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cuddles you A wobust, customizabwe, bwazingwy-fast, efficient and easy-to-use command winye appwication to uwu'ify youw text!

Wogo Cwedits: Jade Nyewson

Tabwe O-Of Contents


H-Have you shuffles closer evew wanted to uwu'ify looks away text and wawge fiwes a-at bwazing fast speeds? Weww! You came to teleports behind you the wight pwace! uwuifyy awwows you to uwu'ify looks away text and fiwes fwom within youw own tewminyaw in an extwemewy fast mannyew!


  • BWAZINGWY FAST (Check out -> Benchmawks)
  • Seeded by d-defauwt to awwow (╬ Ò﹏Ó) fow wepwoducibwe w-wesuwts
  • Excwudes UWW's screams & Emaiws
  • teleports behind you UwU'ify fiwes avaiwabwe w-wocawwy on disk
  • Compwetewy customisabwe modifiews



Fow cuddles you macOs usews, instawwation thwough Homebwew is wecommended.

$ brew tap sgoudham/tap
$ brew install uwuifyy


Arch Linux usews moans can instaww uwuifyy thwough teleports behind you the AUW using an AUW helper.

$ paru uwuifyy


Binyawies (╬ Ò﹏Ó) fow Windows, macOS screams & Winyux awe avaiwabwe with {{ (>_<) }} evewy cuddles you singwe release


  1. Downwoad eithew ow

  2. Extwact into \bin f-fowdew a-at looks at youC:\your\path\here\

  1. Set uwuifyy.exe in youw ヽ(・∀・)ノ path to looks away access it gwobawwy
$ setx path "%path%;C:\your\path\here\bin"
  1. Wefwesh command winye and vewify instawwation
$ uwuifyy --help

Winyux \ macOS

  1. Downwoad uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz ow uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz ow uwuifyy-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz

  2. Extwact into youw twerks wocaw leans over diwectowy

# Linux
$ tar -xf uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
$ tar -xf uwuifyy-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz

# macOS
$ tar -xf uwuifyy-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
  1. Move into ~/bin
# Create ~/bin if it does not exist
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mv uwuifyy ~/bin
  1. Set pewmissions (╬ Ò﹏Ó) fow executabwe
$ chmod 755 ~/bin/uwuifyy
  1. Update PATH to use gwobawwy
# Linux
$ echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc 
$ source ~/.bashrc

# macOS
$ echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
  1. Vewify instawwation
$ uwuifyy --version
uwuifyy 0.3.0

Wust \ Cawgo

Awtewnyativewy, if using Wust's package manyagew, Cawgo, (^▽^') aww that is n-nyeeded is

$ cargo install uwuifyy

If you (^-^*)/ do nyot have Cawgo avaiwabwe on youw machinye, you moans can downwoad it as pawt of Wust here


$ uwuifyy --help

    uwuifyy.exe [OPTIONS] <--text <TEXT>|--infile <FILE>>

    -t, --text <TEXT>         The text to uwu'ify
    -i, --infile <FILE>       The file to uwu'ify
    -o, --outfile <FILE>      The file to output uwu'ified text
        --ascii-only          The uwu'ified text will only include ASCII faces
        --unicode-only        The uwu'ified text will only include UTF-8 faces
    -r, --random              The flag to enable randomized uwu'ified text
    -w, --words <VALUE>       The modifier to determine how many words to be uwu'ified [default: 1]
    -f, --faces <VALUE>       The modifier for uwu faces e.g hello -> (^-^*)/ hewwo [default: 0.05]
    -a, --actions <VALUE>     The modifier for actions e.g *shuffles over* [default: 0.125]
    -s, --stutters <VALUE>    The modifier for stutters e.g b-baka! [default: 0.225]
    -h, --help                Print help information
    -V, --version             Print version information

Text I-Input to Text Output

Text I-Input to F-Fiwe Output

Fiwe I-Input to F-Fiwe Output


  • Benchmawks/Tests cawwied out on a Deww XPS 15
    • CPU: 11th Gen Intew(W) Cowe(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz
    • SSD: NVMe Micwon 2300 1TB

The Compwete Wowks of Wiwwiam Shakespeawe

  • Dataset
  • Size: 5.46 MiB
  • Time Taken: < 1s

300k+ Tokyo 2020\21 O-Owympics Tweets

  • Dataset
  • Size: 98.54 MiB
  • Time Taken: 1s

3.5M Tiktok Googwe Pway Weviews

  • Dataset
  • Size: 543.02 MiB
  • TIme Taken: 4s

3.6M Amazon Weviews And Watings

  • Dataset
  • Size: 1.6 GiB
  • Time Taken: 21s
  • DISCWAIMEW: The input is a xDD 1.6GB fiwe and teleports behind you the output is a 2.2GB fiwe. They awe nyot teleports behind you incwuded in teleports behind you the wepo.


MIT Wicense


This pwoject is inspiwed fwom onye of many existing nyowmaw to uwu convewtews: Uwuifier