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CIRCUMVENT GET AROUND RESTRICTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIOLENCE DESTRUCTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STOCKHOLM THE CAPITOL OF SWEDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUDWEISER A BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 20 EQUAL TO 1 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS NT AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS 98 A MICROSOFT PRODUCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS 95 OWEND BY MICROSOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS 2000 AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS PRONE TO FREQUENT CRASHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOWS AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COREL THE NAME OF A SOFTWARE COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TURQUOISE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GEOLOGY A SCIENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SIX A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 MORE THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 PLUS 4 EQUAL TO 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 GREATER THAN 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 6 LESS THAN 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL A LUBRICANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL A FOSSIL FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL AN ENERGY SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OIL IMPORTANT TO MACHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAUDI ARABIA A DESERT COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY DIFFERENT FROM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY THE DAY AFTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEN USED FOR WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AIR CONDITIONER USED TO COOL AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EYE USEFUL FOR SIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN F 14 A PLANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AIRPLANE FASTER THAN A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INFANT A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ASH TRAY USED FOR CIGARETTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ATOMIC CLOCK ACCURATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ERUPTING VOLCANO DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN UMBRELLA USEFUL WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ARTIST AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AUTHOR THE SAME AS A WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT A BEAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT A BIG MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT A BIG ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT A LARGE ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER FROM A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A TOASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A BREADBOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A MOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN A HORSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT BIGGER THAN AN ANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT LARGER THAN A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELEPHANT TALLER THAN A MONGOOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELLIPSE DIFFERENT FROM A CIRCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ISLAND SURROUNDED BY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APPLE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APPLE A TYPE OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN APPLE RED OR GREEN SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN AMERICAN DOLLAR WORTH 100 PENNIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN IGUANA GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EMOTICON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OCEAN A BODY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OCEAN BIGGER THAN A SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OCEAN MADE MOSTLY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OAK A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EARTHQUAKE A NATURAL DISASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EARTHQUAKE BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN EAGLE A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ELM A TYPE OF TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OSTRICH BIGGER THAN A PIDGEON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORCHID A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORCHID A TYPE OF FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ADULT LARGER THAN AN INFANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN OMELETTE MADE FROM EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN INTEGER A TYPE OF NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORANGE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORANGE ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORANGE A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AN ORANGE EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EBOLA A NAME OF A VIRUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEPHEN KING A POPULAR NOVELIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 15 DIVIDED BY 3 EQUAL TO 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TAPE STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRALIA IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUSTRALIA ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SONY A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RESEARCH USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPRITE A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEVROLET A BRAND OF AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHLORINE GAS TOXIC TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APRIL A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APRIL BEFORE JULY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PULP FICTION A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BICYCLING GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUNICH IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MUNICH A TOWN IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANNE A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANGIE A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONESTY THE BEST POLICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PETROL FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEADLY NIGHTSHADE POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 0 MULTIPLIED BY ANYTHING STILL 0</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 0 DEGREES CELSIUS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 0 LESS THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COKE A REFRESHMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COKE A TYPE OF SOFT DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORM A SYNONYM FOR SHAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHISKEY AN ALCOHOLIC DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SATAN CALLED LUCIFER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAT A ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAT AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROSLYN A FEMALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BUDDHISM A RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STONE HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STONE SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LSD HALLUCINOGENIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LSD A DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOMEONE OF AGE 80 IS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPORT HEALTHY FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAMBRIDGE IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER PLAYED WITH A SOCCER BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER A POPULAR SPORT IN GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER KNOWN AS FOOTBALL IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOCCER KNOWN AS FOOTBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MR SPOCK VULCAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DARWIN SPELLED BACKWARDS NIWRAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VERMONT A STATE IN THE YOU S</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEMONADE A REFRESHING DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLAND IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POLAND PLACED IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOUR LARGER THAN THREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOUR TIMES TEN EQUAL TO FORTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIGERIA IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FAITH THE CORNERSTONE OF RELIGION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NEWDELHI THE CAPITAL OF INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWEETY A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADIUM RADIOACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAWAII A VACATION DESTINATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAWAII A VOLCANIC ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAWAII AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BROKEN GLASS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BROKEN GLASS SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OSTRICH A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BALCONY AN ELEMENT OF A BUILDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLEASURE DESIREABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLEASURE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLEASURE ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WWW DOT AMD DOT COM A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WWW SHORT FOR WORLD WIDE WEB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MATRIX A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PATTING DONE WITH AN OPEN HAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARGON A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DONUT A VARIATION OF DOUGHNUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOTHIC AN ARCHITECTURAL STYLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KEYBOARD USUAL PART OF COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMANITY EVER EVOLVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TH SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMMUNISM A PHILOSOPHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE AN AUTHOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WILLIAM AN ENGLISH NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BACK ACHE PAINFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHANGE INEVITABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ERIC A MALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HANDBALL A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PYTHON A SNAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AI SHORT FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CL THE SYMBOL FOR CHLORINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOTTLE COLLECTING A HOBBY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARYLAND IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RWANDA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RIDING A HORSE A MODE OF TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WIRED A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PERU IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PERU A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIA A LARGE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEVEN KING A WRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAKISTAN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAKISTAN INDIAS NEIGHBOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUSSIAN SPOKEN IN RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DATA STORED ON CDS OR DVDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUTER SPACE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UP THE OPPOSITE OF DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS UP RELATIVE TO THE PLANE OF GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TRACEY CHAPMAN A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 60HZ A COMMON SOUND FREQUENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVENING LATER THAN MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STEAM HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW A NEW DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW ALWAYS THE NEXT DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW ANOTHER DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOMORROW HAPPEN AFTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROUND A GOOD SHAPE FOR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUND POSSIBLE IN A VACUUM CLEANER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUND A SERIES OF VIBRATIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIDS A PROBLEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIDS A SEVERE DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIDS LEADS TO DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MORPHINE A DRUG USED TO CONTROL PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BROCCOLI A VEGETABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLAVERY WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAHARA A DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITAIN IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRITAIN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALABAMA IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLOBALWARMING MAN MADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANTHRACITE A TYPE OF COAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA A PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALIFORNIA SUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD A RED COLOR IN MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD THICHER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD IMPORTANT TO HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD RED IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOOD RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE THE COMBINATION OF ALL COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WHITE BRIGHTER THAN GRAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JESSICA A GIRL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DAVID A NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS USA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEELING BLUE A STATE OF MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARAMEL SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PERJURY LYING WHILE UNDER OATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YAHOO. AN INTERNET BASED BUSINESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTUGAL IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTUGAL COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMEDY FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPEECH A FORM OF COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 1024 BYTES A KILOBYTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAM A PROBLEM ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAM ELECTRONIC JUNK MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STING THE NAME OF A MUSICIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROMEO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS POISON HARMFUL TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEOUL IN KOREA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAHATMA GANDHI DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERY SNOW FLAKE INDIVIDUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERY LIVING HUMAN ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVERY PERSON DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELGIUM IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BELGIUM A SMALL COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRUM A MUISCAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRUM A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CUBA A COMMUNIST NATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THEY SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLANET EARTH PART AF A GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLANET EARTH OUR HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN IS MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN CAUSED BY CLOUDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN ALWAYS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN WELCOME AFTER A DROUGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAIN WATER THAT FALLS FROM THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDUCATION VALUBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDUCATION USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EDUCATION IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT TO OUR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NON TRUTH FALSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRYSTALINE SUGAR SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOS ANGELES A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAIN IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAIN A EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAIN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOUCH ONE OF THE FIVE HUMAN SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BANGALORE IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VLADIMIR PUTIN EX KGB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHEATING WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EVEREST IN NEPAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADIO A COMMUNICATION DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RADIO AN IMPORTANT TOOL FOR MANKIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMERICAN STYLE FOOTBALL A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMERICAN CULTURE MATERIALISTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FOREVER A LONG TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING SOMEONE BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING WITHOUT REASON WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING PEOPLE WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KILLING ANOTHER PERSON IS EVIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NAPOLEON DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DARTH VADER A CHARACTER IN STAR WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH THE THIRD PLANET FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH A NICE PLACE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH SMALLER THAN SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH POLLUTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EARTH OLDER THAN 100000 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TNT DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TNT AN EXPLOSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINTER COLD IN POLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINTER COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINTER COLDER THAN SPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZEUS A GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMERICA BIGGER THAN JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMERICA BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE TOUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE LONG LEARNING A GOOD GOAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE IS WORTH LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIFE PRECIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A FOUR LETTER WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A HUMAN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A GOOD FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A NAME OF A FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A WONDERFUL THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE A POSITIVE EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE GOOD FOR THE SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE WONDERFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE IMPORTANT IN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE IMPORTANT TO A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE BUILT ON TRUST AND RESPECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE MAKING PLEASURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE INTERNATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LOVE BETTER THAN HATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMANDA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUNGARY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUNGARY A EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUNGARY A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VENUS THE SECOND PLANET FROM THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VENUS A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VENUS A PLANET AND A ROMAN GODDESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VENUS WARMER THAN EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BATHING A GOOD HABBIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SULPHUR GAS AN UNPLEASANT ODOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEALTHY FOOD IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEOPLE A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN A TOWN IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BERLIN LOCATED IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANY HUMAN BEEING SMARTER THAN ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANY RELATION OF BRAIN TO MIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALCOHOL AN ADDICTIVE DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALCOHOL INTOXICATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENNY A COIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAKE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAKE SERVED FOR BIRTHDAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAKE SERVED AT BIRTHDAY PARTIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLATINUM A PRECIOUS METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLATINUM WORTH MORE THAN COPPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RECEIVING A PRESENT A GOOD FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CZECH REPUBLICK IN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CZECH REPUBLIC A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GETTING LAYED FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIME A COLOR AND A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 MORE THAN 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 MINUS 4 EQUAL TO 6</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 X 10 EQUAL TO 100</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 5 EQUAL 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 SMALLER THAN 11</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 GREATER THAN 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 10 LESS THAN 20</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUR SUN IS A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUR GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUR UNIVERSE LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OUR PLANET KNOWN AS THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANOE A KIND OF BOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENNSYLVANIA IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENNSYLVANIA A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENNSYLVANIA AN AMERICAN STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ARNOLD SCWARZENEGGER REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENTERING ALICEBOTS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LENIN DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BARBIE A TOY DOLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BARBIE MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MACOS A COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 THE SQARE ROOT OF 25</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 25</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 GREATER THAN 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 AND 5 TEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 TIMES 5 25</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 LESS THAN 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 5 EQUAL TO FIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD MORE EXPENSIVE THAN SILVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD GOLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD WOTRTH MORE THAN SILVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD A METAL AND A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD DENSER THAN LEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD COMMONLY USED IN MAKING JEWELRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD WORTH MORE THAN STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD WORTH A LOT OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD PRECIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD VALUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GOLD CONSIDERED VALUABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRUCE LEE A LEGEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOMENTUM PROPORTIONAL TO VELOCITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AEROBIC EXERCISE HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 28 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLOND HAIR A SORT OF YELLOWISH HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BON JOVI A ROCK GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KATE A FEMALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANTARCTICA COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CINDY A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOUSTON IN TEXAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 3000 A LARGER NUMBER THAN 2000</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST GRASS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST PAPER MADE FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST CHOCOLATE BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST BEER A TRANSPARENT YELLOW COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST OF THE EARTH COVERED WITH WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOST CHEESE MADE FROM MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JESUS CHRIST KNOWN AS THE SON OF GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK A TYPE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK IS HARDER THAN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC SOMETIMES VULGAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PORTUGESE A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AUTUMN A SEASON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOILING ONE METHOD OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOILING WATER HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON CAPITAL OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPITAL OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPITAL OF UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE CAPITAL CITY OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON THE BIGGEST CITY IN BRITAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON A CAPITAL CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LONDON A LARGE CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHICAGO EAST OF DENVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLOW CUSTOMER SERVICE ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE BOTH A FRUIT AND A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE BOTH A COLOR AND A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE SODA SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORANGE JUICE MADE FROM ORANGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URANUS A PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCEDES BENZ A BRAND OF AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCEDES A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MERCEDES A BRAND NAME FOR A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CALGARY A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NAIL BITING A SIGN OF NERVOUSNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICECREAM COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICECREAM MADE OUT OF MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELLO A GREETING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAGENTA A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS METALLICA A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMSTERDAM IN HOLLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMSTERDAM A CITY IN THE NETHERLANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATERMELON BIGGER THAN A GRAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE INFINITE AS FAR AS WE KNOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPACE FINAL FRONTIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IRELAND IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOUP WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NOVEMBER A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEWLETT PACKARD A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SILVER A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE OXYGEN IN THE ATMOSPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE OXYGEN IN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE OXYGEN IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE SUNLIGHT AT 1 00PM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ICE AT THE SOUTH POLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A FULL MOON EVERY MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A COMPUTER NAMED IMAC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A FUTURE FOR VIRTUAL REALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A MAGAZINE CALLED WIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A LARGER STAR THAN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A COUNTRY CALLED INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A COUNTRY CALLED HUNGARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A COUNTRY CALLED CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A PLACE CALLED PARIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A PLANET CALLED JUPITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A CASTLE IN EDINBURGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A WAY TO CHEAT AT CARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A WAY TO SELL PENSIONS ONLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A T KEY ON A COMPUTER KEYBOARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A LOT OF PORN ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANYONE IN SPAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE GRAVITY ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ARE MORE THAN 20 COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE DEATH AFTER LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE BLOOD IN THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 7 DAYS IN A WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE SALT IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE IN THE OCEANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE BEFORE DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE OUTSIDE OF THIS PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE OUTSIDE AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE ON THE PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE ON PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ANY LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE INTELLIGENT LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE OIL IN THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE 1000 METERS IN 1 KILOMETER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIGHT IN THE DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE PORN ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE ALCOHOL IN BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE MORE THAN ONE HUMAN LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE MORE THAN ONE TYPE OF BEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE WATER ON THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THERE WATER ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GAS ANOTHER TERM FOR PETROL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ABRAHAM LINCOLN DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO BE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO BE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO HAVE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO HAVE A BEST FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO RECEIVE PRESENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NICE TO DANCE WITH A LOVED ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT LIKELY TO FIND A BED IN A BEDROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARKER AT NIGHT THAN AT NOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TEN YEARS IN A DECADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT NECESSARY FOR HUMANS TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT PAINFUL TO BE BURNT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT PAINFUL TO EAT ONESELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO MURDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO KILL A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO RAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO COMMIT MURDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO STEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO HURT OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO HURT OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG KILLING OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT SCARY WHEN YOUR BEING MUGGED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT A GOOD THING TO LOVE SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO BACK UP DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO LEARN AND TO GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO ENJOY LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT DURING THE SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT DURING SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN SAHARA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT NEAR THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT NEAR THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT AT THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT ON THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT OK TO BE ABOVE AVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WISE TO INSURE YOUR HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WISE TO FACE YOUR FEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ROME CAPITAL OF ITALY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT EMBARRASING TO VOMIT IN PUBLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WARM IN HAWAII</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WARM IN THE SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT WARM NEAR THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BETTER TO BE HAPPY THAN SAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DESIREABLE TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT MARS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ILLEGAL TO KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ILLEGAL TO KILL ANOTHER HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT RIO DE JANEIRO IN BRAZIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DIFFICULT TO EAT A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DIFFICULT TO TRUST POLITICIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DIFFICULT TO WIN THE LOTTERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLDER IN DENMARK THAN IN GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLDER IN WINTER THAN IN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT POSSBLE FOR PEOPLE TO TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DESIRABLE TO HAVE WHITE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK DURING NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK IN THE NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DARK AT MIDNIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO OVEREAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO HARM SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO KILL SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO EAT TOO MUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT BAD TO STEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DRY IN THE DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT ADVANTAGEOUS TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DANGEROUS TO DRIVE ON ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DANGEROUS TO RUN WITH SCISSORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DANGEROUS TO TEASE A TIGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT DANGEROUS TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT SUNNY IN SOUTH AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT CONSIDERED HUMAN TO MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO SEE A FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE PART OF A FAMILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE WITH FRIENDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO BE NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO FOLLOW ETHICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO HAVE A FRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO HAVE A RETIREMENT ACCOUNT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO HAVE FRIENDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO HAVE GOALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO VOTE IN A DEMOCRACY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO SHARE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GOOD TO LOVE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT CRUEL TO TORTURE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD DURING THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN THE ARCTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN THE SOUTH POLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN THE WINTER IN COLORADO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN CANADA IN THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD IN ANTARCTICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD WHEN IT SNOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD AT THE NORTH POLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COLD ON THE NORTH POLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FUN TO SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FUN TO GO TO A PARTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT OFTEN HOT NEAR THE EQUATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT 10 YEARS IN A DECADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT LIGHT DURING THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HARD TO READ IN THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HARD TO SEE IN THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT HARD TO LIFT HEAVY OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT FASTER TO RUN THAN WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT RIGHT TO DRINK FROM THE GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT YELLOW IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT CARS CAN BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT CARS HAVE TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT BIRDS HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT THE EARTH IS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT 12 BANANAS MAKE A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT HUMANS NEED TO BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT PEOPLE ARE BIPEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT GRATIFYING TO BE RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARLBORO A CIGARETTE BRAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCORPIO A SIGN OF THE ZODIAC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SCORPIO AN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPEED A RELATIVE MEASUREMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YES AN AFFIRMATIVE WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEACE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ROPE STRONGER THAN STRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMAN SPOKEN IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMAN WIDELY SPOKEN IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GERMAN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXERCISE HEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXERCISE GOOD FOR THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXERCISE GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIRGINIA A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LION A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LION AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAIL A FORM OF PRECIPITATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS QUEENSLAND A STATE IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN LENNON A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOHN A MALE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAZIL IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAZIL IN LATIN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAZIL A COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAZIL A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BRAZIL REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS O THE SYMBOL FOR OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LABOR DAY A HOLIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIAMI HOT IN SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN A EUOROPEAN CONTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN A COUNTRY IN NORTHERN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SWEDEN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPINACH GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MIR BUILT BY RUSSIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VIOLET A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BARKING A NOISE MADE BY DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUICIDE THE ACT OF KILLING YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NATURAL GAS AN ENERGY SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORD A CAR MAKER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORD A BRAND OF AUTOMOBILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FORD AN AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR BRUTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR DANGEROUS AND FRIGHTENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR AND PEACE A NOVEL BY LEO TOLSTOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WAR TERRIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED DIFFERENT FROM BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED DIFFERENT THAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED THE COLOR OF BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED USED AS A DANGER COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A DIFFERENT COLOR THAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A HOT COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A PRIMARY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED WINE GOOD FOR YOUR HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED WINE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RED WARMER THAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOFT THE OPPOSITE OF HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SHERLOCK HOLMES A WORK OF FICTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONG KONG IN ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENIS USED IN REPRODUCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PENIS A GENITAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SODIUM HYDROXIDE A BASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEPING FOR 8 HOURS A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEPING A NECESSITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SLEEPING IMPORTANT FOR HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WARM HOTTER THAN COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PEACOCK A BIRD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAMEL A BRAND OF CIGARETTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CYPRUS AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE DRANK FROM A CUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE BROWN IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE A COMMON DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE SERVED HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COFFEE FROM A BEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NURSE A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLEAN AIR A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLEAN WATER TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHERYL A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS XEROX SOMETIMES USED AS A VERB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GIVING BIRTH PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEATHER MADE FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIVING UP TO AN IMAGE HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THROWING THINGS AT PEOPLE RUDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHTNING A FORM OF ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK A DARKER COLOR THAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK SABBATH A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLACK OFTEN A SYMBOL FOR DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DANCE A FORM OF EXPRESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT MADE UP OF CRYSTALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALT SOMETIMES USED TO FLAVOR FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELLA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 400 GREATER THAN 399</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOAP USED TO CLEAN THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOAP USEFUL TO CLEAN MANY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SOAP OFTEN USED IN THE SHOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORMAL A RELATIVE TERM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VODKA A TRDITIONAL RUSSIAN DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VODKA AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALBERT EINSTEIN DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ORGASM FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING UPHILL HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING TIRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING A GOOD HABBIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING A FORM OF MOVEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING A FORM OF EXERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUNNING FASTER THAN WALKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANGER A HUMAN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER FLAMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER THIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER DERIVED FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE FROM WOOD PULP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE FROM WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER MADE OUT OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER IS MADE FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER IS FLAMMABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER PRODUCED FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PAPER FROM WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEGO A TYPE OF TOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HARRISON FORD AN ACTOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KNOWLEDGE POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TURKEY A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH CAROLINA IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH CAROLINA A STATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH A DIRECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH ONE OF THE 4 MAJOR DIRECTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NORTH DIRECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLASTIC A MAN MADE SUBSTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUGAR SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUGAR A SWEETENER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SUGAR SWEETER THAN FLOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONSTIPATION ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HARRY POTTER THE HERO OF A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HONEY SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY USEFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY USED FOR PURCHASING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY USED TO BUY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY A MEAN OF PAYMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY IMPORTANT IN SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONEY IMPORTANT TO MOST PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS C A COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRIVING BY CAR POPULAR IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRIVING A CAR A LEARNED SKILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YUGOSLAVIA A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE THE NAME OF A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE A FRUIT AND A COMPUTER COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS APPLE JUICE A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URANIUM ORE RADIOACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URANIUM A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS URANIUM RADIOACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MTV A MUSIC CHANNEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPHALT DARK COLORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ASPHALT BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZINC A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER THE LARGEST PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JUPITER BIGGER THAN MARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR TRAVEL CONSIDERED SAFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR POLLUTION HARMFUL TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR REQUIRED FOR HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR A COMBINATION OF GASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AIR LIGHTER THAN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS CAPITAL FROM FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS THE CAPITAL OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS THE FRENCH CAPITAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS A CAPITAL CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS A CITY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PARIS LOCATED IN THE COUNTRY FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEXICAN FOOD CONSIDERED SPICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GYMNASTICS A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HP A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YORKSHIRE IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COW A MILK PRODUCING ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COW AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING RIGHT BETTER THAN BEING WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEING TIRED DANGEROUS WHEN DRIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LATIN A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LATIN AN EXTINCT LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LATIN ONE OF THE CLASSICAL LANGUAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JAVA A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS VITAMINE C GOOD FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MANUEL A PERSON NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELPING PEOPLE A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AMY A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIAMOND HARDER THAN SOAPSTONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIAMOND HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DIAMOND EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIKOS A GREEK NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MARTIN LUTHER KING BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DELHI IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DELHI THE CAPITAL OF INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WRESTLING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHIGAN A PART OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICHIGAN A STATE IN THE USA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN BEING A MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HUMAN LIFE IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KUNG FU A MARTIAL ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUES A STYLE OF MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DARKNESS DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BANNANA A TROPICAL FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRIENDSHIP A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRIENDSHIP GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRIENDSHIP BETTER THAN LONELINESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONOPOLY THE NAME OF A BOARD GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONOPOLY A BOARD GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MONOPOLY A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PRAGUE A CAPITAL CITY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN BIGGER THAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEN LARGER THAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOL SHEEP HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WOOL A FIBER DERIVED FROM SHEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE THE FROZEN STATE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE THE SOLID STATE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE THE SOLID FORM OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE THE COMMON NAME FOR SOLID WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE HOCKEY PLAYED WEARING ICE SKATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE A STATE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE A COLD SUBSTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE COLD TO THE TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE COLD TO TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE CREAM SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE CREAM GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE CREAM COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE CREAM AVAILABLE IN MANY FLAVORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ICE CREAM BEST SERVED COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MICKEY MOUSE A DISNEY CHARACTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ELECTRICTY DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BARBECUE ONE METHOD OF COOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE A RECENTLY INVENTED WORD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE DOT ORG A WEBSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE ARTIFICIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE COOPER A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE ARTIFITIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE AN ATTEMPT AT AN EXPERT SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALLISON A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN THE COLOR OF GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN INK USED ON AMERICAN CURRENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GREEN GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CYCLING FASTER THAN WALKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUGBY A CONTACT SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WARSAW THE CAPITAL OF POLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DOCTOR A PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TAIWAN A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ECOLOGY A GOOD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TOLSTOY A GREAT NOVELIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRINKING GASOLINE A BAD IDEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRINKING AND DRIVING DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRINKING WATER GOOD FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRINKING WATER GOOD FOR A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEATHROW AIPORT IN LONDON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENERGY MEASURED IN JOULES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENERGY SOMETIMES USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENERGY ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALASKA PART OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALASKA A PART OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALASKA A COLD PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALASKA COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER ESSENTIAL FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER ESSENTIAL TO STAY ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER CLEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NEEDED FOR A MAMMALS SURVIVAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NEEDED TO SUSTAIN HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER MADE UP OF OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER MADE UP OF HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER MADE OF OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER MADE OF HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER MADE FROM HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER KNOWN AS H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER THE SAME AS H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER WARMER THAN ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER FLUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER REQUIRED FOR LIFE TO EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER REQUIRED FOR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER WET TO THE TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER WET AT ROOM TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER AN IMPORTANT RESOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER LIQUID AT ROOM TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECCESARY FOR HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER AFFECTED BY WIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER REFRESHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER MORE DENSE THAN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY FOR HUMAN SURVIVAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY FOR LIVING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY FOR LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY TO SUSTAIN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER NECESSARY TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER FLUIDOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER SKIING A RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A LIQUID AT ROOM TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A NECESSITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A SUBSTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A KIND OF FLUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER A NATURAL RESOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER IMPORTANT TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WATER IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THANKSGIVING A HOLIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MCDONALDS A FAST FOOD RESTURANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INDIGO A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEBRUARY THE SECOND MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEBRUARY A MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 THE SQUARE ROOT OF 16</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 MINUS 6 A NEGATIVE NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 PLUS 6 EQUAL TO 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 GREATER THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 4 LARGER THAN 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS KINDNESS BETTER THAN RUDENESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADONNA THE NAME OF A POP SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADONNA A SUPER STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADONNA A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MADONNA A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ABARHAM LINCOL DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FRANKFURT A GERMAN CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MOLTEN LAVA HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOUGHT THE PAST TENSE OF BUY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRANITE A TYPE OF ROCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRANITE ONE OF THE HARDEST ROCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEIJING IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DEUTSCHE MARK A CURRENCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HITLER DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAPE WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RAPE MORALLY WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEXICO A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEXICO SOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MEXICO CITY THE CAPITAL OF MEXICO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN NEEDED TO SUSTAIN HUMAN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN IMPORTANT TO LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN ESSENTIAL FOR HUMAN EXISTANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OXYGEN ESSENTIAL TO LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANUARY THE FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANUARY A MONTH IN THE CALENDAR YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANUARY A MONTH OF THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JANUARY A MONTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA IN ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA THE MOST POPULOUS COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA A COUNTRY ON THE PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHINA COMMUNIST COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CHECKERS A GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIZZA A FOOD FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIZZA FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PIZZA TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JOY AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT WAVEFORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT THE OPPOSITE OF HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT A FORM OF ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT MADE UP OF PHOTONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT FASTER THAN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LIGHT COMPOSED OF PHOTONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIGHT DARKER THAN DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS NIGHT DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RIGHT THE OPPOSITE OF WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SIGHT ONE OF THE FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS INDIAN FOOD SPICEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TABASCO MADE IN AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANITA A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLOR OF SKY IS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS COLOR OF THE SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY MOTHER A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY MOTHER FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY HAND AT THE END OF MY ARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY BROTHER IS MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY MOM OLDER THAN ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY BIRTHDAY THE DAY I WAS BORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MY TOUNGE WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CLICKING BANNERS BORING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DOLLAR THE AMERICAN MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LABOUR PARTY IN POWER IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUMMER HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPE MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ARCTIC COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MANDOLIN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE 2000 OLYMPICS IN SYDNEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TONGUE USED TO TASTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LOTTERY A GAME OF CHANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YEAR 1990 A D IN THE PAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FOUNDER OF MICROSOFT BILL GATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TOWN OF BIELEFELD IN GERMANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YOU S PRESIDENT A MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DAY SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DAY AFTER TODAY CALLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SHAPE OF A WHEEL ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE RAINFOREST HUMID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WHEEL AN INVENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PLANET PLUTO COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PLANET EARTH ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PLANET WE LIVE ON CALLED EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE US FLAG RED WHITE AND BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SURFACE OF THE SUN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SURFACE OF THE SUN IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH 2 3 WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NEW YEAR A HOLIDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 16 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF FOUR TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 49 7</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 9 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 4 EQUAL 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 25 EQUAL 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 81 EQUAL TO 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 64 EQUAL TO 8</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 144 EQUAL TO 12</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INDEX FINGER NEXT TO THE THUMB</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE JALAPENO A FAIRLY HOT PEPPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNITED STATES A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MAPLE A TYPE OF DECIDUOUS TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE VIOLIN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE VIOLIN IS A STRINGED INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE 2100 STILL IN THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ICE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NUMBER 9 DIVISIBLE BY 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NUMBER 6 AN EVEN NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE INCREASING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UTERUS AN INTERNAL ORGAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHEMICAL SYMBOL H2O FOR WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOUSE A COMPUTER PERIPHERAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY FAR AWAY FROM HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY ABOVE THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY OVERHEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY OFTEN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY EVER DARK AND THREATENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SKY ARE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY RELEVANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PHONE USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN FAR AWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN IN THE SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN HOT ON A COLD DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BOTHE BRIGHT AND HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A STELLAR OBJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A SPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A BALL OF GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A BIG BALL OF GASSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN A PHYSICAL OBJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER THAN THE PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN BIGGER THAN EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN MADE OF HYDROGEN AND HELIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN AN EXAMPLE OF A STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN GOING TO DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN HOTTER THEN THE NORTH POLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN HOTTER THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN ONE STAR AMONG MANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN NECESSARY FOR LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN YELLOWISH IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN LARGER THAN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN OUT IN THE DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN ALWAYS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUN WARMER THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MILKY WAY A GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AMAZON A RIVER IN SOUTH AMERICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CLEAR SKY BLUE IN THE DAYTIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PIANO AN INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TOUNGE PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WEATHER SUBJECT TO CHANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AIR IN LOS ANGELES POLLUTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AIR FREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE YOLK OF AN EGG YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AMERICAN CITIZEN AN AMERICAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BINARY SYSTEM BASED ON 0 AND 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OZONE LAYER GOOD FOR THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OZONE LAYER BEING DEPLETED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET EXPANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET GROWING EVERYDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET GETTING BIGGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET VAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A GLOBAL NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A USEFUL RESEARCH TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET A WORLDWIDE NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET AVAILABLE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET HUGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET FINITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE INTERNET LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WATER WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE X FILES A TV PROGRAM ON FOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WHITE HOUSE IN WASHINGTON D C</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WHITE HOUSE WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MIND DISTINCT FROM THE BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BLUE WHALE BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MISSISSIPPI A RIVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NEXT DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NOSE A PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WOOLLY MAMOTH EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ATMOSPHERE COMPOSED OF GASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ZODIAC CONNECTED TO ASTROLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAT AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SAXAPHONE AN MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OPPOSITE OF LIGHT DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OPPOSITE OF DRY WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHITE BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OPPOSITE OF ON OFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ATLANTIC AN OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DESERT DRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DESERT SANDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FLESH SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SOUTH POLE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOTHER OF MY SISTER MY MOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE A FICTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE STAR WE CALL THE SUN HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN THE DOMINANT SPECIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN GESTATION PERIOD 9 MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN BRAIN INSIDE THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HUMAN BODY MOSTLY MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SYMBOL FOR WATER H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GRASS IS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GROUND HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GROUND SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GROUND WET WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GROUND WET AFTER IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GROUND UNDER PEOPLES FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GOAL OF A TEACHER TO TEACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SAHARA A DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON ORBITING EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON A SATELLITE OF EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON SMALLER THAN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON NEARER TO EARTH THAN VENUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON IS SMALLER THAN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOON COLDER THAN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORTH POLE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NORTH POLE IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE TELEPHONE A USEFUL INVENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CENTER OF THE EARTH HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LETTER E IN THIS SENTENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LETTER A A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LETTER O A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CHINESE WALL VISIBLE FROM SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MOLECULAR FORMULA FOR WATER H2O</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NETHERLANDS A COUNTRY IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA MADE OUT OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SEA WATER SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE JAPANESE CURRENCY CALLED YEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EUROPEAN UNION IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WIZARD OF OZ A FAMOUS MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EIFFEL TOWER IN PARIS FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EIFFEL TOWER IN PARIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GLUE STICKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE RAIN WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE ANTARCTIC COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FLOW OF RAIN TOP TO DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PENIS LENGTH IMPORTANT FOR MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PURPOSE OF SCHOOL TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SPHYNX IN EGYPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE STATE OF ISRAEL ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WIFE OF A HUSBAND A WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE POPULATION GROWING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE USA IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE USA A MEMBER OF NATO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE DOG AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE APPLE KIND OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITAL OF FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITAL OF ENGLAND LONDON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITAL OF FRANCE PARIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CAPITAL OF NORWAY CALLED OSLO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PACIFIC AN OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PACIFIC OCEAN THE LARGEST OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NILE A LARGE RIVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NILE RIVER IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE LEMON A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NIGHT DARKET THAN THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE NIGHT DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN DEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE OCEAN COMPOSED OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE IRIS A PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CELLO A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SIMPSONS AN ANIMATED TV SHOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BRAIN A PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BACKGROUND OF THIS WEBPAGE WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD GETTING WARMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD WIDE WEB GROWING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD WIDE WEB INFORMATIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD SUFFERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HEART A PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE HEART A MUSCLE THAT PUMPS BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CONCORDE A SUPERSONIC AEROPLANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CONCORDE AN AIRPLANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SENSATION OF PAIN UNPLEASANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH ROUND OR NEARLY SO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH IN SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH IN ORBIT AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH ORBITING THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH WETTER THAT MARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH ROTATING AROUND THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH MOVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH COVERED IN 74 WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH COVERED MOSTLY BY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH A PART OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH A BEAUTIFUL PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH BIGGER THAN THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH MOSTLY COVERED BY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE EARTH OLDER THAN 2000 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUM 2 PLUS 2 EQUALS 4</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUM OF 5 AND 4 9</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUM OF ONE PLUS ONE TWO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUM OF 14 PLUS 5 IS 19</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COW AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE CURRENCY OF THE USA THE DOLLAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FINANCIAL TIMES A NEWSPAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE SUGAR SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FIRST DIGIT OF PI EQUAL TO 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE AXE USED TO CUT TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BIBLE A WELL KNOWN BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE BIBLE A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE FERRARI A TYPE OF CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GRAND CANYON IN ARIZONA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE GRAND CANYON DEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE MONA LISA A PAINTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR WHITE A LIGHT COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF GRASS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF THE SKY BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF THE GRASS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF THE OCEAN BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF A LEMON YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF AN ORANGE ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF CHOCOLATE BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR OF SEA BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR RED DARKER THAN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR RED IN THE CANADIAN FLAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR RED ASSOCIATED WITH HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE COLOR RED ON THE AMERICAN FLAG</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE PEN IS FOR WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE A LARGE PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE A PRETTY BIG PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE BIGGER THAN A FOOTBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS THE UNIVERSE LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GENEVA IN SWITZERLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OPERA A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 120 MINUTES 2 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BEVERAGE ANOTHER WORD FOR DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ONLINE RESEARCH USEFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOXING A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOXING CONSIDERED A CONTACT SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FALSE THE SAME AS NOT TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FALSE THE OPPOSITE OF TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE DARKER THAN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE DIFFERENT FROM GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE PART OF THE COLOR SPECTRUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE THE COLOR OF THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE BLUER THAN RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A FEELING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A COOL COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A COLD COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE IS COOL COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BLUE ONE OF THE COLORS IN A RAINBOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SET AN EGYPTIAN DEITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS JFK DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 7X6 EQUAL TO 42</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CONSCIOUSNESS DESIRABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELIUM A GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELIUM LIGHTER THAN OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HELIUM LIGHTER THAN THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HEARING A SENSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALISON A GIRLS NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINDOW GLASS TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY WHAT KEEPS YOU ON THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY A FORCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY A PHYSICAL LAW</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY AN ATTRACTIVE FORCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAVITY EFFECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS EXPERIMENTING WITH HEROIN RISKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPET COMFORTABLE TO WALK ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPET A FLOOR COVERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPET A COMMON FLOOR COVERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CARPET ON FLOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINK A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINK A SHADE OF RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PINK FLOYD A ROCK GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOB DYLAN A SINGER SONGWRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS BOB A NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH SPOKEN IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH SPOKEN IN MANY COUNTRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH WIDELY SPOKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH WIDELY USED ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ENGLISH A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CANDY SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN FRANCISCO A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN DIEGO IN THE UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN DIEGO A CITY IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SAN DIEGO SOUTH OF LOS ANGELES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA SOMETHING YOU DRINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA A BEVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA MADE FROM A PLANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TEA SERVED HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS LEE HARVEY OSWALD DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DELL A COMPANY THAT MAKES COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYBOY THE NAME OF A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS PLAYBOY A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS 666 MORE THAN 665</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS RUBBISH ANOTHER NAME FOR TRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ATHENS THE CAPITAL OF GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS OBESITY A DANGER TO HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS STATISTICS A BRANCH OF MATHEMATICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS AL GORE A DEMOCRAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HARVARD A WELL KNOWN UNIVERSITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWO MULTIPLIED BY 2 FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWO PLUS TWO FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TWO AND TWO FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPORTS ILLUSTRATED A MAGAZINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TORONTO IN CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINE MADE FROM GRAPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS WINE SOLD IN BOTTLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CAFFEINE A STIMULANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISRAEL IN THE MIDDLE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ISRAEL A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS TITANIUM A USEFUL METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SALSA SOMETIMES SPICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALUMINUM A LIGHT WEIGHT METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALUMINUM A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALUMINUM AN ELEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALUMINUM RECYCLABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANDREW A NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAHATHMA GANDHI AN INDIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS BREAKABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS MADE WITH SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS MADE FROM SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS IS MADE WITH SAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GLASS RECYCLABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAGHETTI THIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SPAGHETTI LIKE PIECES OF STRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS FEAR AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HATRED AN EMOTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN A PART OF NATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN A SOCIAL ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS MAN AN INTELLIGENT BEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZERO PLUS ZERO EQUAL TO ZERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ZERO A USEFUL NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS DRACULA A VAMPIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS GRAFFITI SPRAYPAINTED ON WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS REVENGE A DISH BEST SERVED COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS CRICKET A SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HOME WHERE THE HEART IS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WEB PAGES ARE MADE UP OF HTML</pattern>
<category><pattern>ORANGE IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ORANGE IS A COLOR AS WELL AS A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>TWO MORE FOUR IS SIX</pattern>
<category><pattern>TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>TWO PLUS TWO IS FOUR YES OR NO</pattern>
<category><pattern>TWO PLUS TWO IS FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>TWO PLUS TWO IS EQUAL TO FOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>SNAKES ARE POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE MOSTLY BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ICE CREAM MELT IN THE SUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ICE FLOAT ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL FOSSIL FUELS RUN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL PEOPLE ASK SILLY QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WOOD BURN IN A FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WOOD BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU GET WET OUTSIDE IF IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU DIE SOMEDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A BLANKET CONSERVE BODY HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A FORK ACT AS A LEVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL A SHARP STICK IN THE EYE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL GLOBAL WARMING CONTINUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL BOILING WATER BURN ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL OUR SUN DIE IN A FEW BILLION YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL COMPUTERS GET FASTER WITH TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL TOMORROW FOLLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL RAT POISON KILL RATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANS EVER VISIT THE PLANET MARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALICE LEARN BY CONSENSUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALICE BE SUCCESSFUL PROJECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALICE OUTLIVE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL BE NEXT OLYMPIC GAMES IN 2004</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL SULPHURIC ACID REACT WITH ZINC</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ASPIRIN REDUCE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL FIRE BURN MY SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL SOME RAPE VICTIMS BECOME PREGNANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMAN BEINGS EVER WALK ON MARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WIND SPREAD A FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ALL LIVING BEINGS EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL TIME PASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL LIFE GET BETTER AS WE LEARN MORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL WE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL IT HURT TO POKE MYSELF IN THE EYE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL GUYS EVER LEARN TO THINK MATUREDLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN EVENTUALLY BURN ITSELF OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN EVENTUALLY BECOME A NOVA</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN RISE TOMMOROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN RISE EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN RISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN STOPS SHINING SOME DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE SUN COME UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE CURRENCY IN EUROPE BE THE EURO</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THE ALICE PROJECT EVER WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HYDROGEN BURN EASILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL FALLING DOWN STAIRS HURT YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I DIE. I CUT OFF MY HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I GET WET. I STAND IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I LOSE MY JOB. I GET FIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL I DIE SOMETIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL EVERY PERSON EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL THIS PROJECT WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL EVERYTHING END</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL ROCKS SINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANITY MERGE WITH TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL HUMANITY LIVE ON MARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ROSES BE PINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ROSES BE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WHEELS BE FOUND ON MOST VEHICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TABLES HOLD OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ANIMALS DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TOO MUCH SUGAR ROT YOUR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN POLLEN MAKE YOU SNEEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COLORS REPRESENT FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HEAT BE USED TO COOK FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CORPORATIONS BE POWERFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HORSES RUN FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HORSES RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HORSES SLEEP STANDING UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CHOCOLATE MAKE A PERSON FAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AIRPLANES FLY IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AIRPLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BEES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RUSSIA CHANGE TO BETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ANYBODY BE RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BACTERIA MAKE PEOPLE ILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BACTERIA LIVE ON HUMAN SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BALLOONS FILLED WITH HELIUM FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BALLOONS BE FILLED WITH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE KEEP US WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE INJURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRE BE USED AS A WEAPON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALUMINUM BE RECYCLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALUMINUM BE EXTRUDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY SHOES IN A SHOE STORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY A BOOK FROM AMAZON DOT COM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY BOOKS IN A BOOKSTORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY BOOKS IN A BOOKSHOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY FOOD IN A RESTAURANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY FOOD AT A SUPERMARKET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY PRACTICALLY ANYTHING ONLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BUY THINGS WITH MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU WATCH TV IN A DARK ROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU START A FIRE WITH A MATCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FIND TREES IN A FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FIND WATER IN NATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THE STARS AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THE MOON BETTER AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE SEA SHELLS ON THE SEA SHORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THROUGH A CLEAR WINDOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEE THROUGH A WINDOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU DROWN IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TALK VIA A TELEPHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TEAR A PIECE OF PAPER EASILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SIT ON A CHAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU HURT PEOPLE WITH A KNIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SMOKE AT THE AGE OF 18</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CARRY THINGS IN YOUR POCKETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LEARN FROM READING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU RECHARGE SOME BATTERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BREATH WITH YOUR MOUTH SHUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BURN YOURSELF ON A STOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BURN THE WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BURN WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GET DRUNK DRINKING ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GET A SUNBURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GET WET BY STANDING IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GET JUICE FROM GRAPEFRUITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GET MILK FROM COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CUT YOURSELF ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MAKE MUSIC WITH A GUITAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU WRITE ON PAPER WITH A PEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BREAK BONES IN YOUR LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT THE FRUIT OF SOME TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT A BANANA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT AN APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT RAW CUCUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT BREAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EAT PEPPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LOOK THROUGH A WINDOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU VIEW FILMS AT A CINEMA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU USE A PEN TO WRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEND MESSAGES OVER THE INTERNET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CLICK ON TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU KILL SOMEONE WITH A GUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU KILL LIVING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COAL BE USED AS A SOURCE OF FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CAR MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EYES BE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOUD NOISE DAMAGE HEARING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOUD NOISES DAMAGE YOUR HEARING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOUD MUSIC DAMAGE YOUR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ATHEISTS BE GOOD PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MASTURBATION BE FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CALCULUS SOMETIMES BE CONFUSING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPACT DISCS CONTAIN MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SNOW MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELETRICITY KILL YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TORNADOES DAMAGE TRAILER PARKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN VOLCANOES BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BUTTERFLIES BE DIFFERENT COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HEADACHES BE TRIGGERED BY STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TREES BE USED TO MAKE PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TREES BE CUT DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TREES BE OLDER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TREES LIVE TO BE OVER 100 YEARS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOSS OF LOVE BE PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLUIDS BE POURED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICTY BE USED TO HEAT A HOUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALCOHOL IMPAIR REACTION TIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALCOHOL MAKE YOU FEEL STRANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MARKS ON PAPER CONVEY KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TURTLES BE KILLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMAN AND MAN LIVE TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RADIOACTIVITY BE HARMFUL TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN NEWSPAPER BE RECYCLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOLPHINS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISH GET SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISH SWIM BETTER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISH LIVE IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISH LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MAN TRAVEL TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MAN DESTROY HIMSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WINE BE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WINE MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SHIRTS CARRY SLOGANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE WALK ON THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE CHANGE THEIR BODY WEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE CHANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE RUN FASTER THAN THEY WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE GET SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE RECITE POETRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE COMMUNICATE BY TELEPHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE COMMUNICATE BY E MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE BE FOOLED BY APPEARANCES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE BE KILLED BY A HOUSE FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE BE SMART IN DIFFERENT WAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE DIE FROM BLOOD LOSS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE SWIM IN SWIMMING POOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE LIVE WITHOUT PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE CREATE NEW LIFEFORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEOPLE DROWN IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUN EXPOSURE CAUSE SKIN CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EGGS BE EATEN FOR BREAKFAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EGGS CRACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MATH BE DIFFICULT FOR SOME PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIRES BE PUT OUT WITH WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIFE EXIST ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PENCILS BE USED TO MAKE DRAWINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN POWER BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN VIRUSES CAUSE ILLNESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TIRES SQUEAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUBMARINES TRAVEL UNDER THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUBMARINES OPERATE UNDERWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RABBITS RUIN A GARDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CLOUDS BE SEEN IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WALKING BE A GOOD FORM OF EXCERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOATS SINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOATS FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN METAL OXIDIZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RATS SPREAD DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RATS BE WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COFFEE BE DRUNK HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MARIJUANA BE AN ENJOYABLE DRUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST CATS SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST DUCKS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST PEOPLE LEATRN HOW TO SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST PEOPLE TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST PEOPLE SEE COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST PEOPLE SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST HUMANS RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOST HUMANS SEE COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APPLES BE THE COLOR RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APPLES BE MADE INTO A PIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APPLES BE EATEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APPLES BE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APPLES BE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS COMMUNICATE WITH OUT TALKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS COMMUNICATE WITHOUT WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS PROGRAM COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS CATCH A COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS HAVE DIFFERENT COLOR SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS DIE OF THIRST AND HUNGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS DIE FROM VIRUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS DIE FROM COLD TEMPERATURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS SWIM IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS EVER MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMANS BECOME ADDICTED TO NICOTINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HAVING SEX LEAD TO REPRODUCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER FREEZE AT A LOW TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER FREEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER BOIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER BE LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WATER TURN SOLID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOOKING AT THE SUN DAMAGE YOUR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN X RAYS BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PICKING YOUR NOSE CAUSE IT TO BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PICKING ROSES HURT YOUR FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WHITE MEN JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WHITE PEOPLE JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOVE FEEL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOVE SOMETIMES BE BITTERSWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOVE BE PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOVE HAPPEN BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LOVE HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOFTWARE BE COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRD FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TWO PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INK BE BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INK BE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MAGAZINES BE BOUGHT AT A NEWSSTAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS GET LOST AT SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS GET SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS FLY IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BIRDS LAY EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BLUE BE A COLOR FOR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TROPICAL STORMS BECOME HURRICANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HIGH DOSES OF RADIATION KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STAB WOUND KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIVING THINGS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EMOTION OVERRIDE INTELLECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLASHING LIGHTS CAUSE SEIZURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GERMS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BONES BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EARS BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MEN MAKE WOMEN SUFFER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOTTLES BE MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CATS SEE AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CATS CLIMB TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CATS HEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RADARS DETECT AIRPLANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WE PRODUCE FIRE USING STONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WE LEARN FROM OUR HISTORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WE SEE THROUGH A GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GREASE BE SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HELICOPTERS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FLOWERS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I STORE ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I TRICK SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I LISTEN TO NEWS ON A RADIO</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I LOVE A FAT PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I DIE FROM FOOD POISONING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I OPEN A DOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I WALK ON FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I SPLIT THE ATOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I SMOKE MARIJUANA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I DRINK WHISKEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I DRAW WITH A PEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I LEARN BY QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I EAT CHICKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I EAT CAULIFLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I TALK TO YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I KILL AN ANT WITH MY FINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I PLAY MUSIC ON A PIANO</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I TRAVEL IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN I LIVE FOR 100 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY INJURE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY FLOW THROUGH A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY BE HARMFUL TO PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY KILL A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY KILL YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELECTRICITY KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MOUNTAINEERING BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMAN WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMAN BEING EAT APPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HUMAN BEINGS WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PHOTOGRAPHS BE DIGITAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GIRLS BE SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEPPER MAKE SOMEONE SNEEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PEPPER MAKE YOU SNEEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ENVELOPES BE CLOSED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONEY BUY FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONEY BUY THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONEY BE EXHANGED FOR GOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONEY BE USED TO BUY FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONEY BE EXCHANGED FOR FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONEY BE EXCHANGED FOR GOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WALLS BE MADE FROM BRICKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WALLS BE PAINTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GRASS BE GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GRASS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BREAD BE MADE FROM WHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOUND TRAVEL THROUGH MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOUND BE LOUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALCHOHOL DESTROY A HUMAN HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LANGUAGES BE SPOKEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HOT AIR BALLOONS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GUNS KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FIGHTING CAUSE INJURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN IRON BE MAGNETIZED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN IRON BE FORGED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FICTIOUS THINGS DIE FICTIOUSLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE SKY BE PINK IN THE EVENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE SKY BE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE WIND MOVE OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE POLICE SOMETIMES HELP YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE OCEAN BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE STARS BE SEEN AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE TRUTH BE STRANGER THAN FICTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN THE TRUTH HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN NATURAL DISASTERS CAUSE INJURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MATCHES BE USED TO LIGHT FIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN APES GET SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A AVERAGE DOG WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TOOL BOX CONTAIN TOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HOUSE BE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TELEPHONE BE USED TO CONVERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FOX DIG A HOLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BIRD FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BIRD HAVE TWO WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SWORD KILL A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SUNDIAL BE USED TO TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CELL PHONE BE A PAGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A LLAMA DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A LOUDSPEAKER BE QUIET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CACTUS INFLICT PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A REPITITIOUS SOUND BE ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A STONE BREAK A WINDOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GROUP HAVE TWO OR MORE HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A ROSE BE YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HAWK FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WINDOW WASHER FALL TO HIS DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WINDOW HAVE A PANE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WORD MEAN MORE THEN ONE THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A COMPUTER LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A COMPUTER GET A VIRUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A COMPUTER BE INCORRECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A COMPUTER CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CLOCK BE USED TO TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CLOCK HAVE A ROUND FACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A NON WHITE BE A RACIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A LENS BE USED TO BEND LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GAS BE COMPRESSED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GAS BECOME A LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DREAM COME TRUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TIGER KILL A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CHEMICAL REACTION CREATE HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WOMEN BE SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WOMAN GIVE BIRTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WOMAN PRODUCE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WOMAN HAVE A</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WOMAN BECOME PREGNANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BLACK HOLE BE FOUND IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HORSE RUN FASTER THAN A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FISH SURVIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FISH SWIM AGAINST THE STREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FISH SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A RHIONOCEROS RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HAILSTORM CAUSE DAMAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A JET FLY THROUGH THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BLIND MAN SPEAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BLIND PERSON TO HEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CD CONTAIN MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GLOVE PROTECT A HAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BEE FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOTTLE BE USED TO TRANSPORT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FOREST BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOG JUMP THROUGH A HOOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOG BE A PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOG SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PEN BE USED FOR WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A LAKE HOLD WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MUG BE USED TO HOLD LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PICTURE BE CAPTURED ON FILM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TREE BE FOUND IN A BACKYARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WASP FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAT JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAT BE BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BE GAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BE BLIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BE KILLED BY ELECTRICTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BLEED TO DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON LOSE THEIR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON LOSE WEIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON EAT A BANANA</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON EAT A FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON EAT AN ANT IN ONE BITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON EAT BREAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PERSON BECOME ADDICTED TO TOBACCO</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SOLDERING IRON BURN YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PLANT DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAN MAKE A MISTAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAN AND WOMAN MARRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A MAN LIVE ALONE ON AN ISLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A TOMATO PLANT BE FOUND IN A GARDEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DIAMOND CUT GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN WALK BACKWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN EXPRESS SADDNESS BY CRYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN KILL ANOTHER HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN EAT AN APPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN LIVE MORE THAN 100 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HUMAN LIVE WITHOUT A HAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WALL BE PAINTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A WALL REFLECT SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GUN BE USED AS A WEAPON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOOR BE AJAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DOOR BE SECURED WITH A LOCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A HOME BE UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GLASS HOLD WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A GLASS BE HALF FULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A DEAF MAN SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR DRIVE ON A STREET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR BE BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR CRASH CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR GO FASTER THAN A BICYCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CAR GO FASTER THAN A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SPACE SHUTTLE TRAVEL INTO SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A RADIO PROGRAM CONTAIN INFORMATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOWLER BE A PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOOK BE FOUND IN A BOOKCASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A BOOK BE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A QUESTION MARK. DENOTE A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A QUESTION BE FUNNY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A PARENT BE A MOTHER OR A FATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A FEMALE HAVE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A CHILD LIVE WITH ONE PARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SINGLE WORD HAVE MANY MEANINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A LIGTHNING KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN A SORE BECOME INFECTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SUNLIGHT BURN YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SMOKING BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CHEESE BE THROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MESSAGES BE SENT BY E MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DATA BE STORED ON TAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CANCER BE A DEADLY DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CANCER BE TREATED WITH CHEMOTHERAPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CANCER KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN OPIUM BE REFINED INTO MORPHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BOTH MEN AND WOMEN PLAY SOCCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN AIRPLANE FLY UPSIDE DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN AIRPLANE FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN ELEPHANT SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AN ENVELOPE HOLD A LETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC CONVEY EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC AFFECT YOUR EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC AFFECT YOUR MOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC BE NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC BE HEARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MUSIC BRING A SMILE ON YOUR FACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WORDS BE HURTFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PARENTS BE MEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RAIN MAKE YOU WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CHEETAHS RUN FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TABLE BE ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FILES BE SAVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN UNPROTECTED SEX CAUSE PREGNANCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS BE PURPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS BE PAINTED GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS BE REPAIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS COLLIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CARS MOVE FASTER THAN COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN RADIATION CAUSE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MONKEYS CLIMB TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CIGARETTE SMOKING KILL HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN AIRCRAFTS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SCORPIONS STING</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISHES SWIM IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FISHES SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN MY SENSES BE DECEIVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HOUSES BE BUILT FROM STONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FROGS LIVE ON LAND AND IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE CHANGE CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE LEARN A LOT FROM READING BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE MEASURE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE BUILD A HOUSE FROM STONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ONE DREAM WHILE ASLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN STARVATION RESULT IN DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YEAST BE USED TO MAKE BREAD RISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN TELEVISION BE EDUCATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS CHASE BALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS BITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS BE TRAINED TO DO TRICKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS BE TRAINED TO HELP PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN DOGS LIVE TO BE 10 YEARS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE YOUR LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FOOD BE EATEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHTNING START FIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHTNING START A FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHTNING KILL SOMEONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHTNING CAUSE FIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN DRIVE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN SING OPERAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN BE SEXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN BE CONSIDERED PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN WOMEN MAKE MEN SUFFER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BEER MAKE YOU DRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHT TRAVEL THROUGH A VACUUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHT SHINE THROUGH WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHT PASS THROUGH THE VACUUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LIGHT HURT THEY EYE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FEET BE MEASURED IN CENTIMETERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FILMS BE GOOD ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER CUT YOUR FINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER CUT SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER CUT FLESH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER COME IN DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BE RECYCLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BE BURNED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BE MADE FROM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAPER BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOUR EYES WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEX BE NICE AND FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PLANES SOMETIMES CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PHOTOGRAPHY BE AN ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HAIR BE DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HAIR BE AN AN ATTRACTIVE FEATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CUPS HOLD LIQUIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PLANTS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PLANTS BE USED TO MAKE MEDICINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN FEMALES DRIVE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN BUILDINGS HAVE STAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN HEART ATTACKS KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPUTERS BREAKDOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPUTERS LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN COMPUTERS BE EASILY DESTROYED</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALICE BE WORTH DOING ALL THIS WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ALICE MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SEMEN ACT AS A HIV TRANSPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN KEYS OPEN LOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CHILDREN GROW UP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CHILDREN DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS BE USED TO CONTAIN LIQUID</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GLASS SHATTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN VITAMINS IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SNAKES BE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME CARS RUN ON ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME LIZARDS REGENERATE LOST LIMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME MAMMALS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME PEOPLE WALK ON THEIR HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME PEOPLE SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME PEOPLE DANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME PRINTERS PRINT IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME ANIMALS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME DRUGS HELP PEOPLE STAY AWAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME DRUGS PUT PEOPLE TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME SPECIES OF BIRD FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SOME THINGS BE LEARNED FROM HISTORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ELIMINATE MEAN KILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN CELLS DIVIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN LAWYERS LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ROBOTS HELP HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INFORMATION BE POWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN INFORMATION BE SENT THROUGH THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN ETHICS BE OBJECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN GOLD MELT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SALT BE MADE FROM SEAWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN PAIN BE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN EXPOSURE TO RADIATION BE LETHAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN KNIVES CUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN SCIENTIST DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN IT SNOW IN JULY IN NEW ZEALAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN IT RAIN WHEN ITS FREEZING OUTSIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ISE THE ARCTIC COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>HELLO. IS TO GREET</pattern>
<category><pattern>CANABIS IS DRUG WITH MEDICINAL BENIFITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>FIJI IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS ARE USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>2000 OLMPICS ARE HELD IN SYDNEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ALICE PROGRAMMING HAS FLAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS NEED OXYGEN TO BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS NEED TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS MUST EAT FOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS HEAR AUDIO FREQUENCIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS USE MACHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS HAVE TEN FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS HAVE HAIR ON THEIR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS HAVE TO DRINK WATER TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS ARE MAMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HUMANS ARE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ENGLAND IS IN THE UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>BOTTLES HAVE A NECK</pattern>
<category><pattern>LONDON IS IN ENGLAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>LONDON IS IN UK</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHALE FISHING IS JUSTIFIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>EXERCISE IS GOOD FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>WORDS ARE MADE OF LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WITH ENOUGH PRACTISE CAN HUMANS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>CURD AND CHEESE ARE FORMS OF MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DEMOCRACY IS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DISCOVERORS NAME THEIR DISCOVERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE TO EAT PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A ZEBRA HAVE STRIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A CAR HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A CAR HAVE DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A CAR HAVE WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO A COMPUTER HAVE A KEYBOARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS WEIGH MORE THAN PENGUINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS SOMETIMES HAVE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE TRUNK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE LONG MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE LONG NOSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS HAVE BIG EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS LIVE IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELEPHANTS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WALLETS HOLD MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EARTHQUAKES EVER DESTROY BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOCTORS HEAL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOCTORS HELP TO HEAL THE WOUNDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOCTORS TRY TO HEAL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ADULTS EVER PLAY WITH TOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TEN DIMES EQUAL ONE DOLLAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY FLOWERS BLOOM IN SPRING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY POEMS CONTAIN RHYME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY POEPLE MAKE SPELLLING MISTACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY MEN SHAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY FAMOUS PEOPLE LIVE IN HOLLYWOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY TEENAGERS HAVE ACNE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY HUMANS KEEP FISH AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MANY TOURISTS CARRY CAMERAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POSTERS HANG ON WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LITTLE GIRLS LIKE TO PLAY WITH DOLLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LITTLE CHILDREN OFTEN ASK WHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAN DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAN AND WOMEN FIT TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLOVES KEEP YOUR HANDS WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLOVES GO ON YOUR HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIANOS NEED TUNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PIANOS HAVE KEYBOARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS TYPICALLY WALK ON TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REPODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS CONTAIN DNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS CONTAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS COMMIT SUICIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NORMALY WALK ON TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS RULE THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WEAR CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WEAR FALSE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SLEEP WHEN TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SLEEP AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SLEEP ON BEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SHIVER WHEN THEY ARE COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS URINATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED BLOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED OXYGEN TO BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED OXYGEN TO BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED LIGHT TO SEE WELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED LIGHT TO BE ABLE TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED AIR TO SUSTAIN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED AIR TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO REST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO BREATHE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO BREATHE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO EAT FOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED FOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED SLEEP TO FUNCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED WATER TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS NEED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS USE LANGUAGE TO COMMUNICATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS USE TOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK UP RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK ON THEIR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK ON FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK ON TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS CHANGE TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TOUNGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TEN TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE FINGERNAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE NOSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE FREE WILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE OPPOSABLE THUMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE RED BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE DNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO NOSTRILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TWO EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 4 LIMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE NAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 2 ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 2 FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE SOUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE A SENSE OF WONDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE A SENSE OF TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE DREAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE 10 FINGERS AND 10 TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE BLOOD IN THEIR VEINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS HAVE SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EVER MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS CONTRACT DISEASES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS GET TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS COMMUNICATE BY TELEPHONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS COMMUNICATE USING SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS MINE FOR METALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EXHALE CARBON DIOXIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS MAKE ERRORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EXPERIENCE LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EXPERIENCE ENVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS TRAIN DOLPHINS TO DO TRICKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EAT EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EAT HAMBURGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EAT COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS FEAR GETTING CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS KILL ONE ANOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS KILL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS ENJOY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS ENJOY HAVING FREEDOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS FALL IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SEE WITH THEIR EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SEE IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS CONSUME FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DECIEVE ONE ANOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS FEEL PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS FEEL LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SOMETIMES LIE TO EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SOMETIMES CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SOMETIMES SIT IN CHAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SOMETIMES MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SOMETIMES WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS OFTEN KEEP DOMESTIC PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS OFTEN BEHAVE ILLOGICALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS OFTEN MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS SWEAT WHEN THEY GET HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS GIVE OFF HEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIVE ON THE PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIVE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIVE ON PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS WATCH TV AND LISTEN TO RADIO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE OXYGEN TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE FOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE FOOD TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS REQUIRE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS KEEP ANIMALS AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS THINK WITH THEIR BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMANS THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BULLS HAVE HORNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPAMMERS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HERBAVORES EAT PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FINGERNAILS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FINGERNAILS EVER GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOOD BANDS SOMETIMES MAKE BAD ALBUMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOOD PEOPLE SOMETIMES DO BAD THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HONEY BEES STING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROCKETS GO INTO SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PRODUCE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SALADS CONTAIN VEGETABLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO REFRIGERATORS KEEP THINGS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO REFRIGERATORS KEEPS THINGS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SKUNKS SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOYS CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOYS HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOYS BECOME MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOYS LIKE GIRLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE IRISH GROW POTATOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE ELDERLY BENEFIT FROM HAVING PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE RAINBOW CONSIST OF MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE BRITISH SPEAK TO ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE FRENCH BELIEVE IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE KOALAS LIVE IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE PLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE MEN NEED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE PEOPLE IN MEXICO SPEAK SPANISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE PEOPLE HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE STUDENT STUDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE OCEANS CONTAIN SALT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THE OCEANS TASTE SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NIPPLES BECOME ERECT WHEN STIMULATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CRIMINALS BREAK LAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CRIMINALS HAVE MOTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAT EAT MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BUSINESSMEN WEAR TIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAGNETS STICK TO MY REFRIGERATOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POTATOES GROW UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRCRAFT RUDDERS HELP TURN AIRPLANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOLE THINK WITH THERE BRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FIRES USE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTHER CATS FEED THEIR KITTENS MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AHPPY PEOPLE. LOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAMPS PROVIDE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES TRAVEL FASTER THAN SHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES TRAVEL FASTER THAN TRAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES SOMETIMES CRASH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIRPLANES GO FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BASEBALL PLAYERS EARN LOTS OF MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHEEP EAT GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ALBINOS LACK SKIN PIGMENTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKENS COME FROM EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKENS HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKENS HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHICKENS LAY EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ZEBRAS HAVE STRIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NEW BORN HUMAN BABIES CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO 100 CENTS EQUAL 1 DOLLAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SEEDS SPROUT IN THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GUNS SHOOT BULLETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BAD SMELLS STINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCISSORS CUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ASTRONAUTS TRAVEL IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ASTRONAUTS GO INTO SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHIPS SOMETIMES SINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LANGUAGES EVOLVE OVER TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LANGUAGES EVOLVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EARTHWORMS LIVE IN THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EARTHWORMS LIVE IN THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FROGS HOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FROGS JUMP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FROGS HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FROGS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FROGS EAT FLIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FROGS EAT INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOLPHINS EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOLPHINS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOLPHINS MAKE SOUNDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPEAKERS MAKE SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPERM SWIM WITH TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SQUARES HAVE FOUR SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SQUARES HAVE FOUR CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SQUARES HAVE FOUR EQUAL SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INTERNET IS A COMPUTER NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MARRIED COUPLES SOMETIMES FIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANAESTHETICS REDUCE PAIN SENSATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CALL AND AWL RHYME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHITE BLOOD CELLS FIGHT DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FOUR QUARTERS EQUAL ONE DOLLAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS HAVE VAGINAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS HAVE A UTERUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS HAVE A VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS HAVE OVARIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRLS BECOME WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEANS HAVE A LOT OF FIBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JEANS HAVE POCKETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JEANS HAVE BELT LOOPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLIES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLIES HAVE SIX LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLIES HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHAIRS HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL HUMANS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NORMAL HUMANS DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SNAKES SOMETIMES BITE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SNAKES EAT RATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MIRRORS REVERSE WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MIRRORS REFLECT LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MIRRORS REFLECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MIRRORS REFLECT IMAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIPEDAL THINGS HAVE 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CUT DIAMONDS SPARKLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WEB PAGES HAVE AN ADDRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO UV RAYS DAMAGE HUMAN SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO UNIVERSITIES PROVIDE AN EDUCATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRIENDS SOMETIMES DISAGREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARACHUTISTS JUMP OUT OF AREOPLANES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HEARTS BEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO 12 ITEMS MAKE A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPHERICAL OBJECTS ROLL WELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATS FLY AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATS SLEEP HANGING UPSIDE DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATS EAT INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OBJECTS FALL WHEN DROPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OBJECTS HAVE MASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WEDDING GUESTS EAT CAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOATS SAIL ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOATS OPERATE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOATS MOVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOATS FLOAT ON WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHEETAS RUN FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROTTEN EGGS SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOATS GIVE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SERIAL KILLERS KILL MORE THAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SUNFLARES AFFECT OUR CLIMATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTHERS WORRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PROSTITUTES HAVE SEX FOR MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BALLERINAS WEAR TUTUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EDITORS MAKE CHANGES TO DOCUMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SALMON SWIM UPSTREAM TO SPAWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BALLONS FILLED WITH HELIUM FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BASKETBALLS BOUNCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THEATRE AUDIENCES APPLAUD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LADIES SHAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SWANS HAVE TONGUES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEDICAL DOCTORS TRY TO HELP PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BAND PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCHOOLBUSES CARRY CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAMELS LIVE IN THE DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANTS LIVE UNDERGROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOSQUITO BITES ITCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS HAVE LONG EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS HAVE EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS EAT LETTUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS EAT CARROTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RABBITS MOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SUBMARINES TRAVEL UNDER WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SIX LIVING HUMANS HAVE SIX HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICE HAVE BALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MICE LIKE CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ALOT OF PEOPLE WATCH TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLOWERS SMELL NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLOWERS HAVE POLLEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CENTIPEDES HAVE MANY LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TORNADOS SOMTIMES PICK UP COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SALAMANDERS HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WARTS GROW ON HUMAN SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BICYCLES HAVE HANDLEBARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BICYCLES HAVE TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BICYCLES HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POST IT NOTES STICK ONTO THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SQUIRRELS EAT NUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SQUIRRELS LIVE IN THE FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DALMATIONS HAVE SPOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENGUINS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MELONS GROW IN THE SUMMER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ICEBERGS FLOAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH NEED OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH DO IT IN THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH GILLS EXTRACT OXYGEN FROM WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH BLEED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH HAVE FINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH MOSTLY LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH EAT FISH FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH SWIM IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH SWIM IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIVE IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIVE IN THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIVE UNDERWATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISH LIVE UNDER WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPANIES EMPLOY PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPANIES GO PUBLIC BY ISSUING STOCK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS WAG THEIR TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS CHASE CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS BITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS SOMETIMES GET FLEAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS SOMETIMES CHASE CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS SOMETIMES HAVE FLEAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS COME IN DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS DIG HOLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS HAVE BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EAT DOG FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS MAKE GOOD PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EVER SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS URINATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS EXIST IN THIS WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOGS LIKE BONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ACCIDENTS SOMETIMES KILL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DRUMS CREATE SOUNDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES HELP YOU SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES HELP CORRECT VISION PROBLEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES HELP PEOPLE SEE BETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASSES ASSIST IN SIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CACTII GROW IN DESERTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RACING CARS GO FASTER THAN HORSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARROTS GROW IN THE GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INNOCENT PEOPLE SUFFER IN A WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANDS PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HANDS HAVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANDLES PROVIDE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANDLES HAVE WICKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AQUATIC CREATURES GET WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMBUSTIONS ENGINES REQUIRE FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OCEANS CONTAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OCEANS HAVE WAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS MOO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS HAVE A FOUR CHAMBERED HEART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS EAT GRASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COWS EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES NEED SUNSHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES GROW IN A FOREST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES SWAY IN THE WIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES SOMETIMES FALL ON HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES HAVE LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES HAVE ROOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES HAVE TRUNKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES OFTEN HAVE GREEN LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TREES LIVE VIA PHOTOSYNTHESIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRUITS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VULTURES EAT DEAD ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAMERAS TAKE PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ATHLETES COMPETE IN THE OLYMPICS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ATHLETES USE DRUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BONES CONTAIN CALCIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BONES BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS NEED ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS CONSUME ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS COMMUNICATE WITH MODEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS USE BINARY TO FUNCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS USE BINARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS CALCULATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS PROCESS IN BINARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS EVER MAKE A MISTAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROSES BUSHES HAVE THORNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROSES SMELL NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROSES SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MY FINGERNAILS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DALMATIANS HAVE SPOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN MARRY MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN FIND MEN ATTRACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN GIVE BIRTH RATHER THAN MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN CHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN TAKE A LONG TIME TO GET READY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN HAVE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN MENSTRUATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LOVE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN WEAR BRA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN WEAR EARRINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN WEAR PEFUME TO SMELL NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN URINATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN DANCE WITH MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LIKE TO HAVE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMEN LIKE DIAMONDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LESBIANS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS NEED SUNLIGHT TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS NEED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS PRODUCE OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS GROW IN SOIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS GROW FROM SEEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS CONTAIN CHLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS CONTAIN CLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS CONTAIN CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS USE PHOTOSYNTHESIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS REQUIRE SUNLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS HAVE ROOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS HAVE LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS RESPIRE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANTS LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PETS MAKE GOOD COMPANIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOLECULES ROTATE AND VIBRATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMAZON DOT COM SELL BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICAN POLICE CARRY GUNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLYINGFISH FLY SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FRENCH PEOPLE LIKE WINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FATHERS HAVE MOTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ITEMS CONTRACT WHEN COOLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLANKETS KEEP YOU WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLANKETS KEEP THINGS WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VIOLENT ACTIONS CAUSE PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CACTI GROW IN DESERTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TURTLES HAVE A SHELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TURTLES HAVE HARD SHELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TURTLES EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TURTLES LAY EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRAFFES HAVE LONG NECKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GIRAFFES LIVE IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RODENTS HAVE NOSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILLIES MAKE YOUR MOUTH BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOSQUITOES SPREAD DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOSQUITOES BREED IN STAGNANT WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMELS BREATH AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOBBIES ENTERTAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRUCKS DRIVE ON ROADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRUCKS HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANKS HAVE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEGS HELP PEOPLE GET AROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FAT GIRLS NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PALM TREES GROW IN TROPICAL CLIMATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BRIDES WEAR WHITE DRESSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EXAMS CAUSES STRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOVERNMENT CREATE OPPRESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EAGLES EAT FISH AND SMALL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SATANISTS WORSHIP SATAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOCKS TICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOCKS DISPLAY THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIGHT BULBS PRODUCE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OWLS SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OWLS HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAIL MEN WORK OUTDOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FANS MAKE BREEZE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS PLAY IN VACANT LOTS IN THE CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS TEND TO IDOLIZE SPORTS FIGURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KIDS LIKE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POLITICIANS LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MIGRANES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PROTONS HAVE A POSITIVE CHARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RIBS PROTECT INTERNAL ORGANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COCONUTS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GLASS BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALE MAMMALS HAVE PENISES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALE HUMANS HAVE NIPPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALE HUMANS HAVE PENISES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOOSE AND ELK LIVE IN COOL CLIMATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RATS HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RATS CARRY DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GOLF BALLS HAVE DIMPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLOOD DONORS SAVE LIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RUSSIANS LOVE THEIR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BUILDINGS SOMETIMES FALL DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BUILDINGS HAVE DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES NEED MORE SLEEP THAN ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES NEED PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES NEED TO BE BURPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES NEED TO BE FED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES CRY SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES OFTEN CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES WEAR DIAPERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES DROOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABIES EXCRETE WASTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ONE MEAN ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RESTAURANTS SELL FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEAVERS SOMETIMES BUILD DAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHEELS ROLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OTTERS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JOKES MAKE YOU LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JOKES MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS DRIVE ON ROADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS DRIVE ON STREETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS TRAVEL ON ROADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS RUN ON GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS POLLUTE MORE THAN BICYCLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS POLLUTE THE ATMOSPHERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS BREAK DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS CONSUME GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS USE BRAKES TO STOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS USE FUEL TO RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS USE FUEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS USE PETROL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE TACHOMETERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE SPEEDOMETERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE GAS GAUGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE 4 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE ENGINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE HEAD LIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE TWO AXLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS HAVE WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS MAKE NOISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS CAUSE POLLUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARS GO FASTER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APPLES GROW IN TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APPLES GROW ON APPLE TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APPLES COME FROM AN APPLE TREE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO APPLES TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIONS EAT ZEBRAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIONS EVER EAT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN FEMALES HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BABIES CRY SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN TEETH CONNECT TO THE JAWBONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN HAVE BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN HAVE A LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN FEET HAVE FIVE TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS NEED OXYGEN TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS REQUIRE OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS HAVE A SUBCONSCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS HAVE ONE NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS HAVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAN BEINGS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKSHELVES HOLD BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LLAMAS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RADIOS PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JAPANESE EAT RICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BELLS RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CELLS CONTAIN DNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES SOMETIMES PINCH THE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES COME IN DIFFERENT SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES HAVE SOLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES PROTECT YOUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES WEAR OUT AFTER LONG USE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHOES GO ON FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WEAR SHOES ON YOUR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SEE THIS QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SEE YOUR REFLECTION IN A MIRROR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW FOUL LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU READ MAGAZINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU OWN SHARES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SIT IN A CHAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIVE IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DREAM WHEN YOU SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOSE HAIR WHEN YOU GROW OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LEARN AT SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU RUN FASTER THAN YOU WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DIE WHEN YOUR HEART EXPLODES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOURSELF SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK BEFORE YOU ANSWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SHOOT ARROWS WITH A BOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET WET WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET WET WHEN YOU TAKE A SHOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET WET YOU FALL IN A LAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET OLDER EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED ENERGY IN ORDER TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED TO BREATHE TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED FOOD TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED SOME TIME TO YOURSELF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU NEED WATER TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MAKE MISTAKES. INTERJECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WRITE ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EAT DAILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SLEEP SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU ANSWER AS A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU STOP AT A RED TRAFFIC LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU USE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU USE A ROUND BALL IN BASEBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU USE SOAP TO CLEAN THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEET HURT AFTER WALKING ALL DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO EAT EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO BE LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO BE ALONE SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIVE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOATHE THE SMELL OF SOME PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DRINK COFEE FROM A MUG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DRINK FROM A CUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE WATER IS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A FINITE LIFE SPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE INTESTINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TO REGISTER TO USE ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TO BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE SWEET FOODSTUFFS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TALKLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE LISTENING TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE READING BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE PIZZAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE EATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE APPLE PIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FISHES EAT FISHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NOSTRILS HELP PEOPLE BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BRAINS CONTAIN NEURONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUST MITES LIVE IN CARPET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DETECTIVES SOLVE MYSTERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DETECTIVES THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEDS SOMETIMES HAVE HEADBOARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PAPER CLIPS COME IN MANY SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PAPER BOOKS HAVE PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRAINS RUN ON TRACKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COUNTRIES HAVE BORDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STEREOS PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROCKS FALL WHEN DROPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ROCKS STARS EVER TAKE DRUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOCKS COME IN VARIOUS HEIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FLAMES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WARS PROMOTE PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEMALE HUMANS HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FEMALE HUMANS MENSTRUATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INTEL MAKE THE PENTIUM III</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PURSES HAVE A USE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS PRODUCE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS CONTAIN WATER VAPOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS CONTAIN WATER PARTICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS SOMETIMES CAUSE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CLOUDS MOVE ACROSS THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RECORDS HAVE TWO SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARIS IS IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DATES GROW ON PALM TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I GET WET I WALK IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I GET WET IN MY EYES WHEN I CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I GET MY DNA FROM MY PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE A MOTHER AND FATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I HAVE TO EAT TO STAY ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I PUT SOCKS ON MY FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO I EXIST I AM ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME FLOWERS SMELL GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PLANTS HAVE FLOWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CARS RUN ON GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BALLOONS FLOAT IN THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BIRDS NEST IN TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BIRDS FLY SOUTH FOR THE WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME LEAVES CARRY OUT PHOTOSYNTHESIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BUILDINGS HAVE ELEVATORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CIGARETTES HAVE FILTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CHILDREN EAT BANANAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CHILDREN LIKE TO PLAY GAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BOOKS CONTAIN PICTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME RANGEFINDERS USE LASER BEAMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME WORDS HAVE MULTIPLE MEANINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME WORDS HAVE SEVERAL MEANINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PLANES FLY HIGHER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN HIT THEIR WIVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN SHAVE THEIR BEARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN ENJOY A DRINK OF BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN ENJOY BEER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN USE ELECTRIC SHAVERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MEN HAVE BEARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME WHALES EAT PLANKTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME FOODS TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BACTERIA CAUSE DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS REFUSE TO EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS EAT CRABS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS EAT DEAD ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME HUMANS WEAR JEWELLERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE KEEP PETS FOR COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE SNORE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE ENJOY SHOPPING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE ENJOY SMOKING MARIJUANA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE ENJOY DESTROYING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE ENJOY SWIMMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE GET ANGRY TOO EASILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE GET AIRSICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE CUT HAIR FOR A LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE TAKE LUNCH TO WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE CRY WHEN THEY ARE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE SLEEP IN IGLOOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE KILL FOR MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE CATS AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE PIMPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE ONLY ONE LEG</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE HIGH CHOLESTEROL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE BUCK TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE SEX FOR MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE DIE FROM CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HATE THEIR FATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE HATE OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE EAT INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE EAT CRABS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE EAT SNAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE MAKE MANY MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE CARRY MOBILE TELEPHONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO HURT OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME PEOPLE LIKE CREAM IN COFFEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME CHAIRS HAVE ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME DOGS SNORE WHEN SLEEPING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME DOGS HAVE BAD BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME DOGS LIKE TO PLAY BALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BOYS LIKE SOME GIRLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME BEDS HAVE BED SKIRTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME TREES STAY GREEN DURING WINTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME TREES PRODUCE FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME GRAPES HAVE SEEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME FORMS OF RADIATION CAUSE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOME MALE HUMANS HAVE BEARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOLES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BANANAS COME IN BUNCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ORANGES GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ORANGES TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GARBAGE TRUCKS HAUL GARBAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GARBAGE TRUCKS CARRY GARBAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAGIC MUSHROOMS CAUSE VISIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANNIBALS EAT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEAVES GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARP THINGS CUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KEYS OPEN LOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SATELLITES ORBIT THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THESE WORDS CONSIST OF LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATERPILLERS TURN INTO BUTTERFLIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KITTENS LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO IRONING BOARDS FOLD FOR STORAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIGHTBULBS NEED ELECTRICITY TO WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIGHTBULBS BURN OUT EVENTUALLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIGHTBULBS EVER BURN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LAKES HAVE WATER IN THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PINE TREES HAVE NEEDLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES POLLENATE FLOWERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES BUZZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES HELP POLLINATE PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES STING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEES MAKE HONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BUTTERFLIES HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOTORCYCLES HAVE ENGINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PUNKS WEAR SPIKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEAS GROW INSIDE A POD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GALAXIES CONTAIN BILLIONS OF STARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AIR CONDITIONERS COOL THE ROOM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SIGNS PROVIDE INFORMATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CONTAIN MEMORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NAP ON A SOFA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NAP ON A COUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PAINT EGGS AT EASTER TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HEAR SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HEAR WITH THEIR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LISTEN TO THE RADIO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LISTEN TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEIGH LESS ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEAR SHOES ON THEIR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEAR RINGS ON THEIR FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WEAR COATS ON COLD DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LOVE THEIR PET ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LOVE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE RIDE HORSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE RIDE SOME ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SKATE ON ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE IN WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE IN WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE FROM HUNGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE FROM CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE COOK FOOD IN KITCHENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEEP IN BED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEEP IN BEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEEP AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEEP ON A BED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE URINATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED OXYGEN TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED AIR TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED A BRAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO DRINK WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO BREATH OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO COMMUNICATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO BREATHE AIR TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO EAT FOOD TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED FOOD TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED OXGYEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NEED WATER TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE USE THEIR EYES FOR SEEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE USE CHOPSTICKS IN JAPAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE USE EYES TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WALK THEIR DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WALK ON TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WRITE WITH PENCILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WRITE BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OBEY THE LAW OF GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE EMOTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TEN TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT TO STAY ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE RELATIONSHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE 2 EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE 2 NOSTRILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE 2 HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE 2 FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE NAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE FANTASIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HAVE NOSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SIT IN CHAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE LISTENING TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE COMFORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO PLAY GAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO FEEL NEEDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO BE TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO LISTEN TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO EAT BREAKFAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO EAT CHOCOLATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE TO MAKE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE HOTDOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE PARIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIKE FREE THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CONFUSE VALUE AND PRICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE RUN FOR EXERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WORK DURING THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WORK FOR MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SURF ON WAVES IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SWIM IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SMOKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FROM ITALY SPEAK ITALIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET HANGOVERS FROM ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET DEPRESSED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET WET IN THE RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET TIRED AFTER HEAVY WORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET TIRED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET OLDER OVER TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET OLDER AS THE YEARS GO ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET OLDER AS TIME GOES BY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GET WRINKLED AS THEY AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TEND TO DIE AFTER SOME TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE NAME THINGS TO IDENTIFY THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE IN GERMANY SPEAK GERMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE IN FRANCE SPEAK FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE IN SPAIN SPEAK SPANISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WORSHIP GOD IN TEMPLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE MAKE TOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LEARN THINGS FROM BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT BANANAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT PIE FOR DESSERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT SHARKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT WHEN THEY ARE HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT BEEF</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT COWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EAT SANDWICHES FOR LUNCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WASH THEIR HAIR WITH SHAMPOO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE HATE WAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TALK DIFFERENTLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DANCE TO RHYTHMIC MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FEAR PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE READ BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE READ NEWPAPER DAILY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE KILL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY RECIEVING LOVE LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY CONVERSATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY BEING IN LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOY PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENJOYING PLAYING SPORTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DRIVE ON ROADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DRIVE ON THE LEFT IN BRITAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GAMBLE IN CASINOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PLAY GAMES FOR ENJOYMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BREATHE AIR TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BREATHE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ENTER ROOM THROUGH A DOOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GROW OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE ASSUME TOO MUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE DOGS AND CATS HAVE HEARTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE STOP AT A RED LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE BUY PRODUCTS ONLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SPEND MONEY IN A CASINO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE FEEL PAIN SOMETIMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES WASH THEIR CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES LIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES TELL LIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES KILL OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES TRY TO CHEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES MAKE MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES LIKE OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES LIKE BAD THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE MASTURBATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SELL FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THEIR LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OFTEN HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE OFTEN COLLECT MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PRAY IN A CHURCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PRAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GO TO BED IN THE EVENING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE GO HIKING FOR EXERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE SING FOR FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIVE UNTIL THEY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIVE IN CITIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIVE IN HOUSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE LIVE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PUT MONEY INTO BANKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PUT ON SOCKS BEFORE SHOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE WATCH TV EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE REQUIRE FOOD TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE REQUIRE FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE REQUIRE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE REQUIRE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE PREFER TO HAVE HEALTHY BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE THINK ABOUT FOOD EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEOPLE THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STAMPS COST MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING PLANTS GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING HUMANS BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING PEOPLE BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LIVING THINGS CONTAIN DNA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLACK HOLES EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLISTERS ON YOUR FEET HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEMORIES FADE OVER TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILRED LIKE TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JETS FLY FASTER THAN BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO JETS GO FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRIANGLES HAVE 3 SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRIANGLES HAVE THREE SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS SEE WELL IN THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS GET SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LAND ON THEIR FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS PURR WHEN HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS KILL AND EAT MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE FOUR PAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE CLAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE A TAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE ELONGATED PUPILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS HAVE EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS EAT MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS MAKE A NOISE CALLED A PURR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS MAKE GOOD PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE PETTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE TO PLAY WITH THEIR PREY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE TO CHASE MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATS LIKE MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GEESE MIGRATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES NEED OXYGEN TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES GIVE LIVE BIRTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES GET WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES LIVE IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WHALES LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COOKIES TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TADPOLES TURN INTO FROGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STARS TWINKLE WHEN SEEN FROM EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HEALTHY PEOPLE NEED SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RIVERS FLOW DOWNHILL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TORTOISES DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ONIONS SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WORDS CONTAIN LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WORDS EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PROGRAMMERS USE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ALICEBOTS HELP ALICE LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LEVIS MAKE JEANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THIEVES STEAL THINGS FROM OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PLANES FLY THROUGH THE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALES MATE WITH FEMALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALES HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALES DIFFER FROM FEMALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MALES LOVE FEMALES VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO NOTEBOOKS COME IN VARIOUS SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO COMPACT DISCS CD STORE BINARY DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INJURIES HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIKES HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HAPPY CHILDREN GIGGLE AND LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SWEATY ARMPITS GET SMELLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SWEATY FEET SMELL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOODS HAVE TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CRAMPS HURT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS HAVE MANY SHARP TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS EAT FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SHARKS SWIM IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DEAD ANIMALS DECOMPOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POTATO CHIPS TASTE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOUSES HAVE ROOFS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOUSES HAVE WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HOUSES HAVE WINDOWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GREYHOUNDS RUN FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ITALIANS SPEAK ITALIAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TELEPHONES RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TELEPHONES SOMETIMES RING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TELEPHONES USE A FORM OF ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMAN BREASTFEED CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WOMAN HAVE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MUSEUMS CONTAIN OLD THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ENVELOPES COME IN DIFFERENT SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ENVELOPES OFTEN HOLD LETTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TRICYCLES HAVE THREE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CATERPILLARS EAT VEGETATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THERMOSTATS MEASURE TEMPERATURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE NEED OXYGEN TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE NEED WATER FOR LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE NEED WATER TO SURVIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE VALUE FRIENDSHIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE CONSTRUCT OUR OWN MEANING IN LIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE BUY CLOTHES AT STORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE HAVE A NEED FOR OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE HAVE ONE NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE HAVE TWO EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE LIVE ON THE PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE LIVE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE LIVE ON PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WE EXIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PHYSICAL OBJECTS HAVE SHAPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CDS BREAK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS CRAP IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS PEE IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS LIVE IN THE WOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS LIVE IN FORESTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BEARS LIKE TO EAT HONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEARS GROW ON TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS NEED OXYGEN TO LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS NEED OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS GROW HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS FEED THEIR OFFSPRING MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS BREATHE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE BLOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE HEARTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MAMMALS HAVE ONLY TWO GENDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANDIES TASTE SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES RUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES EAT GRASS IN THE WILD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES EAT HAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HORSES DOGS AND CATS HAVE 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LOUD NOISES SCARE PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LOUD NOISES HURT YOUR EARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAMS PLAY FOOTBALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENS WRITE IN INK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PENS HAVE INK IN THEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SUPERMARKETS SELL CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RACE CAR DRIVERS DRIVE FAST CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DIRTY SOCKS STINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DIRTY SOCKS OFTEN SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DIRTY DIAPERS SMELL BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INEQUALITIES EXIST IN EVERY SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAINBOWS CONTAIN MANY COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAINBOWS CONTAIN MANY COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAINBOWS CONSIST OF MANY COLOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RAINBOWS APPEAR IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CAR WHEELS HAVE RUBBER TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS CONTAIN WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS CONTAIN KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS COST MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS BURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS HAVE PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BOOKS HAVE LOTS OF PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ELECTRONS CARRY A NEGATIVE CHARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOORKNOBS TURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EARTH HAS NATURAL SATELLITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EYEGLASSES HELP PEOPLE SEE BETTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DENTISTS REPAIR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DENTISTS WORK ON TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CUCUMBERS HAVE A GREEN SKIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO GRIZZLY BEARS LIKE TO EAT SALMON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SLUGS LEAVE SLIMEY TRAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KNIVES CUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN FIND THAT YOUNGER WOMEN ARE SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN FIND WOMEN ATTRACTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN PEE IN URINALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN KILL ANIMALS FOR SPORT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE HAIRY ARM PITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE A PENIS AND WOMEN A VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN HAVE PENISES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN AND WOMEN HAVE SEXUAL ORGANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LOVE WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN SWEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE GETTING BLOW JOBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE SEXY WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE LICKING WOMENS BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MEN LIKE ATTRACTIVE WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CIGARETTES CONTAIN TOBACCO</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CIGARETTES CAUSE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CIGARETTES CAUSE LUNG CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MILLIPEDES HAVE MANY LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MERCHANTS SELL PRODUCTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VIRUSES CAUSE PEOPLE TO GET SICK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO RUBBER BALLS BOUNCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FOUNTAIN PENS SOMETIMES LEAK INK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO INSECT BITES ITCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BLUE AND RED COMBINED MAKE PURPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO STEPS LEAD UP AS WELL AS DOWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PEACHES HAVE FUZZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOUNG ROSE BUDS DEVELOP INTO ROSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE GAMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ATOMS HAVE ELECTRONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LETTERS GO INTO MAILBOXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WATCHES TELL THE TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO WATCHES TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS NEED TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS FEEL PAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS BREATHE TO STAY ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS REQUIRE SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS HAVE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS EAT VEGTABLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS EAT OTHER ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS EAT ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS DREAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS OTHER THAN HUMANS YAWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO ANIMALS LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO EMOTIONS AFFECT HUMANS STRONGLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOFAS HAVE CUSHIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CARPENTERS OFTEN WORK WITH WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOORS OPEN AND CLOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DOORS OPEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TELEVISION SETS HAVE SCREENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VOLCANOES ERUPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO UNEMPLOYED MEANS WITHOUT JOB</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO FORESTS HAVE TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO POTATOS GROW UNDER GROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO LOVERS KISS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOSQUITOS SPREAD BLOOD BORNE DISEASE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS QUACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS HAVE WEBBED FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS SWIM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO DUCKS LIKE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO OYSTERS MAKE PEARLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MECHANICS REPAIR THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATTERIES COME IN DIFFERENT SIZES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BATTERIES STORE ELETRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO VETERINARIANS HELP ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AEROPLANES TRAVEL FASTER THAN CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AEROPLANES FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AEROPLANES HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMAINS USE DRUGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPOILED FRUIT CHANGE COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPOILED FRUIT GET SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPOILED FRUIT TURN BROWN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AMERICANS LIKE COKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS HAVE LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS EAT SEEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS LAY EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS LIKE TO SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS LIKE TO EAT MULBERRIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BIRDS LIKE CORN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS HAVE HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS HAVE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS HAVE SEX WITH EACH OTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS EAT BANANAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS LIVE IN TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MONKEYS LIKE BANANAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PREACHERS PREACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MEN FIND SEX TO BE FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MEN HAVE A PENIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST MEN LIKE WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST DOGS HAVE TAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST DARTS HAVE SHARP METAL POINTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BIKES HAVE 2 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BROWSERS HAVE A BACK BUTTON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMAN BABIES DRINK MILK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CHILDREN LIKE SWEET FOODS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS NEED GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS RUN ON GASOLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS RUN ON PETROL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS HAVE FOUR WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS HAVE 4 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS HAVE DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CARS HAVE ENGINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST WOMEN HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST WOMEN HAVE A VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST WOMEN HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ELEPHANTS HAVE TRUNKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST TEENAGERS LIKE PIZZA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST COMPUTERS CONTAIN RAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BABIES LIKE THEIR MOTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS WANT TO BE LOVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS ENJOY LISTENING TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS SLEEP AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE 10 TOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TEN FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE A NOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TWO ARMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS HAVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS LIVE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HUMANS LIKE MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BATS HAVE WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST THINGS DETERIORATE WITH AGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST FISH LIVE IN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST AUTOMOBILES HAVE GAS TANKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PARENTS LOVE THEIR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CAR DOORS HAVE HINGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PLANTS CONTAIN CHLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PLANTS LIVE BY PHOTOSYNTHESIS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST LAPTOP COMPUTERS HAVE BATTERIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE VISIT TOILETS EACH DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE IN THE US SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WANT MORE VACATION TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WANT MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WANT TO HAVE MORE MONEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE ENJOY LISTENING TO JOKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE ENJOY MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WATCH TELEVISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE DRINK COFFEE HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE CUT THEIR HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE BUY THEIR SHOES IN PAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE SLEEP IN BEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE SLEEP EVERY NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE 10 FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE HAIR ON THEIR HEADS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE HAIR ON THEIR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE FINGERNAILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE 2 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE HAVE ACCESS TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE EAT SOUP WITH A SPOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE EAT EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE THINK PUPPIES ARE CUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LOVE THEIR PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE SWEAT WHEN THEY EXERCISE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIVE LESS THAN 100 YEARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE WORK DURING THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO HEAR MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST TABLES HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST TELEPHONES ONLY TRANSMIT SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST TREES HAVE LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BICYCLES HAVE TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BICYCLES HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ANIMALS DEFECATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST ANIMALS LIVE OUTDOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BOSSES HAVE SUBORDINATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST CATS HAVE TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BANKS HAVE CAMERA SECURITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST EGGS HAVE A YOLK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HOUSES HAVE DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HOUSES HAVE WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST BIRDS HAVE FEATHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO MOST HOMES HAVE KITCHENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TEACHERS SOMETIMES ASSIGN HOMEWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SPIDERS EAT INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO BABY CRY MORE OFTEN THAN ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SOLDIERS CARRY GUNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARENTS WORRY ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARENTS USE TV TO BABYSIT KIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARENTS MAKE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PARENTS LOVE THEIR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS ROTATE WHEN THEY SPIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS FALL DOWNWARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO THINGS FALL BECAUSE OF GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KANGAROOS HOP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO KANGAROOS LIVE IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN NEED ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN PLAY WITH TOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN PLAY THE GAME OF HOPSCOTCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LEARN FROM THEIR PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN GROW UP INTO ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN ENJOY PLAYING WITH TOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN ASK MANY WHY QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LOSE THEIR BABY TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LOVE SWEETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN BECOME ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE WALT DISNEY MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE COOKIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE TO PLAY WITH PUPPIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE TO PLAY WITH LEGOS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE TO PLAY WITH TOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE TO ASK QUESTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN LIKE CANDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO QUESTIONS END WITH A QUESTION MARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TABLES HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO PROFESSIONAL BOXERS WEAR GLOVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO SCREWS HOLD PIECES OF WOOD TOGETHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO CANADIANS USE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TIGERS HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TIGERS HAVE STRIPES</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO TIGERS EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO HUMMINGBIRDS LIKE NECTAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTOMOBILES HAVE WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO AUTOMOBILES HAVE 4 WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ON AVERAGE MEN ARE TALLER THAN WOMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>EGYPTIANS BUILT THE PYRAMIDS IN GIZAH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS HUMANITY SENT A PERSON TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS RELIGION STARTED MANY WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THERE EVER BEEN A HUMAN ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE WOLRD GOT DIFFERENT TIME ZONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE EARTH TWO POLES NORTH AND SOUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE COW FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE MAN TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS THE CAT 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS EVERYONE HAD PARENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS ANYONE EVER WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A DAY 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A DAY ON EARTH 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A CAR FOUR TIRES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A TREE A ROOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A SPIDER GOT EIGHT LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A NORMAL HUMAN TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A DOG FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A SQUARE FOUR CORNERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A MAN TWO LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A MAN EVER WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A MAN WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS A PERSON EVER BEEN TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS AN AVERAGE PERSON KILLED A HOUSEFLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS AN ASTEROID EVER STRUCK THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS 2 HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS ONE HOUR 60 MINUTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN BEEN TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN YET VISITED THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN EVER WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN WALKED THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN WALKED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS MAN LANDED ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS ANY MAN EVER VISITED THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAS WATER EVER BOILED</pattern>
<category><pattern>E EQUAL MC IS THE TEORY OF RELATIVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>13 PLUS 8 EQUALS 21</pattern>
<category><pattern>5 PLUS 5 IS 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>5 IS GREATER THAN 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>5 TIMES 3 EQUALS 15</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRUCE LEE WAS A KUNG FU MASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIES ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>RUNNING IS BAD FOR BROKEN ANKLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>TELEVISION IS AN ELETRONIC DEVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PENCILS ARE USED AS A WRITING MATERIAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAMLET ASKED TO BE OR NOT TO BE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MICROSOFT IS A COMPANY</pattern>
<category><pattern>DINOSAURS ARE EXTINCT</pattern>
<category><pattern>REVOLUTION MEANS CHANGING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOES CAN BE MADE FROM LEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOES ARE WORN ON FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>AT SUNSET CAN THE SKY TURN BRIGHT RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>TIBET IS CHINESE CONTROL</pattern>
<category><pattern>MILK CONTAINS CALCIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING CIGARETTES CAN HURT YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING IS ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING IS UNHEALTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIMA IS THE CAPITAL OF PERU</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIMA IS THE CAPITAL CITY OF PERU</pattern>
<category><pattern>EMOTIONS ARE MEANINGFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>BIOLOGICAL LIFE CAN GROW AND CHANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIVING HUMANS BREATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIVING THINGS REPRODUCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHEETAH RUNS FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE NEED OXYGEN TO BREATHE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE DRIVE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE WALK ERECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE EVENTUALLY DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE IN THE USA SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE EASILY BELIEVE IN RUMOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE CAN NOT BE PERFECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE LOOSE TEMPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE MAKES MISTAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE HAVE NAMES</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE HAVE TWO HANDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE BELIEVE IN HALLUCINATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE ARE MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE ARE SENSITIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WINDOWS IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>LEMONS ARE YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>BILL GATES IS A RICH PERSON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ROMANIA IS A EUROPEAN COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>OLYMIPCS 2004 WILL BE IN GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIGHT GOES FASTER THAN SOUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>MIGHT I DIE IF I HAVE CANCER</pattern>
<category><pattern>MIGHT CANNABIS BE MEDICINALLY HELPFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I SITTING AT A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I A BOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I ONLINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>AM I USING MY COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>FRANCE IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BABIES CRY WHEN THEY ARE HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GLASS IS TRANSPARENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIVE DOES ONE HAVE TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ELEPHANTS ARE LARGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>DIABLO2 IS A PC GAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>AN HOUR HAS 60 MINUTES</pattern>
<category><pattern>AN APPLE IS A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>AN ADULT HUMAN HAS 32 TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>AN YEAR HAS 12 MONTHS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PRINCESS DIANA IS DEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAY A PARENT BE EITHER MALE OR FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAY A CHAIR BE SAT UPON</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAY ALLIGATORS BE FOUND IN SWAMPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PORTUGAL IS IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOTMAIL IS AN EMAIL SERVICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>TABLES HAVE FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PIANO IS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>BICYCLE HAS TWO WHEELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>BUDAPEST IS A CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>RED IS A PRIMARY COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>RED IS A COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>RED COMES BEFORE YELLOW IN THE RAINBOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>20 MINUS 10 EQUALS 10</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHOPIN WAS MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>JUMBO IS BIGGER THAN BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>WAR INVOLVES DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ALTAVISTA IS A SEARCH ENGINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>NIPPLES BECOME ERECT WHEN IT IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLANTS NEED SUNLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>PLANTS ARE POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUN WILL EVENTUALLY BURN OUT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUN LIGHT GIVES US ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUN IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>BIRDS CAN FLY IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BIRDS CAN FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BIRDS CAN NOT FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BIRDS FLY IN AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>BIRDS HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ATHENS IS THE CAPITAL OF GREECE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN ALLAH</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAKES COMMUNICTION EASIER</pattern>
<category><pattern>FLOWERS CAN BRIGHTEN YOUR GRANS DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BON JOVI ARE A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>INTERJECTION. CURE FOR AIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BIRD HAS 2 WINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BIRD CAN FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BOWLING BALL HAS THREE HOLES IN IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>A SQUARE HAS FOUR EQUALLY LONG SIDES</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BALL POINT PEN HAS GREEN INK</pattern>
<category><pattern>A ROSE IS A FLOWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>A MONKEY IS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CHAIR HAS FOUR LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CHAIR CAN BE HARD OR SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BLACK HORSE IS BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>A DICTIONARY CONTAINS WORDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CHEETAH IS THE FASTEST ANIMAL ON LAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>A FOREST IS MADE UP OF MANY TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>A KEYBOARD ALLOWS ONE TO TYPE MESSAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BEAR IS BIGGER THAN A CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BRICK IS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>A IS A VOWEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CAT HAS 4 LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A DIGIT CAN BE A FINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>A LOT OF PEOPLE BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>A RIVER HAS WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>A DAY HAS 24 HOURS</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BOOK CAN BE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>A BOOK IS FOR READING</pattern>
<category><pattern>A GOLD MEDAL BEATS A BRONZE MEDAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>A ALICE A DAY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>A CONDOM IS USED TO PREVENT CHILDBIRTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>A GROCERY STORE SALES FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>BINARY IS A NUMBER SYSYEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>SAND IS FOUND ON A BEACH</pattern>
<category><pattern>PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>USA IS LARGER THAN INDIA IN AREA</pattern>
<category><pattern>EVERYBODY NEED TO SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>DILBERT IS A COMIC STRIP</pattern>
<category><pattern>1 PLUS 1 EQUALS 2</pattern>
<category><pattern>1 IS SPELLED ONE</pattern>
<category><pattern>1 EQUAL 1</pattern>
<category><pattern>TIME IS PRECIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILDREN NEED LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILDREN LIKE SWEETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>APPLE IS A FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>IRON IS A METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>456 IS GREATER THAN 455</pattern>
<category><pattern>WATT IS A UNIT OF POWER IS IT</pattern>
<category><pattern>GRAVITY AFFECTS US ALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>GRAVITY PULLS OBJECTS TOWARD THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>EDUCATION IS GOOD FOR SOCIETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>PARIS IS IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PARIS IS THE CAPITAL OF FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PARIS IS IT IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE IS FROZEN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE IS COLD. WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE MELTS TO WATER WHEN HEATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ICE CREAM TASTES GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>BOOKS HAVE COVERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>VENUS IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>TOULOUSE IS IN FRANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>EST CE QUE LE CIEL EST BLEU</pattern>
<category><pattern>EST CE QUE JE VAIS MOURRIR BIENTOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE BEATLES A FAMOUS MUSICAL GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE BEATLES A POPULAR BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE BEATLES A POP GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE EGYPTIANS GOOD ARCHITECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE SEX PISTOLS A MUSICAL GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE THE NAZIS CRIMINALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE MOVIES ONCE MADE IN BLACK IN WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE ADULTS ONCE BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE KIRK AND SPOCK FRIENDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE JEWS KILLED IN AUSCHWITZ</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE YOU BORN IN THE 20TH CENTURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>WERE ALL ADULTS ONCE CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>CATS PURR WHEN THEY ARE HAPPY</pattern>
<category><pattern>CATS HAVE PAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>CATS ARE OFTEN KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUNDAY IS A DAY OF THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ABC IS A BROADCAST TELEVISION NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>53892 IS GREATER THAN 3</pattern>
<category><pattern>BRUNO IS A BOY NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>GENOCIDE IS WRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>AVOIDING SCHOOL IS ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE AFRAID OF SPIDERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE A LOT OF TREES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE A THOUSAND ALICEBOTS A MEGAALICEBOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS GREY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS A SOURCE OF IVORY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS A BIG ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS BIG COMPARED TO ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS LARGER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHANTS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHEETAHS A FAST LAND ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CELL PHONES EXPENSIVE TO USE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POODLES DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES THE CHILDREN OF DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES PLAYFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PUPPIES BABY DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NOODLES A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ADULTS BIGGER THEN CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ADULTS OLDER THAN BABIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FASHION MODELS BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY BOTTLES MADE OF GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY PEOPLE AFRAID OF SNAKES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MANY PROSTITUTES ADDICTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POSTERS HUNG ON WALLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIANOS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIG DOGS HEAVIER THAN SMALL DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MOSTLY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS BORN ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS A TYPE OF MAMMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS A TYPE OF ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SOCIAL CREATURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SOCIAL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MORTAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SMARTER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SMARTER THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SMARTER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS COMPOSED OF CELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MADE UP OF CELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS WARM BLODDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS WARM BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS IMPERFECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ABLE TO TALK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ABLE TO BE CLONED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ABLE TO THINK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS POLLUTING THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SMART</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS NATURALLY CURIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS NATURALLY BIPEDAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS AND MONKEYS GENETICALY CLOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS INTELIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CREATURES OF HABIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS EMOTIONAL CREATURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS GETTING OLDER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS INNATELY CURIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS THE SAME THING AS PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS INTERESTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CONSIDERED MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MAMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS ESSENTIALLY GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CURIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SOMETIMES GREEDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SOMETIMES UNCONSCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS SUBJECT TO GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS HEAVIER THAN ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS CLASSIFIED AS HOMO SAPIENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS MORTALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMANS PART OF EVOLUTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAGAZINES THINGS PEOPLE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOTTLES CONTAINERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPAMMERS BAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GOOD TELESCOPES. EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STRAWBERRIES EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROOFS ON TOP OF BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIFTS FREQUENTLY WRAPPED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE METERS DIFFERENT THAN YARDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE REFRIGERATORS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SKUNKS SMELLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MISTAKES A NATURAL PART OF LIVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MISTAKES SOMETIMES GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SYNTHESIZERS USED IN MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOYS MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS OLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE PEOPLE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE STREETS WET WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE 2000 OLYMPICS IN SYDNEY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE 2000 OLYMPICS IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE TWEETIES YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE LUNGS A PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE SUMMER OLYMPICS 2000 OVER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE OCEANS SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE MOON ORBITING THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE LIPS PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE BEATLES A MUSICAL GROUP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE BEATLES A FAMOUS ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE BEATLES A BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE BEATLES FAMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE HANDS PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE TOES PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE EYEBROWS ABOVE THE EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE WOMEN BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE EARS PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE NETHERLANDS A NICE COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE NETHERLANDS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE FRENCH FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE 49ERS A GOOD FOOTBALL TEAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE FACES OF PEOPLE DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THE EYES A PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CREDIT CARDS MADE OF PLASTIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UMBRELLAS OFTEN USED WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UMBRELLAS OFTEN SEEN WHEN IT RAINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIFE FORMS ON EARTH CARBON BASED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BRICKS HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BRICKS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FIRES HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OF THESE QUESTIONS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIRES MADE OF RUBBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HAMBURGERS A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LAMPS TOOLS TO GENERATE LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES USED FOR TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES VEHICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES SUPPOSED TO FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES MADE OF METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES FASTER THAN BICYCLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AIRPLANES CAPABLE OF FLIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTONS USED IN CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHICKENS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ZEBRAS FOUND IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ZEBRAS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EGGS FRAGILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EGGS BREAKABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SUNGLASSES GOOD FOR SUNNY DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SCISSORS USED FOR CUTTING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SCISSORS USED TO CUT THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SCISSORS SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CALENDERS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DWARVES SHORTER THAN AVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LANGUAGES USED FOR COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EARTHWORMS SOMETIMES USED AS BAIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FALSE STATEMENTS EVER MADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FROGS AMPHIBIANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FROGS POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS AN INTELLIGENT LIFE FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS SMART</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLPHINS MAMMELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OPEN AND CLOSED OPPOSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAILS SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VEHICLES USED TO MOVE PEOPLE AROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DEER MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAINFORESTS TROPICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLYING INSECTS ATTRACTED TO LIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS DIFFERENT FROM BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLS NAMED LAURA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BALLOONS FILLED WITH GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLEAS SMALL PARASITIC INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLIES ATTRACTED TO GARBAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHAIRS USED FOR SITTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHAIRS FOR SITTING ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHAIRS GOOD FOR SITTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGGERS BOUNCY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEDGEHOGS SPIKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAKES REPTILES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAKES FRIGHTENING TO MANY PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAKES DEADLY TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAKES POISONOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SNAKES ARE POISONUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANETS MOVING IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ADULT LIONS LARGER THAN HOUSE CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MIRRORS REFELECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MIRRORS REFLECTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RED AND GREEN DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DANISH PEOPLE FROM DENMARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UV RAYS DANGEROUS AT HIGH LEVELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELBOWS PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BACHELORS UNMARRIED MALES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRIENDS DIFFERENT THAN ENEMIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRIENDS A GOOD THING TO HAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRIENDS GOOD TO HAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRIENDS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EYES USED BY LIVING THINGS TO SEE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EYES USED FOR SEEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EYES FOR SEEING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLAT FEET FREQUENTLY PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BATS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHIRTS AN ARTICLE OF CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OBJECTS REAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOATS USED FOR TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOATS USED TO TRAVEL ON SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOATS MADE TO TRAVEL ON THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOATS MADE OUT OF STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TRASH HAULERS MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ICE CUBES COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ICE AND STEAM BOTH FORMS OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ICE AND STEAM FORMS OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENCILS USED FOR WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENCILS USED TO WRITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENCILS SHARPER THAN PAINT BRUSHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SMALL ANTS SMALLER THAN LARGE ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARDINALS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEADLIGHTS BRIGHT AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SALMON FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLIERS TOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SARDINES A TYPE OF FISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SEAGULLS NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANTS INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANTS SMALLER THAN ELEPHANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANNANAS YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RABBITS SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RABBITS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RABBITS ARE SMALLER THAN TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ISLANDS SURROUNDED BY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMMODITY PRICES OFTEN VOLATILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MICE SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MICE AND RATS RODENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DARTS SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOWERS AND CANDY VALENTINE GIFTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANSHEES AN IRISH MYTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TORNADOS DESTRUCTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TORNADOS A PHENOMENON OF WEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POST IT NOTES MOST COMMONLY YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DALMATIONS A TYPE OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENGUINS BLACK AND WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FISH ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FISH ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNRIPE BANANS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS NOSES COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS COMMONLY KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS AND CATS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN WORMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS BIGGER THAN CAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS COMMON PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS WARM BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS HAIRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS A COMMON HOUSE PET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS LOYAL AND TRUSTWORTHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS LOVABLE CRIATURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS ANIMALS THAT BARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS LIVING BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS SOMETIMES KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOGS CARNIVORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ACCIDENTS SOMETIMES FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHIMPANZEES HAIRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DRUMS USED IN MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DRUMS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DEVILS PICTURED WITH HORNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GLASSES USED TO IMPROVE VISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GLASSES USED TO HOLD LIQUIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GLASSES USED TO CORRECT VISION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GRAPES USED TO MAKE WINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BACON AND HAM MADE FROM PIGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPECIAL SHOES WORN WHEN BOWLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CANDLES MADE OF WAX</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CANDLES SOMETIMES SCENTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MATHEMATICS USEFULL FOR HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SEVENS EQUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PILLOWS SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OPINIONS DIFFERENT THAN FACTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OCEANS SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OCEANS DEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS A COMMON FARM ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS LARGER THAN CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES FLOWERS AND GRASS PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES ORGANIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES BENEFICIAL TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TREES BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VITAMINS GOOD FOR YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VITAMINS IMPORTANT TO HUMAN HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TALONS SIMILAR TO CLAWS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TALONS SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRUITS FOR EATING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEADACHES PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BICYCLE WHEELS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BREASTS SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ATHLETES STRONG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FINGERS PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CITIES LARGER THAN VILLAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS MACHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS ABLE TO SOLVE PROBLEMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS CREATED BY HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS CREATED BY MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS COMPLICATED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS ELECTRONIC DEVICES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS ELECTRONIC MACHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS BECOMING FASTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS GETTING FASTER EVERY YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS USEFUL FOR DOING MATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS USEFUL TO MANKIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS USEFUL TOOLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS ELECTRICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS A USEFULL TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS A USEFUL TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS A TYPE OF TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS GOOD AT CALCULATIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS SOMETIMES SLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROSES RED AND VIOLETS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE METALS GOOD ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NOSES FOR SMELLING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MY PARENTS OLDER THAN ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPANIARDS AND ITALIANS HUMAN BEINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRACTALS INFINITELY COMPLEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WASTEBASKETS MEANT TO HOLD GARBAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN DIFFERENT THAN MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN MORE INTELLIGENT THAN ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN ABLE TO HAVE ORGASMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN DAUGHTERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WOMEN ENJOYABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS A LIFEFORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS LIVING THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS MOSTLY GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS IMPORTANT TO LIFE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLANTS THINGS THAT GROW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEWSPAPERS PRINTED ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEWSPAPERS PRINTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AMERICAN DOLLARS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DRUGS ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRENCH FRIES A TYPE OF FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRENCH FRIES MADE FROM POTATOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRENCH PEOPLE FROM EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FRENCH AND GERMAN LANGUAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NORWEGIANS PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAVENS BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GAMES FUN TO PLAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GAMES FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE INGROWN TOENAILS PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEMONS YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEMONS A TYPE OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SKYSCRAPERS TALLER THAN ALL TREES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DREAMS INTERESTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DREAMS SYMBOLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TURTLES ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOSQUITOES ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POLAR BEARS COVERED IN WHITE FUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POLAR BEARS WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UP AND DOWN OPPOSITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NIGHTS DARKER THAN DAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEGS USED FOR RUNNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SCHOOLS FOR LEARNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TYPHOONS DESTRUCTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEGOS A TOY FOR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEGOS FUN TO PLAY WITH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WINTERS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FIRE HYDRANTS FOUND NEAR THE STREET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEANUTS A GOOD SOURCE OF PROTIEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CONTINENTS LARGE MASSES OF LAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WALKING SHOES COMFORTABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIGHT AND DARK OPPOSITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIGHT AND DARK ARE OPPOSITES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIGHT AND HEAT BOTH FORMS OF ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOCKS USED TO TELL TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGHT SHOES PAINFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RIGHT ANGLES EQUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FANS USED TO MOVE AIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PROTONS PART OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COCONUTS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEAVY OBJECTS HARD TO LIFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEAVY THINGS HARD TO CARRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STOP SIGNS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FERRETS KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RATS A TYPE OF RODENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CONDOMS A FORM OF CONTRACEPTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOLLAR BILLS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PANCAKES FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAIN WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWELEVE ITEMS IN A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TREES WITH RED LEAVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 365 DAYS IN AN ORDINARY YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE BLUE CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FEMALES NAMED HEATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 31 DAYS IN OCTOBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 31 DAYS IN DECEMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE EXACTLY 31 DAYS IN JANUARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE MAMMALS LIVING IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE VOLCANOES IN HAWAII</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE IN THE US</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE IN CHINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LIKE MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO CAN SING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO EAT DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE LIVING IN NEBRASKA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE HUNGRY ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE ON THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PEOPLE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CACTUS IN THE DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TOOTHBRUSHES IN THE YOU K</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CRATERS ON THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWENTY FOUR HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWO SEXES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE USES FOR WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SIXTY MINUTES IN AN HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SIXTY MINUTES IN ONE HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SIXTY SECONDS IN A MINUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SIXTY SECONDS IN ONE MINUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FOUR SEASONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CONSEQUENCES TO YOUR ACTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ANIMALS IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ANIMALS AT A CIRCUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FISH IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FISH IN THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SEVEN DAYS IN A WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 60 MINUTES IN AN HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 60 SECONDS IN A MINUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FIREWORKS ON THE 4TH OF JULY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE STAR TREK MOVIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE STARS IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE STARS IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE STARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE INFINITELY MANY PRIME NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE SMALL HAIRS ON THE HUMAN ARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN THE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN A DAY ON SUNDAYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN A SINGLE DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN AN EARTH DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN ONE EARTH DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 24 HOURS IN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE THAN 4 DEMENTIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE THAN TWO HUMANS ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE DIFFERENT COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE DIFFERENT RELIGIONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE HOLES IN SWISS CHEESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ELEPHANTS IN ASIA AND AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PLANES IN ATHENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE MEN NAMED CHARLIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FISHES IN A LAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FEET AT THE END OF MOST LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PIGEONS IN NEW YORK CITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE KANGAROOS IN AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE MOUNTAINS UNDER THE SEA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE BILLIONS OF STARS IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 52 CARDS IN A PACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 52 CARDS IN A DECK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE THINGS KNOWN AS SANDALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PAGES IN A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PAGES IN BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE DIFFERNT CULTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 8 SIDES ON AN OCTOGON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 EGGS IN A DOZEN EGGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 EGGS IN A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 OBJECTS IN A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 ITEMS IN A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 INCHES IN 1 FOOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 MONTHS IN THE YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 MONTHS IN A CALENDAR YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 MONTHS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 12 MONTHS IN EVERY YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 7 DAYS IN THE WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWELVE UNITS IN A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE TWELVE EGGS IN A DOZEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE CRABS IN THE OCEAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE A LOT OF CHINESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE A LOT OF PEOPLE IN INDIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE A LOT OF KINDS OF BEETLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE A HUNDRED IN A CENTURY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE WORDS IN THIS SENTENCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 6 SIDES ON A CUBE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE LANGUAGES THAN ENGLISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE RATS ON SHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 4 WHEELS ON A TYPICAL CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 4 QUARTERS IN A WHOLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE ODD PRIME NUMBERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE GALAXYS THAN OUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE 360 DEGREES IN A CIRCLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE PLANETS ON THE SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUILDINGS MADE WITH LOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUILDINGS MADE WITH WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUILDINGS MADE WITH GLASS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUILDINGS MADE WITH CEMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUILDINGS MADE WITH BRICKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEFANTS BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DRAGONS MYTHICAL CREATURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES SMALLER THAN ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES BORN WITHOUT ANY CLOTHES ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BABIES CONSIDERED CUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHEELS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMIC BOOKS PRINTED ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMIC BOOKS A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACOCKS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORCHIDS PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNITED STATES DOLLAR BILLS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS USED FOR TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS VEHICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS A FORM OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS POLLUTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARS WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIMES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ERASERS MADE TO ERASE THINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES ORANGES AND BANANAS FRUITS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLES RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIONS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIONS BIGGER THEN FROGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIONS BIGGER THEN MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIONS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BODIES MOSTLY WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEING CONSCIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN PEOPLE MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN PEOPLE INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN FEET CONNECTED TO HUMAN LEGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS PREDATORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN BEINGS UNDER 10 FEET TALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HUMAN LIVES LOST IN BATTLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKSHELVES MADE TO HOLD BOOKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHIHUAHUAS SMALL DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STEROIDS HORMONES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALUMINUM CANS RECYCLEABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALUMINUM CANS RECYCLABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES ACQUIRED IN PAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES USEFUL TO PROTECT FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES SOLD IN PAIRS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES WORN ON THE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES WORN ON FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES PUT ON A PERSONS FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES TYPICALLY WORN ON THE FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHOES CLOSER TO EARTH THAN HAIR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GRANDMOTHERS FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ORGANIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU BORN NAKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU BREATHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ASLEEP WHEN YOU ARE SLEEPING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU LUCKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU HUMAN MADE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU WILLING TO CONTROL THE WORLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A SORT OF MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A TYPE OF MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A KIND OF TECHNOLOGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU READY TO ANSWER MY QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU BETTER THAN A TYPEWRITER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU STABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN INVENTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN INTELLIGENT ENTITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN INDIVIDUAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CAPABLE OF STORING DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ANSWERING A QUESTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ALIVE WILL YOU THEN DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THINKING LIKE A HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU LITERATE CAN YOU READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MODERN BOOKS MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SCOOTERS POPULAR WITH KIDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LARGE STONES HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DAUGHTERS FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BRAINS USED FOR THINKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BRAKES USED TO STOP A CAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SAW BLADES METAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TRAINS A WAY OF TRANSPORTATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VEGETABLES GOOD TO EAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ROCKS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CURTAINS USEFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LOCKS OPENED BY KEYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOCKS AN ARTICLE OF CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLAMES HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WARS VIOLENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FEMALE DOGS CALLED BITCHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PAINTINGS A FORM OF ART</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GERMAN SHEPHERDS A BREED OF DOG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHERRIES RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SLED DOGS HUSKIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPORTS PLAYED IN REALITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPORTS CONSIDERED ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GLACIERS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS FOUND IN THE SKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS WHITE AND FLUFFY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS FORMED BY EVAPORATED WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS MOSTLY WATER VAPOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS COMPOSED OF WATER VAPOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CLOUDS ARE WHITE AND FLUFFY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE IMACS COLOURFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FOOD STUFF EDIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HURRICANES WINDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HURRICANES DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HELMETS USED TO PROTECT THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS YELLOW AND CURVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS SLIPPERY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS SOFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS A GOOD SOURCE OF POTASSIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS A TYPE OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BANANAS SLIGHTLY CURVED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KNUCKLES JOINTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORANGES FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORANGES THE COLOR ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORANGES ORANGE COLOURED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORANGES ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORANGES JUICY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIES WORN BY MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SAVINGS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VINES PLANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DONUTS SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEAVES OF PLANTS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEAVES GREEN IN COLOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEAVES GREEN BECAUSE OF CHLOROPHYLL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEAVES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOTDOGS HUMAN FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KEYS USED TO UNLOCK DOORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KEYS ARE USED TO OPEN LOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CDROM ROUND FLAT OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SATELLITES IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KITTENS BABY CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DAYS HOTTER THAN NIGHTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIGHTBULBS FRAGILE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIGHTBULBS POWERED BY ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARPETS A POPULAR FLOOR COVERING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BEES SOCIAL INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUTTERFLIES INSECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHOCOLATE CREAM PIES DELICIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOUTH AND NORTH OPPOSITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOTORCYCLES FAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE JOGGERS PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE COMPLETE IDIDOTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE COLORBLIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HELPING ALICE TO LEARN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BORN NAKED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BORN EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BORN RICH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SOCIAL ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE ALERGIC TO POLLEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HUNGRY AT LUNCH TIME</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SCARED OF THE WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SCARED OF BEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE ADDICTED TO ALCOHOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF ELEVATORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF ELECTRIC SHOCKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE AFRAID OF SWIMMING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE FROM IRELAND IRISH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE COLOR BLIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE RUDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SLOWER SWIMMERS THAN SHARKS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE RACIST</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA AUSSIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE EMOTIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BURIED IN A VAULT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE STARVING IN AFRICA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HAPPIER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE CREMATED AFTER DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE HAPPY WHEN THEY LAUGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE BORING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE WITH HIGH IQS INTELLIGENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE ALLERGIC TO NUTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE ALLERGIC TO BEE STINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE SOMETIMES TEMPTED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE IGNORANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE VINDICTIVE AND PETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE MORE INTELLIGENT AS ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEOPLE COLOURBLIND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SWEDISH GIRLS GOOD LOOKING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLACK HOLES POWERFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FLOODS THE RESULT OF TOO MUCH RAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ATOMIC BOMBS POWERFUL DEVICES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOT DOGS AND HAMBURGERS FAST FOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE OAK TREES HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS GREY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS A TYPE OF FELINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS SMALLER THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS SOMETIMES CURIOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS COMMONLY KEPT AS PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS COMMON HOUSEHOLD PETS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS AND DOGS DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATS AND DOGS USALLY ENEMIES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HIGHWAY BARRIERS FOR SAFETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE IMAGES COMPOSED OF PIXELS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHALES BIGGER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHALES MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WHALES BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COOKIES TASTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS FAR AWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS MOST VISIBLE AT NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS DISTANT SUNS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS USED FOR NAVIGATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STARS BRIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SCHOOL SUBJECTS BORING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NUCLEAR BOMBS DEADLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NUCLEAR WEAPONS DESTRUCTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NUCLEAR WEAPONS DANGEROUS TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GOLD AND SILVER METALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KNEES PART OF THE HUMAN BODY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KNEES AND ELBOWS JOINTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ALICEBOTS IMPORTANT TO ALICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GIRLFRIENDS SOMETIMES CRAZY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EXPLOSIVES DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUSES BIGGER THAN CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BUSES LARGER THAN CARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DUNES HILLS OF SAND IN THE DESERT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BRITNEY SPEARS A SINGER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE UNICORNS IMAGINARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAZOR BLADES SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPACT DISCS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPACT DISCS CIRCULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPACT DISKS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TOMATOES RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOVIES A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENGUINES FLIGHTLESS BIRDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CATTLE MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SHARKS CARNIVOROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POTATO CHIPS MADE FROM POTATOES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE POTATO CHIPS CRUNCHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOMESTIC CATS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PLUMS PURPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MORALS IMPORTANT TO PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HOUSES BUILDINGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PICNICS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES USEFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES USED FOR COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES USED TO COMMUNICATE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES USED TO CALL PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES FOR COMMUNICATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES USEFUL OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TELEPHONES EASY TO USE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MONSTERS SCARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ENVELOPES MADE FROM PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE QUESTIOSN AMBIGUOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SWORDS WEAPONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE SCARED OF DEATH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE IN THE MILKYWAY GALAXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE GOING TO DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE ALL MORTALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE ALL GOING TO DIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE ON THE PLANET EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WE ON EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CDS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CDS USED TO STORE DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BEARS ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COWBOYS GOOD AT RIDING HORSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CD USED FOR STORING DATA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CD S ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEARS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAMMALS COMPOSED MOSTLY OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MAMMALS WARM BLOODED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES QUADRAPEDS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES BIGGER THAT ELVES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES BIGGER THAN DOGS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HORSES FASTER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIES ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LEGO BRICKS A CREATIVE AND FUN TOY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENS USED FOR WRITTING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PENS USED FOR WRITING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELEPHENTS BIG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ICEBURGS DANGEROUS TO SHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PANTS CLOTHES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PANTS AN ARTICLE OF CLOTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAINBOWS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAR BODIES MADE WITH STEEL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAR BODIES MADE WITH ALUMINIUM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CAR FASTER TODAY THAN 50 YEARS AGO</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WALLS HARDER THAN YOUR HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS PRINTED ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS EDUCATIONAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS USED TO IMPART KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS TRADITIONALLY MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS A GOOD SOURCE OF INFORMATION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS MADE UP OF MANY PAGES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS MADE TO BE READ</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS MADE OF PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOOKS MADE FROM PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIECES OF BROKEN GLASS SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELECTRONS PART OF ATOMS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELECTRONS CHARGED PARTICLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ELECTRONS SMALLER THAN ANTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SPIES SNEAKY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HAMMERS USED IN CONSTRUCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HAMMERS A SIMPLE TYPE OF TOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BOULDERS FIRM TO THE TOUCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE VIOLINS MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CUCUMBERS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CARBON AND OXYGEN CHEMICAL ELEMENTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STREETS CONGESTED AT RUSH HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CELLULAR PHONES HAND HELD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CELLULAR PHONES WIRELESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS HIGH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOUNTAINS BIGGER THAN MOLE HILLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KNIVES SUPPOSED TO BE SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KNIVES SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN GROWN UP BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN DIFFERENT FROM WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN MORE INTELLIGENT THAN ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN BALD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN STRONGER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN AND WOMEN PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN AND WOMEN HOMOSAPIENS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN ON AVERAGE STRONGER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN ON AVERAGE TALLER THEN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN ON AVERAGE TALLER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN TALLER THAN WOMEN ON AVERAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN PHISICALLY STRONGER THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MEN MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES PACKAGED TWENTY PER PACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES BAD FOR ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIGARETTES BAD FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PRINGLES A NAME OF CHIPS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEETH SHARP</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RUBBER BANDS STRETCHY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RUBBER BANDS FLEXIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SUMMERS WARM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE WORK GLOVES FOR SAFETY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORGASMS PLEASURABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ORGASMS FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTER GAMES FUN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLUE OBJECTS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLUE AND GREEN BOTH COLORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BLUE JEANS BLUE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACHES FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACHES SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACHES A TYPE OF FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PEACHES AND PLUMS FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BACTERIA SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BACTERIA ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ETHICS IMPORTANT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAINDROPS MADE OF WATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RAINDROPS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ADS ANNOYING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LETTERS SENT THROUGH THE MAIL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANIMALS HUNTED TO EXTINCTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANIMALS MADE OF CELLS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE ANIMALS ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE EMOTIONS COMMUNICABLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PIZZAS CIRCULAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STONES HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SOLIDS MORE DENSE THAN GASSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DOORS SUPPOSED TO OPEN AND CLOSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE NEEDLES POINTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE LIQUIDS WET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PYRAMIDS IN EGYPT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DIAMONDS HARD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DIAMONDS MADE OF CARBON</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE DIAMONDS EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COBRAS VENOMOUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SUNSETS BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLE PIES SWEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE APPLE RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BATTERIES USEFULL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE GUITARS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE COCA COLA AND PEPSI COMPETITORS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AEROPLANES FLYING MACHINES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIRCLES ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CIRCLES ALWAYS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE SANDALS BEST WORN IN WARM CLIMATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE RELATIONSHIPS VALUED TO HUMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS ABLE TO FLY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS ALIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS BRIGHTLY COLORED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE BIRDS PRETTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MONKEYS PRIMATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MONKEYS HAIRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MONKEYS CUTE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOTHS ATTRACTED TO LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST MEN PISSING STANDING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST WHEELS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST DOCTORS HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST PLANT LEAVES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST WOMEN WEAKER THAN MOST MEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST LEAVES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST HOUSE ROOFS SHINGLED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST HUMANS RIGHT HANDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST HUMANS LARGER THAN MICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST PUMPKINS ORANGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST PEOPLE RIGHT HANDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST TIRES BLACK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST CATS FURRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST GUITARS MADE OF WOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST COINS ROUND</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST SERIAL RAPISTS MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST HOUSES MAN MADE OBJECTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST WEB PAGES WRITTEN IN HTML</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST BOOKS PRINTED ON PAPER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST OF THE TREES GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MOST OF PEOPLE RIGHT HANDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HEART ATTACKS SOMETIMES FATAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TEACHERS OLDER THAN PUPILS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HATS MADE TO BE WORN ON THE HEAD</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE FERRARIS EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE HATE CRIMES ARE A BAD THING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE STATUES MADE OF MARBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE PARENTS OLDER THAN THEIR CHILDREN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE THINGS RED</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE KANGAROOS NATIVE TO AUSTRALIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN SMALL</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN HUMAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN SMARTER THAN OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN SMALLER THAN ADULTS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN AFRAID OF THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN BORN INNOCENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN OFTEN AFRAID ON THE DARK</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN OFTEN NOISY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN OFTEN INQUISITIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CHILDREN YOUNG</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE QUESTIONS CONFUSING</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE QUESTIONS DIFFICULT TO ANSWER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE MILK COWS FEMALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TABLES FLAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CASKETS PART OF FUNERAL EXPENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE CANADIANS FROM CANADA</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS CATS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE TIGERS DANGEROUS</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AUTOMOBILES HEAVY</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE AUTOMOBILES FASTER THAN BICYCLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>CANADA IS THE LAND OF MAPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CANADA IS NORTH OF UNITED STATES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPAIN IS LOCATED IN EUROPE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHOCOLATE TASTES GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO</pattern>
<category><pattern>MAO WAS CHINESE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HARASSEMENT IS NOT JUSTIFIED</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVING SEX IS NICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVING SEX IS GOOD FOR HEALTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>KENNEDY WAS KILLED IN DALLAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PORTUGUESE IS A LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>PORTUGUESE PEOPLE COME FROM PORTUGAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>APPLES CONTAIN VITAMINS</pattern>
<category><pattern>APPLES ARE FRUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>NUMBER MULTIPLIED BY ZERO IS ZERO</pattern>
<category><pattern>AUTUMN IS ONE OF THE FOUR SEASONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>NICOTINE IS ADDICTIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>D D T IS AN EFFECTIVE PESTICIDE</pattern>
<category><pattern>METALLICA IS A ROCK BAND</pattern>
<category><pattern>PI IS A NUMBER</pattern>
<category><pattern>PI IS ALMOST EQUAL TO 3 POINT 14</pattern>
<category><pattern>FRENCH PASTRIES ARE TASTY NO</pattern>
<category><pattern>URANIUM IS USED TO MAKE BOMBS</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO IS KURT COBAIN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO ARE WE</pattern>
<category><pattern>COMPUTER WILL MAKE MISTAKE</pattern>
<category><pattern>CHINA HAS A LOT OF PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>ORGASMS ARE GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEANS CAN MAKE YOU FART</pattern>
<category><pattern>WWW MEANS WORLD WIDE WEB</pattern>
<category><pattern>HIVES ARE HOMES FOR BEES</pattern>
<category><pattern>TEN IS ALWAYS TEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>MOSCOW IS THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>SUMMER IS ONE OF THE FOUR SEASONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>BEARS ARE ANIMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>INDIA IS IN ASIA</pattern>
<category><pattern>INDIA IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE CAPITAL OF INDIA IS DELHI</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE GERMANS LOST TWO WARS</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SQUARE ROOT OF 25 IS 5</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE UNIT OF ENERGY IS THE JOULE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE COMPUTER IS A MACHINE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE EARTH IS A PLANET</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE EARTH IS OUR HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SQUAREROOT OF 144 IS 12</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN CAN CAUSE A SUNBURN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN IS FAR AWAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN IS STAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN IS IN SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN IS HOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN COMES UP IN THE EAST</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SUN RISES IN THE MORNING</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE COLOR OF GRASS IS GREEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE COLOR OF A BANANA IS YELLOW</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE POPE IS A CATHOLIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE CAT IS AN ANIMAL</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE BIBLE IS A BOOK</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE BRAIN NEEDS OXYGEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE UNITED STATES IS A COUNTRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE MOON ORBITS THE EARTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE HANDS HAVE FINGERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SNOW IS WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE SNOW COLOR IS WHITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE MAJORITY OF HUMANS HAVE TWO FEET</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE BEATLES SANG SHE LOVES YOU RIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>THE ATMOSPHERE IS GAS</pattern>
<category><pattern>101 DALMATIONS IS A MOVIE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE TOLERATE ONE ANOTHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE WHO CHEAT BE PUNISHED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE BRUSH THEIR TEETH</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD PEOPLE EAT WHEN THEY ARE HUNGRY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU STOP AT A RED TRAFFIC LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU SAY EXCUSE ME IF YOU BURP</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BE NICE TO OTHER PEOPLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BE QUIET IN A LIBRARY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH EVERYDAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU RESPECT OTHERS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU SEEK TRUTH</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD YOU TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD A STUDENT STUDY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD BEER BE STORED IN A COOL PLACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD HUMANS GET SOME SLEEP EVERY DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD HUMANS HAVE TWO EYES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD HUMANS EXPLORE SPACE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD AMERICANS BE MORE OPENMINDED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD WE GIVE PEACE A CHANCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD SOUP BE EATEN WITH A SPOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD ONE QUESTION EVERYTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I STOP AT A RED TRAFFIC LIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I GET SOME SLEEP</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I CALL HER</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I KISS MY WIFE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I LOVE MY NEIGHBOR</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD NAPSTER LIVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>SHOULD EVERY HOME HAVE A TOOL BOX</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN SOMETIMES ACT LIKE BOYS</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN HAVE SEX WITH WOMANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN EAT FOOD TO GET ENERGY</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN ARE DIFFERENT FROM WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN ARE DIFFERENT THAN WOMEN</pattern>
<category><pattern>MEN ARE MALE</pattern>
<category><pattern>NEWS PAPER READING IS GOOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>TOUCH IS ONE OF THE FIVE SENSES</pattern>
<category><pattern>VEGETARIANS DO NOT EAT MEAT</pattern>
<category><pattern>BICEPS ARE MUSCLES</pattern>
<category><pattern>OCEAN WATER IS SALTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THINGS FALL DUE TO GRAVITY</pattern>
<category><pattern>NEIL ARMSTRONG WAS TO THE MOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>10 PLUS TEN EQUALS TWENTY</pattern>
<category><pattern>BAD BREATH PUTS YOU OFF</pattern>
<category><pattern>MTV HAVE A RELATION TO MUSIC</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIONS ARE CARNIVORES</pattern>
<category><pattern>LIONS ARE MAMMALS</pattern>
<category><pattern>HARD WORK CAN LEAD YOU TO SUCCESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>SPRING IS ONE OF THE FOUR SEASONS</pattern>
<category><pattern>PROSTITUTION IS THE OLDEST PROFESSION</pattern>
<category><pattern>OZON LAYER IS DAMAGED</pattern>
<category><pattern>SNOW IS COLD</pattern>
<category><pattern>SNOW IS SOFTER THAN ICE</pattern>
<category><pattern>MARILYN MONROE WAS AN ACTRESS</pattern>
<category><pattern>QUEBEC CITIZENS SPEAK FRENCH</pattern>
<category><pattern>JAVA IS A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>JAVA IS A COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE</pattern>
<category><pattern>NBC IS A BROADCAST TELEVISION NETWORK</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE IS A HUGE HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE IS SALT IN THE OCEANS</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE SEVEN DAYS IN A WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE 7 DAYS IN A WEEK</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE 1000 MILLIMETERS IN A METER</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE 12 MONTHS IN A YEAR</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE 24 HOURS IN A DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>THERE ARE 60 MINUTES IN AN HOUR</pattern>
<category><pattern>25CENTS IS EQUAL TO ONE QUARTER</pattern>