fix: renaming colors -> done with cp6

Pocco81 3 years ago
parent b4a8c28131
commit d3409a994d

@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ function M.get(cp)
BufferCurrentIndex = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter, fg = },
BufferCurrentMod = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter, fg = cp.warning },
BufferCurrentSign = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter, fg = },
BufferCurrentTarget = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter, fg = },
BufferCurrentTarget = { catppuccino2 = cp.fg_gutter, fg = cp.catppuccino6 },
BufferVisible = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.fg },
BufferVisibleIndex = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = },
BufferVisibleMod = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.warning },
BufferVisibleSign = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = },
BufferVisibleTarget = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = },
BufferVisibleTarget = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.catppuccino6 },
BufferInactive = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.comment },
BufferInactiveIndex = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.comment },
BufferInactiveMod = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = util.darken(cp.warning, 0.7) },
BufferInactiveSign = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.border_highlight },
BufferInactiveTarget = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = },
BufferInactiveTarget = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.catppuccino6 },
BufferTabpages = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.none },
BufferTabpage = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_statusline, fg = cp.border_highlight },

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ function M.get(cp)
BufferLineBufferVisible = { fg = cp.catppuccino1, catppuccino2 = inactive_clr },
BufferLineBufferSelected = { fg = cp.fg, catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 },
BufferLineTab = { fg = cp.catppuccino1, catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg =, catppuccino2 = },
BufferLineTabClose = { fg =, catppuccino2 = inactive_clr },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg = cp.catppuccino6, catppuccino2 = },
BufferLineTabClose = { fg = cp.catppuccino6, catppuccino2 = inactive_clr },
BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = cp.catppuccino2, catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 },
-- separators
BufferLineSeparator = { fg = inactive_clr, catppuccino2 = inactive_clr },
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
-- close buttons
BufferLineCloseButton = { fg = cp.catppuccino1, catppuccino2 = inactive_clr },
BufferLineCloseButtonVisible = { fg = cp.catppuccino1, catppuccino2 = inactive_clr },
BufferLineCloseButtonSelected = { fg =, catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 },
BufferLineCloseButtonSelected = { fg = cp.catppuccino6, catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 },

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ function M.get(cp)
IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = cp.catppuccino1 },
if cnf.integrations.indent_blankline.colored_indent_levels then
if cnf.integrations.indent_blankline.colocatppuccino6_indent_levels then
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent6"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.yellow}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent5"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg =}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent5"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.catppuccino6}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent4"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg =}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent3"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg =}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent2"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg =}

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
local M = {}
local is_prepared
local is_prepacatppuccino6
local function set_prepared(val)
is_prepared = val
local function set_prepacatppuccino6(val)
is_prepacatppuccino6 = val
local function get_prepared()
return is_prepared
local function get_prepacatppuccino6()
return is_prepacatppuccino6
function M.get(cp)
if not get_prepared() then
if not get_prepacatppuccino6() then
local catppuccino = require("catppuccino")
if catppuccino.after_loading ~= nil then
catppuccino.after_loading = function ()
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
return {
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ function M.get(cp)
LightspeedLabelDistantOverlapped = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino4, fg = cp.fg},
LightspeedShortcut = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg =, style = "italic"},
LightspeedShortcutOverlapped = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg =, style = "bold"},
LightspeedMaskedChar = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg =, style = "undercurl"},
LightspeedMaskedChar = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino6, style = "undercurl"},
LightspeedGreyWash = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.comment},
LightspeedUnlabeledMatch = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.red_br, style = "underline"},
LightspeedOneCharMatch = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.red_br, style = "underline"},
LightspeedUnlabeledMatch = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino6, style = "underline"},
LightspeedOneCharMatch = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino6, style = "underline"},
LightspeedUniqueChar = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino0, style = "strikethrough"},
LightspeedPendingOpArea = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino0, style = "strikethrough"},
LightspeedPendingChangeOpArea = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino0, style = "strikethrough"},

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
LspSagaFinderSelection = { fg = cp.catppuccino2_visual },
LspSagaCodeActionTitle = { fg = cp.blue1 },
LspSagaCodeActionContent = { fg = cp.purple },
LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = { fg = },
LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 },
ReferencesCount = { fg = cp.purple },
DefinitionCount = { fg = cp.purple },
DefinitionIcon = { fg = },

@ -18,18 +18,18 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSWarning = { fg = cp.catppuccino2, catppuccino2 = cp.warning },
TSDanger = { fg = cp.catppuccino2, catppuccino2 = cp.error },
TSConstructor = { fg = cp.catppuccino5 }, -- For constructor calls and definitions: `= { }` in Lua, and Java constructors.
TSConditional = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords related to conditionnals.
TSConditional = { fg = cp.catppuccino6, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords related to conditionnals.
TSConstant = { fg = }, -- For constants
TSConstBuiltin = { fg = cp.orange_br, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For constant that are built in the language: `nil` in Lua.
-- TSConstMacro = { }; -- For constants that are defined by macros: `NULL` in cp.
-- TSError = { }; -- For syntax/parser errors.
TSException = { fg = cp.catppuccino4, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For exception related keywords.
TSField = { fg = }, -- For fields.
TSField = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 }, -- For fields.
rustTSField = { fg = util.darken(cp.catppuccino0, 0.75) }, -- For fields.
-- TSFloat = { }; -- For floats.
TSFunction = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.functions }, -- For function (calls and definitions).
TSFuncBuiltin = { fg = cp.catppuccino3 }, -- For builtin functions: `table.insert` in Lua.
TSFuncMacro = { fg = }, -- For macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in Ruscp.
TSFuncMacro = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 }, -- For macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in Ruscp.
TSInclude = { fg = cp.catppuccino5, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For includes: `#include` in C, `use` or `extern crate` in Rust, or `require` in Lua.
TSKeyword = { fg = cp.catppuccino5, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords that don't fall in previous categories.
TSKeywordFunction = { fg = cp.catppuccino4, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords used to define a fuction.
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSOperator = { fg = cp.catppuccino3 }, -- For any operator: `+`, but also `->` and `*` in cp.
TSParameter = { fg = cp.orange_br }, -- For parameters of a function.
-- TSParameterReference= { }; -- For references to parameters of a function.
TSProperty = { fg = cp.red_br }, -- Same as `TSField`.
TSProperty = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 }, -- Same as `TSField`.
tomlTSProperty = { fg = }, -- Differentiates between string and properties
TSPunctDelimiter = { fg = cp.green_br }, -- For delimiters ie: `.`
TSPunctBracket = { fg = }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSPunctBracket = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSPunctSpecial = { fg = cp.catppuccino0 }, -- For special punctutation that does not fall in the catagories before.
TSRepeat = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords related to loops.
TSRepeat = { fg = cp.catppuccino6, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords related to loops.
-- TSString = { }; -- For strings.
TSStringRegex = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.strings }, -- For regexes.
TSStringEscape = { fg = cp.catppuccino5, style = cnf.styles.strings }, -- For escape characters within a string.
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ function M.get(cp)
-- TSType = { }; -- For types.
TSTypeBuiltin = { fg = cp.catppuccino3, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For builtin types.
TSVariable = { style = cnf.styles.variables }, -- Any variable name that does not have another highlighcp.
TSVariableBuiltin = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- Variable names that are defined by the languages, like `this` or `self`.
TSVariableBuiltin = { fg = cp.catppuccino6, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- Variable names that are defined by the languages, like `this` or `self`.
-- TSTag = { }; -- Tags like html tag names.
-- TSTagDelimiter = { }; -- Tag delimiter like `<` `>` `/`
-- TSText = { }; -- For strings considered text in a markup language.
-- TSText = { }; -- For strings considecatppuccino6 text in a markup language.
TSTextReference = { fg = cp.catppuccino3 },
-- TSEmphasis = { }; -- For text to be represented with emphasis.
-- TSUnderline = { }; -- For text to be represented with an underline.

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
rainbowcol1 = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg =},
rainbowcol1 = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.catppuccino6},
rainbowcol2 = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg =},
rainbowcol3 = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.yellow},
rainbowcol4 = {catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg =},

@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ local function get_base()
FoldColumn = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.comment }, -- 'foldcolumn'
SignColumn = { catppuccino2 = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.catppuccino2, fg = cp.fg_gutter }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
SignColumnSB = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_sidebar, fg = cp.fg_gutter }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
Substitute = { catppuccino2 =, fg = }, -- |:substitute| replacement text highlighting
Substitute = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino6, fg = }, -- |:substitute| replacement text highlighting
LineNr = { fg = cp.fg_gutter }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is secp.
CursorLineNr = { fg = cp.fg_alt }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line. highlights the number in numberline.
MatchParen = { fg =, style = "bold" }, -- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
MatchParen = { fg =, style = "bold" }, -- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paicatppuccino6 bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
ModeMsg = { fg = cp.fg_alt, style = "bold" }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
MsgArea = { fg = cp.catppuccino0 }, -- Area for messages and cmdline
MsgSeparator = {}, -- Separator for scrolled messages, `msgsep` flag of 'display'
@ -77,53 +77,53 @@ local function get_base()
WildMenu = { catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2_visual }, -- current match in 'wildmenu' completion
-- These groups are not listed as default vim groups,
-- but they are defacto standard group names for syntax highlighting.
-- commented out groups should chain up to their "preferred" group by
-- commented out groups should chain up to their "prefercatppuccino6" group by
-- default,
-- Uncomment and edit if you want more specific syntax highlighting.
-- code itself
Constant = { fg = }, -- (preferred) any constant
Constant = { fg = }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) any constant
String = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.strings }, -- a string constant: "this is a string"
Character = { fg = }, -- a character constant: 'c', '\n'
Number = { fg = cp.orange_br }, -- a number constant: 234, 0xff
Float = { fg = cp.orange_br }, -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Boolean = { fg = cp.orange_br }, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Identifier = { fg = cp.catppuccino3, style = cnf.styles.variables }, -- (preferred) any variable name
Identifier = { fg = cp.catppuccino3, style = cnf.styles.variables }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) any variable name
Function = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.functions }, -- function name (also: methods for classes)
Statement = { fg = cp.catppuccino4 }, -- (preferred) any statement
Conditional = { fg = }, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etcp.
Repeat = { fg = }, -- for, do, while, etcp.
Statement = { fg = cp.catppuccino4 }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) any statement
Conditional = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 }, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etcp.
Repeat = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 }, -- for, do, while, etcp.
Label = { fg = cp.catppuccino4 }, -- case, default, etcp.
Operator = { fg = cp.fg_alt }, -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etcp.
Keyword = { fg = cp.catppuccino5, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- any other keyword
-- Exception = { }, -- try, catch, throw
PreProc = { fg = cp.catppuccino5 }, -- (preferred) generic Preprocessor
PreProc = { fg = cp.catppuccino5 }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) generic Preprocessor
Include = { fg = cp.catppuccino5 }, -- preprocessor #include
-- Define = { }, -- preprocessor #define
-- Macro = { }, -- same as Define
-- PreCondit = { }, -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etcp.
Type = { fg = cp.yellow }, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etcp.
Type = { fg = cp.yellow }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) int, long, char, etcp.
StorageClass = { fg = cp.yellow }, -- static, register, volatile, etcp.
Structure = { fg = cp.yellow }, -- struct, union, enum, etcp.
Typedef = { fg = cp.yellow }, -- A typedef
Special = { fg = }, -- (preferred) any special symbol
Special = { fg = }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) any special symbol
-- SpecialChar = { }, -- special character in a constant
-- Tag = { }, -- you can use CTRL-] on this
-- Delimiter = { }, -- character that needs attention
-- SpecialComment= { }, -- special things inside a comment
-- Debug = { }, -- debugging statements
Underlined = { style = "underline" }, -- (preferred) text that stands out, HTML links
Underlined = { style = "underline" }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) text that stands out, HTML links
Bold = { style = "bold" },
Italic = { style = "italic" },
-- ("Ignore", below, may be invisible...)
-- Ignore = { }, -- (preferred) left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore|
-- Ignore = { }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore|
Error = { fg = cp.error }, -- (preferred) any erroneous construct
Todo = { catppuccino2 = cp.yellow, fg = cp.catppuccino2, style = "bold" }, -- (preferred) anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
Error = { fg = cp.error }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) any erroneous construct
Todo = { catppuccino2 = cp.yellow, fg = cp.catppuccino2, style = "bold" }, -- (prefercatppuccino6) anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
qfLineNr = { fg = cp.yellow },
qfFileName = { fg = },
htmlH1 = { fg = cp.catppuccino5, style = "bold" },
@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ local function get_base()
-- misc
-- glyphs
GlyphPalette1 = { fg = },
GlyphPalette1 = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 },
GlyphPalette2 = { fg = },
GlyphPalette3 = { fg = cp.yellow },
GlyphPalette4 = { fg = },
GlyphPalette6 = { fg = cp.green_br },
GlyphPalette7 = { fg = cp.fg },
GlyphPalette9 = { fg = },
GlyphPalette9 = { fg = cp.catppuccino6 },
