@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ client = commands.Bot( # Create a new bot
description='Ensō~Chan!', # Set a description for the bot
owner_id=154840866496839680) # Your unique User ID
# Calls the cogs from the settings.py file and loads them
(anime, helps, fun) = settings.extensions()
complete_list = anime + helps + fun
# Calls the cogs from the settings.py file and loads them
if __name__ == '__main__':
for ext in complete_list:
@ -157,4 +156,57 @@ def write_to_dm_file(time, author, content):
msg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
msg_author = message.author
msg_content = message.content
# Set up the connection to the database
conn = db.connection()
# With the connection
with conn:
# Make sure that mariaDB errors are handled properly
msg_name = message.author.name
msg_discrim = message.author.discriminator
time = message.created_at
# Get:
guild_id = message.guild.id # Guild of the message
msg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Time of the Message
msg_author = f"{msg_name}#{msg_discrim}" # DiscordID
msg_content = f"{message.content}" # Content of the message
# Store the variables
val = guild_id, msg_time, msg_author, msg_content
attach = ""
# If an attachment (link) has been sent
if message.attachments:
# Loop through all attachments
for attachment in message.attachments:
# Get the message content and the link that was used
attach += f"Message: {message.content} Link: {attachment.url}"
# Define the new variables to send
val = guild_id, msg_time, msg_author, attach
# Define the Insert Into Statement inserting into the database
insert_query = """"""INSERT INTO USERLOGS (guildID, messageTime, discordID, messageContent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)""""""
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Execute the SQL Query
cursor.execute(insert_query, val)
print(cursor.rowcount, "Record inserted successfully into Logs")
except mariadb.Error as ex:
print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex))