@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
# Checking if the guild already exists within the database
with db.connection() as conn:
# Get the author's row from the Members Table
insert_query = """INSERT INTO guilds (modlogs) VALUES (?)"""
val = channelID,
update_query = """UPDATE guilds SET modlogs = (?) WHERE guildID = (?)"""
val = channelID, ctx.author.guild.id
with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
# Execute the SQL Query
cursor.execute(insert_query, val)
cursor.execute(update_query, val)
await ctx.send("Your **Modlogs Channel** is now successfully set up!" +
f"\nPlease refer to **{ctx.prefix}help** for any information")