@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ async def on_member_join(member):
# Allowing people to get ping-able self roles
async def role_menu(ctx):
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
@ -284,18 +284,29 @@ async def marry(ctx, member: discord.Member):
# Allows the bot to echo the dm's that it receives
async def on_message(message):
# Get the channel id of the channel it wants to push messages to
channel = client.get_channel(721449922838134876)
# If the channel that the message is sent in is private
if message.channel == discord.ChannelType.private:
if message.guild is None:
# if the message author id is equal to mine
if message.author.id == 578919370697342977:
author = message.author.name
discrim = message.author.discriminator
content = message.content
time = str(message.created_at)
with open('logs/dm-logs.txt', "a") as file:
file.write(time + ": " + author + "#" + discrim + ": " + content)
if message.author.id == 154840866496839680:
# Echo the message contents to the channel specified
await channel.send(message.content)
# Do nothing
await client.process_commands(message)