@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ class GetInfo(commands.Cog):
# Store the first 20 roles in a string called "roles"
# (Skipping the first element as it's always going to be @everyone)
role_string = f"{' **>>** '.join(map(str, (role.mention for role in ctx.guild.roles[1:20])))} and **{length}** more"
role_string = f"{' **>** '.join(map(str, (role.mention for role in ctx.guild.roles[1:20])))} and **{length}** more"
# Display all the roles in the server as it is less than 20
role_string = f"{' **>>** '.join(map(str, (role.mention for role in ctx.guild.roles[1:])))}"
role_string = f"{' **>** '.join(map(str, (role.mention for role in ctx.guild.roles[1:])))}"
# Check if the list of emojis returned are greater than 20
if len(ctx.guild.emojis) > 20: