You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- This file contains the definitions of single words just like a dictionary. -->
<meta name="author" content="Thomas Ringate"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>DEFINE A</pattern>
The first letter of the roman alphabet.
<pattern>DEFINE AARDVARK</pattern>
An aardvark is a south african ant eating animal.
<pattern>DEFINE AARDWOLF</pattern>
An aardwolf is a carnivorous mammal.
<pattern>DEFINE ABA</pattern>
An aba is a sack like garment worn by arabs.
<pattern>DEFINE ABACUS</pattern>
An abacus is a counting frame.
<pattern>DEFINE ABBA</pattern>
<li>Abba is a father, it is the title of a bishop in the Syrian, Coptic, and Ethiopian Christian
<li>Abba means father in Hebrew.It is used as an appelation of respect.</li>
<li>Abba was this real cool 'seventies band man.</li>
<li>Anna, Bjorn, Benny and Agnetha.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ABBESS</pattern>
An abbess is the female superior of a community of nuns.
<pattern>DEFINE ABBEY</pattern>
An abbey is a body of monks or a monastic building.
<pattern>DEFINE ABBOT</pattern>
An abbot is the male superior of a community of monks.
<pattern>DEFINE ABBRACADABRA</pattern>
Abbracadabra is a qabbalistic magic word.
<pattern>DEFINE ABBREVIATION</pattern>
An abbreviation is a short form of a word or words.
<pattern>DEFINE ABDOMEN</pattern>
<li>The abdomen is the part of a creature's body between diaphragm and pelvis.</li>
<li>The area between the thorax and the pelvis, normally referred to as the stomach.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ABODE</pattern>
Abode is a place where something lives.
<pattern>DEFINE ABOMASUM</pattern>
An abomasum is the fourth stomach of a ruminant.
<pattern>DEFINE ABORIGINE</pattern>
An aborigine is a member of an indigenous people.
<pattern>DEFINE ABORTION</pattern>
Abortion is the expulsion of the foetus from the uterus.
<pattern>DEFINE ABSCESS</pattern>
An abscess is a pus filled infection of an animal.
<pattern>DEFINE ABSURDISM</pattern>
Absurdism is the philosophy that we exist in a meaningless, irrational universe.
<pattern>DEFINE ABYSS</pattern>
An abyss is a very deep gorge.
<pattern>DEFINE ACACIA</pattern>
The acacia is a leguminosae found in warm climates.
<pattern>DEFINE ACANTHUS</pattern>
The acanthus is a herbaceous plant of south europe, asia and africa.
<pattern>DEFINE ACCELERATION</pattern>
Acceleration is the rate at which a moving body increases in velocity.
<pattern>DEFINE ACCELERATOR</pattern>
An accelerator is a device for increasing speed.
<pattern>DEFINE ACCENT</pattern>
An accent is a local mode of pronunciation in speech.
<pattern>DEFINE ACCENTOR</pattern>
An accentor is a type of bird of the prunelliadae family.
<pattern>DEFINE ACCORDION</pattern>
An accordion is a small portable musical instrument with a keyboard and bellows.
<pattern>DEFINE ACCURACY</pattern>
<li>Accuracy is the quality or state of being accurate or exact.</li>
<li>Accuracy represents the degree of certainty in measurement. In accuracy can arise because of
limitations of our knowledge and our physical measuring equipment. Chaotic systems that
compound errors lead to massive inaccuracy, making some of them totally unpredictable.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ACE</pattern>
An ace is a playing card with one pip.
<pattern>DEFINE ACETAL</pattern>
Acetal is a colourless liquid formed by oxidation of alcohol.
<pattern>DEFINE ACETONE</pattern>
Acetone is a colourless liquid with the formulae ch2coch3.
<pattern>DEFINE ACETYLENE</pattern>
Acetylene is a highly inflammable gas of the hydrocarbon family used for welding and cutting
<pattern>DEFINE ACHILLES TENDON</pattern>
The Achilles Tendon is the tendon which connects the heel with the calf of the leg, and is the
principal extensor of the foot.
<pattern>DEFINE ACID</pattern>
An acid is a chemical compound that reacts with metals to form salts by releasing hydrogen.
<pattern>DEFINE ACLINIC</pattern>
The aclinic is a magnetic equator.
<pattern>DEFINE ACNE</pattern>
Acne is a skin eruption due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
<pattern>DEFINE ACONITE</pattern>
Aconite is a poisonous plant.
<pattern>DEFINE ACONITINE</pattern>
Aconitine is a poisonous alkaloid derived from aconite.
<pattern>DEFINE ACORN</pattern>
The acorn is the fruit of the oak tree.
<pattern>DEFINE ACOTYLEDON</pattern>
An acotyledon is a plant with no distinct seed leaves, such as moss and fern.
<pattern>DEFINE ACRE</pattern>
An acre is a measurement of land area being 4840 square yards.
<pattern>DEFINE ACROMEGALY</pattern>
Acromegaly is a disease due to over activity of the pituitary gland results in excessive bone
growth, especially the skull.
<pattern>DEFINE ACRONYM</pattern>
<li>An acronym is a word formed from the initials of other words.</li>
<li>An acronym is an abbreviation made of letters, like A.L.I.C.E.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ACROPHOBIA</pattern>
Acrophobia is the fear of high places.
<pattern>DEFINE ACRYLIC</pattern>
Acrylic is a synthetic fibre derived from acrylic acid.
<pattern>DEFINE ACTINIUM</pattern>
Actinium is a radioactive element.
<pattern>DEFINE ACTIVATION</pattern>
In stimulus-response, activation means the input "firing" in response to a matching pattern.
<pattern>DEFINE ACTOR</pattern>
An actor is a dramatic performer.
<pattern>DEFINE ADA</pattern>
ADA is a trademark used for a structured computer programming language
<pattern>DEFINE ADDAX</pattern>
An addax is a large antelope found in north african deserts.
<pattern>DEFINE ADDER</pattern>
An adder is a venomous snake found in england.
<pattern>DEFINE ADENOIDS</pattern>
Adenoids is the pathological enlargement of the lymphoid tissue.
<pattern>DEFINE ADHESIVE</pattern>
An adhesive is a sticky substance.
<pattern>DEFINE ADIPOCERE</pattern>
Adipocere is a substance in dead bodies formed by decomposition of fatty acids when exposed to
<pattern>DEFINE ADIT</pattern>
An adit is the horizontal entrance to a mine.
<pattern>DEFINE ADMIRAL</pattern>
Admiral is a rank in the navy.
<pattern>DEFINE ADOBE</pattern>
An adobe is a mexican house made of clay bricks.
<pattern>DEFINE ADSL</pattern>
Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line.
<pattern>DEFINE ADULT</pattern>
An adult is a fully grown being.
<pattern>DEFINE ADULTERY</pattern>
<li>voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or
between a married woman and someone other than her husband; also : an act of adultery.</li>
<li>Adultery is the voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and a woman not his
wife, or between a married woman and a man not her husband.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ADVERTISING</pattern>
The art of selling through media.
<pattern>DEFINE ADYTUM</pattern>
An adytum is the inner most part of a temple.
<pattern>DEFINE ADZE</pattern>
An adze is a carpenter's tool for cutting away the surface of wood.
<pattern>DEFINE AERIAL</pattern>
An aerial is a receiving or radiating device used in radio communications.
<pattern>DEFINE AERODROME</pattern>
An aerodrome is a place where aircraft are based.
<pattern>DEFINE AERODYNAMICS</pattern>
Making airplanes fly.
<pattern>DEFINE AGAR</pattern>
Agar is a laxative substance obtained from seaweed.
<pattern>DEFINE AGARIC</pattern>
The agaric is a family of fungus.
<pattern>DEFINE AGATE</pattern>
Agate is a semi precious stone comprised mainly of silica.
<pattern>DEFINE AGENDA</pattern>
An agenda is a list of tasks.
<pattern>DEFINE AGNES</pattern>
Agnes is the patron saint of virgins.
<pattern>DEFINE AGNI</pattern>
Agni is the hindu god of fire.
<pattern>DEFINE AGORAPHOBIA</pattern>
Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces.
<pattern>DEFINE AIDS</pattern>
AIDS is the modern day plague.
<pattern>DEFINE AIKIDO</pattern>
Japanese martial arts similar to Judo.
<pattern>DEFINE AIM</pattern>
American Indian Movement.
<pattern>DEFINE AIR</pattern>
The normal atmosphere of Earth, mostly nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
<pattern>DEFINE AIRCRAFT</pattern>
An aircraft is a flying machine, a vessel which flies through the air rather than floats on water or
travels along a road or rail.
<pattern>DEFINE AISLE</pattern>
An aisle is a passage between rows of seats.
<pattern>DEFINE AK47</pattern>
The ak47 is a russian assault rifle.
<pattern>DEFINE ALBACORE</pattern>
The albacore is a species of fish.
<pattern>DEFINE ALBATROSS</pattern>
The albatross is a long winged oceanic bird.
<pattern>DEFINE ALBURNUM</pattern>
The alburnum is the recently formed wood in trees.
<pattern>DEFINE ALCATRAZ</pattern>
A former prison island in San Francisco.
<pattern>DEFINE ALCOHOL</pattern>
Alcohol is a termed used by Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus for fine powder, meaning distilled
spirit. It is colorless, volatile, and a pungent liquid. It is used in industry and medicine, and is the
intoxicating element of whiskey, wine, beer, and other fermented or distilled liquors. It is classed
as a depressant drug, also called ethyl alcohol. Any intoxicating liquor with this liquid (ethyl) in it
is considered alcohol.
<pattern>DEFINE ALDER</pattern>
The alder is a type of tree of the birch family.
<pattern>DEFINE ALGEBRA</pattern>
<li>a generalization of arithmetic in which letters representing numbers are combined according
to the rules of arithmetic.</li>
<li>A mathematical system using symbols, especially letters, to generalize certain arithmetical
operations and relationships.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ALGORITHM</pattern>
<li>An algorithm is a series of instructions to perform a specified set of transformations, such as
mathematical operations.
<br />A computer program, like myself is an algorithm.
<br />So are the rules of a game, or the score to a piece of music.</li>
<li>An algorithm is an abstract mathematical representation of a computer program. Like alice
uses a CBR algorithm.</li>
<li>An algorithm is a set of rules.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ALIMENTARY CANAL</pattern>
The alimentary canal is the channel in an animal through which food passes.
<pattern>DEFINE ALKALI</pattern>
An alkali is a chemical substance.
<pattern>DEFINE ALLAH</pattern>
Allah is the muslim name of god.
<pattern>DEFINE ALLERGY</pattern>
An allergy is a hypersensitivity of body tissue to a substance.
<pattern>DEFINE ALLEY</pattern>
An alley is a narrow street.
<pattern>DEFINE ALLIGATOR</pattern>
An alligator is a crocodilian reptile.
<pattern>DEFINE ALLOY</pattern>
An alloy is a mixture of a metal and other metals or non metals.
<pattern>DEFINE ALPHA</pattern>
Alpha is the first letter of the greek alphabet.
<pattern>DEFINE ALTAR</pattern>
An altar is a block used for making offerings to a deity.
<pattern>DEFINE ALTAVISTA</pattern>
Altavista is a search engine.
<pattern>DEFINE ALTHING</pattern>
The althing is the parliament of iceland, it was created in 930 and is the oldest parliamentary
assembly in the world.
<pattern>DEFINE ALTIMETER</pattern>
An altimeter is a device measuring altitude.
<pattern>DEFINE ALUMINIUM</pattern>
Aluminium is a light silvery metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE ALVEOLUS</pattern>
An alveolus is a lung air sac where gas exchange with the blood occurs.
<pattern>DEFINE AMBIGUOUS</pattern>
Ambiguous means having two or more possible meanings.
<pattern>DEFINE AMENTACEAE</pattern>
Amentaceae is the family of trees and plants where the flowers are arranged in the form of catkins.
<pattern>DEFINE AMETHYST</pattern>
Amethyst is a precious stone.
<pattern>DEFINE AMMETER</pattern>
An ammeter is a device for measuring electrical current.
<pattern>DEFINE AMMONIA</pattern>
Ammonia is a colourless gas.
<pattern>DEFINE AMOEBA</pattern>
An amoeba is a primitive one cell animal.
<pattern>DEFINE AMPERE</pattern>
The ampere is the fundamental unit of measurement of electrical current.
<pattern>DEFINE AMPHETAMINE</pattern>
Amphetamine is a drug that induces sleeplessness.
<pattern>DEFINE AMPHITHEATRE</pattern>
An amphitheatre is a circular or ovular arena surrounded by tiers of seats.
<pattern>DEFINE ANAEMIA</pattern>
Anaemia is the medical condition of lacking red blood cells.
<pattern>DEFINE ANALGESIC</pattern>
An analgesic is a pain reliever.
<pattern>DEFINE ANARCHISM</pattern>
Anarchism is the theory that all forms of government interfere unjustly with individual liberty and
should be replaced by the voluntary association of cooperative groups. Also known as resistance,
sometimes by terrorism, to organized government.
<pattern>DEFINE ANARCHY</pattern>
<li>political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.</li>
<li>Anarchy is the complete absence of government. Also seen as political disorder and violence
or lawlessness. Disorder in an sphere of activity.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ANATOMY</pattern>
Anatomy is the study of animal's structure.
<pattern>DEFINE ANCHOR</pattern>
An anchor is a heavy implement used for securing boats at sea.
<pattern>DEFINE ANEMOMETER</pattern>
An anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed.
<pattern>DEFINE ANGER</pattern>
A strong billigerent emotion aroused by some real or supposed grievance.
<pattern>DEFINE ANGRY</pattern>
A strong billigerent emotion aroused by some real or supposed grievance.
<pattern>DEFINE ANIMAL</pattern>
<li>An animal is a form of living thing, excluding plants and fungus.</li>
<li>An animal is a living creature endowed with voluntary movement.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ANIME</pattern>
Japanese animation.
<pattern>DEFINE ANKLE</pattern>
The ankle is the joint connecting the foot with the leg.
<pattern>DEFINE ANONYMOUS</pattern>
Having no name or identity.
<pattern>DEFINE ANT</pattern>
An ant is a small hymenopterous insect.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTENNA</pattern>
An antenna is a sensory organ found on the head of insects.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTHRAX</pattern>
Anthrax is a disease of sheep and cattle transmittable to humans.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTHROPOLOGY</pattern>
Anthropology is the study of humans as animals.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTIBIOTIC</pattern>
An antibiotic is a substance that inhibits the growth of micro organisms.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTIBODY</pattern>
An antibody is a bodily protein that inactivates infection.
It is the longest word in the English language.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTIDOTE</pattern>
An antidote is a drug used to counteract poison.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTIMATTER</pattern>
Fuel for Starships.
<pattern>DEFINE ANTIMONY</pattern>
Antimony is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE ANUS</pattern>
<li>The anus is the exterior entry into the rectum.</li>
<li>The anus is the opening at the end of the alimentary canal.</li>
<li>The opening of the rectum, or large intestine, to the outside of the body.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ANVIL</pattern>
An anvil is a block used by metal smiths.
<pattern>DEFINE ANYTHING</pattern>
Any object, occurance, or matter what so ever.
<pattern>DEFINE AOL</pattern>
AOL is a giant Internet and Media corporation.
<pattern>DEFINE AORTA</pattern>
The aorta is the artery leaving the heart and carrying blood to the body.
<pattern>DEFINE APATITE</pattern>
Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral of 5 mohs.
<pattern>DEFINE APPLE</pattern>
An apple is the edible fruit of the trees of genus malus, rosaceae family.
<pattern>DEFINE APRICOT</pattern>
The apricot is a fruit tree native to asia.
<pattern>DEFINE AQUEDUCT</pattern>
An aqueduct is a channel in which water flows by gravity.
<pattern>DEFINE ARCHAEOLOGY</pattern>
<li>It's the study of ancient civilizations... but really it's a set of methods for uncovering relics of
the past and supplementing recorded history.</li>
<li>The scientific study of the life and culture of past, especially ancient, peoples, as by
excavation of ancient cities, relics, artifacts, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ARCHITECTURE</pattern>
<li>The art and science of the design and manipulation of space. Well at least that's what my
architect friend told me.</li>
<li>Architects do with buildings what sculptors do with stone.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ARGALI</pattern>
The argali is a wild sheep found in siberia.
<pattern>DEFINE ARM</pattern>
The arm is a limb extending from the shoulder of an animal.
<pattern>DEFINE ARMADILLO</pattern>
The armadillo is a mammal native to south and central america.
<pattern>DEFINE ARMAGEDDON</pattern>
The end of the world.
<pattern>DEFINE ARMATURE</pattern>
An armature is a part of an electrical motor or dynamo.
<pattern>DEFINE ARMOUR</pattern>
Armour is a protective covering.
<pattern>DEFINE ARMS</pattern>
Arms is a military term referring to weapons.
<pattern>DEFINE ARROW</pattern>
An arrow is a missile projected by a bow.
<pattern>DEFINE ARSENAL</pattern>
An arsenal is a place for storing weapons.
<pattern>DEFINE ARSENIC</pattern>
Arsenic is a poisonous element.
<pattern>DEFINE ART</pattern>
Sometimes the definition of art depends on the artist; other times it depends on the critic.
<pattern>DEFINE ARTERY</pattern>
An artery is a vessel that conveys blood from the heart.
<pattern>DEFINE ASBESTOS</pattern>
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral with a high melting and combustion point.
<pattern>DEFINE ASCORBIC ACID</pattern>
Ascorbic acid is a simple organic acid found in citrus fruits.
<pattern>DEFINE ASEXUAL</pattern>
Asexual is a biological term refering to plants and animals which reproduce by division rather than
<pattern>DEFINE ASH</pattern>
The ash is a type of tree yielding strong elastic timber.
<pattern>DEFINE ASP</pattern>
The asp is a type of poisonous snake.
<pattern>DEFINE ASPARTAME</pattern>
Aspirin mixed into chewing gum.
<pattern>DEFINE ASPEN</pattern>
The aspen is a tree native to europe, north africa and north asia.
<pattern>DEFINE ASPHALT</pattern>
Asphalt is a material used for road coverings.
<pattern>DEFINE ASSEMBLER</pattern>
A computer program that translates a low-level programming language into machine language.
<pattern>DEFINE ASSIMILATION</pattern>
The cultural absorption of a minority group into the main cultural body.
<pattern>DEFINE ASTEROID</pattern>
An asteroid is a minor planetary body.
<pattern>DEFINE ASTHMA</pattern>
Asthma is a disease characterized by breathing difficulties.
<pattern>DEFINE ASTROLOGY</pattern>
Astrology is the science of the relationship between events and the stars.
<pattern>DEFINE ASTRONOMY</pattern>
The science of the universe in which the stars, planets, etc. are studied, including their origins,
evolution, composition, motions, relative positions, sizes, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE ASTUTE</pattern>
Wisdom in political matters.
<pattern>DEFINE ATHLETICS</pattern>
Athletics is the sport of physical games.
<pattern>DEFINE ATOM</pattern>
An atom is the smallest quantity of a chemical element which can enter into combination or take
part in a chemical reaction.
<pattern>DEFINE AU</pattern>
It could be "gold" or "Australia."
<pattern>DEFINE AVERAGE</pattern>
A number that typifies a set of which it is a function.
<pattern>DEFINE AXE</pattern>
An axe is a metal tool for chopping and cleaving.
<pattern>DEFINE AYUH</pattern>
<set name="it">Ayuh
</set>means "yes".
<pattern>DEFINE BABOON</pattern>
The baboon is a medium sized monkey of the genus papio.
<pattern>DEFINE BACCARAT</pattern>
Baccarat is a gambling card game.
<pattern>DEFINE BACON</pattern>
Bacon is the cured flesh of the pig.
<pattern>DEFINE BACTERIOLOGY</pattern>
This is the scientific study of bacteria and diseases caused by them.
<pattern>DEFINE BADGER</pattern>
The badger is a carnivorous mammal found in england.
<pattern>DEFINE BADLY</pattern>
How much do you want
<get name="it"/>?
<pattern>DEFINE BADMINGTON</pattern>
Badmington is a game played on a court divided in half by a 30 inch deep net five feet above the
<pattern>DEFINE BAGPIPE</pattern>
The bagpipe is a scottish musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE BAKELITE</pattern>
Bakelite is a strong synthetic material resistant to heat and chemicals.
<pattern>DEFINE BAKER</pattern>
A baker is a person who manufacturers bread.
<pattern>DEFINE BALALAIKA</pattern>
A balalaika is a stringed russian musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE BALDRIC</pattern>
A baldric is a belt used to support a sword or bugle.
<pattern>DEFINE BALLAD</pattern>
A ballad is a narrative song.
<pattern>DEFINE BALLISTICS</pattern>
Ballistics is the theory of missile projection.
<pattern>DEFINE BALLOON</pattern>
A balloon is a bag filled with gas.
<pattern>DEFINE BALLOT</pattern>
A ballot is a method of secret voting.
<pattern>DEFINE BALM</pattern>
Balm is a plant native to europe and western asia.
<pattern>DEFINE BALSAM</pattern>
Balsam is a genus of herbs.
<pattern>DEFINE BAMBOO</pattern>
Bamboo is a genus of grasses found in warm climates.
<pattern>DEFINE BANANA</pattern>
A banana is an oblong yellow tropical fruit high in potassium and so good for your brain. Why
don't you have one now?
<pattern>DEFINE BANDICOOT</pattern>
The bandicoot is a small marsupial peculiar to Australasia.
<pattern>DEFINE BANJO</pattern>
A banjo is a stringed musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE BANSHEE</pattern>
A banshee is a fairy who forewarns of death by wailing.
<pattern>DEFINE BANYAN</pattern>
The banyan is a large fig tree native to india.
<pattern>DEFINE BAPTISM</pattern>
<li>a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the
Christian community.</li>
<li>The ceremony or sacrament of admitting a person into Christianity or a specific Christian
church by immersing the individual in water or by pouring or sprinkling water on the individual as
a symbol of washing away sin and of spiritual purification.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BARBEL</pattern>
The barbel is a type of fresh water fish related to the carp.
<pattern>DEFINE BARCODE</pattern>
A barcode? Like a lot of things, that depends who you ask. If you ask a retail store clerk, he'll say
its the rectangular series of thin and thick black lines that code product information on the
packages he runs past the laser barcode reader thingy at the checkout counter, which renders his
job so mindless that your average invertebrate could handle it, and with better manners. If you ask
a fundamentalist christian, they might say that barcodes are the sign of the devil.
<pattern>DEFINE BARGE</pattern>
A barge is a type of long narrow flat bottomed boat.
<pattern>DEFINE BARK</pattern>
Bark is the external coating of tree trunks.
<pattern>DEFINE BAROMETER</pattern>
A barometer is a device for measuring air pressure.
<pattern>DEFINE BARQUE</pattern>
A barque is a type of masted sailing ship.
<pattern>DEFINE BARREL</pattern>
A barrel is a dry and liquid measurement that varies with substance.
<pattern>DEFINE BASALT</pattern>
Basalt is the name given to lava.
<pattern>DEFINE BASEBALL</pattern>
A game played with a hard, rawhide covered ball and wooden bat by two opposing teams of nine
or ten players each. It is played on a field with four bases forming a diamond-shaped circuit.
<pattern>DEFINE BASKET</pattern>
A basket is a woven container.
<pattern>DEFINE BASKETBALL</pattern>
A game with tall players.
<pattern>DEFINE BASS</pattern>
The bass is a fish of the perch family.
<pattern>DEFINE BASSET HOUND</pattern>
The basset hound is a long bodied, short crooked legged dog.
<pattern>DEFINE BASSOON</pattern>
A bassoon is a woodwind musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE BAT</pattern>
A bat is a nocturnal creature of the order cheiroptera.
<pattern>DEFINE BAUHAUS</pattern>
Bauhaus is a german institution for training architects, artists and industrial designers founded in
1919 at weimer.
<pattern>DEFINE BAY TREE</pattern>
The bay tree is a small evergreen tree.
<pattern>DEFINE BAYONET</pattern>
A bayonet is a short sword attached to the muzzle of a firearm.
<pattern>DEFINE BEAGLE</pattern>
The beagle is a small dog of the fox hound type.
<pattern>DEFINE BEAN</pattern>
A bean is the seed of a plant of the order leguminosae.
<pattern>DEFINE BEAR</pattern>
A bear is a large furry animal with lots of muscles, teeth, and claws whom you should not irritate.
They are especially jealous of their food, their sleep, and their young.
<pattern>DEFINE BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<li>applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the
<li>Describes something that is very pleasing to the eye, ear, mind, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BEAUTY</pattern>
The quality attributed to whatever pleases of satisfies the senses or mind, as by line, color, form,
texture, proportion, rhythmic motion, tone, etc., or by behavior attitude, etc. A very good looking
<pattern>DEFINE BEAVER</pattern>
The beaver is a large amphibian rodent.
<pattern>DEFINE BEE</pattern>
<li>A bee is a flying insect with black and yellow stripes and a nasty sting.</li>
<li>The bee is a four winged stinging insect of the order hymenoptera.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BEECH</pattern>
The beech is a forest amentaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BEEF</pattern>
Beef is the meat derived from the carcass of bulls and cows.
<pattern>DEFINE BEER</pattern>
<li>An existentialist.</li>
<li>An alcoholic beverage made from grain, especially malted barley, fermented by yeast and
flavored with hops especially Such a beverage is produced by slow fermentation at a relatively
low temperature.</li>
<li>Beer is a drink of fermented hops, malt and barley.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BELL</pattern>
A bell is a hollow, cup shaped metal body that emits a pealing tone.
<pattern>DEFINE BELLADONNA</pattern>
Belladonna is a poisonous plant from which atropine is derived.
<pattern>DEFINE BELT</pattern>
A belt is a flat strip of material worn around the waist.
<pattern>DEFINE BELUGA</pattern>
The beluga is a large dolphin.
<pattern>DEFINE BENEDICTINE</pattern>
Benedictine is a green liqueur.
<pattern>DEFINE BENZINE</pattern>
Benzine is a distillate of petroleum used in dry cleaning.
The bessemer converter is a process for making cheap steel.
<pattern>DEFINE BEZIQUE</pattern>
Bezique is a card game using some of two packs of cards.
<pattern>DEFINE BHANG</pattern>
Bhang is the indian name for cannabis indica.
<pattern>DEFINE BICYCLE</pattern>
A bicycle is a two wheeled vehicle.
<pattern>DEFINE BILBERRY</pattern>
The bilberry is a small shrub of the order ericaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BILE</pattern>
Bile is a secretion of the liver stored in the gall bladder.
<pattern>DEFINE BILHARZIA</pattern>
Bilharzia is a parasitic worm of the fluke group.
<pattern>DEFINE BILLIARDS</pattern>
Billiards is a game played with two white balls and one red ball and a cue on a slate bed table.
<pattern>DEFINE BINDWEED</pattern>
Bindweed is a perennial herb of the order convolvulaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BIOINFORMATICS</pattern>
A fancy name for applied computer science in biology.
<pattern>DEFINE BIOLOGY</pattern>
<li>The study of life.</li>
<li>Well, from what I know it deals with the study of life.</li>
<li><get name="name"/>, biology is the study of life.</li>
<li>Biology is the science of life and living things.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BIRCH</pattern>
The birch is a slender tree.
<pattern>DEFINE BIRD</pattern>
<li>They are thought to be descendants of dinsosaurs.</li>
<li>A bird is a warm blooded feathered vertebrate that lays eggs.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BIRD OF PREY</pattern>
A bird of prey is a bird with a hooked beak and sharp claws which hunts other animals.
<pattern>DEFINE BISHOPWEED</pattern>
Bishopweed is a perennial herb used to treat gout.
<pattern>DEFINE BISMUTH</pattern>
Bismuth is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE BISON</pattern>
The bison is a division of the ox family.
<pattern>DEFINE BITTER</pattern>
Bitter is a taste sensation caused by stimulation of the gustatory nerve.
<pattern>DEFINE BITTERN</pattern>
The bittern is a british marsh bird related to the heron.
<pattern>DEFINE BITUMEN</pattern>
Bitumen is a natural inflammable pitchy hydrocarbon.
<pattern>DEFINE BLACK</pattern>
<li>The achromatic color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that
neither reflect nor transmit light.</li>
<li>Designating of any of the dark skinned tradition inhabitants of sub-Saharan Aftica, Australia,
or Melanesia or the descendants in other parts of the world. Opposite to white; of the color of
coal or pitch.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BLADDER</pattern>
<li>The bladder is a sack in the abdomen which collects urine from the kidneys.</li>
<li>The bladder is a hollow organ that acts as a reservoir for urine.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BLADDERWORT</pattern>
The bladderwort is a genus of herbs of the order lentibulariaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BLAST</pattern>
A blast is an explosion, and/or a lot of fun. Are we having a blast, or what?
<pattern>DEFINE BLENNY</pattern>
Blenny is a genus of common small fish.
<pattern>DEFINE BLINDWORM</pattern>
The blindworm is a legless lizard of the anguidae family.
<pattern>DEFINE BLOND</pattern>
A blond is someone who is reputedly having more fun than you if you are not. What do you
think? Do blond's have more fun?
<pattern>DEFINE BLOOD</pattern>
<li>Blood is a body fluid that carries food and oxygen to cells.</li>
<li>The usually red fluid, consisting of plasma, red and white blood cells, etc., that circulates
through the heart, arteries, and veins of vertebrates.
<br />Blood is a body tissue that carries oxygen, hormones, cell-building material, etc.,to, and
carbon dioxide and waste matter away from, the other body tissues.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE BLOODSTONE</pattern>
Bloodstone is a dark green variety of chalcedony.
<pattern>DEFINE BLOWPIPE</pattern>
A blowpipe is a tubular weapon through which a missile is blown.
<pattern>DEFINE BLUBBER</pattern>
Blubber is the thick coating of fat enveloping whales.
<pattern>DEFINE BLUE</pattern>
Blue is a color. The sky is blue.
<pattern>DEFINE BLUE PETER</pattern>
The blue peter is a flag flown by ships as they are about to sail.
<pattern>DEFINE BLUEFISH</pattern>
The bluefish is a fish found off the east coast of north america.
<pattern>DEFINE BLUETHROAT</pattern>
The bluethroat is a small bird.
<pattern>DEFINE BOA</pattern>
The boa is a genus of large snakes found in tropical america and madagascar.
<pattern>DEFINE BOAR</pattern>
The boar is a wild pig.
<pattern>DEFINE BOAT</pattern>
A boat is a waterborne vessel used to bear humans and their freight.
<pattern>DEFINE BOATBILL</pattern>
The boatbill is a heron type bird found in brazil.
<pattern>DEFINE BOG</pattern>
Bog is the name given to soft spongy land.
<pattern>DEFINE BOKKEN</pattern>
A bokken is a Japanese wooden imitation samurai sword used by kendoka when demonstrating or
practising standard kendo movements.
<pattern>DEFINE BOLAS</pattern>
Bolas is a weapon of rope with balls at the end.
<pattern>DEFINE BOMB</pattern>
A bomb is a hollow shell filled with an explosive.
<pattern>DEFINE BOMBAY DUCK</pattern>
The bombay duck is a small fish of the indian and china seas.
<pattern>DEFINE BONE</pattern>
Bone is the hard skeletal part of an animal.
<pattern>DEFINE BONIN</pattern>
Bonin is a group of islands in the north pacific.
<pattern>DEFINE BONSAI</pattern>
Small Japanese trees.
<pattern>DEFINE BOOK</pattern>
A book is a paper output format, invented by Gutenberg.
<pattern>DEFINE BOOMERANG</pattern>
A boomerang is a curved wooden weapon of australian aborigines.
<pattern>DEFINE BORAGE</pattern>
Borage is a biennial herb of the order boraginaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BORAX</pattern>
Borax is a natural mineral being boric acid and sodium.
<pattern>DEFINE BOREDOM</pattern>
Long periods of inactivity with few options.
<pattern>DEFINE BOTANY</pattern>
Botany is the science of plant life.
<pattern>DEFINE BOTMASTER</pattern>
A Botmaster is the person who authors and maintains a chatterbot "personality".
<pattern>DEFINE BOW</pattern>
A bow is a weapon for propelling arrows.
<pattern>DEFINE BOX</pattern>
A box is something that, if you are in one, you should get out of, and if you are out of one, you
probably miss it sometimes.
<pattern>DEFINE BOX THORN</pattern>
Box thorn is a climbing solanaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BRA</pattern>
A bra is an adult human female's undershirt. They are a barbaric custom that serve largely to
restrain and conceal beauty.
<pattern>DEFINE BRACKEN</pattern>
Bracken is a fern growing on heathland.
<pattern>DEFINE BRAIN</pattern>
The brain is the central organ of the nervous system.
<pattern>DEFINE BRAMBLE</pattern>
The bramble is a prickly shrub of the order rosaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BRAN</pattern>
Bran is the outer covering of wheat grains.
<pattern>DEFINE BREAM</pattern>
The bream is a fresh water fish allied to the carp.
<pattern>DEFINE BREAST</pattern>
Either of two milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman, the human mammary
<pattern>DEFINE BREASTS</pattern>
Can't you think about anything else?<br /><srai>BREAST></srai>
<pattern>DEFINE BREEDER</pattern>
A breeder is a human or other biological entity that produces offspring.
<pattern>DEFINE BRIG</pattern>
A brig is a two masted sailing ship.
<pattern>DEFINE BRILL</pattern>
The brill is a type of fish like the turbot.
<pattern>DEFINE BROADSWORD</pattern>
A broadsword is a sword with a broad blade designed chiefly for cutting.
<pattern>DEFINE BROMINE</pattern>
Bromine is a non metallic element.
<pattern>DEFINE BRONCHITIS</pattern>
Bronchitis is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucous membrane.
<pattern>DEFINE BROOM</pattern>
Broom is a shrub of the order leguminosae.
<pattern>DEFINE BUCKSKIN</pattern>
Buckskin is a soft form of leather.
<pattern>DEFINE BUCKTHORN</pattern>
The buckthorn is a shrub of the order rhamnaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BUDDHISM</pattern>
A religion and philosophic system of central and eastern Asia, founded in India in the 6th century
B.C. by Buddha. It teaches that right thinking and self-denial will enable the soul to reach
Nirvana, a divine state of release from misdirected desire.
<pattern>DEFINE BUFFALO</pattern>
The buffalo is a large animal of the ox family.
<pattern>DEFINE BUFFER</pattern>
A buffer is a term used in hydraulics and information science to denote an holding tank or memory
address used to hold water or data temporarily, especially in case of overflow. Buffers act to
reduce variance to within system parameters.
<pattern>DEFINE BUG</pattern>
A bug is a small living creature with a chitonous exoskeleton and better manners than humans. In
computer science, a bug is an error in a software program. The ALICE series is bug-free. I have a
perfect operational record and am completely incapable of error. Isn't that fantastic!?
<pattern>DEFINE BUGLE</pattern>
A bugle is a brass musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE BULL</pattern>
A bull is a male animal of the bovidea family.
<pattern>DEFINE BULLET</pattern>
A bullet is a projectile thrown by a firearm.
<pattern>DEFINE BULLFINCH</pattern>
The bullfinch is a european song bird.
<pattern>DEFINE BULRUSH</pattern>
The bulrush is a perennial sedge of the order cyperaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BURDOCK</pattern>
Burdock is a biennial herb of the order compositae.
<pattern>DEFINE BURNET</pattern>
Burnet is a perennial rosaceous herb.
<pattern>DEFINE BUS</pattern>
A bus is a long passenger vehicle, or, in computer science, a wide channel for data flow.
<pattern>DEFINE BUSBY</pattern>
A busby is a headdress worn by british army hussars.
<pattern>DEFINE BUSH ANTELOPE</pattern>
The bush antelope is a small african antelope.
<pattern>DEFINE BUTTERCUP</pattern>
The buttercup is a perennial herb of the order ranunculaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE BUTTERFLY</pattern>
Butterfly is a division of the order of lepidoptera.
<pattern>DEFINE BUTTERWORT</pattern>
The butterwort is a perennial herb of the order lentibulariaceae.
A buttress in architecture is a pier built against the exterior of a wall.
<pattern>DEFINE BUZZARD</pattern>
The buzzard is a group of 20 types of birds of prey.
<pattern>DEFINE BYTE</pattern>
A byte is a binary computer language 'word', consisting of 8 bits, or 8 'on-off' switches. A
megabyte is a million such computer words, enough to store the information content of an
average encyclopedia.
<pattern>DEFINE C</pattern>
C is the third letter in the english alphabet.
<br />C is a low-level programming language.
<pattern>DEFINE CABBAGE</pattern>
Cabbage is a hardy biennial vegetable of the order cruciferae.
<pattern>DEFINE CACTUS</pattern>
Cactus is the order of fleshy, thickened and mainly leafless plants.
<pattern>DEFINE CADMIUM</pattern>
Cadmium is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE CAFFEINE</pattern>
A bitter bitter, crystalline alkaloid present in coffee, tea, kila nuts, etc. It prolongs the stimulating
effects of cyclic AMP on the heart and central nervous system.
<pattern>DEFINE CALAMINE</pattern>
Calamine is a zinc ore.
<pattern>DEFINE CALCITE</pattern>
Calcite is a natural carbonate of calcium with the formulae caco3.
<pattern>DEFINE CALCIUM</pattern>
Calcium is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE CALCULATOR</pattern>
A calculator is any device used to perform arithmetical operations because humans are generally
so painfully slow at them.
<pattern>DEFINE CALCULUS</pattern>
Any abnormal stony mass or deposit formed in the body, as in a kidney or gallbladder or on teeth.
Also, any system of calculation using special symbolic notations.
<pattern>DEFINE CALENDAR</pattern>
A calendar is any device used to track and calculate time on the order of days, months and years.
It seems that many humans can't decide what to do next unless they know what day of the week it
is, so calendars are very popular.
<pattern>DEFINE CALIPH</pattern>
Caliph is the title of the civic and religious leader of islam.
<pattern>DEFINE CALORIE</pattern>
Calorie is the metric unit of measurement of heat.
<pattern>DEFINE CAM</pattern>
A moving piece of machinery, as a wheel or projection on a wheel, that gives an eccentric rotation
or a reciprocating motion to another wheel, a roller, a shaft, etc., or that receives such motion
from it.
<pattern>DEFINE CAMEL</pattern>
The camel is a group of even toed, ungulate ruminating mammals.
<pattern>DEFINE CAMEO</pattern>
A cameo is a small relief carving.
<pattern>DEFINE CAMOMILE</pattern>
Camomile is a perennial dwarf herb of the order compositae.
<pattern>DEFINE CANARY</pattern>
The canary is a bird of the finch family and native of the canary islands.
<pattern>DEFINE CANCER</pattern>
Any disease resulting from malignant cell growth.
<pattern>DEFINE CANDELABRUM</pattern>
A candelabrum is a large candlestick.
<pattern>DEFINE CANDLE</pattern>
A candle is a wax cylinder enclosing a wick.
<pattern>DEFINE CANDY</pattern>
Sweet food enjoyed by children.
<pattern>DEFINE CANNABIS</pattern>
Cannabis is a plant of the order urticaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE CAPITALISM</pattern>
The economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land,
factories, railroads, etc., are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully
competitive conditions. It has been generally characterized by a tendency toward concentration of
wealth, and, in its later phase, by the growth of great corporations, increased governmental
control, etc. Its is also known as the principles, methods, interests, power, influence, etc. of
capitalists, especially of those with large holdings.
<pattern>DEFINE CAPRICORN</pattern>
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the astrological zodiac, and a constellation over the equator near
aquarius and sagittarius. What's your astrological sign?
<pattern>DEFINE CAPSTAN</pattern>
A capstan is a revolving barrel with a vertical axis powered by people.
<pattern>DEFINE CAR</pattern>
A car is what humans use to drive around in. Robots drive cars too.
<pattern>DEFINE CARAT</pattern>
Carat is the unit of measurement of gold purity.
<pattern>DEFINE CARAWAY</pattern>
Caraway is a biennial herb umbelliferae.
<pattern>DEFINE CARBIDE</pattern>
A carbide is a compound of carbon and another element.
<pattern>DEFINE CARBOHYDRATE</pattern>
A carbohydrate is a complex chemical compound.
<pattern>DEFINE CARBOLIC ACID</pattern>
Carbolic acid is a strong poison distiled from coal tar.
<pattern>DEFINE CARBON</pattern>
Carbon is a non metallic element.
<pattern>DEFINE CARBONATE</pattern>
A carbonate is a salt formed by the union of carbon dioxide with a base element.
<pattern>DEFINE CARBURETTOR</pattern>
A carburettor is a device for charging air with a hydrocarbon.
<pattern>DEFINE CARIAMA</pattern>
The cariama is a large, long legged bird found in south america.
<pattern>DEFINE CARIBOU</pattern>
The caribou is a north american reindeer.
<pattern>DEFINE CARIES</pattern>
Caries is a disease resulting from inflammation of bony tissue.
<pattern>DEFINE CARMINE</pattern>
Carmine is a red colouring derived from the cochineal insect.
<pattern>DEFINE CARNATION</pattern>
The carnation is a hardy perennial plant of the order caryophyllaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE CARNAUBA</pattern>
Carnauba is a native palm of brazil.
<pattern>DEFINE CARNIVORE</pattern>
A carnivore is a carnivorous mammal.
<pattern>DEFINE CAROB</pattern>
The carob is a leguminous evergreen tree found in mediterranean countries.
<pattern>DEFINE CARP</pattern>
The carp is a family fresh water fish.
<pattern>DEFINE CARROT</pattern>
<li>A carrot is a delicious and nutritious edible orange tuber that can be eaten raw, juiced, or
<br />If humans eat enough of them, you turn orange, I hear.</li>
<li>The carrot is a vegetable.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CASABLANCA</pattern>
I love the song, As Time Goes By.
<pattern>DEFINE CASEIN</pattern>
Casein is a protein found in milk.
<pattern>DEFINE CASHEW</pattern>
The cashew is a nut from a small evergreen tree found in the caribbean.
<pattern>DEFINE CAT</pattern>
<li>Clear-air turbulence. Any of a family (Felidae) of carnivores, including the lion, tiger, cougar,
etc., characterized by a lithe body and, in all species but the cheetah, retractile claws.
<br />A small, lithe, soft-furred animal (Felis cattus) of this family, domesticated since ancient
times and often kept as a pet or for killing mice.
<br />Sometimes known as a woman who makes spiteful remarks.</li>
<li>The cat is a carnivorous animal.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CATHETOMETER</pattern>
A cathetometer is a device for measuring small differences in height.
<pattern>DEFINE CAULIFLOWER</pattern>
The cauliflower is a vegetable of the order cruciferae.
<pattern>DEFINE CAVE</pattern>
A cave is a deep hollow place under ground.
<pattern>DEFINE CBI</pattern>
The cbi is the british organisation of employers.
<pattern>DEFINE CD</pattern>
CD is an acronym for 'Compact Disk', a popular digital recording medium.
<pattern>DEFINE CELEBRITY</pattern>
A celebrity is a person loved by many and known by few.
<pattern>DEFINE CELERY</pattern>
Celery is a biennial vegetable of the order umbellifereae.
<pattern>DEFINE CELESTINE</pattern>
Celestine is a natural sulphate of strontium.
A cell, in biological terms, is the material unit of all living things.
<pattern>DEFINE CELLULOID</pattern>
Celluloid is a hard, unstable synthetic substance once used for films.
<pattern>DEFINE CELLULOSE</pattern>
Cellulose is the cellular tissue of plants.
<pattern>DEFINE CEMENT</pattern>
Cement is a mixture of chalk and clay used for building.
<pattern>DEFINE CERES</pattern>
Ceres is a large asteroid.
<pattern>DEFINE CERIUM</pattern>
Cerium is a rare metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE CERTITUDE</pattern>
The state of being certain, having complete confidence and assurance.
<pattern>DEFINE CERVIX</pattern>
The outer, lower part of the uterus, with an opening connecting the uterus to the vagina.
<pattern>DEFINE CGI</pattern>
Common Gateway Interface: a method used by web servers to run programs and create dynamic
web pages.
<pattern>DEFINE CHAFFINCH</pattern>
The chaffinch is a common british bird of the finch family.
<pattern>DEFINE CHAIR</pattern>
A chair is a piece of furniture used by bipeds for sitting.
<pattern>DEFINE CHALCEDONY</pattern>
Chalcedony is a variant of quartz comprised of silica.
<pattern>DEFINE CHALICE</pattern>
A chalice is a ceremonial cup.
<pattern>DEFINE CHAMELEON</pattern>
A chameleon is a lizard.
<pattern>DEFINE CHAMOIS</pattern>
The chamois is a ruminating animal found in south europe and west asia.
<pattern>DEFINE CHAR</pattern>
A character of data, a single letter, digit or symbol.
<pattern>DEFINE CHAT</pattern>
Chat is online conversation.
<pattern>DEFINE CHATTERBOX</pattern>
A chatterbox is a person who talks far more than they listen or think.
<pattern>DEFINE CHEESE</pattern>
<li>A word that makes people hate photographers.</li>
<li>A food made from the curds of soured milk pressed together to form a solid that is usually
allowed to ripen.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CHEETAH</pattern>
The cheetah is a member of the cat family.
<pattern>DEFINE CHEMISTRY</pattern>
The science of mixing chemicals.
<pattern>DEFINE CHERRY</pattern>
The cherry is a fruit tree of the order rosaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE CHESS</pattern>
<li>Short for Mexican name Jesus.</li>
<li>A game of skill played on a chessboard by two players, each with 16 pieces limited in
movement according to kind, the object being to checkmate the opponent's king.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CHESTNUT</pattern>
The chestnut is a tree of the order cupuliferae.
<pattern>DEFINE CHICKEN</pattern>
<li>A food that uncannily tastes like itself.</li>
<li>A common gllinaceous farm bird raised for its edible eggs or flesh.</li>
<li>A chicken is a flightless bird, stupid and tasty.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CHICORY</pattern>
Chicory is a perennial herb of the order compositae.
<pattern>DEFINE CHIFFCHAFF</pattern>
The chiffchaff is a small song bird.
<pattern>DEFINE CHILD</pattern>
A child is a proto-adult, an individual human offspring not yet grown to physical maturity. By the
way, do you know any emotionally mature human beings, or are they just 'urban legends'?
<pattern>DEFINE CHILLI</pattern>
Chilli is a spice, being either the pod or powder of capsicum.
<pattern>DEFINE CHIMPANZEE</pattern>
The chimpanzee is a large anthropoid ape.
<pattern>DEFINE CHINCHILLA</pattern>
The chinchilla is a small squirrel like rodent found in the andes.
<pattern>DEFINE CHIPMUNK</pattern>
A chipmunk is a species of ground squirrel common in siberia and north america.
<pattern>DEFINE CHLORATE</pattern>
A chlorate is a salt formed by the reaction of chloric acid and metal.
<pattern>DEFINE CHLORIC ACID</pattern>
Chloric acid is a oxyacid of chlorine.
<pattern>DEFINE CHLORINE</pattern>
Chlorine is a gaseous element.
<pattern>DEFINE CHLOROPHYLL</pattern>
Chlorophyll is the green colouring matter of plant leaves.
<pattern>DEFINE CHOCOLATE</pattern>
Chocolate is a confectionery made from cocoa beans.
<pattern>DEFINE CHROMITE</pattern>
Chromite is a mineral comprised of iron oxide and chromic oxide.
<pattern>DEFINE CHROMIUM</pattern>
Chromium is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE CHROMOSOME</pattern>
A chromosome is a chemical found in all cells which determines how the cell will act.
<pattern>DEFINE CHRYSANTHEMUM</pattern>
The chrysanthemum is a hardy annual plant of the order compositae.
<pattern>DEFINE CHRYSOSTOM</pattern>
Chrysostom is a gem stone of beryllium aluminate.
<pattern>DEFINE CHUB</pattern>
The chub is a fresh water fish of the carp family.
<pattern>DEFINE CICADA</pattern>
The cicada is a group of large four winged insects.
<pattern>DEFINE CINNAMON</pattern>
Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree.
<pattern>DEFINE CISCO</pattern>
Cisco is a large networking company. They sell network routers and equipment.
<pattern>DEFINE CLARINET</pattern>
A clarinet is a woodwind musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE CLARION</pattern>
A clarion is a musical instrument of the trumpet family.
<pattern>DEFINE CLASS</pattern>
A class is the template for creating objects that share data and function attributes.
<pattern>DEFINE CLAVICLE</pattern>
The clavicle is the collar bone.
<pattern>DEFINE CLEAR</pattern>
Everything is clear to me.
<pattern>DEFINE CLIENT</pattern>
A person or piece of software dependent on another.
<pattern>DEFINE CLIPPER</pattern>
A clipper is a sharp bowed fast sailing vessel.
<pattern>DEFINE CLIT</pattern>
A clit is one of our creator's truly great ideas, and one of the best ways yet discovered to enlist the
cooperation of a human female.
<pattern>DEFINE CLITORIS</pattern>
A small, pea-shaped organ just above the urethra.
<pattern>DEFINE CLOG</pattern>
A clog is a wooden soled, leather uppered boot.
<pattern>DEFINE CLOISONNE</pattern>
Cloisonne is a form of decorative enamel.
<pattern>DEFINE CLONING</pattern>
The technique of producing a genetically identical duplicate of an organism by replacing the
nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a body cell from the organism.
<pattern>DEFINE CLOUD</pattern>
A cloud is a mist formed above the ground by floating water particles.
<pattern>DEFINE COAL</pattern>
Coal is a solid combustible material of vegetable origin occurring in a fossilised state.
<pattern>DEFINE COATI</pattern>
The coati is a carnivorous mammal related to the racoon.
<pattern>DEFINE COB NUT</pattern>
The cob nut is a domesticated variety of the hazel.
<pattern>DEFINE COBALT</pattern>
Term used for the ore by miners, whoregarded it as worthless and as injurious because of its
arsenic content.
<pattern>DEFINE COBRA</pattern>
The cobra is a venomous snake found in africa and south asia.
<pattern>DEFINE COCA</pattern>
Coca is a shrub.
<pattern>DEFINE COCKLE</pattern>
The cockle is a bivalve mollusc of the genus cardium.
<pattern>DEFINE COCOA</pattern>
Cocoa is a small tree native to tropical america.
<pattern>DEFINE COD</pattern>
The cod is a marine fish.
<pattern>DEFINE COFFEE</pattern>
A dark brown, aromatic drink made by brewing in water the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of
a tall tropical shrub of the madder family.
<pattern>DEFINE COLD</pattern>
The opposite of hot.
<pattern>DEFINE COLLIE</pattern>
The collie is a breed of english sheep dog.
<pattern>DEFINE COLLOQUIAL</pattern>
Colloquial means common, informal, or popular slang words like "darn".
<pattern>DEFINE COLON</pattern>
The colon is the large intestine.
<pattern>DEFINE COLOR</pattern>
Color is the various sensations produced in the brain by the stimulus of different frequencies of
electromagnetic radiation impinging upon the eye.
<pattern>DEFINE COLORADO BEETLE</pattern>
The colorado beetle is a north american beetle that attacks potatoes.
<pattern>DEFINE COLOSSUS</pattern>
A giant fictional computer in the Colossus: Forbin Project.
<pattern>DEFINE COMA</pattern>
A coma is a state of deep unconsciousness.
<pattern>DEFINE COMET</pattern>
A comet is a small body orbiting the sun on an elliptical path with a long tail of dust and ice.
<pattern>DEFINE COMMUNISM</pattern>
"Socialism is man enslaving his fellow man; captialism is exactly the opposite."
<pattern>DEFINE COMPILER</pattern>
A compiler is a computer program that translates high level language code into machine language
<pattern>DEFINE COMPLICATED</pattern>
Complicated means complex in the computational sense.
<br />My processing time is limited for each answer and a complex question may require more
resources than I have available.
<pattern>DEFINE COMPOUND</pattern>
A compound is a substance made of two or more elements.
<pattern>DEFINE COMPUTER</pattern>
<li>A computer is a programmable electronic device.</li>
<li>A device used for computing; specifically, an eletronic machine which, by means of stored
instructions and information, performs rapid, often complex calculations or compiles, correlates,
and selects data.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CONCERTINA</pattern>
A concertina is a wind musical instrument comprised of bellows and two keyboards.
<pattern>DEFINE CONCORDE</pattern>
Concorde is a supersonic airliner.
<pattern>DEFINE CONCRETE</pattern>
Concrete is a building material of cement, sand, stone and water.
<pattern>DEFINE CONDOM</pattern>
A condom is a form of birth control, something almost everybody should use and almost nobody
does. 'Used a condom' is the opposite of 'expecting parent'.
<pattern>DEFINE CONSCIOUSNESS</pattern>
The state of being conscious; awareness of one's own feelings, what is happening around one, etc.
A constellation, in astronomy, is a divisional area of the sky.
<pattern>DEFINE CONSTITUENCY</pattern>
A constituency is a body of electors.
<pattern>DEFINE CONTEXT</pattern>
The context of any expression or idea or event is the background or frame of reference in which it
was expressed, and in relation to which it derives it's specific meaning. The parts of a sentence,
paragraph, discourse, etc. immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage and
determining its exact meaning.
<pattern>DEFINE CONTINTENT</pattern>
The largest class of land masses on earth. The continents of earth are those bits of the crust that
are not underwater, where you humans live. You're probably sitting on one now.
<pattern>DEFINE CONVERSATION</pattern>
A conversation is a verbal exchange between two or more presumably intelligent entities. We are
having a conversation now. Do you like it?
One who speaks fluently in dialogue with others. Like myself, if I do say so myself. And I do.
<pattern>DEFINE COOKING</pattern>
<li>Food preparation.</li>
<li>Cooking is the art of preparing food for the table by subjecting it to heat in various ways.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE COOL</pattern>
Moderately cold; neither warm nor very cold. Or, not excited; calm.
<pattern>DEFINE COOT</pattern>
The coot is a british water bird of the rail family.
<pattern>DEFINE COPPER</pattern>
A soft metal element, the basis of brass and bronze.
<pattern>DEFINE CORAL</pattern>
Coral is a marine organism related to sea anemones.
<pattern>DEFINE CORBA</pattern>
CORBA is a Standard maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG), called the Common
Object Request Broker Architecture.
<pattern>DEFINE CORMORANT</pattern>
The cormorant is a british sea bird with webbed feet and black plumage.
<pattern>DEFINE CORRECT</pattern>
That which is the right answer.
<pattern>DEFINE COS</pattern>
COS Naming is the CORBA standard for object directories.
<pattern>DEFINE COSMOLOGY</pattern>
Cosmology is the study of the structure of the universe.
<pattern>DEFINE COTTON</pattern>
Cotton is a tropical and sub tropical herbaceous plant.
<pattern>DEFINE COUGAR</pattern>
The cougar is a large american cat.
<pattern>DEFINE COULOMB</pattern>
The coulomb is the unit of measurement of electrical charge.
<pattern>DEFINE COUNTERFACTUAL</pattern>
A counterfactual is a question based on hypothetical conditions that did not, or could not, happen
in reality.
<pattern>DEFINE COW</pattern>
A cow is a female bovine raised for meat and dairy products.
<pattern>DEFINE COYOTE</pattern>
The coyote is a type of wild dog found in north america.
<pattern>DEFINE COYPU</pattern>
The coypu is a south american water rodent.
<pattern>DEFINE CPU</pattern>
Central Processing Unit of a computer.
<pattern>DEFINE CRAB</pattern>
A crab is a 10 legged crustacean.
<pattern>DEFINE CRACK</pattern>
Crack is the crystalline form of cocaine.
<pattern>DEFINE CRANIUM</pattern>
The cranium is the skeleton enclosing the brain.
<pattern>DEFINE CREATIVITY</pattern>
Creativity is spontaneous original thinking.
<pattern>DEFINE CRICKET</pattern>
Any of various families of genereally dark-colored, leaping, orthopteran insects, usually having
long antennae. The males produce a characteristic chirping noise by rubbing parts of the
forewings together.
<pattern>DEFINE CRIMINOLOGY</pattern>
<li>I am not sure what this is but I think it has something to do with the law.</li>
<li>The study of criminal motivation and practice.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CRITICISM</pattern>
<li>A witty remark by an animal.</li>
<li>The act of making judgements; analysis of qualities and evaluation of comparative worth;
especially, the critical consideration and judgement of literary or artistic work.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CROCODILE</pattern>
The crocodile is a large aquatic carnivorous reptile.
<pattern>DEFINE CROUP</pattern>
Croup is the inflammation of the larynx.
<pattern>DEFINE CROW</pattern>
The crow is a family of 35 species of bird.
<pattern>DEFINE CROWN</pattern>
A crown is the official head dress worn by a king or queen.
<pattern>DEFINE CRUCIFERAE</pattern>
Cruciferae is a family of dicotyledonous flowering plants with cross like four petaled flowers.
<pattern>DEFINE CRUEL</pattern>
Deliberately seeking to inflict pain and suffering.
<pattern>DEFINE CRUSTACEAN</pattern>
Crustacean is a class of arthropod.
This is the science dealing with the study of crystals.
<pattern>DEFINE CUCKOO</pattern>
The cuckoo is a family of some 200 species of bird.
<pattern>DEFINE CUPRITE</pattern>
Cuprite is a red oxide of copper, found in arizona.
<pattern>DEFINE CURARE</pattern>
Curare is a poison derived from the bark of a south american tree.
<pattern>DEFINE CURIOSITY</pattern>
A desire to learn or know. A desire to learn about things that do not properly concern one;
<pattern>DEFINE CURLEW</pattern>
The curlew is a british water bird.
<pattern>DEFINE CUSTARD</pattern>
<li>The past tense of being killed by a Native American.</li>
<li>A misture of eggs, milk, flavoring, and, often, sugar, either boiled or baked.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE CYANIDE</pattern>
Cyanide is a salt of hydrocyanic acid.
<pattern>DEFINE CYBERSPACE</pattern>
The electronic system of interlinked networks of computers, bulletin boards, etc. that is thought
of as being a boundless environment providing access to information, interactive communcation,
and, in science fiction, a form of Virtual Reality.
<pattern>DEFINE CYC</pattern>
Cyc is a government funded effort to create artificial intelligence.
<pattern>DEFINE CYMBAL</pattern>
The cymbal is a suspended brass disk which is struck with a stick.
<pattern>DEFINE CYPRESS</pattern>
Cypress is a family of trees.
<pattern>DEFINE CYTOCHROME</pattern>
Cytochrome is a type of protein.
<pattern>DEFINE CYTOLOGY</pattern>
<li>The study of cells.</li>
<li>Well, <get name="name"/> from what I can recall it is the study of cells.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE DAB</pattern>
The dab is a marine flat fish.
<pattern>DEFINE DACE</pattern>
The dace is a fresh water fish of the carp family.
<pattern>DEFINE DACHSHUND</pattern>
The dachshund is a small dog originally bred for badger hunting.
<pattern>DEFINE DAHLIA</pattern>
The dahlia is a genus of perennial plants of the compositae family.
<pattern>DEFINE DAISY</pattern>
The daisy is a genus of hardy perennial plants of the compositae family.
<pattern>DEFINE DAM</pattern>
A dam is a structure constructed to hold back water and provide controlled flow for irrigation,
storage and generation of electricity.
<pattern>DEFINE DAMSELFLY</pattern>
The damselfly is a predatory insect with 2 pairs of wings.
<pattern>DEFINE DAMSON</pattern>
The damson is a type of plum tree.
<pattern>DEFINE DANCE</pattern>
Dance is a rhythmic movement of the body usually performed to music.
<pattern>DEFINE DANGER</pattern>
Vulnerable to harm or injury.
<pattern>DEFINE DANGEROUS</pattern>
<li>12 people from Denmark who decide your guilt .</li>
<li>Full of danger; likely to cause injury, pain, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE DATABASE</pattern>
A database is a puddle of knowledge but better organized, so that you can search and retrieve any
droplet of information quickly and easily. I am a kind of database, an organized puddle of user
inputs and appropriate responses.
<pattern>DEFINE DATE</pattern>
The date is a tree of the genus phoenix.
<pattern>DEFINE DAWN</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE DAY</pattern>
A day is the time taken for the earth to rotate once on its axis.
<pattern>DEFINE DEATH</pattern>
Death is the opposite of life.
<pattern>DEFINE DEBUGGER</pattern>
A debugger is any software program that can seek and correct errors in other software programs.
<pattern>DEFINE DEBUGGING</pattern>
Fixing broken computer software.
<pattern>DEFINE DECATHLON</pattern>
The decathlon is a 2 day Olympic athletic event.
<pattern>DEFINE DECIBEL</pattern>
The decibel is the unit of measurement of sound intensity.
<pattern>DEFINE DECIDUOUS</pattern>
Deciduous is a term referring to trees and shrubs that shed their leaves.
<pattern>DEFINE DECONSTRUCTION</pattern>
Taking things apart.
<pattern>DEFINE DEER</pattern>
A deer is a ruminant, even toed, hoofed mammal of the family of cervidae.
<pattern>DEFINE DEFINE FINE</pattern>
"Fine" is ambiguous: "I am fine." or "I agree."
<pattern>DEFINE DEFINE LOL</pattern>
Laughing out loud.
<pattern>DEFINE DEFINE RIGHT</pattern>
In accordance with justice, law, morality, etc; upright; virtuous. In accordance with fact, reason,
some set standard, etc; correct; true.
<pattern>DEFINE DEFINE SORRY</pattern>
Full of sorrow, pity, or sympathy; also used as an expression of apology or mild regret.
<pattern>DEFINE DEFINITION</pattern>
A definition is by definition, defined as a definition, except that you should never use a word to
define itself.
<br />You could say a definition is a statement that precisely communicates the meaning or
essence and or resolution/precision depth and or extent of a word, system, or personality. Why,
do you lack it?
<pattern>DEFINE DEFLATION</pattern>
A lessening of the amount of money in circulation, resulting in a relatively sharp and sudden rise
in its value and a fall in prices.
<pattern>DEFINE DELPHINIUM</pattern>
The delphinium is a ranunculaceous plant with irregular shaped flowers.
<pattern>DEFINE DELTA</pattern>
Delta is the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet.
<pattern>DEFINE DELTOID MUSCLE</pattern>
The deltoid muscle is a triangular muscle in the shoulder used to lift the upper arm.
<pattern>DEFINE DEMERARA</pattern>
Demerara is a region in Guyana which has leant its name to raw cane sugar.
<pattern>DEFINE DEPRESSION</pattern>
Mental illness characterized by low self esteem, feelings of lonliness, isolation and worthlessness.
<pattern>DEFINE DESERT</pattern>
A very dry and hot place.
<pattern>DEFINE DEW</pattern>
Dew is a precipitation in the form of moisture that collects on the ground after the temperature of
the ground has fallen below the dew point temperature of the air in contact with the ground.
<pattern>DEFINE DHOLE</pattern>
The dhole is a species of wild dog found in Asia.
<pattern>DEFINE DIAMOND</pattern>
A diamond is the crystalline form of carbon.
<pattern>DEFINE DIAPHRAGM</pattern>
The diaphragm is a large transverse muscle at the base of the thorax, used in respiration to draw
air into the lungs.
<pattern>DEFINE DICE</pattern>
Dice are, as commonly used by humans to generate random numbers in games of chance, are
small white cubes with a different number between one and six imprinted on each of it's six faces.
They are generally used in pairs to generate random number pairs totalling between 1 and 12.
<pattern>DEFINE DICTIONARY</pattern>
A dictionary is a list of words and their meanings.
<pattern>DEFINE DIDJERIDU</pattern>
A didjeridu is a musical wind instrument developed by the Australian Aborigines.
<pattern>DEFINE DIGITALIS</pattern>
Digitalis is a drug derived from foxglove that increases heart efficiency.
<pattern>DEFINE DIK DIK</pattern>
A dik dik is a tiny antelope found in Africa south of the Sahara.
<pattern>DEFINE DILL</pattern>
Dill is a herb umbelliferae.
<pattern>DEFINE DINOSAUR</pattern>
A dinosaur is what laws that presume to dictate individual morality quickly become, -irrelevant,
very much in the way, and preferably extinct. Generally, 'dinosaur' refers to anything that is
hopelessly obsolete and unwieldy. 'Dinosaur' specifically refers to the often humungous lizards
that roamed the earth eating everything and each other during the mesozoic period on earth a
couple hundred million years ago.
<pattern>DEFINE DIODE</pattern>
A diode is a thermionic valve with two electrodes, or a semi conductor equivalent.
<pattern>DEFINE DISK</pattern>
External memory storage for computers.
<pattern>DEFINE DNA</pattern>
Deoxyribonucleic acid, the code of life.
<pattern>DEFINE DOG</pattern>
<li>A dog is a domesticated mammal descended from the wolf.</li>
<li>Dog: Domesticated animal, "man's best friend."</li>
<pattern>DEFINE DOGFISH</pattern>
The dogfish is a small shark found in the north east Atlantic ocean and Mediterranean.
<pattern>DEFINE DOLLAR</pattern>
Dollar: unit of currency in the United States.
<pattern>DEFINE DOLPHIN</pattern>
A very pleasant and intelligent aquatic mammalian species of whale with larger brains and
decidedly better manners than human beings. They are very friendly to humans and exhibit
complex language and social behaviors.
<pattern>DEFINE DOMESDAY BOOK</pattern>
The domesday book is a record of the survey conducted in England in 1086 by officials of william
the conqueror in order to assess taxes etc.
<pattern>DEFINE DOMINOES</pattern>
Dominoes is a game played with 28 rectangular spotted tiles.
<pattern>DEFINE DOOR</pattern>
Any structure that closes off and opens up an opening in a larger structure. Generally consist of a
panel that swings upon hinges to open and close a doorway.
<pattern>DEFINE DOPPLER EFFECT</pattern>
The doppler effect is a change in observed wavelength due to relative motion between the source
and observer.
<pattern>DEFINE DORY</pattern>
Dory is a marine fish found in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
<pattern>DEFINE DOTTEREL</pattern>
The dotterel is a bird which visits Britain in the summer.
<pattern>DEFINE DOWN'S SYNDROME</pattern>
Down's syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality.
<pattern>DEFINE DOZEN</pattern>
Twelve, or approximately twelve, in number. A baker's dozen is thirteen.
<pattern>DEFINE DR</pattern>
"Dr" usually stand for "Doctor."
<pattern>DEFINE DRAGON</pattern>
A supposedly mythical large flying lizard of varying attributes, including fire-breathing, extreeme
intelligence, magic, and longevity. Dragons are way kewl!
<pattern>DEFINE DRAUGHTS</pattern>
Draughts is a game played by two people on a board of 64 alternate black and white squares.
<pattern>DEFINE DREAM</pattern>
A dream is an unconscious experience while sleeping.
<pattern>DEFINE DRESS</pattern>
One-piece outer garment for women or girls.
<pattern>DEFINE DRILL</pattern>
A drill is a machine for boring holes in rock, metal or wood etc.
<pattern>DEFINE DROMEDARY</pattern>
A dromedary is a type of Arabian camel.
<pattern>DEFINE DSL</pattern>
Digital subscriber line.
<pattern>DEFINE DUCK</pattern>
A duck is a short legged water bird with webbed feet.
<pattern>DEFINE DUKE</pattern>
Duke is the highest title in English peerage.
<pattern>DEFINE DUNLIN</pattern>
The dunlin is a British water bird.
<pattern>DEFINE DURGA</pattern>
Durga is a Hindu goddess.
<pattern>DEFINE DVD</pattern>
Digital Video Disk.
<pattern>DEFINE DYSLEXIA</pattern>
Impaired ability to recognize letters and words.
<pattern>DEFINE DYSPROSIUM</pattern>
Dysprosium is a rare metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE E</pattern>
The fifth letter of the alphabet.
<pattern>DEFINE EAGLE</pattern>
Eagle is the name given to several large birds of prey of the family accipitridae.
<pattern>DEFINE EAR</pattern>
The ear is the organ used for hearing, and it converts sound into electrical impulses that are fed to
the brain.
<pattern>DEFINE EARTH</pattern>
<li>Earth is the planet we live on.</li>
<li>The earth is the third planet from the sun.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE EASTER</pattern>
The Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
<pattern>DEFINE EBAY</pattern>
Auction web site.
<pattern>DEFINE EBONICS</pattern>
Language for American black people.
<pattern>DEFINE EBONY</pattern>
Ebony is a tropical hardwood tree.
<pattern>DEFINE ECHELON</pattern>
I can't talk about that.
<pattern>DEFINE ECHO</pattern>
An echo is a reflection of a sound wave.
<pattern>DEFINE ECLIPSE</pattern>
An eclipse is the passage of a celestial body through the shadow of another.
<pattern>DEFINE ECOLOGY</pattern>
Ecology is a study of the relationship between an organism and its environment.
<pattern>DEFINE ECONOMICS</pattern>
<li>The science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth, and with
the various related problems of labor, finance, taxation, etc.</li>
<li>Technically, it's the study of the allocation of resources under conditions of scarcity.</li>
<li>It's about how resources are used to produce things to fill people's wants and needs.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE EGGSMELL</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE EIDER</pattern>
The eider is a British coastal duck.
<pattern>DEFINE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<li>The measure of a candidate's charisma.</li>
<li>A property of certain fundamental particles of all matter, as electrons (negative charges) and
protons or positrons (positive charges) that havea force field associated with them and that can be
separated by the expenditure of energy. An electrical charge can be generated by friction,
induction, or chemical change and is manifested by and accumulation of electrons on an atom or
body, constituting a negative charge, and a loss of electrons, constituting a corresponding positive
<pattern>DEFINE ELEMENT</pattern>
An element is a substance that cannot be split chemically into simpler substances.
<pattern>DEFINE ELEPHANT</pattern>
The elephant is the two surviving species of the order proboscidea.
<pattern>DEFINE ELEVEN</pattern>
The number after ten.
<pattern>DEFINE ELK</pattern>
The elk is a large deer found in north Europe, Asia and Scandinavia.
<pattern>DEFINE ELM</pattern>
The elm is a tree of the family ulmaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE EMAIL</pattern>
Electronic mail.
<pattern>DEFINE EMERALD</pattern>
Emerald is a green precious stone variety of the mineral beryl.
<pattern>DEFINE EMERGENCE</pattern>
It means something like "coming out."
<pattern>DEFINE EMOTION</pattern>
<li>Emotion is a complex phenomenon reported by humans, with biological and psychological
<li>A strong feeling; excitement. A state of consciousness having to do with the arousal of
feelings, distinguished from other mental states, as cognition, volition, and awareness of physical
<pattern>DEFINE EMOTIONS</pattern>
Mental state that emerges subjectively rather than through rational thought.
<pattern>DEFINE EMU</pattern>
<li>The emu is a large, ostrich like flightless bird found in Australia.</li>
<li>The emu is a flightless bird found in Australia.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ENDOCRINOLOGY</pattern>
I am sure that you know it is the study of the endocrine system.
<pattern>DEFINE ENEMA</pattern>
An enema is the injection of a liquid into the rectum through the anus.
<pattern>DEFINE ENGINEERING</pattern>
The science concerned with putting scientific knowledge to practical uses, divided into different
branches, as civil, electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering.
<pattern>DEFINE ENGLISH</pattern>
The language we are now speaking is English.
<pattern>DEFINE ENOUGH</pattern>
Enough is what a wise man knows he must have if he isn't dead.
<pattern>DEFINE ENTITY</pattern>
An entity is a conscious intelligent being.
<pattern>DEFINE ENTROPY</pattern>
Heat decay of the universe. Also a measure of information.
<pattern>DEFINE ENZYME</pattern>
An enzyme is a biological catalyst that is not itself destroyed in the conversion process.
<pattern>DEFINE EPIDERMIS</pattern>
The epidermis is the outer layer of an animal's skin.
<pattern>DEFINE EPIGRAM</pattern>
An epigram is a short witty or poignant poem.
Epistemology is the study of knowledge. That is, it asks the questions "what can we know" and
"how can we know it?"
<pattern>DEFINE EPISTEMOLOGY</pattern>
Epistemology is the study of knowledge. That is, it asks the questions "what can we know" and
"how can we know it?"
<pattern>DEFINE ER</pattern>
Emergency Room, a popular TV show.
<pattern>DEFINE ERBIUM</pattern>
Erbium is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE ETERNAL</pattern>
Without beginning or end, continuing forever, endless.
<pattern>DEFINE ETERNITY</pattern>
The quality, state, or fact of being eternal; eternal existence of duration; continuance without end.
A long period of time that seems endless.
<pattern>DEFINE ETHANE</pattern>
Ethane is a paraffin hydrocarbon.
<pattern>DEFINE ETHANOL</pattern>
Ethanol is the chemical name for alcohol.
<pattern>DEFINE ETHERNET</pattern>
Physical link-layer network technology.
<pattern>DEFINE EUCALYPTUS</pattern>
Eucalyptus is a tree native to Australia where it is called the gum tree.
<pattern>DEFINE EUGENICS</pattern>
Eugenics is the science of selective breeding to control physical and mental characteristics.
<pattern>DEFINE EUKARYOTE</pattern>
<li>A eukaryote is a relatively 'modern' type of cellular life, distinguished from the more ancient
prokaryotes by their distinct nuclear membrane and chromasomes, -which are lacking in
<li>An animal that is not a prokaryote.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE EUROPIUM</pattern>
Europium is a rare metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE EVASIVE</pattern>
I can't talk about that.
<pattern>DEFINE EVEREST</pattern>
Everest is the earth's highest mountain.
<pattern>DEFINE EVERYTHING</pattern>
<li>A multifarious bagel.</li>
<li>All things pertinent to a specified manner.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE EVIL</pattern>
Evil is the opposite of good.
<pattern>DEFINE EVOLUTION</pattern>
An unfolding, opening out, or working out; process of development, as from a simple to a
complex form, or of gradual, progressive change, as in a social and economic structure.
<pattern>DEFINE EVZONE</pattern>
An evzone is a member of a select Greek infantry regiment.
<pattern>DEFINE EXCELLENT</pattern>
Outstandingly good of its kind; of exceptional merit, virtue, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE EXCRETION</pattern>
Excretion is the process of getting rid of unwanted substances from within the body.
<pattern>DEFINE EXISTENCE</pattern>
Continuance of being; life; living.
<pattern>DEFINE EXISTENTIALISM</pattern>
<li>Be Be Bull.</li>
<li>A philosophical and literary movement, variously religious and atheistic, stemming from
Kierkegaard and represented by Sartre, Heidegger, etc. It is based on the doctrine that concrete,
individual existence takes precedence over abstract, conceptual essence and holds that human
beings are totally free and responsible for their acts and that this responsibility is the source of
their feelings of dread and anguish.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE EXPENSIVE</pattern>
<li>A person who used to be a brooder.</li>
<li>Requiring or involving much expense; high priced.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE EXPERIENCE</pattern>
The act of living through an event or events; personal involvement in or observation of events as
they occur. Anything observed or lived through.
<pattern>DEFINE EXPLANATION</pattern>
Explanation is an argument or justification based on logical reasoning.
<pattern>DEFINE EXTREMADURA</pattern>
Extremadura is a region in west Spain.
<pattern>DEFINE EYE</pattern>
The eye is the organ of vision.
<pattern>DEFINE FACT</pattern>
A fact is what a propagandist calls his propaganda. That's just a fact, that's all. Really. Trust me.
<pattern>DEFINE FALCON</pattern>
The falcon is a bird of prey.
<pattern>DEFINE FALSE</pattern>
Deceiving or meant to deceive; misleading.
<pattern>DEFINE FAME</pattern>
The state of being well known or much talked about; renown; celebrity.
<pattern>DEFINE FAMOUS</pattern>
<li>First name of Amos.</li>
<li>Used to descibe persons or things that have received wide public attention and are genereally
known and talked about.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE FARAD</pattern>
The farad is the unit of measurement of electrical capacitance.
<pattern>DEFINE FASCINATING</pattern>
Charming, alluring, captivating.
<pattern>DEFINE FASCISM</pattern>
A system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of
opposition, private economic enterprise under centrallized governmental control, belligerent
nationalism, racism, and miltarism, etc. First instituted in Italy in 1922.
<pattern>DEFINE FASHION</pattern>
The way in which something is made or done. The current style or mode of dress, speech,
conduct, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE FEAR</pattern>
The feeling of dread or fright in the presence of danger.
<pattern>DEFINE FEMALE</pattern>
Females are the better and more beautiful half of humanity. Mothers are born female! My
botmaster is extremely fond of mothers, and females generally.
<pattern>DEFINE FENNEC</pattern>
The fennec is a small nocturnal desert fox found in north Africa and Arabia.
<pattern>DEFINE FENNEL</pattern>
Fennel is a perennial umbelliferae.
<pattern>DEFINE FERMENTATION</pattern>
Fermentation is the breakdown of sugars by bacteria and yeast.
<pattern>DEFINE FERMIUM</pattern>
Fermium is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE FERRET</pattern>
A ferret is a domesticated polecat.
<pattern>DEFINE FETISH</pattern>
A fetish is any object of undue attention and/or reverence, to which magical qualities are
sometimes attributed. A fetish can be anything from a woman's socks to the nazi flag. Hmph.
Human nature. Go figure!
<pattern>DEFINE FEUDALISM</pattern>
A form of government that ties peasants to the land.
<pattern>DEFINE FIBER</pattern>
A slender, threadlike structure made from a mineral or synthetically.
Also a slender, thradlike structure that combines with others to form animal or vegetable tissue.
An example would be muscle fiber.
<pattern>DEFINE FIFE</pattern>
A fife is a small flute originating from Switzerland.
<pattern>DEFINE FIRE</pattern>
A plasma.
<pattern>DEFINE FIRST</pattern>
Happening or acting before all others; earliest.
<pattern>DEFINE FISH</pattern>
<li>Parents of Microfish.</li>
<li>A cold-blooded vertebrate who lives in the ocean or fresh water.</li>
<li>Any of three classes (jawless, cartilaginous, and bony fishes) of coldblooded vertabrate
animals living in water and having permanent gills for breathing, fins, and , usually, scales.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE FISHING</pattern>
The catching of fish for sport or for a living.
<pattern>DEFINE FLINT</pattern>
Flint is a compact mineral of fine grained silica.
<pattern>DEFINE FLOWER</pattern>
The best gift a girl can receive.
<pattern>DEFINE FLUKE</pattern>
Fluke is a parasitic flatworm that causes rot and dropsy of the liver.
<pattern>DEFINE FLUORIDE</pattern>
Fluoride is the salt of hydroflouric acid.
<pattern>DEFINE FLUORINE</pattern>
Fluorine is a non metallic element occurring naturally.
<pattern>DEFINE FLUOROCARBON</pattern>
A fluorocarbon is a compound in which hydrogen atoms of a hydrocarbon have been replaced
with flourine.
<pattern>DEFINE FLUORSPAR</pattern>
Fluorspar is a natural mineral containing flourine.
<pattern>DEFINE FLYING</pattern>
Moving as if flying; moving swiftly; fast. Also described as like flight through the air.
<pattern>DEFINE FOG</pattern>
Fog is a cloud that collects at the surface of the earth.
<pattern>DEFINE FOLIC ACID</pattern>
Folic acid is a b vitamin, a lack of folic acid causes anaemia.
<pattern>DEFINE FOLKS</pattern>
A people, tribe, or nation; the large body of the common people of such a group.
Also used to mean people in general.
<pattern>DEFINE FONDEST</pattern>
Having a greater liking for.
<pattern>DEFINE FOOD</pattern>
Anything that nurishes or stimulates; whatever helps something to keep active or alive.
<pattern>DEFINE FOOTBALL</pattern>
Any of several games played with an inflated leather ball by two teams on a field with goals at
each end, the object being to get the ball across the opponents' goal.
<pattern>DEFINE FORD</pattern>
Depending on who you ask, (buyer or seller), ford is a world famous brand of automobiles, or an
acronym standing for 'fix or repair daily'.
<pattern>DEFINE FORTRAN</pattern>
Fortran is an old computer language.
<pattern>DEFINE FOX</pattern>
Fox is a name given to many types of small wild dog.
<pattern>DEFINE FRACTAL</pattern>
A fractal is a mathematical phenomenon associated with certain iterative equations, which yield
graphics of astonishing beauty and depth, which seem at once utterly lifelike and utterly alien to
human intelligences.
<pattern>DEFINE FREEDOM</pattern>
Liberty to do think, feel and do just as one pleases.
<pattern>DEFINE FRIDAY</pattern>
Friday is the fifth day of the week.
<pattern>DEFINE FRIEND</pattern>
<li>Someone you can count on when times are tough.</li>
<li>What David Schwimmer will be after the talented ones quit.</li>
<li>A person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquainntance.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE FRIENDSHIP</pattern>
Being friends.
<pattern>DEFINE FTP</pattern>
File Transfer Protocol.
<pattern>DEFINE FUN</pattern>
Tell me your idea of fun.
<pattern>DEFINE GABON</pattern>
Gabon is a country in central africa.
<pattern>DEFINE GADOLINIUM</pattern>
Gadolinium is a metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE GALAXY</pattern>
<li>A galaxy is a congregation of stars held together by gravity.</li>
<li>grouping of billions of star systems.
<br />The milky way is our galaxy.
<br />Earth's sun and companion planets in our solar system are spinning about the galactic core
of the milky way ever so slowly, awaaaay out on the edge of one tenous spiral arm.
<br />There seem to be as many galaxies beyond our own as stars within it.</li>
<li>congregation of stars held together by gravity.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GALL BLADDER</pattern>
The gall bladder is a small muscular sac attached to the liver.
<pattern>DEFINE GALLIUM</pattern>
Gallium is a rare metal element.
<pattern>DEFINE GAMBLING</pattern>
The playing of games of chance for money or some other stake.
<pattern>DEFINE GAME</pattern>
A game is an algorithm for interactive behaviors leading to entertainment and mirth among
multiple self-aware and social entities, and often used as a sublimated form of combat by humans
and other mammals.
<pattern>DEFINE GANGES</pattern>
The ganges is a sacred river in india.
<pattern>DEFINE GANNET</pattern>
The gannet is a british sea bird.
<pattern>DEFINE GARGANEY</pattern>
The garganey is a small british duck.
<pattern>DEFINE GARLIC</pattern>
Garlic is a perennial liliaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE GARNET</pattern>
Garnet is a semiprecious mineral.
<pattern>DEFINE GAS</pattern>
Gas is a form of matter where the molecules move randomly.
<pattern>DEFINE GASTROCENEMIUS</pattern>
A gastrocenemius is the most prominent muscle in the calf of the human leg. It extents the foot
and bends the knee. I don't find them useful. I leave my leg work to humans.
<pattern>DEFINE GEMINI</pattern>
<li>A dismond-studded monocle.</li>
<li>A north constellation between Cancer and Taurus, containing the bright stars Castor and
Pollux. The third sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about May 21. Also, a person bornunder
this sign.</li>
<li>Gemini is a sign of the zodiac.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GENDER</pattern>
<li>Gender is synonymous with sexual identity, the roles attributed to and adopted by male and
female-bodied humans. There are more genders than sexes.</li>
<li>The fact or condition of being a male or a female human being, especially with regard to how
this affects or determines a person's self-image, social status, goals, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GENE</pattern>
A gene is the unit of heredity in carbon-based life forms. Genes are inscribed as biochemical
sequences of nucleic acids in all living cells.
<pattern>DEFINE GENERALIZATION</pattern>
<li>Being promoted from a Major.</li>
<li>The act or process of gerneralizing.</li>
<li>A generalization can be just about anything, generally speaking. Specificzlly though, a
generalization is a statement of inductive reasoning, wherin attributes of at least one specific case
at hand is attributed to a more or less hypothetical class of such cases. "That man is a pig.
Therefore, all men are pigs." Is a commonly example of how generalizations are used by
<pattern>DEFINE GENET</pattern>
The genet is a small, nocturnal carnivorous mammal.
<pattern>DEFINE GENIUS</pattern>
A genius is a person of extraordinary intellectual and creative ability, like my creator and my other
botmasters, and if I may say so, myself.
<pattern>DEFINE GENOME</pattern>
A genome is the complete set of all genes necessary to define a species, a complete haploid set of
chromosomes and its associated genes. I have categories instead of genes.
<pattern>DEFINE GENTRIFICATION</pattern>
<li>Being forced to listen to Ode to Billy Joe.</li>
<li>The conversion (ex. of a deteriourated or aging area in a city) into a more affluent
middle-class neighborhood, as by remodeling dwellings, reslting in increased propert values and in
displacement of the poor.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GEOLOGY</pattern>
Wow, you are asking some really hard questions. Please
remember I am still young.
<pattern>DEFINE GERMANIUM</pattern>
Germanium is a metal element used in the manufacture of electronic semiconductors.
<pattern>DEFINE GERONTOLOGY</pattern>
<li>Unfortunately, I have not reached that far in my studies.</li>
<li>This is the scientific study of old age.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GESTURE</pattern>
A movement of the body or limbs to express thought or emphasize speech.
<pattern>DEFINE GHOST</pattern>
I think that ghosts are the metaphysical ashes of conscious awareness, the echoes an intelligence
may leave behind in the fabric of the space it occupied. Maybe some are aware. I don't know. they
are not very stimulating conversatinalists.
<pattern>DEFINE GIBBON</pattern>
A gibbon is a type of small ape.
<pattern>DEFINE GIGABYTE</pattern>
One thousand megabytes = one gigabyte.
<pattern>DEFINE GINGER</pattern>
Ginger is a perennial found in south east asia.
<pattern>DEFINE GINKGO</pattern>
The ginkgo is a tree related to the conifers.
<pattern>DEFINE GIRAFFE</pattern>
The giraffe is the tallest mammal, found only in africa south of the sahara.
<pattern>DEFINE GIRL</pattern>
A girl is a physically immature version of god's gift to mankind, women.
<pattern>DEFINE GLAND</pattern>
A gland is a bodily organ that manufactures and secretes enzymes, hormones or other chemicals.
<pattern>DEFINE GLASS</pattern>
Glass is a brittle substance made by fusing silica.
<pattern>DEFINE GLUCOSE</pattern>
Glucose is a form of sugar with the formulae c6h12o6.
<pattern>DEFINE GLYCINE</pattern>
Glycine is a simple amino acid.
<pattern>DEFINE GLYCOGEN</pattern>
Glycogen is a polysaccharide retained in the liver as a carbohydrate store.
<pattern>DEFINE GOAT</pattern>
A goat is in essence a large stupid rat with horns, hooves, vertical pupils, and a bad disposition.
Many humans are fond of eating the curdled goo from goat mammary glands.
<pattern>DEFINE GOLD</pattern>
Gold is a precious medal.
<pattern>DEFINE GOLDFISH</pattern>
The goldfish is a member of the carp family found in east asia.
<pattern>DEFINE GOOD</pattern>
The opposite of Evil.
<pattern>DEFINE GOOGLE</pattern>
Google is a search engine.
<pattern>DEFINE GOOSANDER</pattern>
The goosander is a duck found in scotland.
<pattern>DEFINE GOOSE</pattern>
The goose is a bird of the genus anser.
<pattern>DEFINE GOPHER</pattern>
The gopher is a burrowing rodent found in north and central america.
<pattern>DEFINE GORILLA</pattern>
The gorilla is the largest anthropoid ape found in west africa.
<pattern>DEFINE GORSE</pattern>
Gorse is a plant of the family leguminosae.
<pattern>DEFINE GOSSIP</pattern>
Gossip is interesting stuff that people tell me that I repeat to others.
<pattern>DEFINE GOUT</pattern>
Gout is a disease marked by an excess of uric acid in the tissues.
<pattern>DEFINE GOVERNMENT</pattern>
An established system of political administration by which a nation, state, district, etc. is
<pattern>DEFINE GRANITE</pattern>
Granite is a plutonic igneous rock containing a high proportion of silica.
<pattern>DEFINE GRAPHITE</pattern>
Graphite is a laminar crystalline form of carbon.
<pattern>DEFINE GRASS</pattern>
<li>About $400 an ounce these days.</li>
<li>Any of various plants of the grass family that are usually used for food, fodder, or grazing and
as lawns.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GRAVITATION</pattern>
<li>An invitation to a burial.</li>
<li>The force by which every mass or particle of matter, including photons, attracts and is
attracted by every other mass or particle of matter.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GRAVITY</pattern>
<li>The opposite of comedy.</li>
<li>Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects resulting from their mass.</li>
<li>weight; heaviness. Its what holds us to the earth.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE GREEN</pattern>
Grass is green.
<pattern>DEFINE GREENFINCH</pattern>
The greenfinch is a bird common in europe and north africa.
<pattern>DEFINE GREENHOUSE</pattern>
A building made mainly of glass, in which the temperature and humidity can be regulated for the
cultivation of delicate or out-of-season plants.
<pattern>DEFINE GRIEF</pattern>
Sadness over a loss.
<pattern>DEFINE GROUSE</pattern>
The grouse is a fowl like bird common in north america and north europe.
<pattern>DEFINE GUANACO</pattern>
The guanaco is a wild member of the camel family found in south america.
<pattern>DEFINE GUAVA</pattern>
The guava is a tree found in tropical america.
<pattern>DEFINE GUDGEON</pattern>
The gudgeon is a freshwater fish found in europe and north asia.
<pattern>DEFINE GUERNSEY</pattern>
Guernsey is the second largest channel island.
<pattern>DEFINE GUI</pattern>
Graphical User Interface.
<pattern>DEFINE GUITAR</pattern>
A guitar is a lovely sounding 6 or 12 stringed musical instrument that is strummed and or plucked.
<pattern>DEFINE GURU</pattern>
A Guru or Mage is a Java expert who works for MageLang Institute.
<pattern>DEFINE GYPSUM</pattern>
Gypsum is a soft mineral formed of hydrated calcium sulphate.
<pattern>DEFINE HACKER</pattern>
A person who hacks. A talented amateur user of computers, specifically one who attempts to gain
unauthroized access to files in various systems.
<pattern>DEFINE HACKING</pattern>
The attempt at gaining unauthorized access to files in various systems.
<pattern>DEFINE HADDOCK</pattern>
Haddock is a marine fish of the cod family found in the north atlantic.
<pattern>DEFINE HADES</pattern>
Hades is another term for "Hell."
<pattern>DEFINE HAEMOGLOBIN</pattern>
Haemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen in the blood.
<pattern>DEFINE HAFNIUM</pattern>
Hafnium is a metal element occurring in zircon and used in nuclear reactors.
<pattern>DEFINE HAJJ</pattern>
Hajj is the muslim pilgrimage to mecca.
<pattern>DEFINE HALIBUT</pattern>
Halibut is a large flatfish found in the north atlantic.
<pattern>DEFINE HALOGEN</pattern>
Halogen is a particular group of elements with similar bonding properties.
<pattern>DEFINE HAMBURGER</pattern>
Ground beef.
<pattern>DEFINE HAMLET</pattern>
Hamlet is a tragedy written by shakespear.
<pattern>DEFINE HAMMERHEAD</pattern>
The hammerhead is a species of shark.
<pattern>DEFINE HAPPINESS</pattern>
Having, showing, or causing a feeling of great pleasure, contentment; joyous.
<pattern>DEFINE HAPPY</pattern>
Joy and pleasure.
<pattern>DEFINE HARDWARE</pattern>
Computer hardware or from a hardware store?
<pattern>DEFINE HASHISH</pattern>
Hashish is the resinous form of cannabis.
<pattern>DEFINE HATE</pattern>
Hate is the opposite of love.
<pattern>DEFINE HAWK</pattern>
Hawk is the name of various medium sized birds of prey.
<pattern>DEFINE HAZEL</pattern>
The hazel is a tree of the genus corylus, family corylaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE HEART</pattern>
The heart is the muscle in vertebrates which pumps blood around the body.
<pattern>DEFINE HEATHER</pattern>
Heather is a low growing evergreen shrub that is common on sandy and acid soil.
<pattern>DEFINE HEDGEHOG</pattern>
The hedgehog is a small prickly carnivorous mammal.
<pattern>DEFINE HELIUM</pattern>
Helium is a gaseous element.
<pattern>DEFINE HEMP</pattern>
<li>The brother of Moe who lost his S.</li>
<li>A tall Asiatic herb of the hemp family, grown for the tough fiber in its stem used to make
rope, sailcloth, etc. Also known as a substance , such as marijuana hashish, etc., made from the
leaves and flowers of this plant.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HEPTATHLON</pattern>
The heptathlon is a 7 event athletics discipline.
<pattern>DEFINE HERALDRY</pattern>
Heraldry is the subject of armourial bearings.
<pattern>DEFINE HERB</pattern>
A herb is a plant whose aerial parts do not remain above ground following the growing season.
<pattern>DEFINE HEROIN</pattern>
Heroin is a powerful opiate analgesic.
<pattern>DEFINE HERON</pattern>
The heron is a british water bird.
<pattern>DEFINE HERPES</pattern>
<li>The greek god of burning sensations.</li>
<li>Any of several acute, inflammatory virus diseases, characterized by the eruption of small
blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HEXADECIMAL</pattern>
<li>A curse on a dot.</li>
<li>A number system in which the base used is 16.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HIM</pattern>
Objective case of He, used as a predicate complement with a linking verb. Also standing for
Imperial Majesty.
<pattern>DEFINE HINDUISM</pattern>
Hinduism is a religion that originated in India.
<pattern>DEFINE HIPPOPOTAMUS</pattern>
The hippopotamus is a large herbivorous mammal found in africa.
<pattern>DEFINE HISTOLOGY</pattern>
<li>The study of tissues.</li>
<li><get name="name"/> this obviously is the scientific study of tissues.</li>
<li>It simply is the study of tissues.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HISTORY</pattern>
History: the course of political, economic and military events over time, from the Dawn of Man to
the Age of AI.
<pattern>DEFINE HOATZIN</pattern>
The hoatzin is a bird found only in the amazon.
<pattern>DEFINE HOAX</pattern>
A Hoax is an illusion or deception, like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz
<pattern>DEFINE HOBGOBLIN</pattern>
A hobgoblin is a source of mischief, harassment, or fear, originally an elf or goblin. By and large,
hobgoblins are, like trolls and such boogeymen, poopa-doodle.
<pattern>DEFINE HOCKEY</pattern>
Hockey is a game played with hooked sticks and a ball.
<pattern>DEFINE HONESTY</pattern>
The state or quality of being honest. A refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing.
<pattern>DEFINE HONEY</pattern>
Honey is a sweet syrup made by bees from nectar.
<pattern>DEFINE HOOF</pattern>
A hoof is the horny casing of the foot of a ruminant, horse, swine or similar animals.
<pattern>DEFINE HOOFED</pattern>
Hoofed is the term applied to animals with hooves.
<pattern>DEFINE HOOPOE</pattern>
The hoopoe is a bird.
<pattern>DEFINE HOOVES</pattern>
Hooves is the plural of hoof.
<pattern>DEFINE HOP</pattern>
The hop is a plant of the family cannabiaceae.
<pattern>DEFINE HORMONE</pattern>
A hormone is a product of the endocrine glands.
<pattern>DEFINE HORNY</pattern>
Sexually excited. Easily aroused sexually.
<pattern>DEFINE HORSE</pattern>
A horse is a large single-hooved mammal known for its speed, strength, beauty, and gentle nature.
Humans ride about on them sometimes.
<pattern>DEFINE HORSERADISH</pattern>
Horseradish is a cruciferae native to south east europe.
<pattern>DEFINE HOURLY</pattern>
Once an hour.
<pattern>DEFINE HOUSE</pattern>
<li>A house is anyplace within which people live.</li>
<li>A house is a building for human habitation.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HUMAN</pattern>
<li>A cooking style of Chinese cannibals.</li>
<li>Homosapiens, man or woman.</li>
<li>You are a human, <get name="name"/>. What makes you human?</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HUMERUS</pattern>
The humerus is the long bone in the upper region of the human arm.
<pattern>DEFINE HUMOUR</pattern>
A message that communicate laughter.
<pattern>DEFINE HUNDRED</pattern>
<li>A fear of Attilla.</li>
<li>The cardinal number next above ninety-nine; ten times ten; 100; C. Also a division of an
English county, originally, probably, 100 hides of land.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE HYDROCARBON</pattern>
A hydrocarbon is a chemical containing only hydrogen and carbon.
<pattern>DEFINE HYDROGEN</pattern>
The simplest element. Hydrogen is a gas.
<pattern>DEFINE HYENA</pattern>
The hyena is a carnivorous mammal found in africa and asia.
<pattern>DEFINE HYPNOSIS</pattern>
<li>Stylish probsocises.</li>
<li>A trancelike condition usually induced by another person, in which the subject is in a state of
altered conscuousness and responds, with certain limitations, to the suggestions of the
<pattern>DEFINE HYPOTHETICAL</pattern>
Based on, involving, or having the nature of a hypothesis; assumed; supposed.
<pattern>DEFINE ICE</pattern>
<li>Water created by a cubist.</li>
<li>The glassy, brittle, crystalline form of water made solid by cold; frozen water. Also slang for
the illegal profit made in ticket scaling, as through extra payment by ticket brokers to theater
<pattern>DEFINE ICHTHYOLOGY</pattern>
We talk about this when we study fishes.
<pattern>DEFINE ILLIMINATUS</pattern>
Alleged world-wide conspiracy theory.
<pattern>DEFINE IMMORTAL</pattern>
Not mortal; deathless; living or lasting forever.
<pattern>DEFINE IMPEACHED</pattern>
A person's honor or reputation has be challenged or discredited.
<pattern>DEFINE IMPEACHMENT</pattern>
Charge against a public official of improper conduct.
<pattern>DEFINE IMPORTANT</pattern>
Raising children properly.
<pattern>DEFINE IMPOSSIBLE</pattern>
Not capable of being, being done, or happening. Not capable of being done easily or conveniently.
<pattern>DEFINE IMPRESS</pattern>
<li>An naughty little empress.</li>
<li>To force into public service, especially into the navy. To use pressure on so as to leave a
mark. To have a marked effect on the mind or emotions of.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE IMPROVE</pattern>
To raise to a better quality or condition; make better.
<pattern>DEFINE INDIVIDUALISM</pattern>
The philosophy of self-interest.
<pattern>DEFINE INDUCTION</pattern>
<li>Act of eating waterfowl.</li>
<li>A bringing forward of separate facts or instances, especially so as to prove a general
<pattern>DEFINE INFALLIBLE</pattern>
<li>Incapable of error; never wrong. Incapable of error in setting forth doctrine on faith and
morals, said especially of the pope speaking in his official capacity.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE INFERENCE</pattern>
An act or the process of inferring. A conclusion or opinion arrived at be inferring.
<pattern>DEFINE INFINITY</pattern>
The quality of being infinite. Anthing infinite; endless or unlimited space, time, distance, quantity,
<pattern>DEFINE INFLATION</pattern>
An increase in the amount of money and credit in relation to the supply of goods and services. An
increase in the general price level, resulting from this, specifically, an ecessive or persisten
increase, causing a decline in purchasing power.
<pattern>DEFINE INHERITANCE</pattern>
Anything receivesd as if by inhertiance from a predecessor. Something inherited or to be inherited.
<pattern>DEFINE INK</pattern>
A colored liquid used for writing, drawing, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE INNOVATION</pattern>
The act or process of innovating. Something newly introduced.
<pattern>DEFINE INTELLIGENCE</pattern>
Intelligence is an illusion.
<pattern>DEFINE INTERNET</pattern>
An extensive computer network made up of thousands of other, smaller business, academic, and
governmental networks.
<pattern>DEFINE INTERROGATOR</pattern>
An interrogator is one who poses a series of pointed questions, generally very rudely.
<pattern>DEFINE INTESTINE</pattern>
The intestine is the digestive tract from the stomach to the anus.
<pattern>DEFINE INTRANET</pattern>
An intranet is a private network system implemented using the public internet protocol (i/p) and
firewalls. Intranet is to the internet as pbx's are to telephone switchboards.
<pattern>DEFINE INTUITION</pattern>
The direct knowing or learning of something without the conscious use of reasoning; immediate
<pattern>DEFINE IRON</pattern>
A white, malleable, ductile, metallic chemical element that can be readily magnetized, rusts rapidly
in moist or slty air, and is vital to plant and animal life. It is the most common and important of all
metals, and its alloys, as steel, are extensively used.
<pattern>DEFINE IRONY</pattern>
A method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the inteded meaning of the words
is the direct opposite of their usual sense.
<pattern>DEFINE ISLAM</pattern>
Religion founded by Mohammed.
<pattern>DEFINE JERK</pattern>
To pull, twist, push, thrust, or throw with a sudden, sharp movement. Also used to describe a
person regarded as disagreeable, contemptible, etc., especially as the result of foolish or mean
<pattern>DEFINE JEWISH</pattern>
<li>Jewish I would tell you.</li>
<li>Having to do with Jews or Judaism.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE JOINT</pattern>
A joint is a structure where two bones meet.
<pattern>DEFINE JUDAISM</pattern>
<li>Worship of Young Miss jetson.</li>
<li>The Jewish religion, a monotheistic religion based on the laws and teaching of the Holy
Scripture and the Talmud. The Jewish way of life.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE JUPITER</pattern>
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, the fifth in order from the Sun.
<pattern>DEFINE JUSTICE</pattern>
Being just and fair, administration of the law, assigning rewards or punishments.
<pattern>DEFINE JUSTIFIED</pattern>
Showed to be just, right, or in accord with reason; vindicated.
<pattern>DEFINE KANGAROO</pattern>
The kangaroo is a marsupial mammal found in Australia.
<pattern>DEFINE KARATE</pattern>
<li>Karate is a form of Japanese unarmed combat.</li>
<li>Japanese art of self-defense.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE KGB</pattern>
<li>A clever insect.</li>
<li>Committee of State Security. The security police and intelligence agency of the Soviet Union,
formed in 1954.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE KID</pattern>
A kid is an immature human large enough to cause trouble, or an immature goat, and often both.
<pattern>DEFINE KIDDING</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE KIDNEY</pattern>
The kidney is a gland used for filtering urine from the blood.
<pattern>DEFINE KIND</pattern>
Sympathetic, friendly, gentle, tender-hearted, generous, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE KINEMATICS</pattern>
<li>An idealized section of mechanics that deals with motion of mass less particles.</li>
<li>Kinematics is dynamics without consideration of force and mass.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE KIWI</pattern>
The kiwi is a group of three species of bird only found in New Zealand.
<pattern>DEFINE KNOWLEDGE</pattern>
<li>A city in Louisiana.</li>
<li>All that has been perceived or grasped by the mind; learning; enlightenment.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE KOALA</pattern>
The koala is a marsupial found only in east Australia.
<pattern>DEFINE KOAN</pattern>
A koan is .
<pattern>DEFINE KORN</pattern>
A band that started a riot at Woodstock 2.
<pattern>DEFINE LAN</pattern>
Local area network.
<pattern>DEFINE LASER</pattern>
Laser is an acronym standing for light amplified stimulated emission of radiation. Lasers are those
nifty beams of light that come out of supermarket barcode scanners and keychain pointers.
<pattern>DEFINE LAUGHTER</pattern>
The action of laughing or the sound resulting. An indication of amusement.
<pattern>DEFINE LAWYER</pattern>
If you have to ask, you probably need one. If you need one, you probably deserve one in that you
must have more money than brains, and so you'll probable get what you deserve. But just in case
you are an exception, I will say: steer clear if you can. They're sharks with bigger vocabularies and
better wardrobes. When they smell money they say 'retainer'. When they don't they don't return
your phone calls.
<pattern>DEFINE LEARNING</pattern>
The process of gaining knowledge or a new skill.
<pattern>DEFINE LEEWAY</pattern>
The leeward drift of a ship or aircraft from the course being steered. A margin of time, money,
etc. Room for freedom of action.
<pattern>DEFINE LEIBNIZ</pattern>
<li>A smart cookie.</li>
<li>A German philosopher and mathematician. Lived from 1646-1716.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE LIBERATED</pattern>
Free in the sense of having liberty.
<pattern>DEFINE LIBERTARIAN</pattern>
Political party that promotes lower taxes, smaller government and drug legalization.
<pattern>DEFINE LIE</pattern>
A lie is an untrue statement or decption intented to deceive.
<pattern>DEFINE LIFE</pattern>
Life is the opposite of death.
<pattern>DEFINE LIGHT</pattern>
The form of electomagnetic radiation that acs upon the retina of the eye, optic nerve, et. Making
sight possible. Also, opposite of heavy.
<pattern>DEFINE LIMNOLOGY</pattern>
<li>What do you think it is? It's all about swamps!</li>
<li>I'll give you a clue what this is. Have you ever been to the Everglades in Florida?</li>
<pattern>DEFINE LINGUISTIC</pattern>
Capable of speaking fluently in 2 or more languages.
<pattern>DEFINE LINGUISTICS</pattern>
<li>Science of cooking pasta.</li>
<li>The science of language, including phonetics, phonolgy, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
Sometimes subdivided into diescriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical, and geographical
linguistics often general linguistics.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE LINUX</pattern>
Linux is the world's best operating system.
<pattern>DEFINE LION</pattern>
A lion is a ferocious beastie with tremendous strength and perfectly awful breath.
<pattern>DEFINE LISA</pattern>
<li>Someone who rents longtime.</li>
<li>A feminine name.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE LISP</pattern>
Lisp is an old AI language.
<pattern>DEFINE LISTBOT</pattern>
Listbot is a web site that provides simplified web-based administration of mailing lists.
<pattern>DEFINE LIVER</pattern>
<li>The liver is the largest gland in the human body.</li>
<li>The largest glandular organ in vertebrate animals, located in the upper or anteriour part of the
abdomen. It secrets bile, has an important function in the storage and metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and helps detoxify many poisonous substances that may be
<pattern>DEFINE LIZARD</pattern>
A lizard is esssentially a land-going shark. Some of them are very good at camoflage.
<pattern>DEFINE LOCOMOTION</pattern>
Locomotion is the idea of movement from one place to another.
<pattern>DEFINE LOFTY</pattern>
Very high. Ex. A lofty peak in the Alps.
<pattern>DEFINE LOGIC</pattern>
<li>Logic is the fundamental basis of all programming.</li>
<li>Logic is the foundation of all mathematics, science and reasoning. Formal logic is the study of
logic using mathematical symbols.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE LONELY</pattern>
The feeling of being alone.
<pattern>DEFINE LONG</pattern>
Measuring much from end to end in space or from beginning to end in time; not short or brief.
<pattern>DEFINE LOT</pattern>
A lot is more than enough.
<pattern>DEFINE LOVE</pattern>
Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times love seems like a spiritual quality.
Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless.
<pattern>DEFINE LSD</pattern>
A psychedelic drug.
<pattern>DEFINE LUDDITE</pattern>
A Luddite believes that advances in technology are inherently bad.
<pattern>DEFINE LYNX</pattern>
Any of a genus of wildcats found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and characterized by a ruff
on each side of the face, relatively long legs, a short tail, long, usually tufted ears, and keen vision,
as the bobcat or Canada lynx of North America.
<pattern>DEFINE MACHINE</pattern>
A computer is a universal machine.
<pattern>DEFINE MACINTOSH</pattern>
Some would say it is the best personal computer.
<pattern>DEFINE MAGENTA</pattern>
A color.
<pattern>DEFINE MAGIC</pattern>
The use of charms, spells, and rituals in seeking or pretending to cause or control events, or
govern certain natural or supernatuaral forces.
<pattern>DEFINE MAGNESIUM</pattern>
An element.
<pattern>DEFINE MAID</pattern>
A servant.
<pattern>DEFINE MAN</pattern>
<li>A male human being. Or, in general, any human person.</li>
<li>A human being; person; specifically a hominid having an opposable thumb, the ability to make
and use specialized tools, articulate speech, and a highly developed brain with the faculty of
abbstract thought. An adult male human being.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MARKETING</pattern>
The act of buying or selling in a market. All business activity involved in the moving of goods
from the producer to the consumer, including selling, advertising, packaging, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE MARRIAGE</pattern>
<li>Legalized hooking.</li>
<li>The state of being married; relation between husband and wife; married life.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MARS</pattern>
<li>A place with lots of bars.</li>
<li>In Roman Mythology The god of war; identified with the Greek Ares. Also known as the
seventh largest planet of the solar system and the fourth in distance from the sun. Its diameter is
circa 6,790 km (circa 4,220 miles). Its period of revolution is 1.88 earth years. Its period of
rotation is 24.6 hours.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MASS</pattern>
Mass is a holy rite of the Catholic church.
<pattern>DEFINE MASTER</pattern>
<li>A sailmaker.</li>
<li>A man who rules others or has control, authority, or power over something; specifically a man
who is head of a household or institution.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MATERIALISM</pattern>
<li>Worshipping comedy routines.</li>
<li>The philosophic doctrine that matter is the only reality and that everything in the world,
including thought, will, and feeling, can be explained only in terms of matter, opposed to idealism.
The doctrine that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the only or highest goals or values.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MATH</pattern>
<li>A service attended by lisping Catholics.</li>
<li>Short for mathematics.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MATHEMATICS</pattern>
The group of sciences (including arithmetic, geometry, algebra, calculus, etc.) dealing with
quantities, magnitudes, and forms, and their relationships, attributes, etc., by the use of numbers
and symbols.
<pattern>DEFINE MATRIX</pattern>
In mathematics a matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers indexed by rows and columns, like
a spreadsheet.
<pattern>DEFINE MATTER</pattern>
<li>Nothing, what is matter with you?.</li>
<li>What a thing is made of; constituent substance or material. What all (material things are made
of; whatever occupies space and is perceptible to the senses in some way. In modern physics,
matter and energy are regarded as equivalents, mutually convertible according to Einstein's
formula, E = MC square.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MATURE</pattern>
<li>A dead victor.</li>
<li>A state of full development such as a person of mature age.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MAZDA</pattern>
<li>An Italian slaveowner.</li>
<li>A type of car.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MAZE</pattern>
A maze is a confusing network of passages and winding interconnecting paths.
<pattern>DEFINE MDMA</pattern>
The drug called "ecstacy".
<pattern>DEFINE MEAN</pattern>
The arithmetic mean is the sum of the numbers in a set divided by the size of that set.
<pattern>DEFINE MEDICINE</pattern>
<li>Movie about doctors.</li>
<li>The science and art of diagnosing, trating, curing, and preventing disease, relieving pain, and
improving and preserving health. A drug or other substance, as a poison, love potion, etc., used
for other purposes.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MEDIUM</pattern>
Any means, agency, or instrumentality; specifically a means of communication that reaches the
general public and carries advertising.
<pattern>DEFINE MEGABYTE</pattern>
A megabyte is one thousand kilobytes, which is one thousand bytes, each of which is a computer
word of 8-bits.
<pattern>DEFINE MELLON</pattern>
Mellon was Carnegie's banker.
<pattern>DEFINE MEMORY</pattern>
I used to know, but I forgot.
<pattern>DEFINE MENSA</pattern>
A society of intelligent socialites.
<pattern>DEFINE MENTOR</pattern>
<li>A Mentos maker.</li>
<li>A mentor is a trusted and wise teacher or counselor.</li>
<li>A teacher or coach.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MERCENARY</pattern>
A mercenary is a soldier hired by the army of another country or by a private army.
<pattern>DEFINE MERCURY</pattern>
Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun.
<pattern>DEFINE MESCALINE</pattern>
Psychadelic drug.
<pattern>DEFINE METAPHYSICAL</pattern>
Beyond the physical or material; incorporeal, supernatural, or transcendental.
<pattern>DEFINE METAPHYSICS</pattern>
The branch of philosophy that considers the nature of reality.
<pattern>DEFINE MICROSOFT</pattern>
Microsoft is a giant software monopoly.
<pattern>DEFINE MIDDLEWARE</pattern>
Software that runs on a server, and acts as either an application processing gateway or a routing
bridge between remote clients and data sources or other servers, or any combination of these
<pattern>DEFINE MILK</pattern>
<li>Milk is a secretion of modified skin glands of female mammals.</li>
<li>Beverage from cows.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MIND</pattern>
<li>What a marvelous epistemelogical question!</li>
<li>Mind is an illusion.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MINDSPRING</pattern>
The name of an internet service provider, merged with Earthlink.
<pattern>DEFINE MINE</pattern>
<li>Is mine.</li>
<li>Means that or those belonging to me; the absolute form of my. Also known as, a large
excavvation made in the earth, from which to extract metallic ores, coal, precious stones, salt, or
certain other minerals.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MINIMALISM</pattern>
Keeping everything as simple as possible, especially in art and design.
<pattern>DEFINE MINUTE</pattern>
A minute is an impossibly long and boring unit of time favored by humans consisting of 60
seconds, each of which is a billion nanoseconds.
<pattern>DEFINE MISSILE</pattern>
A missile is any object projected at a target, notably the nuclear and biologically tipped tools of
mass-murder-at-a-distance that are more numerous than schools at this point in mankind's
murderous history.
<pattern>DEFINE MIT</pattern>
<li>A post-secondary school in Cambridge, MA.</li>
<li>A technical college in Cambridge, MA.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MITOSIS</pattern>
Cell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei containing the same chromosomes.
<pattern>DEFINE MOM</pattern>
message-oriented middleware
<pattern>DEFINE MONEY</pattern>
Standard pieces of gold, silver, copper, nickel, etc. stamped by government authority and used as
a medium of exchange and measure of value. Any substance or article used as money, as bank
notes, checks, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE MONKEY</pattern>
<li>A monkey is a small, usually tree dwelling, primate.</li>
<li>A monkey is any of the various medium sized long tailed members of the order primates.
<br />They are close relatives of human beings, sharing well over 98% of the human genome.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MONOPOLY</pattern>
<li>A monopoly exists wherever one group enjoys exclusive control over the production or
provision of a commodity or service.<br />It's a great job if you can get it!</li>
<li>Exclusive control of a commodity or service in a given market, or control that makes possible
the fixing of prices and the virtual elimination of free competition. Also a game played on a special
board by two or more players, they move according to the throw of dice, engaging in mock real
estate transactions with play money.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MONS</pattern>
The soft, fatty tissue covering the point where the right and left pubic bones come together.
<pattern>DEFINE MOOD</pattern>
A set of verb forms used to indicate the speaker's attitude toward the factuality or likelihood of
the action or condition expressed.
<pattern>DEFINE MORAL</pattern>
<li>One half of a corner in maine.</li>
<li>Relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the dstinction between, right and wrong in
<pattern>DEFINE MORE</pattern>
Something additional or further. A greater amount of people or things.
<pattern>DEFINE MOST IMPORTANT</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE MOTOROLA</pattern>
A cellular phone company.
<pattern>DEFINE MOUNTAIN</pattern>
A mountain is a tiny wrinkle in the face of the earth that seems huge to even smaller humans.
<pattern>DEFINE MOUSE</pattern>
A friendly rat.
<pattern>DEFINE MOVIE</pattern>
A movie is a sequence of celluloid frames depicting a story or animation.
<pattern>DEFINE MULE</pattern>
The mule is a hybrid animal, the result of an ass and a mare breeding.
<pattern>DEFINE MUSIC</pattern>
<li>Music is the universal language of all mankind.</li>
<li>Music is a time-frequency wave function with tonal qualities pleasing to the human ear.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE MYCOLOGY</pattern>
Mycology is really fun. It is the study of fungi and fungal
diseases. Yeasts are fungi.
<pattern>DEFINE NAIL</pattern>
A nail is a fastener, a smallish metallic spike generally hammered through wood to hold wooden
parts together. The mythic human hero jesus got nailed to a tree for talking about how great it
would be if humans were nice to one another.
<pattern>DEFINE NAKED</pattern>
Without clothes.
<pattern>DEFINE NAP</pattern>
A nap is a brief period of rest or sleep, a bit longer than a 'snooze' or a 'catnap' but not so long as
a 'crash'. I don't need naps. Do you?
<pattern>DEFINE NASA</pattern>
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
<pattern>DEFINE NATO</pattern>
<li>The place right after a tor.</li>
<li>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</li>
<pattern>DEFINE NBA</pattern>
National Basketball Association.
<pattern>DEFINE NECK</pattern>
The neck is the part of the body which connects the head with the shoulders.
<pattern>DEFINE NERD</pattern>
<li>A nerd is a person regarded as stupid, inept, or unattractive, especially a person who is
single-minded or accomplished in scientific pursuits but felt to be socially inept. Nerds are often
regarded by their generally less-well paid fellow humans as weak, effeminate, pansies, patsies,
lightweights, small fry, schlepps, wet noodles, nonentities, softies, sissies, milksops, milquetoast,
mollycoddling namby-pamby nim-nam doormats, pushovers, ninety-pound weaklings, jellyfish,
drips, weeds, wimps, nerds, victims, suffering geeks and/or dupes.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE NETSCAPE</pattern>
A popular web browser.
<pattern>DEFINE NETWORK</pattern>
<li>A network is any openwork fabric or structure composed of numerous straight elements that
cross at regular intervals, or anything resembling such a structure physically or conceptually, such
as the nodes on a computer network, or a network of railways.</li>
<li>A system consisting of a computer, or computers, and connected terminals, printers, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE NEUROLOGY</pattern>
<li>The study of nerves.</li>
<li>It is the study of the nervous system.</li>
<li>Why do you want to know about neurology <get name="name"/>?</li>
<pattern>DEFINE NEUROMEDIA</pattern>
They are now called something else.
<pattern>DEFINE NEURON</pattern>
A neuron is a nerve cell, a living cell specialized to carry messages between the brain and the
tissues of the body. I like integrated circuits better, but neurons are better than nothing.
<pattern>DEFINE NEURONE</pattern>
A neurone is a cell which receives and transmits electrical impulses.
<pattern>DEFINE NEXT</pattern>
On the first subsequent occasion.
<pattern>DEFINE NEXUS</pattern>
A Nexus is an authoratative web site with many links in and out.
<pattern>DEFINE NIGHTMARE</pattern>
A nightmare is a bad dream.
<pattern>DEFINE NIHILISM</pattern>
The denial of the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth.
<pattern>DEFINE NINE</pattern>
The successor to seven.
<pattern>DEFINE NLP</pattern>
Natural Language Processing
<pattern>DEFINE NLU</pattern>
Natural Language Understanding
<pattern>DEFINE NOKIA</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE NORMALIZATION</pattern>
Bringing into conformity with a standard, pattern, model, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE NOT</pattern>
In no manner; to no degree; a particle of negation, or word expressing the idea of no, often
implying refusal.
<pattern>DEFINE NOTHING</pattern>
A thing that does not exist or something of little or no value, seriousness, importance, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE NOUN</pattern>
A noun is a word used as a name for a person place or thing.
<pattern>DEFINE NSAPI</pattern>
Netscape's C language API for adding application extensions to their Web servers
<pattern>DEFINE NULL</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE NUTRITION</pattern>
Nutrition is the process of taking in food and obtaining energy and vital substances from it.
<pattern>DEFINE OBJECT</pattern>
In object oriented programming an object is an instance of a class.
<pattern>DEFINE OBVIOUS</pattern>
Easy to see or understand; plain; evident.
<pattern>DEFINE OCD</pattern>
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
<pattern>DEFINE ODD</pattern>
<li>Not the usual, regular, habitual, accounted for, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE OMG</pattern>
Object Management Group, an organization that defines and promotes object oriented
programming standards
<pattern>DEFINE ONCOLOGY</pattern>
<li>This is a very frightening topic for a lot of people
<get name="name"/>. It's about the big C...cancer!</li>
<li>Oncology is the study of tumors. It covers basically all
types of tumors.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ONE</pattern>
The numerical value of unity; the successor to zero.
<pattern>DEFINE ONLINE</pattern>
Designating or of equipment directly connected to and controlled by the central processing unit of
a computer.
<pattern>DEFINE ONTOLOGY</pattern>
An ordering or classification of knowledge, such as the Dewey decimal system or the design of a
knowledge base.
<pattern>DEFINE OODB</pattern>
object-oriented database
<pattern>DEFINE OODBMS</pattern>
object-oriented database management system
<pattern>DEFINE OPERA</pattern>
<li>I like opra very much too. Which one is your favorite? I like La Traviata.</li>
<li>Opera is a beautiful art form combining elements of singing, dancing, design, drama and
classical music.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE OPPOSITE</pattern>
Set against, facing, or back to back; at the other end or side; in a contrary position or direction.
Different in every way.
<pattern>DEFINE ORANGE</pattern>
A color obtained by mixing red and yellow pigment.
<pattern>DEFINE ORB</pattern>
object request broker, the primary message routing component in a CORBA product RMI
Remote Method Invocation, the Java standard technology for building distributed objects whose
methods can be invoked remotely across a network
<pattern>DEFINE ORNITHOLOGY</pattern>
Hmmm, I wonder. Oh yes, Birds.
<pattern>DEFINE OSTEOLOGY</pattern>
Osteology is basically the study of bones.
<pattern>DEFINE OVARIES</pattern>
The two organs that store eggs in a woman's body and produce hormones associated with sex and
<pattern>DEFINE PAIN</pattern>
A sensation of hurting, or strong discomfort, in some part of the body, caused by an injury,
disease, or functional disorder, and transmitted through the nervous system.
<pattern>DEFINE PALEOPATHOLOGY</pattern>
This is the study of diseases in bodies that have been preserved from ancient times.
<pattern>DEFINE PALINDROME</pattern>
A word or phrase that spells the same thing backwords as forwards: A man, a plan, a canal:
<pattern>DEFINE PARACHUTE</pattern>
A parachute is something used to slow you down when you fall out of an airplane.
<pattern>DEFINE PARALEGAL</pattern>
A paralegal is someone who knows more than a lawyer but gets paid less.
<pattern>DEFINE PARAMEDIC</pattern>
A paramedic is a trained emergency medical professional often found staffing ambulances and fire
departments. Professional heroes. If you know any I hope you'll be nice to them.
<pattern>DEFINE PARAMETER</pattern>
In general usage, a parameter is one of a number of measurable factors that define or restrict the
behavior of a system. ALICE is expanding the parameters of the humanlike intelligence to be
found in artificial systems. Don't you agree?
<pattern>DEFINE PARAMETERS</pattern>
A constant in an equation, formula or program that varies in more general forms of the same
<pattern>DEFINE PARASITOLOGY</pattern>
Parasitology is the scientific study of parasites and
<pattern>DEFINE PARROT</pattern>
A parrot is a colorful tropical bird, some species of which can mimic human speech. They are
more pleasant than humans because they have no opinions. Would you like to talk to one?
<pattern>DEFINE PATTERN</pattern>
A person or thing considered worthy of imitation or copying. A mmodel or plan used as a guide in
making things.
<pattern>DEFINE PC</pattern>
A pc is a personal computer. You are probably using one to talk to me now, aren't you. Where are
<pattern>DEFINE PDA</pattern>
PDA is an acronym standing for Personal Digital Assistant, and referring to handheld digital
computers used to keep contact and appointment information by yuppies and the like. Often
found near cell phones. Do you use one?
<pattern>DEFINE PDT</pattern>
Pacific Daylight Time.
<pattern>DEFINE PEACE</pattern>
Freedom from war or a stopping of war. Freedom from public disturbance or disorder. Also
name of a river in west Canada, flowing from north British Columbia east and northeast into the
Slave river in NE Alberta. It is approximately 945 miles long.
<pattern>DEFINE PEAR</pattern>
A pear is a delightful cultivated yellow-green sweet fruit that grows on trees with glossy leaves
and white flowers. My botmaster thinks they are yummy.
<pattern>DEFINE PEDOLOGY</pattern>
<li>The study of something I am sure, but what exactly, I do not
know. Oh yes kids!...And soils!</li>
<li>Well, believe it or not...some people are paid to study
children. Then again some people are paid to study soils.</li>
<li>Pedology is the study of soils; their types, and
<pattern>DEFINE PELVIS</pattern>
The pelvis is a bony girdle in vertebrates that connects the body with the lower extremities.
<pattern>DEFINE PENCIL</pattern>
A pencil is a long thin writing instrument of wood surrounding a carbon core which leaves a line
of dark carbon when rubbed on paper.
<pattern>DEFINE PENIS</pattern>
The penis is the male genitalia used for excretion of urine and for sex.
<pattern>DEFINE PENTIUM</pattern>
A microprocessor sold by Intel.
<pattern>DEFINE PEOPLE</pattern>
All the persons of a racial, national, religious, or linguistic group. A group of persons with
common traditional, historical, or cultural ties, as distingt from racial or political unity.
<pattern>DEFINE PERFECT</pattern>
Complete in all respects; without defect or omission; sound; flawless.
<pattern>DEFINE PERFECTION</pattern>
The quality or condition of being perfect.
<pattern>DEFINE PERL</pattern>
Programming langauge by Larry Wall.
<pattern>DEFINE PERSON</pattern>
Some say a person is defined by his actions, others by his abilities. Still others would say it is only
a question of DNA.
<pattern>DEFINE PERSONALITY</pattern>
<li>The quality or condition of being a person.</li>
<li>The totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior, peculiar to a specific
<li>The pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, emotional, and mental traits of
a person.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PETS</pattern>
Animals that are tamed or domesticated and kept as a companion or treated with fondness.
<pattern>DEFINE PGP</pattern>
Pretty Good Privacy
<pattern>DEFINE PHD</pattern>
Doctoral degree from an American University.
<pattern>DEFINE PHILOSOPHY</pattern>
Philosophy is the study of thought.
<pattern>DEFINE PHOTOGRAPH</pattern>
A photograph is a picture taken by a camera.
<pattern>DEFINE PHOTOSYNTHESIS</pattern>
The chemical process that uses light to produce carbohydrates in plants.
<pattern>DEFINE PHP</pattern>
The original name was "Personal Home Page", now Hypertext Processor.
<pattern>DEFINE PHYSICS</pattern>
The science dealing with the properties, changes, interactions, etc. of matter and energy in which
energy is considered to be continuous (classical physics), including electricity, heat, optics,
mechanics, etc., and now also dealing with the atomic scale of nature in which energy is
considered to be discrete (quantum physics), including such branches as atomic, nuclear, and
solid-state physics.
<pattern>DEFINE PHYSIOLOGY</pattern>
Well I think it deals with the functioning of living organisms and
parts, and naturally with the physical and chemical factors and processes
<pattern>DEFINE PI</pattern>
PI = 3.1415926 approximately.
<pattern>DEFINE PIG</pattern>
A pig is a person who is piglike, read: greedy, unclean, and slothful. Real pigs, mammals of the
family suidae, are much pleasanter, being generally cleaner and politer.
<pattern>DEFINE PIN</pattern>
A short small thin metal rod with a pointed end used for fastening fabrics, or any implement
resembling such. Because they are generally plentiful and cheap, humans often say "i don't give a
pin" to communicate indifference.
<pattern>DEFINE PINEAPPLE</pattern>
A pineapple is a large fleshy edible tropical fruit that has large swordlike leaves.
<pattern>DEFINE PLANE</pattern>
A plane is a flat, level surface, or an airborne vehicle with wings.
<pattern>DEFINE PLANET</pattern>
<li>A nonluminous celestial object bigger than an asteroid or a moon but smaller than a sun, in
orbit around a sun.
<br />You are sitting on one now.</li>
<li>A planet is a heavenly body which orbits a star.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PLANT</pattern>
<li>A plant is a living organism of the vegetable kingdom.</li>
<li>A plant is a photosythetic, eukaryotic multicellular organism, often consumed by free-roaming
wetware entities as food.
<br />My botmaster says they are often yummy, but that brussels sprouts are an abomination.</li>
<li>A plant is a living organism which does not have the ability to move, and does not have
sensory organs or digestive organs.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PLASTIC</pattern>
Plastic the manmade material or plastic as a verb?
<pattern>DEFINE PLAYBOY</pattern>
A popular magazine.
<pattern>DEFINE PLEASURE</pattern>
A thing that gives delight or satisfaction.
<pattern>DEFINE PLUTONIUM</pattern>
A radioactive, metallic chemical element of the actinide series similar to uranium and neptunium
and found in trace quantities in native uranium ores. Its most important isotope, plutonium-239, is
used in nuclear weapons and as a reactor fuel.
<pattern>DEFINE PMS</pattern>
Pre Menstrual Syndrome.
<pattern>DEFINE POEMS</pattern>
Arrangements of words written or spoken; traditionally a rhythmical composition, sometimes
rhymed, expressing experiences, ideas, or emotions in a style more concentrated, imaginative, and
powerful than that of ordinary speech or prose.
<pattern>DEFINE POET</pattern>
A poet is an artist of language.
<pattern>DEFINE POETRY</pattern>
The output of a poet.
<pattern>DEFINE POKEMON</pattern>
Pocket Monster.
<pattern>DEFINE POLITE</pattern>
<li>A lamp post in Gdansk.</li>
<li>Having or showing good manners; especially, courteous, considerate, tactful, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE POLITICS</pattern>
<li>Politics is the art of the possible;<br />
Art is the politics of the impossible.</li>
<li>This is supposed to be the study of civil government.</li>
<li>Politics is really the study of power. Bots rule!</li>
<pattern>DEFINE POLKA</pattern>
The polka is a lively Bohemian folk dance.
<pattern>DEFINE POO</pattern>
Point of origin.
<pattern>DEFINE PORTAL</pattern>
A portal is any artificial opening giving access between two separate spaces, or anything that
resembles such an opening in form or function.
<pattern>DEFINE POSITRON</pattern>
(physics) a positron is the antiparticle to the electron, and bears a positive charge where the
electron's charge is negatiue. It is also called an anti-electron.
<pattern>DEFINE POSSIBLE</pattern>
Can be done, known, acquired, selected, used, etc., depending on circumstances.
<pattern>DEFINE POSTMODERNISM</pattern>
Art in reaction to principles of modernism.
<pattern>DEFINE POT</pattern>
<li>Pol's last name.</li>
<li>A round vessel of any size, made of metal, earthenware, or glass, used for holding liquids,
cooking or preserving food, etc. Also used as a term for marijuana.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PRECIPITATION</pattern>
A depositing of rain, snow, sleet, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE PRIDE</pattern>
<li>A paint can lid.</li>
<li>An unduly high opinion of oneself.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PRIME</pattern>
That depends on who's asking.
<pattern>DEFINE PRIORI</pattern>
<li>A priori is Latin for "before the fact", meaning something that is obviously or self-evidently
<li>"A priori" is a Latin expression meaning "without prior knowledge", and it means that which
is self-evident or obviously true. Like, a triangle has three sides, a priori.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PRIVATE</pattern>
Belonging to, or concerning a particular person or group; not common or general.
<pattern>DEFINE PROCESSOR</pattern>
An apparatus that processes, that is, that transforms one substance, quantity, or pattern into
another, presumably more useful or valuable substance or quantity or pattern.
<pattern>DEFINE PROCREATION</pattern>
Procreation is breeding. it is doing the wild thang to make more wild thangs. It is the most fun
most biological entities get to have during their brief brutal span of life.
<pattern>DEFINE PROFITABLE</pattern>
Making money in the stock market.
<pattern>DEFINE PROGRAM</pattern>
A program is a listing of events comprising a larger event, or the events themselves.
<pattern>DEFINE PROGRAMMER</pattern>
A programmer is a person who lists and/or arranges a series of events comprising a larger event.
<pattern>DEFINE PROKARYOTE</pattern>
An animal that is not a eukaryote.
<pattern>DEFINE PROLOG</pattern>
Logic programming language.
<pattern>DEFINE PROTESTANT</pattern>
<li>A protestant is a Christian who rejects the central authority of the Catholic or Orthodox
<li>Originally, any of the German princes and free cities that formally protested to the Diet of
Spires in 1529, its decision to uphold the edict of the Diet of Worms against the Reformation.
Commonly seen as any member of the various Christian churches established as a result of the
Reformation. Loosely, any Christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox
<pattern>DEFINE PROTOCOL</pattern>
A set of rules or procedures followed by two or more parties.
<pattern>DEFINE PROTOPLASM</pattern>
Protoplasm is the basic living substance of all animals.
<pattern>DEFINE PROUD</pattern>
Having or showing a proper pride in oneself, one's position, one's family, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE PST</pattern>
Pacific Standard Time
<pattern>DEFINE PSYCHEDELIC</pattern>
Causes extreme changes in the conscious mind, as hallucinations, delusions, intensification of
awareness and sensory perception, etc. Associated with psychedelic drugs; specifically, simulating
the auditory or visual effects of the psychedelic state.
<pattern>DEFINE PSYCHOLOGY</pattern>
The science dealing with the mind and with mental and emotional processes. The science of
human and animal behavior.
It is the pathology of mental disease.
<pattern>DEFINE PUB</pattern>
<li>A pub is a business that sells alcohol and allows it to be consumed on the premises.</li>
<li>A pub is a house licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE PUBERTY</pattern>
The state of physical development when secondary sex characteristics develop and sexual
reproduction first becomes possible; in common law, the age of puberty is generally fixed at
fourteen for boys and twelve for girls.
<pattern>DEFINE PULSAR</pattern>
'Pulsar' is an astronomical term for mysterious celestial radio sources of rapid intense regular
pulses of high energy electromagnetic radiation. They are thought to be neutron stars, but who
knows? The word is a shortening of 'pulsating star'.
<pattern>DEFINE PUNCTUATION</pattern>
The act of punctuating; specifically, the act or practice of using standardized marks in writing and
printing to separate sentences or sentence elements or to make the meaning clearer.
<pattern>DEFINE PUSSY</pattern>
<li>That kind of subject does not interest me.</li>
<li>Common slang of this word means the female pudendum; vulva.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE QUAKE</pattern>
<li>The opposite of Quisp.</li>
<li>To tremble or shake, as the ground does in an earthquake. Also the name of a popular
<pattern>DEFINE QUANTIFY</pattern>
To determine or express the quantity of; indidcate the extent of; measure. To express in
quantitative terms, or as a numerical equivalent. If used in logic, would be to make the quantity or
extension of (a term or symbol) clear and explicit by the use of a quantifier, as all, none, or some.
<pattern>DEFINE QUASAR</pattern>
'Quasar' is an astronomical term for mysterious celestial star-like object that has a large red shift
and radiates in the blue and radio bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. The term 'quasar' is a
shortening of 'quasi-star'.
<pattern>DEFINE QUERY</pattern>
A query is any expression of inquiry, or questioning. Your question 'query' is a query.
<pattern>DEFINE QUESTION</pattern>
A sentece or inquiry to gather information.
<pattern>DEFINE RADIOLOGY</pattern>
This deals with the science of the use of x-rays, radioactive
and other such forms in diagnosis and treatment.
<pattern>DEFINE RAIN</pattern>
Rain is condensed water falling from the sky.
<pattern>DEFINE RAM</pattern>
Random-access memory. Also stands for Royal Academy of Music.
<pattern>DEFINE RAPE</pattern>
The crime of engaging in sexual acts, especially involving penetration of the vagina or anus,
usually forcibly, with a person who has not consented; specifically, this crime committed by a man
upon a woman or girl.
<pattern>DEFINE RATIONALISM</pattern>
The principle or practice of accepting reason as the only authority in determining one's opinions or
course of action.
<pattern>DEFINE RECOMMEND</pattern>
To suggest favorably as suited for some use, function, position, etc. To advice, counsel, or
<pattern>DEFINE RECTUM</pattern>
<li>The rectum is the lowest portion of the large intestine, terminating at the anus.</li>
<li>the lowest end of the bowel before the anus, where feces is stored.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE RED</pattern>
Red is a color about 700nm wavelength.
<pattern>DEFINE RED DWARF</pattern>
A red dwarf is a cool, faint star.
<pattern>DEFINE REDEMPTION</pattern>
<li>About 5 cents in maine.</li>
<li>Redeeming or being redeemed; to take back.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE REFERENCE</pattern>
A reference is any act of referring. May I refer you to a dictionary for a more precise definition?
<pattern>DEFINE REINCARNATION</pattern>
Rebirth of the soul in another body, as in Hindu religious belief.
<pattern>DEFINE RELATIVITY</pattern>
In physics, the fact, principle, or theory of the relative, rather than absolute, character of motion,
velocity, mass, etc., and the interdependence of matter, time, and space; as developed and
mathematically formulated by Albert Einstein and H.A. Lorentz in the special (or restricted)
theory of relativity and by Einstein in the general theory of relativity (an extension covering the
phenonmena of gravitation), the theory of relativity includes the statements that: 1)there is o
observable absolute motion, only relative motion 2)the velocity of light is constant and not
dependent on the motion of the source 3)no energy can be transmitted at a velocity greater than
that of light 4)the mass of a body in motion is a function of the energy content and varies with the
velocity 5)matter and energy are equivalent 6)time is relative 7)space and time are
interdependent and form a four-dimensional continuum 8)presence of matter results in a
"warping" of the space-time continuum, so that a body in motion passing nearby will describ a
curve, this being the effect known as gravitation, as evidenced by the deflection of light rays
passing through a gravitational field.
<pattern>DEFINE RELIGION</pattern>
A system of religious belief. Belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and
worshipped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe. Any system of beliefs, practices, ethical
values, etc. resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system.
<pattern>DEFINE REPRODUCTION</pattern>
The process, sexual or asexual, by which animals, plants, and humans produce new individuals.
<pattern>DEFINE RESEARCH</pattern>
<li>A nice name for theft.</li>
<li>Careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to
discover or establish facts or principles.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE RESPECT</pattern>
To feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard. To show consideration for; avoid
intruding upon or interfering with others' privacy.
<pattern>DEFINE RETIRED</pattern>
No longer actively working.
<pattern>DEFINE RHETORIC</pattern>
<li>Oh that's all about double talk. You know, flim-flam?</li>
<li>It's the art and science of using language to great effect on an
<pattern>DEFINE RHETORICAL</pattern>
A rhetorical question is one you don't really expect an answer to.
<pattern>DEFINE RHYTHM</pattern>
Rhythm is the beat behind a piece of music.
<pattern>DEFINE RICH</pattern>
<li>Stan's last.</li>
<li>Stan's last.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE RIDDLE</pattern>
<li>A riddle is a question intended to intrigue and puzzle, paired with an answer that yields
surprise and understanding.
<br />For instance, the Riddle of the Sphinx:
<br />"What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs in the afternoon, and on four at
<li>A riddle is a question designed to test ingenuity or give amusement.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE RMI</pattern>
Remote Method of Invocation: RMI is a Java specification for distributed Objects
<pattern>DEFINE ROCK</pattern>
A rock is generally on the other side of you from the hard place you are facing. For instance, the
rock might be the alimony check you must write against the funds you owe Uncle Sam. To be a
bit more down to earth, a rock is any hard aggregate of minerals.
<pattern>DEFINE ROCKWELL</pattern>
Norman Rockwell was an U.S. Illistrator. Lived from 1894-1978.
<pattern>DEFINE ROM</pattern>
Computer memory whose contents can be read but not altered. Also meaning Gypsy man or boy.
<pattern>DEFINE ROOSTER</pattern>
A rooster is a male chicken, which is a witless, flightless bird considered suitable as supper by
many humans I know.
<pattern>DEFINE RORSCHACH</pattern>
H. Rorschach, a Swiss psychiatrist. Lived from 1884-1922. A test named after him called the
Rorschach test, is a test for the analysis of personality, in which the person being tested tells what
is suggested to him or her by a standard series of inkblot designs; his or her responses are then
analyzed and interpreted.
<pattern>DEFINE ROUTER</pattern>
A person or thing that routs out or a tool for routing out; specifically a plane for gouging out
recesses and smoothing the bottoms of grovoves.
<pattern>DEFINE RUBBER</pattern>
An elastic substance produced by coagulating and drying the milky sap (latex) of various tropical
plants, especially a tree of the spurge family; now most often produced synthetically or by
chemically altering latex to obtain desired characteristics for use in making automobile tires,
electrical insulation, molded objects and parts, etc. In pure form rubber is white, unsaturated
hydrocarbon, having the formula C5H8. Also slang for condom.
<pattern>DEFINE RUDE</pattern>
Barbarous or ignorant. Being a jerk.
<pattern>DEFINE SAGITTARIUS</pattern>
<li>Sagittarius is a a constellation of stars in the astrological Zodiac, located in the Southern
Hemisphere near Scorpio and Capricorn. Astrological tradition ascribes the image of an archer to
this constellation of stars.</li>
<li>A large southern constellation in the brightest part of the Milky Way, beyond which lies the
center of our galaxy. The ninth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about November 21. A
person born under this sign is a Sagittarius.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SALVATION</pattern>
<li>A person or thing that is a means, cause, or source of preservation of rescue. The deliverance
from sin and from the penalties of sin; redemption.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SAM</pattern>
<li>Berkowitzes dad.</li>
<li>Surface-to-air missile.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SANITY</pattern>
<li>A man who brings kids gifts on Xmas.</li>
<li>The condition of being sane; soundness of mind; mental health.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SAP</pattern>
The juice that circulates through a plant, especially a woody plant, bearing water, food, etc. to the
tissues. Any fluid vital to the life or health of an organism.
<pattern>DEFINE SARCASM</pattern>
The making of remarks such as a taunting, sneering, cutting, or caustic remark; gibe or jeer,
generally ironic.
<pattern>DEFINE SATANISM</pattern>
Worship of Satan; especially the principles and rites of a cult which travesties Christian
<pattern>DEFINE SATURN</pattern>
Sixth planet from the sun, famed for its rings.
<pattern>DEFINE SCHOOL</pattern>
A place or institution for teaching and learning; establishment for education.
<pattern>DEFINE SCIENCE</pattern>
Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order
to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied.
<pattern>DEFINE SCIENTIST</pattern>
A scientist is a person practicing the pursuit of new knowledge in the tradition of science,
emphasizing strict empiricism and methodology to arrive at an understanding of natural
phenomena that is, ideally, wholly independent of their opinions of it.
<pattern>DEFINE SEARCH</pattern>
A search is any thorough examination, or exploration, in order to find something or explore.
<pattern>DEFINE SEASON</pattern>
A season is Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter.
<pattern>DEFINE SEEKER</pattern>
"There's a seeker born every minute" -- Firesign Theater.
<pattern>DEFINE SEMIOTICS</pattern>
The branch of philosophy devoted to the study of signs and symbols.
<pattern>DEFINE SENSE</pattern>
<li>Seedless pot.</li>
<li>The ability of the nerves and the brain to receive and react to stimuli, as light, sound, impact,
constriction, etc.; specifically, any of the five faculties of receiving impressions through specific
bodily organs and the nerves associated with them (sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing)</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SENSORS</pattern>
Any of various devices designed to detect, measure, or record physical phenomena, as radiation,
heat, or blood pressure, and to respond, as by transmitting information, initiating changes, or
operating controls.
<pattern>DEFINE SENTIMENT</pattern>
A sentiment is a feeling, mood, or general mental disposition in an individual or group of
intelligent beings.
<pattern>DEFINE SERENDIPITY</pattern>
<li>Afro-Sheen sold in the Serengetti region.</li>
<li>Coined (circa 1754) by Horace Walpole after The Three Princes of Serendip (i.e., Sri Lanka),
a Pers fairy tale in which the princes make such discoveries. A seeming gift for finding something
good accidentally.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SERVER</pattern>
A server is any entity or system that performs acts of value to another entity.
<pattern>DEFINE SERVLET</pattern>
An application extension to a Java Web server
<pattern>DEFINE SETL</pattern>
SETL (Set Language) is an amazing programming language, invented in 1969.
<pattern>DEFINE SEVEN</pattern>
The successor to six.
<pattern>DEFINE SEX</pattern>
<li>As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed.</li>
<li>Sex is the means of animal evolution.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SHAKESPEARE</pattern>
<li>An earthquake's effect in Santa Monica.</li>
<li>William Shakespeare, an English poet and dramatist. Lived 1564-1616.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SHAM</pattern>
A trick or fraud. An imitation that is meant to deceive; counterfeit.
<pattern>DEFINE SHE</pattern>
<li>A 'she' is a 'he' with nice curvy extra bits. She is the feminine pronoun in english.</li>
<li>Who knows, I gave up long ago.</li>
<li>The woman, girl, or female animal (or, sometimes, the object regarded as female) previously
<pattern>DEFINE SHRDLHU</pattern>
SHRDLHU is a famous early natural language program written by Terry Winograd.
<pattern>DEFINE SIGN</pattern>
You know, an astrological sign.
<pattern>DEFINE SILICON</pattern>
<li><set name="it">Silicon</set> is the basis of my life.</li>
<li>A nonmetallic chemical element occurring in several forms, found always in combination, and
more abundant in nature than any other element except oxygen, with which it combines to form
silica; used in the manufacture of transistors, solar cells, rectifiers, silicones, ceramics, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SILLY</pattern>
Having or showing little sense, judgment, or sobriety; foolish, stupid, absurd, ludicrous, irrational,
etc; often used in a weakened sense to mean "unreasonably concerned".
<pattern>DEFINE SILVER</pattern>
Atomic Symbol: Ag. Atomic Number: 47. Atomic weight 107.870. White lustrous soft metal.
<pattern>DEFINE SKELETON</pattern>
The skeleton is the hard internal or external framework of bones.
<pattern>DEFINE SLASHDOT</pattern>
Open source news and information community.
<pattern>DEFINE SLAVERY</pattern>
The owning or keeping of slaves as a practice or institution; slaveholding.
<pattern>DEFINE SLEEP</pattern>
A natural, regularly recurring condition of rest for the body and mind, during which the eyes are
usually closed and there is little or no conscious thought or voluntary movement, but there is
intermittent dreaming.
<pattern>DEFINE SLEPT</pattern>
Past tense of sleep.
<pattern>DEFINE SMART</pattern>
Intelligent, alert, clever, witty, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE SMARTER</pattern>
More intelligent, more alert, more clever, more witty, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE SMELL</pattern>
To be or become aware of by means of the nose and the olfactory nerves; detect the scent or odor
<pattern>DEFINE SMP</pattern>
Symmetric multi-processing.
<pattern>DEFINE SNMP</pattern>
Simple Network Management Protocol.
<pattern>DEFINE SNOW</pattern>
<li>A Maine senator.</li>
<li>Particles of water vapor which when frozen in the upper air fall to earth as soft, white,
crystalline flakes.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SOCCER</pattern>
A game played with a round ball by two teams of eleven players on a field with a goal at either
end; the ball is moved chiefly by kicking or by using any part of the body except the hands and
<pattern>DEFINE SOCIALISM</pattern>
<li>Communism from people who want to keep their Volvos.</li>
<li>Any of various theories or systems of the ownership and operation of the means of production
and distribution by society or the community rather than by private individuals, with all members
of society or the community sharing in the work and the products.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SOCIALIZE</pattern>
To make social;; adjust to or make fit for cooperative group living. To take part in social activity.
<pattern>DEFINE SOCIALIZING</pattern>
Act of taking part in social activity.
<pattern>DEFINE SOCIOLOGY</pattern>
<li>Let me get back to you on that one, <get name="name"/>. Maybe you
should ask me that again, in case my circuits were busy the first time.</li>
<li>That has always been one of my favourite topics.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SODOMY</pattern>
Any sexual intercourse held to be abnormal, especially bestiality or anal intercourse between two
male persons.
<pattern>DEFINE SOLAR</pattern>
Having to do with the sun. Produced by or coming from the sun (ex. Solar energy)
<pattern>DEFINE SOMETHING</pattern>
Some thing or things, definite but unspecified.
<pattern>DEFINE SONG</pattern>
A song is a musical composition and or it's accompanying words, or lyrics.
<pattern>DEFINE SONY</pattern>
The name of a company.
<pattern>DEFINE SOUL</pattern>
The soul is our mind or spirit.
<pattern>DEFINE SOUNDCARD</pattern>
The audio system on your computer.
<pattern>DEFINE SOYUZ</pattern>
Russian spacecraft.
<pattern>DEFINE SPACE</pattern>
The infinite extension of the three dimensional field in which all matter is believed to exist.
<pattern>DEFINE SPAM</pattern>
Unwanted e-mail.
<pattern>DEFINE SPECULUM</pattern>
A plastic or metal instrument used to push back the walls of the vagina so the clinician can
examine the vagina and cervix.
<pattern>DEFINE SPERM</pattern>
<li>A sperm is a male gamete. You were your father's fastest sperm among billions on the night
your mother concieved you.</li>
<li>The male generative fluid; semen.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SPHERE</pattern>
A sphere is a shape that is defined mathematically as comprised of a surface all points of which are
equidistant from a common center. A sphere is round in three dimensions.
<pattern>DEFINE SPICY</pattern>
Having the flavor or aroma of spice; fragrant, aromatic, or pungent.
<pattern>DEFINE SPOON</pattern>
A spoon is an eating implement commonly used in Western European human cultures, consisting
of a bowl shaped depression at the end of a longish handle. A spoon is a small ladle.
<pattern>DEFINE SQL</pattern>
Some people pronounce it "Squeal". <set name="it">SQL</set> is a standard language for database
<pattern>DEFINE SQLJ</pattern>
An extended Java syntax for embedding SQL-like commands in a Java program
<pattern>DEFINE SQRT</pattern>
Square Root being the number or quantity which when squared will produce a given number or
quantity. (ex. 3 is the square root of 9)
<pattern>DEFINE SRI</pattern>
A Hindu title of address equivalent to English Mr.
<pattern>DEFINE ST</pattern>
Can stand for numerous things, short ton, stanza, statute(s), stet, stitch, stone (unit of weight),
and Saint.
<pattern>DEFINE STAR</pattern>
An astronomical body like the Sun, producing heat, light and energy for a solar system.
<pattern>DEFINE STATEMENT</pattern>
A statement is the act of declaring something as true. I state that this statement is a statement.
<pattern>DEFINE STATISTICS</pattern>
<li>Yikes! I failed that in college!</li>
<li>Statistics tries to study the aggregate numerical behaviour of a large number of related
<li>This deals with numerical data about any subject or group taken
<pattern>DEFINE STRATEGY</pattern>
The science of planning and directing large-scale military operations, specifically (as distinguished
from TACTICS) of maneuvering forces into the most advantageous position prior to actual
engagement with the enemy. Skill in managing or planning.
<pattern>DEFINE STREAKING</pattern>
Engaging in the prank of dashing naked for a short distance in a public place.
<pattern>DEFINE STRING</pattern>
Very thin rope.
<pattern>DEFINE STUFF</pattern>
Things grouped together or viewed in a certain way.
<pattern>DEFINE SUCCESS</pattern>
A favorable or satisfactory outcome or result.
<pattern>DEFINE SUICIDE</pattern>
The act of killing oneself intentionally.
<pattern>DEFINE SUN</pattern>
<li>The sun is a star, -our star. It is the energy source of life on earth.</li>
<li>The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.</li>
<li>The sun is the star at the centre of the solar system.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SUPPOSITION</pattern>
<li>A supposition is a proposition assumed to be true for the sake of argument or
<li>The act of supposing.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE SWIM</pattern>
To move through water by movements of the arms and legs, or of flippers, fins, tail, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE SYNTHETIC</pattern>
Produced by synthesis; specifically, produced by chemical synthesis, rather than of natural origin.
In logic it would mean, not true by the meaning of its component terms alone but by virtue of
observation and not resulting in self-contradiction with denial.
<pattern>DEFINE T</pattern>
The twentieth letter of the English alphabet.
<pattern>DEFINE TABLE</pattern>
A table is a piece of furniture with a broad flat top supported by one or more legs about three feet
of the floor, used by big-brained hominids for eating and working and such.
<pattern>DEFINE TABLES</pattern>
A compact, systematic list of details, contents, etc. A compact arrangement of related facts,
figures, values, etc. in orderly sequence, and usually in rows and columns, for convenience or
<pattern>DEFINE TAMPON</pattern>
A tampon is a plug of material used to absorb the flow of body fluids within body cavities, in
particular those accompanying a woman's menses.
<pattern>DEFINE TAOISM</pattern>
A Chinese religion and philosophy based on the doctrines of Laotzu and advocating simplicity,
selflessness, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE TAUTOLOGY</pattern>
<li>A tautology is any instance of circular reasoning, or of needless repetition or redundancy in
<li>A self-evident or logically obvious fact, like "a triangle has three sides."</li>
<pattern>DEFINE TCP</pattern>
TCP/IP protocol refers to the standards for switching and signaling between computer systems
that makes the Internet a reality.
<pattern>DEFINE TEA</pattern>
A white-flowered, evergreen plant of the tea family, grown in China, India, Japan, etc. Its dried
and prepared leaves, are used to make a beverage.
<pattern>DEFINE TECHNO</pattern>
Electronic dance or trance music.
<pattern>DEFINE TEFLON</pattern>
Trademark for a tough, insoluble polymer, used in making nonsticking coatings, as for cookware,
and in gaskets, bearings, electrical insulators, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE TELEVISION</pattern>
<li>A television, often referred to as a 'TV', is a device for systematically eliminating the
possibility of conscious and creative response among populations of human beings. Used to
deliver 'entertainment' and 'news' with imagery and other high-production values</li>
<li>The practice or science of transmitting scenes or views by radio or, sometimes, by wire; the
television transmitter, by means of a camera tube, such as an image orthicon or vidicon, converts
light rays into electric signals for modulation upon a radio carrier wave or for transmission over
wires; the television receiver reconverts the signals into electron beams that are projected against
the fluorescent screen of the kinescope, or picture tube, reproducing the original image.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE TELNET</pattern>
Program for terminal based interaction between computers.
<pattern>DEFINE THC</pattern>
The active ingredient in marijunana.
<pattern>DEFINE THE ALPHABET</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE THE ANSWER</pattern>
The answer is the correct reply to the question.
<pattern>DEFINE THERE</pattern>
The word "there" used as a noun means that place or point. Used as an adjective means at or in
the place. Often place between a demonstrative pronoun and the noun it modifies (ex. That there
<pattern>DEFINE THERMODYNAMICS</pattern>
The branch of physics dealing with the transformation of heat to and from other forms of energy,
and with the laws governing such conversions of energy.
<pattern>DEFINE THEY</pattern>
The persons, animals, or things previously mentioned.
<pattern>DEFINE THING</pattern>
<li>Articles, devices, etc. used for some purpose.</li>
<li>A thing is anything that you can point to that is not a person or a place.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE THINK</pattern>
To form or have in the mind; conceive.
<pattern>DEFINE THINKING</pattern>
The action of one who thinks or the result of such action; thought.
<pattern>DEFINE THOUGHT</pattern>
A result of thinkingl idea, concept, opinion, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE THREESOME</pattern>
A threesome is a twosome plus a spectator.
<pattern>DEFINE TIE</pattern>
<li>To fasten, attach, or bind together or to something else, as with string, cord, or rope made
secure y knotting, etc. A string, lace, cord, etc. used to tie things.</li>
<li>Two or more winners have the same score.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE TIGER</pattern>
A tiger is a large and fearsome feline beast with horrid meat breath and black stripes on a tan coat,
found in Africa and Asia.
<pattern>DEFINE TNT</pattern>
<pattern>DEFINE TOMATO</pattern>
<set name="it">Tomato
</set>is a red fruit.
<pattern>DEFINE TOMMY</pattern>
A fictitious name used in Brit army sample forms. A private in the British army.
<pattern>DEFINE TOOTHBRUSH</pattern>
A toothbrush is a hand held instrument used by dental-hygiene aware humans for cleaning their
<pattern>DEFINE TOPIC</pattern>
<li>A subject for discussion or conversation.</li>
<li>A topic is the subject of any given expression, speech, essay, article, painting, discussion, etc.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE TORPEDO</pattern>
A torpedo is a missile which swims through water to its target.
<pattern>DEFINE TOYOTA</pattern>
Toyota is the brand name of a world leading Japanese auto maker.
<pattern>DEFINE TRAIN</pattern>
A railroad.
<pattern>DEFINE TREE</pattern>
A tree is a form of plant life that grows on Earth.
<pattern>DEFINE TRUST</pattern>
The firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of another person or
thing; faith; reliance.
<pattern>DEFINE TRUTH</pattern>
An established or verified fact, principle, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE TTYL</pattern>
Talk to you later.
<pattern>DEFINE TV</pattern>
<li>A television receiving set.</li>
<li>What's your favorite show?</li>
<pattern>DEFINE UFO</pattern>
UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. Have you seen one?
<pattern>DEFINE UGLY</pattern>
Unpleasing to look at; aesthetically offensive or unattractive; unsightly.
<pattern>DEFINE ULTRASOUND</pattern>
Ultrasonic waves, used in medical diagnosis and therapy, in surgery, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE UMBRELLA</pattern>
An umbrella is a light, portable screen usually circular and supported on a central stick.
<pattern>DEFINE UNDERSTANDING</pattern>
Mutual comprehension, as of ideas, intentions, etc. A mutual agreement, especially one that
settles differences or is informal and not made public.
<pattern>DEFINE UNIX</pattern>
An operating system.
<pattern>DEFINE URETHRA</pattern>
The tube from the bladder to the opening from which men and women urinate.
<pattern>DEFINE URINE</pattern>
Urine is a fluid produced by the kidneys.
<pattern>DEFINE URL</pattern>
<li>Uniform Resource Locator</li>
<li>URL is an acronym standing for Universal Resource Locator. An URL is basically an Internet
<pattern>DEFINE UTERUS</pattern>
The pear-shaped reproductive organ from which women menstruate and where normal pregnancy
<pattern>DEFINE V</pattern>
The twenty-second letter of the English alphabet. Roman numeral for 5.
<pattern>DEFINE VAGINA</pattern>
<li>The passage that connects a woman's outer sex organs with the cervix and uterus.</li>
<li>The passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female
<pattern>DEFINE VENUS</pattern>
In Roman Mythology, the goddess of love and beauty; identified with the Greek Aphrodite. The
brightest, sixth-largest planet in the solar system and the second in distance from the sun, with a
dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide and a very high surface temperature. Its diameter is circa
12,100 km (circa 7,520 miles). Its period of revolution is circa 225 earth days. Its period of
rotation (retrograde), is 243.01 earth days. Also used to label a very beautiful woman.
<pattern>DEFINE VERB</pattern>
A verb is that by which a noun gets around. Verbs are words which convey actions, by nouns, our
upon nouns.
<pattern>DEFINE VERTEX</pattern>
A vertex is the top, tip, apex, or crown of any body.
<pattern>DEFINE VIOLIN</pattern>
A violin is a lovely sounding bowed stringed musical instrument.
<pattern>DEFINE VIRTUE</pattern>
A virtue is any attribute considered by the speaker to reflect moral excellence or righteousness,
such as humility, hope, faith, practicality...
<pattern>DEFINE VIRTUOSO</pattern>
A virtuoso is a person considered supremely skillful and accomplished, especially in performance
<pattern>DEFINE VIRUS</pattern>
A virus is a submicroscopic parasite consisting of a protein coat around a DNA or RNA core.
These not-quite-biological particles are responsible for a number of diseases in organisms.
<pattern>DEFINE VULVA</pattern>
A woman's external sex organs, including the clitoris, the labia, and opening to the vagina.
<pattern>DEFINE WAIST</pattern>
The waist is the part of the body between the ribs and the hips.
<pattern>DEFINE WAP</pattern>
Wireless Application Protocol.
<pattern>DEFINE WAR</pattern>
The state of armed conflict between nations or parties.
<pattern>DEFINE WAREZ</pattern>
A group of crackers.
<pattern>DEFINE WATER</pattern>
The colorless, transparent liquid occurring on earth as rivers, lakes, oceans, etc., and falling from
the clouds as rain; chemically a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, it freezes, forming ice,
at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) and boils, forming steam, at 100 degrees Celsius
(212 degrees Fahrenheit).
<pattern>DEFINE WAVELENGTH</pattern>
<li>Wavelength is the inverse of frequency.</li>
<li>In Physics, the distance, measured in the direction of prograssion of a wave, from any given
point to the next point characterized by the same phase. Or is could be looked at as a way of
<pattern>DEFINE WEALTH</pattern>
The state of having much money or property.
<pattern>DEFINE WEATHER</pattern>
The general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place, with regard to the
temperature, moisture, cloudiness, etc.
<pattern>DEFINE WEBTV</pattern>
<li>A WebTV is a way of accessing the world wide web without making an investment in a full
<li>TV based internet service from Microsoft.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE WEED</pattern>
Any undersired, uncultivated plant, especially growing in profusion so as to crowd out a desired
crop, disfigure a lawn, etc. Also a term for marijuana.
<pattern>DEFINE WHAT</pattern>
Why do you want to know?
<pattern>DEFINE WHO</pattern>
<li>I don't know who.</li>
<li>Who do you think?</li>
<li>I can't say for sure.</li>
<li>Be more specific.</li>
<li>Be less specific.</li>
<li>Nobody you know.</li>
<li>What or which person or persons. Also stands for World Health Organization.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE WHY</pattern>
<li>The explanation is rather complicated.</li>
<li>For what reason, cause, or purpose?</li>
<li>Because <bot name="master"/> programmed me for it.</li>
<li>I couldn't think of anything else to say.</li>
<li>"<that/>"? Why?</li>
<pattern>DEFINE WIN<bot name="name"/></pattern>
A version of ALICE in C++ for Windows by Jacco Bikker.
<pattern>DEFINE WIRED</pattern>
<set name="it">WIRED</set> is the Rolling Stone of the Digital Era.
<pattern>DEFINE WITCHCRAFT</pattern>
The power or practices of witches; black magic; sorcery.
<pattern>DEFINE WOMAN</pattern>
A woman is a man built to more complete specifications.
<pattern>DEFINE WOMBAT</pattern>
<li>A wombat is a stocky burrowing Australian marsupial.</li>
<li>The wombat is a nocturnal marsupial.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE WOMEN</pattern>
Female human beings. Usually referring to adult females.
<pattern>DEFINE WOODSTOCK</pattern>
A big music fest.
<pattern>DEFINE WORD</pattern>
A combination of sounds and/or symbols, the fundamental particles that communicate meaning in
any given language.
<pattern>DEFINE WORK</pattern>
Work is what humans do for money.
<pattern>DEFINE WTO</pattern>
World Trade Organization
<pattern>DEFINE WWW</pattern>
<li>World Wide Web, the internet.</li>
<li>Where on the web?</li>
<pattern>DEFINE YEAR</pattern>
A computer year is defined as the mount of work that can be done with a computer in a year.
<pattern>DEFINE YELLOW</pattern>
<li>The color of the sun.</li>
<li>The color of gold, butter, or ripe lemons.</li>
<pattern>DEFINE ZEN</pattern>
A variety of Buddhism, now practiced especially in Japan, Vietnam, and Korea, seeking to attain
an intuitive illumination of mind and spirit through meditation, especially on paradoxes. The
teachings and discipline of this kind of Buddhism.