@ -279,15 +279,14 @@ class Moderation(Cog):
# When an amount is specified and is between 0 and 100
if amount:
if 0 < amount <= 100:
with ctx.channel.typing():
# Delete the message sent and then the amount specified
# (Only messages sent within the last 14 days)
await ctx.message.delete()
deleted = await ctx.channel.purge(limit=amount,
after=datetime.datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=14))
# Delete the message sent and then the amount specified
# (Only messages sent within the last 14 days)
await ctx.message.delete()
deleted = await ctx.channel.purge(limit=amount,
after=datetime.datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=14))
await ctx.send(f"Deleted **{len(deleted):,}** messages.", delete_after=5)
await ctx.send(f"Deleted **{len(deleted):,}** messages.", delete_after=5)
# Send error if amount is not between 0 and 100