You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
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2 years ago
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests (test) where
import AOC (Solution (..), showSolution)
2 years ago
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Data.Void (Void)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@=?))
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients (tryIngredients)
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Basic (consoleTestReporter)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (newline, space)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
import Type.Reflection
2 years ago
data TestInput = TestInput
{ _testName :: T.Text,
_testInput :: T.Text,
_testExpected :: T.Text
deriving (Show)
type Parser = Parsec Void T.Text
-- | Test solution via tests in 'data/examples/(Day #)/part{1,2}.txt'
test :: Solution -> Int -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
test (Solution pInput part1 part2) day part = do
p1 <- T.readFile $ "data" </> "examples" </> show day </> "part1" <.> "txt"
p2 <- T.readFile $ "data" </> "examples" </> show day </> "part2" <.> "txt"
let p1Tests =
testGroup "Part 1"
. fmap (mkTest pInput part1)
. either (error . errorBundlePretty) id
. parse pTests "part1.txt"
$ p1
p2Tests =
testGroup "Part 2"
. fmap (mkTest pInput part2)
. either (error . errorBundlePretty) id
. parse pTests "part2.txt"
$ p2
tests = testGroup ("Day " ++ show day) $ case part of
Nothing -> [p1Tests, p2Tests]
Just 1 -> [p1Tests]
_ -> [p2Tests]
case tryIngredients [consoleTestReporter] mempty tests of
Nothing -> error $ "Error running tests for day " ++ show day
Just act -> do
res <- act
putStrLn $ if res then "Success" else "Failure"
-- | Given an input parser, part1 or part2 function, and a test input,
-- generate an HUnit test.
-- TODO this feels like a leaky abstraction of Solution
mkTest :: (Typeable b, Show b) => (T.Text -> a) -> (a -> b) -> TestInput -> TestTree
2 years ago
mkTest pInput part TestInput {..} =
testCase (T.unpack _testName) $ T.unpack _testExpected @=? result
result = showSolution . part $ pInput _testInput
2 years ago
-- | Parse test files into TestInput's
-- TODO more robust parsing and better, user-friendly custom errors
2 years ago
pTests :: Parser [TestInput]
pTests = many pTest <* eof
pTest = TestInput <$> pName <*> pInput <*> pExpected <?> "Test"
-- TODO handle leading space in test input more elegantly
pName = T.pack <$> (symbol "-" *> some (anySingleBut '\n') <* newline) <?> "Test Name"
2 years ago
pInput = T.pack <$> someTill anySingle (symbol "==") <?> "Input Lines"
pExpected = T.pack <$> many (anySingleBut '\n') <* newline <?> "Expected Output"
symbol :: T.Text -> Parser T.Text
symbol = L.symbol space