@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ local function get_base()
-- default,
-- default,
-- Uncomment and edit if you want more specific syntax highlighting.
-- Uncomment and edit if you want more specific syntax highlighting.
-- code itself
Constant = {fg = cpt.orange}, -- (preferred) any constant
Constant = {fg = cpt.orange}, -- (preferred) any constant
String = {fg = cpt.green, style = cpc.styles.strings}, -- a string constant: "this is a string"
String = {fg = cpt.green, style = cpc.styles.strings}, -- a string constant: "this is a string"
Character = {fg = cpt.green}, -- a character constant: 'c', '\n'
Character = {fg = cpt.green}, -- a character constant: 'c', '\n'
@ -120,8 +122,39 @@ local function get_base()
mkdCodeEnd = {fg = cpt.cyan, style = "bold"},
mkdCodeEnd = {fg = cpt.cyan, style = "bold"},
-- mkdLink = { fg = cpt.blue, style = "underline" },
-- mkdLink = { fg = cpt.blue, style = "underline" },
-- debugging
debugPC = {bg = cpt.bg_sidebar}, -- used for highlighting the current line in terminal-debug
debugPC = {bg = cpt.bg_sidebar}, -- used for highlighting the current line in terminal-debug
debugBreakpoint = {bg = util.darken(cpt.info, 0.1), fg = cpt.info}, -- used for breakpoint colors in terminal-debug
debugBreakpoint = {bg = util.darken(cpt.info, 0.1), fg = cpt.info}, -- used for breakpoint colors in terminal-debug
-- illuminate
illuminatedWord = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
illuminatedCurWord = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- diff
diffAdded = {fg = cpt.git.add},
diffRemoved = {fg = cpt.git.delete},
diffChanged = {fg = cpt.git.change},
diffOldFile = {fg = cpt.yellow},
diffNewFile = {fg = cpt.orange},
diffFile = {fg = cpt.blue},
diffLine = {fg = cpt.comment},
diffIndexLine = {fg = cpt.magenta},
-- NeoVim
healthError = {fg = cpt.error},
healthSuccess = {fg = cpt.green_br},
healthWarning = {fg = cpt.warning},
-- misc
-- glyphs
GlyphPalette1 = {fg = cpt.red},
GlyphPalette2 = {fg = cpt.green},
GlyphPalette3 = {fg = cpt.yellow},
GlyphPalette4 = {fg = cpt.blue},
GlyphPalette6 = {fg = cpt.green_br},
GlyphPalette7 = {fg = cpt.fg},
GlyphPalette9 = {fg = cpt.red},
@ -157,76 +190,6 @@ function M.apply()
theme.base = get_base()
theme.base = get_base()
theme.plugins = get_integrations()
theme.plugins = get_integrations()
-- theme.plugins = {
-- -- LspTrouble
-- -- Illuminate
-- illuminatedWord = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- illuminatedCurWord = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
-- -- IndentBlankline
-- -- diff
-- diffAdded = {fg = cpt.git.add},
-- diffRemoved = {fg = cpt.git.delete},
-- diffChanged = {fg = cpt.git.change},
-- diffOldFile = {fg = cpt.yellow},
-- diffNewFile = {fg = cpt.orange},
-- diffFile = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- diffLine = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- diffIndexLine = {fg = cpt.magenta},
-- -- Neogit
-- -- GitGutter
-- -- GitSigns
-- -- Telescope
-- -- NvimTree
-- -- Fern
-- FernBranchText = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- -- glyph palette
-- GlyphPalette1 = {fg = cpt.red},
-- GlyphPalette2 = {fg = cpt.green},
-- GlyphPalette3 = {fg = cpt.yellow},
-- GlyphPalette4 = {fg = cpt.blue},
-- GlyphPalette6 = {fg = cpt.green_br},
-- GlyphPalette7 = {fg = cpt.fg},
-- GlyphPalette9 = {fg = cpt.red},
-- -- Dashboard
-- -- WhichKey
-- -- LspSaga
-- -- NeoVim
-- healthError = {fg = cpt.error},
-- healthSuccess = {fg = cpt.green_br},
-- healthWarning = {fg = cpt.warning},
-- -- BufferLine
-- BufferLineIndicatorSelected = {fg = cpt.git.change},
-- BufferLineFill = {bg = cpt.black},
-- -- Barbar
-- BufferCurrent = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.fg},
-- BufferCurrentIndex = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.info},
-- BufferCurrentMod = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.warning},
-- BufferCurrentSign = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.info},
-- BufferCurrentTarget = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.red},
-- BufferVisible = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.fg},
-- BufferVisibleIndex = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.info},
-- BufferVisibleMod = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.warning},
-- BufferVisibleSign = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.info},
-- BufferVisibleTarget = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.red},
-- BufferInactive = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.comment},
-- BufferInactiveIndex = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.comment},
-- BufferInactiveMod = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = util.darken(cpt.warning, 0.7)},
-- BufferInactiveSign = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.border_highlight},
-- BufferInactiveTarget = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.red},
-- BufferTabpages = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.none},
-- BufferTabpage = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.border_highlight},
-- -- Sneak
-- Sneak = {fg = cpt.bg_highlight, bg = cpt.magenta},
-- SneakScope = {bg = cpt.bg_visual},
-- -- Hop
-- HopNextKey = {fg = cpt.cyan, style = "bold"},
-- HopNextKey1 = {fg = cpt.blue, style = "bold"},
-- HopNextKey2 = {fg = util.darken(cpt.blue, 0.3)},
-- HopUnmatched = {fg = cpt.comment},
-- LightspeedGreyWash = {fg = cpt.comment}
-- }
-- uninstantiate to avoid poluting global scope and because they are not needed anymore
-- uninstantiate to avoid poluting global scope and because they are not needed anymore
_G.cpc = nil
_G.cpc = nil
_G.cpt = nil
_G.cpt = nil