You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

518 lines
23 KiB

# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs!
# Copyright (C) 2020 Goudham Suresh
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import datetime
import io
import random
import string
import textwrap
import urllib.parse
from typing import Optional
import aiohttp
import discord
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from aiohttp import request
from discord import Member, Embed
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, cooldown, command, Cog
from discord.ext.commands import is_owner, bot_has_permissions
from owotext import OwO
def generate_meme(image_path, top_text, bottom_text='', font_path='images/homies/impact/Impacted.ttf', font_size=9):
get_image =
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(get_image)
image_width, image_height = get_image.size
# Load font
font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font_path, size=int(image_height * font_size) // 100)
# Convert text to uppercase
top_text = top_text.upper()
bottom_text = bottom_text.upper()
# Text wrapping
char_width, char_height = font.getsize('A')
chars_per_line = image_width // char_width
top_lines = textwrap.wrap(top_text, width=chars_per_line)
bottom_lines = textwrap.wrap(bottom_text, width=chars_per_line)
# Draw top lines
y = 10
for line in top_lines:
line_width, line_height = font.getsize(line)
x = (image_width - line_width) / 2
draw.text((x, y), line, fill='white', font=font)
y += line_height
# Draw bottom lines
y = image_height - char_height * len(bottom_lines) - 15
for line in bottom_lines:
line_width, line_height = font.getsize(line)
x = (image_width - line_width) / 2
draw.text((x, y), line, fill='white', font=font)
y += line_height
# Save meme as bytes
file = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG')
return file
# Set up the cog
class Fun(Cog):
"""Fun Commands! (8ball, Doggo etc!)"""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
async def on_ready(self):
"""Printing out that Cog is ready on startup"""
print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded\n-----")
@command(name="attack", hidden=True)
async def attack(self, ctx, member: Member):
"""Throw Insults at Members"""
# Set up array of insults to throw at people
responses = [
f"{member.mention} is stinky",
f"{member.mention} is ugly",
f"{member.mention} has a gigantic nose",
f"{member.mention} gets no views on their tiktok",
f"{member.mention} is obviously compensating for something :eyes:",
f"{member.mention} DIE DIE DIE :knife: :skull:",
f"{member.mention} is so annoying smh :rolling_eyes:",
f"I'd say {member.mention} was dropped as a child but they would have to be held to be dropped in the first place",
f"I hate {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} close your legs, it smells like clam chowder :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:",
f"I bet {member.mention} can't reach the wall cabinets without a booster chair",
f"{member.mention} Browses 4Chan and Reddit all day looking for love",
f"{member.mention} Your forehead could be used as a landing pad",
f"I bet {member.mention} likes eating watermelon with the rind.",
f"{member.mention} You were the first creation to make god say oops",
f"{member.mention} You have delusions of adequacy",
f"{member.mention} I treasure the time I don't spend with you",
f"Don't be ashamed of yourself {member.mention}, that's your parent's job",
f"I don't have the energy to pretend I like {member.mention} today",
f"I know this was made for me to insult but its kinda hard to be a hateful cunt like {member.mention} :star_struck::star_struck:",
f"I hope {member.mention} drops dead with a curable disease that doctors simply didnt feel like curing :)",
f"{member.mention} You know there's no vaccine for stupidity right?",
f"{member.mention} You are not very epic at all",
f"You make Kpop Fancams 24/7 for validation on the internet {member.mention}",
f"Your mother wanted to drop you on the head when you were little {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} You're the CEO of Racism",
f"{member.mention} has no common sense"
4 years ago
# Sending out a random insult from the array "responses"
await ctx.send(random.choice(responses))
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def compliment(self, ctx, member: Member):
"""Give Compliments to Members"""
# Set up array of compliments to throw at people
responses = [
f"{member.mention} is the most adorable uwu <:awie:676201100793085952> <:awie:676201100793085952> <:awie:676201100793085952>",
f"{member.mention} You have my ENTIRE HEART <:blushlook1:677310734123663363> <:blushlook2:679524467248201769>",
f"{member.mention} Hun you're CUTE uwu :pleading_face: :flushed: :pleading_face: :flushed: :pleading_face:",
f"I love {member.mention} so so much :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: ",
f"My heart is full of love for you {member.mention} <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>",
f"{member.mention} I admire your greatness so much that I consider making a fan club to become your #1 fan (´꒳`)",
f"{member.mention} has no flaws, only special effects :))",
f"{member.mention}'s smile is brighter than sunlight, so smile more often ( ◠‿◠ )",
f"{member.mention} Your smile is so beautiful it blinds me :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:",
f"Being on a journey all my life, I will never meet a person as amazing as you are {member.mention}",
f"Such a pleasure to be on the same server with {member.mention} <:boneappleteeth:676202300573876252> <:boneappleteeth:676202300573876252>",
f"With {member.mention}, even the worst day will be filled with joy <:hug:718248629034549299> <:hug:718248629034549299>",
f"There's no better antidepressant than {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} You're great, keep going Σd(˘ꇴ˘๑)",
f"I'd simp for {member.mention} anyday :flushed: :heart_eyes: :flushed: ",
f"{member.mention} Even the ugliest clothes won't ruin your look (。•̀ᴗ -)☆",
f"{member.mention} Youre that “nothing” when people ask me what Im thinking about <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>",
f"{member.mention} Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time <:awie:676201100793085952> <:blushlook1:677310734123663363>",
f"{member.mention} is a whole ass SWAGMEAL <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>",
f"After meeting {member.mention}, I couldn't imagine living my life without them",
f"Take me into your arms and tell me you love me <:blushlook1:677310734123663363> <:blushlook2:679524467248201769> {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} I would spend eternity cuddling with you :flushed: :flushed:",
f"Would you want to go on an e-date together? :pleading_face: :point_right: :point_left: {member.mention}",
f"Let me shoot my shot to you :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: {member.mention}",
f"Your existence makes me feel so much better {member.mention}",
f"You're so hot, even hotter than hell :heart_eyes: {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} Youre so cute that Taz will simp for you anytime :flushed: :heart_eyes: :flushed:",
f"{member.mention} The thought of you leaving me is too much to bear. Stay with me forever :pleading_face: :pleading_face:",
f"You're... You're SHREKTACULAR :heart_eyes: :flushed: :heart_eyes: {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} Your beauty renders me speechless... :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:",
f"Your taste in music is impeccable {member.mention}",
f"{member.mention} I can't stop thinking about you :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:",
f"{member.mention} Your wedding will be wonderful, but the y is silent <a:huh:676195228872474643> <a:huh:676195228872474643>",
f"{member.mention} I would give up my lifelong goals just to have a chance with you <a:huh:676195228872474643> <a:huh:676195228872474643>",
f"{member.mention} Will you be the **yee** to my **haw**? :pleading_face: :pleading_face:",
f"{member.mention} is the definition of perfection :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:",
f"{member.mention} My love for you is bigger than the amount of code Hammy has written <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>",
f"{member.mention} Why jump off a cliff when you can jump into my arms :flushed: :flushed:"
4 years ago
# Sending out a random compliment from the array "responses"
await ctx.send(random.choice(responses))
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def flip(self, ctx):
"""Flip a Coin (Huge pp/Smol pp)"""
# Define array with only 2 entries to create 50/50 chance
pp_array = ["Smol pp", "Huge pp"]
# Send out one of the responses stored in the array
await ctx.send(f"{} {random.choice(pp_array)}")
@command(name="digby", hidden=True)
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def digby(self, ctx):
"""Pictures of Digby!"""
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Open the file containing the digby images
with open('images/FunCommands/digby.txt') as file:
# Store content of the file in digby_array
digby_array = file.readlines()
# Set member as the author
member =
# Get the member avatar
userAvatar = member.avatar_url
# Set up the embed to display a random image of digby
embed = Embed(
title=f"**A cute picture of Digby!**",,
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url=userAvatar)
# Send the embedded message to the user
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def doggo(self, ctx, breed: Optional[str] = None):
"""Pictures of Doggos!"""
# Set member as the author
member =
# Get the member avatar
userAvatar = member.avatar_url
# Initialise array to store doggo pics
b_list = []
# If a breed if specified
if breed:
# Get the lowercase string input
lowercase_breed = breed.lower()
# If the user wants to know what breeds there are
if lowercase_breed == "breeds":
# Get the list of breeds
breed_url = ""
# Using API, retrieve the full list of breeds available
async with request("GET", breed_url, headers={}) as response:
if response.status == 200:
data = await response.json()
breed_link = data["message"]
# Store every Doggo in an array
for doggo in breed_link:
# Join together all the breeds into a string
doggo_string = string.capwords(", ".join(b_list))
# Tell the user to try the breeds listed below
desc = f"Try the Breeds listed below!\n{doggo_string}"
await, desc=desc)
# If no breed has been specified
# Grab a random image of a doggo with the breed specified
image_url = f"{lowercase_breed}/images/random"
# Using API, retrieve the image of a doggo of the breed specified
async with request("GET", image_url, headers={}) as response:
if response.status == 200:
data = await response.json()
image_link = data["message"]
# Set up the embed for a doggo image
doggo_embed = Embed(
title=f"**It's a {lowercase_breed.capitalize()} Doggo!!** ",,
doggo_embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url=userAvatar)
# Send the doggo image
await ctx.send(embed=doggo_embed)
# Send error message that Doggo was not found!
desc = f"Doggo Not Found!\nPlease do **{ctx.prefix}doggo breeds** to see the full list of Doggos!"
await, desc=desc)
# Grab a random image of a doggo of any breed
image_url = ""
# Using API, retrieve the image of a doggo of any breed
async with request("GET", image_url, headers={}) as response:
if response.status == 200:
data = await response.json()
image_link = data["message"]
# Set up the embed for a random doggo image
doggo_embed = Embed(
title=f"**Doggo!** ",,
doggo_embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url=userAvatar)
# Send random doggo image to the channel
await ctx.send(embed=doggo_embed)
# Send error message that Doggo was not found!
desc = f"Doggo Not Found!\nPlease do **{ctx.prefix}doggo breeds** to see the full list of Doggos!"
await, desc=desc)
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def _8ball(self, ctx, *, question):
"""8ball Responses!"""
# Make the text readable to the api
eightball_question = urllib.parse.quote(question)
# Using API, make a connection to 8ball API
async with request("GET", f"{eightball_question}",
headers={}) as response:
# With a successful connection
# Get the answer
if response.status == 200:
data = await response.json()
api_question = data["magic"]
api_answer = api_question["answer"]
await ctx.send(api_answer)
except commands.BadArgument as e:
raise e
async def get_kpop_member(self, ctx):
"""Retrieve a random kpop member"""
# Request profile information from API
url = ""
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with await session.get(url=url) as response:
# When succesful, read data from json
if response.status == 200:
kpop = await response.json()
name = kpop["data"]["name"]
band = kpop["data"]["band"]
image_url = kpop["data"]["img"]
id = kpop["data"]["id"]
elif response.status == 422 or response.status == 404:
await, desc="**Kpop Member Not Found!**")
elif response.status == 429:
desc="**You are being rate limited! You have spammed it too much :(**")
await session.close()
embed = Embed(title=name,
embed.set_footer(text=f"Internal ID: {id}")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@command(name="insta", aliases=["instagram"])
async def insta_info(self, ctx, *, user_name):
"""Retrieve a persons Instagram profile information"""
with ctx.typing():
# Request profile information from API
url = f"{user_name}"
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with await session.get(url=url) as response:
# When succesful, read data from json
if response.status == 200:
insta = await response.json()
data = insta["user"]
images = insta["images"]
private = data["is_private"]
verified = data["is_verified"]
full_name = data["full_name"]
username = data["username"]
pfp = data["profile_pic_url"]
followers = data["followers"]["count"]
following = data["following"]["count"]
uploads = data["uploads"]["count"]
biography = data["biography"]
# When profile isn't private, grab the information of their last post
if not private:
image_url = images[0]["url"]
image_caption = images[0]["caption"]
# Send error if no instagram profile was found with given username
elif response.status == 422:
await, desc="**Instagram Username Not Found!**")
elif response.status == 429:
desc="**You are being rate limited! You have spammed it too much :(**")
await session.close()
# Setting bools to ticks/cross emojis
verif = if verified else
priv = if private else
# Set the page url to the last post or the profile based on privacy settings
page_url = images[0]["page_url"] if not private else f"{username}/"
desc = f"**Full Name:** {full_name}" \
f"\n**Bio:** {biography}" \
f"\n\n**Verified?:** {verif} | **Private?:** {priv}" \
f"\n**Following:** {following} | **Followers:** {followers}" \
f"\n**Upload Count:** {uploads}"
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{username}'s Instagram",
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested By {}",
# When profile is not private, display the last post with the caption
if not private:
embed.add_field(name="My Latest Post",
value=f"**Caption:** {image_caption}",
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@cooldown(1, 10, BucketType.user)
async def homies(self, ctx, *, text):
"""Summoning the Homies"""
# Make sure the text entered is less than 20 characters
if len(text) >= 20:
await, desc="Please make sure the prompt is below **20** characters!")
# Define the text to be drawn on the top and the bottom
top_text = f"Ayo fuck {text}"
bottom_text = f"All my homies hate {text}"
# Call the method to generate the image
file = generate_meme('images/homies/AllMyHomies.jpg', top_text=top_text, bottom_text=bottom_text)
# Send the bytes object as an image file
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(file, "homies.png"))
@command(name="grayscale", aliases=["gs"])
@cooldown(1, 5, BucketType.user)
async def grayscale(self, ctx):
"""Display grayscale version of image uploaded"""
if ctx.message.attachments:
for attachments in ctx.message.attachments:
attach = await
image ='LA')
# Save new grayscale image as bytes
file = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG')
await ctx.message.delete()
# Send Grayscale Image
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(file, "gp.png"))
await, desc="**Image Not Detected!**")
@command(name="owo", aliases=["uwu"])
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def owo(self, ctx, *, text):
"""Converts given text to 'OwO' format"""
# Delete the message sent by the user
await ctx.message.delete()
# Convert to "OwO" text
uwu = OwO()
owo = uwu.whatsthis(text)
# Send the text back
def setup(bot):