@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ local function get_base()
DiffDelete = {bg = cpt.diff.delete}, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
DiffText = {bg = cpt.diff.text}, -- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
EndOfBuffer = {fg = cpt.bg}, -- filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
TermCursor = {}, -- cursor in a focused terminal
TermCursorNC = {}, -- cursor in an unfocused terminal
ErrorMsg = {fg = cpt.error}, -- error messages on the command line
VertSplit = {fg = cpt.border}, -- the column separating vertically split windows
Folded = {fg = cpt.blue, bg = cpt.fg_gutter}, -- line used for closed folds
@ -161,14 +159,10 @@ function M.apply()
-- theme.plugins = {
-- -- LspTrouble
-- LspTroubleText = {fg = cpt.fg_alt},
-- LspTroubleCount = {fg = cpt.magenta, bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- LspTroubleNormal = {fg = cpt.fg_sidebar, bg = cpt.bg_sidebar},
-- -- Illuminate
-- illuminatedWord = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- illuminatedCurWord = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- -- IndentBlankline
-- IndentBlanklineChar = {fg = cpt.gray},
-- -- diff
-- diffAdded = {fg = cpt.git.add},
-- diffRemoved = {fg = cpt.git.delete},
@ -179,41 +173,10 @@ function M.apply()
-- diffLine = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- diffIndexLine = {fg = cpt.magenta},
-- -- Neogit
-- NeogitBranch = {fg = cpt.magenta},
-- NeogitRemote = {fg = cpt.pink},
-- NeogitHunkHeader = {bg = cpt.bg_highlight, fg = cpt.fg},
-- NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.blue},
-- NeogitDiffContextHighlight = {bg = util.darken(cpt.fg_gutter, 0.5), fg = cpt.fg_alt},
-- NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = {fg = cpt.git.delete, bg = cpt.diff.delete},
-- NeogitDiffAddHighlight = {fg = cpt.git.add, bg = cpt.diff.add},
-- -- GitGutter
-- GitGutterAdd = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.add}, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
-- GitGutterChange = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.change}, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
-- GitGutterDelete = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.delete}, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
-- -- GitSigns
-- GitSignsAdd = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.add}, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
-- GitSignsChange = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.change}, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
-- GitSignsDelete = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.delete}, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
-- -- Telescope
-- TelescopeBorder = {fg = cpt.border_highlight},
-- TelescopeSelectionCaret = {fg = cpt.cyan},
-- TelescopeSelection = {fg = cpt.cyan, bg = cpt.bg_highlight},
-- TelescopeMatching = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- -- NvimTree
-- NvimTreeNormal = {fg = cpt.fg_sidebar, bg = cpt.bg_sidebar},
-- NvimTreeFolderIcon = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- NvimTreeRootFolder = {fg = cpt.orange, style = "bold"},
-- NvimTreeSymlink = {fg = cpt.magenta},
-- NvimTreeFolderName = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- NvimTreeEmptyFolderName = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = {fg = cpt.blue_br},
-- NvimTreeOpenedFile = {fg = cpt.magenta}, -- TODO: not working
-- NvimTreeGitDirty = {fg = cpt.git.change},
-- NvimTreeGitNew = {fg = cpt.git.add},
-- NvimTreeGitDeleted = {fg = cpt.git.delete},
-- NvimTreeSpecialFile = {fg = cpt.cyan},
-- NvimTreeIndentMarker = {fg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- NvimTreeImageFile = {fg = cpt.fg_sidebar},
-- -- Fern
-- FernBranchText = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- -- glyph palette
@ -225,39 +188,8 @@ function M.apply()
-- GlyphPalette7 = {fg = cpt.fg},
-- GlyphPalette9 = {fg = cpt.red},
-- -- Dashboard
-- DashboardShortCut = {fg = cpt.cyan},
-- DashboardHeader = {fg = cpt.yellow},
-- DashboardCenter = {fg = cpt.green},
-- DashboardFooter = {fg = cpt.orange, style = "italic"},
-- -- WhichKey
-- WhichKey = {fg = cpt.cyan},
-- WhichKeyGroup = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- WhichKeyDesc = {fg = cpt.magenta},
-- WhichKeySeperator = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- WhichKeySeparator = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- WhichKeyFloat = {bg = cpt.bg_sidebar},
-- WhichKeyValue = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- -- LspSaga
-- DiagnosticError = {fg = cpt.error},
-- DiagnosticWarning = {fg = cpt.warning},
-- DiagnosticInformation = {fg = cpt.info},
-- DiagnosticHint = {fg = cpt.hint},
-- LspFloatWinNormal = {bg = cpt.bg_float},
-- LspFloatWinBorder = {fg = cpt.border_highlight},
-- LspSagaBorderTitle = {fg = cpt.cyan},
-- LspSagaHoverBorder = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- LspSagaRenameBorder = {fg = cpt.green},
-- LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = {fg = cpt.green},
-- LspSagaCodeActionBorder = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- LspSagaFinderSelection = {fg = cpt.bg_visual},
-- LspSagaCodeActionTitle = {fg = cpt.blue1},
-- LspSagaCodeActionContent = {fg = cpt.purple},
-- LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = {fg = cpt.red},
-- ReferencesCount = {fg = cpt.purple},
-- DefinitionCount = {fg = cpt.purple},
-- DefinitionIcon = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- ReferencesIcon = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- TargetWord = {fg = cpt.cyan},
-- -- NeoVim
-- healthError = {fg = cpt.error},
-- healthSuccess = {fg = cpt.green_br},