BREAKING CHANGE: fully moved from Katppuccino to Catppuccin and added finished color palette

Pocco81 3 years ago
parent b27c75ab46
commit 562f29f260

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# main colors
background #1B1623
foreground #B6C2E2
selection_background #312C44
selection_foreground #F0A8E4
url_color #82A4CA
cursor #ADD692
# tabs
active_tab_background #1B1624
active_tab_foreground #F0F0F5
inactive_tab_background #221e2f
inactive_tab_foreground #B6C2E2
tab_bar_background #0E0C13
# normal
color0 #221E2F
color1 #E28D8D
color2 #ADD692
color3 #F0DC89
color4 #84A5CB
color5 #AE9AD6
color6 #F0A8E4
color7 #F0F0F5
# bright
color8 #312C44
color9 #E28D8D
color10 #ADD692
color11 #F0DC89
color12 #84A5CB
color13 #AE9AD6
color14 #F0A8E4
color15 #F0F0F5
# extended colors
color16 #F0DC89
color17 #E28D8D

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# main colors
background #0e171a
foreground #abb2bf
selection_background #3b4261
selection_foreground #dfdfe0
url_color #dfdfe0
cursor #abb2bf
# tabs
active_tab_background #61afef
active_tab_foreground #2a2e36
inactive_tab_background #dfdfe0
inactive_tab_foreground #0e171c
tab_bar_background #0e171c
# normal
color0 #393b44
color1 #c94f6d
color2 #97c374
color3 #dbc074
color4 #61afef
color5 #c678dd
color6 #63cdcf
color7 #2a2e36
# bright
color8 #7f8c98
color9 #e06c75
color10 #58cd8b
color11 #ffe37e
color12 #84cee4
color13 #b8a1e3
color14 #59F0FF
color15 #7f8c98
# extended colors
color16 #ffe37e
color17 #e06c75

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# main colors
background #fbfbfa
foreground #0E171C
selection_background #2a2e36
selection_foreground #dfdfe0
url_color #63cdcf
cursor #0E171C
# tabs
active_tab_background #fbfbfb
active_tab_foreground #0E171C
inactive_tab_background #dfdfe0
inactive_tab_foreground #7f8c98
tab_bar_background #526175
# normal
color0 #2a2e36
color1 #cf4f6d
color2 #76AB49
color3 #FFCE1F
color4 #157C8E
color5 #A414CC
color6 #63cdcf
color7 #393b44
# bright
color8 #7f8c98
color9 #e06c75
color10 #58cd8b
color11 #FFCA0A
color12 #84cee4
color13 #b8a1e3
color14 #59F0FF
color15 #FDEBC3
# extended colors
color16 #FFCE1F
color17 #D84652

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# main colors
background #150b27
foreground #fdebc3
selection_background #2a2e36
selection_foreground #dfdfe0
url_color #dfdfe0
cursor #dfdfe0
# tabs
active_tab_background #96e2f0
active_tab_foreground #393b44
inactive_tab_background #dfdfe0
inactive_tab_foreground #393b44
tab_bar_background #150b26
# normal
color0 #2a2e36
color1 #cf4f6d
color2 #51ee72
color3 #ffe070
color4 #96e2f0
color5 #d97bf2
color6 #63cdcf
color7 #393b44
# bright
color8 #7f8c98
color9 #e06c75
color10 #58cd8b
color11 #ffe37e
color12 #84cee4
color13 #b8a1e3
color14 #59F0FF
color15 #FDEBC3
# extended colors
color16 #ffe37e
color17 #e06c75

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# main colors
background #222423
foreground #B9BFCA
selection_background #353B45
selection_foreground #dfdfe0
url_color #dfdfe0
cursor #dfdfe0
# tabs
active_tab_background #90C7F4
active_tab_foreground #393b44
inactive_tab_background #dfdfe0
inactive_tab_foreground #393b44
tab_bar_background #222424
# normal
color0 #353B45
color1 #CF637E
color2 #AACE8D
color3 #dbc074
color4 #90C7F4
color5 #90C7F4
color6 #73D2D4
color7 #393b44
# bright
color8 #7f8c98
color9 #E68991
color10 #95C270
color11 #FFE37E
color12 #84CEE4
color13 #B8A1E3
color14 #70F3FF
color15 #FDEBC3
# extended colors
color16 #ffe37e
color17 #E68991