@ -1,49 +1,302 @@
import asyncio
import datetime
import datetime
import random
import random
from discord import Colour, Embed, DMChannel
from discord import DMChannel, Colour, Embed
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext import commands
import settings
# Set up the Cog
# Set up the Cog
# Method to send the prompt/embed to start sending modmail to the user
def startModMail(author):
# Set up embed to let the user how to start sending modmail
startModMailEmbed = Embed(title="**Welcome to Modmail!**",
startModMailEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Sent by {author}")
fields = [("\u200b", "**React to this message if you want to send a message to the Staff Team!**", False),
("\u200b", "**Use :white_check_mark: for** `Yes`", True),
("\u200b", "**Use :x: for** `No`", True),
("\u200b", "\u200b", True),
"We encourage all suggestions/thoughts and opinions on the server! As long as it is **valid** criticism. "
"Purely negative feedback will not be considered.", True)]
for name, value, inline in fields:
startModMailEmbed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return startModMailEmbed
# Method to ask the user if they want to be anonymous or not
def AnonOrNot(author):
# Set up embed to let the user how to start sending modmail
AnonModMailEmbed = Embed(title="**Want to send it Anonymously?**",
AnonModMailEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Sent by {author}")
fields = [("\u200b", "**React to this message if you want to send a message to the Staff Team!**", False),
("\u200b", "**Use :white_check_mark: for** `Yes`", True),
("\u200b", "**Use :x: for** `No`", True),
("\u200b", "\u200b", True),
"This will make sure that Staff do not know who is sending the mail."
"\nAgain, purely negative feedback will not be considered.", True)]
for name, value, inline in fields:
AnonModMailEmbed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return AnonModMailEmbed
# Method to send an embed to let the user know that they have aborted the modmail process
def Abort(author):
# Get my user ID
hammyID = '<@154840866496839680>'
# Set up embed to let the user know that they have aborted the modmail
AbortEmbed = Embed(title="**Aborting ModMail!**",
AbortEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Sent by {author}")
fields = [("\u200b", "**If you change your mind, you can do `~mm` or `~modmail` at anytime!**", False),
("\u200b", f"If you want to speak to me personally, you can DM {hammyID} anytime!", True)]
for name, value, inline in fields:
AbortEmbed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return AbortEmbed
# Method to send an embed to to let the user know to type into chat
def SendInstructions(author):
# Set up embed to let the user know that they have aborted the modmail
SendModMailEmbed = Embed(title="**Please enter a message for it to be sent to the staff!**",
SendModMailEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Sent by {author}")
fields = [("\u200b", "**Make sure that the message is above 50 characters! Include as much detail as possible :P**",
for name, value, inline in fields:
SendModMailEmbed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return SendModMailEmbed
# Method to actually allow the message to be sent to #mod-mail
def SendMsgToModMail(self, msg, author):
if self.anon:
avatars = ["https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png",
embed = Embed(title="Modmail",
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by Anon Member")
fields = [("Member", "Anon Member", False),
("Message", msg.content, False)]
for name, value, inline in fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return embed
embed = Embed(title="Modmail",
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {author}")
fields = [("Member", author, False),
("Message", msg.content, False)]
for name, value, inline in fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return embed
# Set up Cog
class Modmail(commands.Cog):
class Modmail(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.bot = bot
self.reaction = None
self.anon = None
# Allows for the modmail system
# Allows for the modmail system
@commands.command(name="modmail", aliases=["mm"])
async def on_message(self, message):
async def mod_mail(self, ctx):
# Making sure that the bot doesn't reply to itself
if message.author == self.bot:
# Get the mod-mail channel
# Get the mod-mail channel
channel = self.bot.get_channel(728083016290926623)
channel = self.bot.get_channel(728083016290926623)
# Get the guild Enso
guild = self.bot.get_guild(663651584399507476)
# Get the member
member = guild.get_member(ctx.author.id)
# Making sure the user is in a DM channel with the bot
if isinstance(ctx.message.channel, DMChannel):
if isinstance(message.channel, DMChannel):
# Asking if the user wants to send staff mail
if len(message.content) < 50:
modmail = await ctx.send(embed=startModMail(member))
await message.channel.send("Your message should be at least 50 characters in length.")
# Add reactions to the message
await modmail.add_reaction('✅')
await modmail.add_reaction('❌')
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Checking if the user reacted with ✅ with response to sending staff a message
def emoji_check(reaction, user):
return user == ctx.author and str(reaction.emoji) in ['✅', '❌']
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Wait for the user to add a reaction
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=60.0, check=emoji_check)
except Exception as ex:
guild = self.bot.get_guild(663651584399507476)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "✅":
member = guild.get_member(message.author.id)
embed = Embed(title="**Modmail**",
# Delete the old embed
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}")
await modmail.delete()
fields = [("Member", member, False),
# Ask the user if they want the mail to be anonymized
("Message", message.content, False)]
anonornot = await ctx.send(embed=AnonOrNot(member))
# Add reactions to the message
await anonornot.add_reaction('✅')
await anonornot.add_reaction('❌')
for name, value, inline in fields:
# Checking if the user reacted with ✅ with response to sending staff a message
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
def anon_check(reaction, user):
return user == ctx.author and str(reaction.emoji) in ['✅', '❌']
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Wait for the user to add a reaction
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=60.0, check=anon_check)
except Exception as ex:
if str(reaction.emoji) == "✅":
self.anon = True
# Delete the old embed
await anonornot.delete()
# Tell the user to type their mail into the chat
instructions = await ctx.send(embed=SendInstructions(member))
# Making sure that the reply is from the author
def check(m):
return m.author == ctx.author
# Wait for the message from the author
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=300)
if len(msg.content) < 50:
await ctx.send("**Make sure your mail is above 50 characters!!**"
"\n**This helps us reduce spam and allows you to include more detail in your mail**")
# Wait for the message from the author
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=300)
await channel.send(embed=SendMsgToModMail(self, msg, member))
await ctx.send("**Message relayed to Staff!"
"\nThank you for your input!**")
await instructions.delete()
await channel.send(embed=SendMsgToModMail(self, msg, member))
await ctx.send("**Message relayed to Staff!"
"\nThank you for your input!**")
await instructions.delete()
if str(reaction.emoji) == "❌":
self.anon = False
# Delete the old embed
await anonornot.delete()
# Tell the user to type their mail into the chat
instructions = await ctx.send(embed=SendInstructions(member))
# Making sure that the reply is from the author
def check(m):
return m.author == ctx.author
# Wait for the message from the author
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=300)
if len(msg.content) < 50:
await ctx.send("**Make sure your mail is above 50 characters!!**"
"\n**This helps us reduce spam and allows you to include more detail in your mail**")
# Wait for the message from the author
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=300)
await channel.send(embed=SendMsgToModMail(self, msg, member))
await ctx.send("**Message relayed to Staff!"
"\nThank you for your input!**")
await instructions.delete()
await channel.send(embed=SendMsgToModMail(self, msg, member))
await ctx.send("**Message relayed to Staff!"
"\nThank you for your input!**")
await instructions.delete()
if self.anon is None:
if str(reaction.emoji) == "❌":
# Delete the old embed
await modmail.delete()
# Send the Abort embed to the user
await ctx.send(embed=Abort(member))
except Exception as ex:
# Send out an error message if the user waited too long
await ctx.send("ModMail Timed Out! Do `~mm` or `~modmail` if you want to use the ModMail system!")
ensoID = '<@716701699145728094>'
message = await ctx.send(
f"{ctx.author.mention} **ModMail can only be sent through DM's!** "
f"\nSuggestions and Opinions on the server are always appreciated!\n"
f"Make sure you DM {ensoID} and then use `~modmail` or `~mm`")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
# Let the User read the message for 10 seconds
await message.channel.send("**Message relayed to Staff! Thank you for your input!**")
await asyncio.sleep(10.0)
# Delete the message
await message.delete()
def setup(bot):
def setup(bot):