mirror of https://github.com/sgoudham/Enso-Bot.git
Renaming Paginator to help.py
@ -1,323 +1,520 @@
# Help paginator by Rapptz
# Edited by F4stZ4p
import asyncio
import datetime
import datetime
from discord import Embed
import discord
from discord.ext import commands, menus
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
from discord.ext.commands import command
from settings import enso_embedmod_colours
from settings import enso_embedmod_colours
# Pages of the help embed
class CannotPaginate(Exception):
def help_menu(self, guild_icon):
# Setting up the embed for the Fun Commands
fun = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Fun (っ◔◡◔)っ",
class Pages:
"""Implements a paginator that queries the user for the
pagination interface.
# Setting thumbnail and author
Pages are 1-index based, not 0-index based.
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
If the user does not reply within 2 minutes then the pagination
fun_fields = [
interface exits automatically.
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}comp `<person>`**",
"\nCompliment a person in the server", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}8ball `<text>`**",
"\nAsk a question and 8ball will give a custom response", True),
ctx: Context
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}homies `<text>`**",
The context of the command.
"\nGenerates homies meme with given text", True),
entries: List[str]
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}owo `<text>`**",
A list of entries to paginate.
"\nTranslates given text to 'owo' format", True),
per_page: int
How many entries show up per page.
"\nDoes a coinflip with big pp Or smol pp", True),
show_entry_count: bool
Whether to show an entry count in the footer.
"\nLook at images of Doggos", True)]
# Setting up the embed for the Fun Commands
interactive = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Interactive (っ◔◡◔)っ",
embed: discord.Embed
The embed object that is being used to send pagination info.
Feel free to modify this externally. Only the description,
footer fields, and colour are internally modified.
# Setting thumbnail and author
permissions: discord.Permissions
Our permissions for the channel.
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
interactive_fields = [
def __init__(self, ctx, *, entries, per_page=12, show_entry_count=True):
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}hug `<person>`**",
self.bot = ctx.bot
"\nHug a User Within The Server", True),
self.entries = entries
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}cuddle `<person>`**",
self.message = ctx.message
"\nCuddle a User Within The Server", True),
self.channel = ctx.channel
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}pat `<person>`**",
self.author = ctx.author
"\nPat a User Within The Server", True),
self.per_page = per_page
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}kiss `<person>`**",
pages, left_over = divmod(len(self.entries), self.per_page)
"\nKiss a User Within The Server", True),
if left_over:
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}lemon `<person>`**",
pages += 1
"\nGive lemon to a User Within The Server", True)]
self.maximum_pages = pages
self.embed = discord.Embed(colour=enso_embedmod_colours,
# Setting up the embed for the Fun Commands
timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # any HEX color here
interactive_2 = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Interactive 2 (っ◔◡◔)っ",
self.paginating = len(entries) > per_page
self.show_entry_count = show_entry_count
self.reaction_emojis = [
# Setting thumbnail and author
('\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', self.previous_page),
('\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', self.next_page),
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
('\N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS}', self.numbered_page),
interactive_fields_2 = [
('\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}', self.stop_pages),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}slap `<person>`**",
('\N{INFORMATION SOURCE}', self.show_help),
"\nSlap a User Within The Server", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}kill `<person>`**",
"\nKill a User Within The Server", True),
if ctx.guild is not None:
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}choke `<person>`**",
self.permissions = self.channel.permissions_for(ctx.guild.me)
"\nChoke a User Within The Server", True)]
# Setting up the embed for Relationship commands
relationship = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Relationship (っ◔◡◔)っ",
# Setting thumbnail and author
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
relationship_fields = [
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}marry `<person>`**",
"\nMarry a User Within The Server", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}divorce `<person>`**",
"\nDivorce The Person You Are Married To", False),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}minfo `<person>`**",
"\nDisplays information about the user's current marriage" +
f"\nUsing **{self.ctx.prefix}minfo** by itself will retrieve your marriage information", True)]
# Setting up the Embed for the Enso commands
enso = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Enso (っ◔◡◔)っ",
# Setting thumbnail and author
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
enso_fields = [
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}enso `<person>`**",
"\nShows Specified Image of User" +
f"\n(Using **{self.ctx.prefix}enso** by itself shows random image of users in the server)",
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}enso `list`**",
"\nReturns all Users", False),
"\nFull ruleset for Enso", True),
"\nLeveling and xp system in Enso", True),
# Setting up the embed for the Waifu/Husbandos
waifu_and_husbando = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Waifu/Husbando Commands (っ◔◡◔)っ",
# Setting thumbnail and author
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
waifu_and_husbando_fields = [
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}w `<waifu>`**",
"\nShows Specified Image of Waifu" +
f"\n(Using **{self.ctx.prefix}w** shows random image of Waifu)", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}h `<husbando>`**",
"\nShows Specified Image of Husbando" +
f"\n(Using **{self.ctx.prefix}h** shows random image of Husbando)", False),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}w `list`**",
"\nReturns all Waifus", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}h `list`**",
"\nReturns all Husbandos", True)]
# Setting up the embed for the Important Commands
important = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Important (っ◔◡◔)っ",
# Setting thumbnail and author
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
important_fields = [
"\nReturns information about the user", True),
"\nReturns information about the server", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}prefix `<new_prefix>`**",
"\nView current prefix/Update current prefix", True),
"\nSee every command in the bot", True)]
# Setting up the embed for modmail
modmail = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ ModMail (っ◔◡◔)っ",
# Setting thumbnail and author
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
modmail_fields = [(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}modmail setup `<channelID>`**",
"Sets up the modmail system in the guild,"
"channelID given will be the channel that the user will interact with", False),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}modmail update `<channelID>`**",
"Updates the channel that the modmail will be sent to", False),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}modmail delete modmail**",
"Existing modmail system will be deleted", False)]
# Setting up the Embed for the Miscellaneous commands
msc = Embed(title="(っ◔◡◔)っ Misc (っ◔◡◔)っ",
# Setting thumbnail and author
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
msc_fields = [(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}dm `<person>`**",
f"\nFor admins to DM Users" +
"\n**(Perms: Co-Owner)**", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}remindme `<time>` `<text>`**",
"\nGet Enso~Chan to remind you in DMs", True),
"\nView bot statistics (CPU/Mem Usage etc)", True),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}ping**", "\nReturns latency in ms", True)]
# Defining dictionary of embeds as keys, list of fields as values
help_dict = {
fun: fun_fields,
interactive: interactive_fields,
interactive_2: interactive_fields_2,
relationship: relationship_fields,
enso: enso_fields,
waifu_and_husbando: waifu_and_husbando_fields,
important: important_fields,
modmail: modmail_fields,
msc: msc_fields
# Iterating through the dictionary and adding fields to the embeds
for embed, field in help_dict.items():
for name, value, inline in field:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
# Return all the embeds
return fun, interactive, interactive_2, relationship, enso, waifu_and_husbando, important, modmail, msc
def embeds(self):
# Define guild icon
guild_icon = self.ctx.guild.icon_url
# Set the different pages of the embed
page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6, page7, page8, page9 = help_menu(self, guild_icon)
# Store all the categories of the menu to an array called pages
pages = [page1, page2, page3,
page4, page5, page6,
page7, page8, page9]
return pages
# Set up the Cog
class HelpMenu(menus.Menu):
def __init__(self, i, bot):
super().__init__(timeout=125.0, delete_message_after=True)
self.i = i
self.bot = bot
# Message to be sent on the initial command ~help
async def send_initial_message(self, ctx, channel):
# Set the first embed to the first element in the pages[]
initial = embeds(self)[self.i]
# Send embed
return await channel.send(embed=initial)
# Reaction to allow user to go to the previous page in the embed
@menus.button('\N{LEFTWARDS BLACK ARROW}')
async def on_left_arrow(self, payload):
# Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user
def check(m):
return m.author == payload.member
# Do nothing if the check does not return true
if not check(self.ctx):
# Allow the page number to be decreased
self.permissions = self.channel.permissions_for(ctx.bot.user)
if not self.permissions.embed_links:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have embed links permission.')
if not self.permissions.send_messages:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot cannot send messages.')
# Set self.i to (i - 1) remainder length of the array
if self.paginating:
self.i = (self.i - 1) % len(embeds(self))
# verify we can actually use the pagination session
prev_page = embeds(self)[self.i]
if not self.permissions.add_reactions:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have add reactions permission.')
# Send the embed and remove the reaction of the user
if not self.permissions.read_message_history:
await self.message.edit(embed=prev_page)
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have Read Message History permission.')
await self.message.remove_reaction("⬅", self.ctx.author)
# Reaction to allow user to go to the next page in the embed
def get_page(self, page):
@menus.button('\N{BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW}')
base = (page - 1) * self.per_page
async def on_right_arrow(self, payload):
return self.entries[base:base + self.per_page]
# Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user
async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False):
def check(m):
self.current_page = page
return m.author == payload.member
entries = self.get_page(page)
p = []
for index, entry in enumerate(entries, 1 + ((page - 1) * self.per_page)):
p.append(f'{index}. {entry}')
# Do nothing if the check does not return true
if self.maximum_pages > 1:
if not check(self.ctx):
if self.show_entry_count:
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({len(self.entries)} entries)'
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages}'
if not self.paginating:
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
return await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
if not first:
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
# Allow the page number to be increased
p.append('Confused? React with \N{INFORMATION SOURCE} for more info.')
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
self.message = await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
await self.message.add_reaction(reaction)
async def checked_show_page(self, page):
if page != 0 and page <= self.maximum_pages:
await self.show_page(page)
async def first_page(self):
"""Show First Page"""
await self.show_page(1)
async def last_page(self):
"""Show Last Page"""
await self.show_page(self.maximum_pages)
async def next_page(self):
"""Show Next Page"""
await self.checked_show_page(self.current_page + 1)
async def previous_page(self):
"""Show Previous Page"""
await self.checked_show_page(self.current_page - 1)
async def show_current_page(self):
if self.paginating:
await self.show_page(self.current_page)
async def numbered_page(self):
"""Go to Given Page"""
to_delete = []
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send('What page do you want to go to?'))
def message_check(m):
return m.author == self.author and \
self.channel == m.channel and \
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=message_check, timeout=30.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send('Took too long.'))
await asyncio.sleep(5)
page = int(msg.content)
if page != 0 and page <= self.maximum_pages:
await self.show_page(page)
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send(f'Invalid page given. ({page}/{self.maximum_pages})'))
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await self.channel.delete_messages(to_delete)
except Exception:
async def show_help(self):
"""shows this message"""
messages = ['Welcome to the interactive paginator!\n']
messages.append('This interactively allows you to see pages of text by navigating with ' \
'reactions. They are as follows:\n')
for (emoji, func) in self.reaction_emojis:
messages.append(f'{emoji} {func.__doc__}')
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(messages)
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'We were on page {self.current_page} before this message.')
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
async def go_back_to_current_page():
await asyncio.sleep(60.0)
await self.show_current_page()
async def stop_pages(self):
"""Deletes Help Message"""
await self.message.delete()
self.paginating = False
def react_check(self, reaction, user):
if user is None or user.id != self.author.id:
return False
if reaction.message.id != self.message.id:
return False
for (emoji, func) in self.reaction_emojis:
if reaction.emoji == emoji:
self.match = func
return True
return False
async def paginate(self):
"""Actually paginate the entries and run the interactive loop if necessary."""
first_page = self.show_page(1, first=True)
if not self.paginating:
await first_page
# allow us to react to reactions right away if we're paginating
while self.paginating:
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=self.react_check, timeout=120.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self.paginating = False
await self.message.clear_reactions()
await self.message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
pass # can't remove it so don't bother doing so
await self.match()
class FieldPages(Pages):
"""Similar to Pages except entries should be a list of
tuples having (key, value) to show as embed fields instead.
async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False):
self.current_page = page
entries = self.get_page(page)
# Set self.i to (i + 1) remainder length of the array
self.i = (self.i + 1) % len(embeds(self))
self.embed.description = discord.Embed.Empty
next_page = embeds(self)[self.i]
# Send the embed and remove the reaction of the user
for key, value in entries:
await self.message.edit(embed=next_page)
self.embed.add_field(name=key, value=value, inline=False)
await self.message.remove_reaction("➡", self.ctx.author)
@menus.button('\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}\ufe0f')
if self.maximum_pages > 1:
async def on_stop(self, payload):
if self.show_entry_count:
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({len(self.entries)} entries)'
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages}'
# Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user
def check(m):
return m.author == payload.member
# Do nothing if the check does not return true
if not self.paginating:
if not check(self.ctx):
return await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
if not first:
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
# Allow the embed to be deleted
self.message = await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
await self.message.add_reaction(reaction)
import itertools
import inspect
import re
# ?help
# ?help Cog
# ?help command
# -> could be a subcommand
_mention = re.compile(r'<@\!?([0-9]{1,19})>')
def cleanup_prefix(bot, prefix):
m = _mention.match(prefix)
if m:
user = bot.get_user(int(m.group(1)))
if user:
return f'@{user.name} '
return prefix
async def _can_run(cmd, ctx):
return await cmd.can_run(ctx)
return False
def _command_signature(cmd):
# this is modified from discord.py source
# which I wrote myself lmao
result = [cmd.qualified_name]
if cmd.usage:
return ' '.join(result)
params = cmd.clean_params
if not params:
return ' '.join(result)
for name, param in params.items():
if param.default is not param.empty:
# We don't want None or '' to trigger the [name=value] case and instead it should
# do [name] since [name=None] or [name=] are not exactly useful for the user.
should_print = param.default if isinstance(param.default, str) else param.default is not None
if should_print:
elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
return ' '.join(result)
class HelpPaginator(Pages):
def __init__(self, ctx, entries, *, per_page=4):
super().__init__(ctx, entries=entries, per_page=per_page)
self.reaction_emojis.append(('\N{WHITE QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}', self.show_bot_help))
self.total = len(entries)
async def from_cog(cls, ctx, cog):
cog_name = cog.__class__.__name__
# get the commands
entries = sorted(Cog.get_commands(cog), key=lambda c: c.name)
# remove the ones we can't run
entries = [cmd for cmd in entries if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden]
self = cls(ctx, entries)
self.title = f'(っ◔◡◔)っ {cog_name} (っ◔◡◔)っ'
self.description = inspect.getdoc(cog)
self.prefix = cleanup_prefix(ctx.bot, ctx.prefix)
return self
async def from_command(cls, ctx, command):
entries = sorted(command.commands, key=lambda c: c.name)
except AttributeError:
entries = []
entries = [cmd for cmd in entries if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden]
self = cls(ctx, entries)
self.title = f"{command.qualified_name} `{command.signature}`"
if command.description:
self.description = f'{command.description}\n\n{command.help}'
self.description = command.help or 'No help given.'
self.prefix = cleanup_prefix(ctx.bot, ctx.prefix)
return self
async def from_bot(cls, ctx):
def key(c):
return c.cog_name or '\u200bMisc'
entries = sorted(ctx.bot.commands, key=key)
nested_pages = []
per_page = 9
# 0: (cog, desc, commands) (max len == 9)
# 1: (cog, desc, commands) (max len == 9)
# ...
for cog, commands in itertools.groupby(entries, key=key):
plausible = [cmd for cmd in commands if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden]
if len(plausible) == 0:
description = ctx.bot.get_cog(cog)
if description is None:
description = discord.Embed.Empty
description = inspect.getdoc(description) or discord.Embed.Empty
(cog, description, plausible[i:i + per_page]) for i in range(0, len(plausible), per_page))
self = cls(ctx, nested_pages, per_page=1) # this forces the pagination session
self.prefix = cleanup_prefix(ctx.bot, ctx.prefix)
# swap the get_page implementation with one that supports our style of pagination
self.get_page = self.get_bot_page
self._is_bot = True
# replace the actual total
self.total = sum(len(o) for _, _, o in nested_pages)
return self
def get_bot_page(self, page):
cog, description, commands = self.entries[page - 1]
self.title = f'{cog} Commands'
self.description = description
return commands
async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False):
self.current_page = page
entries = self.get_page(page)
self.embed.description = self.description
self.embed.title = self.title
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'Use "{self.prefix}help command" for more info on a command.')
signature = _command_signature
for entry in entries:
self.embed.add_field(name=signature(entry), value=entry.short_doc or "No help given", inline=False)
if self.maximum_pages:
self.embed.set_author(name=f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({self.total} commands)')
if not self.paginating:
return await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
if not first:
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
self.message = await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
await self.message.add_reaction(reaction)
async def show_help(self):
"""Shows This Message"""
self.embed.title = 'Paginator help'
self.embed.description = 'Hello! Welcome to the help page.'
messages = [f'{emoji} {func.__doc__}' for emoji, func in self.reaction_emojis]
self.embed.add_field(name='What are these reactions for?', value='\n'.join(messages), inline=False)
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'We were on page {self.current_page} before this message.')
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
async def go_back_to_current_page():
await asyncio.sleep(30.0)
await self.show_current_page()
# Delete the embed and stop the function from running
await self.message.delete()
async def show_bot_help(self):
"""Information On The Bot"""
# Set up the cog
self.embed.title = 'Using Ensō~Chan'
class Help(commands.Cog):
self.embed.description = 'Hiya! This is the Help Page!'
"""Shows this Help Embed!"""
def __init__(self, bot):
entries = (
self.bot = bot
('`<argument>`', 'This means the argument is **required**.'),
('`[argument]`', 'This means the argument is **optional**.'),
('`[A|B]`', 'This means the it can be **either A or B**.'),
('`[argument...]`', 'This means you can have multiple arguments.\n' \
'Now that you know the basics, it should be noted that...\n' \
'**You do not type in the brackets!**')
@command(name="help", aliases=["Help"])
self.embed.add_field(name='How do I use Ensō~Chan', value='Reading the signature is pretty straightforward')
async def help(self, ctx):
"""Returns a menu for help commands controlled by reactions"""
# Local Variable i to allow the index of the pages[] to be modified
for name, value in entries:
i = 0
self.embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
# Send the menu to the display
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'We were on page {self.current_page} before this message.')
menu = HelpMenu(i, self)
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
await menu.start(ctx)
async def go_back_to_current_page():
await asyncio.sleep(30.0)
await self.show_current_page()
def setup(bot):
Reference in New Issue