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So, now I'll go through everything I changed and did to make your app faster. Let's start at the top of

#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
#[clap(group(ArgGroup::new("uwu").required(true).args(& ["text", "infile"]),))]
struct Args {
    /// Text to uwu'ify
    #[clap(short, long, required_unless_present_all = ["infile", "outfile"], display_order = 1)]
    text: Option<String>,

    /// The file to uwu'ify
    #[clap(short, long, parse(from_os_str), conflicts_with = "text", requires = "outfile", value_name = "FILE", value_hint = clap::ValueHint::FilePath, display_order = 2)]
    infile: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,

    /// The file to output uwu'ified text
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "FILE", value_hint = clap::ValueHint::FilePath, display_order = 3)]
    outfile: Option<String>,

    /// The modifier to determine how many words to be uwu'ified
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "1", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 4)]
    words: f32,

    /// The modifier for uwu faces e.g hello -> hewwo
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "0.05", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 5)]
    faces: f32,

    /// The modifier for actions e.g *shuffles over*
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "0.125", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 6)]
    actions: f32,

    /// The modifier for stutters e.g b-baka!
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "0.225", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 7)]
    stutters: f32,

    /// Flag to enable/disable random uwu'ifying
    #[clap(short, long, display_order = 8)]
    random: bool,

clap works great using it's derive macro implementation, however it's much lighter on resources if you make the clap::App manually

macro_rules! app {
    () => {
                    .args(&["text", "infile"]),
                    .help("Text to uwu'ify")
                    .required_unless_present_all(["infile", "outfile"])
                    .help("The file to uwu'ify")
                    .help("The file to output uwu'ified text")
                    .help("The modifier to determine how many words to be uwu'ified")
                    .help("The modifier for uwu faces e.g hello -> hewwo")
                    .help("The modifier for actions e.g *shuffles over*")
                    .help("The modifier for stutters e.g b-baka!")
                    .help("Flag to enable/disable random uwu'ifying")

Here, I've created a declarative macro describing your clap::App. You can think of a declarative macro like using the compiler to copy and paste something in your code. You can read more on them here. You'll notice that for some of the attributes of your clap::App, I'm using the env!() macro in place of literal strings. All the env!() macro does is it grabs an environment variable at compile time, and pastes it into wherever the macro is located in the code. You can find docs for all the environment variables Cargo sets here. Now, we move on to fn main()

fn main() {
    let matches = app!().get_matches();

    match UwUify::new(
        Ok(_) => (),
        Err(err) => {
            app!().error(ErrorKind::DisplayHelp, err).exit();

This is how I've implemented the main function for this app. You'll notice a few things are different about it.

  1. I'm using my app!() macro in place of Args::parse()
  2. UwUify::new() is taking exclusively Option<&str> values and 1 bool for the random variable (we'll get to that later)
  3. If the app fails, and I want to print the err message, instead of calling err.to_string(), I'm simply passing err into the app!().error() function.

I'm doing this using a Rust feature called Traits. Traits describe the capabilities of a given type. Instead of app!().error() taking a String, app!().error() actually takes any type that implements Display. This trait suggests that the type has the capability of expressing itself as a human-readable string. In your original implementation, UwUify.uwuify() returned a Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>. You'll notice that your error type is dyn Error, which translates to any type that implements the Debug trait and the Display trait, that can also produce the source of the error, a backtrace, a description of what happend, as well as the cause of the error. The key thing to note is that according to this description, all types that implement Error also implement the Display trait, and can therefore be passed to app!().error() without any conversion.

If you're making an application that is modular in the way that yours is, it's standard that your external module be called, and that it be annotated in Cargo.toml like so

name = "uwuify"

Doing this allows for 2 things

  1. People can embed your app's functionality into their own apps through
  2. This improves compile times significantly depending on how big your modules actually are

We'll start with your actual UwUify struct

pub struct UwUify<'a> {
    text: &'a str,
    input: &'a str,
    output: &'a str,
    words: f64,
    faces: f64,
    actions: f64,
    stutters: f64,
    random: bool,
    linkify: LinkFinder,

impl<'a> Default for UwUify<'a> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            text: "",
            input: "",
            output: "",
            words: 1.0,
            faces: 0.05,
            actions: 0.125,
            stutters: 0.225,
            random: false,
            linkify: LinkFinder::new(),

Here, what I've done is I've removed your Modifiers sub-struct (for reasons that will become clear later), I've implemented the Default trait (The Default trait just describes what your struct should look like in it's default state), and I've changed the fields that used to take String types into taking &str types. This was one of the factors slowing down your code.

Let's talk about allocations

In Rust, there are 2 types of memory

The stack is where the majority of your variables are located. This is one way to visualize the stack


On the stack, variables can be pushed onto it


And removed by popping them off


This is the best of memory that Rust offers. Not only is the heap fast, but it's also very efficient. You can think of the heap like New York City, where everyone is packed in shoulder to shoulder. Every variable is put on the stack automatically by Rust, except for some exceptions, which are allocated on the heap

The heap is like a desert, when you put a variable on the heap, it's put in a space in memory where it isn't packed tight between other variables.

Consider the following slice of memory


Annotated in brackets is where are variable resides. You'll notice that it has room to grow if we need to make it bigger


The heap exists for types that don't have a known size at compile time.

  • Because the amount of elements on a Vec can change, they are allocated on the heap
  • Because we know that i32 takes up 32 bits in memory, and it can never take more memory than that, it's pushed onto the stack.

If you want your app to be FAST, your best bet is to avoid the heap as much as possible.

Now, let's get into the 2 types of strings in Rust, String and &str. A String is a growable array of charecters while a &str describes the location of an array of charecters.

Say theoretically, you were to enter a chatroom with one of these types, and you needed to know their value, this is how each type would respond

|   Yo, &str what's you value?   |
                                      |    Idk, go ask the String   |
                                      |           at [location]           |
|   Yo, String what's you value?   |
                                      |    My value is "UwU        |
                                      |       *nuzzzles you"          |

You get the idea, the point is, the String type is growable, so it's allocated on the heap. And because the size of pointers (pointers point at locations in memory) are known at compile time the &str type is pushed onto the stack. Therefore, you should use &str over String whenever possible.

Let's look back at your UwUify struct

pub struct UwUify<'a> {
    text: &'a str,
    input: &'a str,
    output: &'a str,
    words: f64,
    faces: f64,
    actions: f64,
    stutters: f64,
    random: bool,
    linkify: LinkFinder,

You'll notice that not only does it take the &str type over String now, it takes a type of `&'a str. This is because you cannot have borrowed types in structs without first annotating the lifetime of the reference. Lifetimes and ownership are waaaaayyy to complicated to explain in a PR, so I recommend watching this video if you want to understand more about them.