mirror of https://github.com/sgoudham/nvim.git
fix: all of the integrations were adapted
@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
local util = require("catppuccino.utils.util")
local util = require("catppuccino.utils.util")
return {
local M = {}
BufferCurrent = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.fg},
BufferCurrentIndex = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.info},
function M.get(cpt)
BufferCurrentMod = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.warning},
return {
BufferCurrentSign = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.info},
BufferCurrent = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.fg},
BufferCurrentTarget = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.red},
BufferCurrentIndex = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.info},
BufferVisible = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.fg},
BufferCurrentMod = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.warning},
BufferVisibleIndex = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.info},
BufferCurrentSign = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.info},
BufferVisibleMod = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.warning},
BufferCurrentTarget = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.red},
BufferVisibleSign = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.info},
BufferVisible = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.fg},
BufferVisibleTarget = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.red},
BufferVisibleIndex = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.info},
BufferInactive = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.comment},
BufferVisibleMod = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.warning},
BufferInactiveIndex = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.comment},
BufferVisibleSign = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.info},
BufferInactiveMod = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = util.darken(cpt.warning, 0.7)},
BufferVisibleTarget = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.red},
BufferInactiveSign = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.border_highlight},
BufferInactive = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.comment},
BufferInactiveTarget = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.red},
BufferInactiveIndex = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.comment},
BufferTabpages = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.none},
BufferInactiveMod = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = util.darken(cpt.warning, 0.7)},
BufferTabpage = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.border_highlight}
BufferInactiveSign = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.border_highlight},
BufferInactiveTarget = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.red},
BufferTabpages = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.none},
BufferTabpage = {bg = cpt.bg_statusline, fg = cpt.border_highlight}
return M
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
return {
local M = {}
DashboardShortCut = {fg = cpt.cyan},
DashboardHeader = {fg = cpt.yellow},
function M.get(cpt)
DashboardCenter = {fg = cpt.green},
return {
DashboardFooter = {fg = cpt.orange, style = "italic"}
DashboardShortCut = {fg = cpt.cyan},
DashboardHeader = {fg = cpt.yellow},
DashboardCenter = {fg = cpt.green},
DashboardFooter = {fg = cpt.orange, style = "italic"}
return M
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
return {
local M = {}
FernBranchText = {fg = cpt.blue}
function M.get(cpt)
return {
FernBranchText = {fg = cpt.blue}
return M
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
return {
local M = {}
GitGutterAdd = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.add}, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitGutterChange = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.change}, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
function M.get(cpt)
GitGutterDelete = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.delete} -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
return {
GitGutterAdd = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.add}, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitGutterChange = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.change}, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
GitGutterDelete = {fg = cpt.gitSigns.delete} -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
return M
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
return {
local M = {}
GitSignsAdd = {fg = cpt.diff.add, bg = cpt.bg}, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitSignsChange = {fg = cpt.diff.change, bg = cpt.bg}, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
function M.get(cpt)
GitSignsDelete = {fg = cpt.diff.delete, bg = cpt.bg} -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
return {
GitSignsAdd = {fg = cpt.diff.add, bg = cpt.bg}, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitSignsChange = {fg = cpt.diff.change, bg = cpt.bg}, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
GitSignsDelete = {fg = cpt.diff.delete, bg = cpt.bg} -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
return M
@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
return {
local M = {}
DiagnosticError = {fg = cpt.error},
DiagnosticWarning = {fg = cpt.warning},
function M.get(cpt)
DiagnosticInformation = {fg = cpt.info},
return {
DiagnosticHint = {fg = cpt.hint},
DiagnosticError = {fg = cpt.error},
LspFloatWinNormal = {bg = cpt.bg_float},
DiagnosticWarning = {fg = cpt.warning},
LspFloatWinBorder = {fg = cpt.border_highlight},
DiagnosticInformation = {fg = cpt.info},
LspSagaBorderTitle = {fg = cpt.cyan},
DiagnosticHint = {fg = cpt.hint},
LspSagaHoverBorder = {fg = cpt.blue},
LspFloatWinNormal = {bg = cpt.bg_float},
LspSagaRenameBorder = {fg = cpt.green},
LspFloatWinBorder = {fg = cpt.border_highlight},
LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = {fg = cpt.green},
LspSagaBorderTitle = {fg = cpt.cyan},
LspSagaCodeActionBorder = {fg = cpt.blue},
LspSagaHoverBorder = {fg = cpt.blue},
LspSagaFinderSelection = {fg = cpt.bg_visual},
LspSagaRenameBorder = {fg = cpt.green},
LspSagaCodeActionTitle = {fg = cpt.blue1},
LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = {fg = cpt.green},
LspSagaCodeActionContent = {fg = cpt.purple},
LspSagaCodeActionBorder = {fg = cpt.blue},
LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = {fg = cpt.red},
LspSagaFinderSelection = {fg = cpt.bg_visual},
ReferencesCount = {fg = cpt.purple},
LspSagaCodeActionTitle = {fg = cpt.blue1},
DefinitionCount = {fg = cpt.purple},
LspSagaCodeActionContent = {fg = cpt.purple},
DefinitionIcon = {fg = cpt.blue},
LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = {fg = cpt.red},
ReferencesIcon = {fg = cpt.blue},
ReferencesCount = {fg = cpt.purple},
TargetWord = {fg = cpt.cyan}
DefinitionCount = {fg = cpt.purple},
DefinitionIcon = {fg = cpt.blue},
ReferencesIcon = {fg = cpt.blue},
TargetWord = {fg = cpt.cyan}
return M
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
return {
local M = {}
LspTroubleText = {fg = cpt.fg_alt},
LspTroubleCount = {fg = cpt.magenta, bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
function M.get(cpt)
LspTroubleNormal = {fg = cpt.fg_sidebar, bg = cpt.bg_sidebar}
return {
LspTroubleText = {fg = cpt.fg_alt},
LspTroubleCount = {fg = cpt.magenta, bg = cpt.fg_gutter},
LspTroubleNormal = {fg = cpt.fg_sidebar, bg = cpt.bg_sidebar}
return M
@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
return {
local M = {}
markdownHeadingDelimiter = {fg = cpt.orange, style = "bold"},
markdownCode = {fg = cpt.cyan},
function M.get(cpt)
markdownCodeBlock = {fg = cpt.cyan},
return {
markdownH1 = {fg = cpt.magenta, style = "bold"},
markdownHeadingDelimiter = {fg = cpt.orange, style = "bold"},
markdownH2 = {fg = cpt.blue, style = "bold"},
markdownCode = {fg = cpt.cyan},
markdownLinkText = {fg = cpt.blue, style = "underline"}
markdownCodeBlock = {fg = cpt.cyan},
markdownH1 = {fg = cpt.magenta, style = "bold"},
markdownH2 = {fg = cpt.blue, style = "bold"},
markdownLinkText = {fg = cpt.blue, style = "underline"}
return M
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
local util = require("catppuccino.utils.util")
local util = require("catppuccino.utils.util")
local M = {}
return {
function M.get(cpt)
NeogitBranch = {fg = cpt.magenta},
return {
NeogitRemote = {fg = cpt.pink},
NeogitBranch = {fg = cpt.magenta},
NeogitHunkHeader = {bg = cpt.bg_highlight, fg = cpt.fg},
NeogitRemote = {fg = cpt.pink},
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.blue},
NeogitHunkHeader = {bg = cpt.bg_highlight, fg = cpt.fg},
NeogitDiffContextHighlight = {bg = util.darken(cpt.fg_gutter, 0.5), fg = cpt.fg_alt},
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {bg = cpt.fg_gutter, fg = cpt.blue},
NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = {fg = cpt.git.delete, bg = cpt.diff.delete},
NeogitDiffContextHighlight = {bg = util.darken(cpt.fg_gutter, 0.5), fg = cpt.fg_alt},
NeogitDiffAddHighlight = {fg = cpt.git.add, bg = cpt.diff.add}
NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = {fg = cpt.git.delete, bg = cpt.diff.delete},
NeogitDiffAddHighlight = {fg = cpt.git.add, bg = cpt.diff.add}
return M
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
return {
local M = {}
TelescopeBorder = {fg = cpt.border_highlight},
TelescopeSelectionCaret = {fg = cpt.cyan},
function M.get(cpt)
TelescopeSelection = {fg = cpt.cyan, bg = cpt.bg_highlight},
return {
TelescopeMatching = {fg = cpt.blue}
TelescopeBorder = {fg = cpt.border_highlight},
TelescopeSelectionCaret = {fg = cpt.cyan},
TelescopeSelection = {fg = cpt.cyan, bg = cpt.bg_highlight},
TelescopeMatching = {fg = cpt.blue}
return M
@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
return {
local M = {}
Sneak = {fg = cpt.bg_highlight, bg = cpt.magenta},
SneakScope = {bg = cpt.bg_visual}
function M.get(cpt)
return {
Sneak = {fg = cpt.bg_highlight, bg = cpt.magenta},
SneakScope = {bg = cpt.bg_visual}
return M
@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
return {
local M = {}
WhichKey = {fg = cpt.cyan},
WhichKeyGroup = {fg = cpt.blue},
function M.get(cpt)
WhichKeyDesc = {fg = cpt.magenta},
return {
WhichKeySeperator = {fg = cpt.comment},
WhichKey = {fg = cpt.cyan},
WhichKeySeparator = {fg = cpt.comment},
WhichKeyGroup = {fg = cpt.blue},
WhichKeyFloat = {bg = cpt.bg_sidebar},
WhichKeyDesc = {fg = cpt.magenta},
WhichKeyValue = {fg = cpt.comment}
WhichKeySeperator = {fg = cpt.comment},
WhichKeySeparator = {fg = cpt.comment},
WhichKeyFloat = {bg = cpt.bg_sidebar},
WhichKeyValue = {fg = cpt.comment}
return M
Reference in New Issue