mirror of https://github.com/sgoudham/Enso-Bot.git
Installing apscheduler module
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
This is the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Copyright (c) Alex Grönholm
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: APScheduler
Version: 3.6.3
Summary: In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
Home-page: https://github.com/agronholm/apscheduler
Author: Alex Grönholm
Author-email: apscheduler@nextday.fi
License: MIT
Keywords: scheduling cron
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Requires-Dist: setuptools (>=0.7)
Requires-Dist: six (>=1.4.0)
Requires-Dist: pytz
Requires-Dist: tzlocal (>=1.2)
Requires-Dist: futures ; python_version == "2.7"
Requires-Dist: funcsigs ; python_version == "2.7"
Provides-Extra: asyncio
Requires-Dist: trollius ; (python_version == "2.7") and extra == 'asyncio'
Provides-Extra: doc
Requires-Dist: sphinx ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: sphinx-rtd-theme ; extra == 'doc'
Provides-Extra: gevent
Requires-Dist: gevent ; extra == 'gevent'
Provides-Extra: mongodb
Requires-Dist: pymongo (>=2.8) ; extra == 'mongodb'
Provides-Extra: redis
Requires-Dist: redis (>=3.0) ; extra == 'redis'
Provides-Extra: rethinkdb
Requires-Dist: rethinkdb (>=2.4.0) ; extra == 'rethinkdb'
Provides-Extra: sqlalchemy
Requires-Dist: sqlalchemy (>=0.8) ; extra == 'sqlalchemy'
Provides-Extra: testing
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-tornado5 ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: mock ; (python_version == "2.7") and extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-asyncio (<0.6) ; (python_version == "3.4") and extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-asyncio ; (python_version >= "3.5") and extra == 'testing'
Provides-Extra: tornado
Requires-Dist: tornado (>=4.3) ; extra == 'tornado'
Provides-Extra: twisted
Requires-Dist: twisted ; extra == 'twisted'
Provides-Extra: zookeeper
Requires-Dist: kazoo ; extra == 'zookeeper'
.. image:: https://travis-ci.com/agronholm/apscheduler.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.com/agronholm/apscheduler
:alt: Build Status
.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/agronholm/apscheduler/badge.svg?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/github/agronholm/apscheduler?branch=master
:alt: Code Coverage
Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a Python library that lets you schedule your Python code
to be executed later, either just once or periodically. You can add new jobs or remove old ones on
the fly as you please. If you store your jobs in a database, they will also survive scheduler
restarts and maintain their state. When the scheduler is restarted, it will then run all the jobs
it should have run while it was offline [#f1]_.
Among other things, APScheduler can be used as a cross-platform, application specific replacement
to platform specific schedulers, such as the cron daemon or the Windows task scheduler. Please
note, however, that APScheduler is **not** a daemon or service itself, nor does it come with any
command line tools. It is primarily meant to be run inside existing applications. That said,
APScheduler does provide some building blocks for you to build a scheduler service or to run a
dedicated scheduler process.
APScheduler has three built-in scheduling systems you can use:
* Cron-style scheduling (with optional start/end times)
* Interval-based execution (runs jobs on even intervals, with optional start/end times)
* One-off delayed execution (runs jobs once, on a set date/time)
You can mix and match scheduling systems and the backends where the jobs are stored any way you
like. Supported backends for storing jobs include:
* Memory
* `SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_ (any RDBMS supported by SQLAlchemy works)
* `MongoDB <http://www.mongodb.org/>`_
* `Redis <http://redis.io/>`_
* `RethinkDB <https://www.rethinkdb.com/>`_
* `ZooKeeper <https://zookeeper.apache.org/>`_
APScheduler also integrates with several common Python frameworks, like:
* `asyncio <http://docs.python.org/3.4/library/asyncio.html>`_ (:pep:`3156`)
* `gevent <http://www.gevent.org/>`_
* `Tornado <http://www.tornadoweb.org/>`_
* `Twisted <http://twistedmatrix.com/>`_
* `Qt <http://qt-project.org/>`_ (using either
`PyQt <http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/intro>`_ or
`PySide <http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide>`_)
.. [#f1] The cutoff period for this is also configurable.
Documentation can be found `here <http://readthedocs.org/docs/apscheduler/en/latest/>`_.
The source can be browsed at `Github <https://github.com/agronholm/apscheduler>`_.
Reporting bugs
A `bug tracker <https://github.com/agronholm/apscheduler/issues>`_ is provided by Github.
Getting help
If you have problems or other questions, you can either:
* Ask in the `apscheduler <https://gitter.im/apscheduler/Lobby>`_ room on Gitter
* Ask on the `APScheduler Google group <http://groups.google.com/group/apscheduler>`_, or
* Ask on `StackOverflow <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/apscheduler>`_ and tag your
question with the ``apscheduler`` tag
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Wheel-Version: 1.0
Generator: bdist_wheel (0.33.6)
Root-Is-Purelib: true
Tag: py2-none-any
Tag: py3-none-any
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
asyncio = apscheduler.executors.asyncio:AsyncIOExecutor [asyncio]
debug = apscheduler.executors.debug:DebugExecutor
gevent = apscheduler.executors.gevent:GeventExecutor [gevent]
processpool = apscheduler.executors.pool:ProcessPoolExecutor
threadpool = apscheduler.executors.pool:ThreadPoolExecutor
tornado = apscheduler.executors.tornado:TornadoExecutor [tornado]
twisted = apscheduler.executors.twisted:TwistedExecutor [twisted]
memory = apscheduler.jobstores.memory:MemoryJobStore
mongodb = apscheduler.jobstores.mongodb:MongoDBJobStore [mongodb]
redis = apscheduler.jobstores.redis:RedisJobStore [redis]
rethinkdb = apscheduler.jobstores.rethinkdb:RethinkDBJobStore [rethinkdb]
sqlalchemy = apscheduler.jobstores.sqlalchemy:SQLAlchemyJobStore [sqlalchemy]
zookeeper = apscheduler.jobstores.zookeeper:ZooKeeperJobStore [zookeeper]
and = apscheduler.triggers.combining:AndTrigger
cron = apscheduler.triggers.cron:CronTrigger
date = apscheduler.triggers.date:DateTrigger
interval = apscheduler.triggers.interval:IntervalTrigger
or = apscheduler.triggers.combining:OrTrigger
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
release = get_distribution('APScheduler').version.split('-')[0]
except DistributionNotFound:
release = '3.5.0'
version_info = tuple(int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in release.split('.'))
version = __version__ = '.'.join(str(x) for x in version_info[:3])
del get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
'SchedulerEvent', 'JobEvent', 'JobExecutionEvent', 'JobSubmissionEvent')
class SchedulerEvent(object):
An event that concerns the scheduler itself.
:ivar code: the type code of this event
:ivar alias: alias of the job store or executor that was added or removed (if applicable)
def __init__(self, code, alias=None):
super(SchedulerEvent, self).__init__()
self.code = code
self.alias = alias
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (code=%d)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.code)
class JobEvent(SchedulerEvent):
An event that concerns a job.
:ivar code: the type code of this event
:ivar job_id: identifier of the job in question
:ivar jobstore: alias of the job store containing the job in question
def __init__(self, code, job_id, jobstore):
super(JobEvent, self).__init__(code)
self.code = code
self.job_id = job_id
self.jobstore = jobstore
class JobSubmissionEvent(JobEvent):
An event that concerns the submission of a job to its executor.
:ivar scheduled_run_times: a list of datetimes when the job was intended to run
def __init__(self, code, job_id, jobstore, scheduled_run_times):
super(JobSubmissionEvent, self).__init__(code, job_id, jobstore)
self.scheduled_run_times = scheduled_run_times
class JobExecutionEvent(JobEvent):
An event that concerns the running of a job within its executor.
:ivar scheduled_run_time: the time when the job was scheduled to be run
:ivar retval: the return value of the successfully executed job
:ivar exception: the exception raised by the job
:ivar traceback: a formatted traceback for the exception
def __init__(self, code, job_id, jobstore, scheduled_run_time, retval=None, exception=None,
super(JobExecutionEvent, self).__init__(code, job_id, jobstore)
self.scheduled_run_time = scheduled_run_time
self.retval = retval
self.exception = exception
self.traceback = traceback
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from apscheduler.executors.base import BaseExecutor, run_job
from apscheduler.util import iscoroutinefunction_partial
from apscheduler.executors.base_py3 import run_coroutine_job
except ImportError:
run_coroutine_job = None
class AsyncIOExecutor(BaseExecutor):
Runs jobs in the default executor of the event loop.
If the job function is a native coroutine function, it is scheduled to be run directly in the
event loop as soon as possible. All other functions are run in the event loop's default
executor which is usually a thread pool.
Plugin alias: ``asyncio``
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(AsyncIOExecutor, self).start(scheduler, alias)
self._eventloop = scheduler._eventloop
self._pending_futures = set()
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
# There is no way to honor wait=True without converting this method into a coroutine method
for f in self._pending_futures:
if not f.done():
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
def callback(f):
events = f.result()
except BaseException:
self._run_job_error(job.id, *sys.exc_info()[1:])
self._run_job_success(job.id, events)
if iscoroutinefunction_partial(job.func):
if run_coroutine_job is not None:
coro = run_coroutine_job(job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name)
f = self._eventloop.create_task(coro)
raise Exception('Executing coroutine based jobs is not supported with Trollius')
f = self._eventloop.run_in_executor(None, run_job, job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times,
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from traceback import format_tb
import logging
import sys
from pytz import utc
import six
from apscheduler.events import (
class MaxInstancesReachedError(Exception):
def __init__(self, job):
super(MaxInstancesReachedError, self).__init__(
'Job "%s" has already reached its maximum number of instances (%d)' %
(job.id, job.max_instances))
class BaseExecutor(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
"""Abstract base class that defines the interface that every executor must implement."""
_scheduler = None
_lock = None
_logger = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.executors')
def __init__(self):
super(BaseExecutor, self).__init__()
self._instances = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
Called by the scheduler when the scheduler is being started or when the executor is being
added to an already running scheduler.
:param apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler scheduler: the scheduler that is starting
this executor
:param str|unicode alias: alias of this executor as it was assigned to the scheduler
self._scheduler = scheduler
self._lock = scheduler._create_lock()
self._logger = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.executors.%s' % alias)
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
Shuts down this executor.
:param bool wait: ``True`` to wait until all submitted jobs
have been executed
def submit_job(self, job, run_times):
Submits job for execution.
:param Job job: job to execute
:param list[datetime] run_times: list of datetimes specifying
when the job should have been run
:raises MaxInstancesReachedError: if the maximum number of
allowed instances for this job has been reached
assert self._lock is not None, 'This executor has not been started yet'
with self._lock:
if self._instances[job.id] >= job.max_instances:
raise MaxInstancesReachedError(job)
self._do_submit_job(job, run_times)
self._instances[job.id] += 1
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
"""Performs the actual task of scheduling `run_job` to be called."""
def _run_job_success(self, job_id, events):
Called by the executor with the list of generated events when :func:`run_job` has been
successfully called.
with self._lock:
self._instances[job_id] -= 1
if self._instances[job_id] == 0:
del self._instances[job_id]
for event in events:
def _run_job_error(self, job_id, exc, traceback=None):
"""Called by the executor with the exception if there is an error calling `run_job`."""
with self._lock:
self._instances[job_id] -= 1
if self._instances[job_id] == 0:
del self._instances[job_id]
exc_info = (exc.__class__, exc, traceback)
self._logger.error('Error running job %s', job_id, exc_info=exc_info)
def run_job(job, jobstore_alias, run_times, logger_name):
Called by executors to run the job. Returns a list of scheduler events to be dispatched by the
events = []
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
for run_time in run_times:
# See if the job missed its run time window, and handle
# possible misfires accordingly
if job.misfire_grace_time is not None:
difference = datetime.now(utc) - run_time
grace_time = timedelta(seconds=job.misfire_grace_time)
if difference > grace_time:
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_MISSED, job.id, jobstore_alias,
logger.warning('Run time of job "%s" was missed by %s', job, difference)
logger.info('Running job "%s" (scheduled at %s)', job, run_time)
retval = job.func(*job.args, **job.kwargs)
except BaseException:
exc, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:]
formatted_tb = ''.join(format_tb(tb))
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_ERROR, job.id, jobstore_alias, run_time,
exception=exc, traceback=formatted_tb))
logger.exception('Job "%s" raised an exception', job)
# This is to prevent cyclic references that would lead to memory leaks
if six.PY2:
del tb
import traceback
del tb
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_EXECUTED, job.id, jobstore_alias, run_time,
logger.info('Job "%s" executed successfully', job)
return events
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import logging
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from traceback import format_tb
from pytz import utc
from apscheduler.events import (
async def run_coroutine_job(job, jobstore_alias, run_times, logger_name):
"""Coroutine version of run_job()."""
events = []
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
for run_time in run_times:
# See if the job missed its run time window, and handle possible misfires accordingly
if job.misfire_grace_time is not None:
difference = datetime.now(utc) - run_time
grace_time = timedelta(seconds=job.misfire_grace_time)
if difference > grace_time:
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_MISSED, job.id, jobstore_alias,
logger.warning('Run time of job "%s" was missed by %s', job, difference)
logger.info('Running job "%s" (scheduled at %s)', job, run_time)
retval = await job.func(*job.args, **job.kwargs)
except BaseException:
exc, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:]
formatted_tb = ''.join(format_tb(tb))
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_ERROR, job.id, jobstore_alias, run_time,
exception=exc, traceback=formatted_tb))
logger.exception('Job "%s" raised an exception', job)
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_EXECUTED, job.id, jobstore_alias, run_time,
logger.info('Job "%s" executed successfully', job)
return events
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import sys
from apscheduler.executors.base import BaseExecutor, run_job
class DebugExecutor(BaseExecutor):
A special executor that executes the target callable directly instead of deferring it to a
thread or process.
Plugin alias: ``debug``
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
events = run_job(job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name)
except BaseException:
self._run_job_error(job.id, *sys.exc_info()[1:])
self._run_job_success(job.id, events)
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from apscheduler.executors.base import BaseExecutor, run_job
import gevent
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('GeventExecutor requires gevent installed')
class GeventExecutor(BaseExecutor):
Runs jobs as greenlets.
Plugin alias: ``gevent``
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
def callback(greenlet):
events = greenlet.get()
except BaseException:
self._run_job_error(job.id, *sys.exc_info()[1:])
self._run_job_success(job.id, events)
gevent.spawn(run_job, job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name).\
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
from abc import abstractmethod
import concurrent.futures
from apscheduler.executors.base import BaseExecutor, run_job
class BasePoolExecutor(BaseExecutor):
def __init__(self, pool):
super(BasePoolExecutor, self).__init__()
self._pool = pool
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
def callback(f):
exc, tb = (f.exception_info() if hasattr(f, 'exception_info') else
(f.exception(), getattr(f.exception(), '__traceback__', None)))
if exc:
self._run_job_error(job.id, exc, tb)
self._run_job_success(job.id, f.result())
f = self._pool.submit(run_job, job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name)
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
class ThreadPoolExecutor(BasePoolExecutor):
An executor that runs jobs in a concurrent.futures thread pool.
Plugin alias: ``threadpool``
:param max_workers: the maximum number of spawned threads.
def __init__(self, max_workers=10):
pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(int(max_workers))
super(ThreadPoolExecutor, self).__init__(pool)
class ProcessPoolExecutor(BasePoolExecutor):
An executor that runs jobs in a concurrent.futures process pool.
Plugin alias: ``processpool``
:param max_workers: the maximum number of spawned processes.
def __init__(self, max_workers=10):
pool = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(int(max_workers))
super(ProcessPoolExecutor, self).__init__(pool)
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from tornado.gen import convert_yielded
from apscheduler.executors.base import BaseExecutor, run_job
from apscheduler.executors.base_py3 import run_coroutine_job
from apscheduler.util import iscoroutinefunction_partial
except ImportError:
def iscoroutinefunction_partial(func):
return False
class TornadoExecutor(BaseExecutor):
Runs jobs either in a thread pool or directly on the I/O loop.
If the job function is a native coroutine function, it is scheduled to be run directly in the
I/O loop as soon as possible. All other functions are run in a thread pool.
Plugin alias: ``tornado``
:param int max_workers: maximum number of worker threads in the thread pool
def __init__(self, max_workers=10):
super(TornadoExecutor, self).__init__()
self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers)
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(TornadoExecutor, self).start(scheduler, alias)
self._ioloop = scheduler._ioloop
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
def callback(f):
events = f.result()
except BaseException:
self._run_job_error(job.id, *sys.exc_info()[1:])
self._run_job_success(job.id, events)
if iscoroutinefunction_partial(job.func):
f = run_coroutine_job(job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name)
f = self.executor.submit(run_job, job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times,
f = convert_yielded(f)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from apscheduler.executors.base import BaseExecutor, run_job
class TwistedExecutor(BaseExecutor):
Runs jobs in the reactor's thread pool.
Plugin alias: ``twisted``
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(TwistedExecutor, self).start(scheduler, alias)
self._reactor = scheduler._reactor
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
def callback(success, result):
if success:
self._run_job_success(job.id, result)
self._run_job_error(job.id, result.value, result.tb)
callback, run_job, job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name)
@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
from inspect import ismethod, isclass
from uuid import uuid4
import six
from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
from apscheduler.util import (
ref_to_obj, obj_to_ref, datetime_repr, repr_escape, get_callable_name, check_callable_args,
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
except ImportError:
from collections import Iterable, Mapping
class Job(object):
Contains the options given when scheduling callables and its current schedule and other state.
This class should never be instantiated by the user.
:var str id: the unique identifier of this job
:var str name: the description of this job
:var func: the callable to execute
:var tuple|list args: positional arguments to the callable
:var dict kwargs: keyword arguments to the callable
:var bool coalesce: whether to only run the job once when several run times are due
:var trigger: the trigger object that controls the schedule of this job
:var str executor: the name of the executor that will run this job
:var int misfire_grace_time: the time (in seconds) how much this job's execution is allowed to
be late
:var int max_instances: the maximum number of concurrently executing instances allowed for this
:var datetime.datetime next_run_time: the next scheduled run time of this job
.. note::
The ``misfire_grace_time`` has some non-obvious effects on job execution. See the
:ref:`missed-job-executions` section in the documentation for an in-depth explanation.
__slots__ = ('_scheduler', '_jobstore_alias', 'id', 'trigger', 'executor', 'func', 'func_ref',
'args', 'kwargs', 'name', 'misfire_grace_time', 'coalesce', 'max_instances',
def __init__(self, scheduler, id=None, **kwargs):
super(Job, self).__init__()
self._scheduler = scheduler
self._jobstore_alias = None
self._modify(id=id or uuid4().hex, **kwargs)
def modify(self, **changes):
Makes the given changes to this job and saves it in the associated job store.
Accepted keyword arguments are the same as the variables on this class.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.modify_job`
:return Job: this job instance
self._scheduler.modify_job(self.id, self._jobstore_alias, **changes)
return self
def reschedule(self, trigger, **trigger_args):
Shortcut for switching the trigger on this job.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.reschedule_job`
:return Job: this job instance
self._scheduler.reschedule_job(self.id, self._jobstore_alias, trigger, **trigger_args)
return self
def pause(self):
Temporarily suspend the execution of this job.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.pause_job`
:return Job: this job instance
self._scheduler.pause_job(self.id, self._jobstore_alias)
return self
def resume(self):
Resume the schedule of this job if previously paused.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.resume_job`
:return Job: this job instance
self._scheduler.resume_job(self.id, self._jobstore_alias)
return self
def remove(self):
Unschedules this job and removes it from its associated job store.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.remove_job`
self._scheduler.remove_job(self.id, self._jobstore_alias)
def pending(self):
Returns ``True`` if the referenced job is still waiting to be added to its designated job
return self._jobstore_alias is None
# Private API
def _get_run_times(self, now):
Computes the scheduled run times between ``next_run_time`` and ``now`` (inclusive).
:type now: datetime.datetime
:rtype: list[datetime.datetime]
run_times = []
next_run_time = self.next_run_time
while next_run_time and next_run_time <= now:
next_run_time = self.trigger.get_next_fire_time(next_run_time, now)
return run_times
def _modify(self, **changes):
Validates the changes to the Job and makes the modifications if and only if all of them
approved = {}
if 'id' in changes:
value = changes.pop('id')
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("id must be a nonempty string")
if hasattr(self, 'id'):
raise ValueError('The job ID may not be changed')
approved['id'] = value
if 'func' in changes or 'args' in changes or 'kwargs' in changes:
func = changes.pop('func') if 'func' in changes else self.func
args = changes.pop('args') if 'args' in changes else self.args
kwargs = changes.pop('kwargs') if 'kwargs' in changes else self.kwargs
if isinstance(func, six.string_types):
func_ref = func
func = ref_to_obj(func)
elif callable(func):
func_ref = obj_to_ref(func)
except ValueError:
# If this happens, this Job won't be serializable
func_ref = None
raise TypeError('func must be a callable or a textual reference to one')
if not hasattr(self, 'name') and changes.get('name', None) is None:
changes['name'] = get_callable_name(func)
if isinstance(args, six.string_types) or not isinstance(args, Iterable):
raise TypeError('args must be a non-string iterable')
if isinstance(kwargs, six.string_types) or not isinstance(kwargs, Mapping):
raise TypeError('kwargs must be a dict-like object')
check_callable_args(func, args, kwargs)
approved['func'] = func
approved['func_ref'] = func_ref
approved['args'] = args
approved['kwargs'] = kwargs
if 'name' in changes:
value = changes.pop('name')
if not value or not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("name must be a nonempty string")
approved['name'] = value
if 'misfire_grace_time' in changes:
value = changes.pop('misfire_grace_time')
if value is not None and (not isinstance(value, six.integer_types) or value <= 0):
raise TypeError('misfire_grace_time must be either None or a positive integer')
approved['misfire_grace_time'] = value
if 'coalesce' in changes:
value = bool(changes.pop('coalesce'))
approved['coalesce'] = value
if 'max_instances' in changes:
value = changes.pop('max_instances')
if not isinstance(value, six.integer_types) or value <= 0:
raise TypeError('max_instances must be a positive integer')
approved['max_instances'] = value
if 'trigger' in changes:
trigger = changes.pop('trigger')
if not isinstance(trigger, BaseTrigger):
raise TypeError('Expected a trigger instance, got %s instead' %
approved['trigger'] = trigger
if 'executor' in changes:
value = changes.pop('executor')
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise TypeError('executor must be a string')
approved['executor'] = value
if 'next_run_time' in changes:
value = changes.pop('next_run_time')
approved['next_run_time'] = convert_to_datetime(value, self._scheduler.timezone,
if changes:
raise AttributeError('The following are not modifiable attributes of Job: %s' %
', '.join(changes))
for key, value in six.iteritems(approved):
setattr(self, key, value)
def __getstate__(self):
# Don't allow this Job to be serialized if the function reference could not be determined
if not self.func_ref:
raise ValueError(
'This Job cannot be serialized since the reference to its callable (%r) could not '
'be determined. Consider giving a textual reference (module:function name) '
'instead.' % (self.func,))
# Instance methods cannot survive serialization as-is, so store the "self" argument
# explicitly
if ismethod(self.func) and not isclass(self.func.__self__):
args = (self.func.__self__,) + tuple(self.args)
args = self.args
return {
'version': 1,
'id': self.id,
'func': self.func_ref,
'trigger': self.trigger,
'executor': self.executor,
'args': args,
'kwargs': self.kwargs,
'name': self.name,
'misfire_grace_time': self.misfire_grace_time,
'coalesce': self.coalesce,
'max_instances': self.max_instances,
'next_run_time': self.next_run_time
def __setstate__(self, state):
if state.get('version', 1) > 1:
raise ValueError('Job has version %s, but only version 1 can be handled' %
self.id = state['id']
self.func_ref = state['func']
self.func = ref_to_obj(self.func_ref)
self.trigger = state['trigger']
self.executor = state['executor']
self.args = state['args']
self.kwargs = state['kwargs']
self.name = state['name']
self.misfire_grace_time = state['misfire_grace_time']
self.coalesce = state['coalesce']
self.max_instances = state['max_instances']
self.next_run_time = state['next_run_time']
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Job):
return self.id == other.id
return NotImplemented
def __repr__(self):
return '<Job (id=%s name=%s)>' % (repr_escape(self.id), repr_escape(self.name))
def __str__(self):
return repr_escape(self.__unicode__())
def __unicode__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'next_run_time'):
status = ('next run at: ' + datetime_repr(self.next_run_time) if
self.next_run_time else 'paused')
status = 'pending'
return u'%s (trigger: %s, %s)' % (self.name, self.trigger, status)
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging
import six
class JobLookupError(KeyError):
"""Raised when the job store cannot find a job for update or removal."""
def __init__(self, job_id):
super(JobLookupError, self).__init__(u'No job by the id of %s was found' % job_id)
class ConflictingIdError(KeyError):
"""Raised when the uniqueness of job IDs is being violated."""
def __init__(self, job_id):
super(ConflictingIdError, self).__init__(
u'Job identifier (%s) conflicts with an existing job' % job_id)
class TransientJobError(ValueError):
Raised when an attempt to add transient (with no func_ref) job to a persistent job store is
def __init__(self, job_id):
super(TransientJobError, self).__init__(
u'Job (%s) cannot be added to this job store because a reference to the callable '
u'could not be determined.' % job_id)
class BaseJobStore(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)):
"""Abstract base class that defines the interface that every job store must implement."""
_scheduler = None
_alias = None
_logger = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.jobstores')
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
Called by the scheduler when the scheduler is being started or when the job store is being
added to an already running scheduler.
:param apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler scheduler: the scheduler that is starting
this job store
:param str|unicode alias: alias of this job store as it was assigned to the scheduler
self._scheduler = scheduler
self._alias = alias
self._logger = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.jobstores.%s' % alias)
def shutdown(self):
"""Frees any resources still bound to this job store."""
def _fix_paused_jobs_sorting(self, jobs):
for i, job in enumerate(jobs):
if job.next_run_time is not None:
if i > 0:
paused_jobs = jobs[:i]
del jobs[:i]
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
Returns a specific job, or ``None`` if it isn't found..
The job store is responsible for setting the ``scheduler`` and ``jobstore`` attributes of
the returned job to point to the scheduler and itself, respectively.
:param str|unicode job_id: identifier of the job
:rtype: Job
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
Returns the list of jobs that have ``next_run_time`` earlier or equal to ``now``.
The returned jobs must be sorted by next run time (ascending).
:param datetime.datetime now: the current (timezone aware) datetime
:rtype: list[Job]
def get_next_run_time(self):
Returns the earliest run time of all the jobs stored in this job store, or ``None`` if
there are no active jobs.
:rtype: datetime.datetime
def get_all_jobs(self):
Returns a list of all jobs in this job store.
The returned jobs should be sorted by next run time (ascending).
Paused jobs (next_run_time == None) should be sorted last.
The job store is responsible for setting the ``scheduler`` and ``jobstore`` attributes of
the returned jobs to point to the scheduler and itself, respectively.
:rtype: list[Job]
def add_job(self, job):
Adds the given job to this store.
:param Job job: the job to add
:raises ConflictingIdError: if there is another job in this store with the same ID
def update_job(self, job):
Replaces the job in the store with the given newer version.
:param Job job: the job to update
:raises JobLookupError: if the job does not exist
def remove_job(self, job_id):
Removes the given job from this store.
:param str|unicode job_id: identifier of the job
:raises JobLookupError: if the job does not exist
def remove_all_jobs(self):
"""Removes all jobs from this store."""
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import datetime_to_utc_timestamp
class MemoryJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in an array in RAM. Provides no persistence support.
Plugin alias: ``memory``
def __init__(self):
super(MemoryJobStore, self).__init__()
# list of (job, timestamp), sorted by next_run_time and job id (ascending)
self._jobs = []
self._jobs_index = {} # id -> (job, timestamp) lookup table
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
return self._jobs_index.get(job_id, (None, None))[0]
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
now_timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now)
pending = []
for job, timestamp in self._jobs:
if timestamp is None or timestamp > now_timestamp:
return pending
def get_next_run_time(self):
return self._jobs[0][0].next_run_time if self._jobs else None
def get_all_jobs(self):
return [j[0] for j in self._jobs]
def add_job(self, job):
if job.id in self._jobs_index:
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time)
index = self._get_job_index(timestamp, job.id)
self._jobs.insert(index, (job, timestamp))
self._jobs_index[job.id] = (job, timestamp)
def update_job(self, job):
old_job, old_timestamp = self._jobs_index.get(job.id, (None, None))
if old_job is None:
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
# If the next run time has not changed, simply replace the job in its present index.
# Otherwise, reinsert the job to the list to preserve the ordering.
old_index = self._get_job_index(old_timestamp, old_job.id)
new_timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time)
if old_timestamp == new_timestamp:
self._jobs[old_index] = (job, new_timestamp)
del self._jobs[old_index]
new_index = self._get_job_index(new_timestamp, job.id)
self._jobs.insert(new_index, (job, new_timestamp))
self._jobs_index[old_job.id] = (job, new_timestamp)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
job, timestamp = self._jobs_index.get(job_id, (None, None))
if job is None:
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
index = self._get_job_index(timestamp, job_id)
del self._jobs[index]
del self._jobs_index[job.id]
def remove_all_jobs(self):
self._jobs = []
self._jobs_index = {}
def shutdown(self):
def _get_job_index(self, timestamp, job_id):
Returns the index of the given job, or if it's not found, the index where the job should be
inserted based on the given timestamp.
:type timestamp: int
:type job_id: str
lo, hi = 0, len(self._jobs)
timestamp = float('inf') if timestamp is None else timestamp
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
mid_job, mid_timestamp = self._jobs[mid]
mid_timestamp = float('inf') if mid_timestamp is None else mid_timestamp
if mid_timestamp > timestamp:
hi = mid
elif mid_timestamp < timestamp:
lo = mid + 1
elif mid_job.id > job_id:
hi = mid
elif mid_job.id < job_id:
lo = mid + 1
return mid
return lo
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import warnings
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref, datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime
from apscheduler.job import Job
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import pickle
from bson.binary import Binary
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
from pymongo import MongoClient, ASCENDING
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('MongoDBJobStore requires PyMongo installed')
class MongoDBJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in a MongoDB database. Any leftover keyword arguments are directly passed to
pymongo's `MongoClient
Plugin alias: ``mongodb``
:param str database: database to store jobs in
:param str collection: collection to store jobs in
:param client: a :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient` instance to use instead of
providing connection arguments
:param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the
highest available
def __init__(self, database='apscheduler', collection='jobs', client=None,
pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **connect_args):
super(MongoDBJobStore, self).__init__()
self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
if not database:
raise ValueError('The "database" parameter must not be empty')
if not collection:
raise ValueError('The "collection" parameter must not be empty')
if client:
self.client = maybe_ref(client)
connect_args.setdefault('w', 1)
self.client = MongoClient(**connect_args)
self.collection = self.client[database][collection]
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(MongoDBJobStore, self).start(scheduler, alias)
self.collection.ensure_index('next_run_time', sparse=True)
def connection(self):
warnings.warn('The "connection" member is deprecated -- use "client" instead',
return self.client
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
document = self.collection.find_one(job_id, ['job_state'])
return self._reconstitute_job(document['job_state']) if document else None
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now)
return self._get_jobs({'next_run_time': {'$lte': timestamp}})
def get_next_run_time(self):
document = self.collection.find_one({'next_run_time': {'$ne': None}},
sort=[('next_run_time', ASCENDING)])
return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(document['next_run_time']) if document else None
def get_all_jobs(self):
jobs = self._get_jobs({})
return jobs
def add_job(self, job):
'_id': job.id,
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': Binary(pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol))
except DuplicateKeyError:
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
def update_job(self, job):
changes = {
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': Binary(pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol))
result = self.collection.update({'_id': job.id}, {'$set': changes})
if result and result['n'] == 0:
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
result = self.collection.remove(job_id)
if result and result['n'] == 0:
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
def remove_all_jobs(self):
def shutdown(self):
def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state):
job_state = pickle.loads(job_state)
job = Job.__new__(Job)
job._scheduler = self._scheduler
job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
return job
def _get_jobs(self, conditions):
jobs = []
failed_job_ids = []
for document in self.collection.find(conditions, ['_id', 'job_state'],
sort=[('next_run_time', ASCENDING)]):
except BaseException:
self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it',
# Remove all the jobs we failed to restore
if failed_job_ids:
self.collection.remove({'_id': {'$in': failed_job_ids}})
return jobs
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (client=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client)
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import utc
import six
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime
from apscheduler.job import Job
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import pickle
from redis import Redis
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('RedisJobStore requires redis installed')
class RedisJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in a Redis database. Any leftover keyword arguments are directly passed to redis's
Plugin alias: ``redis``
:param int db: the database number to store jobs in
:param str jobs_key: key to store jobs in
:param str run_times_key: key to store the jobs' run times in
:param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the
highest available
def __init__(self, db=0, jobs_key='apscheduler.jobs', run_times_key='apscheduler.run_times',
pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **connect_args):
super(RedisJobStore, self).__init__()
if db is None:
raise ValueError('The "db" parameter must not be empty')
if not jobs_key:
raise ValueError('The "jobs_key" parameter must not be empty')
if not run_times_key:
raise ValueError('The "run_times_key" parameter must not be empty')
self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
self.jobs_key = jobs_key
self.run_times_key = run_times_key
self.redis = Redis(db=int(db), **connect_args)
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
job_state = self.redis.hget(self.jobs_key, job_id)
return self._reconstitute_job(job_state) if job_state else None
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now)
job_ids = self.redis.zrangebyscore(self.run_times_key, 0, timestamp)
if job_ids:
job_states = self.redis.hmget(self.jobs_key, *job_ids)
return self._reconstitute_jobs(six.moves.zip(job_ids, job_states))
return []
def get_next_run_time(self):
next_run_time = self.redis.zrange(self.run_times_key, 0, 0, withscores=True)
if next_run_time:
return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(next_run_time[0][1])
def get_all_jobs(self):
job_states = self.redis.hgetall(self.jobs_key)
jobs = self._reconstitute_jobs(six.iteritems(job_states))
paused_sort_key = datetime(9999, 12, 31, tzinfo=utc)
return sorted(jobs, key=lambda job: job.next_run_time or paused_sort_key)
def add_job(self, job):
if self.redis.hexists(self.jobs_key, job.id):
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hset(self.jobs_key, job.id, pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(),
if job.next_run_time:
{job.id: datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time)})
def update_job(self, job):
if not self.redis.hexists(self.jobs_key, job.id):
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hset(self.jobs_key, job.id, pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(),
if job.next_run_time:
{job.id: datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time)})
pipe.zrem(self.run_times_key, job.id)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
if not self.redis.hexists(self.jobs_key, job_id):
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hdel(self.jobs_key, job_id)
pipe.zrem(self.run_times_key, job_id)
def remove_all_jobs(self):
with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
def shutdown(self):
def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state):
job_state = pickle.loads(job_state)
job = Job.__new__(Job)
job._scheduler = self._scheduler
job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
return job
def _reconstitute_jobs(self, job_states):
jobs = []
failed_job_ids = []
for job_id, job_state in job_states:
except BaseException:
self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it', job_id)
# Remove all the jobs we failed to restore
if failed_job_ids:
with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hdel(self.jobs_key, *failed_job_ids)
pipe.zrem(self.run_times_key, *failed_job_ids)
return jobs
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref, datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime
from apscheduler.job import Job
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import pickle
from rethinkdb import RethinkDB
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('RethinkDBJobStore requires rethinkdb installed')
class RethinkDBJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in a RethinkDB database. Any leftover keyword arguments are directly passed to
rethinkdb's `RethinkdbClient <http://www.rethinkdb.com/api/#connect>`_.
Plugin alias: ``rethinkdb``
:param str database: database to store jobs in
:param str collection: collection to store jobs in
:param client: a :class:`rethinkdb.net.Connection` instance to use instead of providing
connection arguments
:param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the
highest available
def __init__(self, database='apscheduler', table='jobs', client=None,
pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **connect_args):
super(RethinkDBJobStore, self).__init__()
if not database:
raise ValueError('The "database" parameter must not be empty')
if not table:
raise ValueError('The "table" parameter must not be empty')
self.database = database
self.table_name = table
self.table = None
self.client = client
self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
self.connect_args = connect_args
self.r = RethinkDB()
self.conn = None
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(RethinkDBJobStore, self).start(scheduler, alias)
if self.client:
self.conn = maybe_ref(self.client)
self.conn = self.r.connect(db=self.database, **self.connect_args)
if self.database not in self.r.db_list().run(self.conn):
if self.table_name not in self.r.table_list().run(self.conn):
if 'next_run_time' not in self.r.table(self.table_name).index_list().run(self.conn):
self.table = self.r.db(self.database).table(self.table_name)
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
results = list(self.table.get_all(job_id).pluck('job_state').run(self.conn))
return self._reconstitute_job(results[0]['job_state']) if results else None
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
return self._get_jobs(self.r.row['next_run_time'] <= datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now))
def get_next_run_time(self):
results = list(
.filter(self.r.row['next_run_time'] != None) # noqa
.map(lambda x: x['next_run_time'])
return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(results[0]) if results else None
def get_all_jobs(self):
jobs = self._get_jobs()
return jobs
def add_job(self, job):
job_dict = {
'id': job.id,
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': self.r.binary(pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol))
results = self.table.insert(job_dict).run(self.conn)
if results['errors'] > 0:
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
def update_job(self, job):
changes = {
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': self.r.binary(pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol))
results = self.table.get_all(job.id).update(changes).run(self.conn)
skipped = False in map(lambda x: results[x] == 0, results.keys())
if results['skipped'] > 0 or results['errors'] > 0 or not skipped:
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
results = self.table.get_all(job_id).delete().run(self.conn)
if results['deleted'] + results['skipped'] != 1:
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
def remove_all_jobs(self):
def shutdown(self):
def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state):
job_state = pickle.loads(job_state)
job = Job.__new__(Job)
job._scheduler = self._scheduler
job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
return job
def _get_jobs(self, predicate=None):
jobs = []
failed_job_ids = []
query = (self.table.filter(self.r.row['next_run_time'] != None).filter(predicate) # noqa
if predicate else self.table)
query = query.order_by('next_run_time', 'id').pluck('id', 'job_state')
for document in query.run(self.conn):
except Exception:
self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it', document['id'])
# Remove all the jobs we failed to restore
if failed_job_ids:
lambda job_id: self.table.get_all(job_id).delete()).run(self.conn)
return jobs
def __repr__(self):
connection = self.conn
return '<%s (connection=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, connection)
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref, datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime
from apscheduler.job import Job
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import pickle
from sqlalchemy import (
create_engine, Table, Column, MetaData, Unicode, Float, LargeBinary, select)
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import null
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('SQLAlchemyJobStore requires SQLAlchemy installed')
class SQLAlchemyJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in a database table using SQLAlchemy.
The table will be created if it doesn't exist in the database.
Plugin alias: ``sqlalchemy``
:param str url: connection string (see
:ref:`SQLAlchemy documentation <sqlalchemy:database_urls>` on this)
:param engine: an SQLAlchemy :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` to use instead of creating a
new one based on ``url``
:param str tablename: name of the table to store jobs in
:param metadata: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance to use instead of creating a
new one
:param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the
highest available
:param str tableschema: name of the (existing) schema in the target database where the table
should be
:param dict engine_options: keyword arguments to :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine`
(ignored if ``engine`` is given)
def __init__(self, url=None, engine=None, tablename='apscheduler_jobs', metadata=None,
pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, tableschema=None, engine_options=None):
super(SQLAlchemyJobStore, self).__init__()
self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
metadata = maybe_ref(metadata) or MetaData()
if engine:
self.engine = maybe_ref(engine)
elif url:
self.engine = create_engine(url, **(engine_options or {}))
raise ValueError('Need either "engine" or "url" defined')
# 191 = max key length in MySQL for InnoDB/utf8mb4 tables,
# 25 = precision that translates to an 8-byte float
self.jobs_t = Table(
tablename, metadata,
Column('id', Unicode(191, _warn_on_bytestring=False), primary_key=True),
Column('next_run_time', Float(25), index=True),
Column('job_state', LargeBinary, nullable=False),
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(SQLAlchemyJobStore, self).start(scheduler, alias)
self.jobs_t.create(self.engine, True)
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
selectable = select([self.jobs_t.c.job_state]).where(self.jobs_t.c.id == job_id)
job_state = self.engine.execute(selectable).scalar()
return self._reconstitute_job(job_state) if job_state else None
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now)
return self._get_jobs(self.jobs_t.c.next_run_time <= timestamp)
def get_next_run_time(self):
selectable = select([self.jobs_t.c.next_run_time]).\
where(self.jobs_t.c.next_run_time != null()).\
next_run_time = self.engine.execute(selectable).scalar()
return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(next_run_time)
def get_all_jobs(self):
jobs = self._get_jobs()
return jobs
def add_job(self, job):
insert = self.jobs_t.insert().values(**{
'id': job.id,
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol)
except IntegrityError:
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
def update_job(self, job):
update = self.jobs_t.update().values(**{
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol)
}).where(self.jobs_t.c.id == job.id)
result = self.engine.execute(update)
if result.rowcount == 0:
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
delete = self.jobs_t.delete().where(self.jobs_t.c.id == job_id)
result = self.engine.execute(delete)
if result.rowcount == 0:
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
def remove_all_jobs(self):
delete = self.jobs_t.delete()
def shutdown(self):
def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state):
job_state = pickle.loads(job_state)
job_state['jobstore'] = self
job = Job.__new__(Job)
job._scheduler = self._scheduler
job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
return job
def _get_jobs(self, *conditions):
jobs = []
selectable = select([self.jobs_t.c.id, self.jobs_t.c.job_state]).\
selectable = selectable.where(*conditions) if conditions else selectable
failed_job_ids = set()
for row in self.engine.execute(selectable):
except BaseException:
self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it', row.id)
# Remove all the jobs we failed to restore
if failed_job_ids:
delete = self.jobs_t.delete().where(self.jobs_t.c.id.in_(failed_job_ids))
return jobs
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (url=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.engine.url)
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import utc
from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError, NodeExistsError
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref, datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime
from apscheduler.job import Job
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import pickle
from kazoo.client import KazooClient
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('ZooKeeperJobStore requires Kazoo installed')
class ZooKeeperJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in a ZooKeeper tree. Any leftover keyword arguments are directly passed to
kazoo's `KazooClient
Plugin alias: ``zookeeper``
:param str path: path to store jobs in
:param client: a :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance to use instead of
providing connection arguments
:param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the
highest available
def __init__(self, path='/apscheduler', client=None, close_connection_on_exit=False,
pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **connect_args):
super(ZooKeeperJobStore, self).__init__()
self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
self.close_connection_on_exit = close_connection_on_exit
if not path:
raise ValueError('The "path" parameter must not be empty')
self.path = path
if client:
self.client = maybe_ref(client)
self.client = KazooClient(**connect_args)
self._ensured_path = False
def _ensure_paths(self):
if not self._ensured_path:
self._ensured_path = True
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(ZooKeeperJobStore, self).start(scheduler, alias)
if not self.client.connected:
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
node_path = os.path.join(self.path, job_id)
content, _ = self.client.get(node_path)
doc = pickle.loads(content)
job = self._reconstitute_job(doc['job_state'])
return job
except BaseException:
return None
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now)
jobs = [job_def['job'] for job_def in self._get_jobs()
if job_def['next_run_time'] is not None and job_def['next_run_time'] <= timestamp]
return jobs
def get_next_run_time(self):
next_runs = [job_def['next_run_time'] for job_def in self._get_jobs()
if job_def['next_run_time'] is not None]
return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(min(next_runs)) if len(next_runs) > 0 else None
def get_all_jobs(self):
jobs = [job_def['job'] for job_def in self._get_jobs()]
return jobs
def add_job(self, job):
node_path = os.path.join(self.path, str(job.id))
value = {
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': job.__getstate__()
data = pickle.dumps(value, self.pickle_protocol)
self.client.create(node_path, value=data)
except NodeExistsError:
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
def update_job(self, job):
node_path = os.path.join(self.path, str(job.id))
changes = {
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': job.__getstate__()
data = pickle.dumps(changes, self.pickle_protocol)
self.client.set(node_path, value=data)
except NoNodeError:
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
node_path = os.path.join(self.path, str(job_id))
except NoNodeError:
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
def remove_all_jobs(self):
self.client.delete(self.path, recursive=True)
except NoNodeError:
self._ensured_path = False
def shutdown(self):
if self.close_connection_on_exit:
def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state):
job_state = job_state
job = Job.__new__(Job)
job._scheduler = self._scheduler
job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
return job
def _get_jobs(self):
jobs = []
failed_job_ids = []
all_ids = self.client.get_children(self.path)
for node_name in all_ids:
node_path = os.path.join(self.path, node_name)
content, _ = self.client.get(node_path)
doc = pickle.loads(content)
job_def = {
'job_id': node_name,
'next_run_time': doc['next_run_time'] if doc['next_run_time'] else None,
'job_state': doc['job_state'],
'job': self._reconstitute_job(doc['job_state']),
'creation_time': _.ctime
except BaseException:
self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it' % node_name)
# Remove all the jobs we failed to restore
if failed_job_ids:
for failed_id in failed_job_ids:
paused_sort_key = datetime(9999, 12, 31, tzinfo=utc)
return sorted(jobs, key=lambda job_def: (job_def['job'].next_run_time or paused_sort_key,
def __repr__(self):
self._logger.exception('<%s (client=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client))
return '<%s (client=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client)
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
class SchedulerAlreadyRunningError(Exception):
"""Raised when attempting to start or configure the scheduler when it's already running."""
def __str__(self):
return 'Scheduler is already running'
class SchedulerNotRunningError(Exception):
"""Raised when attempting to shutdown the scheduler when it's not running."""
def __str__(self):
return 'Scheduler is not running'
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import wraps, partial
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref
import asyncio
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import trollius as asyncio
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'AsyncIOScheduler requires either Python 3.4 or the asyncio package installed')
def run_in_event_loop(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
wrapped = partial(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class AsyncIOScheduler(BaseScheduler):
A scheduler that runs on an asyncio (:pep:`3156`) event loop.
The default executor can run jobs based on native coroutines (``async def``).
Extra options:
============== =============================================================
``event_loop`` AsyncIO event loop to use (defaults to the global event loop)
============== =============================================================
_eventloop = None
_timeout = None
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
super(AsyncIOScheduler, self).shutdown(wait)
def _configure(self, config):
self._eventloop = maybe_ref(config.pop('event_loop', None)) or asyncio.get_event_loop()
super(AsyncIOScheduler, self)._configure(config)
def _start_timer(self, wait_seconds):
if wait_seconds is not None:
self._timeout = self._eventloop.call_later(wait_seconds, self.wakeup)
def _stop_timer(self):
if self._timeout:
del self._timeout
def wakeup(self):
wait_seconds = self._process_jobs()
def _create_default_executor(self):
from apscheduler.executors.asyncio import AsyncIOExecutor
return AsyncIOExecutor()
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from threading import Thread, Event
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
from apscheduler.util import asbool
class BackgroundScheduler(BlockingScheduler):
A scheduler that runs in the background using a separate thread
(:meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.start` will return immediately).
Extra options:
========== =============================================================================
``daemon`` Set the ``daemon`` option in the background thread (defaults to ``True``, see
`the documentation
for further details)
========== =============================================================================
_thread = None
def _configure(self, config):
self._daemon = asbool(config.pop('daemon', True))
super(BackgroundScheduler, self)._configure(config)
def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._event = Event()
BaseScheduler.start(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._thread = Thread(target=self._main_loop, name='APScheduler')
self._thread.daemon = self._daemon
def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BackgroundScheduler, self).shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
del self._thread
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from threading import Event
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler, STATE_STOPPED
from apscheduler.util import TIMEOUT_MAX
class BlockingScheduler(BaseScheduler):
A scheduler that runs in the foreground
(:meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.start` will block).
_event = None
def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._event = Event()
super(BlockingScheduler, self).start(*args, **kwargs)
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
super(BlockingScheduler, self).shutdown(wait)
def _main_loop(self):
wait_seconds = TIMEOUT_MAX
while self.state != STATE_STOPPED:
wait_seconds = self._process_jobs()
def wakeup(self):
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler
from gevent.event import Event
from gevent.lock import RLock
import gevent
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('GeventScheduler requires gevent installed')
class GeventScheduler(BlockingScheduler):
"""A scheduler that runs as a Gevent greenlet."""
_greenlet = None
def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._event = Event()
BaseScheduler.start(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._greenlet = gevent.spawn(self._main_loop)
return self._greenlet
def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(GeventScheduler, self).shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
del self._greenlet
def _create_lock(self):
return RLock()
def _create_default_executor(self):
from apscheduler.executors.gevent import GeventExecutor
return GeventExecutor()
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QTimer
except (ImportError, RuntimeError): # pragma: nocover
from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, QTimer
except ImportError:
from PySide.QtCore import QObject, QTimer # noqa
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('QtScheduler requires either PyQt5, PyQt4 or PySide installed')
class QtScheduler(BaseScheduler):
"""A scheduler that runs in a Qt event loop."""
_timer = None
def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(QtScheduler, self).shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
def _start_timer(self, wait_seconds):
if wait_seconds is not None:
wait_time = min(wait_seconds * 1000, 2147483647)
self._timer = QTimer.singleShot(wait_time, self._process_jobs)
def _stop_timer(self):
if self._timer:
if self._timer.isActive():
del self._timer
def wakeup(self):
def _process_jobs(self):
wait_seconds = super(QtScheduler, self)._process_jobs()
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import wraps
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('TornadoScheduler requires tornado installed')
def run_in_ioloop(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._ioloop.add_callback(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class TornadoScheduler(BaseScheduler):
A scheduler that runs on a Tornado IOLoop.
The default executor can run jobs based on native coroutines (``async def``).
=========== ===============================================================
``io_loop`` Tornado IOLoop instance to use (defaults to the global IO loop)
=========== ===============================================================
_ioloop = None
_timeout = None
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
super(TornadoScheduler, self).shutdown(wait)
def _configure(self, config):
self._ioloop = maybe_ref(config.pop('io_loop', None)) or IOLoop.current()
super(TornadoScheduler, self)._configure(config)
def _start_timer(self, wait_seconds):
if wait_seconds is not None:
self._timeout = self._ioloop.add_timeout(timedelta(seconds=wait_seconds), self.wakeup)
def _stop_timer(self):
if self._timeout:
del self._timeout
def _create_default_executor(self):
from apscheduler.executors.tornado import TornadoExecutor
return TornadoExecutor()
def wakeup(self):
wait_seconds = self._process_jobs()
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import wraps
from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref
from twisted.internet import reactor as default_reactor
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('TwistedScheduler requires Twisted installed')
def run_in_reactor(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._reactor.callFromThread(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class TwistedScheduler(BaseScheduler):
A scheduler that runs on a Twisted reactor.
Extra options:
=========== ========================================================
``reactor`` Reactor instance to use (defaults to the global reactor)
=========== ========================================================
_reactor = None
_delayedcall = None
def _configure(self, config):
self._reactor = maybe_ref(config.pop('reactor', default_reactor))
super(TwistedScheduler, self)._configure(config)
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
super(TwistedScheduler, self).shutdown(wait)
def _start_timer(self, wait_seconds):
if wait_seconds is not None:
self._delayedcall = self._reactor.callLater(wait_seconds, self.wakeup)
def _stop_timer(self):
if self._delayedcall and self._delayedcall.active():
del self._delayedcall
def wakeup(self):
wait_seconds = self._process_jobs()
def _create_default_executor(self):
from apscheduler.executors.twisted import TwistedExecutor
return TwistedExecutor()
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from datetime import timedelta
import random
import six
class BaseTrigger(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)):
"""Abstract base class that defines the interface that every trigger must implement."""
__slots__ = ()
def get_next_fire_time(self, previous_fire_time, now):
Returns the next datetime to fire on, If no such datetime can be calculated, returns
:param datetime.datetime previous_fire_time: the previous time the trigger was fired
:param datetime.datetime now: current datetime
def _apply_jitter(self, next_fire_time, jitter, now):
Randomize ``next_fire_time`` by adding or subtracting a random value (the jitter). If the
resulting datetime is in the past, returns the initial ``next_fire_time`` without jitter.
``next_fire_time - jitter <= result <= next_fire_time + jitter``
:param datetime.datetime|None next_fire_time: next fire time without jitter applied. If
``None``, returns ``None``.
:param int|None jitter: maximum number of seconds to add or subtract to
``next_fire_time``. If ``None`` or ``0``, returns ``next_fire_time``
:param datetime.datetime now: current datetime
:return datetime.datetime|None: next fire time with a jitter.
if next_fire_time is None or not jitter:
return next_fire_time
next_fire_time_with_jitter = next_fire_time + timedelta(
seconds=random.uniform(-jitter, jitter))
if next_fire_time_with_jitter < now:
# Next fire time with jitter is in the past.
# Ignore jitter to avoid false misfire.
return next_fire_time
return next_fire_time_with_jitter
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
from apscheduler.util import obj_to_ref, ref_to_obj
class BaseCombiningTrigger(BaseTrigger):
__slots__ = ('triggers', 'jitter')
def __init__(self, triggers, jitter=None):
self.triggers = triggers
self.jitter = jitter
def __getstate__(self):
return {
'version': 1,
'triggers': [(obj_to_ref(trigger.__class__), trigger.__getstate__())
for trigger in self.triggers],
'jitter': self.jitter
def __setstate__(self, state):
if state.get('version', 1) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'Got serialized data for version %s of %s, but only versions up to 1 can be '
'handled' % (state['version'], self.__class__.__name__))
self.jitter = state['jitter']
self.triggers = []
for clsref, state in state['triggers']:
cls = ref_to_obj(clsref)
trigger = cls.__new__(cls)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}({}{})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.triggers,
', jitter={}'.format(self.jitter) if self.jitter else '')
class AndTrigger(BaseCombiningTrigger):
Always returns the earliest next fire time that all the given triggers can agree on.
The trigger is considered to be finished when any of the given triggers has finished its
Trigger alias: ``and``
:param list triggers: triggers to combine
:param int|None jitter: advance or delay the job execution by ``jitter`` seconds at most.
__slots__ = ()
def get_next_fire_time(self, previous_fire_time, now):
while True:
fire_times = [trigger.get_next_fire_time(previous_fire_time, now)
for trigger in self.triggers]
if None in fire_times:
return None
elif min(fire_times) == max(fire_times):
return self._apply_jitter(fire_times[0], self.jitter, now)
now = max(fire_times)
def __str__(self):
return 'and[{}]'.format(', '.join(str(trigger) for trigger in self.triggers))
class OrTrigger(BaseCombiningTrigger):
Always returns the earliest next fire time produced by any of the given triggers.
The trigger is considered finished when all the given triggers have finished their schedules.
Trigger alias: ``or``
:param list triggers: triggers to combine
:param int|None jitter: advance or delay the job execution by ``jitter`` seconds at most.
.. note:: Triggers that depends on the previous fire time, such as the interval trigger, may
seem to behave strangely since they are always passed the previous fire time produced by
any of the given triggers.
__slots__ = ()
def get_next_fire_time(self, previous_fire_time, now):
fire_times = [trigger.get_next_fire_time(previous_fire_time, now)
for trigger in self.triggers]
fire_times = [fire_time for fire_time in fire_times if fire_time is not None]
if fire_times:
return self._apply_jitter(min(fire_times), self.jitter, now)
return None
def __str__(self):
return 'or[{}]'.format(', '.join(str(trigger) for trigger in self.triggers))
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from tzlocal import get_localzone
import six
from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.cron.fields import (
BaseField, MonthField, WeekField, DayOfMonthField, DayOfWeekField, DEFAULT_VALUES)
from apscheduler.util import datetime_ceil, convert_to_datetime, datetime_repr, astimezone
class CronTrigger(BaseTrigger):
Triggers when current time matches all specified time constraints,
similarly to how the UNIX cron scheduler works.
:param int|str year: 4-digit year
:param int|str month: month (1-12)
:param int|str day: day of the (1-31)
:param int|str week: ISO week (1-53)
:param int|str day_of_week: number or name of weekday (0-6 or mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)
:param int|str hour: hour (0-23)
:param int|str minute: minute (0-59)
:param int|str second: second (0-59)
:param datetime|str start_date: earliest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)
:param datetime|str end_date: latest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)
:param datetime.tzinfo|str timezone: time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults
to scheduler timezone)
:param int|None jitter: advance or delay the job execution by ``jitter`` seconds at most.
.. note:: The first weekday is always **monday**.
FIELD_NAMES = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'week', 'day_of_week', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
'year': BaseField,
'month': MonthField,
'week': WeekField,
'day': DayOfMonthField,
'day_of_week': DayOfWeekField,
'hour': BaseField,
'minute': BaseField,
'second': BaseField
__slots__ = 'timezone', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'fields', 'jitter'
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, week=None, day_of_week=None, hour=None,
minute=None, second=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, timezone=None,
if timezone:
self.timezone = astimezone(timezone)
elif isinstance(start_date, datetime) and start_date.tzinfo:
self.timezone = start_date.tzinfo
elif isinstance(end_date, datetime) and end_date.tzinfo:
self.timezone = end_date.tzinfo
self.timezone = get_localzone()
self.start_date = convert_to_datetime(start_date, self.timezone, 'start_date')
self.end_date = convert_to_datetime(end_date, self.timezone, 'end_date')
self.jitter = jitter
values = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in six.iteritems(locals())
if key in self.FIELD_NAMES and value is not None)
self.fields = []
assign_defaults = False
for field_name in self.FIELD_NAMES:
if field_name in values:
exprs = values.pop(field_name)
is_default = False
assign_defaults = not values
elif assign_defaults:
exprs = DEFAULT_VALUES[field_name]
is_default = True
exprs = '*'
is_default = True
field_class = self.FIELDS_MAP[field_name]
field = field_class(field_name, exprs, is_default)
def from_crontab(cls, expr, timezone=None):
Create a :class:`~CronTrigger` from a standard crontab expression.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron for more information on the format accepted here.
:param expr: minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week
:param datetime.tzinfo|str timezone: time zone to use for the date/time calculations (
defaults to scheduler timezone)
:return: a :class:`~CronTrigger` instance
values = expr.split()
if len(values) != 5:
raise ValueError('Wrong number of fields; got {}, expected 5'.format(len(values)))
return cls(minute=values[0], hour=values[1], day=values[2], month=values[3],
day_of_week=values[4], timezone=timezone)
def _increment_field_value(self, dateval, fieldnum):
Increments the designated field and resets all less significant fields to their minimum
:type dateval: datetime
:type fieldnum: int
:return: a tuple containing the new date, and the number of the field that was actually
:rtype: tuple
values = {}
i = 0
while i < len(self.fields):
field = self.fields[i]
if not field.REAL:
if i == fieldnum:
fieldnum -= 1
i -= 1
i += 1
if i < fieldnum:
values[field.name] = field.get_value(dateval)
i += 1
elif i > fieldnum:
values[field.name] = field.get_min(dateval)
i += 1
value = field.get_value(dateval)
maxval = field.get_max(dateval)
if value == maxval:
fieldnum -= 1
i -= 1
values[field.name] = value + 1
i += 1
difference = datetime(**values) - dateval.replace(tzinfo=None)
return self.timezone.normalize(dateval + difference), fieldnum
def _set_field_value(self, dateval, fieldnum, new_value):
values = {}
for i, field in enumerate(self.fields):
if field.REAL:
if i < fieldnum:
values[field.name] = field.get_value(dateval)
elif i > fieldnum:
values[field.name] = field.get_min(dateval)
values[field.name] = new_value
return self.timezone.localize(datetime(**values))
def get_next_fire_time(self, previous_fire_time, now):
if previous_fire_time:
start_date = min(now, previous_fire_time + timedelta(microseconds=1))
if start_date == previous_fire_time:
start_date += timedelta(microseconds=1)
start_date = max(now, self.start_date) if self.start_date else now
fieldnum = 0
next_date = datetime_ceil(start_date).astimezone(self.timezone)
while 0 <= fieldnum < len(self.fields):
field = self.fields[fieldnum]
curr_value = field.get_value(next_date)
next_value = field.get_next_value(next_date)
if next_value is None:
# No valid value was found
next_date, fieldnum = self._increment_field_value(next_date, fieldnum - 1)
elif next_value > curr_value:
# A valid, but higher than the starting value, was found
if field.REAL:
next_date = self._set_field_value(next_date, fieldnum, next_value)
fieldnum += 1
next_date, fieldnum = self._increment_field_value(next_date, fieldnum)
# A valid value was found, no changes necessary
fieldnum += 1
# Return if the date has rolled past the end date
if self.end_date and next_date > self.end_date:
return None
if fieldnum >= 0:
next_date = self._apply_jitter(next_date, self.jitter, now)
return min(next_date, self.end_date) if self.end_date else next_date
def __getstate__(self):
return {
'version': 2,
'timezone': self.timezone,
'start_date': self.start_date,
'end_date': self.end_date,
'fields': self.fields,
'jitter': self.jitter,
def __setstate__(self, state):
# This is for compatibility with APScheduler 3.0.x
if isinstance(state, tuple):
state = state[1]
if state.get('version', 1) > 2:
raise ValueError(
'Got serialized data for version %s of %s, but only versions up to 2 can be '
'handled' % (state['version'], self.__class__.__name__))
self.timezone = state['timezone']
self.start_date = state['start_date']
self.end_date = state['end_date']
self.fields = state['fields']
self.jitter = state.get('jitter')
def __str__(self):
options = ["%s='%s'" % (f.name, f) for f in self.fields if not f.is_default]
return 'cron[%s]' % (', '.join(options))
def __repr__(self):
options = ["%s='%s'" % (f.name, f) for f in self.fields if not f.is_default]
if self.start_date:
options.append("start_date=%r" % datetime_repr(self.start_date))
if self.end_date:
options.append("end_date=%r" % datetime_repr(self.end_date))
if self.jitter:
options.append('jitter=%s' % self.jitter)
return "<%s (%s, timezone='%s')>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(options), self.timezone)
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
"""This module contains the expressions applicable for CronTrigger's fields."""
from calendar import monthrange
import re
from apscheduler.util import asint
__all__ = ('AllExpression', 'RangeExpression', 'WeekdayRangeExpression',
'WeekdayPositionExpression', 'LastDayOfMonthExpression')
WEEKDAYS = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']
MONTHS = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']
class AllExpression(object):
value_re = re.compile(r'\*(?:/(?P<step>\d+))?$')
def __init__(self, step=None):
self.step = asint(step)
if self.step == 0:
raise ValueError('Increment must be higher than 0')
def validate_range(self, field_name):
from apscheduler.triggers.cron.fields import MIN_VALUES, MAX_VALUES
value_range = MAX_VALUES[field_name] - MIN_VALUES[field_name]
if self.step and self.step > value_range:
raise ValueError('the step value ({}) is higher than the total range of the '
'expression ({})'.format(self.step, value_range))
def get_next_value(self, date, field):
start = field.get_value(date)
minval = field.get_min(date)
maxval = field.get_max(date)
start = max(start, minval)
if not self.step:
next = start
distance_to_next = (self.step - (start - minval)) % self.step
next = start + distance_to_next
if next <= maxval:
return next
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.step == other.step
def __str__(self):
if self.step:
return '*/%d' % self.step
return '*'
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.step)
class RangeExpression(AllExpression):
value_re = re.compile(
def __init__(self, first, last=None, step=None):
super(RangeExpression, self).__init__(step)
first = asint(first)
last = asint(last)
if last is None and step is None:
last = first
if last is not None and first > last:
raise ValueError('The minimum value in a range must not be higher than the maximum')
self.first = first
self.last = last
def validate_range(self, field_name):
from apscheduler.triggers.cron.fields import MIN_VALUES, MAX_VALUES
super(RangeExpression, self).validate_range(field_name)
if self.first < MIN_VALUES[field_name]:
raise ValueError('the first value ({}) is lower than the minimum value ({})'
.format(self.first, MIN_VALUES[field_name]))
if self.last is not None and self.last > MAX_VALUES[field_name]:
raise ValueError('the last value ({}) is higher than the maximum value ({})'
.format(self.last, MAX_VALUES[field_name]))
value_range = (self.last or MAX_VALUES[field_name]) - self.first
if self.step and self.step > value_range:
raise ValueError('the step value ({}) is higher than the total range of the '
'expression ({})'.format(self.step, value_range))
def get_next_value(self, date, field):
startval = field.get_value(date)
minval = field.get_min(date)
maxval = field.get_max(date)
# Apply range limits
minval = max(minval, self.first)
maxval = min(maxval, self.last) if self.last is not None else maxval
nextval = max(minval, startval)
# Apply the step if defined
if self.step:
distance_to_next = (self.step - (nextval - minval)) % self.step
nextval += distance_to_next
return nextval if nextval <= maxval else None
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.first == other.first and
self.last == other.last)
def __str__(self):
if self.last != self.first and self.last is not None:
range = '%d-%d' % (self.first, self.last)
range = str(self.first)
if self.step:
return '%s/%d' % (range, self.step)
return range
def __repr__(self):
args = [str(self.first)]
if self.last != self.first and self.last is not None or self.step:
if self.step:
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args))
class MonthRangeExpression(RangeExpression):
value_re = re.compile(r'(?P<first>[a-z]+)(?:-(?P<last>[a-z]+))?', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, first, last=None):
first_num = MONTHS.index(first.lower()) + 1
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid month name "%s"' % first)
if last:
last_num = MONTHS.index(last.lower()) + 1
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid month name "%s"' % last)
last_num = None
super(MonthRangeExpression, self).__init__(first_num, last_num)
def __str__(self):
if self.last != self.first and self.last is not None:
return '%s-%s' % (MONTHS[self.first - 1], MONTHS[self.last - 1])
return MONTHS[self.first - 1]
def __repr__(self):
args = ["'%s'" % MONTHS[self.first]]
if self.last != self.first and self.last is not None:
args.append("'%s'" % MONTHS[self.last - 1])
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args))
class WeekdayRangeExpression(RangeExpression):
value_re = re.compile(r'(?P<first>[a-z]+)(?:-(?P<last>[a-z]+))?', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, first, last=None):
first_num = WEEKDAYS.index(first.lower())
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid weekday name "%s"' % first)
if last:
last_num = WEEKDAYS.index(last.lower())
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid weekday name "%s"' % last)
last_num = None
super(WeekdayRangeExpression, self).__init__(first_num, last_num)
def __str__(self):
if self.last != self.first and self.last is not None:
return '%s-%s' % (WEEKDAYS[self.first], WEEKDAYS[self.last])
return WEEKDAYS[self.first]
def __repr__(self):
args = ["'%s'" % WEEKDAYS[self.first]]
if self.last != self.first and self.last is not None:
args.append("'%s'" % WEEKDAYS[self.last])
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args))
class WeekdayPositionExpression(AllExpression):
options = ['1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', 'last']
value_re = re.compile(r'(?P<option_name>%s) +(?P<weekday_name>(?:\d+|\w+))' %
'|'.join(options), re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, option_name, weekday_name):
super(WeekdayPositionExpression, self).__init__(None)
self.option_num = self.options.index(option_name.lower())
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid weekday position "%s"' % option_name)
self.weekday = WEEKDAYS.index(weekday_name.lower())
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid weekday name "%s"' % weekday_name)
def get_next_value(self, date, field):
# Figure out the weekday of the month's first day and the number of days in that month
first_day_wday, last_day = monthrange(date.year, date.month)
# Calculate which day of the month is the first of the target weekdays
first_hit_day = self.weekday - first_day_wday + 1
if first_hit_day <= 0:
first_hit_day += 7
# Calculate what day of the month the target weekday would be
if self.option_num < 5:
target_day = first_hit_day + self.option_num * 7
target_day = first_hit_day + ((last_day - first_hit_day) // 7) * 7
if target_day <= last_day and target_day >= date.day:
return target_day
def __eq__(self, other):
return (super(WeekdayPositionExpression, self).__eq__(other) and
self.option_num == other.option_num and self.weekday == other.weekday)
def __str__(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.options[self.option_num], WEEKDAYS[self.weekday])
def __repr__(self):
return "%s('%s', '%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.options[self.option_num],
class LastDayOfMonthExpression(AllExpression):
value_re = re.compile(r'last', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self):
super(LastDayOfMonthExpression, self).__init__(None)
def get_next_value(self, date, field):
return monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1]
def __str__(self):
return 'last'
def __repr__(self):
return "%s()" % self.__class__.__name__
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
"""Fields represent CronTrigger options which map to :class:`~datetime.datetime` fields."""
from calendar import monthrange
import re
import six
from apscheduler.triggers.cron.expressions import (
AllExpression, RangeExpression, WeekdayPositionExpression, LastDayOfMonthExpression,
WeekdayRangeExpression, MonthRangeExpression)
__all__ = ('MIN_VALUES', 'MAX_VALUES', 'DEFAULT_VALUES', 'BaseField', 'WeekField',
'DayOfMonthField', 'DayOfWeekField')
MIN_VALUES = {'year': 1970, 'month': 1, 'day': 1, 'week': 1, 'day_of_week': 0, 'hour': 0,
'minute': 0, 'second': 0}
MAX_VALUES = {'year': 9999, 'month': 12, 'day': 31, 'week': 53, 'day_of_week': 6, 'hour': 23,
'minute': 59, 'second': 59}
DEFAULT_VALUES = {'year': '*', 'month': 1, 'day': 1, 'week': '*', 'day_of_week': '*', 'hour': 0,
'minute': 0, 'second': 0}
SEPARATOR = re.compile(' *, *')
class BaseField(object):
REAL = True
COMPILERS = [AllExpression, RangeExpression]
def __init__(self, name, exprs, is_default=False):
self.name = name
self.is_default = is_default
def get_min(self, dateval):
return MIN_VALUES[self.name]
def get_max(self, dateval):
return MAX_VALUES[self.name]
def get_value(self, dateval):
return getattr(dateval, self.name)
def get_next_value(self, dateval):
smallest = None
for expr in self.expressions:
value = expr.get_next_value(dateval, self)
if smallest is None or (value is not None and value < smallest):
smallest = value
return smallest
def compile_expressions(self, exprs):
self.expressions = []
# Split a comma-separated expression list, if any
for expr in SEPARATOR.split(str(exprs).strip()):
def compile_expression(self, expr):
for compiler in self.COMPILERS:
match = compiler.value_re.match(expr)
if match:
compiled_expr = compiler(**match.groupdict())
except ValueError as e:
exc = ValueError('Error validating expression {!r}: {}'.format(expr, e))
six.raise_from(exc, None)
raise ValueError('Unrecognized expression "%s" for field "%s"' % (expr, self.name))
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(self, self.__class__) and self.expressions == other.expressions
def __str__(self):
expr_strings = (str(e) for e in self.expressions)
return ','.join(expr_strings)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s('%s', '%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self)
class WeekField(BaseField):
REAL = False
def get_value(self, dateval):
return dateval.isocalendar()[1]
class DayOfMonthField(BaseField):
COMPILERS = BaseField.COMPILERS + [WeekdayPositionExpression, LastDayOfMonthExpression]
def get_max(self, dateval):
return monthrange(dateval.year, dateval.month)[1]
class DayOfWeekField(BaseField):
REAL = False
COMPILERS = BaseField.COMPILERS + [WeekdayRangeExpression]
def get_value(self, dateval):
return dateval.weekday()
class MonthField(BaseField):
COMPILERS = BaseField.COMPILERS + [MonthRangeExpression]
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
from datetime import datetime
from tzlocal import get_localzone
from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
from apscheduler.util import convert_to_datetime, datetime_repr, astimezone
class DateTrigger(BaseTrigger):
Triggers once on the given datetime. If ``run_date`` is left empty, current time is used.
:param datetime|str run_date: the date/time to run the job at
:param datetime.tzinfo|str timezone: time zone for ``run_date`` if it doesn't have one already
__slots__ = 'run_date'
def __init__(self, run_date=None, timezone=None):
timezone = astimezone(timezone) or get_localzone()
if run_date is not None:
self.run_date = convert_to_datetime(run_date, timezone, 'run_date')
self.run_date = datetime.now(timezone)
def get_next_fire_time(self, previous_fire_time, now):
return self.run_date if previous_fire_time is None else None
def __getstate__(self):
return {
'version': 1,
'run_date': self.run_date
def __setstate__(self, state):
# This is for compatibility with APScheduler 3.0.x
if isinstance(state, tuple):
state = state[1]
if state.get('version', 1) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'Got serialized data for version %s of %s, but only version 1 can be handled' %
(state['version'], self.__class__.__name__))
self.run_date = state['run_date']
def __str__(self):
return 'date[%s]' % datetime_repr(self.run_date)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s (run_date='%s')>" % (self.__class__.__name__, datetime_repr(self.run_date))
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from math import ceil
from tzlocal import get_localzone
from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
from apscheduler.util import convert_to_datetime, timedelta_seconds, datetime_repr, astimezone
class IntervalTrigger(BaseTrigger):
Triggers on specified intervals, starting on ``start_date`` if specified, ``datetime.now()`` +
interval otherwise.
:param int weeks: number of weeks to wait
:param int days: number of days to wait
:param int hours: number of hours to wait
:param int minutes: number of minutes to wait
:param int seconds: number of seconds to wait
:param datetime|str start_date: starting point for the interval calculation
:param datetime|str end_date: latest possible date/time to trigger on
:param datetime.tzinfo|str timezone: time zone to use for the date/time calculations
:param int|None jitter: advance or delay the job execution by ``jitter`` seconds at most.
__slots__ = 'timezone', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'interval', 'interval_length', 'jitter'
def __init__(self, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, start_date=None,
end_date=None, timezone=None, jitter=None):
self.interval = timedelta(weeks=weeks, days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes,
self.interval_length = timedelta_seconds(self.interval)
if self.interval_length == 0:
self.interval = timedelta(seconds=1)
self.interval_length = 1
if timezone:
self.timezone = astimezone(timezone)
elif isinstance(start_date, datetime) and start_date.tzinfo:
self.timezone = start_date.tzinfo
elif isinstance(end_date, datetime) and end_date.tzinfo:
self.timezone = end_date.tzinfo
self.timezone = get_localzone()
start_date = start_date or (datetime.now(self.timezone) + self.interval)
self.start_date = convert_to_datetime(start_date, self.timezone, 'start_date')
self.end_date = convert_to_datetime(end_date, self.timezone, 'end_date')
self.jitter = jitter
def get_next_fire_time(self, previous_fire_time, now):
if previous_fire_time:
next_fire_time = previous_fire_time + self.interval
elif self.start_date > now:
next_fire_time = self.start_date
timediff_seconds = timedelta_seconds(now - self.start_date)
next_interval_num = int(ceil(timediff_seconds / self.interval_length))
next_fire_time = self.start_date + self.interval * next_interval_num
if self.jitter is not None:
next_fire_time = self._apply_jitter(next_fire_time, self.jitter, now)
if not self.end_date or next_fire_time <= self.end_date:
return self.timezone.normalize(next_fire_time)
def __getstate__(self):
return {
'version': 2,
'timezone': self.timezone,
'start_date': self.start_date,
'end_date': self.end_date,
'interval': self.interval,
'jitter': self.jitter,
def __setstate__(self, state):
# This is for compatibility with APScheduler 3.0.x
if isinstance(state, tuple):
state = state[1]
if state.get('version', 1) > 2:
raise ValueError(
'Got serialized data for version %s of %s, but only versions up to 2 can be '
'handled' % (state['version'], self.__class__.__name__))
self.timezone = state['timezone']
self.start_date = state['start_date']
self.end_date = state['end_date']
self.interval = state['interval']
self.interval_length = timedelta_seconds(self.interval)
self.jitter = state.get('jitter')
def __str__(self):
return 'interval[%s]' % str(self.interval)
def __repr__(self):
options = ['interval=%r' % self.interval, 'start_date=%r' % datetime_repr(self.start_date)]
if self.end_date:
options.append("end_date=%r" % datetime_repr(self.end_date))
if self.jitter:
options.append('jitter=%s' % self.jitter)
return "<%s (%s, timezone='%s')>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(options), self.timezone)
@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
"""This module contains several handy functions primarily meant for internal use."""
from __future__ import division
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta, tzinfo
from calendar import timegm
from functools import partial
from inspect import isclass, ismethod
import re
from pytz import timezone, utc, FixedOffset
import six
from inspect import signature
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
from funcsigs import signature
from threading import TIMEOUT_MAX
except ImportError:
TIMEOUT_MAX = 4294967 # Maximum value accepted by Event.wait() on Windows
from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction
except ImportError:
from trollius import iscoroutinefunction
except ImportError:
def iscoroutinefunction(func):
return False
__all__ = ('asint', 'asbool', 'astimezone', 'convert_to_datetime', 'datetime_to_utc_timestamp',
'utc_timestamp_to_datetime', 'timedelta_seconds', 'datetime_ceil', 'get_callable_name',
'obj_to_ref', 'ref_to_obj', 'maybe_ref', 'repr_escape', 'check_callable_args',
class _Undefined(object):
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
def __bool__(self):
return False
def __repr__(self):
return '<undefined>'
undefined = _Undefined() #: a unique object that only signifies that no value is defined
def asint(text):
Safely converts a string to an integer, returning ``None`` if the string is ``None``.
:type text: str
:rtype: int
if text is not None:
return int(text)
def asbool(obj):
Interprets an object as a boolean value.
:rtype: bool
if isinstance(obj, str):
obj = obj.strip().lower()
if obj in ('true', 'yes', 'on', 'y', 't', '1'):
return True
if obj in ('false', 'no', 'off', 'n', 'f', '0'):
return False
raise ValueError('Unable to interpret value "%s" as boolean' % obj)
return bool(obj)
def astimezone(obj):
Interprets an object as a timezone.
:rtype: tzinfo
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
return timezone(obj)
if isinstance(obj, tzinfo):
if not hasattr(obj, 'localize') or not hasattr(obj, 'normalize'):
raise TypeError('Only timezones from the pytz library are supported')
if obj.zone == 'local':
raise ValueError(
'Unable to determine the name of the local timezone -- you must explicitly '
'specify the name of the local timezone. Please refrain from using timezones like '
'EST to prevent problems with daylight saving time. Instead, use a locale based '
'timezone name (such as Europe/Helsinki).')
return obj
if obj is not None:
raise TypeError('Expected tzinfo, got %s instead' % obj.__class__.__name__)
_DATE_REGEX = re.compile(
r'(?:[ T](?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{1,2}):(?P<second>\d{1,2})'
def convert_to_datetime(input, tz, arg_name):
Converts the given object to a timezone aware datetime object.
If a timezone aware datetime object is passed, it is returned unmodified.
If a native datetime object is passed, it is given the specified timezone.
If the input is a string, it is parsed as a datetime with the given timezone.
Date strings are accepted in three different forms: date only (Y-m-d), date with time
(Y-m-d H:M:S) or with date+time with microseconds (Y-m-d H:M:S.micro). Additionally you can
override the time zone by giving a specific offset in the format specified by ISO 8601:
Z (UTC), +HH:MM or -HH:MM.
:param str|datetime input: the datetime or string to convert to a timezone aware datetime
:param datetime.tzinfo tz: timezone to interpret ``input`` in
:param str arg_name: the name of the argument (used in an error message)
:rtype: datetime
if input is None:
elif isinstance(input, datetime):
datetime_ = input
elif isinstance(input, date):
datetime_ = datetime.combine(input, time())
elif isinstance(input, six.string_types):
m = _DATE_REGEX.match(input)
if not m:
raise ValueError('Invalid date string')
values = m.groupdict()
tzname = values.pop('timezone')
if tzname == 'Z':
tz = utc
elif tzname:
hours, minutes = (int(x) for x in tzname[1:].split(':'))
sign = 1 if tzname[0] == '+' else -1
tz = FixedOffset(sign * (hours * 60 + minutes))
values = {k: int(v or 0) for k, v in values.items()}
datetime_ = datetime(**values)
raise TypeError('Unsupported type for %s: %s' % (arg_name, input.__class__.__name__))
if datetime_.tzinfo is not None:
return datetime_
if tz is None:
raise ValueError(
'The "tz" argument must be specified if %s has no timezone information' % arg_name)
if isinstance(tz, six.string_types):
tz = timezone(tz)
return tz.localize(datetime_, is_dst=None)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(
'Only pytz timezones are supported (need the localize() and normalize() methods)')
def datetime_to_utc_timestamp(timeval):
Converts a datetime instance to a timestamp.
:type timeval: datetime
:rtype: float
if timeval is not None:
return timegm(timeval.utctimetuple()) + timeval.microsecond / 1000000
def utc_timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
Converts the given timestamp to a datetime instance.
:type timestamp: float
:rtype: datetime
if timestamp is not None:
return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, utc)
def timedelta_seconds(delta):
Converts the given timedelta to seconds.
:type delta: timedelta
:rtype: float
return delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds + \
delta.microseconds / 1000000.0
def datetime_ceil(dateval):
Rounds the given datetime object upwards.
:type dateval: datetime
if dateval.microsecond > 0:
return dateval + timedelta(seconds=1, microseconds=-dateval.microsecond)
return dateval
def datetime_repr(dateval):
return dateval.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') if dateval else 'None'
def get_callable_name(func):
Returns the best available display name for the given function/callable.
:rtype: str
# the easy case (on Python 3.3+)
if hasattr(func, '__qualname__'):
return func.__qualname__
# class methods, bound and unbound methods
f_self = getattr(func, '__self__', None) or getattr(func, 'im_self', None)
if f_self and hasattr(func, '__name__'):
f_class = f_self if isclass(f_self) else f_self.__class__
f_class = getattr(func, 'im_class', None)
if f_class and hasattr(func, '__name__'):
return '%s.%s' % (f_class.__name__, func.__name__)
# class or class instance
if hasattr(func, '__call__'):
# class
if hasattr(func, '__name__'):
return func.__name__
# instance of a class with a __call__ method
return func.__class__.__name__
raise TypeError('Unable to determine a name for %r -- maybe it is not a callable?' % func)
def obj_to_ref(obj):
Returns the path to the given callable.
:rtype: str
:raises TypeError: if the given object is not callable
:raises ValueError: if the given object is a :class:`~functools.partial`, lambda or a nested
if isinstance(obj, partial):
raise ValueError('Cannot create a reference to a partial()')
name = get_callable_name(obj)
if '<lambda>' in name:
raise ValueError('Cannot create a reference to a lambda')
if '<locals>' in name:
raise ValueError('Cannot create a reference to a nested function')
if ismethod(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'im_self') and obj.im_self:
# bound method
module = obj.im_self.__module__
elif hasattr(obj, 'im_class') and obj.im_class:
# unbound method
module = obj.im_class.__module__
module = obj.__module__
module = obj.__module__
return '%s:%s' % (module, name)
def ref_to_obj(ref):
Returns the object pointed to by ``ref``.
:type ref: str
if not isinstance(ref, six.string_types):
raise TypeError('References must be strings')
if ':' not in ref:
raise ValueError('Invalid reference')
modulename, rest = ref.split(':', 1)
obj = __import__(modulename, fromlist=[rest])
except ImportError:
raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: could not import module' % ref)
for name in rest.split('.'):
obj = getattr(obj, name)
return obj
except Exception:
raise LookupError('Error resolving reference %s: error looking up object' % ref)
def maybe_ref(ref):
Returns the object that the given reference points to, if it is indeed a reference.
If it is not a reference, the object is returned as-is.
if not isinstance(ref, str):
return ref
return ref_to_obj(ref)
if six.PY2:
def repr_escape(string):
if isinstance(string, six.text_type):
return string.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
return string
def repr_escape(string):
return string
def check_callable_args(func, args, kwargs):
Ensures that the given callable can be called with the given arguments.
:type args: tuple
:type kwargs: dict
pos_kwargs_conflicts = [] # parameters that have a match in both args and kwargs
positional_only_kwargs = [] # positional-only parameters that have a match in kwargs
unsatisfied_args = [] # parameters in signature that don't have a match in args or kwargs
unsatisfied_kwargs = [] # keyword-only arguments that don't have a match in kwargs
unmatched_args = list(args) # args that didn't match any of the parameters in the signature
# kwargs that didn't match any of the parameters in the signature
unmatched_kwargs = list(kwargs)
# indicates if the signature defines *args and **kwargs respectively
has_varargs = has_var_kwargs = False
sig = signature(func)
except ValueError:
# signature() doesn't work against every kind of callable
for param in six.itervalues(sig.parameters):
if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
if param.name in unmatched_kwargs and unmatched_args:
elif unmatched_args:
del unmatched_args[0]
elif param.name in unmatched_kwargs:
elif param.default is param.empty:
elif param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
if unmatched_args:
del unmatched_args[0]
elif param.name in unmatched_kwargs:
elif param.default is param.empty:
elif param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY:
if param.name in unmatched_kwargs:
elif param.default is param.empty:
elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
has_varargs = True
elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
has_var_kwargs = True
# Make sure there are no conflicts between args and kwargs
if pos_kwargs_conflicts:
raise ValueError('The following arguments are supplied in both args and kwargs: %s' %
', '.join(pos_kwargs_conflicts))
# Check if keyword arguments are being fed to positional-only parameters
if positional_only_kwargs:
raise ValueError('The following arguments cannot be given as keyword arguments: %s' %
', '.join(positional_only_kwargs))
# Check that the number of positional arguments minus the number of matched kwargs matches the
# argspec
if unsatisfied_args:
raise ValueError('The following arguments have not been supplied: %s' %
', '.join(unsatisfied_args))
# Check that all keyword-only arguments have been supplied
if unsatisfied_kwargs:
raise ValueError(
'The following keyword-only arguments have not been supplied in kwargs: %s' %
', '.join(unsatisfied_kwargs))
# Check that the callable can accept the given number of positional arguments
if not has_varargs and unmatched_args:
raise ValueError(
'The list of positional arguments is longer than the target callable can handle '
'(allowed: %d, given in args: %d)' % (len(args) - len(unmatched_args), len(args)))
# Check that the callable can accept the given keyword arguments
if not has_var_kwargs and unmatched_kwargs:
raise ValueError(
'The target callable does not accept the following keyword arguments: %s' %
', '.join(unmatched_kwargs))
def iscoroutinefunction_partial(f):
while isinstance(f, partial):
f = f.func
# The asyncio version of iscoroutinefunction includes testing for @coroutine
# decorations vs. the inspect version which does not.
return iscoroutinefunction(f)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright 2011-2017 Lennart Regebro
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: tzlocal
Version: 2.1
Summary: tzinfo object for the local timezone
Home-page: https://github.com/regebro/tzlocal
Author: Lennart Regebro
Author-email: regebro@gmail.com
License: MIT
Keywords: timezone pytz
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
Classifier: Operating System :: Unix
Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Requires-Dist: pytz
This Python module returns a ``tzinfo`` object with the local timezone information under Unix and Win-32.
It requires ``pytz``, and returns ``pytz`` ``tzinfo`` objects.
This module attempts to fix a glaring hole in ``pytz``, that there is no way to
get the local timezone information, unless you know the zoneinfo name, and
under several Linux distros that's hard or impossible to figure out.
Also, with Windows different timezone system using pytz isn't of much use
unless you separately configure the zoneinfo timezone name.
With ``tzlocal`` you only need to call ``get_localzone()`` and you will get a
``tzinfo`` object with the local time zone info. On some Unices you will still
not get to know what the timezone name is, but you don't need that when you
have the tzinfo file. However, if the timezone name is readily available it
will be used.
Supported systems
These are the systems that are in theory supported:
* Windows 2000 and later
* Any unix-like system with a ``/etc/localtime`` or ``/usr/local/etc/localtime``
If you have one of the above systems and it does not work, it's a bug.
Please report it.
Please note that if you getting a time zone called ``local``, this is not a bug, it's
actually the main feature of ``tzlocal``, that even if your system does NOT have a configuration file
with the zoneinfo name of your time zone, it will still work.
You can also use ``tzlocal`` to get the name of your local timezone, but only if your system is
configured to make that possible. ``tzlocal`` looks for the timezone name in ``/etc/timezone``, ``/var/db/zoneinfo``,
``/etc/sysconfig/clock`` and ``/etc/conf.d/clock``. If your ``/etc/localtime`` is a symlink it can also extract the
name from that symlink.
If you need the name of your local time zone, then please make sure your system is properly configured to allow that.
If it isn't configured, tzlocal will default to UTC.
Load the local timezone:
>>> from tzlocal import get_localzone
>>> tz = get_localzone()
>>> tz
<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Warsaw' WMT+1:24:00 STD>
Create a local datetime:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> dt = tz.localize(datetime(2015, 4, 10, 7, 22))
>>> dt
datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 10, 7, 22, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Warsaw' CEST+2:00:00 DST>)
Lookup another timezone with `pytz`:
>>> import pytz
>>> eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
Convert the datetime:
>>> dt.astimezone(eastern)
datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 10, 1, 22, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'US/Eastern' EDT-1 day, 20:00:00 DST>)
* Lennart Regebro, regebro@gmail.com
* Marc Van Olmen
* Benjamen Meyer
* Manuel Ebert
* Xiaokun Zhu
* Cameris
* Edward Betts
* Cris Ewing
* Ayala Shachar
* Lev Maximov
* Jakub Wilk
* John Quarles
* Preston Landers
* Victor Torres
* Jean Jordaan
* Zackary Welch
* Mickaël Schoentgen
* Gabriel Corona
(Sorry if I forgot someone)
* MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
2.1 (2020-05-08)
- No changes.
2.1b1 (2020-02-08)
- The is_dst flag is wrong for Europe/Dublin on some Unix releases.
I changed to another way of determining if DST is in effect or not.
- Added support for Python 3.7 and 3.8. Dropped 3.5 although it still works.
2.0.0 (2019-07-23)
- No differences since 2.0.0b3
Major differences since 1.5.1
- When no time zone configuration can be find, tzlocal now return UTC.
This is a major difference from 1.x, where an exception would be raised.
This change is because Docker images often have no configuration at all,
and the unix utilities will then default to UTC, so we follow that.
- If tzlocal on Unix finds a timezone name in a /etc config file, then
tzlocal now verifies that the timezone it fouds has the same offset as
the local computer is configured with. If it doesn't, something is
configured incorrectly. (Victor Torres, regebro)
- Get timezone via Termux `getprop` wrapper on Android. It's not officially
supported because we can't test it, but at least we make an effort.
(Jean Jordaan)
Minor differences and bug fixes
- Skip comment lines when parsing /etc/timezone. (Edward Betts)
- Don't load timezone from current directory. (Gabriel Corona)
- Now verifies that the config files actually contain something before
reading them. (Zackary Welch, regebro)
- Got rid of a BytesWarning (Mickaël Schoentgen)
- Now handles if config file paths exists, but are directories.
- Moved tests out from distributions
- Support wheels
1.5.1 (2017-12-01)
- 1.5 had a bug that slipped through testing, fixed that,
increased test coverage.
1.5 (2017-11-30)
- No longer treats macOS as special, but as a unix.
- get_windows_info.py is renamed to update_windows_mappings.py
- Windows mappings now also contain mappings from deprecated zoneinfo names.
(Preston-Landers, regebro)
1.4 (2017-04-18)
- I use MIT on my other projects, so relicensing.
1.4b1 (2017-04-14)
- Dropping support for Python versions nobody uses (2.5, 3.1, 3.2), adding 3.6
Python 3.1 and 3.2 still works, 2.5 has been broken for some time.
- Ayalash's OS X fix didn't work on Python 2.7, fixed that.
1.3.2 (2017-04-12)
- Ensure closing of subprocess on OS X (ayalash)
- Removed unused imports (jwilk)
- Closes stdout and stderr to get rid of ResourceWarnings (johnwquarles)
- Updated Windows timezones (axil)
1.3 (2016-10-15)
- #34: Added support for /var/db/zoneinfo
1.2.2 (2016-03-02)
- #30: Fixed a bug on OS X.
1.2.1 (2016-02-28)
- Tests failed if TZ was set in the environment. (EdwardBetts)
- Replaces os.popen() with subprocess.Popen() for OS X to
handle when systemsetup doesn't exist. (mckabi, cewing)
1.2 (2015-06-14)
- Systemd stores no time zone name, forcing us to look at the name of the file
that localtime symlinks to. (cameris)
1.1.2 (2014-10-18)
- Timezones that has 3 items did not work on Mac OS X.
(Marc Van Olmen)
- Now doesn't fail if the TZ environment variable isn't an Olsen time zone.
- Some timezones on Windows can apparently be empty (perhaps the are deleted).
Now these are ignored.
(Xiaokun Zhu)
1.1.1 (2014-01-29)
- I forgot to add Etc/UTC as an alias for Etc/GMT.
1.1 (2014-01-28)
- Adding better support for OS X.
- Added support to map from tzdata/Olsen names to Windows names.
(Thanks to Benjamen Meyer).
1.0 (2013-05-29)
- Fixed some more cases where spaces needs replacing with underscores.
- Better handling of misconfigured /etc/timezone.
- Better error message on Windows if we can't find a timezone at all.
0.3 (2012-09-13)
- Windows 7 support.
- Python 2.5 supported; because it only needed a __future__ import.
- Python 3.3 tested, it worked.
- Got rid of relative imports, because I don't actually like them,
so I don't know why I used them in the first place.
- For each Windows zone, use the default zoneinfo zone, not the last one.
0.2 (2012-09-12)
- Python 3 support.
0.1 (2012-09-11)
- Initial release.
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Wheel-Version: 1.0
Generator: bdist_wheel (0.33.0)
Root-Is-Purelib: true
Tag: py2-none-any
Tag: py3-none-any
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import sys
if sys.platform == 'win32':
from tzlocal.win32 import get_localzone, reload_localzone
from tzlocal.unix import get_localzone, reload_localzone
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
import os
import pytz
import re
import warnings
from tzlocal import utils
_cache_tz = None
def _tz_from_env(tzenv):
if tzenv[0] == ':':
tzenv = tzenv[1:]
# TZ specifies a file
if os.path.isabs(tzenv) and os.path.exists(tzenv):
with open(tzenv, 'rb') as tzfile:
return pytz.tzfile.build_tzinfo('local', tzfile)
# TZ specifies a zoneinfo zone.
tz = pytz.timezone(tzenv)
# That worked, so we return this:
return tz
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
raise pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError(
"tzlocal() does not support non-zoneinfo timezones like %s. \n"
"Please use a timezone in the form of Continent/City")
def _try_tz_from_env():
tzenv = os.environ.get('TZ')
if tzenv:
return _tz_from_env(tzenv)
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
def _get_localzone(_root='/'):
"""Tries to find the local timezone configuration.
This method prefers finding the timezone name and passing that to pytz,
over passing in the localtime file, as in the later case the zoneinfo
name is unknown.
The parameter _root makes the function look for files like /etc/localtime
beneath the _root directory. This is primarily used by the tests.
In normal usage you call the function without parameters."""
tzenv = _try_tz_from_env()
if tzenv:
return tzenv
# Are we under Termux on Android?
if os.path.exists('/system/bin/getprop'):
import subprocess
androidtz = subprocess.check_output(['getprop', 'persist.sys.timezone']).strip().decode()
return pytz.timezone(androidtz)
# Now look for distribution specific configuration files
# that contain the timezone name.
for configfile in ('etc/timezone', 'var/db/zoneinfo'):
tzpath = os.path.join(_root, configfile)
with open(tzpath, 'rb') as tzfile:
data = tzfile.read()
# Issue #3 was that /etc/timezone was a zoneinfo file.
# That's a misconfiguration, but we need to handle it gracefully:
if data[:5] == b'TZif2':
etctz = data.strip().decode()
if not etctz:
# Empty file, skip
for etctz in data.decode().splitlines():
# Get rid of host definitions and comments:
if ' ' in etctz:
etctz, dummy = etctz.split(' ', 1)
if '#' in etctz:
etctz, dummy = etctz.split('#', 1)
if not etctz:
tz = pytz.timezone(etctz.replace(' ', '_'))
if _root == '/':
# We are using a file in etc to name the timezone.
# Verify that the timezone specified there is actually used:
return tz
except IOError:
# File doesn't exist or is a directory
# CentOS has a ZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock,
# OpenSUSE has a TIMEZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock and
# Gentoo has a TIMEZONE setting in /etc/conf.d/clock
# We look through these files for a timezone:
zone_re = re.compile(r'\s*ZONE\s*=\s*\"')
timezone_re = re.compile(r'\s*TIMEZONE\s*=\s*\"')
end_re = re.compile('\"')
for filename in ('etc/sysconfig/clock', 'etc/conf.d/clock'):
tzpath = os.path.join(_root, filename)
with open(tzpath, 'rt') as tzfile:
data = tzfile.readlines()
for line in data:
# Look for the ZONE= setting.
match = zone_re.match(line)
if match is None:
# No ZONE= setting. Look for the TIMEZONE= setting.
match = timezone_re.match(line)
if match is not None:
# Some setting existed
line = line[match.end():]
etctz = line[:end_re.search(line).start()]
# We found a timezone
tz = pytz.timezone(etctz.replace(' ', '_'))
if _root == '/':
# We are using a file in etc to name the timezone.
# Verify that the timezone specified there is actually used:
return tz
except IOError:
# File doesn't exist or is a directory
# systemd distributions use symlinks that include the zone name,
# see manpage of localtime(5) and timedatectl(1)
tzpath = os.path.join(_root, 'etc/localtime')
if os.path.exists(tzpath) and os.path.islink(tzpath):
tzpath = os.path.realpath(tzpath)
start = tzpath.find("/")+1
while start != 0:
tzpath = tzpath[start:]
return pytz.timezone(tzpath)
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
start = tzpath.find("/")+1
# No explicit setting existed. Use localtime
for filename in ('etc/localtime', 'usr/local/etc/localtime'):
tzpath = os.path.join(_root, filename)
if not os.path.exists(tzpath):
with open(tzpath, 'rb') as tzfile:
return pytz.tzfile.build_tzinfo('local', tzfile)
warnings.warn('Can not find any timezone configuration, defaulting to UTC.')
return pytz.utc
def get_localzone():
"""Get the computers configured local timezone, if any."""
global _cache_tz
if _cache_tz is None:
_cache_tz = _get_localzone()
return _cache_tz
def reload_localzone():
"""Reload the cached localzone. You need to call this if the timezone has changed."""
global _cache_tz
_cache_tz = _get_localzone()
return _cache_tz
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import datetime
import calendar
def get_system_offset():
"""Get system's timezone offset using built-in library time.
For the Timezone constants (altzone, daylight, timezone, and tzname), the
value is determined by the timezone rules in effect at module load time or
the last time tzset() is called and may be incorrect for times in the past.
To keep compatibility with Windows, we're always importing time module here.
localtime = calendar.timegm(time.localtime())
gmtime = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
offset = gmtime - localtime
# We could get the localtime and gmtime on either side of a second switch
# so we check that the difference is less than one minute, because nobody
# has that small DST differences.
if abs(offset - time.altzone) < 60:
return -time.altzone
return -time.timezone
def get_tz_offset(tz):
"""Get timezone's offset using built-in function datetime.utcoffset()."""
return int(datetime.datetime.now(tz).utcoffset().total_seconds())
def assert_tz_offset(tz):
"""Assert that system's timezone offset equals to the timezone offset found.
If they don't match, we probably have a misconfiguration, for example, an
incorrect timezone set in /etc/timezone file in systemd distributions."""
tz_offset = get_tz_offset(tz)
system_offset = get_system_offset()
if tz_offset != system_offset:
msg = ('Timezone offset does not match system offset: {0} != {1}. '
'Please, check your config files.').format(
tz_offset, system_offset
raise ValueError(msg)
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import _winreg as winreg
except ImportError:
import winreg
import pytz
from tzlocal.windows_tz import win_tz
from tzlocal import utils
_cache_tz = None
def valuestodict(key):
"""Convert a registry key's values to a dictionary."""
dict = {}
size = winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[1]
for i in range(size):
data = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
dict[data[0]] = data[1]
return dict
def get_localzone_name():
# Windows is special. It has unique time zone names (in several
# meanings of the word) available, but unfortunately, they can be
# translated to the language of the operating system, so we need to
# do a backwards lookup, by going through all time zones and see which
# one matches.
handle = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
TZLOCALKEYNAME = r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation"
localtz = winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZLOCALKEYNAME)
keyvalues = valuestodict(localtz)
if 'TimeZoneKeyName' in keyvalues:
# Windows 7 (and Vista?)
# For some reason this returns a string with loads of NUL bytes at
# least on some systems. I don't know if this is a bug somewhere, I
# just work around it.
tzkeyname = keyvalues['TimeZoneKeyName'].split('\x00', 1)[0]
# Windows 2000 or XP
# This is the localized name:
tzwin = keyvalues['StandardName']
# Open the list of timezones to look up the real name:
TZKEYNAME = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones"
tzkey = winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZKEYNAME)
# Now, match this value to Time Zone information
tzkeyname = None
for i in range(winreg.QueryInfoKey(tzkey)[0]):
subkey = winreg.EnumKey(tzkey, i)
sub = winreg.OpenKey(tzkey, subkey)
data = valuestodict(sub)
if data['Std'] == tzwin:
tzkeyname = subkey
except KeyError:
# This timezone didn't have proper configuration.
# Ignore it.
if tzkeyname is None:
raise LookupError('Can not find Windows timezone configuration')
timezone = win_tz.get(tzkeyname)
if timezone is None:
# Nope, that didn't work. Try adding "Standard Time",
# it seems to work a lot of times:
timezone = win_tz.get(tzkeyname + " Standard Time")
# Return what we have.
if timezone is None:
raise pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError('Can not find timezone ' + tzkeyname)
return timezone
def get_localzone():
"""Returns the zoneinfo-based tzinfo object that matches the Windows-configured timezone."""
global _cache_tz
if _cache_tz is None:
_cache_tz = pytz.timezone(get_localzone_name())
return _cache_tz
def reload_localzone():
"""Reload the cached localzone. You need to call this if the timezone has changed."""
global _cache_tz
_cache_tz = pytz.timezone(get_localzone_name())
return _cache_tz
@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
# This file is autogenerated by the update_windows_mapping.py script
# Do not edit.
win_tz = {'AUS Central Standard Time': 'Australia/Darwin',
'AUS Eastern Standard Time': 'Australia/Sydney',
'Afghanistan Standard Time': 'Asia/Kabul',
'Alaskan Standard Time': 'America/Anchorage',
'Aleutian Standard Time': 'America/Adak',
'Altai Standard Time': 'Asia/Barnaul',
'Arab Standard Time': 'Asia/Riyadh',
'Arabian Standard Time': 'Asia/Dubai',
'Arabic Standard Time': 'Asia/Baghdad',
'Argentina Standard Time': 'America/Buenos_Aires',
'Astrakhan Standard Time': 'Europe/Astrakhan',
'Atlantic Standard Time': 'America/Halifax',
'Aus Central W. Standard Time': 'Australia/Eucla',
'Azerbaijan Standard Time': 'Asia/Baku',
'Azores Standard Time': 'Atlantic/Azores',
'Bahia Standard Time': 'America/Bahia',
'Bangladesh Standard Time': 'Asia/Dhaka',
'Belarus Standard Time': 'Europe/Minsk',
'Bougainville Standard Time': 'Pacific/Bougainville',
'Canada Central Standard Time': 'America/Regina',
'Cape Verde Standard Time': 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde',
'Caucasus Standard Time': 'Asia/Yerevan',
'Cen. Australia Standard Time': 'Australia/Adelaide',
'Central America Standard Time': 'America/Guatemala',
'Central Asia Standard Time': 'Asia/Almaty',
'Central Brazilian Standard Time': 'America/Cuiaba',
'Central Europe Standard Time': 'Europe/Budapest',
'Central European Standard Time': 'Europe/Warsaw',
'Central Pacific Standard Time': 'Pacific/Guadalcanal',
'Central Standard Time': 'America/Chicago',
'Central Standard Time (Mexico)': 'America/Mexico_City',
'Chatham Islands Standard Time': 'Pacific/Chatham',
'China Standard Time': 'Asia/Shanghai',
'Cuba Standard Time': 'America/Havana',
'Dateline Standard Time': 'Etc/GMT+12',
'E. Africa Standard Time': 'Africa/Nairobi',
'E. Australia Standard Time': 'Australia/Brisbane',
'E. Europe Standard Time': 'Europe/Chisinau',
'E. South America Standard Time': 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'Easter Island Standard Time': 'Pacific/Easter',
'Eastern Standard Time': 'America/New_York',
'Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)': 'America/Cancun',
'Egypt Standard Time': 'Africa/Cairo',
'Ekaterinburg Standard Time': 'Asia/Yekaterinburg',
'FLE Standard Time': 'Europe/Kiev',
'Fiji Standard Time': 'Pacific/Fiji',
'GMT Standard Time': 'Europe/London',
'GTB Standard Time': 'Europe/Bucharest',
'Georgian Standard Time': 'Asia/Tbilisi',
'Greenland Standard Time': 'America/Godthab',
'Greenwich Standard Time': 'Atlantic/Reykjavik',
'Haiti Standard Time': 'America/Port-au-Prince',
'Hawaiian Standard Time': 'Pacific/Honolulu',
'India Standard Time': 'Asia/Calcutta',
'Iran Standard Time': 'Asia/Tehran',
'Israel Standard Time': 'Asia/Jerusalem',
'Jordan Standard Time': 'Asia/Amman',
'Kaliningrad Standard Time': 'Europe/Kaliningrad',
'Korea Standard Time': 'Asia/Seoul',
'Libya Standard Time': 'Africa/Tripoli',
'Line Islands Standard Time': 'Pacific/Kiritimati',
'Lord Howe Standard Time': 'Australia/Lord_Howe',
'Magadan Standard Time': 'Asia/Magadan',
'Magallanes Standard Time': 'America/Punta_Arenas',
'Marquesas Standard Time': 'Pacific/Marquesas',
'Mauritius Standard Time': 'Indian/Mauritius',
'Middle East Standard Time': 'Asia/Beirut',
'Montevideo Standard Time': 'America/Montevideo',
'Morocco Standard Time': 'Africa/Casablanca',
'Mountain Standard Time': 'America/Denver',
'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)': 'America/Chihuahua',
'Myanmar Standard Time': 'Asia/Rangoon',
'N. Central Asia Standard Time': 'Asia/Novosibirsk',
'Namibia Standard Time': 'Africa/Windhoek',
'Nepal Standard Time': 'Asia/Katmandu',
'New Zealand Standard Time': 'Pacific/Auckland',
'Newfoundland Standard Time': 'America/St_Johns',
'Norfolk Standard Time': 'Pacific/Norfolk',
'North Asia East Standard Time': 'Asia/Irkutsk',
'North Asia Standard Time': 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk',
'North Korea Standard Time': 'Asia/Pyongyang',
'Omsk Standard Time': 'Asia/Omsk',
'Pacific SA Standard Time': 'America/Santiago',
'Pacific Standard Time': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)': 'America/Tijuana',
'Pakistan Standard Time': 'Asia/Karachi',
'Paraguay Standard Time': 'America/Asuncion',
'Qyzylorda Standard Time': 'Asia/Qyzylorda',
'Romance Standard Time': 'Europe/Paris',
'Russia Time Zone 10': 'Asia/Srednekolymsk',
'Russia Time Zone 11': 'Asia/Kamchatka',
'Russia Time Zone 3': 'Europe/Samara',
'Russian Standard Time': 'Europe/Moscow',
'SA Eastern Standard Time': 'America/Cayenne',
'SA Pacific Standard Time': 'America/Bogota',
'SA Western Standard Time': 'America/La_Paz',
'SE Asia Standard Time': 'Asia/Bangkok',
'Saint Pierre Standard Time': 'America/Miquelon',
'Sakhalin Standard Time': 'Asia/Sakhalin',
'Samoa Standard Time': 'Pacific/Apia',
'Sao Tome Standard Time': 'Africa/Sao_Tome',
'Saratov Standard Time': 'Europe/Saratov',
'Singapore Standard Time': 'Asia/Singapore',
'South Africa Standard Time': 'Africa/Johannesburg',
'Sri Lanka Standard Time': 'Asia/Colombo',
'Sudan Standard Time': 'Africa/Khartoum',
'Syria Standard Time': 'Asia/Damascus',
'Taipei Standard Time': 'Asia/Taipei',
'Tasmania Standard Time': 'Australia/Hobart',
'Tocantins Standard Time': 'America/Araguaina',
'Tokyo Standard Time': 'Asia/Tokyo',
'Tomsk Standard Time': 'Asia/Tomsk',
'Tonga Standard Time': 'Pacific/Tongatapu',
'Transbaikal Standard Time': 'Asia/Chita',
'Turkey Standard Time': 'Europe/Istanbul',
'Turks And Caicos Standard Time': 'America/Grand_Turk',
'US Eastern Standard Time': 'America/Indianapolis',
'US Mountain Standard Time': 'America/Phoenix',
'UTC': 'Etc/GMT',
'UTC+12': 'Etc/GMT-12',
'UTC+13': 'Etc/GMT-13',
'UTC-02': 'Etc/GMT+2',
'UTC-08': 'Etc/GMT+8',
'UTC-09': 'Etc/GMT+9',
'UTC-11': 'Etc/GMT+11',
'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time': 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar',
'Venezuela Standard Time': 'America/Caracas',
'Vladivostok Standard Time': 'Asia/Vladivostok',
'Volgograd Standard Time': 'Europe/Volgograd',
'W. Australia Standard Time': 'Australia/Perth',
'W. Central Africa Standard Time': 'Africa/Lagos',
'W. Europe Standard Time': 'Europe/Berlin',
'W. Mongolia Standard Time': 'Asia/Hovd',
'West Asia Standard Time': 'Asia/Tashkent',
'West Bank Standard Time': 'Asia/Hebron',
'West Pacific Standard Time': 'Pacific/Port_Moresby',
'Yakutsk Standard Time': 'Asia/Yakutsk'}
# Old name for the win_tz variable:
tz_names = win_tz
tz_win = {'Africa/Abidjan': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Accra': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Addis_Ababa': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Algiers': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Asmera': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Bamako': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Bangui': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Banjul': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Bissau': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Blantyre': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Brazzaville': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Bujumbura': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Cairo': 'Egypt Standard Time',
'Africa/Casablanca': 'Morocco Standard Time',
'Africa/Ceuta': 'Romance Standard Time',
'Africa/Conakry': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Dakar': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Djibouti': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Douala': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/El_Aaiun': 'Morocco Standard Time',
'Africa/Freetown': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Gaborone': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Harare': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Johannesburg': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Juba': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Kampala': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Khartoum': 'Sudan Standard Time',
'Africa/Kigali': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Kinshasa': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Lagos': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Libreville': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Lome': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Luanda': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Lubumbashi': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Lusaka': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Malabo': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Maputo': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Maseru': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Mbabane': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Mogadishu': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Monrovia': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Nairobi': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Ndjamena': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Niamey': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Nouakchott': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Ouagadougou': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Porto-Novo': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Sao_Tome': 'Sao Tome Standard Time',
'Africa/Timbuktu': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Africa/Tripoli': 'Libya Standard Time',
'Africa/Tunis': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Africa/Windhoek': 'Namibia Standard Time',
'America/Adak': 'Aleutian Standard Time',
'America/Anchorage': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'America/Anguilla': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Antigua': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Araguaina': 'Tocantins Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/La_Rioja': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/Salta': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/San_Juan': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/San_Luis': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/Tucuman': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Argentina/Ushuaia': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Aruba': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Asuncion': 'Paraguay Standard Time',
'America/Atka': 'Aleutian Standard Time',
'America/Bahia': 'Bahia Standard Time',
'America/Bahia_Banderas': 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Barbados': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Belem': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Belize': 'Central America Standard Time',
'America/Blanc-Sablon': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Boa_Vista': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Bogota': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Boise': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Buenos_Aires': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Cambridge_Bay': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Campo_Grande': 'Central Brazilian Standard Time',
'America/Cancun': 'Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Caracas': 'Venezuela Standard Time',
'America/Catamarca': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Cayenne': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Cayman': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Chicago': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Chihuahua': 'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Coral_Harbour': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Cordoba': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Costa_Rica': 'Central America Standard Time',
'America/Creston': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Cuiaba': 'Central Brazilian Standard Time',
'America/Curacao': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Danmarkshavn': 'UTC',
'America/Dawson': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Dawson_Creek': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Denver': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Detroit': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Dominica': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Edmonton': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Eirunepe': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/El_Salvador': 'Central America Standard Time',
'America/Ensenada': 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Fort_Nelson': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Fortaleza': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Glace_Bay': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'America/Godthab': 'Greenland Standard Time',
'America/Goose_Bay': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'America/Grand_Turk': 'Turks And Caicos Standard Time',
'America/Grenada': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Guadeloupe': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Guatemala': 'Central America Standard Time',
'America/Guayaquil': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Guyana': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Halifax': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'America/Havana': 'Cuba Standard Time',
'America/Hermosillo': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Knox': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Marengo': 'US Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Petersburg': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Tell_City': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Vevay': 'US Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Vincennes': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Indiana/Winamac': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Indianapolis': 'US Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Inuvik': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Iqaluit': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Jamaica': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Jujuy': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Juneau': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'America/Kentucky/Monticello': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Knox_IN': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Kralendijk': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/La_Paz': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Lima': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Los_Angeles': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Louisville': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Lower_Princes': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Maceio': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Managua': 'Central America Standard Time',
'America/Manaus': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Marigot': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Martinique': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Matamoros': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Mazatlan': 'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Mendoza': 'Argentina Standard Time',
'America/Menominee': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Merida': 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Metlakatla': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'America/Mexico_City': 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Miquelon': 'Saint Pierre Standard Time',
'America/Moncton': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'America/Monterrey': 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Montevideo': 'Montevideo Standard Time',
'America/Montreal': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Montserrat': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Nassau': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/New_York': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Nipigon': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Nome': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'America/Noronha': 'UTC-02',
'America/North_Dakota/Beulah': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/North_Dakota/Center': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Ojinaga': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Panama': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Pangnirtung': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Paramaribo': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Phoenix': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Port-au-Prince': 'Haiti Standard Time',
'America/Port_of_Spain': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Porto_Acre': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Porto_Velho': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Puerto_Rico': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Punta_Arenas': 'Magallanes Standard Time',
'America/Rainy_River': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Rankin_Inlet': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Recife': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Regina': 'Canada Central Standard Time',
'America/Resolute': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Rio_Branco': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Santa_Isabel': 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Santarem': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Santiago': 'Pacific SA Standard Time',
'America/Santo_Domingo': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Sao_Paulo': 'E. South America Standard Time',
'America/Scoresbysund': 'Azores Standard Time',
'America/Shiprock': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'America/Sitka': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'America/St_Barthelemy': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/St_Johns': 'Newfoundland Standard Time',
'America/St_Kitts': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/St_Lucia': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/St_Thomas': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/St_Vincent': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Swift_Current': 'Canada Central Standard Time',
'America/Tegucigalpa': 'Central America Standard Time',
'America/Thule': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'America/Thunder_Bay': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Tijuana': 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)',
'America/Toronto': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'America/Tortola': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Vancouver': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Virgin': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'America/Whitehorse': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'America/Winnipeg': 'Central Standard Time',
'America/Yakutat': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'America/Yellowknife': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Casey': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Davis': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Antarctica/DumontDUrville': 'West Pacific Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Macquarie': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Mawson': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Antarctica/McMurdo': 'New Zealand Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Palmer': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Rothera': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'Antarctica/South_Pole': 'New Zealand Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Syowa': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Antarctica/Vostok': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Arctic/Longyearbyen': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Asia/Aden': 'Arab Standard Time',
'Asia/Almaty': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Amman': 'Jordan Standard Time',
'Asia/Anadyr': 'Russia Time Zone 11',
'Asia/Aqtau': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Aqtobe': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Ashgabat': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Ashkhabad': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Atyrau': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Baghdad': 'Arabic Standard Time',
'Asia/Bahrain': 'Arab Standard Time',
'Asia/Baku': 'Azerbaijan Standard Time',
'Asia/Bangkok': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Barnaul': 'Altai Standard Time',
'Asia/Beirut': 'Middle East Standard Time',
'Asia/Bishkek': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Brunei': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Calcutta': 'India Standard Time',
'Asia/Chita': 'Transbaikal Standard Time',
'Asia/Choibalsan': 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time',
'Asia/Chongqing': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Chungking': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Colombo': 'Sri Lanka Standard Time',
'Asia/Dacca': 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
'Asia/Damascus': 'Syria Standard Time',
'Asia/Dhaka': 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
'Asia/Dili': 'Tokyo Standard Time',
'Asia/Dubai': 'Arabian Standard Time',
'Asia/Dushanbe': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Famagusta': 'GTB Standard Time',
'Asia/Gaza': 'West Bank Standard Time',
'Asia/Harbin': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Hebron': 'West Bank Standard Time',
'Asia/Hong_Kong': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Hovd': 'W. Mongolia Standard Time',
'Asia/Irkutsk': 'North Asia East Standard Time',
'Asia/Jakarta': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Jayapura': 'Tokyo Standard Time',
'Asia/Jerusalem': 'Israel Standard Time',
'Asia/Kabul': 'Afghanistan Standard Time',
'Asia/Kamchatka': 'Russia Time Zone 11',
'Asia/Karachi': 'Pakistan Standard Time',
'Asia/Kashgar': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Katmandu': 'Nepal Standard Time',
'Asia/Khandyga': 'Yakutsk Standard Time',
'Asia/Krasnoyarsk': 'North Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Kuching': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Kuwait': 'Arab Standard Time',
'Asia/Macao': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Macau': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Magadan': 'Magadan Standard Time',
'Asia/Makassar': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Manila': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Muscat': 'Arabian Standard Time',
'Asia/Nicosia': 'GTB Standard Time',
'Asia/Novokuznetsk': 'North Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Novosibirsk': 'N. Central Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Omsk': 'Omsk Standard Time',
'Asia/Oral': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Phnom_Penh': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Pontianak': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Pyongyang': 'North Korea Standard Time',
'Asia/Qatar': 'Arab Standard Time',
'Asia/Qostanay': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Qyzylorda': 'Qyzylorda Standard Time',
'Asia/Rangoon': 'Myanmar Standard Time',
'Asia/Riyadh': 'Arab Standard Time',
'Asia/Saigon': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Sakhalin': 'Sakhalin Standard Time',
'Asia/Samarkand': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Seoul': 'Korea Standard Time',
'Asia/Shanghai': 'China Standard Time',
'Asia/Singapore': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Srednekolymsk': 'Russia Time Zone 10',
'Asia/Taipei': 'Taipei Standard Time',
'Asia/Tashkent': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Tbilisi': 'Georgian Standard Time',
'Asia/Tehran': 'Iran Standard Time',
'Asia/Tel_Aviv': 'Israel Standard Time',
'Asia/Thimbu': 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
'Asia/Thimphu': 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
'Asia/Tokyo': 'Tokyo Standard Time',
'Asia/Tomsk': 'Tomsk Standard Time',
'Asia/Ujung_Pandang': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Asia/Ulaanbaatar': 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time',
'Asia/Ulan_Bator': 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time',
'Asia/Urumqi': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Ust-Nera': 'Vladivostok Standard Time',
'Asia/Vientiane': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Asia/Vladivostok': 'Vladivostok Standard Time',
'Asia/Yakutsk': 'Yakutsk Standard Time',
'Asia/Yekaterinburg': 'Ekaterinburg Standard Time',
'Asia/Yerevan': 'Caucasus Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Azores': 'Azores Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Bermuda': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Canary': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Cape_Verde': 'Cape Verde Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Faeroe': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Madeira': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Reykjavik': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Atlantic/South_Georgia': 'UTC-02',
'Atlantic/St_Helena': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Atlantic/Stanley': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/ACT': 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/Adelaide': 'Cen. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Brisbane': 'E. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Broken_Hill': 'Cen. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Canberra': 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/Currie': 'Tasmania Standard Time',
'Australia/Darwin': 'AUS Central Standard Time',
'Australia/Eucla': 'Aus Central W. Standard Time',
'Australia/Hobart': 'Tasmania Standard Time',
'Australia/LHI': 'Lord Howe Standard Time',
'Australia/Lindeman': 'E. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Lord_Howe': 'Lord Howe Standard Time',
'Australia/Melbourne': 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/NSW': 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/North': 'AUS Central Standard Time',
'Australia/Perth': 'W. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Queensland': 'E. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/South': 'Cen. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Sydney': 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/Tasmania': 'Tasmania Standard Time',
'Australia/Victoria': 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
'Australia/West': 'W. Australia Standard Time',
'Australia/Yancowinna': 'Cen. Australia Standard Time',
'Brazil/Acre': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'Brazil/DeNoronha': 'UTC-02',
'Brazil/East': 'E. South America Standard Time',
'Brazil/West': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'CST6CDT': 'Central Standard Time',
'Canada/Atlantic': 'Atlantic Standard Time',
'Canada/Central': 'Central Standard Time',
'Canada/Eastern': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'Canada/Mountain': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'Canada/Newfoundland': 'Newfoundland Standard Time',
'Canada/Pacific': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'Canada/Saskatchewan': 'Canada Central Standard Time',
'Canada/Yukon': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'Chile/Continental': 'Pacific SA Standard Time',
'Chile/EasterIsland': 'Easter Island Standard Time',
'Cuba': 'Cuba Standard Time',
'EST5EDT': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'Egypt': 'Egypt Standard Time',
'Eire': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT': 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+1': 'Cape Verde Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+10': 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+11': 'UTC-11',
'Etc/GMT+12': 'Dateline Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+2': 'UTC-02',
'Etc/GMT+3': 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+4': 'SA Western Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+5': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+6': 'Central America Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+7': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT+8': 'UTC-08',
'Etc/GMT+9': 'UTC-09',
'Etc/GMT-1': 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-10': 'West Pacific Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-11': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-12': 'UTC+12',
'Etc/GMT-13': 'UTC+13',
'Etc/GMT-14': 'Line Islands Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-2': 'South Africa Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-3': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-4': 'Arabian Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-5': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-6': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-7': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-8': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Etc/GMT-9': 'Tokyo Standard Time',
'Etc/UCT': 'UTC',
'Etc/UTC': 'UTC',
'Europe/Amsterdam': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Andorra': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Astrakhan': 'Astrakhan Standard Time',
'Europe/Athens': 'GTB Standard Time',
'Europe/Belfast': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Belgrade': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Berlin': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Bratislava': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Brussels': 'Romance Standard Time',
'Europe/Bucharest': 'GTB Standard Time',
'Europe/Budapest': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Busingen': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Chisinau': 'E. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Copenhagen': 'Romance Standard Time',
'Europe/Dublin': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Gibraltar': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Guernsey': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Helsinki': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Isle_of_Man': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Istanbul': 'Turkey Standard Time',
'Europe/Jersey': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Kaliningrad': 'Kaliningrad Standard Time',
'Europe/Kiev': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Kirov': 'Russian Standard Time',
'Europe/Lisbon': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Ljubljana': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/London': 'GMT Standard Time',
'Europe/Luxembourg': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Madrid': 'Romance Standard Time',
'Europe/Malta': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Mariehamn': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Minsk': 'Belarus Standard Time',
'Europe/Monaco': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Moscow': 'Russian Standard Time',
'Europe/Oslo': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Paris': 'Romance Standard Time',
'Europe/Podgorica': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Prague': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Riga': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Rome': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Samara': 'Russia Time Zone 3',
'Europe/San_Marino': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Sarajevo': 'Central European Standard Time',
'Europe/Saratov': 'Saratov Standard Time',
'Europe/Simferopol': 'Russian Standard Time',
'Europe/Skopje': 'Central European Standard Time',
'Europe/Sofia': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Stockholm': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Tallinn': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Tirane': 'Central Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Tiraspol': 'E. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Ulyanovsk': 'Astrakhan Standard Time',
'Europe/Uzhgorod': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Vaduz': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Vatican': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Vienna': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'Europe/Vilnius': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Volgograd': 'Volgograd Standard Time',
'Europe/Warsaw': 'Central European Standard Time',
'Europe/Zagreb': 'Central European Standard Time',
'Europe/Zaporozhye': 'FLE Standard Time',
'Europe/Zurich': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'GB': 'GMT Standard Time',
'GB-Eire': 'GMT Standard Time',
'GMT+0': 'UTC',
'GMT-0': 'UTC',
'GMT0': 'UTC',
'Greenwich': 'UTC',
'Hongkong': 'China Standard Time',
'Iceland': 'Greenwich Standard Time',
'Indian/Antananarivo': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Indian/Chagos': 'Central Asia Standard Time',
'Indian/Christmas': 'SE Asia Standard Time',
'Indian/Cocos': 'Myanmar Standard Time',
'Indian/Comoro': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Indian/Kerguelen': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Indian/Mahe': 'Mauritius Standard Time',
'Indian/Maldives': 'West Asia Standard Time',
'Indian/Mauritius': 'Mauritius Standard Time',
'Indian/Mayotte': 'E. Africa Standard Time',
'Indian/Reunion': 'Mauritius Standard Time',
'Iran': 'Iran Standard Time',
'Israel': 'Israel Standard Time',
'Jamaica': 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
'Japan': 'Tokyo Standard Time',
'Kwajalein': 'UTC+12',
'Libya': 'Libya Standard Time',
'MST7MDT': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'Mexico/BajaNorte': 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)',
'Mexico/BajaSur': 'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)',
'Mexico/General': 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
'NZ': 'New Zealand Standard Time',
'NZ-CHAT': 'Chatham Islands Standard Time',
'Navajo': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'PRC': 'China Standard Time',
'PST8PDT': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Apia': 'Samoa Standard Time',
'Pacific/Auckland': 'New Zealand Standard Time',
'Pacific/Bougainville': 'Bougainville Standard Time',
'Pacific/Chatham': 'Chatham Islands Standard Time',
'Pacific/Easter': 'Easter Island Standard Time',
'Pacific/Efate': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Enderbury': 'UTC+13',
'Pacific/Fakaofo': 'UTC+13',
'Pacific/Fiji': 'Fiji Standard Time',
'Pacific/Funafuti': 'UTC+12',
'Pacific/Galapagos': 'Central America Standard Time',
'Pacific/Gambier': 'UTC-09',
'Pacific/Guadalcanal': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Guam': 'West Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Honolulu': 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
'Pacific/Johnston': 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
'Pacific/Kiritimati': 'Line Islands Standard Time',
'Pacific/Kosrae': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Kwajalein': 'UTC+12',
'Pacific/Majuro': 'UTC+12',
'Pacific/Marquesas': 'Marquesas Standard Time',
'Pacific/Midway': 'UTC-11',
'Pacific/Nauru': 'UTC+12',
'Pacific/Niue': 'UTC-11',
'Pacific/Norfolk': 'Norfolk Standard Time',
'Pacific/Noumea': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Pago_Pago': 'UTC-11',
'Pacific/Palau': 'Tokyo Standard Time',
'Pacific/Pitcairn': 'UTC-08',
'Pacific/Ponape': 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Port_Moresby': 'West Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Rarotonga': 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
'Pacific/Saipan': 'West Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Samoa': 'UTC-11',
'Pacific/Tahiti': 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
'Pacific/Tarawa': 'UTC+12',
'Pacific/Tongatapu': 'Tonga Standard Time',
'Pacific/Truk': 'West Pacific Standard Time',
'Pacific/Wake': 'UTC+12',
'Pacific/Wallis': 'UTC+12',
'Poland': 'Central European Standard Time',
'Portugal': 'GMT Standard Time',
'ROC': 'Taipei Standard Time',
'ROK': 'Korea Standard Time',
'Singapore': 'Singapore Standard Time',
'Turkey': 'Turkey Standard Time',
'UCT': 'UTC',
'US/Alaska': 'Alaskan Standard Time',
'US/Aleutian': 'Aleutian Standard Time',
'US/Arizona': 'US Mountain Standard Time',
'US/Central': 'Central Standard Time',
'US/Eastern': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'US/Hawaii': 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
'US/Indiana-Starke': 'Central Standard Time',
'US/Michigan': 'Eastern Standard Time',
'US/Mountain': 'Mountain Standard Time',
'US/Pacific': 'Pacific Standard Time',
'US/Samoa': 'UTC-11',
'UTC': 'UTC',
'Universal': 'UTC',
'W-SU': 'Russian Standard Time',
'Zulu': 'UTC'}
Reference in New Issue