@ -98,7 +98,24 @@ class Starboard:
# When the message is already in the database/cache, update the amount of reactions
self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars)
# Setup up pool connection
pool = self.bot.db
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
# Update the stars that the message has in the database and then store the message id's
update = """UPDATE starboard_messages SET stars = $1, WHERE root_message_id = $2 AND guild_id = $3"""
await conn.execute(update, new_stars, message.id, payload.guild_id)
# Catch errors
except asyncpg.PostgresError as e:
f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {payload.guild_id}",
# Update cache
self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars)
async def edit_starboard_message(self, payload, new_stars, msg_id, channel, message, embed):
"""Edit the message which is already on the starboard"""
@ -182,6 +199,9 @@ class Starboard:
self.bot.update_starboard_message_id(message.id, payload.guild_id, star_message.id)
self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars)
elif not msg_id:
self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars)
async def send_starboard_and_update_db(self, payload, action):
"""Send the starboard embed and update database/cache"""