You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

360 lines
13 KiB

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Instant;
use lru::LruCache;
use skulpin::{CoordinateSystem, RendererBuilder};
use skulpin::skia_safe::{Canvas, colors, Font, FontStyle, Paint, Point, Rect, Shaper, TextBlob, Typeface};
5 years ago
use skulpin::skia_safe::icu;
use skulpin::winit::dpi::LogicalSize;
use skulpin::winit::event::{ElementState, Event, MouseScrollDelta, WindowEvent};
use skulpin::winit::event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop};
use skulpin::winit::window::{Window, WindowBuilder};
use neovim_lib::{Neovim, NeovimApi};
use crate::editor::{Editor, CursorType, Style, Colors};
use crate::keybindings::construct_keybinding_string;
const FONT_NAME: &str = "Delugia Nerd Font";
const FONT_SIZE: f32 = 14.0;
struct CachingShaper {
shaper: Shaper,
cache: LruCache<String, TextBlob>
impl CachingShaper {
pub fn new() -> CachingShaper {
CachingShaper {
shaper: Shaper::new(None),
cache: LruCache::new(1000)
pub fn shape(&self, text: &str, font: &Font) -> TextBlob {
let (blob, _) = self.shaper.shape_text_blob(text, font, true, 1000000.0, Point::default()).unwrap();
pub fn shape_cached(&mut self, text: String, font: &Font) -> &TextBlob {
if !self.cache.contains(&text) {
self.cache.put(text.clone(), self.shape(&text, &font));
struct FpsTracker {
last_record_time: Instant,
frame_count: usize,
fps: usize
impl FpsTracker {
pub fn new() -> FpsTracker {
FpsTracker {
fps: 0,
last_record_time: Instant::now(),
frame_count: 0
pub fn record_frame(&mut self) {
self.frame_count = self.frame_count + 1;
let now = Instant::now();
let time_since = (now - self.last_record_time).as_secs_f32();
if time_since > 1.0 {
self.fps = self.frame_count;
self.last_record_time = now;
self.frame_count = 0;
struct Renderer {
editor: Arc<Mutex<Editor>>,
title: String,
paint: Paint,
font: Font,
shaper: CachingShaper,
font_width: f32,
font_height: f32,
cursor_pos: (f32, f32),
fps_tracker: FpsTracker
impl Renderer {
pub fn new(editor: Arc<Mutex<Editor>>) -> Renderer {
let title = "".to_string();
let paint = Paint::new(colors::WHITE, None);
let typeface = Typeface::new(FONT_NAME, FontStyle::default()).expect("Could not load font file.");
let font = Font::from_typeface(typeface, FONT_SIZE);
let shaper = CachingShaper::new();
let (_, bounds) = font.measure_str("0", Some(&paint));
let font_width = bounds.width();
let (_, metrics) = font.metrics();
let font_height = metrics.descent - metrics.ascent;
let cursor_pos = (0.0, 0.0);
let fps_tracker = FpsTracker::new();
Renderer { editor, title, paint, font, shaper, font_width, font_height, cursor_pos, fps_tracker }
fn draw_background(&mut self, canvas: &mut Canvas, text: &str, grid_pos: (u64, u64), style: &Style, default_colors: &Colors) {
let (grid_x, grid_y) = grid_pos;
let x = grid_x as f32 * self.font_width;
let y = grid_y as f32 * self.font_height;
let width = text.chars().count() as f32 * self.font_width;
let height = self.font_height;
let region = Rect::new(x, y, x + width, y + height);
canvas.draw_rect(region, &self.paint);
fn draw_foreground(&mut self, canvas: &mut Canvas, text: &str, grid_pos: (u64, u64), style: &Style, default_colors: &Colors, update_cache: bool) {
let (grid_x, grid_y) = grid_pos;
let x = grid_x as f32 * self.font_width;
let y = grid_y as f32 * self.font_height;
let width = text.chars().count() as f32 * self.font_width;
5 years ago
if style.underline || style.undercurl {
let (_, metrics) = self.font.metrics();
let line_position = metrics.underline_position().unwrap();
canvas.draw_line((x, y - line_position + self.font_height), (x + width, y - line_position + self.font_height), &self.paint);
5 years ago
let text = text.trim_end();
if text.len() > 0 {
let reference;
let blob = if update_cache {
self.shaper.shape_cached(text.to_string(), &self.font)
} else {
reference = self.shaper.shape(text, &self.font);
canvas.draw_text_blob(blob, (x, y), &self.paint);
fn draw_text(&mut self, canvas: &mut Canvas, text: &str, grid_pos: (u64, u64), style: &Style, default_colors: &Colors, update_cache: bool) {
self.draw_background(canvas, text, grid_pos, style, default_colors);
self.draw_foreground(canvas, text, grid_pos, style, default_colors, update_cache);
pub fn draw(&mut self, window: &Window, canvas: &mut Canvas) {
let (draw_commands, title, default_colors, (width, height), cursor_grid_pos, cursor_type, cursor_foreground, cursor_background, cursor_enabled) = {
let editor = self.editor.lock().unwrap();
for command in draw_commands.iter() {
self.draw_background(canvas, &command.text, command.grid_position.clone(), &, &default_colors);
for command in draw_commands {
self.draw_foreground(canvas, &command.text, command.grid_position.clone(), &, &default_colors, true);
self.draw_text(canvas, &self.fps_tracker.fps.to_string(), (width - 2, height - 1), &Style::new(default_colors.clone()), &default_colors, false);
let (cursor_grid_x, cursor_grid_y) = cursor_grid_pos;
let target_cursor_x = cursor_grid_x as f32 * self.font_width;
let target_cursor_y = cursor_grid_y as f32 * self.font_height;
let (previous_cursor_x, previous_cursor_y) = self.cursor_pos;
let cursor_x = (target_cursor_x - previous_cursor_x) * 0.5 + previous_cursor_x;
let cursor_y = (target_cursor_y - previous_cursor_y) * 0.5 + previous_cursor_y;
self.cursor_pos = (cursor_x, cursor_y);
if cursor_enabled {
let cursor_width = match cursor_type {
CursorType::Vertical => self.font_width / 8.0,
CursorType::Horizontal | CursorType::Block => self.font_width
let cursor_height = match cursor_type {
CursorType::Horizontal => self.font_width / 8.0,
CursorType::Vertical | CursorType::Block => self.font_height
let cursor = Rect::new(cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + cursor_width, cursor_y + cursor_height);
canvas.draw_rect(cursor, &self.paint);
if let CursorType::Block = cursor_type {
let editor = self.editor.lock().unwrap();
let character = editor.grid[cursor_grid_y as usize][cursor_grid_x as usize].clone()
.map(|(character, _)| character)
.unwrap_or(' ');
self.shaper.shape_cached(character.to_string(), &self.font),
(cursor_x, cursor_y), &self.paint);
if self.title != title {
self.title = title;
pub fn ui_loop(editor: Arc<Mutex<Editor>>, nvim: Neovim, initial_size: (u64, u64)) {
let mut nvim = nvim;
let mut renderer = Renderer::new(editor);
let event_loop = EventLoop::<()>::with_user_event();
let (width, height) = initial_size;
let logical_size = LogicalSize::new(
(width as f32 * renderer.font_width) as f64,
(height as f32 * renderer.font_height + 1.0) as f64
let window = WindowBuilder::new()
.expect("Failed to create window");
let mut skulpin_renderer = RendererBuilder::new()
.expect("Failed to create renderer");
let mut mouse_down = false;
let mut mouse_pos = (0, 0);
5 years ago
icu::init(); |event, _window_target, control_flow| {
match event {
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested,
} => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::Resized(new_size),
} => {
if new_size.width > 0.0 && new_size.height > 0.0 {
let new_width = ((new_size.width + 1.0) as f32 / renderer.font_width) as u64;
let new_height = ((new_size.height + 1.0) as f32 / renderer.font_height) as u64;
// Add 1 here to make sure resizing doesn't change the grid size on startup
nvim.ui_try_resize(new_width as i64, new_height as i64).expect("Resize failed");
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
} => {
if let Some(string) = construct_keybinding_string(input) {
nvim.input(&string).expect("Input call failed...");
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::CursorMoved {
} => {
let grid_x = (position.x as f32 / renderer.font_width) as i64;
let grid_y = (position.y as f32 / renderer.font_height) as i64;
mouse_pos = (grid_x, grid_y);
if mouse_down {
nvim.input_mouse("left", "drag", "", 0, grid_y, grid_x).expect("Could not send mouse input");
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::MouseInput {
} => {
let input_type = match state {
ElementState::Pressed => {
mouse_down = true;
ElementState::Released => {
mouse_down = false;
let (grid_x, grid_y) = mouse_pos;
nvim.input_mouse("left", input_type, "", 0, grid_y, grid_x).expect("Could not send mouse input");
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::MouseWheel {
5 years ago
delta: MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(_, delta),
} => {
let input_type = if delta > 0.0 {
} else if delta < 0.0 {
} else {
if let Some(input_type) = input_type {
let (grid_x, grid_y) = mouse_pos;
nvim.input_mouse("wheel", input_type, "", 0, grid_y, grid_x).expect("Could not send mouse input");
Event::EventsCleared => {
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::RedrawRequested,
} => {
if let Err(e) = skulpin_renderer.draw(&window, |canvas, _coordinate_system_helper| {
renderer.draw(&window, canvas);
}) {
println!("Error during draw: {:?}", e);
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit
_ => {}